• Published 13th Aug 2021
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The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 9–Simple Ways

"Ah! Love is in the air! And It's not even Heart's and Hooves day

Ah, love. Such a mystery and a treasure for all….gag!

Well, this tale is indeed a love story. But not the kind you would expect.

Confused? Well, let's find out.


Simple Ways

Rarity happily galloped across Air Temple Island, looking for her human friend. "Korra? You here, darling? I was hoping you had some old shirts you could spare. I need some blue fabric for my new dress but the store's all out."

To answer her question, Rarity spotted her human companion, flying around the skies in her new wind glider, practicing her airbending. She also spotted a certain firebender, who stood at the center of a platform watching the Avatar soar across the skies like a pegasus pony.

"Hello, Mako."

"Oh, hey Rarity."

"What's Korra doing?"

"She's practicing her air gliding skills." he said as he watched the Avatar zoom and speed across the clouds. He watched her with such admiration. "Isn't she amazing?"

"Indeed." Rarity agreed, noticing the way Mako was looking at her friend.

Korra was so lucky to have somebody who looked at her the way Mako did. Such admiration and love in his eyes, even a blind person could see it. However, as happy as she was for the young couple, she couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy. She always dreamed of finding a stallion who would love her the way Mako did Korra. What always amazed her was that Korra was one of the most unfeminine girls Rarity had met, aside from Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and yet this tall handsome young man looked at her as if she were the most tuning creature on earth. Even his eyes on Asami never carried this much passion.

Korra finally landed, closing up her glider, which was colored blue instead of the traditional red. She was an individual that way. "How was that?" she asked.

"You were incredible up there!" Mako said, practically swooning.

"You were dazzling!" Rarity commented.

"Thanks, Rare." Korra squatted down to her level, "So what brings you here?"

"I was hoping if you had any old shirts I could use for a new dress?"

"Of course. Is it for anything special?"

"Indeed!" said Rarity, "We're having a Ponyville Days festival and, guess who was appointed the Pony of Ceremonies." she said so in a sing-song tone.

Korra smiled knowingly, "Let me guess, is she incredibly stylish?"




"Name starts with an 'R'?"


Korra tapped her chin, pretending to figure out who it was, when in reality she was just teasing. "Hmmm, I wonder who it could possibly be." she then tapped Rarity's nose, "Could it be….you?"

"Yes! I was elected!"

"Congratulations Rarity!"

"What's the Pony of Ceremonies suppose to do?" Mako asked, "And what's so special about this festival?"

"It celebrates the founding of Ponyville, and the pony of ceremonies is elected to organize the whole thing!"

"Isn't Pinkie Pie helping out?" Mako asked….right when the said pony appeared on his back.

"Not this time!"

"Ah!" Mako backed away screaming and Pinkie Pie landed safely on the ground.

"But I'm glad the committee didn't automatically pick me so everypony gets a chance to see how great being me actually is!"

Mako blinked, not even bothering to ask how she got here so quickly.

"I expect you two will be attending?" Rarity said.

"Of course!" Korra said enthusiastically, "We wouldn't miss it for the world! Right Mako?"

"Sounds like fun to me." he said.

"Do you know what you're gonna do for the festival?" Korra asked.

"Oh, I might have a few ideas." using her magic, she created a holographic scale model of all of Ponyville, and the way she will be decorating it for the festival. Korra and Mako were amazed to see all of the details in the image.

"Just a few?" Korra asked with an arched eyebrow and smirk.

"Well, maybe more than a few."


The following day, Team Avatar and the Mane Six were at Rarity's boutique, where she had already prepared a runway inside to demonstrate her ideas for the festival. Pinkie Pie was standing at the tips of her front hooves, "I'm so excited for the festival, I can hardly stand up straight!" she fell face first into the floor, making Rainbow roll her eyes.

"Me too." said Twilight, "I'm glad Rarity was picked. I know she'll add a touch of elegance to the whole thing!"

"Probably more than a touch!" said Mako, knowing just how 'overboard' Rarity can get with elegance and style. Korra playfully elbowed him.

The lights dimmed, only the lights on the runway were lit, and Spike stepped out wearing a tuxedo and played a phonograph and adjusted his bow tie, clearing his throat as he addressed to the crowd. A spotlight shined over him, and he stood beside a blank canvass while reading from flash cards.

"This year's Ponyville Days festival, designed by Rarity, will feature various high-class events such as…" he lifted up the blank sheet, to reveal the canvass was a large notebook, and the following image was a detailed drawing of ponies in elegant clothing drinking cider, "a silent cider auction and tasting." Spike said.

The Mane Six, and Bolin, all 'Ooooh!'d in awe, while Mako, Korra and Asami watched in silence, but still attentive. Spike lifted the drawing to reveal another of ponies ball room dancing.

"A Ponyville gala in town square."

The Mane Six and Bolin, minus Asami, Korra and Mako went "Ahhhh!"

Spike lifted the image again to reveal another of ponies down a runway, "And, of course, a Ponyville fashion show."


"This year's Ponyville Days festival pony of ceremonies creates shimmering couture of her own design."

The curtain opened to reveal Rarity wearing a shimmering gown of bleu and purpled with a ring-like jewel around her horn and matching earrings, apparently pierced with more diamonds.

"And the theme is... "Small. Town. Chic"!" she said with such pizzaz.

Korra marveled at her friend's dress, "Wow, Rarity. You really have put a lot of effort into this. And you put my old shirts to good use."

"I'll say." said Bolin.

"Oh, I think it's going to be a magical evening." Fluttershy said dreamily.

Rarity gasped with delight, "Do you really think so?"

"Are you kidding?" Pinkie Pie asked, "I can't wait!"

Bolin then whispered to Asami, "Think you can hook me and Mako up with some new duds by then?"

"No problem." said the heiress.

"Oh, that's such a relief." Rarity said while Spike rolled her a small plight of stairs for her to walk down off of the runway, and the lights turned on once more. "But of course, I couldn't possibly do it all on my own. The festival is in three days!"

"Pinkie Pie and I can hang lights and decorations in the town square!" said Rainbow Dash.

"And I can get Sweet Apple Acres all ready for the cider tasting'." said Applejack.

"And I'll make sure Pabu get his bath before then." said Bolin, only to receive a hiss from his ferret, who was playing with a ball of yarn with Rarity's cat Opal.

Rarity smiled, "Oh, that's just perfect! And now, Twilight, if you, Korra, Asami and Fluttershy wouldn't mind helping with the fashion show…"

Twilight Sparkle; "Of course!"

Fluttershy; "I'd be honored."

Asami; "I'd love to!"

Korra; "Just say the word and I'm there."

"Wonderful! I can focus on the thing I'm worried about most of all."

"What's that?" Asami asked.

"Creating a Ponyville Days festival fantastic enough to impress... Trenderhoof!" Rarity's eyes sparkled with awe and admiration. A look all of Team Avatar were all too familiar with already.

"Uh, who's Trenderhoof?" Applejack asked.

Rarity gasped in shock, "What?! How can you not know who Trenderhoof is?" she galloped along to another curtain, which she levitated open with her magic, to reveal a shrine, completely filled with magazine covers, head-shots and photographs about a tan colored male pony with glasses and a pale yellow mane wearing somewhat of a nerdy but stylish grey/green shirt with orange collar. His eyes were violet and there were hearts all around the pictures. Rarity's pale face blushed as she looked at the images.

"Trenderhoof is only the most amazing, handsomest travel writer to have ever traveled or written! He's an old friend of mine from when I was just a filly!"

"He's from Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

"Well, no. I met him once during a summer vacation with my family in Phylidelphia. We were staying at a lovely resort not long after Sweetie Belle was born. I met him at the resort's playtime park for children. We became fast friends. We both loved all things unique and beautiful, and he was so good at seeing the details in almost anything! But, alas, it was not meant to be forever. Once our vacation was over, I had to say goodbye to my sweet Trenderhoof. After that, I eventually found out that he had become a famous travel writer! Before Las Pegasus became an Equestria travel destination, he wrote about it! Before the culinary revolution in Trottingham, he discovered it! He knows what's going to be hot even before it's tepid!" she giggled as she hugged a poster.

Korra smiled, "Sounds like somepony has a little bit of a crush."

Rarity literally swooned as she allowed Korra to catch her, "Oh, Korra, "crush" doesn't even begin to describe it. He's practically divine. I can't believe he's coming!" the unicorn leaped off and began giggling with excitement as she marveled at the posters, while the others all looked at one another skeptically.

Bolin chuckled, "She's got it bad!"


Latter that day, Rarity, Twilight and Korra awaited at the train station to welcome Trenderhoof to Ponyville. Rarity was in a frenzy at seeing her childhood crush all over again. She was fanning herself with a fan to wipe away the possible sweat dripping on her brow.

"Thank you ever so much for joining me, girls. I don't think I could have met Trenderhoof on my own!"

"It's no problem, but you shouldn't be nervous about meeting him." said Twilight.

Korra agreed, "Yeah. Besides, you've known him before, I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to see you again."

"You really think so?"

"Of course. You're the coolest unicorn I know. What pony wouldn't like you?"

Rarity smiled in gratitude, "You always have the sweetest things to say, Korra. I guess I'm just hoping to one day have what you and Mako have. Somepony who looks at me the way Mako looks at you. With love and admiration, but also with confidence. Almost like the very idea of you inspires him in some strange mysterious way. Or maybe that's just my inner artist talking rubbish."

Korra did not think it was rubbish, because what Rarity felt was exactly how she felt around Mako. She always did feel there was something linking them together that went beyond more just a touchy feeling in your stomach. It was more than that and she knew it. She never knew how to place it into words, but she knew it was real. Even if it was hard to see. In a way, it was similar to how she felt about the Mane Six. A thread that connected them all like spiritual sisters. Maybe there was more to this 'soul mate' business than most people led to believe. Both in romance and in friendship.

"I know you'll find somepony like that, Rarity." Korra said with compassion and confidence.

Once the train arrived, Rarity's head speeded up and the doors opened as a crowd of ponies walked out. Rarity tried to see Trenderhoof but she could not find him anywhere.

"Is that him? Is he here? Twilight, is he there?"

"Uhh… I'm not sure." said the alicorn.

"You don't suppose he's decided not to come? I don't see him! What if he doesn't arrive? The whole festival will be a disaster! Girls, where is he?!"

All eyes were on the hyperactive lovesturck unicorn. Realizing her outburst, she blushed and straightened herself.


"Rarity, I get you're nervous but you have to get a hold of yourself." said the Avatar, "I mean, you haven't even seen him yet!"

Just then, one final pony stepped out, a unicorns with a tan colored coat and tall proportions. Rarity turned around and her eyes sparkled in awe.

There he was, her old Trenderhoof from her childhood. He was even more handsome in person that in her posters. For a moment, it was like going back in time to when she was a filly. All of those feelings returned, the heart race, the flush on her face, the weakness in her knees, it was like a tsunami of emotion. But then reality hit her and she hid behind the Avatar and Alicorn.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Shh! It's him, it's him, is it him? Is it him? It's him, he's here, he's here!" Rarity was no not herself right now, she was even worse than Fluttershy.

"Well, go up and talk to him!"

Rarity held on to Twilight's back leg, hiding underneath her tail, screeching unintelligible, "I--I can't!"

Korra and Twilight shared the same looks and the Avatar forcibly lifted the unmoving unicorn up and carried her in her arms. With a serious expression, she walked over to the male unicorn, "Excuse me, you're Trenderhoof, right?"

The unicorn looked at the new creature, "Uh….yes?"

"I believe you've met Rarity." she placed the unicorn in front of the male pony. The unicorn was still paralyzed in place. "Have fun." Korra said before walking back to Twilight, leaving Rarity to speak to her old crush. The poor pony couldn't keep her heart steady.

"Uh, hi– Hello, Mr. Trenderhoof."

"Wait, Rarity? Is that really you?"

Rarity's face became even brighter in red, "Uh, oh, yes! Been a long time, hasn't it?"

"It certainly has." he said happily to see his old friend, "You look amazing!"

"Really?! I--I mean, thank you. You look quite marvelous yourself." she giggled before clearing her throat, "I have been chosen as pony of ceremonies for the Ponyville Days festival. So, I really look forward to you witnessing what I've arrange, Mr. Tranderhoof." she laughed nervously.

"Rarity, please. We're old friends, call me 'Trend'." he smiled, his pearl white teeth shimmering, which only made Rarity blush all the more before passing out in a daze.

Korra and Twilight face/hoof palmed themselves. "Uh. She's worse than I was." said Korra.

"Tell me about it."


After regaining her composure, Rarity began showing Trenderhoof all around Ponyville. "It really is wonderful to see you again." said Rarity, "A lot has changed since we saw each other. For starters, I am now the proud owner of my new fashion business."

"I always knew you would be a success." Trend said, "You were always so talented with that sort of thing. I'm so proud of you."

Rarity giggled but tried her best to keep her cool.

"I've been meaning to ask, who was that creature at the train station?"

"You mean Korra? Don't worry, she's perfectly harmless. Unless you get on her bad side, in which case you better run." she and Trend laughed at the joke, she was already feeling comfortable with her old friend again, "I met her once in Republic City."

"Never heard of it. In what part of Equestria is it?"

"Oh, it's not in Equestria, it's in a different world entirely. It's kind of a long story. Let's just say, my friends and I found a magical book, got sucked in and made friends with Korra and the other humans. Oh! And she gave al of us these new abilities! Watch this."

Her horn glowed and, from the river underneath the bridge, Rarity bended the water and froze it in place, making an alicorn ice statue. "Ta-da!"

Trend was very impressed, "Wow! That's remarkable! You're so lucky!"

"Oh, it's really nothing. I've already made marvelous ice sculptures for the festival."

"Speaking of which, I'm dying to know what you have planed. I'm sure it'll involve something as amazing and otherworldly as your new powers and that Korra friend of yours."

Rarity gulped, "Um, what do you mean?"

"I figured you would grab inspiration from them. You always did have a knack for finding motivation in strange places, and what could be stranger than your new powers and a whole different world? And I mean 'weird' in a nice way, of course. That's how the word is used often now a days."

"Oh, well, um…" Rarity had to come up with something, maybe she could add a few more Republic City elements to the festival, it shouldn't be so hard, the world did have a few classy elements. Then again, Trend never saw the place so it probably wouldn't be an issue. Still, she really wanted to impress him, maybe she could get Korra to sing after the fashion show or something. She wouldn't mind doing that.

"Well, did I mention Korra is going to sing at the festival as well?"

"Really?! She can sing too?"

"Of course! She has the voice of an angel! You're going to love it. And here in the square is where the Ponyville Days gala will be. Music, dancing! And of course a locally sourced menu of delicious treats."

"Reminds me of the "Spring Fling meets Manehattan Wedding" I wrote about in Gallop & Prance." said Trend as they continued to walk.

"Exactly! I, I can't even describe how much your work has influenced me!"

So far so good, she thought.


She then led Trend to the farm where Applejack worked, "And finally, Sweet Apple Acres. Ponyville's core, heh-heh, so to speak, where our quaint little hamlet began."

Trend marveled at the beauty of the farm. He simply adored new and exotic things. "Oh, breathtaking! I've heard about it of course, but to see it in vérité, to stand on the soil of a working farm... You can really feel the authenticity." he squatted downa nd dug his hooves into the soil, marveling at it.

"Oh, yes, uh, they, they really do grow apples here." her heart raced when Trend placed his hoof over her shoulder.

"Thank you, Rarity. Thank you for bringing me here. This farm is truly something special."

"Oh, I had planned to transform it into an elegant country inn for the festival... but now I see just how special it is au naturel."

"Au naturel indeed."

Rarity silently swooned as she gazed into Trenderhoof's eyes, her heart leaping out of her chest. She suddenly completely forgot where she stood, all that mattered now was him and her. Together. However, the infatuated unicorn was about to discover that the feeling was not entirely mutual.

"Who… is... that?"

Trend's attention shifted from Rarity to something, or someone, behind her. She spun around only to find Applejack bucking apples in the hot day sun, the pony wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Who? Applejack?" Rarity was confused as to why Trend would be interested in the country pony, and in what way?

Trend absentmindedly shoved Rarity aside to get a better look at the orange colored, blond-haired mare. Trend's eyes widened in awe as he watched the way the mare swiftly moved her mane as the apples fell around her. Her eyes were a stunning shade of emerald, it was looking the gems themselves became her eyes. And her coat, so brightly orange like the sunrise, and her mane was a perfect shade of gold. She looked so strong, so powerful and confident, her independent spirit was evident in every move she made. She was so focused in her work but, in Trend's mind, he could have sworn she was looking at him, smiling with her emerald eyes. He was too smitten to realize this was only in his mind's eye.

Rarity eyed at the unicorn, "Ahem! Why are you staring at her like that?"

Trend slowly moved away from Rarity, his eyes glued to the second pony before him. "I've seen a lot in my travels, but I've never beheld such beauty. Applejack... The pony of my dreams…"

Those words were enough to shatter Rarity's heart. After trying her best ti impress her old flame, here he was making goggly eyes at one of her best friends.

She couldn't even begin to describe how hurt she felt. This was exactly how Korra felt when Mako was with Asami. She would know, and now she was feeling the exact same way.

Knowing and understanding how a person feels is much different than actually feeling it yourself.


Korra arrived at the boutique and entered the place, looking for her friend. "Rarity? You home?"

Spike ran up to her. "Korra! Thank goodness!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's Rarity! She's been sobbing since I got here. I tried to understand what she's saying but---."

"Let me try and talk to her." Korra followed the sobs to the curtain where Rarity had her Trenderhoof shrine and sat beside the sobbing unicorn. Her tears caused her mascara to run down her eyes.

"Rarity, sweetie what happened?" Korra gently stroked her mane. The unicorn lifted up her head and began speaking, her sobs making her words hard to understand.

"He--e-e d--d--do li--ike eh!"

Spike arched an eyebrow, "Hu?"

"She said; "He doesn't like me"." Korra translated.

"Who doesn't like her?"

Rarity cried again, "Tre--tre-end--er--ooff!"

"Trenderhoof?" Korra asked, rather surprised, "I thought you two were getting along great."


"Applejack? What did she do?"

Rarity finally stopped her sobbing and managed to speak normally, but while still with a deeply distressed tone, "He doesn't like me because he has a crush on Applejack, even though I've had a crush on him ever since the beginning of time, and it's not fai--i--ir!"

"He has a crush on Applejack?" Korra was rather surprised. Not at the fact that a pony would be smitten with Applejack or any other member of the Mane Six for that matter, they are all adorable ponies with wonderful personalities, but she was disappointed that the pony who did like Applejack was an old childhood flame of Rarity's. This was going to make things complicated for the four of them.

"Trenderhoof doesn't like you?" Spike asked, "That's ridiculous!"

Rarity sobbed as she gazed at the pictures of her dream stallion, "Oh, Spike, how could you ever know what it's like to be totally obsessed with a pony only to find out they're obsessed with somepony else?"

Both Korra and Spike shared the same 'are you kidding me' stare. This unicorn was almost as oblivious as a certain firebender they both knew. Korra placed her hand on Rarity's shoulder, "Rarity, I'm so sorry you're feeling hurt. But there really isn't anything you can do."

"Oh, Korra! You know what it's like to have the man of your dreams in the arms of another, what do I do?!"

"Well, you could just tell him the truth. Who knows, maybe what he feels for A.J. is just a temporary thing."

Rarity sniffed as she dried her eyes, "Do you think he'll like me then?"

"Well, I can't guarantee anything because--"

"I'll do it!" the unicorn zipped away to find her beloved, leaving a very concerned Korra and Spike behind.

"This isn't going to end well, is it?" Spike asked, but Korra didn't know what to answer.


Applejack was walking down the street with her basket of apples on her back, while a timid Trenderhoof hid behind an alley. Rarity spotted him and tried to confess how she felt.

"Trend, there you are! I need to tell you som--"

"There she is!" he interrupted, paying more attention to Applejack than his old friend. "Isn't she magnificent?"

Rarity narrowed her eyes in annoyance, "Anyway, I've been meaning to tell you, I--"

"Do you think she'll like me?" Trend asked, still oblivious to what Rarity was trying to say. "Should I go over and say 'hi'? Or should I wait until she passes by?"

"Um, Trend--"

"Does my breath smell?"


"What if I bring her some flowers? Oh wait, does she like flowers? Daisies maybe?"

Rarity had had enough, she needed to say it and she needed to say it now.

"I like you!" Rarity slightly backed away at her outburst. She felt so embarrassed.

"What?" Trend asked, not having understood what she said due to her being so quick.

"I…I like you, Trend. A lot."

Trend was silent for a moment before smiling kindly. "I like you too Rarity."

The unicorn beamed, "You do?!"

"Of course…we're friends after all."

Rarity grunted in frustration before storming away. This unicorn was absolutely clueless. She felt so mad she wished she was a firebender and could burn something to the ground. "Applejack." she said the name with venom in her voice, "I mean, what could she possibly have that I don't?!"

That's when it hit her. If simply saying how she felt wasn't enough, maybe she should show it instead.


Applejack walked casually when Trend, having finally summoned the courage to speak to her, approached and began a conversation with the mare. Much to her surprise.

"You know, I have such respect for the work ethic of Earth ponies." he said, trying his best to sound charming.

Applejack politely smiled, "Uh, gee, thanks. Granny Smith always said, "Pick an apple a day and keep trouble away"."

"How many varieties of apples do you think there are?"

"Uh, on the farm or in all of Equestria? 'Cause—" she was interrupted when Trend levitated an apple to eat.

"I once had an apple so rare, they thought it was extinct. I ate four of them." he bit on the apple, accidentally making a few bits and even the juice to become splattered over A.J.'s face.

"Is that a fact?" she wiped the juice and bits away.

"That's my thing. I take the mundane, the simple, the unappreciated, and I make it relatable."

"Well, I hope you can relate to Ponyville."

Trenderhoof noticed that Applejack was walking farther and farther away but managed to catch up to her, still eager to impress the mare. He walked backwards in front of her. "Me too. But enough about me. I wanna know about you! What do apples mean to Applejack?"

A.J. may not be an expert when with comes to flirting, but that didn't mean she couldn't spy a desperate attempt when she saw one. She's seen what male ponies would do to impress a mare, and she could tell what this pony's attempt was from a mile away. And she was boy buying what he was selling. If she were to ever be with a stallion in her life, it would be one with manners and dignity, not this love sick puppy.

"Look, I'm glad you're interested in Ponyville 'n' all, but I'm kinda busy with my chores. And if I can't get 'em done, there won't be a Ponyville Days festival for you to write about."

"Well, that will never do!"

Applejack noticed her best friend Rarity, now wearing a bewailed stray-hat with a pink ribbon, a matching basket and pink country books. It was like a very country version of Rarity's style which, while nice to look at, certainly was new for her.

"Rarity, what are you wearing'?" Applejack asked in disbelief.

"What, this old thing?" Rarity smiled proudly at her getup, for which Trend didn't even notice due to him still looking at A.J.

"Aren't you too busy plannin' the festival to keep makin' new outfits for it?"

"I am. But the thought of hauling apples inspired me, and I just couldn't stop myself!"

Applejack arched an eyebrow skeptically, "Really? You?"

"If there's one thing I love, it's hauling apples!"

"Since when?" Applejack muttered under her breath.

Trenderhood gazed dreamily at the orange pony, "I'm growing fond of it myself."

"Maybe you two should try it sometime." she muttered under her breath once more.

"I'm feeling a tad inspired." Trend then began to speak in poem, which only annoyed Applejack even more while Rarity swooned. "Without farm life, there'd be such disparity. These thoughts I think with great clarity. Apples high to the sky. She's the one of my eye. That fruit-hauling pony named... Applejack!"

Rarity's jaw dropped as did her heart. For a brief moment she thought he was talking about her. But no. What more was she to do?


Asami made a camera image with her hands as she instructed the two brothers who moves the tables. "A little to the right. No, the left. Just a little to the right. Perfect, right there!"

Mako and Bolin panted, having had to carry the tables for almost and hour. Team Avatar was helping Twilight and Fluttershy with the preparations of the festival. THe girls arranged the runway, the two winged ponies hovered above while Korra used her airbending.

Mako wiped the sweat firm his forehead, "Where's Rarity? She's the Pony of Ceremonies, shouldn't she be here?"

Speak of the dragon, Rarity appeared, looking bitter and distraught. Korra and the girls noticed and lowered down to greet her. "How'd it go with Trend?" Korra asked.

The unicorn screamed at the top of her lungs in frustration, the noise practically blowing their ears off.

"I'm guessing not so well." Korra wiggled her finger into her ear in hopes of getting rid of the ringing sound.

"I tried to tell him but he's utterly clueless! And he's still got his eyes on Applejack!"

"Well, Rare maybe he's just not interested in you that way." Korra said sincerely, "I never said there were any guarantees."

Rarity was far to upset to answer. Before Korra could sympathize further, Mako called out to them both. "Well, since you're here, mind helping us out with this fashion show of yours?"

Bolin took out some of the ribbons from a box for the stage and Korra, much to his surprise, used her airbending to arrange the decorations perfectly around the curtains of the runway.

"Wow! Somebody's been practicing." Mako said, impressed. His reaction caught Rarity's attention.

Korra simply shrugged her shoulders, "Airbending comes in handy at times." to help out, and to show off a bit more, she used her airbending to lift up more of the bows and ribbons and place them up around the curtain, they landed almost perfectly around. But then, she noticed one of them was crocked. "Fluttershy, little pegasistance, please?" The yellow pony adjusted the decoration perfectly, Korra gave her a thumbs up. "Perfect!"

Rarity was also impressed by this trick, but she was even more impressed with the way Mako looked at Korra in admiration. "Nice." he said, his eyes still glued to the Avatar.

Korra turned to her friend, "What do you think Rarity?….Rarity?" The unicorn was already gone. "Not again!"


"Rarity, why do you want to plow a field?" Spike asked.

Rarity had brought him to Apple Acres's field, where she hoped to impress Trend by proving she can do just as amazing and spectacular things Applejack can. She wanted him to look at her with the same eyes Mako had when he looked at Korra. However, the task was easier said than done, since she hadn't the slightest clue as to how to plow a field…or how the actual plow even worked.

"Is it me, or could this use a splash of color? And maybe a wash!"

"Don't we need to check on the gala decorations?" Spike asked, "Team Avatar's already working hard as it is."

"Yes, yes, of course, but Trend obviously has a thing for farm life. If I can't convince him that I'm just as much of a farm hoof as Applejack, I'll never get him interested in the festival."

Spike crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, "The festival. Right." however, his attitude quickly changed once Rarity hugged him. Making him blush.

"And I do appreciate your help ever so much. I couldn't do a thing without you, Spikey-poo.'

"Well, that's what friends are for!" he said, trying to sound cool.

"Right, so." Rarity jumped onto the plow and pulled on the reins as if she were ridding a horse." she whipped the reins but nothing happened, "Come on! Farm... thing!" she whipped again but quickly sighed in dismay, "Oh, how does Applejack do it?"

"Well, it would help if the harness was on right!" Applejack came walking in with Trenderhoof at her side, much to her annoyance. "What are you doin'?"

"I am simply lending a hoof with the chores, which I love doing ever so much." she said with a dazzling smiled. But Applejack was not buying it while Trend had no idea what was really going on.

"Well if you're still interested after the festival I can teach you all about it." Applejack placed the reins around her body, ready to pull on the plow, "But right now, I need to get the plowin' done, if you don't mind." she galloped away, pulling the blow along with her, causing Rarity to fall right off…and right into Trenderhoof's hooves.

"Not at all." she swooned….only to have Trend toss her aside in order to watch the strong and powerful Applejack blow the fields. It was the same look Mako gave to Korra when she did her new airbending tricks.

"She makes it look so easy." said Spike, just as amazed to see Applejack's raw power.

Trenderhoof sighed dreamily as he watched her work, "I know. Isn't she fantastic?"

This was not going as Rarity had planed. It seemed Trend was now more interested in Applejack more than ever! She needed to amp up her game.


After plowing, Applejack began bucking the apples. Trend clapped enthusiastically as he observed her work. This stallion was really starting to get on her nerves. She hoped ignoring him would be enough but, clearly, this guy did not take a hint at all. If he wasn't going to leave her alone, maybe another tactic would serve her justice. She in conspicuously rose up one of her hooves, stomping it to the ground, causing a patch of earth to rise up and knock trend a few feet away from her. She didn't harm him but hopefully this would be enough to lure him away from her. Sadly, it did not for he had gotten back up, not even caring, or acknowledging, what had happened. Apparently love did make some poise blind.

Rarity watched form afar as the stallion of her dreams admired Applejack. She needed to prove she was just as amazing as she was.

"I really don't see what the fuss is all about." she said as Applejack continued to work. The unicorn then tried to buck a secondary tree, but she only tapped it lightly with her front hoof, trying to see just how sturdy it was.

"Now, Rarity, you be careful. If you don't get the buckin' just right, you could sprain a hoof."

Rarity scoffed with her hose in the air, "I am perfectly familiar with the apple-bucking process, thank you very much. But while you seem to rely on raw power, I believe a certain amount of style is required." she batted her eyes at Trend, "It's really more of a dance, if you ask me. Much like my waterbending, it takes elegance and creativity."

The unicorn demonstrated this by twirling and humming before kicking the tree with her back back, allowing only one apple to fall and land perfectly on her basket.

"Et voilà!"

Applejack rolled her eyes, unimpressed, "Well, your way is definitely long on style, I'll give ya that much."

"Thank you." Rarity said, not getting the sarcasm.

"Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have some more chores to do." Applejack began walking in the opposite direction, while Trend followed. She stopped midway and turned back, narrowing her eyes at him, "Inside!"

The country pony managed to get herself into the chicken coop to get the eggs, when in reality, she just wanted to get away from Trenderhoof as soon as possible. She hadn't the slightest idea how to reject a stallion's affections and, in al honesty, she didn't want to hurt his feelings. He seemed like a nice fella and he was an old friend of Rarity's. She was in a dilemma alright,

Once A.J. was gone, Rarity had her chance alone time with Trend, who began asking her a question, "Rarity, can I ask you something?"

Rarity beamed. Maybe this was it, maybe her efforts did pay off after all. "Oh, why, Trend, you can ask me anything."

"I've been meaning to ask for a while, and frankly I'm sort of embarrassed."

She knew this was it. This was the moment she dreamed of. She would finally get that gaze she's been wanting for so long.

"Rarity… do you think... Applejack would be my date for the festival?"

Her hopes had died, along with her patience and tolerance. "Why don't you go ask her yourself?! Hmph!" she galloped away angrily, leaving a very confused Trend behind.


After a while, Applejack finally came out of the coop. She tiptoed by Trend, who was trying to buck apples himself, only to have one land on his horn. She took her chance to gallop into the barn and closed the doors behind her, sighing in relief.

"Whew! Well, that was close."

"If you've come to apologize, there's really no need." Rarity turned away from her friend. She was inside the barn, along with Applejack's brother Big Macintosh.

"What are you talkin' about?"

"Let's dispense with the charade, shall we?"

Applejack knew exactly what her friend's dilemma was and she wanted to help her. "Listen, I know you really want Trend to like you—"

"And he does! Despite somepony's best efforts!" Rarity exclaimed before having Big Mac placed a wagon filled with spare wheels inside and adjusted the strap onto her back.

"I swear I don't know why he's so interested me." Applejack said honesty, " I don't know anypony who's that interested in farmin'. Not even me! Besides, I don't even like him that way."

"And you shouldn't! I saw him first!"

Applejack rolled her eyes, here she was arguing with one of her best friends over a pony she wasn't even interested in. "Look, maybe instead of trying to impress Trend you should focus more on the festival you're preparin' for. Or should I say, our friends are?"

Rarity simply rose her nose up and pulled the wagon, "Well, I have a new vision for the festival," she said, her voice suddenly shifting from her normal Mid-Atlantic accent to a country accent mixed in, "and it's gonna be more country than the whole Apple family put together!"

As she left, Applejack and Big Mac shared concerned looks. "This won't end well, will it big brother?"



The following day, The Mane Six and Team Avatar were gather at Rarity's boutique once more. This time, the fashion runway was decorated differently. The curtains looked like patched up hand me downs and there were specks of hay around the room. Bolin sneezed as some of the hey caught his nose.

"Um, isn't it a little late to be changing the theme of the festival?" Fluttershy asked.

"And after we put that incredibly large runway in the town square!" Mako exclaimed in annoyance, "I'm still getting glitter out of my hair!" he ruffled his spiky raven locks as more sparkles came falling down like glittering snowflakes.

"What has gotten into Rarity?" Rainbow asked, "It's not like her to just switch themes like this."

Before anyone could answer, Applejack came galloping in. "Applejack, what's going on?" Twilight asked.

"I'm too scared to guess."

"That makes two of us." said Korra.

The lights dimmed and the lights on the runway lit up, as a country version of Rarity was heard. The very sound of it made Korra cringe. This was not the Rarity she knew.

"Firstly, I just want to thank you all for comin', and second, I know y'all will all adore my new festival theme!"

Spike walked out in a straw hat while playing the banjo.

"Why is he playing the banjo?" Bolin asked, "Nobody likes the banjo!"

The curtain opened to reveal Rarity, her once beautiful mane was now messy, an old and worn stray hat rested on her head, her horn sticking out, and she wore dirty overalls. Behind her were farm animals, pigs and chickens, as well as stacks of hey, a wagon, pitch forks and horse shoes on the wall.

"Simple Ways!"

For a moment, everyone was silent. Words could not describe how wrong this was. What possessed Rarity to want to try a theme that was way out of her comport zone. The silence broke when the lights turned back on and Applejack, Korra and Mako started laughing hysterically at the scene. Applejack leaned on Flutteshy while Mako and Korra leaned one ache other, still laughing.

"Well? What's so funny?" Rarity asked, still in her bad country accent.

"Rarity, that is the silliest getup I have ever seen!" said Applejack, still laughing.

Korra had to cover her mouth to stop her giggles, "Wha--What were you thinking? This is so not you!"

"I have to agree!" Mako said, also trying his hardest not to laugh.

Even Fluttershy chuckled a bit, "It is a little funny."

"Fun-nay?" Rarity asked in confusion, still using her accent throughout.

Twilight Sparkle laughed as well, "Rarity, you aren't serious, are you?"

Bolin approached her and removed her straw hat, "You wouldn't be caught dead wearing this stuff."

Rarity angrily levitated the hat back and hit him in the head with it before placing it back onto her own head, "Well of course I'm serious–" realizing she had reverted back to her old voice, she cleared her throat and reverted back in country accent, Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Bolin's right." said Applejack, "You would never dress like that."

"You like fashion and high society and fancy things." all eyes shifted to Asami when she said this. "What?"

"And I can like plowin' fields and haulin' apples just as much."

"But you don't!" Korra stated.

"How do you know what I like?"

"Because we know you." said Applejack.

Rarity shoved her aside, "Wail, maybe you don't know me as well as you thank."

Korra crossed her arms, "Oh, really? And I suppose it's just a coincidence that Trenderhoof seemed so interested in country life, too?"

Mako shook his head in disbelief, "Wait, all of this is for a guy?! Are you kidding me?!"

Bolin muttered under his breath, "Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

However, the three human teens did indeed hear him and gained up on the earthbender, "What's that suppose to mean?!" they exclaimed while narrowing their eyes.

"Nothing." he said in fear at their glaring eyes.

Korra dismissed it and squatted down to Rarity's level, "Rare, I'm sorry I gave you the wrong advice last time, but now I think you're taking this Trend thing way too far."

"I don't know what you're gittin' at!" Rarity protested, when deep down she did know but tried to deny it.

Korra could see straight through her. Clearly, talking was not going to be enough for this mare. Her sight was blinded by a childhood desire. There was only one thing she needed to do now. She stood up, crossing her arms looking at the pony sternly.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to show you!"

"Be my guest! Now, if you all will excuse me, I have a hootenanny of a festival to put on." the unicorn left the boutique, leaving a growling angry Korra behind.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked. "The festival is tomorrow night."

"We don't have time to change everything into a country fest." said Applejack.

But Korra had an idea, "We're not changing anything. The festival will be exactly as originally intended."

"But what about Rarity?" Bolin asked.

"For now, everyone just keep on working on the preparations, while I handle little miss southern belle."

The friend all looked at her with concern. "You sure Korra?" Mako asked, "Last time you spoke with her--"

"I know I made a mistake." said the Avatar, "But I know exactly what I need to do now. Just trust me."

The friends decided to comply, after all the decorations and everything was already halfway done, they couldn't change everything at the last minute. And the determination in Korra's eyes was enough to convince everyone. They nodded in agreement before walking out to get back to work, only Applejack remained.

"What are you planin'?" she asked the Avatar, who smirked.

"I've got a plan to snap our Rarity back. But I'm gonna need your help."

"I'm all ears."


At Sweet Apple Acres, Spike listed things on a clipboard while Rarity was speaking to a row of young fillies who would be modeling for her fashion show. They would be demonstrating the youthful designs.

"Now, to be a model in the Simple Ways fashion show, you might think "simple" means "less is more". Well, that just ain't so. If you want to be real simple, more is more."

She levitated an old stray hat, a patch of dirk with nearly dead flowers, a pair of worn out overalls and two green galoshes. She placed them onto Apple Bloom, Applejack's younger sister, much to her and the other fillies' horror. The outfit was dreadful and unlike the fabulous Rarity Ponyville knew.

"Now, y'all go off and make yourselves look just like that."

The very confused fillies left the barn, while Apple Bloom struggled to move in her new getup. The unicorn turned to Spike, "Who's our next model for the fashion show?"

Spike read the next name on the clipboard, squinting his eyes as he read the name, "Um… Apple... Jewel?"

"Who the hay is that?"

The lights all of a sudden dimmed and tango music played. A spotlight shined onto the stage as a new pony emerged in a stunning pink and aqua dress, her golden mane styled upwards, decorated with a stunning apple-shaped jewel with a pink and aqua stone.

It was Applejack!

Rarity could not believe her eyes, since when did Applejack behave like…well, like she use too?

None the less, Applejack really ruled the runway. She walked with an elegance that Rarity had never seen. She even gave them a pouty sassy look as a final pose.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Rarity asked in disbelief. This had to be some silly prank.

Applejack opened her mouth, but instead of sounding like her country self, she spoke in an upper-class accent throughout, which was very unlike Applejack. "Why, Rarity, whatever would make you think I was joking?"

Rarity's voice temporarily reverted back to normal, "Because you would never wear an ensemble like that. You like plowing fields and hauling apples—"

"And I can like fashion just as much." she said, poking her hoof at Rarity's hat, only to have her adjust it latter.

"But you don't!"

Applejack held her nose up high, "Well, maybe you do not know me as well as you think."

Rarity's voice reverted back to her usual country version, not knowing that somebody else was just outside of the barn, snickering as she listened to the event.

"Fine. But I got a whole festival to plan, so if you're goin' to start modelin', just get on with it!"

Applejack smiled and commenced her plan, speaking in her upper-class voice as she admired her mane and gown, "Life is a festival, and you should celebrate it by looking just like me! Because I'm a trend-setting fashionista!"

Oh, that was enough to snap Rarity's twig. "You're a trend-setting fashionista?! Why, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever– I mean…" she reverted back to her country voice and began to scratch her ear like a street dog, "Good for you. I, on the other hoof, couldn't care less how I look, long as I get the chores done." she tapped her nose, giving a stupid look while braying like a mule.

Applejack walked down the runway, smiling mischievously, "Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, indeedy-doodle!"

"Not me! My mane needs to be perfectly coiffed at all times." Applejack admired herself in the mirror.

Rarity angrily removed her hat, exposing her dirty and unbrushed hair, "Well, my mane is full of dust and split ends."

Applejack looked at her remarkably clean hooves, "My hooves are so polished, you can see your reflection in them." she bragged.

"My hooves are cracked and dry from working in the fields!" Rarity showed her her own dirty hooves.

"I'm so fashion-forward."

"I wear droopy drawers!"

"I smell like rosebuds."

"I love being covered in mud!"

Rarity finally snapped as she jumped right into the dirty pig pile. Spike watched in shock as a bit of the mud landed on Applejack's dress. Once Rarity spotted this, something happened.

All of a sudden, everything was clear. She forgot to speak in her country accent, she forgot what she had been trying to prove this whole time. Seeing such a stunning piece of art become suddenly damaged awoke something within the pony's subconscious. And worse, it was a stain on a gown one of her friends wore. A gown that made her look so beautiful, which was exactly what she always wanted her friends to feel. Beautiful in their own skin, just like herself.

"Goodness! Your couture!" Rarity rushed out of the mud pile and tried to remove the stain with her hooves, "Ooh, it's bad." she then realized she had dirt on herself as well, "Will somepony bring me a towel to wipe this repulsive filth from my hooves?!"

Applejack's voice reverted to normal and she hugged her old friend, "There's the Rarity I know! Your plan worked like a charm Korra!"

To Rarity's surprise, Korra stepped forward into the barn, "Told you."

"Korra?! I knew I had a feeling there was someone else around."

"You did." Korra said, "But you were so caught up with your own thing you didn't take the time to really see what was right in front of you."

It was then, Rarity realized the truth. This whole thing was a way to snap her out of her crazy infatuation with Trend, and to realize who she really was.

"Oh, Korra, Applejack, I'm sorry I said all those things. You're both true friends who probably knows me better than I know myself. I don't know what I was thinking wearing this ridiculous outfit."

"I kinda know how you feel." said Applejack.

"Oh, but you were just trying to help me see how silly I was being. And you were right. I was so obsessed with having somepony look at me in a specific way that I--"

Korra squatted down to her level and removed Rarity's hat, "Rarity, anyone can look at you and say 'wow!', but somebody who loves you just the way you are, will not only be amazed by what you do or how you look…but also for who you are inside. It's the meaning behind the look that should matter the most. You're the pony who showed me that before, remember?"

"That's right." Rarity realized, "I always said you were beautiful just by being you. Maybe I let my inner filly get the best of me. And Applejack, you certainly made a great effort for me. Besides, that gown looks just gorgeous on you. I wish I hadn't ruined it."

"Thanks! It's nice, ain't it?"

"It's magnificent! Wherever did you get it?"

Applejack winced, "Oh, it's, uh, one of yours."

Korra winced as well, she knew what was coming next. Rarity quickly grabbed Spike, "I'll need three gallons of boiling water and one ounce of detergent, stat!"

The little dragon ran out to fetch the items, when Trenderhoof walked in, now wearing overalls and a stray hat.

"I'm moving to Ponyville!" he announced, much to the girls' surprise. "Being the most interesting pony in Equestria is exhausting. I want to leave my exotic, exciting life behind and live on a farm!"

"What?!" the three girls exclaimed in shock. They were never getting rid of him now.

Applejack was probably the most worried, "Well, that's real nice, but I sure hope you weren't thinkin' of Sweet Apple Acres."

Trenderhoof's shoulders dropped in disappointment, "Oh."

Applejack knew she couldn't keep this up any longer. She needed to tell this pony what needed to be done. "Uh, look, you're a fine pony, but, uh, I'm, well uh…"

Before she could continue, Rarity stepped forward, "I think what Applejack is trying to say is that there's something unappealing about a pony who'd change themselves so much just to impress somepony else. If somepony doesn't like you for who you are, it's their loss."

Korra smiled proudly at her friend, having learned her lesson. Even Trenderhoof understood the wisdom of the words. Maybe he had come a bit too strongly and instead of interesting Applejack, he only pushed her farther away.

"Well, this is awkward."

"Not at all." Rarity smiled, "In fact, I think I know just how you feel."

Suddenly, another friend popped in, "So, everything okay on this end?"

"Mako? What are you doing here?" Korra asked.

"I came to tell you everything's all set for tonight."

Rarity then gasped in horror, "Oh my ribbons and threads! The festival! Oh, what was I thinking? There's no time to change the theme now!"

"Rarity, relax." said Applejack, "While you were actin' all love-sick crazy, Korra and the rest of us took care of everythin'."


"Presenting; "Small Town Chic"!"

Korra removed her hands from Rarity's eyes and she gasped in awe. The entire placed looked exactly as she had imagined, if not better. The teens even made a bold move as to add flowers from their world into the setting.

"I hope you don't mind, I got Tenzin to let us use some flowers from the island." said Korra.

Rarity was at a loss for words. "I…I don't know what to say. You all did this for me?"

"Of course we did!" said Rainbow Dash.

"We were happy to help." said Fluttershy.

"Speak for yourself." said Mako, "I'll be getting glitter out of my for weeks." he wiggled his ear, only to have said glitter fall from his ear.

"This is perfect!" said Rarity, "I can't thank you all enough! Well, maybe there is one way." with her waterbending, Rarity began levitating the water from the pond and froze it on the center table, creating various ice sculptures of all of her friends in a matter of seconds. The friends felt touched by this gesture.

"For the wonderful friends who not only know when to get me back to my senses…but who always look at me as the unicorn I am. Inside."

It didn't take long for everyone to gather in a group hug around Rarity. While she may not have gotten the romantic glance she had hopped for, the genuinely loving glances she received from her friends was more than enough. Trend was a tad hesitant to join in as well, but Rarity assured him he was welcomed into her circle of friends. And so, he did join.

Once the hug ended, Rarity remembered another thing, "Oh, I almost forgot. I may have mentioned that Korra would sing tonight."


"If you'e still up for it, that is."

Korra smiled in return.


"Organizing the Ponyville Day celebration was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I learned an important lesson. Real friends will like you for who you are, and changing yourself to impress them is no way to make new ones. And when you're as fabulous as I am, it's practically a crime!"

And so, the celebration went as planed. The festival was a lovely high class celebration with dancing and merriment. Bolin danced with the rest of the Mane Six while Korra and Mako danced with each other. Applejack too with Granny Smith when Trenderhoof came, asking for a dance. Only, instead of Applejack, he asked Granny Smith. Applejack smiled, maybe he wasn't such a bad pony after all.

Asami was a bit lonely standing in a corner when both brothers, Mako and Bolin asked her to dance at the same time. She kindly accepted the kind offer to dance with the two dashing young men.

Meanwhile, Rarity's fashion show was a big hit. She modeled her lovely blue gown she had made as the ponies applauded. Once she returned back stage, Korra clapped for her.

"That was great, Rarity. They loved it!"

"This never would have happened without your help."

"So, did you and Trend work things out?"

"Yes, I explained everything and once I did, I realized he's not the same pony I once knew back then. Just as I'm not the same either. I always thought I needed a pony who would treat me like a princess, but I suppose that's not real love. If I am to ever find somepony, it should be one who treats me as a friend first. Someone who will know when to encourage me, but also when to put me back down."

Korra smiled proudly, "I'm happy to hear that. So, you ready to rock this thing?"

Rarity smirked, "Try and stop me."

The two girls stepped out into the runway, Korra saluted to Vinyl Scratch, who adjusted the music to a much more pop tone. Rarity magically removed her gown, showing that underneath the skirt was a pair of bejeweled pants, similar to Korra's current outfit. Spike tossed a pair of microphones and the two sang to the crowd.

(Only you can be you by Cymphonique Miller)


Hey, you, what's the matter?

Baby, you've been looking down

Is that someone in the mirror, the reason you don't come around?


Baby, that's crazy


This isn't the you I know


Feeling un-pretty


Putting on a show


You don't wanna be a wannabe


So who you really gonna be?

Korra and Rarity;

Only you and be you

Only I can be me

You always wanna be what you're not

Can't you be happy with what you got?

You're perfect the way you are!

With your insecurities, doubts and scars.

Life's too short to worry

Don't you know it's true

Only you can be you

(You can be you)

Only I can be me

(I can be me)

Only I you can be you

(You can be you)

Only I can be me


I can be me

Korra began rapping the next part as everyone danced to the beat, clapping their hands and hooves.


If you love who you are, put your hooves up

You feeling good 'bout yourself, then stand up

You independent and you're strong, throw your hooves up

You feeling fabulous? Put your hooves up

You can be you, I can be me

You're a star, is what I see

You tall, you short, you different, you cute

You light, you dark, you beautiful


The rest of the Mane Six and Team Avatar came up onto the stage and sang along to the chorus.

Only you and be you

Only I can be me

You always wanna be what you're not

Can't you be happy with what you got?

You're perfect the way you are!

With your insecurities, doubts and scars.

Life's too short to worry

Don't you know it's true

Only you can be you

(You can be you)

Only I can be me

(I can be me)

Only I you can be you

(You can be you)

Only I can be me


"Only you can be you. Only I can be me. Yeah! Oh, I love that song. Well, Rarity certainly learned the importance about being true to yourself. And also, that real love should come from within, and not just from what outside.

Hope to see you next tome for another installment of;

Tales of Equestria!