• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 3,027 Views, 94 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes - Phantom-Dragon

The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.

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Catching Up and Getting Settled

Later that day, Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig followed the Rainbooms and friends to Sugarcube Corner, where they all got some drinks and snacks. Thankfully, the sweet shop was quiet. There weren't many people to cause a fuss, upon seeing Bugs and Porky. The friends all took this opportunity to get to know one another.

The Rainbooms and friends were in the middle of a conversation, regarding the time when they first went to Camp Everfree and discovered the magic geodes that blessed them with incredible powers. Needless to say, Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig were amazed.

"Wow! You girls went to this Camp Everfree, and y'all found magic geodes that gave each of you superpowers?" Bugs Bunny asked.

"We prefer magic if you please," Sci-Fi Twi stated.

"But superpower works too," Fluttershy nodded.

"Hmmmm. Six teenagers gaining superpowers and becoming superheroes," Bugs Bunny munched on his carrot. "Where have I heard that story before?" He secretly asked the readers.

"Well, a-a-a-a-after seeing you all in a-in a-in a-after today, I b-b-believe you," Porky Pig stuttered. "I think it's m-m-m-magical, with what you girls do."

"Aw, thank you, Porky!" Fluttershy smiled.

"I'd have to agree with Porky," Bugs added. "In the old days, whenever I have to go super, all I had to do was eat some super carrots to become a super rabbit! Y'know, able to fly, leap over the highest buildings, etc., etc."

"Yeah, we get the idea, Bugs," Scootaloo commented. "As members of the Canterlot Movie Club, we've watched a lot of your cartoons."

"And they were good!" Sweetie Belle squealed.

"Oh, but yours are good too, Porky!" Apple Bloom added.

"Aw, it was nothing," Porky Pig blushed.

"Hmph! Nithe to thsee you all getting puh-puh-praithesth!" A familiar voice grumbled, to which everyone turned to see Daffy Duck, walking into the store, with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie following.

"Well, look who finally joined the party!" Bugs commented, welcoming Daffy and the three girls.

"Took us forever!" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"But...we cleaned up every mustaches, off of every faces in Canterlot!" Pinkie Pie chirped, before a certain purple dog poked his head out of her hair.

"I liked my new mustache..." Spike whimpered.

"Thome people have no appreciation for the fine artsth!" Daffy huffed, before Applejack shoots a sternful glare at him.

"I'd be careful if I were you, duck," Applejack threatened. "Unless you want another look from her!" She pointed to Fluttershy, with the same scowl written on her face.

"Uh...let'th all be thivilized here, alright? Eh hehe," Daffy chuckled nervously, as he took a seat besides Porky.

"So, now that Daffy's cleaned up his mess," Pinkie Pie began, reaching into her hair and pulled out a bucket of popcorns. "What's going on? It looks like you were all in the middle of something!"

"Oh we were just getting to know one another, darling," Rarity explained. "We've just finished telling Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig about our time at Camp Everfree."

"AW! That's one of my favorite memories!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in delight. "Good times. The arts and crafts we made together, the campfire songs we sang together, the memories, the magics..."

"Pinkie," Applejack calmed the pink girl. "I think they get it."

"And after seeing how you girls worked together to capture Daffy, I believe it," Bugs Bunny added. "Though, if you don't mind me asking, what were your powers?"

"Well, as if you've just seen, I'm clearly the fastest girl alive!" Rainbow Dash boasted, activating her geode, making her run in a blur of multicolors. "Rainbow Dash is the name. Speed is my game."

"Eh-Eh-Eh-Incredible!" Porky Pig clapped his hands, with Bugs following his example.

"Big deal, she's fast," Daffy Duck rolled his eyes. "Anyone can run fast."

"What about you girls?" Bugs turned to the remaining Rainbooms. "What are your powers?"

"Well, as you've just seen," Sci-Fi Twi began, as she activated her geode, causing her hands to glow in a sparkling aura. "I can do magic. Though, telekinesis seems to be more of my specialty."

"I'm super strong, so I can do a lot of heavy lifting," Applejack stated.

"My special power is to conjure crystal shields, darling," Rarity smiled, proudly showing off an example, before making it disappear.

"I talk to animals," Fluttershy whispered.

"I MAKE SPRINKLE BOMBS!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

The six Rainbooms and friends all looked towards Bugs, Daffy, and Porky, awaiting to hear their response.

"M-M-My!" Porky exclaimed. "You girls are superheroes!"

"Hehe, I guess in a way, we kinda are," Applejack admitted.

"Yeah! We're awesome!" Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Sunset would say the same thing..." Pinkie Pie muttered sadly, which didn't go unheard.

"Uh, who?" Bugs asked.

"Uh...nothing," Pinkie replied.

Though curious, Bugs decided to shrug and let it slide for the time being, "If you say so."

"Anyway, now that we've told you a bit about ourselves," Sci-Fi Twi began. "Why don't you boys tell us about yourselves?"

"Yeah, like how did you all get here?" Rainbow Dash asked. "No offense, but...shouldn't you guys be...in pictures?"

"I'm just as confused as you are, Dash," Bugs Bunny admitted. "Up til now, I thought it's just another typical day for me," Turning to Porky Pig, Bugs asked, "What's your story, Porky? Didn't you mentioned something about a bright light?"

"L-L-Light?" Porky stammered, before he remembered, "Oh yes! Th-Th-That's right!"

"Light?" Apple Bloom asked. "What light?"

"You mean, what kind of light?" Scootaloo guessed.

"A v-v-v-very br-br-bright, blinding k-k-kind of light," Porky stuttered. "I-I-I-It all started this morning, w-w-when I r-r-r-received this l-l-l-large te-tele-tele-a large flatscreen TV, on my porch. B-B-B-But I didn't order it!"

"You received a large TV that you didn't even order?" Juniper asked.

"Nope," Porky shook his head.

"So what did you do with it?" Flash asked.

"Well, I d-d-did checked for any ad-ad-adresses, or n-n-n-names, it was meant to be delivered to," Porky explained. "B-B-But there was no postal stamp. No letters. No return l-l-label."

"Sounds pretty suspicious, if ya ask me," Bugs commented.

"Nobody wasth athking, rabbit!" Daffy quacked.

"So then what happened?" Fluttershy asked Porky.

"Well, I took it into the house, to investigate, when...he showed up," Porky pointed to Daffy.

"How wath I thuppothed to know that TV would thend usth here?" Daffy shrugged, slobbering with his usual lisp, in his defense. "I thaw the TV! I thought we were going to have a movie night! I got the popcornsth and popsth and everything for a big football night!"

"Ooh! I do like a good movie night!" Pinkie Pie said, in agreement, with Daffy. "Especially when I get to wear those funny hats, where you put sodas on the side of your head, and you drink them through funny straws!"

"Pinkie! Stay on topic," Applejack said sternly.

"So, what did you do?" Fluttershy asked Porky and Daffy.

"I-I-I didn't do anything!" Porky Pig replied. "I went into the ki-ki-kitchen, when there was a b-b-big flash of light. A-A-An-And the next thing I know, me and Daffy were in the city. And you all know the rest."

"So then, what did you do, Daffy?" Fluttershy asked the duck, who feigned shock.

"My word! Are you accuthing me, an innocent black duck who wasth justh looking forward to movie night?" Daffy huffed. "Dethpicable!"

"Now take it easy, Daffy," Bugs calmed the duck. "Take it easy, Fluttershy was just askin' what had happened, that's all. And maybe she can figure out a way to get us all back to our world."

"Fine," Daffy muttered. "All I did wasth pressthing on a remote control. Y'know, to sthcroll through the channelsth, looking for thomething fun to watch. But the thupid remote wasthn't even working. The battery musth be dead. But I pressthed a button, and WOOOSSSSHHH!!! My whole life justh flasthed before my very eyes! And for a moment, I felt like I wath my classic, younger, starry Daffy self again! Or at leasth I wath until SHE thared the living daylight out of me..."

Daffy glowered towards Fluttershy, who looked both ashamed of herself and disapproval towards Daffy.

"Well, ya did vandalize and defaced a lot of properties, Daffy," Bugs Bunny quipped, with a munch of his carrot. "So, I'd say it was pretty justified on Fluttershy's part."

"Whatever," Daffy rolled his eyes. "But now that we've told them the whole story, how do we get back? Hmmm?"

The three Looney Tunes turned towards the Rainbooms and friends, hoping for an answer. But found none.

"We've seen magical lightning storms," Rainbow Dash noted.

"We've once had to save our school from a power-hungry she-demon megalomaniac...twice," Applejack added. "No offense," She said to Sci-Fi Twi.

"None taken," Sci-Fi Twi replied, which got the Looney Tunes interested.

"We've found magic portals to another world of talking ponies and magical creatures, and back," Pinkie Pie added.

"Or an enchanted mirror," Juniper Montage stated.

"A magic stone that steals your memories," Wallflower Blush muttered.

"A trio of sirens, with glowing stones, and hypnotic songs turns friends into enemies," Apple Bloom said on behalf of her friends.

"A rampaging robot!" Flash Sentry added. See Cheer You On.

"G-G-Gosh, we're definitely not in our world anymore," Porky Pig commented, to Bugs and Daffy.

"And I thought my vacation couldn't get anymore interesting," Bugs Bunny added.

"The list can go on and on," Applejack ended. "But we've never once had to dealt with characters, or creatures, coming from another dimension, and helping them get back to their world."

"You mean we're STUCK HERE?!!!" Daffy exclaimed, in a hammy horror tone.

"No, no, calm down, Daffy!" Sweetie Belle assured. "We didn't say that. Right, Rarity?"

"Of course not, darling," Rarity agreed. "You know what they say. When there's a will, there's a way!"

"Tho, you can help usth get back to our world?" Daffy asked.

"Well...I can't make any promises," Sci-Fi Twi replied. "But..." Looking towards the Looney Tunes present, and to her friends in the room, Sci-Fi Twi nodded, "Why not? Given to our past experiences, with loose Equestrian magic, an estimate of 87.565656% times of coming out on top and all. I'd say, the odds of us finding the answer would be...a yes?"

The Looney Tunes turned to the rest of their new Canterlot friends in the room, exchanging confusions, before they turned towards each other.

"I have no idea what the thmart girl justh thaid," Daffy said, slobbering.

"If I have to be honest," Bugs Bunny began. "It sounds to me that they'll find a way to get us back to our world. So, what have we got to lose?"

"I-I-I'm with Bugs on this one," Porky added. "B-B-B-Besides, they're a nice bunch. A-A-And they've got magic."

"Tho what?" Daffy Duck asked. "We've thseen lotsth of magic, before."

"And one of 'em was a witch," Bugs added. "And a genie you had offended into shrinking you to the size of a pearl."

"It wasth my treasure and you know it!" Daffy Duck quacked.

"If you say so," Bugs shrugged, before he asked, "Until we find a way home, where are we gonna stay?"

It didn't take long, before Fluttershy eagerly volunteered, "Ooh! You can all stay at my place!"

Before Bugs, Daffy, and Porky could answer, however, Apple Bloom and her friends spoke up their opinion.

“No fair, Fluttershy!” Apple Bloom frowned.

“Why do they get to stay with you?” Sweetie Belle joined in.

“Now girls, settle down,” Applejack advised to the CMCs, but to no avail.

“Why couldn’t Bugs or Porky stay with me?” Scootaloo asked.

“You?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Why would they want to be with you? They should stay with me and Rarity!”

“Bugs has already made his hole at Sweet Apple Acres,” Apple Bloom began. “So you two girls can have Porky. But Bugs stays with me and AJ!”

“And what am I?” Daffy Duck asked, being the odd one out. “Chopped livers?”

“STAY OUT OF THIS!” The CMCs shouted at Daffy, before they resumed arguing.

“They should stay with me and my aunts!” Scootaloo spatted. “I‘ve watched their cartoons more than either of you!”

“Nu-uh!” Sweetie Belle frowned. “Me and Rarity can treat Bugs and friends a lot better with our elegant hospitality.”

“If you can sew on pair of pants for Porky!” Apple Bloom countered. “But we grow tons of foods on our farm, beside apples. Bugs and Porky will like it on Sweet Apple Acres.”

“ENOUGH!” A loud voice shouted, startling the friends in the room. Even Bugs and two of his fellow cartoons can’t help but be startled.

All eyes turned towards Fluttershy, who scowled, with a clear look of disapproval written on her face.

“I’m very disappointed in you girls…” Fluttershy shook her head. “You’ve been together for how long, and this is how you treat your friends? Grow up! Act your own age! Need I remind you that after summer is over, your final year at CHS will begin. And are you seriously going to let Bugs Bunny and his friends be the cause of your division?”

The CMCs dipped their heads in shame, realizing how immature they were acting, in front of their sisters, friends, and guests.

“We’re sorry,” The CMCs apologized.

“We’re just big fans,” Apple Bloom frowned sadly.

“I understand,” Fluttershy replied. “But that’s no excuse to fight with one another. And besides, Bugs and his friends are going to need a place to stay for the night. They must be exhausted.”

“Yeah, even us cartoons need our beauty sleep,” Bugs Bunny stretched his arms out.

“Yes, we certainly do, don’t we?” Daffy asked rhetorically.

“Th-Th-Tha-That’s true,” Porky stuttered.

The CMCs still looked rather down, that their favorite cartoons won’t spend the night with them. Thankfully, their sisters reassured them.

“Don’t worry, Squirt,” Rainbow Dash comforted Scootaloo. “You’ll see them tomorrow.”

“Don’t take it too personal, Apple Bloom,” Applejack said. “Fluttershy will take good care of ‘em.”

“Indubitably,” Rarity added. “There’s no one in Canterlot who knows more about animals, than Fluttershy.”

This made the CMCs a little bit better.

“So, what’s the sleeping arrangement gonna be?” Bugs Bunny asked.

“Nice spread here!” Bugs Bunny commented, as he, Daffy, and Porky takes a look at their new surrounding.

Fluttershy’s house has a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Butterflies, flowers, and beautiful birds decorated the walls, painted with beautiful woodlands, savanna, mountains.

Long story short, the atmosphere of Fluttershy’s home would make any animals feel at home.

Speaking of which, Porky Pig was looking at some pictures on the walls, to see momentous of Fluttershy, with scores of animals, big and small.

“Y-Y-You must be an an-an ani-an ani-you must like animals,” Porky Pig commented.

“Oh, I don’t just like animals,” Fluttershy smiled. “I love animals! From the biggest of elephants to the tiniest, cuddly little mouse,” She cooed.

At that moment, Bugs felt something tapping on his foot, to which he looked down to see a little white rabbit, with a distrusting scowl on his face.

“Oh, hey there little guy!” Bugs greeted the bunny. “Who are you?”

But the rabbit didn’t say a word. Instead, he just kept on shooting Bugs the same scowling expression.

“Hmmm, not the talkative type, are ya?” Bugs pondered. “Lemme guess. You’re Grumpy!”

The white rabbit appeared to flinch, before he vigorously shook his head in denial, and resume scowling.

“No, I guess not,” Bugs continued to guess. “Is it…Roger? You look like a Roger. You sorta remind me of a Roger!”

Again, the little rabbit shook his head.

“Hehe, ain’t I a stinker?” Bugs asked, as he continued to guess, “Uh is it Honey? Flopsy? Mopsy? Cotton-tail? Peter! It’s Peter, is it?”

The rabbit continued shaking his head in denial, if not irritation, before a peal of laughter was heard.

“I see you met, Angel!” Fluttershy smiled as she walked over and scooped up the said rabbit in her hands. “Bugs, meet my friend, Angel Bunny! Angel, this is Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck. They’re our guests.”

“Pleased to meet you!” Bugs greeted the rabbit. “Angel was definitely my next guess.”

“Yeah, right,” Daffy Duck huffed, while Angel rolled his eyes and hopped away.

“I-I-I-I don’t think he l-l-l-likes us very much,” Porky stuttered.

“He’s always like that, around strangers,” Fluttershy reassured. “He’ll warm up to you, once he gets used to you.”

Fluttershy guided the three boys around the house, before she showed them the guest room.

“Here’s the guest room,” Fluttershy said. “I usually keep it clean and tidy, in case my brother, Zephyr, decided to ‘drop in’ now and then. But I hope you boys will enjoy it.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy,” Bugs thanked the girl. “I’m sure we will.”

“Y-Y-Yes, th-th-thanks for l-l-letting…” Porky tried to properly thank Fluttershy for her hospitality, but as usual, was hindered by his stuttering.

“You’re very welcome, Porky!” Fluttershy giggled.

“Well, if I musth share a bed with these-th two, then I might as-th well make do,” Daffy huffed.

“Eh…what Daffy’s trying to say is thank you,” Bugs Bunny reassured to Fluttershy.

“Well, it’s getting late,” Fluttershy yawned. “We should all get some shut eyes. Good night.”

“Night Fluttershy!”

And like their kind hostess, the three Looney Tunes quickly went to sleep.

Though, both Daffy and Porky made it difficult — for Bugs — with their usual antics of hogging the blanket, spilling cups of water, and pestering question.

“I was-th justh wondering,” Daffy began. “If we came here from our world, then could sth-ome of our friends-th from back home have come here as-th well?”

“For Pete’s sake!” An irritated Bugs Bunny grumbled, before, out of thin air — a cartoon pocket dimension — he pulled out a jar of sleeping pills, and gave them for Daffy to drink, with a cup of water.

“Fine!” Daddy muttered. “Make me drink myself to sleep-puh, mister grumpy rabbit,” Daffy plopped the pill into his beak, gulping down a cup of water. “I don’t need this, y’know? Showstoppers like moi don’t—Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.”

In a heartbeat, Daffy Duck was out, like a bulb, cuddling up into a ball, on the floor, sucking his thumb.

“Finally,” Porky sighed in relief. “P-P-Peace and quiet.”

“Now let’s get some sleep,” Bugs Bunny yawned as he and Porky got back, under the cover.

Tomorrow will be a brand new day, and the start of a story of a lifetime.


“I tawt I taw a putty tat!”