• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

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Episode 6: Pigeon Couple

The Episode starts at Collège Françoise Dupont where Marinette, Alya, Adrien, The Mane Six, Spike, Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra and Derpy were in class

"Before we start the assignment I'd like you all to meet four of our Students that are new in both Paris and this Class meet Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra and Derpy they are now living with Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike and Marinette so you may always visit them whenever you like" Miss Bustier said "Now you may start Mr. Damocles

"You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design. In ten hours your fittest presentation, will be judged by none other that the great fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, the father of our very own student Adrien Agreste" Mr. Damocles explained which made Adrien chuckle nervously and Nino bump him on the arm playfully

"In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photo shoot. And now, to announce this year's theme: Derpy Hats" Mr. Damocles announced

"Derpy hats?" Marinette asked in shock before she looked at Chloé Bourgeois who put her hand down mockingly

"Oh shut up will ya" Applejack called out before Rarity held her back and Mr. Damocles stared at him in anger "Sorry, just a fly" Applejack apologized

"Oh, no worries Applejack" Mr. Damocless said

After class we see the Mane Six, Spike, Vinyl, Derpy, Lyra, Octavia, Marinette and Alya together

"Were you crazy?! You could've been expelled!" Rarity called out

"Sorry, it's just, Chloé was trying to make Marinette's life miserable" Applejack said

"Well it's good that you wanted to do that but in front of the Principal?" Rarity asked worriedly

"Ah did say mah bad" Applejack said

"It's alright Applejack, we're here for you" Twilight said

"Yeah even I didn't expect Chloé to do that" Pinkie said

"Uh, girls, Marinette's having some problems, wanna help me?" Alya asked

"Sure thing Alya" Twilight said

Then the Mane Six went towards Alya's bench and sat down near her

"Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat...! I don’t have any derby hat designs. I’ve got top hats, caps, even two-horned hats! Need a beret? I’m your girl. A sombrero? No problem-o. But a derby?!" Marinette said worriedly before realizing something "You know what? It won’t even matter, 'cause I’ll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste; give him a full-blown concussion and Adrien will hate me! I'll never be a world-renowned fashion designer. MY LIFE IS OVER!" Marinette said before putting her knees on the ground with her head on Rarity

"All over a derpy hat?" Applejack asked "Ah can see why you're such a drama queen like Rarity over there" Applejack said

"Watch your words Applejack!" Rarity said angrily "Whatever, let me see your sketchpad darling" Rarity suggested as Marinette gave her the sketchpad before sitting between her and Pinkie "There must be something in here" Rarity said flipping the pages

"Forget it, I'm in a disaster zone. I'll probably mess things up in the end" Marinette said worriedly

Just then Adrien walked by before seeing Rarity with Marinette's sketchbook

"Wow, Rarity" Adrien said as Marinette then jumped out of her seat and went behind the bench hiding in fear "Those are some awesome designs. I didn't know you had such mad skills" Adrien complimented

"Um, thanks Adrien, but I can't take the credit. These sick designs belong to Marinette" Rarity said pointing to Marinette who then smiled and waved embarrassingly "Off the chain, right?" Rarity asked

"You're super talented, Marinette. You seriously have a good chance of winning" Adrien complimented

"Well, um, yeah!" Marinette said "I... Like--- um, designs that---" Marinette struggled before Rarity and Alya pulled their thumbs up "Go... upwards?" Marinette said before Adrien, Rarity, Alya and the rest of the heroes gasp before Alya and Rainbow faceslap as then Rarity crossed her arms as a signal to stop "While stopping--- I mean, uh--- thanks?" Marinette ended the struggling

Then Rarity sighed in relief as Adrien smiled happily

"Sure, and uh--- good luck. Maybe I'll be wearing your derpy at father's next photoshoot" Adrien said before walking off

Then Marinette grinned embarrassingly as the others walked towards her worriedly

"Girl, you gotta get a grip next time. But did you hear? Adrien thinks you're good enough to win!" Alya said

Then the others cheered

"Still you don't have to worry Marinette we're here for you

Meanwhile Chloé was talking with Sabrina

"Did you hear how impressed Adrien was with Marinette's Desi---" Sabrina started before being cut short by Chloé

"Of course I heard! Her? Win the contest? As if.. When Adrien sees my design he'll convince his father to award me the winner" Chloé said angrily before turning to the two again

"I'm sure you will, Chloé. You're a born Champion. Your designs will blow everyone else's out of the water!" Sabrina said excitedly

"Yeah, it will. As soon as I get my hands on the sketchpad!" Chloé suggested

Then Alya checked her Phone before noticing it was still 9 hours before the Competition

"Only have nine hours until showtime" Alya said worriedly

"Yikes! I'm off to my secret garden of inspiration. I'll see you later" Marinette suggested before running face first into a wall as she then rubbed her head before running away "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay" Marinette said before almost running into a wall again as she then dodged it and running outside

"We'll look after her" Fluttershy suggested

"Good idea girls" Alya said

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair we saw the piece of the rooftop opening with Hawk Moth talking

"The time has come for us to find our next victim, my wicked little akumas. And to prey upon Ladybug and Cat Noir. Their Miraculouses must be mine!" Hawk Moth cheered out

After hours of running the Mane Six, Vinyl, Lyra, Octavia and Derpy arrived at the Tracadéro overlooking Paris as they went to sit next to Marinette

"So Marinette, have you got any ideas up until now?" Twilight asked

"No I don't" Marinette answered

Then Marinette started drew lines again before ripping the paper off and throwing it away

"Geez, it's hard to be creative under pressure" Marinette said worriedly

"Don't you worry darling, I will be making the designs" Rarity said

"And I'll search for good items to add on it" Fluttershy suggested

"Yeah, and besides, you save the world under pressure. I think designing a hat should be a piece of cake!" Tikki said

"Hm, a cake derby hat." Stylish and tasty" Marinette thought

Then Marinette laughed

Then a quick sequence happened with showing Marinette always drawing while also ripping papers out with the rest of the heroes suggesting things: Rarity suggested a flower which Marinette couldn't figure out, Twilight chose a book which Marinette shook her head, Pinkie suggested wheat which Marinette tried to draw but didn't have a good sight of it, Rainbow suggested a small flag which Marinette also drew but didn't like it, Vinyl and Octavia suggested a music note which Marinette shook her head no again, Derpy chose a bubble which made the others stare at her confused after that Lyra suggested naked humans which they face slapped at and so forth until they got tired

"Seriously none of these plans are working" Rainbow said dumbfounded

"I even asked for a cupcake and she didn't agree with it" Pinkie said

Just then a guy appeared he had moderate orange hair, strong gold eyes and an olive like skin, he also wore a gray elegant suit complete with a gray hat, a dark gray waistcoat decorated with a square pattern, a white shirt, a big teal bow tie, dark green vest and brown sandals worn with white socks. He also has a bird call whistle on a string hanging from his neck and he was doing a chicken... Or a dove (Whatever you feel like I should say) dance before sitting on a bench before using his bird call whistle to call all doves as doves then flew down towards him

"Hold on, something smells fishy here" Applejack said worriedly

"No silly there's no fish, there's doves" Pinkie said laughing

"She means that he might be a trouble, Pinkie" Rarity said

"Oh, I get it now" Pinkie said

"Well, if he's in trouble we can always fix it" Twilight said

"No, Ah meant, he's going to be giving birds some food and then get banned from every park in Paris" Applejack said worriedly

"Oh, right" Twilight said

"Oh my he's starting already" Fluttershy said

And just like what Applejack said the guy threw all the bird food on the ground for birds to eat

"Well, happy day, happy day! Splendid is the afternoon day" The guy said before a dove landed on his arm as he gave the dove some food "Ah, Edgar, you fancy one. Fantastic. dazzling performance" The guy said

Just then an Police Officer approached him in anger as doves started flying away

"Scram, you winged rats!" The Police Officer said

"They're not rats!" Fluttershy yelled out

"Calm down Fluttershy, it's alright" Rainbow said

But Fluttershy didn't listen as she angrily stormed to the Police Officer while the Officer was still talking

"How many times do you need to be told, Mr. Ramier?" The Police Officer asked before continuing "No! FEEDING! The pigeons! It's strictly forbidden. If everyone feeds them, they'll leave their waste everywhere!" The Police Officer explained angrily

"But, who's going to feed my poor pigeons?" Mr. Ramier asked worriedly

"All the park keepers know about you, Mr. Ramier. You're banned from every park in paris. Leave now or I'll call the authorities. Oh, wait. I'm the authorities. GET OUT!" The Police Officer called out

Then Mr. Ramier left sadly as then Fluttershy then grabbed the officer by his coat

"Don't you dare call doves winged rats!" Fluttershy yelled out angrily

"B-But Fluttershy...!" The Police Officer tried to explain in shock, scaredom and anger

"You have no reason to bully animals! People care for them, first you didn't care about Ladybug and Cat Noir and now you don't care about Animals what's next the mayor!" Fluttershy called out

"You know what?! If you're joining him you may as well be banned too for 1 whole month!" The Police Officer yelled out in anger

Then the heroes gasped before Fluttershy broke out crying and ran away

"Fluttershy!" The heroes called out

"Sheesh, I almost feel sorry for those two" Marinette said worriedly

"We all do darling" Rarity said sadly

"We should've grabbed her when we had the chance" Rainbow said

"That's why you should never anger Fluttershy" Applejack said "Or else there's double the consequences

"Speaking of which I got an idea which Fluttershy will like" Tikki suggested

"What is it?" Twilight asked

"An Feather Derpy Hat" Tikki answered

"A feather derpy hat, hmm. Good thinking, Tikki" Marinette said

Then Marinette drew again

Meanwhile Fluttershy ran into Mr. Ramier who was sitting on a bench before she sat down there too crying

"Poor Mr. Ramier and Mrs. Fluttershy'' Hawk Moth said as the screen then turned to Hawk Moth's lair "The feelings of injustice such easy preys for my akuma's" Hawk Moth said before he uses two hands to turn two butterflies into Akuma's "Fly away my little Akuma's and evilize them!" Hawk Moth said as then the two akuma's flew towards Mr. Ramier and Fluttershy before one hit Fluttershy's butterfly hair clip and the other hit Mr. Ramier's Bird Call Whistle as they both smiled evilly at Hawk Moth through their Butterfly glasses "Mr. and Mrs. Pigeon, I'm Hawk Moth. Neither this police officer, nor any of the park keepers should stop you from taking care of your friends. What would Paris be without pigeons? What would Pigeons be without you?" Hawk Moth said

Then Mr. Ramier turns into a fairly white skinned supervillain with a full body skin-tight jumpsuit with black forearms, waist and thighs, dark gray belly, light gray chest, shoulder and biceps, and pale, light grayish amaranth shins and head. The suit also has black stripes on his triceps and around his upper hips, along with two lozenge light blue diamonds where his bow tie was. He seems to still carry a bird call whistle around his neck

Then Fluttershy turns into a more darker yellow supervillain with a long skirt full of feathers and her shoes a little more dangerous as there's a spike on top of the front of each boot, she also wears an very dark purple blouse, her butterfly hair clip even turned into an pigeon hairclip she also seems to have dark pink gloves which if used pigeons would peck anyone she points at, she even wears an light black mask which only hid the back of her head but not her full head and her hair now turned into long darker pink hair and last but certainly not least she has dark yellow wings on her back

Then Mir. Ramier jumped into the air before flapping his arms as Fluttershy flew her wings as they ran towards the park keepers with the pigeons joining

Meanwhile Marinette was continuing to sketch on her sketchpad as Chloé and Sabrina spied on her before Chloé motioned Sabrina to go and make a picture of her as she then ran as Marinette then pulled her sketchpad up as Sabrina made a picture of it

"Now that's a derpy!" Tikki said

"Thanks, Tikki" Marinette thanked

"You are definitely gonna win the championship" Rarity said

"I agree" Twilight said

"We all agree" Pinkie said as the heroes hugged

Then Sabrina returned to Chloé who showed her, her phone

"We're so awesome" Sabrina cheered

"We?" Chloé asked before snatching her phone away

"Oh right, sorry! You're so awesome, Chloé. When are we--- Uh, you, going to make the hat?" Chloé asked

"And ruin these nails?" Chloé asked, showing her nails "Of course not. Daddy will pay someone to do it" Chloé said

Then Chloé walks off as Sabrina followed her not too far behind

A while later back at home Marinette begins to make a derpy hat with Rarity helping her while the rest of the heroes tried calling Fluttershy but to no avail

"Maybe she lost her phone in the park?" Pinkie asked thoughtfully

"No, she had it with her the whole time" Rarity said

Just then Tikki gave an apple to Marinette before she hit an thread as she fell down letting the apple roll into Marinette's hand after that she and Marinette laughed

A few hours later Marinette was finished but checked for any missing details before she realized she missed something
as she looked under the table

"What are you looking for?" Tikki asked

"A feather! I forgot to pick up a pigeon feather for the hat! it has to have a feather!" Marinette said in worry and fear

"Don't worry, we'll all get it together, just to search for Fluttershy" Applejack suggested

"Good idea let's go" Twilight suggested

Then the heroes quickly ran back to the park they were last being and got the feather but they still haven't gotten sight of Fluttershy

"Where's Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked

"I'm not sure now let's go back" Rainbow said

Then the heroes ran back before Marinette bumped into the same Police Officer Fluttershy had an argument with last

"Uh, sorry mister officer, sir" Marinette apologized before walking away nervously

Then the Police Officer continued to walk before a lot of doves got to him and brought him away

A while later the heroes were in the bus playing games before they got bored

"Seriously, when do we arrive?" Rainbow asked getting impatient

"Sorry folks, we have a situation here" An bus driver said before the heroes noticed a lot of doves

"How did they get here?" Applejack asked in both shock and confusion

Then the doors opened

"You'll need to get off the bus now" The bus driver suggested

Then the heroes went off the bus carefully

"Careful everyone, one wrong move and they'll attack you" Twilight said

"Are you sure about that?" Fluttershy asked

Then the heroes looked up before gasping in shock

"Fluttershy!" The Mane Six and Spike called out

"Mr. "Ramier!" Marinette, Vinyl, Derpy, Octavia and Lyra asked in shock and confusion

Just then the street screen turned on

"Pigeons have taken over Paris. This is just one of the many alarming situations giving authorities cause for major concern" Nadja explained "Yes, I've just been told that someone named 'Mr. Pigeon' is making an announcement" Nadja said

Then the heroes turned to Mr. Pigeon who started making his speech

"Oh, dreary day, poor Parisians" Mr. Pigeon said before making pigeon sounds before being stopped by Fluttershy "Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons! Flap flap!" Mr. Pigeon explained

"Quick guys hide!" Vinyl suggested

Then the heroes ran away before ending up at the metro

Author's note: Stop at 0:20)

"Mane Six and Friends Transform!" The Mane Five, Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra and Derpy called out before transforming into Ponies

"Now quick! We need to stop them!" Rainbow suggested

Then Ladybug and friends started running towards the rooftops before running away from the pigeons as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop but after a bit of running they noticed pigeons making planes

"It's a good sight but not for now" Rarity said

"I agree, this is weirder than weird" Ladybug agreed

"This has got to be Fluttershy's trick" Pinkie thought

"I agree, birds of a feather, flock together" Cat noir said

"Now's not the time for puns Cat Noir" Twilight said

"Hold on I've got to reason with one tiny thing" Lyra said before teleporting away

Then Cat Noir sneezes and rolls down the roof only to be caught by Twilight

"Thanks" Cat Noir thanked

"Allergic?" Twilight asked dumbfounded

"Yep" Cat Noir said with a worried grin

"That's helpful" Ladybug said sarcastically

"I agree" Rarity said sarcastically

"These birds are only part of the problem. The park keepers in Paris are vanishing without a trace" Cat Noir said worriedly

"What? We have to track down Mr. and evil Fluttershy ASAP" Ladybug said

"Great now what" Rainbow said

Then Lyra reappeared with Bon Bon

"Bon Bon?" Twilight asked

"When at the park I noticed Fluttershy's Element of Harmony, it's assumed she dropped it" Lyra thought

"So you're saying Bon Bon has it now?" Pinkie asked

"Yep" Lyra said showing Bon Bon wearing Fluttershy's necklace "I kept this just in case and that was the right case I had" Lyra said

"Great thinking Lyra" Twilight complimented

"Thanks" Lyra thanked

"No worries" Twilight said

"Now tell us why she's helpful?" Ladybug asked

"Okay Bon Bon explain it" Lyra said

"I'm a secret agent, working for S.M.I.L.E, and that group always Investigates places. Now tell me where should I Investigate first?" Bon Bon asked

"I know where we have to search" Ladybug said

After hours of running on rooftops the heroes arrived at Places des Vos where Pinkie and Cat Noir have to put on park keeper hats as Bon Bon looked around for clues with Cat Noir whistling before he started dancing with Pinkie joining

"Come join us you little friends, Pinkie's here to protect you!" Pinkie called out

Then the two continued dancing which made Twilight faceslap and Ladybug turn towards them

"Act natural or he'll never show up!" Ladybug ordered

"What do you mean? I am acting natural" Cat Noir said

"Same here" Pinkie said

"Okay, one of us needs to work on our communications" Rarity said dumbfounded

"At least it isn't me" Twilight said

Just then an pigeon flew by leaving feathers on the ground as he flew away after that and then Bon Bon trotted nearby before finding it

"Found it!" Bon Bon said before testing the needle of some sort "Tastes fresh! Which means it was here just now" Bon Bon said

"Great, where did it go?" Twilight asked

"I'm not sure but if I'm right it must've landed on this fountain" Bon Bon said "Check for traces Pinkie" Bon Bon suggested

"On it!" Pinkie suggested

Then Pinkie used her tail to go up before noticing the feet as she swiped her hoof over it before pulling it into the air letting the breeze show where it went "It went this way!" Pinkie said pointing to the North side worriedly

"We need to make a plan" Twilight said

"I agree" Ladybug said

Meanwhile the pigeon ran back to Mrs. Pigeon and Mr. Pigeon, as Mrs. Pigeon listened to what the Pigeon had to say

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, The rest of my former friends, Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra, Derpy and one other ninja like hero? Job well done, buddy-boy. Pigeons will reign supreme! Power to the Pigeons!" Mrs. Pigeon said

Then Mr. Pigeon jumped off the ledge before being caught by some Pigeons with Mrs. Pigeon readying her wings as they then flew off into the air and away to another place

"Where are they? They should've had to be here by now" Ladybug asked

Just then pigeon flocks flew towards them as Cat Noir noticed this before sneezing again

"You okay?" Bon Bon asked

"He sure is he's just allergic to feathers" Twilight said

Suddenly Bon Bon and Cat Noir got caught

"Bon Bon!" Lyra called out

"Cat Noir!" The rest of the heroes called out

Then Cat Noir and Bon Bon were sent away

"Quick after them!" Twilight called out

Then the heroes started running before joining Ladybug on the rooftops and when they did they followed them to the Bourgeois' home where they hid

"Now what?" Pinkie asked

"What do you suggest we do Ladybug?" Twilight asked

"Let me think" Ladybug said

Meanwhile on the Bourgeois' rooftop Cat Noir and Bon Bon hit the ground before they stood back up as Cat Noir sneezed

"Don't worry as long as you don't get heronapped again you'll be fine" Bon Bon said

"Thanks" Cat Noir thanked

Just then they noticed a lot of pigeons surrounding them

"Well that was at least the most unexpecting thing that happened" Bon Bon said

"I agree" Cat Noir agreed

Then the rest of the heroes walked towards them

"Bon Bon!" Lyra called out before hugging her

"Where are those bird-brained Mr and Mrs. Pigeon?" Cat Noir asked

"They’ve gotta be here somewhere" Ladybug answered

"If you want to give Paris back to the pigeons for good, you must first rid the city of those two pests" Hawk Moth explained from the butterfly glasses

Then Mr. Pigeon used the bird call whistle to order the Pigeons to swirl around the heroes

"Call me crazy, but I feel like bird seed all of a sudden" Ladybug said worriedly

"Ah agree sugarcube, but not in a good way" Applejack said

"If only Fluttershy was here to protect us" Pinkie said

Then heroes got trapped in the Pigeon bubble

"Got any bright ideas, Bug?" Cat Noir asked

"You're the cat, don't you eat these things for breakfast?" Ladybug asked

"That was a gross choice of words" Twilight said

"I agree" Bon Bon said

"And now, catch them like birds!" Fluttershy ordered pointing her fingers to the remaining pigeons

Then the pigeons flew down with a giant cage as the other birds flew backwards which Ladybug noticed as the heroes gasped in fright and worry before they left

"Oh no, we got trapped" Applejack said in shock

"Can't you kick those down?" Rainbow asked

"No, the cage is of metal and if I were to Ah have to rest for a week and you know what happens if Ah am to be in pain?" Applejack asked

"We do but we can always fix you up with my magic" Twilight said

Just then they heard voices talking as they looked ahead to see Mr and Mrs. Pigeon standing on a flock of pigeons

"Turpy day. I'm so ruthless" Mr. Pigeon said before chuckling

Then and butterfly mask appears in front of Mr and Mrs. Pigeon

"Excellent. Now take their Miraculouses and Elements of Harmony!" Hawk Moth ordered

Then Mrs. Pigeon flew towards the heroes glaring at them

"Give me your Miraculouses and Elements of Harmony!" Mrs. Pigeon ordered

"Never" Rainbow said air fighting

"Do it now or face the wrath of our feather friends!" Mrs. Pigeon ordered

Then Mr. Pigeon used the bird call whistle to call the pigeons together as some pigeons then jumped onto the cage

"We need a plan!" Rainbow said frightened

"I agree Dashie" Pinkie said in agreement

Then the pigeons turned their butts towards the heroes

"Oh dear" Rarity said frightened

"Dada-dee, on the count of three, my beloved pigeons will commence fire. You can still save your sorry skins by handing your Miraculous. One, two..." Mr. Pigeon counted

"Not on my watch!" Twilight called out blasting her biggest magic blast at the medal cage as it then flew into outer space

When the cage was gone the heroes bravely stepped towards the two akumatized villains who then backed off

"Well, well. Looks like the Pigeons really are chickens

"Me? I'm not flying away. I'm just killing two birds with one stone" Mr. Pigeon said

"I agree" Mrs. Pigeon said before she flew off with Mr. Pigeon holding her knees

"I can try that too" Pinkie said

"Not now Pinkie, we first need a plan otherwise that will happen again" Rarity said

"Okay then" Pinkie said

Then the heroes went back down from the balcony all the way to the entrance until Twilight's crown's gem piece turned black

"I guess my super strength is making me have 4 minutes left" Twilight said

"Don't worry" Pinkie said before giving her pancakes "Eat these to turn back to your original self" Pinkie suggested

"Alright" Twilight said

Then the heroes quickly ran back down before they met with the Mayor

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, guys! I'm in great danger--- of losing big bucks if my guests leave Paris! You are going to get rid of those pigeons, aren't you?" The Mayor asked

"Of course we are, but first I need a secret place" Twilight suggested

"Follow the butler if you will" The Mayor suggested

"Thanks mister" Twilight said

Then Twilight ran inside the elevator and quickly got into a secret room as the others waited before Twilight returned

"I'm so full" Twilight said

"Don't worry Twilight, did you like them by the way?" Pinkie asked

"I didn't, I loved it!" Twilight answered happily before calming down "Now let's follow Pigeon" Twilight suggested

"Great idea" Ladybug suggested

"Okay, first I need a great few of where they're going, can you give us it?" Bon Bon asked

"Sure just follow my helper" The Mayor suggested

Then the heroes followed the helper towards the eating room

"Thanks, I can get a much better view from up here" Ladybug said before Bon Bon checked the window

"Odd, the pigeons are flying in the same direction. Better go follow them" Bon Bon suggested

"Are you guys ready?" The Mayor asked

"Yep we know where they go now" Bon Bon said

"Can you get us out please?" Rainbow pleaded

"Sure" The Mayor answered

Then the heroes quickly ran towards outside as they followed the pigeons to the Grand Palais where they hid on the side

"Great idea for following them secretly darling" Rarity complimented

"Thanks" Bon Bon thanked

"Now what?" Derpy asked

Just then Cat Noir had to almost sneeze before Ladybug held his nose shut

"Okay, Cat Noir we need to be quiet so please refrain from sneezing" Twilight suggested

"I'll try" Cat Noir said

"Thanks" Twilight thanked

"Relax guys the park keepers are alone so I'll be going in" Rainbow said before she zipped off but not before Applejack held her with her tail

"Hold up Rainbow, it's too easy" Ladybug felt before suggesting something "I've got a plan" Ladybug said

Then the heroes followed her to the roof but what they didn't know was that an pigeon was watching them from afar and when they left the pigeon flew towards Mr and Mrs. Pigeon who were waiting on an crane until a it came flying to them

"Perfect timing, hootie hoo! We're ready to greet them, aren't we?" Mrs. Pigeon asked before laughing evilly

"They're going to fall right into our trap" Mr. Pigeon said before butterfly glasses appeared in front of both Mr and Mrs. Pigeons eye "It won't be long before you get your Miraculous and Elements, friend" Mr. Pigeon said with a grin

"I can't wait, my dear Pigeon" Hawk Moth said

Meanwhile on the rooftop we saw Ladybug, Cat Noir, the Mane Six, Spike, Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl and Derpy running towards the skylight

"If we can destroy that bird call, we'll be able to capture the akuma" Ladybug suggested

Upon arriving at the skylight the heroes stared down with Ladybug explaining what to do

"Okay, you open the window, I'll grab him and yank him up onto the roof, then you snag his bird call away from him" Ladybug suggested

"Let's go, early bird gets the worm!" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir opened the skylight before feathers flew out as Cat Noir struggled to sneeze as Ladybug used her yo yo to catch the Bird Call Whistle before tripping as then her yoyo hit the ground as she quickly pulled it back into her hand while Mr and Mrs. Pigeon stared at them happily

"So much for the element of surprise" Ladybug said

Then the heroes jumped down and walked towards Mr and Mrs. Pigeon jumped down before Mr. Pigeon landed in the pigeons and Mrs. Pigeon flew back towards him before Mr. Pigeon used his Bird Call Whistle to make the pigeons turn into a mallet of some sorts

"Oh boy!" Applejack said

"Pigeons slam against my friends!" Fluttershy suggested

Then some Pigeons who were not on Mr. Pigeons hands reached for Rarity before a certain someone leaped towards them

"Nooooooo!!!" Spike called out in slow mode

Then Spike was sent flying against a cage where the Police Officers and other Park Watchers were in

"Ow!" Spike called out

"Oh no you don't!" Rarity called out shooting lasers out of her horn making pigeons drop unconscious on the ground

"Quick hit her from the back and then from the front!" Mrs. Pigeon suggested

Then Pigeons flew towards her but before Rarity could react she was knocked unconscious before hitting the cage as Spike woke her up

"Those stupid brats!" Rarity called as she then tried to run only to feel a broken hoof "Ow! My precious hoof!" Rarity yelled out

"Nopony hurts my friends!" Twilight said before noticing that one by one her friends were getting knocked against a wall

"Uh, please, I'm just uh" Twilight said before zipping towards the cage before the Pigeons hit her as she then fell face first onto the cage "Shoot!" Twilight said in pain

"Now as for you two, I have a bone to peck with you!" Mr. Pigeon said

"No you're not" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir wanted to run forward only to be hit as he went flying against the gate which made Ladybug gasp in shock before she turned back to Mr. Pigeon only to be sent flying to the gate as well

Then Ladybug stood back up

"Get us out of here, Ladybug!" The Police Officer from earlier suggested

Then the heroes noticed Mr. Pigeon calmful walking towards them before Twilight got an idea

"Use Lucky Charm!" Twilight suggested

"Right" Ladybug said as she then grabbed her yo yo "Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called out before throwing her yo yo into the air and when she did it turned into a coin "A coin? What am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug asked

"Well our lives are over" Rainbow said

"Don't be so sure yet Rainbow Dash, Ladybug use your thinking vision or whatever to find clues" Twilight suggested

Then Ladybug used her thinking vision to get clues the first clue was an railing where the pigeons stood, an vending machine and a coin

"You can't buy yourself out of here!" Mr. Pigeon said before throwing an mallet with pigeons towards her

"Rarity help me dodge them!" Twilight suggested

"But I'm hurt!" Rarity said

"Fine, Lyra, Vinyl you'll help me then" Twilight suggested

"On it!" Vinyl and Lyra suggested

Then Vinyl and Lyra ran towards the Pigeon sphere with Twilight following behind as they used a shield to not let them hit the heroes as they then struggled to hold on as Ladybug dodged them by running the other way around before slipping under Mr and Mrs. Pigeon's feet to which she used her yo yo to wrap his feet before going onto the railing and going off on the other side and when she did she arrived at the vending machine as she put the coin in before pressing a button as then she grabbed the food

"Cat Noir!" Ladybug called out

Then Ladybug threw the pigeon food before Cat Noir threw his stick right in the middle as the bag broke and all pieces of food landed on Mr and Mrs. Pigeon

"Snack time, Pigeons!" Ladybug suggested

Then pigeons charged to the two villains before eating the food on them as Mrs. Pigeon tried talking but each time she opened her mouth the pigeons either pecked in her lips or her tongue as she and Mr. Pigeon pulled their hands up and when it did Ladybug pulled her yo yo as Mr and Mrs. Pigeon went flying up as the Bird Call whistle and Pigeon hairclip flew out

"Cat Noir, grab them!" Ladybug suggested

Then Cat Noir grabbed the Bird Call Whistle and Pigeon Hairclip before he had to sneeze as it flew out which made the heroes gasp as they flew out of Cat Noir's hands

"I'm on it!" Rainbow called out

Then Rainbow zipped to the Bird Call Whistle before breaking it and after that she ripped the Pigeon Hair Clip into pieces

"Nooo!!!" Mr and Mrs. Pigeon called out before hitting the ground

Then the akuma's flew out of the broken Bird Call Whistle and Pigeon Hairclip as Ladybug swiped her finger on the yo yo

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma" Ladybug said before spinning her yo yo around as she threw it after that "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug called out before she hit the akuma as the yo yo then got back to her which she catched "Gotcha!" Ladybug called out as she then pressed the middle button as the butterfly flew out "Bye bye little butterfly!" Ladybug said before throwing her yo yo into the air "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug called out

Then everything got fixed first the Bird Call Whistle and Fluttershy's hair clip turned back to normal, Rarity's feet and a few other stuff where the others got hurt at got better and the Park Keepers and Police Officers were transported back before Mr. Pigeon turned back to Mr. Ramier

"Pound it!" The heroes called out

"First up Bon Bon, I give you the newest Element of Harmony the Element of Caretaking" Twilight said

"Thank you so much Twilight!" Bon Bon thanked

"No worries, now about you two!" Twilight said as she and the other heroes got to Mr. Ramier and Fluttershy angrily as the two people looked down in sadness "Do you two realize the damage you've caused?" Twilight asked

"Yes Twilight" Mr. Pigeon and Fluttershy said sadly

"And yes Fluttershy I found it a little bad too but just because they say it doesn't mean you have to straight up attack them" Twilight said

"Yeah" Rarity said

"Even though you are a pigeon friend you should at least try to be a bit more careful so you may do this for instance in the winter or autumn but not on a summer or spring day!" Rainbow said

"Exactly, now does that mean you've learned your lesson" Twilight said

"Yes" Mr. Ramier and Fluttershy said

"Good now go back home and rest there, it may have been a long day for you" Rarity said

"Wretched pigeons, wretched heroes. I'll destroy every one of you!" Hawk Moth called out as the window closed again

Back in Marinette's room we saw Fluttershy checking her phone before noticing a lot of calls

"One question, why did you guys have to try and call me ten times?" Fluttershy asked

"Because we thought you disappeared" Rarity said

"That was true though, sort of!" Rainbow said

"Anyway, I'm so sorry for what happened guys, I'll be more careful next time" Fluttershy said

"Ah thought so" Applejack said

"No time for chatting anymore, we have less than an hour" Marinette said

"Shoot and Ah was supposed to put everything ready, see ya fellas there" Applejack said before rushing away

"Bye!" The heroes called

Then Marinette and the heroes continued to work for the rest of the day to get everything ready and when they were they stopped

"Perfect!" Twilight said

"Now for the last touch!" Rainbow said before putting the feather in the hat "Now we're ready" Rainbow said

Then the heroes ran towards Collège Françoise Dupont

Meanwhile in Collège Françoise Dupont

"Where are mah friends?" Applejack asked

"You mean our friends?" Alya asked

"Sorry" Applejack said

"It's alright big gal" Alya said

Then Nathalie walked in the room

"Ah better go stay with Rose and Juleka see ya" Applejack said

"Yeah, bye!" Alya said

Then Applejack walked off

"Hello, Mr. Damocles, I am Mr. Agreste's executive assistant Nathalie" Nathalie introduced

"Hello, miss. Pardon me, but where is Mr. Agreste?" Mr. Damocles asked

Then Nathalie pulls out a tablet showing Gabriel's face

"I'm here" Gabriel said

"Ah, uh, hello Mr. Agreste. Welcome to our school" Mr. Damocles greeted showing the whole playing field with 4 podiums

"Adrien, take Nathalie around" Gabriel ordered

Then Nathalie, Mr. Damocles, Adrien and Nino walked towards Rose and Juleka

"Ah, there's Mr. Agreste! He's coming this way" Chloé said before she and Sabrina stood at the ready

"As you'll see, Mr. Agreste, our students have poured their hearts and souls into their projects" Mr. Damocles said

Then the heroes ran in

"Okay girls go to who you teamed up with" Twilight suggested

Then the heroes splitted up Twilight and Applejack went to stand with Rose and Juleka, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie went to stand with Chloé and Sabrina, Rarity, Fluttershy and Marinette went to stand with Alya, Derpy and Lyra went to stand with Kim and Max, and Octavia and Vinyl went to stand with Nathalie, Mr. Damocles, Adrien and Nino who stood behind Twilight and Applejack

"Where have you been?! You got your hat?" Alya asked as Rarity, Fluttershy and Marinette stopped at her podium

"Yep, here" Marinette said

Then Marinette took the lid off showing the same replica hat as Chloé and Sabrina's as Alya, Rarity and Fluttershy's faces turned dumbfounded

"You do realize you just made the same one as Chloé's" Rarity said as Marinette yelped in shock before turning to her and Sabrina's podium as Adrien, Nino, Octavia, Vinyl, Mr. Damocles and Nathalie went to the same podium

"Uh, hi Mr. Agreste. I'm Chloé Bourgeois. You know my father, André Bourgeois, the mayor?" Chloé introduced

"Now what?! We can't fix it anymore!" Fluttershy said in shock and fright

"I think I know what to do" Marinette said

"Same" Rarity said

Then the judging team went towards the four before they stopped as then Gabriel had to think hard

"Hm, turn the tablet back to Ms. Bourgeois' hat" Gabriel suggested as Nathalie turned the tablet to Chloé's hat "Is this a joke?" Gabriel asked

"We're in trouble" Fluttershy whimpered

"Let's hope Marinette knows what to do" Alya suggested

"No fair! Marinette copied my design! It's scandalous, how could you do that?" Chloé said before fake crying

"I apologize for the situation Mr. Agreste, but I can prove that this derby hat is my original design" Marinette said

"Go ahead" Gabriel suggested

"Um, everything on my derby hat is hand-made-- from the embroidery, to the weaving of the band, to the stitching of the brim" Marinette said as Chloé recoiled in shock "All done by myself. And last, there's a special design element that only the true designer knows about" Marinette said as she turned the hat upside down "I signed mine" Marinette said

Then Chloé gasped in shock while putting her hands in front of her mouth as she accidentally hit her podium as it fell down catching everyone's attention before she ran off crying

"Daddy!" Chloé yelled out

Then the judging team turned back to Marinette

"Very exquisite creation. You definitely have the laboring hands of a hat maker, miss..." Gabriel said before being confused

"Marinette" Adrien said putting her hand over her shoulder

"Congratulations on your demonstration, Miss Marinette. You're the winner" Gabriel said

Then Marinette, Alya, Rarity and Fluttershy turned to each other in happiness before looking back

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Marinette thanked

"Adrien will wear your derby on our next advertising campaign" Gabriel said

Then Marinette looked at her hat before Adrien put his hands on hers

"Awesome job, Marinette" Adrien said

Then Marinette grinned embarrassingly before Adrien went to put his hat on but before it fully got to his head he began to sneeze

"A-achoo!" Adrien sneezed as Marinette blushed "Uh-- sorry, I'm allergic to feathers" Adrien said

"Gesundheit" Marinette said waving

Then Adrien weakly waved back before the heroes jumped in the air of happiness

Author's Note:

I didn't ask once but how do you spell yoyo is it yo yo or yoyo because I always get confused writing this Episode or any other