• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 991 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

  • ...

Chapter 12–Filli Vanilli

"Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!

Let's finish our holiday chee--whoa!

Excuse me! Can't a draconequus have a shower in peace?!

*snaps fingers and is now fully dressed*

Well, I suppose you're all here for another story, right? Fine.

This story is actually about my friend Fluttershy, and yet another tale about her overcoming her stage fright. It all began on a lovely morning in Ponyville. Fluttershy had just woken up to the sound of her song birds...


Filli Vanilli

The sound of birds singing was always the one thing to take up Fluttershy every single morning. She opened the window of her cottage and smiled to greet her feathered companions. "Oh, good morning, little friends. Your singing is oh-so pretty." the birds chirped in response. "Yes, it is a very beautiful day today. Certainly something worth singing about."

As always, Fluttershy got to work. She always enjoyed feeding her little animal friends. It was her life's calling after all and nothing made her happier. She gave bird seeds for the birds, nice fresh vegetables for the rabbits, and corn for the chickens. All the while she sang with her beautiful sweet voice.

There's music in the treetops

And there's music in the vale

And all around the music fills the sky

She fed the ducks on the pond and the chipmunks in the trees.

There's music by the river

And there's music in the grass

And the music makes your heart soar in reply

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah,

She continued feeding the animals, all while vocalizing. Her enchanting voice was truly one of her many lovely talents. She gave honey to her big friendly bear friend and handed cheese to the little mice. She was suddenly startled when a second voice joined her. Vocalizing in a slightly deeper but still feminine and soulful tone, which complimented Fluttershy's soft voice perfectly.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Fluttershy smiled when she spotted her favorite Avatar on the ground. One of the many things they loved to do together was singing.

Growing up in the compound, Korra hardly had a chance to sing, which was something she enjoyed just as much as Fluttershy. She would often hide this from her teachers since they didn't think singing would serve her in her training. In secret, Korra would sing to her heart's content and now, with her new pony friends, she could do it anytime she liked. And she took every opportunity to do so.

The pony and Avatar sang together in perfect harmony. Korra danced while Fluttershy flew around her gracefully. Birds placed flowers on their hair and sang their big finish.

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, aaaahhhh

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, aaaahhhh

The animals cheered and applauded for their beautiful singing voices. Both girls blushed. "Oh, thank you so much." said Fluttershy with a giggle, "You're too kind."

"You were amazing, Fluttershy." said Korra.

"You were just as amazing too, Korra. Such a beautiful voice, it's a shame you never had a chance to use it while you lived in the compound."

Korra removed a stray strand of hair from her face, "Yeah, my teachers didn't really think it was that important. Which is a real shame since…

It never bothered me anyway!

Korra sang and Fluttershy sang the words as well. This time, Fluttershy's voice sounded a bit louder than before, more confident and strong.

It never bothered me anyway!

"Wow!" the two friends were startled when they saw their friends, both human and pony, jaw-dropped by Fluttershy's sudden change in voice.

The yellow pegasus immediately hid behind Korra's legs, peaking her head a bit. "Oh… You... um... you didn't hear me... um…"

"Singing in the most beautiful voice ever?!?" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

"Uh, yeah, we did!" said Rainbow Dash, making Fluttershy gasp and whimper behind Korra.

"Wow, I've never heard you sing a solo like that before!" said Twilight.

"You almost sounded like Korra!" said Bolin, "Almost."

"It was like a little slice of heaven." said Applejack.

"With ice cream on top!" Pinkie added. She was extremely hyper today. More so than usual.

Rarity used her magic to drag the shy pegasus from behind Korra. "Fluttershy, I cannot believe your spectacular voice isn't part of the Pony Tones quintet!"

"Um, well, I—"

"What's the Pony Tones?" Asami asked.

Rarity levitated a poster from her saddle bag and showed it to Asami, who took the paper in her hand. "A musical group performing at Fluttershy's Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser tomorrow night! Oh, Fluttershy you simply must perform with us!"

Bolin agreed, "Yeah, you'd be the talk of the town!"

Fluttershy gulped, "The…talk of the town? Well, you see, I—"

"This simply must be rectified." said Rarity, "You must share that stunning voice at the event!"

Korra, being aware of Fluttershy's uncomfortableness, tried to speak with the unicorn, "Actually, Rarity, you see--" she was interrupted when Pinkie Pie started talking.

"Yeah! It'll be so amazing! You'll be there on stage, basking in the hooflights! The center of attention! A shining star! Everypony staring at you, judging you, jealously noting how they could be way better than you? Why wasn't it them? Why wasn't it them?" The more she spoke, the more and more nervous Fluttershy became, but the pink pony was oblivious as ever to her feelings. "And then, when you choke, they'll turn on you, becoming a seething, angry mob, and you'll be horribly humiliated, never able to show your face in Ponyville again!"

"Pinkie Pie!" having taken the paper back from Asami, Korra used it to thwack the pony on the head. "Don't be ridiculous!"

"Aw, but I'm so good at it!"

Rarity sighed, "Come, Fluttershy, you will join the group, no doubt your voice must be known!"


The unicorn was shocked by her answer, "Pardon me?"

"I love the Pony Tones, I'm one of their biggest fans, but I do not want to perform with them."

"Why not, Fluttershy?" Asami asked.

"Well, you see... I... I have... um... I... I have…" Fluttershy felt Korra's hand caress her head, which eased her fears. "I have... stage fright."

Pinkie gasped and hid behind the bushes, "Is it contagious?!"

Mako rolled his eyes, "Stage fright isn't a disease, Pinkie. It just means that Fluttershy is scared to perform in front of everybody."

"Wha?!" Bolin was stunned by this, "What's not to love about performing in front of screaming adoring fans?" he said, remembering the love and attention he received when in the pro-bending ring.

Asami crossed her arms, arced an eyebrow and smiled, "Not everyone's as bombastic as you, Bolin." The earthbender narrowed his eyes in annoyance at the heiress.

"I'm very thankful the Pony Tones are singing at the Pet Center fundraiser," said Fluttershy, "and I'm really looking forward to the performance, but I'll be watching safely from the audience."

Rarity sighed in disappointment, "Well… I think it's a terrible waste of an exquisite talent, but I understand that you're not comfortable."

"Thank you. Besides, you already have the best voice to sing with you." she turned her head up to the Avatar, who blushed. "I just know you will be wonderful singing with the PonyTones at the fundraiser, Korra. Everypony loves your singing!"

Indeed, Korra had been asked to sing with the PonyTones, which was really more a request asked by both Fluttershy and Rarity. Korra, as always, was more than happy to help her pony friends. And the animals.

She scratched the back of her neck bashfully, "Well, it's the least I can do for you and the animals." she said sincerely. The animals agreed as they surrounded around Korra's feet, chirping or squeaking in motivation, and she received a hug from the pegasus.

Fluttershy then noticed her pet bunny gesture at his paw, indicating the time it was. "Oh! Angel's right. We'd better get going. There's a lot of work to do before tomorrow's event."


All of the ponies worked together to decorate the park for the fundraiser. Booths, banners, balloons, and flowers with ribbons decorated the trees, making them even more beautiful than before. Mako, Bolin, Asami, even the airbender children assisted as well. Jinora and Ikki airbended some of the flowers upwards where Rainbow Dash arranged them on the tree.

Underneath a gazebo, on a wooden stage, were the Pony Tones, which consisted of Rarity, Bic Mac, Korra and two ponies, Toe-Tapper and Torch Song. Toe-Tapper was a tall, skinny tall earth pony with a blue coat, dark blue hair, amber eyes and a five single eight note star as his cutie mark. Torch Song was a short, plump female earth pony with red and orange hair styled into a large bun, as well as her tail, and had a pale yellow coat and pink eyes. Her mane was decorated with aqua beads with one long strand over her left eye. Her cutie mark was a pink hat with a green card. They each wore green jackets with yellow undershirts with folded collars and white/blue-stripped bow ties. Korra mainly wore it on her hair instead of around her next and sat by the stage while the Pony Tones stood on it.

Rarity was the soprano, Bib Mac was bass along with Korra, Toe-Tapper was tenor and Torch Song was mezzo-soprano. Rarity cleared throat, Alright, Pony Tones, let's run through that again!" she blew on a pitch pipe and the Pony Tones started singing.

Big MacIntosh;

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah

The Pony Tones sang along, a small trio of ponies watched them rehearse and were immediately mesmerized with their singing. Mako was there as well, supporting Korra. He gave her a thumbs up and she smiled in return.

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da (Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah (Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Rarity winked to Korra, telling her it was her cue to sing. The Avatar felt a bit out of place at first but then remembered who this was for. So, she did what she loved to do.


Everypony's sayin' you should learn to express your voice

But if talk doesn't seem like it's the answer

The Pony Tones;

Luckily you have a choice

While they sang, Fluttershy was arranging a stand for bird houses. When Korra was singing her part of the song, the pony found herself singing along. However, she immediately stopped when she spotted a few ponies walk on by. They didn't hear her since she was singing low, but she didn't want to take that chance. She went back to listening to their singing

Pony Tones:

When you find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you

(Rarity: Oh, you)

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you


Got the music in you

Oh, oh, oh

Korra gasped once she realized she went a bit too far with her big finish and quickly covered her mouth. The other ponies looked at her with surprise. "I'm so sorry, I guess I got carried away."

"Don't apologize, darling. That was perfect!" Rarity exclaimed with joy, "Don't you agree, everypony?"

The Pony Tones all nodded in agreement. Korra's big finish sold the show for the pony tones and it balanced perfectly with then. Korra was a bit surprised by this, the last thing she wanted was to upstage anypony. Unlike bending, singing felt the most personal to her, and she rather sing with friends rather than just for show. She remembered singing for Republic City during the Equalist revolution to try and get people to get along, and the times she sang for Fluttershy to feel better. She sang from her heart which made it more personal for her, which was why she understood Fluttershy's reluctancy to sing in public. Korra may not have stage fright, but she knew how important it was for Fluttershy.

Speaking of Fluttershy, she had been listening to the ponies singing, all the while shaking her flank. She sighed dreamily as she leaned onto the side of the bridge. Korra was so lucky. Spike, who was watching the whole time, cheered with glee, "Woo-hoo, yeah! Rarity, Korra, you guys were awesome!"

The other ponies arched an eyebrow at the dragon. "Uh, thank you, Spike," said Rarity, "but this is an ensemble."

The other three smiled at the dragon, awaiting for his critique. But, he singly shrugged it off. "Eh, the rest of you were pretty good too." the three ponies narrowed their eyes in annoyance.

Mako patted Korra on the back, "Well, I think you guys were all amazing. Especially you, Korra."

"I agree." said Fluttershy as she approached them, "You're voices were beautiful! Well done, Pony Tones."

"Thanks, Fluttershy!" Korra said graciously, "And thanks, Mako."

Rarity addressed to the singers, "Now, Pony Tones, I want you all to rest your voices for the remainder of the day. We'll do a final run-through tomorrow before the big event, alright?"

"Eeyup." said Big Mac.

"Sounds great!" said Torch Song with a smile. "Great solo, Avatar." she said to the human.

"Thanks." Korra blushed as the three ponies left the stage.

Fluttershy flew over to the human, standing between her and Rarity, "Oh, the Pony Tones are really gonna make the Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser so special. Thank you so much for helping me help the animals."

"Anything for you, Flutters." said Korra.

"Oh, yes." said Rarity, "It is wonderful when a plan comes together without any sort of drama, isn't it?"

"Unless, some gigantic unknown monster just happens to barge in and destroy everything in sight with no rhyme or reason." said Mako…only to receive strange looks from the Avatar and the two ponies. "What? Weird stuff happens to us all the time."

The firebender had his hair ruffled by the Avatar, making the four of them giggle. Then, suddenly, Korra released an unexpected sneeze. "Ah-ah-coho!"

Rarity gasped, "Oh dear! You're not getting cold now, are you?!"

Korra shook her head, "It was just as little sneeze. I'm fine. Ah-ah-choo!" she quickly covered her mouth, "I'll be okay."


The following morning, the rooster crowed and Fluttershy and Korra happily walked by the fundraiser, which looked absolutely beautiful. Angel Bunny was on Korra's head, the little creature had taken a liking to the Avatar. Especially how assertive she can be. When she said 'no', the bunny knew she meant business.

Korra even had Naga show up to play with the animals. The gigantic winter beast was having the time of her life with her new companions. Korra approached one of the deers and handed them an apple. How the animals adored her. If anyone from the human world ever saw her like this, they would not believe this was the tough-as-nails Avatar. But, this was how she was with her pony friends, a side to herself she hardly showed unless they were somebody or somepony she was close with.

Fluttershy noticed that Korra didn't look too good. Her eyes were a bit puffy and she was still sneezing every once in a while. "Ah-ah-a-choo!"

"You sure you don't have a cold?"

Korra sniffed a bit and scratched her nose, "Relax, I'm okay. Probably just the pollen. Ah-ah-a-choo!"

But Fluttershy was still not convinced. She knew Korra hatted getting sick, it made her feel helpless and useless. The two friends, and rabbit, approached the stage where the Pony Tones were suppose to meet up and rehearse. Toe-Tapper and Torch Song were already there. Angel jumped from Korra's head to her hands and she gently placed him down.

Torch Song greeted the two, "Morning, Fluttershy. Morning Korra!"

"Good morning, Pony Tones!" Fluttershy greeted.

Rarity then appeared from behind the gazebo, "Actually, we're the Pony Tones minus one tone. Big Mac is inconveniently late."

"Isn't that him right there?" Korra pointed to a wheezing and snorting big Mac who had just arrived, clearly having had to run like a mad stallion to get here.

"Well, there you are! Haven't I told you about punctuality?" Rarity didn't even give him a chance to answer as she used her magic to fix his bow-tie, "Nah-ah! I don't want to hear it! It's time to rehearse." she levitated a pitch pipe and blew on it.

The Pony Tones awaited for Big Mac to sing the first solo of the number, but for some strange reason, he did not sing. The others were already getting in rhythm with the song, but Mac still didn't open his mouth. The poor red stallion began to sweat and gulp nervously. This was very unlike him.

"Big Mac? Can you please start the song?" Rarity asked politely, though underneath she was already getting impatient. Sadly, she would receive an answer she did not want to hear, delivered in a cracking voice.


"Big Mac! Did you lose your voice?" the unicorn prayed to the heavens this wasn't so.

Big Mac gulped once more before responding, "Eeyup." he said in a croaking voice.

The Ponytones, Fluttershy and Korra all gasped in horror. Their lead had lost his voice! How were they suppose to perform without the base now!

"What happened?" Korra asked with concern.



Big Mac recalled the memory from yesterday back on the farm. His sister Applejack stood on stage, speaking through the microphone to the audience, "Howdy, everypony, and welcome to the twelfth annual Ponyville turkey call! Who will take the title this year? Will it be somepony new? Or will the turkey call champion of six years defend his title to make it lucky number seven?"

Big Mac stood proudly on the stage with all six medals he won from the past turkey call contests he had won before. He couldn't take his eyes off of the golden turkey shaped trophy. However, once specific pink pony smiled evilly near the stage. This year would be here year, she was going to make sure of that.

Granny Smith called out to her granddaughter from the audience, "We'll find out if you stop your gabbin' and get on with the goblin'!"

"Alright, everypony! Let's talk turkey! Big Mac, you're up!"

The stallion took center stage and inhaled deeply….


Korra knew what was coming when Rarity used her magic to pull on Big Mac's bow-tie, narrowing her big blue eyes at him with anger.

"A…a…a turkey call? You lost your voice doing a... a turkey call?!"

"Lost his voice and the title!" Pinkie Pie said as she hopped on by, wearing her new medal and doing an authentic turkey gobble.

"Now we can't perform tonight!" Rarity said in dismay. Fluttershy gasped but Korra would have none of it.

"Hold on! I'm pretty sure we can still perform at the fundraiser."

"She's right!" said Fluttershy, "Korra can take over for Big Mac." she insisted. However, she was surprised when Korra sneezed once more.

"Ah--ah--choo!" Korra sniffed and felt her throat, which felt soar. "You know, strike that." she said with nasal voice.

Rarity gasped in horror, "I knew it! You do have a cold! Now we really can't perform!"

Fluttershy was already getting anxious, "Oh, no! You have to perform! Otherwise, the fundraiser will be a disaster!"

"Well, we cannot perform tonight with only three voices."

"Why not?"

"It would take rearranging all the music, and we just don't have time."

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but I have no remedy for this situation."

Korra's eyes widened in realization, "Of course! A remedy! I know who can help! Ah--ah--ah-choo!"


Deep within the Everfree Forest, Zecora the zebra inspected big Bog Mac's soar throat and Korra's cold. She had a thermometer in her mouth and Zecora 'hmm'ed while she inspected them both. Big Mac opened his mouth wide for her to see. Once she was done she closed his mouth and took the thermometer from Korra's mouth, seeing how high her temperature was.

"Hmmm. I can cure this pony that is hoarse, but it will take a longer course."

"Uh, come again?" Rarity asked, always having a hard time understanding the zebra's speech pattern.

"She means she can fix Big Mac's voice." said Korra. Strangely enough, she could understand the zebra's rhymes very well.

Rarity sighed in relief, "Oh, thank goodness!"

"However, it won't mean he'll be better by tonight."

The unicorn groaned in dispair, "Ohhh!"

"What about my cold?" Korra asked.

Zecora began picking some herbs from her shelves, "Mm. I can mix a brew that can work just right, but it cannot heal you two by tonight."

Korra groaned in frustration, "I was afraid you'd say that."

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "Ah! Where are we ever going to find a deep voice to replace Big Mac's?"

"Can't Bolin or Mako fill in instead?" Rarity asked the Avatar.

"I don't think even their voices are deep enough." said Korra, right before sneezing again, "Ah-ah-choo! Besides, Mako isn't the concert type, and Bolin would only end up stealing the show."

Zecora suddenly started to chuckle, making Rarity narrow her eyes. "Pardon me, Zecora, but this is no laughing matter! We need a bass voice for the harmonies to work! Without it, the performance will be ruined! And there goes Korra's big finale solo!"

"Please, forgive my strange elation, but I was not laughing at your situation."

"Then what?"

"Remember when you pony folk stumbled into poison joke? Miss Fluttershy had an unusual change, deepening her vocal range."

"I remember that story." said Korra with a giggle, "Hairity! That was hilarious!" she stopped once she took notice of the unicorn's angry glare. She cleared her throat, "Not funny."

"Wait, I think you're onto something, dear." Rarity said while pondering, "Fluttershy's voice became really low, making it sound like…"

"Flutterguy!" the pink-haired pegasus concluded.

Korra started laughing again, only to receive looks from the others, "I'm sorry, but it's kinda clever." her nose twitched once more, "Ah--ah--a-choo!….yeah, I deserved that."

Zecora demonstrated them a bowl of the magical blue plant, "With these leaves I can mix a brew, creating the same effect on you."

"Zecora, that's fantastic!" Rarity said with glee. Things were finally turning around for everyone.

Even Fluttershy was on board with this, "Yes! I'll do it! I'd do anything for the animals!"

"Why, you'd even appear on stage!"

"Oh. Except that."

Rarity and Korra simultaneously face palmed/hoof themselves while groaning.

"I just can't bring myself to sing on stage in front of everypony."

Korra tapped her chin and she got an idea, "What if you sang not in front of everypony?"


"What if Big Mac was on stage, moving his lips while you're behind the curtains singing his part? It'll be just like singing in your house! Nopony will know it's you!"

"That's brilliant Korra!" Rarity said while Big Mac nodded in agreement.

"Even still, I just don't think I could sing in front of…"

"You must! For the animals!" Rarity levitated a weeping Angel bunny in front of Fluttershy and Korra gave her the big sad blue puppy eyes. Her greatest weaknesses.

She couldn't let the animals down, no matter how scared she was. She couldn't say no.

"Oh… Okay then... Mix it up!"


That night, ponies all around were having the most wonderful time with the animals. One pony played with a seal lion, while little fillies adopted kitten and puppies of their own. Ikki and Jinora assisted in handing them out while Bolin already had his hands full with cotton candy, balloons and a giant stuffed panda. Mako and Asami stood with the large crowd of ponies, eagerly awaiting for the PonyTones to perform. Korra, who was still sneezing, was covered in her parka and carried a box of tissues with her. Mako looked at her with concern.

"Korra, you really shouldn't be out at night like this." he said.

"I know." she responded with her nasal voice, "But I just want to show my support."

"I understand but--"

"Look, I promise, once the show's over I'll go home. Come on, Pleeeeeeeeeeese!" the young Avatar hit the firebender with her big blue eyes once more. He knew he could not resist.

He sighed in defeat, "Fine. But you're going home after it's over." he said in a calm yet stern voice.

Korra complied, she knew Mako was just being his overly protective self. However, a certain heiress nearby just rolled her eyes at the scene. "She gets away with almost anything." she said bitterly under her breath.

"What'ya say, Asami?" Bolin asked while he chewed on his cotton candy.

"Nothing!" the heiress blushed in embarrassment. She didn't really hate Korra, she didn't want to, but sometimes the way she could just 'magically' get out of any situation tended to make her envious at times. Though she still did a good job with hiding this.

Meanwhile, behind the curtain, Rarity was giving the pony tones one final pep-talk, "Alright, this is it everypony. Remember, do it just like we practiced!"

Fluttershy inhaled deeply, ready for her big 'performance'. She was so nervous, but she knew she was doing this for a good cause. Rarity and the Pony Tones walked onto the stage, the ponies stomped their hooves to clap. Spike was clapping with excitement, but his view was blacked by a grown pegasus pony and his little filly daughter. The dragon was then lifted up by Mako who placed him in his shoulders so he could get a better view of the performance. Particularly, Rarity.

"Good evening, citizens of Ponyville!" said the unicorn to the public, looking as dazzling as always and just as confident, "I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and generously supporting the Ponyville Pet Center! Thanks to your kindness, pets are finding loving homes, and we're sure to meet our fundraising goal!"

"Probably hidden'." said Applejack while rolling her eyes, "You know how much that pony hates the spotlight."

Korra began fiddling with the edge of her parka. She had a feeling Fluttershy was already getting nervous behind the stage. She only hoped she didn't croak.

"So, with no further ado, please welcome the Pony Tones!"

The crowd cheered and the fireflies on the stage lit up as the PonyTones walked out, ready to sing. Well, almost all of them. Fluttershy gulped, her heart was racing and if she had hands they would be moist with sweat right about now. Rarity blew on the pitch pipe, starting the song. But nothing happened.

Fluttershy was trembling from behind while the ponies were all starting to question what was going on. Rarity was slowly growing anxious and Korra knew what was happening. As if by instinct, she clapped her hands together, closed her eyes and silently whispered, "You can do this, Fluttershy. You can do this." suddenly, a small little glow appeared on her chest that nobody, not even herself noticed.

Behind the stage, Fluttershy was close to running away, but her guilt told her to stay. Her voice was mute, she was too scared to sing. Until she heard a familiar voice in her head.

"You can do this, Fluttershy."

The pony gasped. She knew it was Korra's voice. How this happened, she didn't know. But hearing the Avatar's voice gave her the courage she needed. She could do this. And so, she opened her mouth...


Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah

Unlike her normal sweet sounding voice, Fluttershy's singing was deep like a male's, rivaling that of Big Mac's. As she sang, the stallion lip sang to her words and nopony else was the wiser. Their plan was working.

Korra sighed in relief, she had no idea how or what exactly she did, she didn't even know if she did anything, but whatever it was, Fluttershy was singing. Behind the curtain maybe, but she was singing.

The Pony Tones;

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da (Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah (Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da (Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah (Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Fluttershy couldn't believe it. She was…actually having fun!


Trot outside and you see the sunshine

Something's in the air today

Sky is clear and you're feelin' so fine

Everything's gonna be a-okay

Toe-Tapper and Torch Song;

If you listen carefully

On every corner there's a rhythm playing

Toe-Tapper and Rarity;

Then it happens suddenly

The music takes you over and you'll

The Pony Tones;

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you

(Rarity: Oh, you)

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you


Oh, o-o-oh

The entire crowd was enchanted by the performance, especially by the passion and energy coming from 'Big Mac'. Even Cherrilee couldn't help but swoon at the stallion.

Everypony's sayin' you should learn to express your voice

But if talk doesn't seem like it's the answer

Team Avatar was clapping to the rhythm as were everypony else. Korra felt so proud of Fluttershy, who was having the best time ever singing her heart out just like she loved to do.

The Pony Tones;

Luckily you have a choice

When you find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you

(Rarity: Oh, you)

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you

Got the music, got the music in you!


In you!

Oh, oh, oh!

The fireflies flew off the stage as Fluttershy did her big finish in honor of Korra. The crowd cheered for the PonyTones, who waved in gratitude as they chanted their name;

"Pony Tones! Pony Tones!"

Fluttershy had never felt so wonderful in her life. For a moment she thought the applauds was for her, until she reminded herself that they did not see her. Non the less, she did not feel upset. She did it, she sang with them, she saved the show. She peeked from the curtain and spotted Korra among the audience. The pony promised to thank her latter on.


Ikki and Jinora was incredibly surprised when, literally, a stamped of ponies came over and adopted every animal at the fundraiser. The young girls were dumbfounded.

"Wow, they move fast." said Jinora.

Team Avatar and the rest of the Mane Six and Spike approached the stage once the crowd dispersed. "Pony Tones! That was truly amazing!" Twilight said with praise.

"That was the best performance I've ever seen!" Bolin exclaimed with such enthusiasm and praise.

"And you sounded better than ever, big brother!" Applejack proudly winked at Big Mac, who blushed and smiled nervously. He hoped she wouldn't find out it wasn't him singing the whole time. He knew better than to tangle with his littler sister when she got mad.

Korra spotted Fluttershy coming from behind the stage. The two smiled and made their way towards one another, until Ikki appeared in front of the pegasus. "Fluttershy, you were on the wrong side of the curtain! You totally missed the show!"

Rarity tried to come up with a cover story, she knew if Korra said anything the others would know she was lying. But, like the skilled actress she was, she managed to come up with the perfect cover.

"Uh, just like a true professional, Fluttershy was backstage making sure everything ran smoothly!"

Korra smiled and whispered to Fluttershy, "And it was perfect."

Fluttershy felt such an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. The friends were then surprised when a male pegasis pony wearing a black shirt, glasses and had a black beard approached them. Beside him was a filly with brown hair and pale brown coat with paw prints for a cutie mark and wearing a silver plastic tiara.

"That was fantastic, Pony Tones!" said the pegasus father in a hispanic accent. His daughter flew around them on her tiny wings with such speed, while caring her new puppy. Like her father, she too had a hispanic accent.

"Why, thank you!" said Rarity.

The little filly tapped her father's nose to get him to ask the PonyTones a question. "And we were wondering if you would consider performing at my daughter Zipporwhill's cute-ceañera."

Zipporwhill's eyes sparkled with hope, her tiny little wings flapping, "Will you? Will you?"

Rarity could never say no to a face like that. "We'd love to! When is it? Next week? Next month?"

"Tomorrow!" Zipporwhill and her father said in unison.

Rarity, Big Mac, Fluttershy and Korra all jerked up and shock. They knew Fluttershy wouldn't perform again, once was hard enough. Rarity lowered her ears sadly as she gave the family the bad news, "Oh, gracious, I'm terribly sorry, but that's much too last minute."

Zipporwhill's spirits dropped, "Oh, no…"

Even her father shared her disappointment, "Well… I understand."

As the father and daughter walked away sadly, Fluttershy felt a tug in her heart. She spoke to Rarity in her current deep male voice, "Oh, Rarity, we can't disappoint that sweet little filly."

Both the unicorn and Avatar were a tad surprised by this, but they also knew Fluttershy could never say no to a cute little child. "You sure you're up for it?" Korra asked in her hushed/nasal voice."

Fluttershy smiled in reply, "I'm sure I can."


The following day, the Pony Tones sang for Zipporwhill's party. Just like the previous night, Fluttershy sang her heart out from behind the scenes. This was just perfect, she could sing as much as she wanted….without having to step one hoof onto the stage. She could sing in private and have others enjoy her singing. They never knew it was her, but somebody else.

The group sang their signature song.

The Pony Tones;

When you find you've got the music

Got the music in you

Find you've got the music

Got the music in you

Got the music, got the music in you!

The adorable little foals cheered and galloped their hooves for their performance. Zipporwhill was the most thrilled as she flapped her little wings like a hummingbird and flew all around the stage, cheering and laughing with joy.

"Whoo, yeah, alright! We got the Pony Tones, we got the Pony Tones!"

Fluttershy's heart filled up with so much joy when she saw how happy that little filly was. This may have been Zipporwhills party, but Fluttershy had gained the greatest gift she could ever ask for.

One the singing group headed backstage, Rarity smiled proudly at her best friend. "Fluttershy, that was even better than last night's!" she praised, making the yellow pony blush.

Another pony approached the group, the mayor herself, and Fluttershy instinctively flew up towards the celling. With her new airbending powers, she could swoop up faster than ever. Thankfully for her.

"That was amazing, Pony Tones!" said the pony mayor, "And it would be even more amazing if you could perform at my ribbon-cutting ceremony tomorrow!"

The ponies all looked at one another with concern. They couldn't agree to this, the last thing they wanted was to pressure Fluttershy. But the young pony pondered on this. Singing for the party and the fundraiser were already loads of fun. She didn't want it to end. Not so soon.

Rarity politely tried to decline the offer, "Oh, Mayor, we would love to, but…" she stopped herself when she heard Fluttershy whisper to her from above. The unicorn cleared her throat, "Would you excuse us for a second, Mayor?"

Out of hearing range, Fluttershy flew down to her friend, who spoke to her in a hushed tone, "Don't worry, Fluttershy, you don't have to perform again."

"But we wouldn't want to disappoint the Mayor." said Fluttershy, still in her deep male voice.

"Really?" Rarity was a bit surprised by this. Fluttershy nodded her head in yes, making the unicorn smile before addressing to the mayor.

"Well, then... Mayor? The Pony Tones will happily perform at your ceremony!"

There was not one face in the room that wasn't smiling. Fluttershy couldn't wait for the ceremony, she was having the time of her life singing with the Pony Tones.

A part of her hoped it would never end.


The next day, Fluttershy hid inside a barrel while Big Mc lip-sang in public with the Pony Tones. A huge crowd surrounded them. Like always, Fluttershy stole the show…or, at least, Big Mac did.


Trot outside and see the sunshine

Something's in the air today

Sky is clear and you're feelin' so fine

Everything's gonna be a-okay

Two mares who worked at the spa galloped with glee as Fluttershy watched them from a hole in the barrel, which allowed for her singing to be heard.

After the show, the two mares came to Rarity, asking if they could perform at the spay the next day. But Rarity declined the offer. This was the last time they would push Fluttershy. However, the pony tapped the unicorn's shoulder, "We wouldn't want to disappoint the spa patrons." she said.

How could Rarity say 'no' now?

The group did as the ponies asked and sang for the ponies at the spa. Their lovely yet soothing voices brought even more ease for the costumers. Fluttershy hid in the pool and sang using an underwater helmet with a long tube extending from above the top of her head. As always, more and more ponies asked for them to perform.

One pony couple asked them to sing for the school ponies by Miss Cherrilee. After that, one of at the fouls asked them to sing for her parent's anniversary party. Rarity, once again, tried to decline, but Fluttershy insisted by saying, "We wouldn't want to disappoint them on their special day."

After the anniversary party, they were asked to perform at Sugar Cube Corner for their big bake sale. On that same day, Pema had visited the bakery and kindly asked the Pony Tones to perform for her dear friend's opening of her new book store in Republic City.

Now even humans could enjoy their harmonious music. They were such a big hit, they were even on the newspapers. But, as always, Fluttershy was never seen. She always hid behind a building, or underneath the stage, ect. She would always find some clever way to keep away from the viewing public.

The Pony Tones;

If you listen carefully

On every corner there's a rhythm playing

Then it happens suddenly

The music takes you over and you'll

Find you've got the music

But, as they continued to perform, Fluttershy got more and more into it, event going so far as to add additional lyrics for Big Mac to 'sing'. She was going so fast and so unexpectedly that he had a hard time keeping up with her words, making him sweat nervously. But Fluttershy didn't care, nor did she know. She was just happy to be singing so much. It was her dream come true.


Find the music

Deep down in your heart

You can find it, oh yeah!

You got the music in you now

Pony Tones:

Got the music, got the music in you!

Big Mac had to take in one big deep sigh of relief. This spirited little filly was going to be the death of him if she kept this up. And he wasn't even using his voice.


In her free time, Fluttershy visited Korra, who was already recuperating from her cold. The Avatar smiled as her little pony friend flew around the room, still using her deep male voice, as she explained in detail every wonderful moment.

"You should have seen how happy everypony was! These past two weeks have been the best of my life!"

"Fluttershy, I'm so proud of you." Korra said as Fluttershy flew down and sat beside her on the bed. "I'm just upset that nobody will ever know it was really you singing and not Big Mac."

"I know, but I don't really care about the fame. All I like is to sing and make other ponies happy. Even if they can't see my face."

Korra did not hesitate to wrap her arms around the little pony, making her giggle. "You are just the sweetest thing ever!"

"Say, you think you would want to sing with me and the Pony Tones some time? Your cold is getting better after all."

Korra pondered for a moment, "Hmmmm. I'll think about it. Right now, I'm just happy that you're happy. I know how much singing means to you."

"And to you. I never would have done this without your encouragement, Korra."

The two friends shared one more warm and tender hug. Fluttershy always made Korra feel proud of her in anything she did. She truly was the little sister she never had.


The following night, a large crowd was gathered, once again, at Sugar Cube Corner for another performance by the Pony Tones. Spike handled security, along with Meelo. The two were wearing sunglasses and holding a clipboard. Meelo stopped one pony from entering.

"Hold it right there, missy!" he looked over on his clipboard before addressing back to her. "Okay, you're on the list. But I'm watching you."

From inside, Fluttershy peeked from the window. She smiled once she spotted Korra, Mako, Bolin and Asami in the audience as well. This was going to be so much fun!

"Fluttershy, we must talk to you." said Rarity as she and Big Mac approached her, "Big Mac's voice is all better!"


"Now you can bathe in the poison joke antidote and sound like your lovely self again."

Fluttershy froze. This was it, this was the end of the line. She didn't need to sing anymore, and just when Korra was well enough to see her perform. She didn't want it to end. She couldn't let it end.

"What's wrong?" Rarity asked.

"It's just... I didn't know that last performance was my last performance." with her ears lowered and her tail limp on the ground, Fluttershy started to walk away.

"Fluttershy, stop!"

She stopped herself halfway to the door when Rarity called her out. She couldn't let her friend be miserable, not after how far she had come.

"Ohhh…" Rarity turned towards Big Mac, "Would it be okay if Fluttershy sang for you one last time?"

Fluttershy looked up at the big brother stallion with her big shimmering aqua eyes. Big Mac grew up with two sisters so he knew that whenever one of them gave him that face it meant they wanted something wholeheartedly. He smiled at the young pony.

"Hmm. Eeyup."

Fluttershy smiled broadly, her eyes sparkling like stars as she flew over and hugged the two ponies in gratitude.

This was going to be her final performance. She was determined to make it count.


The lights dimmed and the crowd awaited for the show to start. Mako looked around, noticing the missing pony. "Isn't Fluttershy coming?" he asked the Avatar.

"I haven't seen her these past two weeks." said Bolin.

Korra tried to come up with an on the spot excuse. "Um…animal problems?" she immediately slapped herself in the face. She was really bad at this kind of stuff. Luckily, she didn't have to keep this up for the spotlight shinned onto the stage and the Pony Tones walked out, earning the applause they deserved.

Fluttershy sang like never before. She was going to make this the best performance she had ever given. However, as she sang with such passion and style, Big Mac had a hard time following her words, his lips were out of sync with her lyrics.


Hey, find it, oh why, you can find it

In your heart, yeah, find the music, yeah

It's in you right now! Oh, yeah!

You can find the music!

Korra noticed the struggle Big Mac had with following Fluttershy's singing. This was not a good sign.

To make matters worse, Fluttershy was dancing and spinning from behind the curtain. She shoved Big Mac forward to sing front and center. The poor stallion was so nervous as she continued to struggle with his lip-singing.

Finally, Fluttershy went too far. She was so into the moment that she accidentally kicked the rails that was holding the curtains. They fell all over the Pony Tones and they stopped their singing, but Fluttershy kept going. Unaware of the millions of eyes and spotlight on her right now.

You can find the music!

Yeah, yeah, I love the music, ye—

The pony stopped once she finally came back to reality…she had been exposed. Everybody in the audience was shocked by this reveal.


"I did not see that coming!" Bolin said.

Mako was shaking his head, trying to make sense of this mess. "Wait--how--did she--I mean--her voice is--what?!"

The poor pony was shaking in fear, the spotlight directly on her. She was mortified, this was her worse nightmare come true. They now knew she had been singing for Big Mac this whole time. Would they hate her? Would they judge her for singing for somepony else? Would they not like her singing anymore now that they knew?

Korra couldn't sit down and let this happen. She was not about to let her best friend throw all she has worked for out of fear. She opened her mouth,

Find the music in you

Fluttershy stopped trembling when she heard Korra's beautiful singing voice. Her strong, confident and powerful voice she loved to hear and sing along to.

All eyes were on the Avatar, even though the light was on Fluttershy. She stood up and continued to sing to friend.

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah

Somehow, Korra's singing relaxed her. Fluttershy found a bit more courage to sing along with her.


Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah

Korra smiled and continued to sing backup for Fluttershy. Slowly, the pony began to feel more confident and stopped her shaking. The Pony Tones removed the curtain from over them and smiled at what was happening.


Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da

(Korra: Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah

(Korra: Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da, ba-da

(Korra: Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)

Bum, bum, bum-ba-da ah

(Korra: Oh, ah-ah-ah-ah)


Everypony's sayin' you should learn to express your voice

But if talk doesn't seem like it's the answer

Korra and Fluttershy;

Luckily you have a choice

The Pony Tones then joined in the singing, wowing the crowd even more. Fluttershy wasn't afraid anymore. With Korra singing with her, she felt more confident, just like she was.

The Pony Tones and Korra;

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you

(Rarity: Oh, you)

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you


Trot outside and you see the sunshine

Something's in the air today

Sky is clear and you're feelin' so fine

Everything's gonna be a-okay

Toe-Tapper and Torch Song;

If you listen carefully

On every corner there's a rhythm playing

Toe-Tapper and Rarity;

Then it happens suddenly

The music takes you over and you'll

The Pony Tones;

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music in you

(Rarity: Oh, you)

Find you've got the music

(Rarity: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind the music)

Got the music

Fluttershy and Korra;

Got the music, got the music

Got the music in you!

Fluttershy sang the last note while doing and air flip. Once it was over she was once again brought back to reality when she heard everybody cheering for her. They loved her singing, even if she did sound like a guy.

But while they cheered, Fluttershy's heart beat fast. The song was over and now all eyes were on her. Her excitement faded, only to be replaced with fear. The fear clouded her mind and hears and she was deff to the applause. Without saying another word, Fluttershy galloped away from the scene.

Once she was gone, everybody looked on in curiosity, wondering why she ran way like that. Applejack approached her older brother, narrowing her eyes while Rarity backed away slowly.

"Big Mac, you got some 'splainin' to do!" she and Big Mac were face to face, until she started asking him questions.

"Turkey call?"


"Trash your voice?"


"Zecora remedy?"


"Not quick enough?"


"Needed a deep voice?"


"Poison joke?"




"Better now?"


Applejack then turned over to the Avatar, "You knew about this?"

"Eeyup." Korra replied rather stoically, she knew this was coming.

"Didn't say anything."


"Knew we'd figure out you were lying?"


"And that shy filly was livin' her dream in the shadows because she couldn't bring herself to come into the spotlight?"

This time, both Korra and Big Mac replied, "Eeyup."

"Well, for corn's sake! Let's go!"


The friends all hurried to Fluttershy's cottage. Korra and the Mane Six entered first with Mako, Bolin and Asami as second. However, they each hit their heads when entering. The house may be big enough for them once inside, but they had to crunch down just to walk through the door.

Korra called out to the pony. "Fluttershy, come on out. I know you're here."

"Yes…I'm here." the normal, original sweet voice of the pegasus pony was heard from upstairs. Fluttershy wore a towel over her head, having already bathe in the poison joke antidote.

"That was totally unbelievable!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, interrupting Korra in the process as she climbed up the walls reaching up to Fluttershy.

"I mean, the curtain came up and there you were, singing in front of everypony! And you know, I don't think anypony was jealous, 'cause there certainly wasn't an angry mob! But it must have been horrible standing there on stage, all eyesglued directly on you! It's like you were living your own personal worst nightmare!"

"Pinkie Pie!!"

All of her friends called her out on her blunt and incredibly reckless action, which only made poor sweet Fluttershy start to cry.

"It was. It was!" Fluttershy flew out of the cottage and everybody else narrowed their eyes at Pinkie Pie.

"What? Too much?"

"Ya think?!" Rainbow exclaimed.

The others hurried out and ran after Fluttershy. Mako called out to the pony, "What Pinkie meant to say is that you were really great!"

Pinkie peaked her head out from the door frame, "Wait! Didn't I say that?"

"Hardly!" Rarity stated as she galloped by her.

"Whoops." Pinkie Pie galloped after her friends, after Fluttershy, while shouting at the top of her lungs, "You were great!"

Fluttershy continued to cry, nearly out of breath, while Rainbow Dash flew beside her. "You totally blew my mind!"

But Flutters only galloped faster, only to stop when Asami blocked her path.

"It was incredible!" said the heiress. But Fluttershy still wasn't convinced. She flew up and covered her face while he laid on a roof.

Pinkie Pie climbed up to her, "Though, no offense... you kind of sounded like a dude."

Fluttershy flew off crying once more and Pinkie received two very nasty glared from Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, a great-sounding dude!" Pinkie added.

Finally, Fluttershy stopped her running and wiped away her tears. She turned around to face her friends, but her expression was stern and serious, nothing like before. Even her tone of voice sounded deadpan serious.

"Well, thank you all. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Because I'm never going to sing in front of anypony ever again."

She began galloping away once more, her friends gasped in shock before following her.

"Are you kidding me?!" Pinkie exclaimed while she jumped off of the roof and galloped along.

Using her airbending, Korra twirled herself upwards and landed several feet in front of Fluttershy, forcing the pony to come to an unexpected stop. They had reached the stage from earlier.

"No! No more running!" the Avatar said sternly, which was very unlike her to behave around Fluttershy. She was never this stern with her.

Fluttershy panted, already out of breath and strands of her pink mane covered her face in a messy manner. Korra simply stood there with her arms crossed, looking down at the pony who only looked back up at her.

"I just don't understand why, Fluttershy." said Rarity once they all caught up to the two. "After all, you're the one that wanted the Pony Tones to sing for every silly thing that was requested of us."

Fluttershy removed the stray hairs from her face and turned to face the unicorn, "You mean, you knew I really wanted to perform?"

"Of course I knew! One would have to be blind not to see how much you were enjoying yourself, sharing your voice for others to enjoy it."

Asami spoke next, "And, for all her babbling, Pinkie Pie was right about one thing."

Pinkie arched an eyebrow, "Only one?!"

Bolin them jumped onto the stage, spreading his arms wide in an exaggerative manner, "When that curtain fell, and everypony saw you singing, you lived your worst nightmare!… Was it really that bad?"

Fluttershy covered her face, "Yes!"

"Well, what was so bad about it?" Twilight asked.

"The thunderous applause?" Rainbow asked.

"The praise for your fantastic singing'?" Applejack asked.

"Making all of those ponies happy?" Mako asked.

"How much fun you were having?" Asami asked.

"The screaming fans?!" Pinkie Pie asked loudly, making Fluttershy jump up onto the stage.

Korra sat down, leaning against the stage as she spoke to Fluttershy like she always did. With compassion.

"Before I came to Republic City, I use to hate talking in front of large crowds, let alone sing in public. But sometimes being afraid can stop you from doing what you love, and hiding behind those fears means you're only hiding from yourself. You girls taught me that, remember?"

Fluttershy did remember. She remembered that time when Korra was terrified of Amon because he would take away her bending, but her fears was not only keeping her from being herself, but also from being honest with others and herself.

"It's always better to face those fears, because once you do, you can be the best pony you can possibly be." Korra hugged her sweet little pony, who nuzzled her face against hers.

She knew Korra was right, facing her fears did help her. She realized she lived to sing because she loved to share her talent. The same way Korra shared her singing with hers. That was why the Avatar sang with her during that last performance. She wanted Fluttershy to remember why she did this in the first place.

It was all for love and joy.


The next morning, Fluttershy performed on stage with the Pony Tones. Her first debut as an official Pony Tone. This time, Korra let her sing by herself. She wanted the pony to understand that while Korra will always be there when she needed her, she had to learn to stand on her own too feet. Or hooves.


There's music in the treetops

And there's music in the vale

And all around the music fills the sky

There's music by the river

And there's music in the grass

And the music makes your heart soar in reply

The Pony Tones;

When you find you've got the music


You've got to look inside and find

The Pony Tones;

Find you've got the music


The music deep inside you

The Pony Tones;

Find you've got the music


'Cause when you look inside, you'll see it

The Pony Tones;

Find you've got the music


You're gonna find it, gonna find

The Pony Tones;

You've got the music

Got the music, got the music

Got the music in you!

The Mane Six and Team Avatar cheered as did the rest of the audience…which were really just Fluttershy's animals. The stage was really set up in front of Fluttershy's cottage this entire time.

Rainbow Dash flew up and hugged her, "You did it, Fluttershy!"

"See? That wasn't so bad." Mako said.

Pinkie Pie then started jumping up and down, "And you didn't look completely petrified by the fact that we're all staring at you at all!" she then took out from her big bouncy hair what appeared to be a dumpling sprinkled with some kind of spice.

Twilight's eyes widened at this, "Pinkie, what are you eating?!"

"Spicy dumplings! Want one?"

The alicorn quickly slapped the treat away. "No! Pinkie, you know you can't eat spicy dumplings, they make you reckless! Well, more reckless than usual."

"That would explain a lot." said Bolin while scratching his head.

Korra petted Fluttershy's head, "Well, how do you feel?"

"Surprisingly… okay!"

Rarity smiled, "Fantastic, because the Pony Tones have been booked for the Apple Family Zap Apple Jam Extraordinaire!"

"Oh, no... I couldn't do that!" Fluttershy immediately hid behind the curtain, much to the dismay of her friends. "I'll get there someday. But for now... baby steps, everypony. Baby steps."

While some of them thought it was silly for her to still be shy after everything, they still understood her decision. Fluttershy was sure to keep on singing, not for attention, but simply because she loved it and because it made her friends happy.

Which, in return, made her happy as well.


"And that day forward was only the beginning to Fluttershy becoming the strong and confident pony she is today.

She never stopped singing and she never stopped caring. Just goes to show, facing your fears really can help you grow into a better you.

Hope to see you next time for another installment of

Tales of Equestria!