• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 991 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 8–Rainbow Falls

(Trumpets play!)

"Hello everypony! You're all probably wondering why I'm blowing on this trumpet. Well, that's because

(blows again)

The Equestria Games are under way!

But first, our speedy adrenaline queen, Rainbow Dash must get through tryouts for the aerial event! If she does, Ponyville will participate in the games!!


Naturally, she picked the best flyers she knew!…or, the closest she could find. Hey, you try finding a pegasus pony who can fly at the speed of sound like Rainbow Dash!

Anyway, while this story may seem like it's more about sports but, in reality, this is a story about Loyalty.

Rainbow Dash is the embodiment of that Element, but what happens when she's confronted with temptation to win?

Let's find out"


Romans 10:10~

For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.


Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Dash was firm and focused. She knew that there mustn't be any mistakes as she walked in front of the two pegasus ponies (and Angel Bunny, who doesn't really count) in complete commando mode.

"Alright, ponies, listen up!"

"We're all ears." said Fluttershy, standing up straight, "Right, Bulk Biceps?"

The pegasus beside her was twice her size, with a pure white coat and an anatomically bulky body with yellow hooves, a military-styled dirty blond mane, blood red eyes and two golden earrings with a barbell as a cutie mark. Unlike other pegasus ponies, his wings were so tinny they looked like hummingbird wings. It was a miracle he managed to lift himself into the sky to begin with.

"Nuh-uh! I'm all muscles!Yeah!" He demonstrated his strength by kissing his own biceps and flexing them. Constantly shouting 'Yeah!' is his most common cash-phrase.

"I like your attitude, Bulk Biceps," said Rainbow Dash, while still maintaining herself firm, "but it's gonna take more than muscles and Yeah!s to get us to the Equestria Games! We are the Aerial Relay team, and it's up to the three of us to make sure that we qualify at the tryouts. And do I need to remind you how much I - I mean, Ponyville, heh – wants to qualify and make it to the Games?"

"I remember." Fluttershy said, in her usual kind and caring tone, "I really, really, really want to qualify for you and Ponyville."

"Bring it on!" shouted Bulk Biceps with a flare of his nostrils.

Pinkie Pie, as always, appeared in her own time, wearing her own cheerleader's uniform, added with pom poms on her hooves and a megaphone around her neck, "Gimme a 'P' for 'Ponyville'!"

Fluttershy yelped and squatted down due to the extreme loudness as Pinkie shouted through the megaphone. "P, Ponyville!" but as she blew, a powerful gust of wind came shooting from the megaphone, which nearly blew Rainbow Dash away. Sometimes, Pinkie's airbending went out of control due to her uncontrollable enthusiasm. Thankfully, nopony was blow away….this time.

"P!" Bulk Biceps added by shouting loudly.

Once the noise died down, Fluttershy got back up, "Oh, thanks, Pinkie Pie. That was a scary- I mean, great cheer." she laughed nervously.

"Just make sure you have one ready for when we qualify for the Aerial Relay." Rainbow told the pink airbender pony.

Bulk Biceps shouted once more, "And after that, for when we win gold medals in the Equestria Games!"

"Not so fast!"

Their heads turned to see Applejack, pulling a cart filled with delicious treats, along with Avatar Korra and Asami Sato.

"If you're gonna be good, you're gonna be better with some of my apple brown bettys in ya." Applejack smiled proudly, "They're perfect."

Just when Fluttershy was about to pick one, Pinkie Pie popped out from inside the bettys, cheering her pom poms once more.

" 'P' is for 'perfect'!"

Asami was startled but Korra was simply laughing. Rainbow Dash face palmed herself when the two humans approached her. Korra squatted down to her level first. "So, you excited for the tryouts R.D?"

"You know it, A.K.!" the pony beamed, "And I can't wait for you to see Rainbow Falls! I haven't been there since I was a filly."

"Why do they call it Rainbow Falls anyway?" Asami asked. The heiress was surprised when the two athletes started to laugh. "What, what did I say?"

Korra got up and wiped away a tear that escaped her eye when she laughed, "Oh, Asami. You've still got a lot to learn in terms of how a 'magical world' really works. Rainbow Falls is a town where actual rainbow-colored waterfalls pour down from the clouds. It's one of the most popular destinations for yearly events. Next to Canterlot and Manehattan."

Asami blinked twice in surprise, Korar sure knew a lot about Equestria. If only she would place more of that effort into her airbending training. Speaking of which.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck Rainbow Dash." said the heiress.

"You sure you can't come?" Rainbow asked, her ears lowering in disappointment.

"Sorry, I'm already behind on my work as it is."

"It won't be the same without you around."

Asami squatted down and petted her head, "Hey, you'll be fine. Don't forget who beat me at a satomobile race."

Rainbow smiled proudly at the memory, "Yeah. I was pretty awesome." Asami chuckled as she stood back up. "I'll be sure to tell you everything that happens."

"It's a deal."

The three hear incredibly loud chewing, only to see it was Bulk Biceps eating on the bettys while Fluttershy chewed more quietly. Rainbow opened up her wings, "Well, time to get back to work." she flew back to her team, getting their attention.

"Alright, team! Show me what you got! Put some bend into those knees!" the two bended the knees, "Flap those wings!" they flapped their wings at her command, "And I want to see all four hooves off the ground on the count of three!" she smiled before counting really fast, "One two three!"

Bulk Biceps grunted as he and Fluttershy flew flew up into the sky while Korra and Asami watched. The heiress had her hands clapped close to her chest while Korra had her fingers crossed. Literally.

"Don't forget to breathe while you're up there!" said Rainbow Dash and Bulk started wheezing.

Because he screamed so dramatically when he flew up he exhaled a large portion of his breath, causing him to lose altitude and drag Fluttershy along with him.

The ground literally shoo, causing Applejack, Korra and Asami to briefly fly up two feet of the ground when Bulk and Fluttershy landed…on top of Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie popped out from the pile, cheering, "'P' is for, uhh... 'pain'?"

Rainbow Dash sighed in dismay while both the human girls winced at the sight. "Keep saying your prayers." Korra said to the heiress, "We're gonna need a lot of them." they both winced again as Pinkie tried to get the trapped Rainbow Dash from the gigantic white pony.

"A lot." the heiress added.


A few days latter, the Mane Six, Bulk Biceps and three of Team Avatar were in the train heading to Rainbow Falls, for which Bolin was reading a brochure about it.

"Man! I can't believe it!" the earthbender said in excitement while his fire ferret rested on his shoulder, "Actual rainbow water falls! How awesome is that!"

"Wait till you see them up close." said Rainbow Dash.

Just the, two pegasus ponies approached the two. One was a female with light cyan coat, blue eyes and yellow mane and tail. Her name was Helia. The second was a male pegasus pony name Thunderlane, his coat was dark grey and had a two toned blue mane and tail.

"Good luck, Rainbow Dash!" said Helia, "Sorry we couldn't fly with you on the Aerial Relay, but the air sprinters needed us too."

"Too bad we can only compete in one event." said Thunderlane with a sigh, "But, rules are rules." As the two ponies walked out, they smiled at the Avatar, "We're supper glad you could come, Avatar Korra."

"Yeah, having a hero around sure will be great inspiration." Helia said in admiration, making the Avatar blush bashfully.

"Awww, that's so sweet. But if anything, you ponies are the real inspiration. I can't wait to see you guys fly out there."

The two pegasus ponies bowed in respect before walking into the next train cart while Korra, Mako and Twilight waved.

"Good luck!" said the princess before turning to Rainbow Dash, "It was nice of you to be part of the team that doesn't have... uh…" she took a moment to speculate Bulk Biceps's tiny wings. Seriously, those things were practically no bigger than walnuts. It was amazing this pony managed to get at least five feet off of the ground, "The strongest flyers." she added, trying to sound as polite as she could.

"Nothing nice about it." said Rainbow Dash in her usual proud tone.

"Then why did you pick them?" Mako asked, "If you knew they were not the best, why---"

"Chill-lax, Mako." Rainbow said while waving her hoof, "I know that I can pick up the slack for anypony. With her airbending, Fluttershy's gotten waaaaay faster, and Bulk Biceps is the strongest pony there is. Plus, we did train at the Wonder Bolts Academy together, remember?"

"Didn't he get kicked out for bitting someone's tail?" Mako asked while arching an eyebrow.

"He thought it was taffy. Relax, with me on the team, we'll qualify. I'm sure of it."

Knowing the arrogant pegasus was not going to listen, Mako gave up, rising his hands up in surrender, "If you say so, R.D."

Twilight wrapped her hoof around Rainbow's shoulder, "Ponyville is very lucky to have you."

"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome."

"Yes you are, Rainbow Dash." Korra stated with a proud grin, "Anypony would be crazy not to let you guys compete in the Equestria Games."

"I knew I could count on you, Korra."

Fluttershy, who was practically getting squashed by Bulk Biceps's enormous size, strained and gasped for air as she held the Ponyville flag in her hoof.

"I am so proud to be representing Ponyville." she said while still straining. Seeing her struggle, Bolin pulled her right out, setting her free.

"It's got to be a real honor to even try out for the Games." Bolin said, tightening his fists in anticipation, "I'm already getting excited too!"

"I just hope I don't let anypony down." Fluttershy said.

"Aww, of course you won't Fluttershy." Bolin said sweetly, building up his friend's confidence.

"We'll make them proud!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed so loudly, it made both Fluttershy's and Bolin's hair bellow in the wind of his breath, and Pabu was nearly blown right off of Bolin's shoulder. Then, to his surprise, the large while pegasus was shoved aside when Pinkie Pie came out cheering and waving her pom poms.

"'P' is for 'proud'! We're gonna be the best fans anypony has ever seen!"

The stylish Rarity popped up from behind her, "Ooh. Can't wait to see what everypony else is wearing, even though I am absolutely sure they won't be better than the Ponyville uniforms I'm designing for the Equestria Games."

Applejack appeared beside her, "And we will make it to the Games once everypony carbo-loads on my apple brown betties."

"I can't wait!" Pinkie PIe exclaimed once she unexpectedly re-appeared behind Mako and Korra, startling the too. "Too bad Asami couldn't come"

At the mention of her name, both Mako and Korra shared saddened looks.

Korra slightly hunched in disappointment. While the heiress didn't show any direct signs of hatred toward her, that still didn't mean Korra didn't catch at least a tint of uncertainty whenever Asami was around her. She wanted to be friends, because she knew Asami needed them. She didn't know if it was because of Mako, or maybe it was. Maybe the heiress was still a little jealous of the two. Still, she hoped one day that barrier between them would break down completely at some point in the near future, because right now it still seemed to be standing a bit. She couldn't explain it but, she knew there was something awaiting her and all of her friends. She just couldn't explain just what it was or what it would be, so far it's been just a feeling. Maybe time will give her the answer she seeks.

Korra decided to shrug the topic off for now, because today was suppose to be a great day for her dear friend Rainbow Dash. Bolin pressed his face against the window and his eyes widened in wonder.

"We're here! We're here!"

Mako looked into the direction where his younger brother was looking at, as did Korra and her eyes sparkled, reflecting the stunning colors before her.

"Rainbow Falls."

Rainbow Falls was just as the name implied; a lovely town resting on a high mountain with Rainbow colored waterfalls transcending from the high clouds, landing into the stream of the town bellow. One of the many things Korra loved about this world was the new surprises around every corner.

The train came to a halt and the group of friends exited, only to be more impressed by the beauty of the place. The small houses were so simple and welcoming, with Rainbow-themed decorations all around. The houses had murals depicting Rainbows, umbrellas underneath tables outside a small cafe, even Rainbow arcs over the roofs of the house. Ponies were everywhere, either walking around, greeting one another, or simply sitting on benches beside the rainbow-colored stream that was connected to the rainbow waterfall that fell from above.

Mako could hardly believe his eyes, "That's…a lot of colors." he said, his jaw practically hitting the floor. Even his brother was speechless.

"This places is…Amazing!! I wonder if the food is rainbow-themed."

It didn't take long for the Ponies to get to training. The competitors were all gathered in the tryout grounds, where numerous other pegasi and several griffons were gathered. Bolin couldn't help his curiosity, these ponies may be cute and adorable creatures, but they were strong. He was surprised to see one lift up a barbell with his hooves. He was especially intrigued by the griffons that were there as well. They certainly looked as Twilight had described before; strong half-eagle half-lion creatures with powerful claws, large wings and shaper beaks. He walked up to one male one and began asking some questions.

"So, do griffons have like their own kingdom, or do they live under Celestia's rule like ponies do? Also, if you guys can tryout, does that mean other winged creatures that aren't ponies can too? What about dragons, have they ever tried out?"

The male griffon stopped his workout and glared in annoyance at Bolin, "Kid, go home."

Bolin realized he had overstayed his welcome and walked away. Meanwhile, Korra, Mako, Bulk Biceps and the Mane Six made their way across various pegasus ponies working out. Korra was startled when she heard two ponies call out her name.

"That's Avatar Korra!"

She turned her head and saw two ponies, one male and one female. The male was brown in color with dark brown spiky hair, blue eyes and a crescentic moon cutie mark. The female pegasus was orange with puffy pink-candy-colored mane and tail with a swirled candy as her cutie mark.

"Wow, I can't believe it's really you!!" said the male pegasus, Crescent Moon.

"Oh, well, I'm mostly here to support my friend Rainbow Dash and the Ponyville team."

"No way, you're friends with Rainbow Dash? She's an awesome flyer!"

"I heard that she's flying the last third of the relay," said the female pegasus, Orange Swirl, "which means everypony else is gonna have to be way ahead to beat her!"

Korra couldn't help but smile. As proud of her talents as she may be, she was even prouder of her friend's accomplishments. "You got that right." Korra said proudly while crossing her arms, "I don't think there's anypony else who could measure up to Rainbow's skills."

"Oh, the Wonderbolts!"

Korra's attention shifted towards the sky when Crescent Moon pointed upwards. Rainbow and the others looked up as well as saw them.

The Wonderbolts themselves.

Korra has heard about them from Rainbow Dash, but this was the first time she has seen them in person. They were just as Rainbow described them. Fast, agile, and downright, undeniably…awesome!

Mako and Bolin were jaw dropped at the sight. These three ponies had the speed and agility as well as the teamwork of a well oiled machine. Bolin was especially ecstatic to see them.

"Whoa! Mako, do you see that? It's the Wonderbolts!"

"Yeah bro, I see them."

Korra was still wide eyed by the sight, "Wow. Hey, aren't they flying for Cloudsdale?"

"That's right," said Orange Swirl, "Cloudsdale will definitely qualify. They're the best flyers ever."

With the way they were flying, Korra had to agree. The three famous ponies in Equestria landed, sporting their matching blue jumpsuits and goggles. Korra approached her friends as the orange female Wonderbolt, Spitfire, removed her goggles.

"And the game is on!" she then spotted the two legged creature and she gasped, "Whoa, are you Avatar Korra?"

"The one and only." Korra said, "It's a real honor to meet the Wonderbolts in person. Rainbow Dash has told me so much about you. Let me guess; You're Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and you must be Soarin."

The blue hair pegasus removed his goggles and smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth, "Wow, the Avatar knows who we are! So what brings you here?"

"I'm just here to support Ponyville, being represented by Rainbow Dash's team. Also known as; The best flyer in Equestria!"

The statement made the said pegasus blush, "Aww, Korra. You're embarrassing me."

"Well it's true!"

To her surprise, Mako took her by the shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Korra, don't oversell it."

Soarin rose his hoof up into the air in enthusiasm, "Hah, nice to see there's some real competition here!"

Fleetfoot walked up to Rainbow Dash, placing a hoof on her shoulder, "Two more days of practice, then we'll see you in the air, Rainbow Dash! If you're lucky."

The trio of pegasus galloped away for more training, leaving Rainbow Dash with a content smile on her face, followed by a content sigh. "The Wonderbolts know a winner when they see one, and we'll be winners just as soon as we practice! Right team?"

"Right." said sweet Fluttershy.

Bulk Biceps exclaimed, "Yeah!"

"Hooray!" Pinkie Pie blew on her party hooter and tossed confetti.

Twilight looked indifferent for a moment, but when Rainbow looked at her, she realized she needed to show her enthusiasm as well. "And, um, I'm with her! Hooray!"

Seeing his silence, Korra nudged Mako's arm, "Uh, me too! Hooray!"

Their attention shifted to a duo of cheerleaders who were cheering for the Cloudsdale team. "Give us some clouds! Give us some dale! And what do you get? Cloudsdale! Woo-hoo!"

Pinkie Pie gasped, her blue eyes gleaming, "Where can I get pompoms like those?!"


Korra, Mako and Bolin watched from the sidelines with Twilight Sparkle as Rainbow Dash instructed to her flyers, "So, do I need to remind you of what our goal is here?"

Bulk Biceps looked uncertain, "Uh, maybe?"

"We want to qualify! We need to be one of the first four teams to cross the finish line! Bulk Biceps, you're the first flyer, so let me see you flap it!"

Bulk Biceps grunted as he flapped his tinny wings. They looked like hummingbird wings. Unfortunately, he wasn't as fast this time, for he was easily brought down when Applejack's brown betties suddenly hit his chin.

"What the?" Rainbow Dash looked down and saw that it was Applejack who had kicked the pastry into the air.

"Sorry! Got the idea from them, but…"

She turned her head towards two pegasus ponies, wearing chefs hats, and were tossing some cupcakes into a catapult, unleashing them into the air chanting; "Hooves down! Cakes up!"

Fleetfoot and Spitfire zoomed in from the sky and managed to catch the two cupcakes into their mouths and continued their training.

"…It looks like they got better aim."

Rainbow Dash shook it off and turned back to her team, with a horseshoe shaped object with a cloud on it, resting on her hoof, "Okay, the passing of the baton needs to be seamless." she took Biceps's hoof and placed the horseshoe on it, "You shouldn't miss a wing beat or drop a hair in altitude! And whatever you do, don't let go of it!"

Fluttershy flew put to Bulk Biceps, "Are you really, really, really sure you're ready? I mean, I don't want to take it if you're not super sure."

"Ready!" Biceps handed Fluttershy the baton, for which she took…only to suddenly feel her nose twitch and sneeze, causing her to unleash a powerful gust of wind from her mouth and to accidentally drop the baton. It landed on the ground, where Rarity found it and took it away.

"Ponyville could do so much better. I'll be back with a freshly painted one in no time!"

"We were using that!" Rainbow exclaimed, "And it's not like anypony else has color-coordinated horseshoes or anything!"

And, to her surprise, and disappointment, Spitfire handed Fleetfoot an actual color coordinated horseshoe baton before flying off. The Wonderbolts were doing far better than her team was. The rainbow-haired pegasus flapped her wings and landed near Korra, Mako and Twilight.

"I guess some ponies do."

"Some ponies do what?" Twilight asked.

"Have a better chance of qualifying and going to the Equestria Games than others."

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad." Korra said in reassurance, "Just keep trying. Remember, you're their inspiration. You've got this."

With those words, Rainbow's motivation returned, "You know something Korra; You're right! I've got this!" the now much happier pegasus pony zoomed upwards, ready to help her team win.

And so it went, Rainbow Dash was determined now more than ever to help her team.

Rainbow Dash;

"Aright you two."

Let's get down to business

To reach

The goal

When I asked for stallions

How did I get

The foals?

You're the saddest bunch I've ever met


"That's kind of mean."


"Trying to be dramatic."

But you can bet!

Before we're through

Ponies I'll

Make a champ

Out of you!

Rainbow Dash did her best to get Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps into shape, she knew they had potential, she wouldn't have chosen them if she didn't think they did. Only issue was, they just needed to channel that potential in order to win.

However, Bulk Biceps's tiny wings and huge body build served as an issue for them. When practicing through the rings, he couldn't get through them.


Tranquil as a forest

But in fire within

Once you find your center

You are sure to win

Fluttershy was a fast flyer now, however, she would sometimes go a bit too fast and had a hard time slowing down

You're got the skills, I know you do

But you need to make em show

Somehow I'll

Make a champ

Out of you

So far, the progress was a tie between getting better and getting…well, less better. Korra, Mako and Twilight watched the events unfold. Korra was beginning to realize the error of Rainbow Dash's mistake. She really should have though this through. She felt so much sympathy for the three ponies.


I'm never gonna catch my breath

Say goodbye to those who knew me

Bulk Biceps;

Boy, was I a fool at school for cutting gym


This has got me worried sick


Pray the universe takes pity


Now I really hate to say; "I told you so"


"You're not helping!"


We must be light as a flying lemur

I must calmer than most by far

Keep our eyes on the prize

For sure

Oh, yeah!

And soon they will see

Our team rise up and soar!

We must be light as a flying lemur

I must calmer than most by far

Keep our eyes on the prize

For sure

And soon they will see

Our team rise and soar!


Fluttershy gained more control of her airbending while Bulk Biceps managed to keep his balance well enough in the air, but despite this small progress, Rainbow couldn't stop comparing them to the Wonderbolts. It seemed, no matter what they did, they seemed to do it better.

"They're getting better." said Mako as he and Korra approached Rainbow Dash. But the pony lowered her ears in disappointment.

"Yeah, but not enough."

"What are you talking about?" Korra asked, "Okay sure, you've still got a few bugs to work out but, overall I think you've got a pretty good chance."

"She's right." Mako said sincerely, "I have to admit, I'm impressed. I never should have doubted you."

"Still, if we're gonna win, we're going to have to amp up our game."

Mako then tapped his chin in thought, "You know, when Bolin and I first became pro-benders, we watched other experienced teams and grab inspiration and references to their moves to apply to ours."

Rainbow's ears perked up and her wings flapped excitedly. She flew up to Mako, grabbing his face with her hooves, "Mako, you're a genius!" she spontaneously kissed his forehead and flew off, taking Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps with her, leaving the two teens looking at one another in confusion.

"What did she mean by that?" he asked. Korra simply shrugged her shoulders.


Spitfire was receiving a massage and resting while Soarin was practicing his ariel tricks and speeds for the qualifiers. Rainbow Dash turned to her teammates, "Watch and learn. The Cloudsdales are Wonderbolts, and Wonderbolts are the best flyers there are. And my personal heroes. So, maybe you can learn something."

This was something she was hoping for. If Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps watched the professionals in action, it might amp up their game. They watched as Soarin, well soared though the sky, zipping in through the rainbow-colored floating rings in the sky with ease. Rainbow Dash lifted both Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps's chins, making them look upwards.

"Please learn something?"

From down bellow, Fleetfoot gave Soarin a 'pep talk'. "C'mon, Soarin, pick up the pace! You can do better than that!"

"I sure hope so." said Spitfire. There was no way they were going to fluke in representing Cloudsdale. They were an elite flying team, and they needed to maintain that tittle. At any cost.

The Cloudsdale cheerleaders waved their pom palms as they cried out; "Practice, practice, yay, practice!"

Soarin was briefly distracted by the cute ponies that he hit his wing against one of the rainbow rings.


Spitfire and Fleetfoot watched in horror as their teammate began plummeting to the ground. Korra and Mako heard the cries for help and gasped when they witnessed Soarin falling down.

"Aaaaah! Help!"

Acting fast, Rainbow zoomed in at top speed, catching the injured Wonderbolt right before he hit the ground.


Rainbow landed Soarin safely on the ground, he inspected his wing and smiled at Rainbow Dash. "Thanks. You saved me."

"It was nothing."

Everypony, as well as the two human teens, approached and cheered for Rainbow's heroism.

"Awe-some!" Fleetfoot exclaimed.

"As good as any Wonderbolt!" said Spitfire

Korra hugged the little pony, "Rainbow Dash, that was amazing!"

"I'm so proud of you." said Fluttershy, "You scooped Soarin out of the sky and brought him down to the ground and now, now he's okay. At least, I hope he's okay." she turned to Soarin, "Are you okay?"

Soarin attempted to move his wing, the wing he had hit before falling, and grunted as he tried to move it. "Uh, my wing hurts, but I-I'm sure it'll be okay by the competition."

Korra walked over and inspected his wing. "Does this hurt?" she asked when she tapped his wing only a tiny bit, which resulted in Soarin wincing in pain.


"Yep, your wing is sprained." hearing this, Spitfire and Fleetfoot gasped in shock. "You're going to have to keep yourself grounded for a while." Korra said.

Siren wailing was heard and a Pony medic came with a gurney for Soarin. Korra and Mako assisted the pony on board and he smiled in gratitude, as well as at Rainbow Dash.

"You're the best, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow couldn't help but blush, and feel butterflies in her stomach, due to the compliment. "Ah, it was nothin'. But, if you feel like talking about how great I am, don't let me stop you!" she said as the pony medic took Soarin away to the medical room. The others flinched when Bulk Biceps suddenly zipped on in and exclaimed loudly,

"'P' is for Rainbow Dash!"

Fluttershy whispered in his ear, "Um, 'Rainbow Dash' actually starts with an 'R'."

"Never mind!"

"Tough break to lose a teammate right before the tryouts." Korra said to the Wonderbolts, "His wing should be better real soon, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I bet I can speed up the process with my waterbending."

However, the two female pegasi suddenly flashed each other some very suspicious grins. They smiled at Rainbow Dash, "You know, you grew up in Cloudsdale." said Fleetfoot.

"So that means you could fly with us." said Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash and Korra both looked at each other skeptically and then back at two, "Fly?"

"Uh, we mean practice." said Fleetfoot, "You could practice with us until Soarin's better."

"What do you say? Wanna be our third?"

Before Rainbow Dash could answer, Korra shook her head, "Whoa, whoa, back up. You want Rainbow Dash to replace Soarin? I just said he was going to get better."

"Yeah, but we wouldn't want to pressure him into getting back on his hooves. He needs his rest after that nasty takedown. Besides, we're not asking her to join us permanently, but we really do need a third member in order to get our routine down."

Korra looked down at the ground rather skeptically, "I guess I can understand, kind of, but Rainbow's team needs her in order to qualify for the games."

"She's right." said Rainbow Dash, "Don't wanna be too worn out by the time the race comes around."

"We put you through some pretty intense workouts at the Wonderbolt Academy and you handled those just fine." said Spitfire, still smiling.

"Heh, I did kick some major tail at the Academy." but then, Rainbow Dash remembered what Mako had said before hand:

"When Bolin and I first became pro-benders, we watched other experienced teams and grab inspiration and references to their moves to apply to ours."

The rainbow pony then dragged Korra by the arm, away from the two Wonderbolts, "Could you give us a second?" Rainbow led Korra a few feet away so the other two could not hear them.

"Rainbow, you can't seriously be thinking about this. After all the hard work you guys did?"

"Just hear me out. We're talking about flying with the best flyers in Equestria. They've got the experience that my team needs."

"Okay." Korra crossed her arms.

"So, if I practice with them, I can use the stuff I learned to help out my team! I did want them to learn something from them, so this is our chance!"

Korra arched an eyebrow at the pony, she could sense Rainbow's ambition but she still and wasn't a hundred percent sure about this, and sadly, Rainbow could sense it.

"You think it's a bad idea, don't you?"

Korra didn't want to pressure her friend into doing the right thing, and she did seem to still be dedicated to her team. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she did learn from the best.

"I just have a bad feeling about this is all."

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, it's just that--"

"Come on! This is Ponyville's chance to get into the Equestria Games! You know how much this means to me."

Korrs most certainly did know how much it meant to Rainbow Dash. Maybe she should give her the benefit of the doubt. "Well, if it is just practice and nothing else, and Soarin will be up again soon…I suppose there's no problem with---" she was interrupted when a happy Rainbow Dash hugged her.

"Thanks Korra! You're the best! Oh, and let's not tell the others, or Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Okay?"


"Great!" Rainbow Dash flew back to the two Wonderbolts, "Alright, I'll do it."

Spitfire chuckled in triumph, "Wise decision, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow walked off with the two pegasi, while Korra watched on with uncertainty. She hoped Rainbow would keep her head in the game here.

Then again…


For the next few days, Rainbow Dash had been training with both the Cloudsdale team and the Ponyville team. She had done her best to learn all she could from Spitfire and Fleetfoot in hopes of benefiting her team. All the while Korra had to try her hardest not to let the secret out. While she would never technically say it out loud, her behavior would give it away. She hatted keeping things from her friends, especially the others ponies, but this was to help Rainbow Dash. Or at least, she hoped it was to help her. She needed to trust her, Rainbow was a smart and clever pony after all, and so far she was keeping her head in the game. It did seem that the training was paying off. That same motivation she had with the Wonderbolts, she carried it with her own team, encouraging them to be better. Maybe this idea wasn't so bad after all.

Rainbow managed to zoom through the moving rings with ease and handed Fleetfoot the baton.

"Awesome!" sad the white-haired pegasus. Then, Cloudsdale cheerleaders came flying around Rainbow Dash.

"Whinny, ponies, whinny! Fly on, fly on, fly on!"

Rainbow quickly flew away, bypassing Twilight, who watched on with uncertainty. Rainbow had been flying off and on for a while now. She wondered what the situation was. Also, why was Korra avoiding her.

Korra would visit Soarin at the hospital bed, using her water to heal his injured wing. He winced at first but he quickly relaxed at the gentled glowing water.

"Wow! You're a miracle worker!" the pony said in admiration.

"It's nothing. Most waterbenders can do it where I'm from."

"So, how's my team doing? Did they find a replacement pony to proactive with? You know they can't do the routine without one, even if it is temporary."

Korra slightly strained at the mention of this. Should she tell him it was Rainbow Dash? She didn't know. So instead, she only told part of the truth.

"Yeah, they found a pretty good pony for the time being."

"Great! He a good flyer?"

"Um…she's pretty good. Fast as they come."

"I bet Rainbow Dash would like her."

Korra forced a smile, though deep down she felt guilty. "You have no idea."


Bulk Biceps grunted as he flew towards the rings, all the while Rainbow Dash was encouraging him. In the best way she could.

"Come on, Bulk Biceps, you can do it!"

However, just like before, his large body caused him to get stuck in the rings…again. Fluttershy flew up to him, "Um... I'm ready to take the horseshoe, if you want me to."

Bulk handed her the horseshoe, but in struggling to get pass the ring he was stuck on, the weight of his body caused the ring to bend back and fling the two away, screaming. They passed right by Mako, who was writing some stuff down on a notebook, and feeling the breeze past him. He turned his head and winced when the two ponies rammed into a rock. Bulk was alright, but Fluttershy was now crammed onto his back. Mako winced at the sight while Rainbow Dash groaned.

With Spitfire and Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash and then were doing some wing ups…each with a pony on their back. Rainbow attempted to get her team to do wing ups, but Fluttershy's struggled while Bulk couldn't even do it due to his tiny wings.

"You, uh, keep doing your wing-ups." said Rainbow, "I'm just gonna get some, uh, water." once again, she flew away, leaving Twilight to grow even more skeptical.

Korra watched as Rainbow Dash zipped from one team to the next, one time she caught her and tried to speak with her. "Rainbow Dash, can we talk?"

"In a minute, gotta meat up with Spitfire and Fleetfoot."

She jumped into Rainbow's way, stopping her, "I want to know if you're still keeping your head in the game here. You seem to be spending an awful lot more time with those two than with your friends. It's really starting to worry me."

"Korra, relax. I know what I'm doing."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I am sure. Now, if you'll excuse me." the pony zoomed away from the Avatar, making her hair ties bellow in the wind. The Avatar sighed sadly when she spotted the firebender.

"Hey, Korra. Where is Rainbow flying off to now?" Korra grunted as she crossed her arms, bitterly. Mako knew something wasn't right. "What's wrong?"

"I'd tell you but I promised Rainbow Dash I wouldn't. And I'm starting to regret it."

"What did she tell you not to say?"

"I…I can't."

"Okay, is there anything you can tell me?"

Korra sighed and looked up into his eyes. She could tell he was willing to listen to her. To at least try and understand her. Maybe she should tell him the truth. She took in a deep breath before speaking…really quickly.

"The Wonderbolts asked Rainbow Dash to practice with them since they can't without a third pony, but Rainbow is only doing it to help out her team by learning from the best, and I trusted her with it at first, but now it's almost like she's forgetting what she was trying to do and I want to tell her but she keeps flying off and she told me not to tell anybody but keeping it secret is already killing me but if I do say something then what if her team gets supper mad and decide to quit because they think Rainbow's a traitor and she loses her chance of qualifying for the games which is something she's dreamed off since she was a filly and then she'll be mad because I didn't keep my promise and I'll be the one feeling like a traitor!"

The Avatar took in a huge deep breath and slide down to the ground against a tree. "You have any idea how it feels to keep a secret this big that could have a bad outcome no matter what you do?"

Mako was silent for a moment before replying, "More than you know."

Korra's eyes widened in shock at this revelation, "Say what?"

Mako sat down beside her, "I know exactly what that's like. You want to tell the truth but at the same time you don't want to because your afraid of the consequences and you don't want anybody to get hurt. That's exactly how I felt when I was hiding my feelings for you from Asami. But eventually I realized, keeping it a secret was being just as painful as not saying anything. If not worse."

Korra was speechless for a moment, taking in what Mako had just told her. She now knew how he felt being torn between two people he cared about, knowing the consequences but fearing of making the wrong choice.

"I didn't know it was this hard for you." she said.

"Yeah, it was. Especially when it was between two people I care about."

"Then…what do I do?"

"Do what I didn't have the guts to do before. Face the situation rather than running from it. Trust me, keeping it in is not the right thing to do. I know you want to trust Rainbow and have her dream come true, but a lie is still a lie. Even when you're trying to help someone."

"I didn't think of it that way. Guess I've still got a lot to learn."

Mako smiled and wrapped his arm around her, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you told me this." he said.

Korra felt a huge weigh of relief being lifted from her shoulders. Now she knew what it was like to feel torn in which choice to make. She smiled and kissed Mako on the cheek.

"Me too."


Rainbow Dash snuck away from Fluttershy, Bulk Biceps and Applejack to drink water from the nearby stream.

"It's not easy practicing with two teams, is it?"

Rainbow spit out the water from her mouth when she spotted Twilight Sparkle before her. "You… know? Did Korra tell you?"

"I did." the Avatar appeared right behind Rainbow Dash.

"Does anypony else know?"

"No. They're too busy practicing to wonder why you keep disappearing."

"Korra, you said you wouldn't tell!"

"I know, but recently all you've been doing was spending time with the Wonderbolts than your own team! I had to say something, even if it did mean breaking my promise!"

"Well, if you felt that way why didn't you say something?"

"I tried! But you kept flying in and out so fast you never gave me a chance!"

"Well, I've seen the other team practicing and we're still gonna qualify. I can fly fast enough to make up the distance."

"It just seems like one of the teams you're practicing with needs a little more help than the other one." Twilight said.

"But it's so much more fun working out with the winners than... um... the non-winners. Besides, Ponyville will still qualify."

"Do you hear yourself?" Korra said angrily, "What happened to the Rainbow Dash who was so confident in her teammates? All of this 'winner circle' stuff has gotten to your head."

Then, Spitfire and Fleetfoot showed up, "Rainbow Dash, you got a minute?"

"Uh, sure." Rainbow flew up to the two.

"You could really be an asset to our team, so... we want you to join the Cloudsdale team. Permanently."

Rainbow Dash gasped in excitement, much to Twilight and Korra's shock.

"It looks like Soarin's wing won't heal in time for the trials." said Spitfire, wrapping her hoof around Rainbow Dash, "We want you to fly with us."

"Of course, this means you won't be able to fly for Ponyville," Fleetfoot said, "but let's face it. Even with you on their team, their chances of qualifying for the Games are pretty slim."

As she said this, they witnessed Fluttershy attempting to hand Bulk the horseshoe, only to accidentally hit his cheek, and he ran off whimpering.

"So, what's it gonna be?" Spitfire asked rather confidently.

"Well, I…"

"Take some time to think about it." the two ponies flew off and Rainbow Dash began zooming around the Avatar and Alicorn.

"They want me to fly with them! It's like a dream come true!" he contently landed on her back, resting on the grass with her hooves behind her back.

"Rainbow Dash, aren't you forgetting something?" Korra asked sternly, making the pony stopped her victory cheers. "Without you, Ponyville won't qualify. Each team needs three ponies, and where as they going to find a new fast flyer on such short notice? Bulk and Fluttershy's efforts will be for nothing!"

Twilight spoke next, "Not to mention, If you fly for Cloudsdale, Pinkie Pie won't have anypony to cheer for. Rarity's uniforms will never be seen. And Applejack will have slaved over those apple brown bettys for nothing."

"Everyone's hard work and Loyalty towards you will be completely worthless. And all because you couldn't get down from your glory cloud long enough to see that!"

Rainbow Dash could not be angry with Korra, she knew she had tried to be supportive and to help her achieve her goal. But she and Twilight were right, she didn't have her priorities in order anymore. She felt terrible for putting that pressure on Korra before, and she felt terrible about what do to. She wanted her team tow in, but she also wanted to fly with the Wonderbolts; her lifelong dream. She didn't know what to do. She sadly flew over to Twilight.

"What should I do?"

Just when Korra was about to speak, when Twilight rose her hoof to silence her. Once look into the alicorn's eyes and, somehow, Korra caught an idea as to what she was trying to tell her.

"I think this is a decision you have to make on your own." said the princess as she slowly walked way, with a look of concern. "The race is tomorrow, so you'd better make it soon."

Rainbow lowered down onto the ground, looking up at Korra in regret. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are." That was all she said, right before walking away.


The next day, Twilight and Korra waited anxiously fro Rainbow Dash. Korra hoped that Rainbow had come to her senses by now. She knew she was smart, but even so she could have her…well, her moments where she wasn't. Korra knew that better than anyone. She noticed Twilight's concern and petted her head.

"Hey, I'm sure she'll be flying with the Ponyvile team the minute she gets here."

"Woe is me! Oooh!"

"Then again, the Universe just loves to prove me wrong sometimes."

Korra face palmed herself when she and the others saw Rainbow Dash, on a wheelchair, covered in bandages, both on her hooves, wings, stomach, bandages on her cheek and chest, and a neck collar, all while moaning and crying dramatically.

Fluttershy approached her "injured" friend. "What's happened?"

"Urgh, I've hurt my hoof…"

Pinkie Pie, Bolin and Rarity gasped, while Twilight, Korra and Mako looked on skeptically.

"All of them?" Spitfire asked, looking at all four of her bandaged hooves.

"I, uh, tripped on a-a foam hoof and landed on a…pokey stick coming out of the ground." she muffled the last part, near unintelligible.

Pinkie Pie growled in anger, "If I get my hooves on that 'pokey stick coming out of the ground' she said, matching unintelligible gibberish, "it'll be in big trouble!"

"There is no way I can fly now." Rainbow said dramatically.

"Do you think you'll be better by tryouts?" Fluttershy asked and Rainbow groaned in exaggeration while leaning against the chair, placing her hoof on her forehead like a drama queen.

"I'll be lucky if I ever fly again!"

Korra clenched her fists, just about ready to blow a casket, until both Mako and Twilight took her by the shoulders and shook their heads, silently telling her to let it be. Much to her disappointment.

Rainbow sighed, "I just need a little rest."

Fluttershy helped her friends sit up straight and began pushing the wheelchair, "Oh, don't worry, Rainbow Dash. We'll take care of you... or, at least, somepony will. Like, a medic or-or a doctor, or a nurse."


At the hospital, the EKG beeped while Rainbow Dash had all four of her hooves elevated as she laid on a hospital bed, surrounded by her friends. Twilight examined the machine and eyes the rainbow pony suspiciously.

"So, the medic pony isn't sure what's wrong with you."

"Everything! Absolutely everything!" Rainbow exclaimed dramatically.

Applejack then placed one of her cupcakes into Rainbow's mouth, "This'll cure everythin' that ails ya!"

Rainbow Dash chewed on the pastry, "Thank you. I couldn't have done that on my own."

Twilight, Mako and Korra sighed in annoyance and Rarity levitated a lovely sequin purple fabric from her bag.

"Nothing says 'get better' like a little medical pizazz! Silk slings and a glitter bandage?"

"That might help." Rainbow said as Rarity so generously wrapped the fabric around Rainbow's hoof. Bolin then placed a scented cantle beside her bed.

"Aroma therapy always soothes the injured soul."

"Thanks, Bolin."

The doors opened and Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps entered the room. "And how is our patient doing?" Fluttershy asked as Bulk struggled to enter the room due to his size, but managed.

"I've been better."

"We just wanted to let you know that we're so sorry you're hurt, but you shouldn't worry a bit about not being able to be in the tryouts. We'll be alright. We even have a replacement."

A grey colored pegasus pony with derby eyes, yellow mane and bubbles for a cutie mark, entered the room while waving the ponyville flag.

"Derpy?!" Korra and Mako both exclaimed in shock. Why did they pick her?

Korra looked up into the sky, "Thanks a lot." she asked sarcastically.

"We're so, so sorry that you can't compete." Fluttershy said, "We all know how much you love to fly. And we promise-"

"Cross our hearts!" Bulk exclaimed.

"…That if we qualify and make it to the Equestria Games and all win gold medals, you can have ours, because we know how much a gold medal means to you."

The bedridden pony felt so touched by these words. Even though they were still not an good as the Wonderbolts, but they were still Loyal to the team. Loyal to Ponyville.

Loyal to her.

"Thanks…" she felt her eyes start to water. Seeing this, Twilight cleared her throat.

"I think Rainbow Dash might need to rest some more."

One by one, the Mane Six exited the room, but Korra was the only one who remained, along with Twilight. Rainbow didn't need words to know that they both knew she was faking her injuries. But even so, they did not look mad. She knew Korra was close to exploding, but she didn't. Instead the Avatar spoke to her with a wisdom that was rare even for Korra.

"You know, choosing not to choose isn't really a decision. Take it from someone who knows." she and Twilight exited the room, leaving Rainbow Dash to her thoughts. However, she wasn't entirely alone. She did have a hospital roommate.

It was Soarin.

"You sure have nice friends." he said when he removed the curtain which hid him from view before. His wing was wrapped in a bandage and was on a bed just like her, "Nopony's been by to visit me. Well, except for that nice Korra. She's been healing my wing all this time. Eh, guess everypony else was too busy practicing."

"Well, hopefully your wing will be better soon." Rainbow said kindly.

"Oh, it's fine. I-I'm just keeping it warm in case my team wants me back."

"What do you mean, 'wants you back'?" Rainbow asked skeptically, "Spitfire and Fleetfoot told me that you were still too injured to fly!"

"And they told me that they were worried I wouldn't be one hundred percent by the tryouts, so they were going with the pony who's been practicing with them lately!"

"That pony else was me!" Rainbow exclaimed, realizing she had been lied to, "Until, uh, well, until I got hurt, that is."

Soarin sighed sadly, "So, I guess we're all out of luck. Cloudsdale won't qualify without three fliers, and Ponyville won't qualify without you. Too bad…"

The blue pegasus wrapped his body in a blanket, apparently giving up. Rainbow realized how stupid she had been acting. She wanted her team to win so badly that she got so wrapped up in acting like a winner. She should have never lied to her friends, and she never should have made Korra keep the secret and making her feel she had to choose between herself and the others. She wasn't being a very good friend. To anypony or anybody.

Korra was right, not choosing wasn't a choice. But what will she do now? If she told the truth, everypony would get angry, or worse. She allowed one tear to escape her eyes.

"Universe, send me a sign or something."

Then, as if in an instant, a ray of sunshine entered the room, hitting a jug of water, creating a string of rainbow colors that hit the Ponyville flag on the floor. The flag that represented her home, where her friends lived.

She then remembered that one night at the pro-bending arena, where Korra managed to get her teem working together again, showing they were the ones who mattered more to her than winning.

"Choosing not to choose isn't really a decision."

As her eyes shinned with a Rainbow glow. Rainbow Dash had her answer.


The rest of the group were devastated. Without Rainbow Dash, Ponyvile didn't stand a chance.

"Even with Rainbow Dash's replacement, I don't think we're gonna qualify. " Mako stated, then turned to Derpy, "No offense."

But, the grey pegasus just shrugged it off. Apparently she takes criticism rather well.

Pinkie Pie angrily removed her rainbow-colored wig, "Gah! What am I gonna do with all these now?!" she pointed to a pile of colorful pom palms.

Applejack arced an eyebrow, "Uh, what were you gonna do with them before?"

Rarity sighed sadly, "Maybe my Equestria Games uniforms will still be in style next year. I mean, I am pretty fashion-forward."

Korra's eyes then widened and she smiled when she saw the rainbow pegasus walking across the fields in her bandages.

"Is that Rainbow Dash… walking?" Bolin was very surprised to see this. But she wasn't alone. Soarin accompanied her as well.

The two approached Spitfire and Fleetfoot, who were so shocked that they dropped their bottles of water from their mouths.

"Does… this mean you're feeling better?" asked Fleetfoot, uncertain on how to react to this surprising turn of events.

"I-I feel great, because... I was never hurt in the first place."

To everyone, well almost everyone's, shock, Rainbow Dash removed the bandages from her body, showcasing her uninjured body. The two teams gasped.

"I faked my injury so that I wouldn't have to choose between flying for Ponyville or Cloudsdale. At first I was only training with the Wonderbolts so I could get inspired and help out my own team, but I got so wrapped up in the winner circle that I lost track of what I was really working for. In the end, I wanted to fly with you both, but the decision was too hard! And worse, I made my friend keep a secret that wasn't hers to keep."

Korra clapped her hands close to her heart, feeling the integrity in her friend's words.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to choose us." said Fluttershy, "I know you love to win, and you should go with the team that surely will."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "I know now who I should've been loyal to."

"Good choice." Spitfire smiled broadly, "Always stick with the winners."

"I am…Ponyville."

The two pegasus ponies dropped their jaws in shock, allowing Korra to exclaim in victory, "Ha!"

Rainbow Dash proudly walked back to her real team. "Because it's not just where I live, but it's where my friends are. The ponies who really care about me, whether I can help them win a race or not."

Twilight and Korra could be prouder of there friend. Everybody was proud. The Mane Six, Bolin, Mako, Korra and Bulk Biceps all happily cheered for their friend for making the right choice.

"Are you sure that's the right decision?" Spitfire asked. To her surprise, Rainbow narrowed her eyes at her and Fleetfoot.

"You lied to me about Soarin's wing just so you could get a better flyer!" Soarin crossed his hooves and narrowed his eyes at the two as well, "You may be a winning team, but you're still not the kind of team I wanna be a part of."

"Yeah!" everyone turned heads to see Mako, raising his hand up, and cheering for Rainbow Dash. He slowly lowered his hand and blushed in embarrassment.

Spitfire removed her shades, surprisingly, she was not angry at all. In fact, she was impressed. "Huh. Rainbow Dash, you are something. Saw it at the Academy, seeing it again here. We could learn a lot from a competitor like you."

"Think we already have." said Fleetfoot, equally impressed. Spitfire approached Soarin lowering her ears sadly.

"Sorry we lied to you. I guess we got caught up in the winner circle too. Never should've lied and tried to replace you to begin with. If you're still up for it, wanna fly with us again?"

Sorain was a bit skeptical at first, until Rainbow nodded her head, saying he should give them another chance. He smiled.

"You know it!" eh happily flew up into the sky, with his teammates behind him, "Go, Cloudsdale!"

Rainbow Dash turned to her team, "Come on, Ponyville relay team! We've got a race to get ready for!"

Bulk Biceps exclaimed, "Yeah!" as he and Fluttershy flew up behind their leader.

"Go get em, guys!" Korra cheered.


The Wonderbolts, all three this time, landed into the flying rainbow circle in the sky. Fleetfoot flew up and a unicorn pony hit the timer and nodded, signaling the Wondebolts qualify for the Games. Soarin looked down at Rainbow's team.

"Come on, Ponyville! You can do it!"

Bulk Biceps managed to fly thought the rings without getting stuck while the unicorn above kept his eyes on the timer watch. Bulk shockingly handed Fluttershy the horseshoe and the yellow pegasus managed to grab it without having it fall. Twilight, now wearing a cheerleader outfit and rainbow wig, galloped her front hooves with her pom palms.

"Go, Fluttershy! Woo-hoo!"

The yellow pegasus, now with her stronger airbending wings, managed to zoom though the rings with ease. She flapped her wings faster and handed Rainbow Dash the horseshoe. Bolin was wearing a rainbow afro and was waving pom palms as well, and cheered along with the Cloudsdale cheerleaders.

"Qualify, Ponyville! Qualify, Ponyville!"

Pinkie Pie jumped up and cheered while throwing confetti, "Woo-hoo! Go, Rainbow Dash!"

The timer keep on going, Rainbow Dash was giving it her all, flying at top speed. Down bellow, Korra kept on chanting, "Come on, come on, come on." while Mako was bitting his nails nervously and Applejack chewed on one of her betyys.

Time was almost out and right before the timer reached the limit, Rainbow came zooming onto the finish line.

"Ponyville qualifies!" said the unicorn.

It was a close call, but they did it. Rainbow and her team did it. Korra, Mako and Bolin jumped up and cheered for there friends' victory. Even the Wonderbolts cheered for them.

Bolin; "Alright!!"

Mako; "Yeah!"

Korra; "They did it!"

Rainbow, Fluttershy and Bulk smiled at the adoring a applauds. Fluttershy couldn't believe it, they were all cheering. For her. She came though for team Ponyville.

The qualifying teams lined up as the unicorn levitated metals for each of the teams. To Rainbow's surprise, Spitfire walked up to her and gave her her Wonderbolts spin, placing it near her metal. Her way of saying thanks. Rainbow smiled in gratitude and Korra smiled proudly at the scene.

The three teens and ponies all gathered around the three pegasus ponies, Twilight wrapping her hoof around Rainbow's shoulder, smiling proudly. Korra joined in the hug and the two ponies nuzzled against her face. The friends all smiled for the camera.

"Equestria Games, here we come!"


At the train ride back, Korra watched as the stunning Rainbow Falls disappeared from view. Another adventure over, but she knew there would be plenty more from here on out with the Equestria games just around the corner.

Mako wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm great."

Rainbow Dash flew up to the two, "Hey, Korra. I wanted to say I'm sorry again for making you keep my secret. I never should have put that pressure on you."

"It's okay, Rainbow. You're not the only one who's learned something today."


"Yeah. Sometimes, the right choice isn't the easiest one to take. And it takes a good friend to show you the way."

Korra happily rested her head on Mako's shoulder. Somehow, the experience, unexpectedly, brought them a little closer together.


"Oh, I can't deny it. I love to win! But if I ever gotta choose between winning and being loyal to my friends, I'm always gonna choose my friends. 'Cause as much as I love winning, I love them waaaaay more."

Rainbow watched as her friends were happily galloping outside for Twilight's house. Korra peeked her head through the door, "Come on, Rainbow!"

"I'll be right there!" she placed her medallion on the side of the pedestal where the book stood.

When the pin Spitfire had given her glowed with a Rainbow Hue.


"It's always important to trust your friends. But, other times, It's just as important to know when to let them know when they're in the wrong.

That takes true Loyalty.

Hope to see you next time for another installment of

Tales of Equestria!