• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

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Episode 16: The Pharaoh

Our Episode starts with Alya filming for the Ladyblog

"Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris" Alya announced "Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog" Alya greeted before an airplane was heard flying over "Huh? What is that?" Alya asked turning up before seeing Ladybug tangling on the helicopter while our friends followed before a book fell to the ground "Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride" Alya said before picking up the book "Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student?" Alya theorized before the screen moved back showing our heroes in Marinette's room "In real life? Whoa!" Alya said in shock

"I told you from day one Tikki, I'm a total klutz!" Marinette said worriedly

"What's done is done; we can't change what happened. We can only move forward. Alya must not find out who you are. You know how persistent she can be with her blog totally dedicated to Ladybug" Tikki said

"But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Ladybug thing" Marinette said sadly

"You are the chosen one, Marinette. It will all work out, trust me. Everyone has a past they can learn from" Tikki said before going to the computer and typing on it before an picture of ancient egypt appeared "This will show you why" Tikki said

"An exhibition at the Louvre? On the pharaoh Tutankhamun? What does that have to do with my book and Alya?" Marinette asked

You must persuade Alya to go there with you, and make sure she brings the book. You'll tell her you found out something about Ladybug" Tikki suggested

"At the museum?" Marinette asked confused

"You'll see!" Tikki answered assuringly

"Well, I don't know how I'm going to convince Alya to go to an egyptian Exhibit, much less convince her that I'm not Ladybug!" Marinette said worriedly

"She will be interested, and so will you. Promise" Tikki promised

"Well, I'm staying here 'cause I don't like museums and such they're all boring so boring that you'd probably be a nerd about it" Rainbow said

"Rainbow, if you want Alya to trust us you'd better come" Rarity said

"Fine, but just this once" Rainbow ordered

"We will, we promise" Twilight said

"Alright, then let's go get Alya and see what she has to say" Rainbow said proudly

A few hours later our heroes and Alya arrived at the bus stop at the Louvre as Alya continued to ramble on and about

"Can you believe it? All I gotta do is find who this history book belongs to and BAM, I figure out Ladybug's true identity! I'm so on this one!" Alya said excitingly

"I'm excited too, I've never been to museums, except the last time I went there was about farms and that was soo boooring!!!" Pinkie said excited

"I'm sure you will like this one" Applejack assured

Then Pinkie nodded as they walked down the street

When arriving in the Louvre they walked down the stairs

"You really think you could figure out who Ladybug is from a textbook tha every high School student owns?" Marinette asked

"Yep, 'cause our School is the only School that uses that book! HA! So, all I gotta do is find out which student in tenth grade lost her student book last week There are forty-three girls, not counting myself" Alya said

"How about you let us do it" Twilight said

"Agreed, it would be dumb if someone does something stupid with the book" Applejack said

"Yeah, like someone uses this to fake them being Ladybug" Spike said

"That's right Spike" Fluttershy said in agreement

"Thirty-two! Not counting you... And us" Marinette said before Alya playfully pumped Alya on the belly

"Hmm, yesterday somebody didn't have their textbook in class" Alya said

"Uh--- I left it at home, you know how I always forget my stuff" Marinette said

"Or Derpy" Twilight thought

Then Alya glared at Marinette and Twilight before laughing

"Just messing with you two, Marinette and Twilight. Of course I'll drop you from my Investigation when you bring your history book back to class" Alya said

"You'd better do it then" Twilight whispered to Marinette which Alya luckily didn't hear

Just then our heroes arrived at the egyptian section as they all looked around in awe

"Wow! This is so pretty!" Pinkie said

"This looks like a real Parisian museum" Twilight said

"Agreed" Rainbow said in agreement

Just then a guy ran by before pushing the two aside as the papers fell before he slid down and caught an object and when turning around the heroes saw he's a guy with short brown hair which goes to the upper side of his neck, he wears weird black glasses and He wears glasses, an orange scarf, a scarab pendant, a white shirt with a golden Eye of Horus on it, a grayish-green jacket, light yellowish gray jeans and sandals

"It's not broken!" The guy said

"Uh, I'm okay too, thanks for asking" Alya thanked sarcastically

"I agree, you should look where you're going" Rainbow said

"Yeah someone could've been seriously hurt" Twilight said

"I'm sorry" the guy said turning around before seeing the heroes in front of his face "Hey, you're in the same grade as Alix, right?" The guy asked

"Uh, yeah, why?" Rarity asked

"I'm her older brother, Jalil Kubdel. So you're into Tutankhamun too?" Jalil asked

"Oh, no we're not, we just wanted to see how Ladybug was birthed" Twilight answered

"And it's going well for now" Applejack said in agreement

Then Jalil looked up before seeing Alix's Dad in the distance

"Dad!" Jalil called out

Then Jalil ran towards Alix's Dad as our heroes turned into the distance

"Weird" Alya said before turning to Twilight and Marinette "So again girls, why are we here? Thix exhibit's got something to do with Ladybug? For reals?" Alya asked while going to the scepter

"Well, uh..." Marinette started as she looked at Tikki in her purse who pointed to the painting somewhere on a wall as Marinette and her friends ran towards Alya who was looking at some sort of scepter "Yeah, it's over there" Marinette ansswered pulling Alya to the wall as she then started thinking and making all sorts of noises as Rainbow, Pinkie and Alya got bored

"This is so boring!" Rainbow said yawning

"For once, I agree" Pinkie said

Meanwhile inside Adrien's home, Adrien was watching the Ladyblog too

"Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride" Alya said before picking up the book "Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, in real life? Whoa!" Alya said in shock and awe

Then Adrien stopped the clip and got worried

"That's crazy! What are the odds we have the same textbook? Maybe we even go to the same School!" Adrien said in shock

"Don't you think you know her then?" Plagg asked while eating cheese "Why bother yourself with the ladies when you could be enjoying this?" Plagg asked eating the next camembert

"For one, ladies smell a thousand times better than that cheese. And they're much better looking" Adrien said

"Suit yourself, your loss" Plagg said

Then Plagg at the camembert like a pig

"My only loss is my appetite" Adrien said sadly

Then Adrien continued to watch the Ladyblog

Meanwhile back in the museum Rainbow almost fell asleep on Applejack's shoulder before Alya moved to the front of the others

"Come on, tell me what it is already!" Alya ordered angrily getting bored

"No, no, 'cause... It wouldn't be a suprise then" Marinette said before turning around and looking at her purse "For you or me" Marinette said confused as both she and Tikki started at the painting

And while our heroes stared at the painting Jalil and his dad were talking

"I'm telling you, father. It's right there in the hieroglyphics" Jalil said walking towards the drawings before pushing Marinette against Twilight who bumped into Applejack and so forth as our heroes turned to Jalil and his dad "Excuse me" Jalil apologized before continuing to talk "There, as you know, the one with the scepter is Tutankhamun, the first. And there, opposing is Nefertiti, his princess. There are exactly one hundred mummies beside them. She died several years before him, and the sun god Ra took her as his goddess" Jalil explained

"I have a question, where in it is Ladybug?" Twilight asked

"That is the question, Twilight, once Ra started her job as goddess the previous Ladybug fled and never came back so it's unknown where she was after Ra's rule and no one has seen her since a few months ago" Jalil answered

"Ah think that was another Ladybug and not the same one" Applejack thought

"That's what everyone thinks, but some still believe she's somewhere in Egypt and comes every once in a while to save Paris" Jalil said

"Whoa! That's a great story!" Fluttershy said

"I agree darling, but wouldn't she have to be millions of years old if she does" Rarity asked

"That's the question no one wonders to ask" Jalil answered

"Oh okay" Rarity said

"And still, yes, I know that. I'm the director of this exhibition, remember?" Alix's Dad asked

Then you also know that Tutankhamun wanted to bring his Princess back to life, by offering the sun goddess a new wife. This seemed to illustrate a ritual he devised. Nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics, but I have! It's a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual! I'm sure of it!" Jalil said

"He kinda reminds me of of someone people with crazy ideas... You two Pinkie and Alya!" Marinette said

"Wha?! I'm crazy?" Pinkie asked not even listening to the conversation as the others laughed making Pinkie realize what happened "I'm not crazy!" Pinkie yelled out

"You sure aren't" Spike said

"You might think my theories about Ladybug are crazy, but you watch, girl, I'll prove you wrong" Alya said

"Jalil, these types of frescoes are almost always the illustration for a legend. They called it a legend for a reason" Alix's Dad said angrily

Then Alix's Dad turned around and left before Jalil pulled him by the arm

"That's what everyone think. But I know it's real. I can prove it!" Jalil said

"Really? Exactly how are you going to prove it?" Alix's Dad asked

"I just need to get my hands on Tutankhamun's scepter and recite the spell!" Jalil said going to the scepter and reaching for it before Jalil grabbed his hand and stopped him

"Are you serious? Doon't even think of touching that scepter. I'd lose my job on the spot. It's a priceless historical object! Not a toy!" Alix's Dad said angrily walking off

Then Twilight and the others stared at each other in worry as Jalil ran after his dad

"Come on, Dad! We have to try out the spell! What if Tutankhamun had found out how to bring people back to life?" Jalil asked

"Listen, Jalil! That's enough! Get your head out of those Papyrus scrolls and focus on the real world! This one!" Alix's Dad said in anger

Then Jalil dropped the papers in sadness before closing his eyes in silence

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair the window opened as Hawk Moth stood there with pride

"There's nothing wrong with living out a fantasy. Especially when I can make it a reality" Hawk Moth said before a butterfly got to the palm of his hand as he puts the other hand on top turning the butterfly into an Akuma "Fly away little Akuma and evilize him" Hawk Moth said "Fly away little akuma, and transform that young man

Meanwhile our heroes continued to think of any possible things that could show Ladybug's truth but didn't get any

"Can we go back now, it's useless!" Rainbow said getting more bored than ever

Then Alya yawned before looking in her back and picking the book someone lost before Marinette yelped and puts it back in

"I'm gonna show you the secret I found about Ladybug!" Marinette said

'Bout time. This better be blog worthy" Alya said

"Just tell what you heard about Jalil" Twilight whispered

Speaking of Jalil, Jalil then went outside the museum and sat down on a fountain railing in sadness before an Akuma came and hits Jalil's pendant

"Pharaoh, I am Hawk Moth. I have endowned you with the magical powers of the ancient gods. You must do me a favor in return for this gift" Hawk Moth ordered

"My precious Nefertiti will come back to life!" Jalil said proudly

Then he turned into a tall and muscular creature, his pupil-less eyes are glowing pale, light grayish cyan and his skin is roseish black, like the ancient dioritic statues of the pharaohs. He wears golden bands on his wrists, ankles and biceps, a golden mask (which resembles Tutankhamun's funerary mask) with a nemes, a fake beard and a cobra on the top, a golden shendyt (a kilt-like garment) and two necklaces. One necklace has three lines of beads (alternating light blue and white) connected by golden pieces. The second necklace is his old scarab pendant that considerably changes after getting Akumatized: it becomes light blue, flat and winged and has a sun disk above its head

Meanwhile our heroes were still at the wall as Marinette continued to struggle to say something

"This thing's making my eyes hurt" Alya said yawning

Then Alya reached for the book again before Marinette stopped her and made her turn to the wall

"Look closely! It's in there" Marinette started

Suddenly whistling sound was heard as our heroes turned their heads before seeing a creature as a guard walked in front of him

"Hey, you!" The guard called out

"Thoth, give me time!" The creature called out

Then the creature's face turned into one of a tiger or something before it uses it's magic to put the guard and a few other people into time bubbles while Marinette and Alya dodged them while our heroes used all they could to run away before getting trapped as Spike used his teeth to free them before they escaped causing Marinette and Alya to be alone before Alya pulled out her phone and ran off

"Alya, hide!" Marinette called out

Just then a balloon flew towards her which she dodged causing it to explode as Alya hid behind a steel glass while filming the entire scene as the creature brought the capture humans up in bubbles

"Get out of here, faster!" The creature ordered

Then the creature motioned with his hands to send the two people put of the room before walking to the wall where the paper was as Marinette escaped from his sight before opening her purse

"Time to transform!" Marinette suggested to Tikki

Then we saw Alya still blogging while whispering quietly

"OMG. Coming to you live, Ladyblog viewers, I'm at the scene even before Ladybug and Cat Noir, this is insane!" Alya blogged whisperingly

Then the screen backed off showing Adrien shocked with Plagg talking for him

"Wow! I love the face changes! You could use that one!" Plagg said

"Time to transform!" Adrien called out

Meanwhile back at the scene of the battle we saw the creature at the wall where the writing stood as the creature levitated the piece of paper and scepter to him before Ladybug rolled towards the creature as she stood at the ready

"You know that's considered stealing" Ladybug said

"Actually, I'm taking back what rightfully belongs to me" The creature said

"Maybe if you were the real Pharaoh" Ladybug said before readying her yo-yo "Which you're not!" Ladybug said

"Look at Ladybug go!" Alya said in awe "If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up!" Alya suggested as Ladybug tried to move her away "Ladybug waved at me! No way!" Alya said in shock

Then Ladybug threw the yo-yo at the creature before the creature caught the yo-yo and spun her around before Ladybug flew against a wall and fell down

Sekhmet, give me your strength!" The creature ordered

Then the creature's face turned into a lion before our heroes including Cat Noir appeared

"How nice of you to hold the door open for me" Cat Noir thanked

Then Cat Noir jumped for the creature who then held his face and threw him against a coffin

"Enjoy your coffin!" The creature said angrily

"Oh no you don't!" Rarity called out

Then Rarity used her fists as a ninja fighter before fighting her as our other heroes sneakingly went to Ladybug and pulled her up before Rarity threw the creature away as she then ran towards the others who stood there in shock and awe

"This is hecka crazy! Keep your eyes peeled!" Alya called as then the creature stood in front of her as she pulled her head up "Hiya!" Alya greeted

Just then the creature gripped Alya's face and bowed down to her

"Your face, fate has placed you on my path, come with me!" The pharaoh ordered

Then the creature place Alya onto his shoulder

"Let her go!" Twilight ordered

Then the creature forcefully kicked Twilight on the heart as she went flying against her friend and onto a wall

"He has a strong hit!" Twilight groaned

"Are ya alright, do ya need to rest?" Applejack asked

"No, I got this, I am a strong gal!" Twilight said

Then Twilight forcefully stood up

"You might be weaker but if you want to help that's fine but let us know if you want to stop" Rainbow suggested

"I will, I promise" Twilight said

Then the creature walked off

"Hey! hands off my threads. I can walk myself!" Alya called out

When the creature walked off Applejack, Rainbow and Ladybug all worked together to pull off the lid of the coffin before it opened as Cat Noir got out

"Let her go!" Ladybug called out

Then the creature turned around

"Hiding behind an innocent bystander! You're weak, Pharaoh!" Cat Noir called out

"I'm way more powerful than you are" The creature said

Then the creature closed the gates before walking off as our heroes tried to open it

"And don't forget! All the latest behind-the-scenes are on my blog!" Alya called out

Then Alya winked as Cat Noir turned towards Ladybug

"That Alya is one brave chick" Cat Noir said

"If by brave, you mean bossy, feisty and bold? Yup, that's her! Come on, get us out of here, Cat Noir!" Ladybug ordered

Then Cat Noir used his skills to break the poles of the cage as it fell down and when it did our heroes ran after Alya and the creature with Twilight following behind as Spike pulled her along with him before they stopped

"How are we gonna find them?" Cat Noir asked

"Alya got a livestream on her blog!" Ladybug answered

"And it seems she's almost at the entrance of the museum" Rainbow said

"Hi everyone! Alya here, liveblogging from the shoulder of the terrifying villain! Huge scoop to come, stay tuned!" Alya announced

"Uhh, you guys go on ahead. I'll join you guys as soon as my miraculous is charged up again" Cat Noir said

"Hurry up. It's gonna take all of us to defeat him" Ladybug said

Then our heroes splitted ways

Meanwhile the creature along with Alya got outside where a lot of people were watching before the creature dropped Alya onto the ground

"Hey!" Alya called out

"On to the next phase" The creature suggested before "Anubis, bring me mummies!" The creature called out as then the face of the creature turned into one of a Kangaroo before he shot lasers at other people turning them into mummies "Soon, we'll be together again, my Nefertiti! My long-lost love!" The creature said

"This is gonna be one major scoop!" Alya said before starting her phone and showing pulling it to the Pharaoh before tapping him "Uh, excuse me, Pharaoh, but, uh, what exactly is going on here?" Alya asked

"I'm going to carry out the secret spell to bring Nefertiti back!" The Pharaoh answered

"Ahh, hmmm. Gotcha! You're talking about the spell on the papyrus, right?" Alya asked

"Correct! The one hundred mummies and the offering!" The Pharaoh answered

"Offering. What offering?" Alya asked

"To persuade the sun god Ra to give me my sweet princess, I must give him something in return. A pure soul!" The Pharaoh answered

"Dude, that's hard to come by" Alya said

"But I've already found her!" The Pharaoh said before holding Alya's chin while also unscrolling the papyrus "You look so much like her!" The Pharaoh said

Then Alya and the Pharaoh turned to the papyrus which made Alya gasp in shock

"Say what?!" Alya asked in shock

Then the Pharaoh cackled manically

Meanwhile Ladybug was continuing to run to save Alya

"Hold on, Alya!" Ladybug ordered before getting trapped into a time bubble "Whoa! Oh, no, I ran right into one of those time bubbles!" Ladybug gasped in shock "I've got to get out of this!" Ladybug said in slow mode from outside the bubble

Then Spike ran towards her and tried to bite the bubble into pieces but failing

"I'll get some help" Spike said

"Okay" Ladybug said worriedly

"Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it" Spike said

Then Spike left as Ladybug turned to her yo-yo

"Ladybug, this is Alya! I just found out I'm the sacrificial offering to the sun god! Please hurry!" Alya suggested

"Hold on, Alya" Ladybug suggested as then Ladybug started running in slow motion "I'm nearly there!"Ladybug called out

Meanwhile Adrien was detransformed in another room with Plagg as Plagg taunted the former

"Oh, do you seriously think this mumbo-jumbo with the sun and mummy stuff is gonna work?" Plagg asked

Then Adrien stood back up glaring angrily at Adrien

"You have no respect. Your batteries are charged up enough!" Adrien said before "Plagg, Claws Out!" Adrien called out

The whole time Spike was watching as his mouth dropped in shock

"Should I tell the others?" Spike thought before shaking the thought off "No, I should keep it hidden for now" Spike thought

When Adrien finished transforming into Cat Noir Spike ran into the room

"Everything okay Spike?" Cat Noir asked

"No! Ladybug's stuck in a bubble!" Spike answered

"We gotta save her" Cat Noir said before

After getting his Cataclysm ready Spike and Cat Noir ran towards Ladybug before Cat Noir used his Cataclysm to free her and when she was about to fall Cat Noir caught him

"Thanks for waiting around for me!" Cat Noir thanked

"No problem!" Ladybug said before she, Cat Noir and Spike ran up the stairs "We've gotta find the hidden akuma and free it before he sacrifices that poor girl!" Ladybug suggested before they hid behind a railing of the front door "I can't see her or Pharaoh" Ladybug said worriedly

Then Spike circled his fire breath around the three before they teleported onto a roof as they then ran towards the edge

"Over there!" Cat Noir answered

Then Ladybug turned towards Spike

"Do you know where the others are?" Ladybug asked

"No, they should be coming anyminute" Spike answered

"Did you call for us?" A voice asked

Then Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir turned around and saw the Mane Six along with the 5 Background Ponies before they all jumped next to each other

Meanwhile Alya was struggling to free herself before noticing the Ladybug picture on the papyrus as he pulled her phone out of her mouth and turned to the Pharaoh

"Whoa, back up! Who's that goddess chick with the black spots?! There, on your papyrus!" Alya asked

"Ladybug, my sworn enemy! My nemesis may have kept me from carrying out my ritual 5000 years ago, but she will not stop Nefertiti from coming back to me this time!" The Pharaoh answered

"Did you say... Ladybug 5000 years ago?!" Alya asked in shock

Meanwhile our heroes were listening before dropping their jaws in shock as Rainbow being even more shocked that she was a friend of someone from 5000 years ago

"Wait! You came from 5000 years ago?!" Rainbow asked in shock

"No that's not true, if it was why would I be shocked?" Ladybug asked

"True" Rainbow said even more stunned

"But everyone does have a past they can learn from" Ladybug said

"Yes, we all do" Twilight said

"Well, you don't look a day over 3000" Cat Noir said

"Now you know why I'm so much wiser than you" Ladybug said

Then Ladybug turned her head away proudly as some of her friends snickered

"Good one Ladybug" Lyra said

"Oh, sacred Ra, god of the sun, I Pharaoh, offer to thee a pure soul! The sacrifice for the return of Nefertiti!" The Pharaoh called out as the light got from the scepter to the Louvre "I bow to you, and present this gift with my mummies! In company, we pray to you the safe return of princess Nefertiti! Awaken, Nefertiti! Awaken! Awaken, Nefertiti! Awaken!" The Pharaoh chanted

"Oh no, girls, boys look!" Vinyl said in shock and worry

Then our heroes turned to the sky as they saw the light going to the air and making dark clouds

"Awaken, Nefertiti... Awaken!" The Mummies called out

Then all mummies started chanting

"We gotta do something" Fluttershy said

"Yes and fast" Rarity said worriedly

Then our heroes turned to Ladybug

"Ladybug!" Alya called out

"We've gotta save her before he completes the ritual, or Alya will be gone, forever!" Ladybug suggested

"What should we do?" Cat Noir asked

"Hold back the mummies while I take on the Pharaoh" Ladybug answered

"We know a thing or two about distracting" Pinkie said

"but why do I have to deal with these freaks while you get to slip calmly round back?" Cat Noir asked

"Because I'm the only one who can capture his akuma, and because you are the bravest one out of all of us!" Ladybug answered

"Sure" Cat Noir said

"I know you don't really think that, but I'll pretend you do" Cat Noir said angrily

"How much you like it or not I'll help you save Alya" Twilight said

"Twilight, I know you want to help but you had a big hit so you should rest" Ladybug said

"But---" Twilight started before

"No buts, come on everyone!" Ladybug called out

"Girls, boys!!!" Twilight called out

But our heroes didn't listen as they jumped off the roof and to another spot

"Awaken, Nefertiti, Awaken... Awaken, Nefertiti, Awaken..." The mummies meanwhile chanted

Just then Cat Noir got to a lantern pole

"Hey there, you bunch of bandages! What do you say we wrap this up!" Cat Noir suggested

"That was purrtastic!" Pinkie said

"Attack!" Applejack called out

"Heroes!" Alya called out in shock and happiness

"Seize him!" The Pharaoh ordered

Then our heroes attacked and distracted a few mummies while Cat Noir pounces to other lanterns

"Is that really as fast as you can go?" Cat Noir asked

Then our heroes got trampled as the mummies charged for Cat Noir

"Wait, this looks... like a trap!" The Pharaoh called out in shock

Meanwhile Ladybug stood on a roof while throwing her yo-yo on the other before swinging and saving Alya

"Gotcha!" Ladybug called out

"Horus, give me your wings!" The Pharaoh ordered

Then the Pharaoh's face turned into one of an eagle

Meanwhile Ladybug and Alya were on a roof as Alya filmed Ladybug

"Peeps, you just witnessed another insane feat from Ladybug! Thanks for saving my butt!" Alya thanked

"Oh, uh, you're welcome. But it's not over yet. Not until--" Ladybug started before Alya interupted

"Not until Ladybug destroys the pendant containing the akuma, and turns everything back to normal! I pay attention" Alya said

Then Ladybug gasped in shock and realization

"The pendant! Good eye!" Ladybug complimented

Just then the Pharaoh flew behind Ladybug and Alya before catching Ladybug

"Oh no you don't!" Twilight said

Then Twilight ran across the roofs after Ladybug while the Pharaoh dropped Ladybug as Twilight ran towards her before catching her and when Twilight got hurt she let go as the two fell on the ground with a grunt

"Twilight?!" Ladybug asked angrily

"Sorry, I just couldn't see you get hurt" Twilight said

"Whatever just stay back I don't want anything bad to happen to you" Ladybug suggested

"But--" Twilight started

But Ladybug didn't listen as she continued on her mission making Twilight sad

"Way to go, Ladybug!" Alya called out before the Pharaoh appeared behind her as she turned around and grinned weakly before the Pharaoh threw away her phone which Ladybug caught

Then Ladybug turned around before seeing Alya in the flying Pharaoh's grasp

"You're not going to win this time, Ladybug!" The Pharaoh said angrily

"Help me, Ladybug!" Alya yelled out

"Crush that insect!" The Pharaoh ordered

Then the mummies surrounded Ladybug before Twilight came and used her biggest but weakest magic to try and pull them apart but when Ladybug wasn't watching he saw the Pharaoh bringing Alya to the beam of light which caused her to be sent flying while Alya screamed as Twilight saw Cat Noir and her friends ready to attack a few mummies before three mummies brought in a car as she used all her might to sent a needle like magic to hit a mummy and when it hit one the mummy fell down with the two other mummies along with the car as Cat Noir and Rarity all brought the others towards Ladybug and Twilight

"Twilight! Thanks for saving us" Rainbow said

"Even though we're mad that was really nice!" Rarity complimented

"Seriously! I want to help you all and all you want is for me to rest! You know what, I quit!" Twilight said in anger

Then Twilight walked off as our heroes turned to the ground in sadness before Ladybug cut the silence

"We have to save Alya before she reaches the circle of darkness!" Ladybug suggested

"You will not stop me from bringing Nefertiti back! I'll finish you off! Anubis, bring me mummies!" The Pharaoh ordered

Then the Pharaoh's face once again turned into one of a kangaroo as he shot beams at Ladybug and the others with Ladybug and the others dodging before Ladybug rolled the yo-yo around the Pharaoh making it stuck as Cat Noir used her stick as a skilled jumper causing him to get to the other side as he ran on the roof of the Louvre

"Horus, give me your wings!" The Pharaoh ordered

Then the Pharaoh's face turned back into one of an eagle as he flew into the air with Ladybug behind him

"Ladybug! No!!!" Our heroes except Cat Noir yelled out

"I got this!" Rainbow said

Then Rainbow flew into the air after Ladybug with our heroes following behind by holding each other's tails before they got to Ladybug as they tried to pull her back with Applejack using her hooves to struggle and get the others down with her rope but the Pharaoh was so strong that the rope ripped and broke causing Applejack to hold back on Pinkie tighter before Ladybug climbed onto the Pharaoh and ripped the pendant off as the pendant fell

" Cat Noir! The pendant! That's where the akuma is!" Ladybug called out

Then Cat Noir and Ladybug jumped off from things while the others flew towards the ground before running to where the pendant was only for the Pharaoh to be the first to arrive

"Sekhmet, give me your strength!" The Pharaoh called out before getting a lion's face as he smashed his hands together making a giant burst of light sending our heroes down before Rarity struggled to move her arm

"Twilight, we need you!" Rarity called out

Then Rarity also fell down as Twilight thought before she realized something as she turned around madly

"Did you hurt my friends?!" Twilight asked madly

"Yes, why?" The Pharaoh asked

"Well, I'll show you what happens if you hurt my friends!" Twilight said

Then Twilight and the Pharaoh had a big laser and so fight as Twilight managed to stand still every burst of lightning before she flew to the ground with a big grunt as the Pharaoh picked the pendant

"It's over" The Pharaoh said

Then the Pharaoh puts the pendant back on while our heroes were surrounded by mummies while Alya got closer to the clouds of darkness

"Ladybug, save me!" Alya called out

Then our heroes weakly looked in shock, worry and defeat

"He's to strong to fight, what do we do?" Rainbow asked

Then Ladybug looked at what's going on with a strength face

"Oh, Ra, god of the sun, accept this humble offering and return the princess to me!" The Pharaoh called out

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug called out before throwing her yo-yo in the air before it formed into a Ladybug doll as she caught it "A Ladybug outfit?" Ladybug asked in shock and confusion

"Ladybug, I know you want to see if it fits you but now's not the time" Rarity said

"Yeah, is that our last hope?" Cat Noir asked

Just then Ladybug gasped in shock as there were two earrings in the box

"This offering isn't good enough for Nefertiti!" Ladybug called out

"Hey! Thanks a lot!" Alya called out angrily

"Too late, Ladybug! The ritual has begun!" The Pharaoh called out

"Set Alya free and sacrifice me instead! Wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge? 5000 years later! After all, I'm the one who kept Nefertiti from you all these years!" Ladybug called out

"It's true that you make a much more precious offering than this mortal" The Pharaoh said before taking Ladybug's hand

"Ladybug no!!!" Our heroes yelled out

"Horus, give me wings!" The Pharaoh ordered

Then the Pharaoh's face turned into one of an eagle as he and Ladybug flew off before the Pharaoh pulled off Alya and switched her with Ladybug

"Seriously?" Alya asked before being dropped off "Excuse you, but I make excellent sacrificing material!" Alya said angrily

"I'm sure Ladybug has a good reason for it" Rarity said

Then our heroes and Alya turned towards Ladybug

"Take her Miraculous! The earring!" Hawk Moth called out

Then Ladybug faked by grabbing her earrings by actually grabbing the fake ones before giving it as she then stole the necklace

"You want my Miraculous? Go get it!" Ladybug called out

Then Ladybug threw the fake Miraculouses as Pinkie started running to grab it

"Get it!" Hawk Moth called out

Then Pinkie grabbed them before giving it to the Pharaoh as our heroes faceslapped before Pinkie grinned sneakingly before zipping off

"A toy? You tricked me!" The Pharaoh yelled out

Just then Ladybug smacked and broke the Miraculous before

"No more evil doing for you little Akuma!" Ladybug called out spinning her yo-yo "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug called out before the akuma got caught as she then caught the yo-yo in her hands "Gotcha!" Ladybug called out as she then got off the roof of the Louvre before sliding down "Bye bye little butterfly" Ladybug said after arriving on the ground while opening her yo-yo as the butterfly flew off before she called "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug called out throwing the costume

When the power was yelled the dark clouds and time bubbles disappeared and Twilight's hurt magic got fixed causing her to sigh in relief before hugging her friends as Jalil got back to normal making Applejack pull him up

What happened?" Jalil asked

Then Alya fixed her clothes while Ladybug gave Alya her phone back

"Thanks, Ladybug! But, uh, I still gotta ask: how old are you, really?" Alya asked

"Um, much older than a high school student, that's for sure!" Ladybug answered

Then Ladybug zipped off

"Don't you wanna know how old I am?" Cat Noir asked

"Or all of us?" Pinkie asked

"In a sec, looks like I'll be able to tell for myself" Alya answered

Then Spike saw his sort of Element flickering

"Come on guys, let's bug off before we transform back" Spike said

"Good idea" Bon Bon said in agreement

Then our heroes ran after Ladybug and the others as Alya laughed before going back in

Upon arriving back inside the Louvre Alya waited before Marinette and the others came running

"Where have you guys been?" Alya asked

"You won't believe this! We all got mummified!" Marinette answered

"Hope one of you weren't one of the ones trying to swap me for Nefertiti! Creepy!" Alya said scared

"What?! You were almost... sacrificed?" Marinette asked

"If it hadn't been for you I'd never have found out that Ladybug is at least 5000 years old!" Alya said

"Hey! What are friends for?" Marinette asked

Then our heroes walked off while Alya grabbed her schoolbag and ran behind them

"I still don't get it though, what was she doing with that tenth grade history textbook?" Alya asked

"Uh, she... she probably had to find out what's been going on for the past 50 centuries!" Marinette answered

"You're probably right. It's tough staying in the loop" Alya said before she found out the book was missing "Hey, Ladybug's textbook! It's gone!" Alya called out

Then Marinette continued to walk off with a grin

"Seems like you were a bit too sneaky" Rainbow whispered to Marinette

Meanwhile Hawk Moth started boasting in his lair

"You might have gotten away this time, but I assure you, Ladybug, some day, wherever you are, I will have your Miraculous, and you'll be nothing! Nothing at all!" Hawk Moth said

A few hours later at nighttime our heroes were in their pajama's ready for bed

"I don't get it. I know I'm not 5000 years old, so... who exactly was that Ladybug in the papyrus?" Marinette asked

"Kwamis like me and superheroes like you have always existed!" Tikki answered

"So...that wasn't you in the papyrus either?" Marinette asked

"What do you think?" Tikki asked

"You don't look 5000 years old" Marinette answered

Then Marinette rubbed Tikki on the head who giggled a bit

"Well, I'm not! I'm older than that! I'm the kwami who's watched over every single Ladybug since the very beginning!" Tikki explained

"You must have known much less klutzy Ladybugs than me, right?" Marinette asked

"Every Ladybug is different" Tikki answered

"That's what I thought" Marinette said sadly

"Marinette, you are different. But different as in surprising, unpredictable and endearing. And very talented. You learn fast" Tikki explained

"Really?" Marinette asked

Yes" Tikki answered before Marinette kissed Tikki on the forehead "You better get to sleep. Remember, you guys have that history test tomorrow!" Tikki said

"Oh yeah! Good thing it's on Ancient Egypt" Twilight said