• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 3,026 Views, 94 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes - Phantom-Dragon

The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.

  • ...

What's Up, Doc?

The Rainbooms and friends were following Pinkie Pie, who followed her Pinkie Senses, all the way to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Are you sure we have to go back to Sweet Apple Acres right now, Pinkie?" Sci-Fi Twi asked.

"Trust me," Pinkie Pie replied. "My Pinkie Senses never lie. Something big is going on at Sweet Apple Acres," Right on cue, Granny Smith was heard, screaming in the orchard. "Like that."

"Granny!" Applejack and Applebloom exclaimed together, before they, and their friends, all rushed into the orchard to see what the commotion was all about.

Back in the orchard, Granny Smith was screaming at the top of her lungs, as she chased after the bunny intruder, with a broomstick.

"Get out!" Granny Smith shouted angrily, as she chased the rabbit. "Out! Out you...you...vile creature!"

"Ey, take it easy der, lady!" The rabbit yelped, as he bounced around the orchard, ducking behind the trees, to avoid getting whacked by the broomstick. "I mean no harm! Honest. I jus' need ta-Yipe!"

Still dodging Granny Smith's broomstick, the rabbit broke the fourth wall and looked at the readers, "For an old lady, she's got decent swings. Reminds me of another old lady."

Turning his attention back at the current predicament he's in, the rabbit resumed dodging Granny Smith's attacks, who continued, "Git along now, you...you hoodlum! I said GIT!"

"Yow! I can take a hint when I'm not welcomed."

The rabbit continued to dodge Granny Smith's attacks, right when her two granddaughters and their friends arrived on the scene.

"Granny!" Applejack shouted. "Granny! Are y'all right?"

"What's going on here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We've got a good-fer nothin' trespassing bunny man! That's what!" Granny Smith answered. "He's tryin' to rob our apples!"

"A bunny man?" Fluttershy asked with piqued interest. "Where?"

"He's right there!" Granny Smith pointed her broom, at the rabbit, only to see that the rabbit was nowhere to be seen. "Hmph! The varmint's skeedaddled!"

"Howdy do der, little lady," An old man's voice grumbled, to which the group and elderly woman turned to see an old man, wearing an oversized hat, a muddy brown shirt, and overall, with a really long beard covering most of his face. "What's all the ruckus? Some of us old-timers were trying to get some shut-eyes."

"Sorry mister," Applejack apologized, on behalf of her grandmother. "But I'm afraid the sun's gettin' to mah Granny Smith and she thought she saw a 'bunny man' in the orchard."

"I know what I saw," Granny Smith pouted. "The sun wasn't in my eye. It was settin'!"

In response, the old man simply gave a smirk – to the readers – before he asked, "Hmmm, a bunny man, eh? Does he have long ears, like dese?" He asked, showing some familiar rabbit ears.

"Yup!" Granny Smith confirmed, while the youth around her were startled.

"And does he have a fluffy tail, like dis?" The man asked, showing a familiar tail, poking through a hole, from the seat of his pants.


"And does he hop around, like dis?" The old man then got on all four and hopped around the orchard.

"Yup! That's him alright!" Granny Smith nodded. "Ya seen him anywhere?"

"Nope! Haven't seen 'im," The old man said, as he took his leave, much to Granny Smith's dismay.

"Consarnit!" Granny Smith huffed, throwing down her broomstick.

Applejack, and Apple Bloom, however, were not so fooled.

"Hmmm, that's a remarkable description there, Mister...what ya say yer name was?" Applejack asked.

"Don't worry about me, youngin'," The old man quivered. "I'm jus' a little old man in the mountain, on top of Old Smokey."

"Hmmm, funny you should say that," Apple Bloom began, as she got behind the old man. "Because Old Smokey is NOT HERE!" She said, quickly pulling off the old man's hat, to reveal a pair of rabbit ears.

"AH-HA!" Applejack shouted. "Here's your bunny man, Granny!"

"Welp, I'm caught..." The rabbit shrugged, dropping his old man act, and resuming his natural Brooklyn accent.

"Yeah," Pinkie chimed in. "No offense bub, but...that wasn't a very convincing disguise..."

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Is that really a rabbit?"

"And it can talk?" Rarity asked.

"Kinda like Spike?" Sci-Fi Twi asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"He looks kinda familiar," Pinkie Pie pondered.

"Omigosh! A talking rabbit?!" Fluttershy exclaimed, as she runs up to the hare. "He's so cute!" With that, Fluttershy wrapped her arms around the startled rabbit, pulling him in for a hug, and spun him around.

After she was done spinning, Fluttershy gently set the dizzy rabbit down, as she reached into a pocket on her skirt, and held out a carrot.

"Go on. Eat up, big fella!"

"Hmmmm," The rabbit smirked as he talks to the readers. "Finally, someone who knows how to treat a rabbit well," Politely taking the carrot from Fluttershy, the rabbit munched on it, and greeted, "Now then. Eh...what's up doc?"

"I KNEW IT!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, as she raced up to the rabbit, knocking Fluttershy to the side. "I KNEW YOU look familiar! You're Bugs Bunny! Aren't you?"

"Bugs Bunny?" Fluttershy asked.

"BUGS BUNNY?!!" The rest of the girls shouted, while Granny Smith looked confused.

"Is der an echo out here?" The rabbit, identified to be Bugs Bunny, asked.

"Nope," Big Mac answered nonchalantly, before he shared the girls' amazement. "Bugs Bunny?"

Sometimes later, after diffusing the awkward tension, the whole gang, including Granny Smith and Big Mac, were gathered in the Apple Family's house, where everyone were getting themselves acquainted with Bugs Bunny.

"Hey, nice spreads ya got here!" Bugs Bunny complimented. "It's no carrot farm, but it's got that nice homey touch to it."

"Why, thank ya, Mr. Bugs Bunny!" Apple Bloom smiled.

"Jus' Bugs will do," Bugs reassured. "Now then, ya all know who I am. But who do I owe my thanks to?"

"Oh, I'm Apple Bloom!" Apple Bloom introduced herself. "And this is my sister, Applejack! My brother, Big Mac, and our grandmother, Granny Smith!"

"Howdy!" The Apple Family exchanged greeting to the rabbit.

"Well, howdy partners!" Bugs Bunny returned the greeting, doing his best impression of a cowboy. "Pleasure to be meetin' y'all!"

The apple family and friends in the room, couldn't help but laugh at the rabbit's antic.

"Yer a funny bunny, aren't ya?" Applejack chuckled.

"Well, of course! He's Bugs Bunny!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "What do you expect? Oh!" Pinkie held her hand out for a handshake. "Name's Pinkie Pie! Party is my game, and making people laugh is my aim!"

"Ooh! A party gal!" Bugs Bunny smiled as he shook hands with Pinkie Pie. "Been awhile since I last met one."

Pinkie Pie then proceeded to introduce the rest of the gang, "And this is Twilight Sparkle! But we call her, Sci-Fi Twi. And this is Rarity, and her little sister, Sweetie Belle. Rainbow Dash, and her little mentee, Scootaloo. And you already got yourself acquainted with Fluttershy!"

"Uh, yeah...acquainted," Bugs commented, while noticing Fluttershy looking like she was about to explode with excitement, based on how big her smile was.

"Don't take it the wrong way," Flash Sentry whispered to Bugs Bunny. "She loves animals, especially rabbits."

"Good to know, doc," Bugs nodded. "And you are?"

"Flash Sentry," The young man smiled. "Pleased to meet you!"


After Flash Sentry's introduction, Juniper Montage came up to the rabbit, with Wallflower Blush in tow.

"Hey! I'm Juniper Montage," Juniper greeted. "And this is my friend, Wallflower Blush!"

“Hey…” Wallflower greeted, quietly.

“She’s a girl of few words,” Juniper whispered, with a wink towards Bugs Bunny, who simply nodded in acknowledgement. “Also…CAN WE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH, PLEASE?” She asked, holding out a pen and notebook, opened to an empty page.

Bugs Bunny obliged as he took Juniper’s pen and went ahead, signing his name on the page.

“Well, I think that’s everyone in the room,” Pinkie Pie said, looking around the room.

“So now that ya know who we are,” Applejack began. “Can ya tell us what you were doing here to begin with, Bugs?”

“Yeah, last I check, aren’t you supposed to be, say…at Warner Bros?” Rainbow Dash added, while whispering, "And not a real living cartoon rabbit?"

“Well, even a cartoon rabbit, like me, needed some R&R, now and then,” Bugs Bunny answered. “I was on my way to Pismo Beach, but I—“

“Made another wrong turn at Albuquerque, and you landed smack dab in the middle of Sweet Apple Acres, when we found you!” Pinkie Pie finished, much to the rabbit’s amazement.

“Uh…yeah,” Bugs Bunny confirmed. “That...”

“Eh, what else is new?” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“...Anyway," Bugs Bunny began. "It's nice to make your acquaintance and all. But can you all tell me exactly where I am?"

"You're in Canterlot!" Applejack answered. "And I hate to say it, Bugs, but you're nowhere near this...Pismo Beach of yours."

"Yeah, you're kinda off by about, say, halfway across the state?" Rainbow Dash added, pointing their location on the map.

"Gosh. Ain't I a stinker?" Bugs asked rhetorically, as he got up and was about to walk away. "Well, sorry again for popping in, unannounced. But I'd better get going."

"Go?" Fluttershy asked. "Go where?"

"With luck, besides my lucky rabbit foot, Pismo Beach, or somewhere.

"But, ya just got here! Couldn't ya stay for dinner?" Apple Bloom pleaded, with wide, puppy eyes.

Unable to resist the little girl's puppy-eyed charms, Bugs Bunny relented, "Well...maybe it wouldn't hurt to check out dis place, while I'm 'ere," He shrugged.

With that, Apple Bloom let out an excited squeal as she, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle crowded around Bugs Bunny and wrapped him in a group hug. However, the celebration was cut short, when a breaking news was announced on the TV, in the room.

"Breaking story! Canterlot City is in utter disarray as chaos runs loose in the streets!" The reporter announced, before cutting to what appeared to be a live footage of the current news. "The footage you are seeing shows what appears to be a a streak of black, bouncing and vandalizing our beloved city. The police are baffled as they continued to further investigate this strange phenomenon."

The news quickly cuts to another reporter, reporting live from the scene, "With me is a victim of these random shenanigans that have recently plaguing our city, out of the blue," The reporter began. "Miss Vignette Valencia. You were in the process of taking another selfie for your social media account when, what happened to you?"

The reporter held his microphone towards Vignette, who stood with a look of disdain, and a mustache painted on her lips.

"I was just about to take a picture of me, with one of Flanksy's graffiti, when this streak of black came whooping and hollering out of nowhere and painted a mustache on me..." VIgnette grumbled. "It was awful! I've gone from BMBB (Be Myself But Better) to BMBR (Be Myself But RIDICULOUS)!"

"This reporter couldn't agree more," The reporter agreed.

"Hey Twilight!" A familiar talking dog barked, with a mustache on his face. "Check out my awesome mustache!"

"AH!!! It talks!" A random dude pointed at Spike.

"Eh...friend of yours?" Bugs Bunny asked Sci-Fi Twi.

Somewhere in the city, a little black duck was whooping and bouncing out on the streets, working up a riot, painting mustaches on people faces and advertisements. Not too far behind him, an anthropomorphic pig in police uniform was giving chase.

"Da-Dee-Duh-Dee-Duh-Daffy! Stop this schena-shuna-shun-Stop this madness at once!" The pig stammered.

"Ha ha ha ha! Don't let it worry you, skipper," The duck quacked. "I'm just a crazy, darn-fool duck!" With that, the duck kicked his legs in a wacky dance, as he resumes whooping and bouncing away, "Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!"