• Published 14th Sep 2021
  • 1,536 Views, 100 Comments

Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

  • ...

Episode 3: Applebuck Season

Author's Note:

This is the first Episode without a song (Excluding the theme song) so I hope you guys liked this 4th Episode and if you want I'll try and make songs appear on every Episode if I see a song fit

Also for those who like TNT or something which I forgot here's the link to the server below:


The Episode starts with Applejack and Big Mac standing in a huge orchard of apples

"Boy howdy! I got work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples I ever laid eyes on'' Applejack said in shock as we then saw her standing with an red stallion with orange mane and tail which were both short he also had green eyes and three white dots like his sister he also had yellow underparts of his hooves and an green apple as his Cutie Mark

"Eeyup. Too big for you to handle on your own" Big Mac said

"Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard that I can't handle" Applejack said before pressing on Big Mac's hurt side which made him move is left back hoof towards his hurt spot making Applejack let go of it "Oops, sorry I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end" Applejack said in strength

"Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of" Big Mac said in worry and fear

"Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?" Applejack asked

"Eeyup" Big Mac answered

"Why of all the... This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies" Applejack said in anger

"But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds o' apple trees doesn't add up to..." Big Mac said in fear making Applejack angrier

"Don't use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue! I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it to you. I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself" Applejack said before gulping in worry

Then the real Episode started with Applejack walking across the road with a lot of apple trees standing nearby

"Well, I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees" Applejack said before looking at one of the apple trees before the ground started shaking as an apple fell off "Hey!" Applejack yelled out as the apple fell onto her head before she noticed cows running towards Ponyville "Oh no" Applejack called before running off

Meanwhile in Ponyville the ground was still shaking

"Seriously!" Cat Noir said "We just had an akuma attack a few hours ago!" Cat Noir said in anger

"Sorry Kitty Cat but there's a stampede" Ladybug said

"You heard Ladybug! STAMPEDE!!!" Rainbow yelled out

Then everyone started running

"How's that for a yell m'lady?" Cat Noir asked

"Come on kitty cat we gotta save the Ponyvillains" Ladybug said before running towards the stampede

"Right behind you m'lady!" Cat Noir said

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir ran towards the stampede before noticing Applejack there

"Let's go help her!" Ladybug said

"No you don't need to, she already has help!" Cat Noir said pointing to a brown dog with a few white parts black eyes and a red collar with an golden ring held onto it saying his name

"Is that Winona?" Ladybug asked

"It sure is" Cat Noir answered

"Hey...!" Pinkie called out to Ladybug and Cat Noir "This makes my voice sound silly!" Pinkie said in a vibration way

"Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!" Twilight yelled out

"Cat Noir we really need to help!" Ladybug said looking towards Cat Noir who was eating popcorn before sighing "Whatever" Ladybug said sighing

"Everypony calm down, There is no need to panic" The beige pony said in fear

"But Mayor, whatever shall we do?" Rarity asked

"Fight back that's what" Ladybug said

"Wrong Ladybug! Look closer!" Rainbow said

Then the screen showed Applejack running near the cows

"YEEHAW!" Applejack yelled running

"Move aside, Winona!" Applejack ordered as Winona ran towards the other side before continuing to run near them "Put 'em up, girl!" Applejack ordered while running

Then Winona barked as then Rarity moaned and Ladybug was still glaring at Cat Noir and Pinkie was looking at the fight scene in excitement

"This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen" Pinkie said in excitement

"I'll say" Cat Noir said in agreement

Then the two continued eating popcorn

"Come on, little dogies! Turn!" Applejack ordered pushing a cow but it didn't work as she then whistled to Winona "Winona, put 'em up!" Applejack ordered as Winona barked before jumping onto one of the cows before jumping towards the leader with Applejack following behind as Winona then went to the front "Gotcha!" Applejack called out as she noticed the leader as she then grabbed her rope, spun it around and wrapped it around the leader before using her teeth and rope to pull the leader and their friends aside before Winona barked "Attagirl!" Applejack yelled out after realizing it worked as then she turns the cows to the side

After it had finished everyone started cheering even Ladybug and Twilight who were worried before

"What did I tell you, expect the unexpected" Cat Noir said

"Sorry for doubting you Cat Noir" Ladybug apologized

"No worries Bugaboo" Cat Noir said

Then Applejack used her hooves to stop the cows by struggling to pull them back before trotting towards them

"Now what was that all about?" Applejack asked in a motherly tone

Then a cow mooed before she realized what she did making her cough

"Oh my! Begging your pardon Applejack, but Moo-riella here saw one of those nasty snakes" The dark brown spotted cow explained making everyone gasp and yelp in shock "And it just gave us all the willies, don'tcha know" The dark brown spotted cow ended the explanation

"I completely understand, Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville" Applejack suggested

"We certainly will, Applejack. So long Winona!" The dark brown spotted cow said walking off

Then Winona barked before both he and Applejack went up the hill where they were cheered on by the rest of the Ponyville citizens

"Yee haw!" Applejack called running off

"Yee haw! Ride 'em, cowpony!" Pinkie cheered

"Applejack was just... just..." Mayor started before struggling with her words

"Appletastic!" Pinkie helped from in the air before landing on the ground

"Exactly. We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofingly saving the town" Mayor suggested

"I know" Pinkie said

A full week later we see the ground near town hall being prepared for a party

"A party!" Pinkie voiced from somewhere

Then we saw Ladybug, Twilight and Spike walking towards Rarity who finished putting the last bow on a tree

"Are we all ready?" Twilight asked

"Just one last thing." Rarity said before pulling the banner with an apple in the middle and some leaves on the side on the railings "Now we're ready" Rarity said

"Is Applejack all set?" Twilight asked

Then Rainbow Dash and Cat Noir flew/walked by

"Actually, I haven't seen her all week" Rainbow said worriedly

"Not since the stampede" Cat Noir said

"It's alright guys, she'll be here for sure. Applejack is never late" Ladybug said before murmuring "I hope" Ladybug murmured

A few hours later we see the stage all set up as Twilight went to the podium

"Welcome, everypony! Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to---" Twilight started before Rainbow flew on stage interrupting Twilight

"Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete. This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome" Rainbow said

"Exactly. And..." Twilight started before being interrupted once more by Pinkie who popped on stage out of nowhere

"This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time" Pinkie said

"What does that have to do with Applejack?" Twilight asked

"Oh. Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!" Pinkie said

Then everypony cheered

"Guards!" Twilight called out

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir got on stage and dragged Pinkie off the stage

"Now if I could just make a point without being inter--" Twilight started before being interrupted once again

"Twilight?" Fluttershy asked

"--rupted" Twilight said in an grumble tone

"Twilight, I'm so sorry, but I just wanna mention that Applejack is also gonna help me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She's gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills" Fluttershy explained before ducking away and going back offstage

"Anyone else? Anyone? No?" Twilight asked "Well then, as I was trying to say..." Twilight started before being interrupted for the fourth time

"Uh, Twilight you don't want to look to your right" Ladybug said

"Why?" Twilight asked before turning around noticing Mayor Mare before angrily trotting off

"That explains why you should never interrupt speeches" Cat Noir said in anger before walking off

"Yeah! Now stay put!" Ladybug said in agreement before walking off

"Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado" Mayor Mare started before pointing to a golden statue "it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award, to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend: Applejack!" Mayor Mare said as red curtains opened showing... nothing as ponies started cheering before stopping except for a certain dragon

"Cool! Way to go Applejack, that was awesome!" Spike said until Cat Noir cleared his throat gaining his attention "I mean--- Heh" Spike said before Mayor Mare cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention "Awkward" Spike said embarrassingly

"I'm here. I'm here." Applejack said trotting by yawning while not noticing some apples falling off her back "Sorry I'm late-- whoa-- I was just" Applejack said while stepping on somepony's tail "Did I get your tail?" Applejack asked before trotting onstage "Miss Mayor. Thank you kindly for this here... award thingy" Applejack thanked before walking towards the trophy but when she arrived she started yawning "It's so bright and shiny and, heh heh heh, I sure do look funny heh" Applejack said before staring at the trophy only for her to cheer to it and as soon as she started Pinkie joined in

"Okay. Well, thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony" Twilight thanked

Then Applejack yawned before talking

"Yeah. I like helping the pony folk and..." Applejack said before yawning "And stuff..." Applejack said before falling asleep as Ladybug tapped her making her wake up Oh, uh, yeah, uh, thanks'' Applejack said before grabbing one ear of the trophy and pulling it offstage while walking off making a screeching sound and when she left Twilight started talking

"Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little---" Twilight started before her friends cut in

"Tired?" Rainbow asked

"Dizzy?" Fluttershy asked

"Unsure of herself?" Ladybug asked

"Messy?" Rarity asked before noticing the others glaring at her "Well did you see her mane?" Rarity asked

"I sure did and it looked like she's tiring herself out" Cat Noir answered

"She seemed fine to me" Pinkie said before returning to cheer and pretend the trophy shows an reflection

Then Ladybug neared Twilight

" Are you thinking we should Investigate?" Ladybug asked

"Yep" Twilight said in agreement

After walking down the road for a bit they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres where they saw Applejack bucking apples before sleeping only to be woken up by herself and turned around as she then kicked the first time and touched nothing before kicking again knocking down an bucket full of Apples

"What on Equestria is that pony doing?" Twilight asked

"Kicking a bucket full of Apples down" Ladybug answered "I don't know why but it sure does feel suspicious"

"Hey Applejack!" Twilight greeted while she and walked towards Applejack who then started snoring "Applejack" Twilight said again but to no avail "Applejack" Twilight greeted once more

Then Ladybug started groaning

"Leave it to me" Ladybug suggested as she then ran towards the front of Applejack's face before preparing her scream "AppleJACK!" Ladybug yelled out

Just then Applejack woke up before shaking her head

"Howdy, Twilight and Ladybug" Applejack greeted

"What is all this?" Twilight asked trotting by

"It's Applebuck season" Applejack answered before Twilight and Ladybug teleported towards Applejack who just kicked an Appletree clean off before shocking her

"Applewhat season?" Ladybug asked

"It's what the Apple family call harvestin’ time. We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell 'em" Applejack answered

"But why are you doing it all alone?" Twilight asked

"'Cause Big Macintosh hurt himself" Applejack answered

"What about all those relatives we've first met when we first came to Ponyville? Can't they help?" Ladybug asked

Then Applejack sighed

"They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards. So, uh. I'm on my own Which means, I should really get back to work" Applejack answered but Ladybug and Twilight glared daggers at her making Applejack pretend she's clearing her throat "Hint hint? Get back to work" Applejack suggested

"Fine" Twilight said as she and Ladybug went off

"Could you two step aside, Twilight?" Applejack asked

"We just did. Applejack, You don't look so good" Twilight said

"Eh, don't any of you two worry none, I'm just fine and dandy" Applejack said trotting off but just as she kicked outside the Appletree Twilight and Ladybug teleported by

"Do you... want some help?" Twilight asked worriedly

"Help?" Applejack asked before continuing "No way, no how" Applejack answered

"But there's no way you can do it all on your own" Twilight said

"Yeah this is gonna take years to finish" Ladybug said

"Is that a challenge?" Applejack asked angrily while putting her head on Twilight and Ladybug's heads

"Uh... no" Twilight answered scaredly

"Yeah I agree with her" Ladybug said in agreement and fright

"Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got Apples to buck" Applejack said trotting off

"Well that was a fail" Twilight said

"I agree, for now we'll have to wait until someone bumps in saying they got into a problem" Ladybug said

"I agree" Twilight said in agreement

A few hours have passed as Rainbow was sitting on a street pole waiting impatiently before Applejack sped up to her

"There you are" Rainbow said in anger

Then Applejack yawned before talking

"I'm a mite sorry, Rainbow, I was busy applebuckin' and I guess ah, I closed my eyes for a second and, when I woke up I was late. Now, what's this new trick a'yours?" Applejack asked

"See this contraption?" Rainbow asked pointing to a diving board with a seesaw laying underneath it

"Uh... Yeah" Applejack answered

"Well, I'm gonna stand on one end" Rainbow started explaining as we then saw a dark blue circle circling the bottom part of the seesaw "Then you're gonna jump from that platform" Rainbow explained as another dark blue circle appeared on the diving board before an dark blue arrow appeared going towards the red X making an Blue X "Launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own" Rainbow said as another arrow got up before it started swirling round and round and round and round all over the place "Once I'm in the air, I'm gonna do some amazing flips and spins that are sure to impress the Wonderbolts" Rainbow ended the explanation

"Isn't that a mite dangerous?" Applejack asked

"Not for a pony who can fly" Rainbow boasted

"Well alright-y then." Applejack said

Then Rainbow and Applejack ran to the contraption as Applejack went to the diving board and Rainbow to the lower end of the seesaw which made Applejack dizzy

"Oh my" Applejack said in shock and dizziness

"Ready?" Rainbow asked but before Applejack could answer Rainbow started counting "One... Two... THREE!" Rainbow yelled out as then Applejack jumped before crashing onto the ground next to the diving board "Umm... maybe I wasn't clear. You're supposed to land on the other end" Rainbow suggested

Just then Applejack struggled getting her mouth off the floor before getting it off

"Got it" Applejack said as she then went back up the diving board only to jump back down onto the ground three times

"Applejack, what the hay is going on? I mean, I thought I was working with Ponyville's best athlete!" Rainbow said a bit confused

You are. I'm okay. Really. I-I have an idea. Watch this'' Applejack said before using her hooves to pull up a part of the seesaw where Rainbow Dash stood on "Ta da!" Applejack said before noticing Rainbow glaring at her "Oh... Maybe not. Okay, one more try. I'm sure to get it this time" Applejack said, jumping off the seesaw as Rainbow then fell down with it as she watched birds fly by while Applejack walked up the diving board as she then laughed "Here I go!" Applejack said before zipping back and then ran off the diving board before jumping and when she did she was speeding towards the seesaw

"Wait!" Rainbow yelled out but it was too late Applejack was too fast and when she ended up landing on the seesaw Rainbow was sent flying "Applejaaaaack!" Rainbow yelled out flying

"You're welcome!" Applejack yelled out

Meanwhile Twilight and Ladybug were reading how to make stubborn ponies sleep

"Still nothing" Ladybug said

"Yeah, it's not like things could get any worse" Twilight said

Suddenly Rainbow ended up smashing against the railing

"Way to be a buzzkill" Ladybug said

"Sorry" Twilight apologized before turning to Rainbow Dash "Can I help you?" Twilight asked

"I think somepony else needs your help" Rainbow grunted

"Applejack?" Twilight asked

"Yep" Rainbow said

"Alright then let's go there" Ladybug suggested

Then Ladybug and Twilight freed Rainbow before going to Sweet Apple Acres

Meanwhile Applejack was still holding on strong and kicking Apples off the trees but when they fell onto the ground Applejack reached for them to put them into the basket but when she pulls her face up she ended up hitting a tree branch she ended up shaking and making cymbal sounds which Cat Noir heard since he was nearby

"Are you okay Applejack?" Cat Noir asked

"Ah sure am, now let me continue" Applejack said

Then Applejack turned behind her back to see Ladybug and Twilight standing there a bit worried and confused

"Applejack, can we talk?" Twilight asked

But Applejack didn't understand her so she shaked her right ear

"Applejack, can we talk?" Twilight asked once again

"Can bees squawk?! I don't think so!" Applejack yelled out

"No! We need to talk to you?" Ladybug said

"Twenty stalks? Bean or celery?"Applejack asked

"No! We want to talk to you!" Cat Noir tried

"You need to walk to the zoo? Well, who's stopping you?" Applejack asked

Then Ladybug face slapped before

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled throwing the yo-yo up before an trumpet appeared "I think I know what to do!" Ladybug said before putting the small part of the trumpet in her ear "WE NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!!" Ladybug yelled out as the ground shook and Applejack made an cymbal noise once again

"Jeez! Calm down will ya!" Applejack suggested "Anyway why didn't you two say so?" Applejack asked

"We tried chicken!" Ladybug said

Then Applejack glared at her before continuing

"What do you two wanna talk about?" Applejack asked

"Rainbow Dash dropped in to see us today" Twilight said

"That's quite neighborly of her" Applejack said

"Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air" Twilight said

"Oh, yeah. I wasn't quite feeling myself this morning" Applejack said

"Yeah after all she knocked herself against a tree branch and made a loud cymbal noise" Cat Noir said

"Like the thing she did when I yelled?" Ladybug asked

"Yep also the shaking is a yep" Cat Noir said

"Why'd you ask by the way?" Applejack asked

"Because you're working too hard and you need help" Twilight struggled to answer

"What? Kelp? I don't need kelp, I don't even like seaweed" Applejack said

"HELP! You need HELP! Ladybug yelled out in Applejack's ear from the big part of the trumpet

Then Applejack glared at Ladybug again before answering

"Nothin' doin', Twilight. I'm gonna prove to you, t'everypony, that I can do this on my own" Applejack said before hitting the same tree branch again "Ow!" Applejack yelped

"Are you okay Applejack?" Cat Noir asked

"Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go help Pinkie Pie" Applejack said walking off

Then Twilight sighed

"I'll go keep her safe" Cat Noir suggested

"Good, if anything goes wrong call me" Ladybug said pointing to her yo-yo

"I will" Cat Noir suggested

back in Sugarcube Corner we see Applejack and Cat Noir standing with Pinkie Pie

"Now Pinkie Pie, are you sure you're up for baking the muffins and running the store this afternoon?" Mrs. Cake asked

"Yes siree bob, Mrs. Cake '' Pinkie answered "I have Ponyville's prized pony and Paris' prized hero to help me out. Why, they're the best bakers ever" Pinkie said before turning to the two "Right, guys?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah, but Marinette can do better" Cat Noir said

"Who's Marinette?" Mrs. Cake asked

"A friend of mine" Cat Noir said

"Okay then, be sure to invite her sometime" Mrs. Cake suggested

"That's the thing, she has shyness, she's shy around other ponies or people" Cat Noir said

"Oh okay" Mr. Cake said "What about you Applejack?" Mr. Cake asked before Applejack shook her head "No? You're not the best baker ever?" Ms. Cake asked

"WHAT? Oh no! I mean, don't you fret. I can bake anything from fritters to pies in the blink of an eye" Applejack said

Then Mrs. Cake sighed before she and Mr. Cake walked while saying something

"All right, Well, see you later, girls!" Mrs. Cake waved while walking out the door with Mr. Cake

Then Applejack started shaking her head multiple times before Pinkie held her

"Stop with the shakin', it's time to get bakin'" Pinkie said

When Pinkie and Applejack arrived in the kitchen Pinkie started reading how to make muffins

"All right-y! I'll get the sugar and the eggs. Can you get me some chocolate chips?" Pinkie asked

Then the screen moved to Applejack who was sleeping before being tapped awake by Cat Noir

"What was that?" Applejack asked

"Chocolate Chips" Pinkie said slowly

"Chips... Got it. Tater chips, a little salty and dry" Applejack said pulling out the chips "Okie-dokie. What's next?" Applejack asked getting the tater chips in the bowl

"Baking soda" Pinkie said slowly

"Soda. Perfect. That'll get the tater chips nice and wet" Applejack said, pulling out the soda Now what?" Applejack asked getting the soda into the bowl

"A cup of flour" Pinkie suggested

"A cup of' sour?" Applejack asked before continuing "Well, lemons sure are sour" Applejack said while putting some lemons in a bowl with a can "Anything else Pinkie?" Applejack asked

"One last thing. Wheat germ" Pinkie answered

"Wheat worms?" Applejack asked "Oh, that must be fancy talk for earthworms" Applejack said before trotting outside and digging up worms before putting it in a bowl

"Now that's gonna be delicious" Pinkie said

"If you say so" Applejack said worriedly

"Alright time to bake these" Cat Noir said finishing eating an apple

Later we see all the muffins baked nice and dry and being disguised as a real muffin

"Free muffin sample spectacular" Pinkie said

"Mmm, muffins" A few ponies said

"Yeah! Muffin spectacular! Get 'em while they're still hot" Applejack said worriedly

A few hours later we saw Twilight, Spike and Ladybug with Nurse Redheart standing in front of an outside hospital

"We came as soon as we heard" Twilight said worriedly

"Tell us what happened" Ladybug suggested worriedly

"Oh thank you, guys. We need all the help we can get" Nurse Redheart said facing the other ponies who all seemed green on their faces especially Cat Noir

"Cat!" Ladybug called out running towards him

"I did say nothing could stop me but I guess disgusting food can" Cat Noir said

"Can you give us any help by telling me what happened?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah, Applejack and Pinkie went to bake some food and I didn't watch so maybe you should ask Pinkie for more help" Cat Noir said

"Hold on, you didn't watch Applejack?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah, I thought she was in good hooves, get it, because Pinkie is in" Cat Noir said before realizing something before barfing "Yeah she wasn't sorry" Cat Noir said

"It's alright, but next time be more careful" Ladybug said before going back "We now know what happened don't we?" Ladybug said

"Yes and we need to talk to that one pony" Twilight said

"Applejack!" Ladybug and Twilight said together

Then the screen got back before noticing Spike taking a bite of the baked bads before showing it to Twilight

"Want one?" Spike asked

"Of course, I want all of them" Ladybug said before Spike gave the baked bads to Ladybug as Ladybug threw them away

"Wh-- Why don't you want them?" Spike asked

"Because they're gross now come on we're going to Sweet Apple Acres" Ladybug said in anger

Meanwhile Applejack was still working on Sweet Apple Acres and kicking apple trees before she fell asleep and when she did an apple knocked on her head waking her up then she went and brought the carriage to the bucket between two mountains but as she went back she got pulled upside down as she then fell asleep once again

"Applejack, we need to talk" Twilight said in worry

Then Applejack gasped in shock waking up

"Oh, it's you, Twilight" Applejack said yawning before continuing "I know what you're gonna say, but the answer is still no" Applejack said

"Not to upset your applecart, but you need help" Twilight said

"Yeah, Rainbow first crashed on Twilight's balcony because of your uncertainness and then you made everypony plus Cat Noir sick" Ladybug said in anger

"Hardy har" Applejack mumbled while shaking her hooves struggling to get free before talking again "And no I don't" Applejack said

"Here, let us help" Twilight said as she and Ladybug started going for the applecart

"Help? No thanks" Applejack said before using her hooves to struggle out of the apple cart while grunting "A little more..." Applejack said as Twilight and Ladybug started at each other with an dumbfounded face "Little..." Applejack said before she fell down into the Apple bucket as Twilight face slapped "There" Applejack said

"Did that hurt?" Ladybug asked

"No it didn't, now I'll prove that this apple can handle these apples'' Applejack said as she then started kicking a tree "Come on..." Applejack said while kicking the tree "apples..." Applejack said again while still kicking the tree "Fall off" Applejack said while continuing to kick an apple tree

"Applejack" Ladybug called out but Applejack didn't listen

"AJ, think you're beating a dead... tree" Twilight said dumbfounded as Applejack looked up seeing a dead tree with one leaf falling off it

"I knew that" Applejack said walking off

Then Twilight and Ladybug followed her

"Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about. I just came back from Ponyville Urgent Care and---" Twilight started before Applejack cut her off

"You know, I'm a little busy getting lectured right now. Twilight" Applejack said

"But if you'd just let me help---" Twilight started before Applejack cut her off again

"Ugh. No, no, NO! How many times do I have to say it? I don't need no help from nopony!" Applejack said walking away

"Ugh. That pony is so stubborn as a mule" Twilight said

"I agree" Ladybug said

Then an Mule coughed before both Twilight and Ladybug looked at him

"No offense" Twilight said

"None taken" The Mule said

Then the Mule walked off

"Do I have to ask?" Ladybug asked in a weirded out expression

"No" Twilight answered in an weirded out expression

Meanwhile Applejack was with Fluttershy as the two were walking towards the bunnies' playgrounds with Winona at Applejack's tow

"Oh Applejack! Thank you so much for offering your herding skills for the annual rabbit roundup" Fluttershy thanked

"Ugh. Why are we doin' this?" Applejack asked grumpily

"Well, lots of baby bunnies have been born, so it's my job to get a count of all the new families" Fluttershy explained

"Fine. Can we just get on with it?" Applejack asked grumpily

"Certainly, but remember, these are bunnies we're dealing with, not cows. They're a timid bunch and need to be treated gently

"I do NOT need any directions on corrallin' critters. Right, Winona?" Applejack asked as Winona barked after that making the bunnies' heads tilt up

"Okay, little bunnies! I need you to all gather here in the middle" Fluttershy suggested

"That's right! Let's go, bunnies. In the center. Hop to it" Applejack strictly suggested as the bunnies started running "Swell. Just swell. Put 'em up, Winona!" Applejack suggested as Winona and Applejack ran after the rabbits but when the bunnies wanted to hide Winona jumped into the bushes as they ran away

"Applejack! Winona! Stop! You're scaring them" Fluttershy called out but Applejack and Winona didn't listen

"We know what we're doin'. Get along, little bunnies" Applejack called out while running

But when the bunnies were in a dead end between the railings, Applejack and Winona, Applejack and Winona angrily walked up to them

"Oh no" Fluttershy said in worry and fear as then Applejack and Winona scared them so hard they ran towards Ponyville

Just then the ground shook again in Ponyville

"STAMPEDE!" Rainbow yelled out once more as the Ponies then started running and hiding while bunnies came running

"Now what!" Ladybug yelled out as bunnies came running APPLEJACK!!!" Ladybug yelled out as every creature in Equestria heard it as then a lot of other creatures came

"M'lady! What's going on?" Cat Noir asked as soon as he got better

"Look!" Ladybug said

"Relax, bugaboo, Applejack's gonna save us" Cat Noir said

"Any moment now" Cat Noir said

"Come on Applejack" Cat Noir called out

"When's she coming" Cat Noir asked

"Applejack you better come or else---" Cat Noir said before he and Ladybug got trampled by bunnies

"Seriously!" Ladybug called out

Meanwhile Twilight was walking down the streets and humming before she ended up at the scene of the hurt ponies and people who got trampled

"Ow! That hurt!" Ladybug said

"First my stomach, and now everything!" Cat Noir yelled out

"What happened here?" Twilight asked

"Applejack, is up to it again" Ladybug said before going unconscious as Twilight used her magic to fix both Ladybug and Cat Noir

"There we go" Twilight said

"Thanks Twilight" Cat Noir said

"Now let's go stop Applejack before there's more havoc" Ladybug said

"Okay" Twilight said

"While you do that why don't I and Fluttershy bring those animals to where they really belong" Cat Noir said

"Okay, thanks Cat" Ladybug said

Then Cat Noir went to Fluttershy who was struggling to get the animals back together

"Oh my, Oh... Please stop, little bunnies. Oh no! Please, let's go home. Oh my goodness" Fluttershy struggled

Then Ladybug and Twilight looked at each other in anger from Applejack

"Enough is enough" Twilight said

"I agree" Ladybug said

Meanwhile Applejack was continuing to kick apple trees and got to the last one

"Must... Keep... Buckin'... Just... A few... more. Must... finish harvestin'" Applejack said between gasps before Twilight and Ladybug came

"All right, Applejack. your applebucking hasn't just caused you problems, it's over-propelled pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies and Cat Noir, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies" Twilight said

"Not to mention hurting plenty of ponies, Cat Noir and I, even though I yelled so loud other creatures came, but that's not the point..." Ladybug started before continuing with Twilight

"I don't care what you say you,. Need. Help!" Ladybug and Twilight yelled out together

"Ha! No, I don't" Applejack said kicking the apple tree again as the apples fell out of it "Look, I did it. I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d'ya like them apples?" Applejack asked in victory

Just then Big Mac walked by before saying something

"Um, how do you like them Apples?" Big Mac asked pointing to the other side of Sweet Apple Acres

"Where'd all the apples...?" Applejack asked before falling on the ground in defeat as apples fell out of the basket

Then Ladybug pulled the basket out of Applejack's back before rolling Applejack onto her back

"Applejack. Applejack" Twilight said

"Hold on she's waking up" Ladybug said

Then Applejack's eyes opened

"Huh?" Applejack asked

"Oh, good, you're okay. Now Applejack, we completely respect the apple family ways. You're always there to help a pony in need, so maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you" Twilight said

"And if you don't I will have to ask Applejack to cataclysm you" Ladybug said

"Okay, Twilight and Ladybug" Applejack said

"We're not gonna take 'no' for an answer---" Twilight started before she stopped after realizing something "What?"Twilight asked

"Yes, Twilight, yes, please. I could really use your help" Applejack said

"Well that's a relief" Ladybug said before pulling Applejack back up

Then Twilight chuckles before sighing

A few hours later the Mane 8 and Spike we're together working on kicking all apples off the trees, Rainbow and Pinkie did it the apple family way by kicking the trees and putting it in a basket, Spike kicked the apple trees as Fluttershy and Rarity brought apples to the farm, Twilight uses her magic to pull the apples off the trees, Cat Noir slapped his stick on the tree before apples fell off it and Ladybug used her yo-yo and slapping it on the Apple trees before apples fell off it

"Dear Princess Celestia, My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while Friendship is about giving ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer, your faithful students, Ladybug and Twilight Sparkle" Twilight wrote

Just then Applejack walked by with Apple Juice

""How about y'all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya!" Applejack said as everyone went to her "Guys, I can't thank ya enough for this help. I was acting a bit stubborn" Applejack said

"A bit?" Twilight asked unsure

"Okay. A mite stubborn, and I'm awfully sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the Prized Pony award but the real award is having you seven as my friends" Applejack said

Then Spike walked by as Rainbow started talking

"Phew! That applebucking sure made me hungry" Rainbow said

Just then Spike pulled out the disgusting muffins

"And I've got the perfect treat" Spike said

"Eeew.... Spike I threw those all away. Where'd you get them?" Ladybug asked

"From the trash" Spike answered

"There's more?" Pinkie asked in shock

"Yep, sorry I didn't tell you guys" Spike said

Then everyone started walking off ready to applebuck again

"Just a nibble? Come on" Spike said

"Hold on, I've got an idea" Ladybug said as she threw Spike into the air "Now to transform back and back to normal" Ladybug said

[The End]