• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 3,028 Views, 94 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes - Phantom-Dragon

The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.

  • ...

Daffy Doodles

Somewhere in the city, on his way to his office, a menacing businessman was behind the wheel, engaged in a conversation with one of his employees, via a built-in phone, in his car.

“Another attempt to buy off Camp Everfree to convert into a spa resort has failed,” The man grumbled. “Another setback that will cost us $10,000 in interests payments alone.”

“Not necessarily, sir,” An employee replied from the other end of the call. “We’ve just convinced Equestria Land to sign a contract with us. I’m positive we can proceed as planned, on the reconstruction of the theme park.”

“Well, good,” The businessman sighed. “It’s good to have a backup plan, to say the least…”

“Yes, sir,” The employee replied. “Oh! Uh, Mr. Filthy Rich, sir? How close are you?”

“I’m just passing Sugarcube Corner, why?”

“I, uh…Just don’t shoot the messenger, but…you might not want to look at our new billboard.”

"Why? What happened to our bill..."

Filthy Rich looked up and immediately found his answer. There, painted over his face, on a large billboard, is a ridiculous oversized mustache. And thousands of people were all laughing at him.

"What the…" Filthy Rich exclaimed, not amused.

Meanwhile, after seeing the latest news broadcast, the Equestria Girls, and friends, including Bugs Bunny, raced away into the big city.

"So uh...what's the rush?" Bugs Bunny asked.

"There's trouble in the city, Bugs," Rainbow Dash answered. "And we're gonna put a stop to it!"

"Just like how we always do!" Pinkie Pie added, with a chirp and a blast of confetti.

Bugs Bunny looked at the Rainbooms with piqued interest, “You goils are superheroes, or something?” He asked.

"Technically, we're more 'magical,' per say," Sci-Fi Twi explained. "But, in a way, yeah. We're kinda superheroes."

"You don't say," Bugs Bunny replied, as he continued to chew the fat, or in his case, carrot. "So, uh. What're your powers? How do you go all super? Back in the day, when I need to be a super rabbit, I just eat some super-powered carrots."

"We've got magic geodes," Applejack answered, showing the rabbit the necklace around her neck. "One touch, and boom! It's magic time!"

"Magic geodes?" Bugs repeated.

"Trust me, Bugs," Flash Sentry spoke up, as he and Juniper, Wallflower, and the CMCs tagged along. "You wouldn't want to miss this."

"If you say so."

At last, the friends all arrived in the city, to find utter chaos.

"EGAD!" Sci-Fi Twi exclaimed.

"Oh! Oh dear goodness!" Fluttershy gasped.

"What a mess!" Rarity added.

Everywhere the girls looked, a lot of people had mustaches painted on their faces, and so many billboards and posters had mustaches drawn on them as well. Even a pedestrian crossing sign had a white mustache painted on its head.

"What happened here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Twilight!" A familiar voice barked, to which the Rainbooms and friends looked to see a little purple and green dog, running their way, with a mustache on his face.

"Spike!" Sci-Fi Twi exclaimed, scooping the dog up into her arms. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Spike barked. "I was just chasing some squirrels and doing...doggy business, when all of a sudden, I heard a strange noise and something brushed against my face. And voila! I've got a mustache!"

"Did you at least see who it was?" Twilight asked.

"I didn't get a good look. I only heard what sounded like this: Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo!" Spike explained, doing his best impression of the assailant's sound.

"Daffy?" Bugs Bunny exclaimed. "You mean, Daffy's here?"

"Uh...yeah," Spike said uneasily. "And who are you?" He asked the rabbit.

"Spike, this is Bugs Bunny," Sci-Fi Twi introduced. "Bugs, this is my dog, Spike. As you can see, he talks."

"Nice to meet ya!" Bugs smiled, shaking paws with Spike.

"Uh, likewise," Spike replied.

At that very moment, a certain wacky, daffy duck came bouncing by, whooping out of his mind, "Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!"

"Whoa! Did you see that?" Apple Bloom asked her friends.

"Yeah, I saw that!" Scootaloo confirmed.

"It's Daffy Duck!" Sweetie Belle added.

Not too far behind, a familiar pig was giving chase, "D-D-D-Daffy! Stop!" Porky stuttered, before he paused to catch his breath.

"Porky?" Bugs Bunny exclaimed.

"B-B-B-Bugs?!" Porky Pig stuttered, equally as surprised as the rabbit.

"PORKY PIG?!!" The CMCs cheered, excitedly. "It's a Looney Tunes reunion! The original trio who put the 'Looney' in 'Tunes!'" The three younger girls exclaimed, together letting out their inner fangirls.

"B-B-B-Bugs! I-I can't b-b-believe it! You're here!" Porky Pig stammered.

"I should say the same to you, Porks," Bugs replied. "What are you and Daffy up to dis time?"

"I-I-I-It's not my fault!" Porky Pig stammered in his defense. "D-D-Daffy and I were just going about our day, wh-wh-wh-when there w-w-was a great big flash of light, and we-we-we-we we're here!"

"Huh? Whoa, whoa, wait. Back up," Bugs began. "What was that about a bright light?"

Unfortunately, before their conversation could continue, off in the distance, the sound of a woman screaming, and Daffy Duck's whooping was heard.

"Uh, fellas?" Applejack began. "As much as I'd like to see a heartfelt reunion between two friends all, but can we get back to the task at hands? Concerning your duck friend?"

"Oh! B-B-B-But of course, Miss uh..."

"Applejack," Applejack introduced herself.

"Pl-Pl-Ple-It's nice to meet ya, Applejack," Porky Pig greeted.

"Enough talk!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "We've got a duck to catch!" With that, the athletic girl activated her geode and sped off in a streak of rainbow colors, leaving her friends in the dust.

"G-G-G-G-Gosh! Sh-Sh-Sh-She's fast!" Porky Pig exclaimed.

Bugs Bunny whistled in awe, "Okay! I'm convinced," He said to the Rainbooms.

"What did I tell you, Bugs?" Flash grinned, nudging on the rabbit's shoulder.

"Anyway, girls," Applejack began, as she lead the charge. "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" With that, the rest of the Rainbooms ran after their speedy friend, with Porky Pig in tow.

In the meantime, Bugs Bunny was left with Flash Sentry, Juniper, Wallflower, and the CMCs, watching the Rainbooms work their magic. Bugs was casually munching on a carrot, when he noticed a child, with a mustache painted on his face, staring at the rabbit, in awe.

“Eh, what’s up…” The child fainted, before Bugs could finish. “…doc?”

"Uh, hehe," Apple Bloom chuckled. "I don't think everyone's too ready for a living cartoon rabbit in broad daylight."

Meanwhile, Daffy Duck was being his wacky, zany, and classic looney self, as he continues his rampage around the city, painting mustaches on every person he sees.

Before he could continue, however, he was caught off-guard, when someone grabbed him by the wrist.

"Whoo-hoo!" Daffy exclaimed in alarm, as he turned to see his captor. "Hey, ea-th-y on the merchandi-ths there! That'-ths no way to treat an artisth!" The duck protested, in a slobbery, exaggerated lisp, spitting into Rainbow Dash's face.

"Ew! Say it, not spray it," Rainbow Dash groaned, before she began. "Alright, duck! I don't know what you're up to, but whatever game this is. Just stop it."

"Sth-top?!" Daffy Duck shouted. "But why? We were just-th getting sth-arted! Whoo-hoo!" Daffy said, as he drew a mustache on Rainbow Dash's face.

"Ugh!" Rainbow grunted, as she wiped the mustache clean off her face, and glowered at the duck. "What's your deal, anyway? Why are you doing this?"

"Why?" Daffy asked, before he began to recite a poetry:

"We've all got a mission in life-th,
We get into different ruts-th.
Sth-ome are the cogs-th on the wheels-th.
Othersth are just plain nutsth.

I'm justh wild about Harry.
And Harry'sth wild about me!

Sth-ience is sthome folks' calling,
Others-th pilot a ship-puh.
My mission in life stated sth-imply isth
A musthache on every lip-puh."

"WHOO-HOO! WHOO-HOO! WHOO-HOO!!!" Once again, Daffy Duck whoops and hollers at the top of his lungs, as he bounces all over town, to continue with his zany antics.

"Get back here you duck!" Rainbow Dash grunted, as she activates her geode and gave chase.

Daffy Duck, however, was surprisingly fast, if not, slippery than Rainbow Dash had thought he'd be. Of course, being a cartoon duck, this shouldn't come off as a surprise. Daffy Duck is perhaps one of the few living beings who could probably give Pinkie Pie a run for her crazy money.

Daffy Duck went into an alleyway, where Rainbow Dash followed him in. Only to be hit in the face by a cardboard, followed by the touch of wet paint brushes, stroking across her lips. Daffy Duck had smacked her face with a mustache stencil cutout board, and painted a mustache on her face again. With another of his taunting whooping laugh, Daffy Duck zipped away, with an even more irritated Rainbow Dash following suit.

Rainbow Dash was later chasing Daffy Duck around a water fountain. Both duck and speedy girl were running around in circles, until it gets to the point that Rainbow Dash became a blur of multicolors, as she keeps up dust. However, she failed to realize that Daffy had given her the slip, by posing as one of the fountain's statues. Eventually, Rainbow Dash had run herself dizzy and collapsed on the ground.

Seizing his chance, Daffy Duck took his leave, only to quickly confront the rest of the Rainbooms, and Porky Pig.

"D-D-D-Daffy! Y-Y-You gotta-" But Porky was interrupted when Daffy painted a mustache on his snout. "Y-Y-You gotta–" Porky wiped off the mustache, only for it to be quickly redrawn by Daffy. "Now CUT THAT OUT!" Porky shouted, finally having enough.

"Okay!" With that, Daffy pulled out a rustic saw. "Where's-th the pain?"

The girls and Porky Pig were both frighten at the sudden revelation.

"Uh-Uh-Uh, wait a minute, Daffy!" Porky stammered, as he backed away in fright, from the duck. "Le-Le-Le-Let's not be too hasty! P-P-P-Put that saw down! The kids are watching! HELP!"

"Whoo-hoo!" Daffy Duck laughed as he chased after Porky Pig, like a mad doctor.

Thankfully, Porky was saved from the gruesome fate, when Rarity quickly conjured a wall of crystal shields, and used them to cage Daffy in a box.

"Phew!" Porky Pig panted heavily, with Fluttershy holding him close. "Th-Th-That was close!"

"Oh, you poor pig," Fluttershy cooed. "I can't imagine how frightening that was."

"D-D-D-Daffy's always been...well, D-D-D-Daffy," Porky Pig began. "B-B-B-But he seems to have gotten c-c-c-completey b-b-bonk-b-b-bonk-b-b-He's gotten daffier than usual!"

"That wasn't his usual daffy self?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing to Rarity, having a hard time containing Daffy Duck in her crystals.

The duck had taken out a glass cutter, and cut his way out of his crystal prison.

"Why you little!" Rarity exclaimed in outrage, at the fact one of her beautiful crystals had been cut.

To add insult to injury, Daffy had painted a mustache on her face.

"Whoo-hoo!" He laughed, before he zipped away.

Twilight tried to use her telekinesis to catch the duck, but Daffy was too quick and was bouncing at the speed of a runaway bouncing ball, the girl couldn't concentrate on her target.

"Stop moving!" Sci-Fi Twi grunted.

"I got him!" Applejack shouted, when she pounced from the side to tackle the duck.

"Whoo-hoo!" Daffy quacked, before he ducked his head down, causing Applejack to fly overhead, and crash into Sci-Fi Twi.

"Sorry Twi..." Applejack apologized.

"You're okay, AJ," Sci-Fi Twi groaned.

"Well, ain't you the cute couplesth?” Daffy joked, as he draws mustaches on both Sci-Fi Twi and Applejack’s face. “I hereby dub ye, bride and—“

“HI-YAH!” Pinkie Pie shouted, hurdling sprinkle bombs at Daffy, which exploded into dusty colorful clouds, upon impact.

“WHOO-HOO!!” Daffy Duck exclaimed, startled by the explosions. “Isth it the Fourth of July already?”

“Nope!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “But it’s just as colorful as fireworks. No?”

Resuming the task at hands, Pinkie Pie lunged at Daffy. But the duck, too had given Pinkie the slip, and ended up getting a mustache painted on her face.

“Whoo-hoo! Hold your seats-th folks-th!” Daffy quacked. “Here we go again! Whoo-hoo!”

“Excuse me, Mr. Duck?” Fluttershy called to Daffy, but to no avail. “Hello? Excuse me!”

But it was no use. Either Fluttershy’s call was too quiet, or the Duck hardly cared, as he bounced away, leaving the humiliated Rainbooms behind.

End of Chase Music

At that moment, Bugs Bunny arrived, with Flash Sentry and friends following.

“Eh, what’s up doc?” Bugs Bunny asked. “Any luck with Daffy?”

“N-N-N-Nope,” Porky Pig shook his head.

“Who spiked Daffy’s coffee?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He’s faster than he seems, on TV!”

“Oh, b-b-b-believe me,” Porky Pig stuttered. “He d-d-d-don’t drink coffee.”

“Doesn’t help much,” Applejack replied. “He’s faster than a runaway bull.”

“And slippery than a bar of soap!” Pinkie added.

“Not to mention completely cuckoo!” Fluttershy commented.

“That duck’s crazy,” Flash Sentry commented, which he soon regrets.

“You telling me?” Daffy Duck asked, jump scaring Flash, from behind a garbage can, and honked his nose.

Soon, Daffy Duck took off running, before he broke the fourth wall and explained himself to the readers:

“I’m not crazy. I just don’t give a darn!”

With that, Daffy Duck, once again laughed out loud, and ran off, into the city to create more troubles.

“I can’t even get him to calm down, or sit still long enough to use my Stare on him,” Fluttershy sighed. “One look, and I’d be able to give him a good scolding.”

“And just how are we even going to get him to sit still, long enough to catch him?” Juniper asked.

“Well, I have an idea,” Bugs Bunny brought up. “But first, where’s the nearest costume store?”

“Oh! A costume, darling?” Rarity smiled, before she pulled a coat rack, from the side.

No one knows where the coat rack came from. But one thing’s for sure, about Rarity, the young fashionista always has a set of costumes at the ready, for any situation.

Later, Porky Pig was wearing a hunter’s outfit, holding a prop gun, with Puppy Spike posing as his hunting dog.

“Th-Th-Th-This feels like de-de-de-Deja Vu,” Porky Pig stuttered.

“Reminds me of the old days of black and white cartoons,” Bugs Bunny shared the pig’s nostalgia. “Funny how you were a hunting us, and dat’s how you started me and Daffy’s career.”

“Su-Su-Speaking of Daffy,” Porky Pig pointed to the black duck, coming their way. “Here he comes now!”

“Ok, Porky,” Bugs Bunny began. “Action!”

Doing like they had rehearsed, Porky Pig held up a sign that states his business.

Spike also held up a sign that reads: “Ditto.”

On cue, Bugs Bunny does his usual greeting, “Eh, what’s up doc?”

“Rabbit!” Spike barked, pointing his nose at Bugs Bunny.

Porky Pig stammered as he gets into character, “Now I got you. You, you wabbit!” Porky Pig then mutters to himself, “S-S-Sorry Elmer. Got carried away,” Turning his attention, back to Bugs, Porky asked, “Any l-l-last words?”

“Yeah,” Bugs chewed on his carrot and casually began. “I’ve got three, to be exact. It’s duck season!”

Upon overhearing that last statement, from Bugs Bunny, in the blink of an eye, Daffy's wacky, looney, zany demeanor vanished. Something snapped. He scowled, turning his head, and glowered at the rabbit. He was clearly not going to let Bugs get away with that.

“That, sth-ir, is-th an in-mitigated frab-rication!” Daffy Duck shouted, as he ran over to confront Bugs Bunny. “It’s wabbit season!”

“Duck season,” Bugs argued.

“Wabbit sth-eas-th-on.”

“Duck season.”

“Wabbit sth-eas-th-on.”

“Duck season.”

“Wabbit sth-eas-th-on.”

Bugs Bunny winked, while secretly giving his new friends a thumbs up, behind his back.

“Wabbit season!” Bugs said.

“Duck sth-eas-th-on!” Daffy argued.

“Wabbit season!”

“Duck sth-eas-th-on! I sth-ay it’sth duck sth-eas-th-on! And I sth-ay fire!”

“GET HIM!!!”

With that, the Rainbooms, Porky Pig, and the rest of their friends all piled on Daffy Duck, in a cloudy struggle and blur of arms and legs, until they all emerged, with Daffy, telekinetically, held in place, by Twilight’s magic.

“I got him!” Sci-Fi Twi grunted. “But he’s really trying to break free!”

As an added safety measure, Daffy’s arms and legs were locked in place, by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Flash Sentry, and the CMCs.

“He’s…really…slippery!” Applejack grunted.

“He’s…stronger…than…he looks,” Flash groaned.

“Let me loose-th you fools-th!” Daffy Duck protested. “This-th ain’t no way to treat a c-th-elebrity duck!”

“Okay, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Work your magic on him!”

Without hesitating, Fluttershy glared her angry eyes at Daffy. With that, the duck immediately ceased his struggles, as he finds himself helpless, under the hypnotic stare, from Fluttershy.

“You listen good, you naughty little duck!” Fluttershy snarled, in an angry tone, like that of an angry mom. “I don’t care if you are Daffy, or if you’re just some cartoon character, out of a Saturday show, or whatever. But nobody LIKES having mustaches paint on their faces, and PROPERTY! So, if you know what’s good for you, then you ought to clean up your messes, right this instant, and then THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE JUST DONE! Do I make myself CLEAR?!”

Turning white as a sheet, Daffy nodded and whimpered, “Yes-th, yes-th, ma’m! Or lady. Or whatever.”



With that, Daffy Duck ran away, doing as he was told to do, and cleans up the mess he made.

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, “Better go and make sure he does as he was told,” Sci-Fi Twi advised, before she turned to Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. “And you two go along, just in case.”

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all exchange agreements, before they went off, to follow Daffy.

“I-I-In the mea-mea-mea-what do we do now?” Porky asked.

“Well, I don’t know about you,” Sci-Fi Twi began. “But after all that chasing and magic, with Daffy, has made me a little hungry. How about we go back to Sugarcube Corner and get something to eat and drink? Maybe we’ll talk more there.”

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Bugs Bunny nodded.

“C-C-C-Count m-m-me, Uh ditto,” Porky stammered agreement.


With that, the friends were all on their way to the said facility.

“I better text Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack to let them know where we are,” Sci-Fi Twi said, as she proceeded to text the messages.

“B-B-Bugs,” Porky began. “C-C-Can you tell me where we are?”

“Porky, my friend,” Bugs Bunny began as he gestures to the entire city and suburbs. “Welcome to Canterlot!”

“DON’T PLAY GAMES WITH ME!” Filthy Rich yelled, as he talks to someone on the phone. “So, refusing me to build a new spa resort in place of your camp wasn’t enough. You decided to go out of your way and make me look like a fool, by drawing a mustache on my billboard, as an act of…of…defiance?”

Filthy Rich smirked deviously, as he clenched a fist in his free hand.

“Well, you have no idea who you are dealing with, Gloriosa Daisy. You want to play games with me? I’ll play games with you.”

“Uh, sir?”

Filthy Rich looked up, to see one of his workers, standing at the doorway to his office, holding a tablet.

“I gotta go,” Filthy Rich finished his phone call. “But this conversation isn’t over!” With an angry slam of his phone, Filthy looked up to his employee. “Yes? What is it?”

“You might want to have a look at this, sir…”

The employee walked over to his boss’s desk, and holds up his tablet, revealing a security footage of Daffy Duck, swinging across Filthy Rich’s face on a billboard, and painting the mustache.

“What is this?” Filthy Rich asked. “Who is that?”

“We’re still looking into it, sir,” The worker replied. “But so far, we’ve confirmed that the perpetrator is short, dressed in a black duck costume.”

“A black duck?” Filthy Rich glowered. “You’re telling me…a duck made a fool of me?”

“Uh, no…that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that it’s a person in a duck costume who is committing a fowl play,” The employee chortled at his own joke. “Get it? Fowl? Play? Because ducks are water fowls and…”

One angry scowl from Filthy Rich was enough to silence the employee, who composed himself.

“The police are investigating, as we speak, sir,” The employee said. “We’ll find out who vandalized your billboard, sir.”

“Then get out there, and bring me results!” Filthy Rich ordered.

“Yes sir,” With that, the employee took his leave, leaving Filthy Rich to fume.

“Make a fool out of me, huh, duck?” Filthy glowered.