• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

  • ...

Episode 9: Dragonshy

A few days later we saw Fluttershy by her cottage giving as much animals their food as Fluttershy then threw three fishes for some raccoon like animals making her smile as she then dug for some worms and gave it to three birds who were on a tree and when she threw them she started coughing and spitting in disgustingness before she blushed and then flew back down close to an bunny's house where an certain white bunny started eating a carrot to quickly

"Not too fast now, Angel Bunny. You don't wanna get a tummy ache" Fluttershy suggested before Angel them stopped eating and puts the carrot down before cleaning his paws "You really should eat more than that, don't you think?" Fluttershy said before Angel jumped away as Fluttershy then grabbed the carrot and flew towards Angel "It's not play time yet. I know you wanna run, but..." Fluttershy said as she landed on the ground before putting the carrot down "Just three more bites'' Fluttershy suggested as Angel shook his head "Two more bites?" Fluttershy suggested as Angel once again shook his head "One more bite?" Fluttershy said moving the carrot towards Angel "Pretty please?" Fluttershy asked as Angel then turned around and kicked the carrot into the air before he started jumping off making Fluttershy sigh in sadness before Angel started coughing "Oh, goodness. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked as Angel coughed again "Are you coughing because there's a carrot stuck in your throat?" Fluttershy asked as Angel then coughed again "Because you need some water?" Fluttershy asked

Then Cat Noir came

"Uh, Fluttershy, maybe he's coughing because there's some misty clouds in the sky going towards Ponyville" Cat Noir said

Then Fluttershy looked into the air before gasping

"We gotta get to the others" Fluttershy said

"I've already got Ladybug, but I can't get anyone else to listen" Cat Noir said

"Let me guess you found it on your patrol?" Fluttershy asked

"Yes and I was coming from the south" Cat Noir said thinking "Or was it North? Nah, who keeps count, let's just get the others!" Cat Noir suggested

After a few hours of running Fluttershy and Cat Noir got to some park where a lot of ponies were doing whatever they want unbeknownst of what was going on

"Help! Help!" Fluttershy said but nopony listened "Please? Help!" Fluttershy called out but nobody still listened

"Fluttershy, I don't think that's gonna work" Cat Noir said

"But I will still try" Fluttershy said

"Fine, but don't even think of telling me that I didn't warn you" Cat Noir said

"I won't, I promise" Fluttershy said before turning to the other ponies "There's- There's a horrible cloud of smoke. It's headed this way and--" Fluttershy started

Just then an pink ball with lighter pink stars zipped over her head making Fluttershy shriek as Rainbow Dash zipped past her bouncing the ball on her head

"Don't be such a scaredy-pony. It's just me, future Equestria ball-bouncing record holder. Three forty six, three forty seven..." Rainbow counted

"This calls for a celebration!" Pinkie cheered before zipping off

"Oh, no, Pinkie Pie, this is no time for celebration. This is time for panic, for---" Fluttershy started before Pinkie interrupted

"Ooo! I'm gonna need balloons! One for everypony in Ponyville!" Pinkie said running off

Then Fluttershy and Cat Noir started running after Pinkie Pie

"There's--- There's smoke. And--- And when there's smoke, there's fire and---" Fluttershy started while before Pinkie interrupted again and stopped making Fluttershy and Cat Noir hid against her

"Let's see, that's one, two, three, four..." Pinkie counted

"Three hundred fifty four..." Rainbow counted

"Five, six..." Pinkie counted

Three hundred fifty five, no, wait..." Rainbow counted before losing count

"Seven" Pinkie counted

Then Pinkie tapped Rainbow on the chest making her stop counting and throw the ball over her wing

"Pinkie Pie! Now I have to start over" Rainbow said in anger

"We're all going to start over, in a new village" Fluttershy started as Rainbow flew into the air but Fluttershy continued "'Cause ours is gonna be---" Fluttershy started before Pinkie interrupted her

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, wait up!" Pinkie yelled out running after Rainbow

"Oh, please, this is an emergency. I- I need everypony to---" Fluttershy started before a certain someone interrupted

"Everypony! Listen up!" Ladybug yelled out pointing to Twilight

"Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria" Twilight said

Then the ponies started rambling all together

"That's what I've been trying to---" Fluttershy started before Twilight interrupted

"But don't worry" Twilight said before the ponies turned back to her "Me and Ladybug just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it is not coming from a fire" Twilight said

"Oh, thank goodness" Fluttershy said

"Here comes the worst part" Cat Noir whispered to Fluttershy

"It's coming from a dragon" Twilight said

Then Fluttershy and a few ponies gasped in shock

"So if there's anypony who wants to come and help me and the gang come to the Golden Oak Library" Ladybug said

After an hour of walking the heroes plus the five background ponies met up at the Golden Oak Library

"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?" Applejack asked in anger

"Sleeping," Twilight answered, which made the heroes confused. "According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke" Twilight said

"He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all" Pinkie suggested

"I thought that was what dragons do" Ladybug said confused

"Well at least he's not snoring fire. What are we meant to do about it?" Rarity asked

"I'll tell you what we're meant to do. Give him the boot. Take that" Rainbow said, kicking the stump before she went to the other side of the stump "And that!" Rainbow said flying towards the stump which Twilight lifted up as she then went flying against a wall

"Well, if you want to do that, go ahead and when you return, tell us what it is like to be burned alive" Cat Noir said

"Well that just got dark, even for your suit" Ladybug said giggling

"Hey! No one talks to my suit like that!" Cat Noir said angrily

"Enough! We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail. If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years" Twilight said

"Well, have everypony and creature live in Paris then" Cat Noir said

Then the heroes glared

"Even though I like Paris, wouldn't that be like telling the truth about who has who's Miraculous" Lyra said

"Yeah, and we can't risk that, who knows what Hawk Moth will do then" Ladybug said

"Talking about your beauty sleep" Rarity said

"Alright, everypony and everyone. I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us and as for Ladybug and Cat Noir Celestia made a portal appear for you guys upstairs which before you ask doesn't disappear" Twilight said before everypony got closer "Let's meet back here in less than an hour" Twilight said

"Okay, girls, you heard her. The fate of Equestria is in our hooves. Do we have what it takes?" Rainbow asked with strength

Then everypony yelled out agreements with Ladybug and Cat Noir joining before Ladybug saw her standing there worriedly

"You okay Fluttershy?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah, it's just, I'm scared" Fluttershy said frightened

"Don't worry Fluttershy, we're all here for you so you don't have to worry now I have to go to the portal and get my stuff while you get yours, okay Fluttershy?" Ladybug asked

"Okay" Fluttershy said sadly

"Come on kitty cat it's time to get our stuff" Ladybug said

Then the heroes ran off and got their stuff as we first saw Rainbow Dash going to her house where there was a rainbow waterfall as she puts her hooves in it before swiping it onto her cheeks before she yelled out a military cry, then we saw Big Macintosh put an heavy bag onto Applejack who didn't seem to care, then we saw Ladybug grabbing some wool and puts it in her back and some cookies before putting it into a box as she then jumped back into the portal, then we saw Pinkie Pie coming out of Sugarcube Corner before showing her having a lot of funny stuff in her back which made her giggle

"Oh, I mean..." Pinkie started before making an heroic pose

Then we saw Cat Noir picking his tissues because he thought dragon wings had feathers and some camembert just in case he had to transform back as he then jumped back into the portal

Then we saw Rarity wearing a soldier helmet and walking away from the mirror before she realized something as she checked again before zipping off and returning with a more handsome hat

"Much better. Onward!" Rarity called out

Then we saw Fluttershy stepping out of her house in fright while wearing football clothes

"Let's go!!!" The heroes except Fluttershy called out

A few hours later outside the Golden Oak Library the heroes except Twilight stood as Twilight walked in a soldier way next to them

"All right girls, listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall" Twilight suggested

"M-m-mountain?" Fluttershy asked in fright

"The dragon is in that cave at the very top" Twilight said pointing to the top of the mountain

"That looks like a long hike" Cat Noir said

"I agree, but as long as we keep up the pace and not rest in between then we'll be safe" Ladybug said

"Right" Cat Noir said

"Also it's pretty cold up there" Applejack said

"You bet it is. The higher you go, the chillier it gets" Rainbow said

"Good though I brought my scarf" Rarity said

"Uh, Rarity, I don't think that we'll need to go to the icy part" Ladybug said

"I know, but a lady always comes prepared, no pun intended" Rarity said while pulling out he scarf

"No worries" Ladybug said embarrassingly

"Ooh, pretty" Pinkie complimented

"Oh yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy" Rainbow taunted

"Also Twilight and I got some food just in case you're hungry" Ladybug said

Then Fluttershy sighed in fright while looking at the creepy mountain before gulping as Twilight rechecked her map

"Um, excuse me Twilight" Fluttershy called out "I know you're busy, but..." Fluttershy started before Twilight interrupted her

"Uh-huh" Twilight said not listening to Flutershy "Well, we could go this way" Twilight thought

"But if I could just have a second..." Fluttershy started before Twilight interrupted

"Uh-huh" Twilight said before noticing something "No, we want to avoid that" Twilight said pointing to the map

Then Twilight checked the map closely before Fluttershy started talking

"So, um, I was thinking that, um, maybe I should just stay here in ponyville" Fluttershy said frightened

"Uh-huh" Twilight said not listening to Fluttershy

"Oh! Good I'll stay here and---" Fluttershy started while walking away before Twilight called out to her

"Wait! You have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy" Twilight said

"I don't think I---" Fluttershy started worriedly before Twilight interrupted her again

"Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Spike's got it covered while you're gone" Twilight said helpfully

Then Spike walked towards the mane 8 with some animals in his hands and near him

"You can count on me!" Spike said as Angel sneaked onto Spike's head before tapping him on the head multiple times making the animals fly or run off "Hey! Hey! Wait!" Spike called out running towards the animals

"I don't really think he's up to the task. Maybe... But... But..." Fluttershy as Twilight walked off and when she was fully gone she shrieked

"Don't worry if he really needs help I've added a button which can sent the portal to Alya" Ladybug said

"Or Nino" Adrien said

"But definitely not ChloƩ right?" Fluttershy asked

"Nope" Ladybug answered

Then Rainbow zipped towards Twilight before whispering to her

"Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along? I mean, that ppony's afraid of her own shadow. She's just going to slow us down" Rainbow said

"Oh, she's just a little nervous. Once we get going. I'm sure she'll be fine" Twilight said reassuringly

Then Fluttershy squealed because of her shadow as she then jumped into the bushes which made Twilight worried and Rainbow glaring at Twilight

"All right girls and boys, move out!" Twilight ordered

Then the heroes started running towards Fluttershy who struggled to get their attention

"But... But..." Fluttershy said frightened

Then Ladybug grabbed Fluttershy's side before making her go with the others as Fluttershy screamed in fright

After a few hours of running the heroes arrived at the mountain as there was a loud growl which made the heroes a bit frightened and Fluttershy hide behind Applejack

"Whoa. What was that?" Rainbow asked frightened

"That's what it sounds like when a dragon snores" Twilight answered

Then Fluttershy got to Applejack's waist a bit frightened while looking up

"It- It's so... High" Fluttershy said being the most frightened of the heroes

"Well, it is a mountain. I'm going to fly up there and check it out!" Rainbow said flying up before Applejack leapt into the air and pulled her back down "Wah!" Rainbow called out

"Hold on, now. I think we should go up together. Safety in numbers and all" Applejack suggested

"Good idea and Twilight and I will take the lead" Ladybug suggested

"What about me?" Cat Noir asked

"You'll keep a close eye on Rainbow Dash" Ladybug suggested

"Alrighty then" Cat Noir said before going next to Rainbow

"All right" Rainbow said sadly

"Let's go then" Ladybug said

Then the heroes climbed up the mountain while Ladybug and Cat Noir struggled to do the same and Fluttershy stayed underneath

"I know what to do" Ladybug suggested "Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called out

Then Ladybug threw her yo-yo into the air before four ski poles appear in black and red spots

"Great idea Ladybug" Cat Noir struggled

"You go on ahead and I'll recharge" Ladybug suggested before running off and when she returned she followed the others except Fluttershy "You got this girls!" Ladybug said

Then Ladybug ran with the ski poles towards Twilight before arriving there and when she did Rarity started talking

I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scale are the jewels they use to build their nests" Rarity said "OOOh, if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few!" Rarity said

Then Pinkie stopped walking as talked like a dragon

"Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond?" Pinkie said before fake roaring

Just then everyone except Twilight and Ladybug laughed

"Girls! this is no laughing matter!" Twilight said angrily

"Yeah, so let's just go further on the walk" Ladybug suggested

"Sorry girls" Pinkie apologized

"No worries, now, Fluttershy, you're an expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like?" Twilight asked but nopony answered as she then turned her head around noticing she isn't with the group "Fluttershy?" Twilight asked

Then the others turned around

"Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?" Rainbow asked angrily

"Ooo, I think I have one in my bag!" Pinkie said happily

Then Pinkie got to her bag and pulled the invitation out and when she did trumpets were heard

"Who else but Pinkie" Ladybug said shaking her head

"I- It's so... so... steep" Fluttershy said frightened

"Well it is a cliff. You could just, oh I don't know, fly up here" Rainbow suggested impatiently

"Come on, Flutteshy, you can do it. Flap those wings!" Pinkie suggested

"Oh... Okay" Flluttershy said frightened

Then Fluttershy pulled out her wings one by one with a soft cry as she started flying up before the dragon roared making her drop into the bushes and when she stepped out she struggled to pull out her wings

"Ugh!" Rainbow groaned impatiently

"Uh, we don't have time for this," Twilight said impatiently before Applejack pulled out Twilight's map and read "What are you doing?" Twilight asked

"I'll need this if I'm going to take her around the mountain another way" Applejack said

"Around the mountain?" Rainbow asked as Applejack jumped down "That's going to take them forever" Rainbow said grumpily

Then Applejack arrived at the end of the mountain as she walked towards Fluttershy but just when she got close to her the dragon roared loudly which made Fluttershy fly onto her back in fright as she was pretty stiff

"Don't worry, Twi. We'll be there, lickety-split" Applejack suggested

A few hours later the others were waiting by either playing games or training while Pinkie won a game again

"Woo-hoo! "I have won again!" Pinkie cheered excitedly

"Ugh, that's thirty-five games in a row. Best of seventy-one" Rarity said sadly

"Don't sweat Rarity, Even if Pinkie won, you did your best" Ladybug said throwing punches at Cat Noir who dodged with a double flip as he then landed behind Ladybug and pulled her down "Dang it" Ladybug said

Just then Applejack and Fluttershy reappeared

"We... Made... It!" Applejack said while almost being out of breath

"Told you it was gonna take them forever" Rainbow said angrily

"Don't worry, we can go now" Ladybug said before standing up with a grunt "And Cat Noir, you're too strong" Ladybug said

"What can I say, I'm a good fighter" Cat Noir said

Then the heroes continued on their trail before they arrived at the first stop as Rainbow Dash jumped into the air with the others following behind with Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Cat Noir and Ladybug following behind and when they did Fluttershy was the last one standing as she was a bit frightened

"Your turn, Fluttershy" Twilight said reassuringly

"But... It's so... Wide" Fluttershy said scared while holding onto a stone

"Come on, Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now" Twilight said worriedly

Then Applejack walked in front of Twilight

"You could just leap on over" Applejack suggested

"I---" Fluttershy started while looking down before an dragon roared which made her back off really frightened "I don't know" Fluttershy said worriedly

Then Twilight, Applejack and Ladybug shook their heads dumbfounded before Pinkie talked

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just a hop, skip and a jump. See?" Pinkie said jumping to Fluttershy

Then Pinkie started singing while putting her nose against Fluttershy as she started jumping to the other side

"We don't have time for this" Twilight said dumbfounded

Then Pinkie started jumping from one side to the other each time which made Fluttershy smile in delight as she stood back up

"O-okay. Here I go" Fluttershy said before she went to the cliff as she then stood at the ready "A hop" Fluttershy said pulling her hooves down

"That's it" Applejack called out

"You've got it" Twilight reassured

"You're almost there" Rarity reassured

"Skip" Fluttershy said leaping into the air with her hooves

"Just don't look down" Twilight suggested

Then Fluttershy thought she had too and looked down which made Ladybug face slap as Fluttershy saw the super high view from above as she then puts her hooves on the other end of the cliff making her stuck

"Ugh" Rainbow groaned

Then Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie pulled Fluttershy to the others making Fluttershy land on Rainbow Dash

"I guess I forgot to jump" Fluttershy said apologetically

After a bit of walking the heroes arrived at an avalanche zone

"Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide" Twilight suggested

"I'm in" Ladybug said

"We all are," Cat Noir said before turning to the others "Right girls?" Cat Noir asked

Then the rest of the girls nodded silently while Fluttershy talked in fright

"An ava... ava..." Fluttershy started before Twilight shushed her as then the heroes continued to walk before Rainbow Dash got through a tree before a leaf fell and when Fluttershy went under the tree it landed on her "AVALA-!" Fluttershy yelled out

Before she could scream any further Applejack puts her hoof on her mouth as an echo was heard that went all the way to Ponyville

Meanwhile Vinyl and Octavia were playing music until they heard the scream

"You still think they're fine and they're not in an avalanche?" Vinyl asked

"Yep" Octavia said

Then the two continued to play music

Just then the ground shook as the heroes were worried

"What did we tell you?!" Cat Noir asked angrily

"But I felt a rock on my back!" Fluttershy yelled out angrily

"That was just a leaf!" Cat Noir said "I saw it with my very own eyes!" Cat Noir said angrily

"Yeah, two leaves were loose and when I went through the tree it landed on your back!" Rainbow said angrily

Just then there was an rock slide as everyone did what they could to save themselves from getting hit by either dodging or as Cat Noir would do he made an Cataclysm hand and touched one stone that was underneath him causing it to break but just then Twilight got trapped

"Oh no! Help!" Twilight yelled out

Then Applejack pulled Twilight to the side as then the avalanche stopped as the heroes all coughed

"Everypony okay?" Applejack asked

"Thanks to you I am" Twilight answered

Then we saw Fluttershy hiding behind a few stones and dust from the avalanche before the scene turned towards Rarity and Pinkie to where Rarity didn't like being disgusting and Pinkie was jumping excitedly before Rarity shook herself clean before it all landed on Pinkie but she didn't know that

"Woo-hoo! Let's do it again!" Pinkie said excitedly

"No!" Ladybug quietly yelled out

"This is why a girl always packs extra accessories" Rarity said before pulling out a scarf and putting it around her before she realized something "Oh, please tell me I have a tiara that goes with this" Rarity thought

"Uh, I think we have bigger problems than making sure our hair bows match our horseshoes" Rainbow said worriedly

"Sorry" Fluttershy apologized

"Aw, no big whoop, sugarcube" Applejack said in a motherly tone

"Okay, I know what you're thinking, did I use my Cataclysm and well that's a yes, but only at the stone above my head which happened one time" Cat Noir explained

"We didn't even ask that stupid, but now that you mention it you need to transform now" Ladybug said

"Right" Cat Noir said "Oh and can I have these ski poles?" Cat Noir asked

"Sure" Ladybug said

"I agree because we just have to..." Twilight started before sighing as she then continued to talk "Climb over" Twilight said sadly

Then the heroes except Cat Noir climbed over the mountain of stones and dust before Cat Noir quickly joined the group as they then went to go down the mountain of stones and dust with Fluttershy struggling to walk up and down the mountain but when she was halfway she slipped and knocked herself against Rarity and Applejack sending them flying down the hill and Fluttershy landing on top of them

"My apologies" Rarity apologized

"Not your fault" Rainbow said glaring at Fluttershy

Then the heroes continued on their way to the cave as they were closeby before Rainbow flew towards Twilight who was checking the map again

"Still think it was a good idea to bring Fluttershy alone?" Rainbow asked

"We're about to find out" Twilight said staring at the cave "We're here" Twilight said

Then the heroes walked towards a platform in front of the cave where they all stood together

"You know, this cave is giving me shivers" Ladybug said

"Don't worry Ladybug, I will be taking care of you" Cat Noir said

"No need Cat Noir, I can handle it myself" Ladybug said

Then the heroes all stared at the cave in fright except for two creatures that go by the names Pinkie Pie and Cat Noir before Twilight turned to their friends

"Rainbow Dash, you'll use your wings to clear the smoke" Twilight suggested as the Rainbow nodded bravely before taking flight to the air "Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Cat Noir, you'll create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there" Twilight suggested

"We're on it m'lady" Cat Noir said grabbing his stick

Then Pinkie zipped off before returning with an rubber chicken as she shook it which made Rarity confused

"Applejack, you're ready with the apples in case he decides to attack" Twilight suggested as Applejack threw two apples into the air and kicked them one by one before they hit the tree splashing them "But it shouldn't come to that, because Fluttershy and Ladybug will do what they need to do to wake him up, and between the three of us, we should be able to get him to understand why he needs to go" Twilight suggested

"Is everybody ready?" Ladybug asked

Then the heroes except Fluttershy nodded in agreement as Fluttershy looked at Twilight and Ladybug in fright

"Okay then, we're goin' in" Twilight said as she and Ladybug walked inside the cave without knowing Fluttershy was still outside the cave "So, what is the best way to wake up a sleeping dragon without upsetting him?" Twilight asked

But nobody answered as she and Ladybug turned around

"Fluttershy?" Ladybug asked in worry

"Oh come on!" Twilight said dumbfounded

Then the two walked out the cave and to Fluttershy before grabbing her wings and pulling her but to no avail

"Come on!" Twilight said before the wings slipped out of her mouth before Fluttershy pulled her head out of the ground "We have to do this!" Twilight ordered angrily

"It's no use" Ladybug said

"Maybe if we push her it will" Twilight said

Then Twilight and Ladybug tried to push Fluttershy to the cave

"Now!" Twilight ordered angrily as then the two pushed again before Rainbow Dash joined in by putting his head in Twilight's butt before one by one the other girls joined in with Cat Noir being the last one "Every" Twilight started before grunting "Second longer that dragon sleeps" Twilight said before grunting again "Is another acre of Equestria covered in" Twilight started before grunting again "Smoke" Twilight said before Pinkie and Cat Noir jumped too hard in them making them grunt in pain

"I--- I--- I can't go in the cave" Fluttershy said in sadness and fright

Then the others jumped away in a dumbfounded groan

"Oh, great She's scared of caves now, too" Rainbow grumbled

"I'm not scared of caves, I'm scared of..." Fluttershy said before she mumbled

"What's that, sugarcube?" Applejack asked worriedly while trotting towards her

"I'm scared of..." Fluttershy said before muttering again

"What?" Twilight asked trotting towards her

"I'm scared of dragons!" Fluttershy yelled out in anger and fright

Then the dragon roared again before he blasted a bust of smoke towards the heroes who had to cough from the smoke and when they finished Twilight noticed Fluttershy hiding behind Applejack

"But Fluttershy. You have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals" Twilight said worriedly

"Yes, because they're not dragons" Fluttershy said worriedly

"Oh come on! We've seen you walk right up to a manticore like it was nothing" Rainbow said angrily

"Not to mention an Ursa Minor" Cat Noir pointed out "Although it was Twilight who vanquished it" Cat Noir said

"Thanks for the memories" Twilight thanked sarcastically

"My bad" Cat Noir apologized

"Yes, because he wasn't a dragon" Fluttershy said worriedly

"Spike is a dragon. You're not scared of him" Pinkie pointed out

"Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat a pony in one bite, totally grown-up dragon!" Fluttershy yelled out in fright

Then the dragon roared again as a dust of smoke formed again making the heroes cough except Fluttershy who shivered

"But, if you're so afraid of dragons, why didn't you say something before we came all the way up here?" Twilight asked worriedly

"I was afraid to" Fluttershy answered shyly

"Ugh!" Rainbow and Cat Noir groaned

"That's one of the most stupidest moves ever" Cat Noir said dumbfounded

"Yeah, I agree" Rainbow said

Then Applejack pulled Fluttershy up

"All of us are scared of that dragon" Applejack said in a motherly tone

"I'm not!" Rainbow said bravely

"Same here" Cat Noir said in agreement

Then Applejack glared at the two before returning to look at Fluttershy

"Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, but we've got a job to do. So, get in there with Twilight and show her what you're made of" Applejack suggested

"I-I-" Fluttershy struggled to find her words "I just... Can't" Fluttershy said sadly

Then Fluttershy turned around and walked off in sadness

"Oh Fluttershy" Twilight said sadly

"Look at what you two have done!" Ladybug said angrily

"What we were telling the truth" Cat Noir said defended

"Enough! I just have to go alone" Twilight said sadly

"I'll still join you" Ladybug said

"Alright then, let's go" Twilight said

Then Twilight and Ladybug walked in the cave

"We're goin' in" Twilight said determined

"Yes!" Ladybug said in agreement

"He... Probably just doesn't realize what he's doing... Right?" Twilight asked Ladybug

"Of course he doesn't" Ladybug answered

Then Twilight and Ladybug got near the dragon before they noticed some gems showing they were on the right path as they walked stopped in front of him showing he had an red body with an yellow underbelly and in the inside of his ears he also has lighter red scales

"Mr. Dragon" Twilight asked worriedly

"We're here to pay you a visit" Ladybug said worriedly

Just then Twilight bumped onto the dragon's nose and Ladybug bumped onto Twilight's butt making her glare

"My bad" Ladybug apologized

Then Twilight and Ladybug stared at the dragon in fright before realizing he didn't open his eyes "Excuse me" Twilight called out Then the dragon rumbled again "Mr. Dragon" Twilight called out again

Then the dragon turned around and scratched it's belly before it woke up and noticed Twilight and Ladybug before his eyes

"Oh, good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle" Twilight introduced

"And I'm Lady---" Ladybug started before the dragon yawned, sending his disgusting smell out as both Ladybug and Twilight closed their noses "Bug, and our friends and I are residents here in Equestria. Ponyville, to be exact. We've come here to ask that you find another spot to take your nap. It's just that you seem to be doing an awful lot of snoring" Ladybug said before Twilight interrupted

"Exactly, and every time you do you sent out a terrible cloud of smoke" Twilight continued explaining

Just then the dragon blew some smoke at the two

"Equestria simply can't survive a hundred years in a dark haze. You understand, don't you?" Twilight asked. Then the dragon stood back up and stretched itself out before scratching its belly "So, you'll find another place to sleep?" Twilight asked

Then it laid back down hardly which made Twilight and Ladybug jump into the air before landing back down as it then blew a big blast of smoke at Twilight and Ladybug who walked out in defeat and when they were out he blasted another smoke towards the heroes

"So much for..." Rainbow said before coughing "Persuading him" Rainbow taunted

"Now what?" Applejack asked worriedly

Then Rarity walked in front of Applejack

"Obviously, this situation just calls for a little 'Pony Charm'. Allow me, girls and Cat Noir" Rarity said before she straight up walked into the cave and towards the dragon "I so sorry to interrupt" Rarity said before clearing her throat "But I couldn't possibly head back home without mentioning what handsome scales you have" Rarity said before going to the treasures and grabbing them one by one and putting them on "And those scales have to be hidden away in some silly cave for a hundred years" Rarity said sadly

Then the dragon smiled at Rarity warmly

"Personally, I think you should skip the snoozing and be out there, showing them off. Hmm. Obviously, I would be more than happy to keep an eye on your jewels while you're gone" Rarity said

Then the dragon growled angrily before grabbing them all and shoving them away before Rarity zipped off leaving the jewels she putted on behind before Rarity was out of the cave and when she was she hung on a rock

"I was this close to getting that diamond" Rarity said in defeat

"You mean... Getting rid of that dragon?" Twilight asked

"Oh, yeah... sure" Rarity lied

"Whatever" Ladybug said

Then and horn was heard as we saw Pinkie Pie and Cat Noir wearing silly clothing

"What is tarnation?" Applejack asked confused

Then Pinkie blew on the bazooka as Rarity trotted towards her

"Darlings, you both look ridiculous" Rarity said a bit disgusted

"Exactly!" Pinkie said

"Just watch us as we have fun with that leaving dragon" Cat Noir said

Then Pinkie and Cat Noir walked towards the cave and went inside

"Sharing a laugh is a sure-fire way to get someone on your side!" Pinkie said before she and Cat Noir arrived by the dragon "Hi!" Pinkie greeted

"Want some birthday cake" Cat Noir said

Then we heard splashing and crashes before Pinkie and Cat Noir walked out either having cake in their faces or their things broken into pieces

"Apparently he doesn't like laughing" Pinkie said

"Or sharing" Cat Noir said in agreement

Then the two laughed in embarrassment

"Alright, that's it. We tried persuasion, charm whatever it is Pinkie and Cat Noir did" Rainbow said angrily

Then Pinkie blew a busted bazooka

"It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in!" Rainbow suggested

Then Rainbow flew inside the cave

"Rainbow, no!" Twilight yelled out

But Rainbow didn't listen as she flew deeper into the cave before stopping before the dragon

"Get! Out!" Rainbow ordered before kicking the dragon in the nose

Then the dragon's nose shook before he struggled to sneeze and when he did he blew smoke out before he glared at Rainbow really madly

"Heh. Sorry" Rainbow apologized shyly

Then the dragon roared loudly sending Rainbow flying out of the cave knocking the others down and when the others got back up they noticed the dragon stepping out of the cave as they all except Cat Noir ran in fright

"Calm down, mister, I'm sure she didn't mean that, but she just wanted the ponies in Equestria to be safe from the sky" Cat Noir said

But just then the dragon roared a big fat dust of smoke towards the heroes sending them flying to a rock which then broke as we then saw Fluttershy behind it who looked in shock at her friends who had been hurt as she then thought of what her friends would do in a situation like this before glaring at the dragon

"How dare you... How dare you!" Fluttershy yelled out angrily before flying into the air and to the dragon before landing on his muzzle "Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully!" Fluttershy said before trotting to his face "You may have big teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breath fire. But you do not--- I repeat--- You do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?" Fluttershy asked madly while her friends looked at her in shock before she glared at the dragon as the dragon then got a bit down in fright "Well?" Fluttershy asked angrily waiting for an answer

"But that Rainbow one kicked me" The dragon said sadly

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir glared at Rainbow Dash who just shrugged, pretending to not know what happened

"And I'm very sorry about that" Fluttershy said which made Rainbow Dash confused "But you're bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures" Fluttershy said angrily

"But I---" The dragon started before Fluttershy interrupted

"Don't you 'But I me mister. Now what do you have to say for yourself?" Fluttershy said angrily but the dragon didn't answer "I said, what do you have to say for yourself?" Fluttershy asked angrily

Then the dragon whimpered before crying loudly making it rain on the heroes which some of them liked while others felt a little sad for the dragon

"There, there. No need to cry. You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That's all" Fluttershy suggested flying down

When Fluttershy arrived on the ground the other heroes went to her and crowded her

"You did it! I knew you could do it" Twilight said

Then the heroes looked up seeing the dragon leaving the mountain and flying away, ready for its move towards a new home

A few hours later the heroes were back at the Golden Oak Library as the pegasi erased all the smoke that got to Ponyville, and when they went inside they heard Spike struggling with Angel

"I said come back here!" Spike said before falling onto the ground "Ooh!" Spike said before reaching for Angel who tried to touch the moon as he grabbed him and went down with Angel's feet in his hand "How does Fluttershy put up with you furry little things?" Spike said confused walking to the other side of the room

Just then somebody called out to him

"Spike, take a letter" Twilight suggested

Then Spike sighed as he dropped Angel which made Ladybug face slap before he grabbed a scroll and a paper

"'Dear Princess Celestia, I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friend Fluttershy, who convinced him to go. This adventure has to-taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears'" Twilight suggested as Spike wrote it all up

Just then an pony called out

"Twilight! You gotta come see this!" Applejack called out

"Yeah, she's just five away from a new pony record!" Ladybug agreed

Then Twilight went outside before seeing Rainbow dash still throwing the ball in the air with her new record

"Three hundred forty-seven, three hundred forty-eight" Rainbow counted

Then there was another roar which freaked Rainbow out

"Dragon!" Rainbow yelped out

Then Rainbow flew onto her back with her hooves in the air and her wings by her side which made the others laugh

"That's a punishment for letting us get hurt!" Cat Noir laughed

"Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!" Rainbow said

"Oh, then I wish for the dragon to come by just now" Cat Noir said

"What?" Rainbow asked confused

"I said I wish for the dragon to come by just now" Cat Noir said

Then Pinkie appeared roaring like a dragon

"Pinkie Pie, you scared me!" Rainbow said before she realized what she said "I mean, uh, you... Broke my concentration" Rainbow said nervously

Then Fluttershy flew towards Rainbow Dash

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash. Not everybody can be as brave as me" Fluttershy said

Then a leave fell which Rainbow didn't let go unnoticed as she blew the leave as it landed on Fluttershy which made her yelp in fright as she then landed on her back in the same position Rainbow was once which made everyone laugh