• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 990 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 5–Power Ponies

"I am the mystery

The shadow that wanders the night

I am the trouble you are not prepared for.

I am…

Chaos Man!!

Thun, then, then!

Nah, I'm just kidding. It's me, Discord. I'm just wearing a Super Hero costume (that looks like Robin boy wonder) because of today's story.

Which involves Super Heroes.

Now, some of you might be saying; "But aren't the Mane Six and Team Avatar already superheroes? Why, yes they are.

But, not all of them felt that way.

Sit back and listen as I tell you a tale of an unlikely hero who discovers you don't need superpowers…

To be Super."


Power Ponies

Twilight Sparkle was sound asleep, so asleep that she started to dream a wonderful dream. She was walking around a stunning meadow, filled with butterflies and singing bluebirds. But one very particular creature caught her eye.

He was tall, lean, and strong looking with a brightly colored orange coat, sleek and spiky blue hair, and a dazzling smile that made her heart melt. He approached her, the sun radiating around him, and he plucked a flower from the ground, placing it on her mane. She blushed and the two ponies nuzzled. She hoped she'd never wake up.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Sadly, she did. She awoke to the sound of her little dragon, who flipped through the pages of his comic book, clearly excited about what he was reading. The lamp beside him was on as well.

"Spike, you really need to go to sleep!"

The little dragon was reading a comic book on his backer bed, "Aw, two more minutes, Twilight! I'm just getting to the really good part! The Mane-iac is about to—"

" "The Mane-iac"?" Twilight asked, curiously.

"The Power Ponies' most evil nemesis!" Spike jumped onto the bed and showed Twilight the picture of the comic book of how the Mane-iac came to be.

"She was the power-mad owner of a hair-care product company. A tragic accident at her shampoo factory in Maretropolis not only gave her mane strange new powers but also caused her to go completely insane!" he said the last part in a dramatic tone, added with comical eyes. "She and her henchponies are planning to break into the Maretropolis Museum and steal the Electro-Orb, so she can use it to power up her doomsday device! Of course, the Mane-iac wouldn't have even known if Hum Drum hadn't slipped up and told her all about it."

"Hum Drum?"

"Nah, the guy in the blue boots and pointless red cape. The Power Ponies' bumbling and useless sidekick. The Power Ponies have to stop the Mane-iac or Maretropolis is doo-hoo-hoo-hoomed!" he said, once again, in a dramatic tone while shouting out to the sky. But Twilight really needed to get back to sleep.

"Believe me, Spike. If anypony understands what it's like to get caught up in a really good book, it's me. But if we're going to make any progress fixing up Luna and Celestia's old castle tomorrow, we all have to do our part. We don't want to be too tired to lend a hoof... or claw…or hands in Team Avatar's case."

Spike looked sadly at his comic and sadly complied, "Okay, okay, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." he turned off the light and covered himself in his blanket.

However, Twilight noticed his claw sticking out, trying to grab the comic book. She levitated it away, only to be bombarded by the adorable pleading eyes of her little dragon.

"Two more minutes."

"Yes!" quickly turned on the light and continued reading his book. He wished he could be a hero like the Power Ponies.

Little did he know, that wish was about to come true….sooner than he thought.


The next day, Team Avatar and the Mane Six gathered at the old castle, while it was still daylight, and got started on cleaning the place. This time, they would make sure not to be afraid of anything.

"Looking good, everypony!" Twilight said as she stood at the center of the room, "And everybody. Let's keep this magical makeover moving!"

"You got it!" said Rainbow Dash as she and Fluttershy worked together to adjust the fabric on the walls. Mako and Bolin assisted with the heavy lifting while Applejack adjusted a painting while Pinkie Pie was scatting on the floor with wash brushes strapped to her hooves, soaping the floors.

Spike walked up to Twilight, "Good old Spike is here, ready to do his part!" but he quickly found that everyone was fine on their own.

Korra and Asami worked on re-painting. As Korra painted, a few drops of paint from her brush landed on Asami's nose.


Korra tried her best to hide her giggles, "Sorry, Asami." she meant it, even if the scene was a bit funny. The paint made it look like she had cat whiskers.

But the heiress was not going to take it so likely, "No, I'm sorry." she flicked her brush, making bits of paint land on Korra's face and clothes, making it look like she had chicken pocks. Korra would be lying if she wasn't tempted to start a splash fight with the raven-haired girl, just to show her who was boss. But she tried to keep her composure and simply laughed it off, not wanting to make the heiress angry. Not with all she has been through.

"You got me. Good one."

Asami was rather surprised. In a way, she was kind of trying to get a rise out of Korra. But, seeing her trying to be such a good sport, she didn't know if to feel touched that she was trying to be friends despite the whole "Mako" situation from before, or be jealous that she was being so sweet while Asami was still struggling a bit with leftover jealousy. She didn't hate Korra, how could she after she allowed her to stay at the island when her father betrayed her, but she still had trouble adjusting to seeing her with Mako. She wanted to let the past go, but for her, it was going to take a bit more time. Especially when she still had some leftover feelings towards the fire bender.

Pinkie Pie 'skated' by Applejack, who was adjusting a painting of apples. "A little more to the left!" said Pinkie and Applejack did as she said, "No, the other left!" she said as she skated by again and Applejack adjusted it perfectly. Pinkie skated by again, "Awesome! That's perfect right where it is! On to the next painting!" she said quickly.

Spike approached Applejack, "You sure you don't need any help?"

"Nah, that's okay."

Pinkie Pie then skated right over Korra and Asami, cleaning up their paint, and even making their hair shiny in the process, "We have everything under control!" Pinkie said quickly as she scrubbed the walls.

Spike looked up at the rainbow pegasus, "Dash?"

"I'm good!"

The dragon turned to the two boys, who were adjusting an alicorn statue, "Mako, Bolin?"

"We've got it covered, little buddy." said the earthbender, making the dragon feel even more upset.

"Isn't there anything I can help you with, Twilight?"

Pinkie Pie passed by, soaping the floors, once again speaking quickly, "Don't worry about it, Spike! It's all good!"

"I think she's right." said Twilight, "It looks like we've got it, Spike. Looking great, everybody!"

Spike then walked up to Korra and Asami, "Need any help with that?" he asked hopefully, "I can help with the hard to reach…places…" he lowered his ears when he saw Korra use her airbending to speed up painting the upper part of the wall.

"Did you say something Spike?"

The dragon lowered his shoulders and his ears in sadness, "Never mind."

Twilight approached her distressed assistant, "Why don't you find a quiet spot and finish reading your comic?" she levitated the rolled-up book from his backpack, "Aren't you right at the part where Hum Drum was about to stop the villain?"

Spike frowned, "Hum Drum never stops the villain. He's just there for comic relief." he felt his foot suddenly get wet, only to realize he had stepped on a water bucket, much to his annoyance. He struggled to remove the bucket from his leg when Twilight turned to her other friend.

"Rarity, let me give you a hoof with that!"

"I could do it!" Spike said, finally having gotten the bucket off.

"That's okay, Spike."

Pinkie Pie scatted across the floor on the soapy floor, shouting with glee; "Pony power! Weehee!!"

Spike sighed sadly…right when the bucket landed on his head.


Spike retreated to the room where she, Twilight, and Korra first found the Princesses' journal. He figured this was the best place for him since nopony else needed his help. He rested on a pillow on the floor and read the story out loud to himself, finding the page where he left off.

"Mane-iac breaks into the museum... Okay, here we go. …" he narrowed his eyes in annoyance, "Ugh, what a surprise! Hum Drum is in the way again while the Power Ponies do all the work! I guess I know what that feels like…" he sighed sadly. Then, he gasped in surprise at the next page.

Which was completely blank in the mid climax.

"Wait. What? How can that be the end?!" he flipped through the pages once more but there was no denying it. The book stopped midway. It made no sense to him. "What's… that?"

He noticed that there was writing at the lower corner of the white page. "You can... retr-" What? "You can... return..." Urgh!" the words were too small for him to read. "I know I saw a magnifying glass laying around the last time I was here…" he stood up and searched for the object.

Meanwhile, the Mane Six and Team Avatar were walking down the hallway, searching for their little dragon. "Spike! Where are ya, Spike?" Applejack called out.

"We're breaking for tea and biscuits!" Rarity said sweetly.

"Bolin brought your favorite dumplings!" Asami called out.

Korra abruptly stopped the moment she heard a strange ringing sound in her ears. She groaned and shook her head, trying to shake the sound off as she continued forward. Something felt off


Spike finally found the magnifying glass and read the words while his friends continued to call out his name. "Okay, let's see." he read the words out loud. "You can return to the place you started when the Mane-iac is... defeated." Huh?"


The friends were close approaching where Spike was, but Korra heard that sound again. Mako noticed this as did Fluttershy.

"Korra? You okay?" he asked.

"I don't know. I feel kind of…weird." she clapped her hands over her ears, "What's that buzzing sound? You guys hear that?"

"I don't hear anything," said Fluttershy once they reached the library where the room Spike was in was located. The dragon read the last part of the book.

"Take a closer look to join the adventure in this book"? What does that even mean?" to answer his question, the comic book suddenly started to glow a bright white. "Whoa! Cool!"

Once the group arrived, they saw what was happening. twilight reacted quickly, "Spike! What are you—"

Spike suddenly felt a powerful force start to drag him closer and closer to the book…and into it!



Twilight quickly rushed to pull Spike away from the book, but she felt it pulling her in as well. Rainbow rushed over and tried to pull Twilight back. Fluttershy did the same, followed by Rarity, then Applejack, Korra, Mako, Bolin and Asami. But no matter how hard they tried, the powerful mysterious force was far too powerful for them to fight. Humans and ponies screamed once they were all forcibly sucked into the comic book. Pinkie Pie hoped along and cannon balled into it.



Spike groaned as he woke up. He studied his surroundings, amazed to find it was nighttime all of a sudden. Not only that, but there were tall city buildings towering overhead.

"Hu? How did I get to Republic City." but as he looked much closer, he realized this was not the land of humans, "Wait a minute." he noticed he was standing on a city rooftop and looked down bellow. The land was indeed a modern city, but populated by ponies.

"Is this... Maretropolis?" It couldn't be. It looked exactly like in his comic book. How was this possible?

"Somepony wanna tell me what the hay is goin' on?" Applejack's voice was heard and Spike spun round, gasping in awe.

"Holy new personas!"

Each of the Mane Six stood before Spike, but they looked…different.

Twilight Sparkle was now wearing a dark magenta full body suit with a light blue platting with a high collar, pale violet books with symbols of the star from her cutie mark on them with straps, goggles over her eyes with yellow outlines and a silvery metal-tube-like thing over her horn, styled identical to her horn. Her hair was swept up.

"You're the... Masked Matter-Horn!"

Pinkie Pie wore a full body suit of white and purple, looking like arrows and balloon outlined on her hooves. Her hair was styled back with a bit of it sticking our of the suite that was open around her face and ears. Her tail was still puffy but also has a somewhat lightning look to it as well.


Rainbow Dash wore a black suit, with white boots, styled with lightning bolts on the top, and had a headset that matched the suit with white outlines and a lightning symbol on the side of her face. Her mane was styled similar to a mow-hawk and carried a lightning bolt necklace around her neck.


Rarity admired her new suit, which was dark blue with a hight light blue collar and matching diamond prints around her outfit, a yellow broach with a violet diamond and similar diamond around her front ankles. She had an elegant blue mask and her mane was styled into a curled bun with the same diamonds from her bracelet and chest adorned her hair and tail.


Applejack wore a black, red and green body suit with a black ski mask, her hair and tail styled into long green ribbons and a saddle with a robe was on her back.

"Mistress Mare-velous!

Fluttershy walked out from behind Applejack, wearing an aqua green suit with a purple bandana around her neck, adorned with a flower and butterfly bracelets. Her hair was swept back, giving it a wind-blow look and wore a purple mask.

"Saddle Rager! You're the... Power Ponies!" he then turned his attention to the humans behind them, "And…I don't know who you guys are."

Amazingly, even Team Avatar got a super hero makeover.

Korra wore am outfit consisting of light blue and whites. It was a high collar full body suit, light blue in color and white outlines decorated into a snowflake pattern, added with a long transparent lace-like cape around her shoulders with a slim fur-trimming and diamond shaped belt. Her boots were in the shade of ice with a snowflake on the toes and had long fingerless blue gloves. Her hair was swept up and styled into a lose braid over her shoulder and a clear transparent mask over her eyes.

(this outfit is based on a mix of Elsa's look and a Korra/X-men outfit I saw on DeviantArt by tokyogirl0093)

Asami wore a tight fitting dark purple jumpsuit with long black gloves, matching boots and a belt with a gear belt buckle added with the same image on her chest with the collar of the suit painted black. Her hair was styled into hight ponytail.

Mako wore a black suit with a golden chest piece with what appeared to be some kind of wing symbol with a green stone. He wore golden armbands, matching belt and boots with black and yellow stripes.

Bolin wore a simple suite as well, primarily of black and green colors with a simple grey belt and matching boots.

"What the heck am I wearing?" Korra asked, studying her outfit which, as nice as it was, was very different than what she normally wore.

"Spike, care to explain what the heck is going on?" Mako demanded to know.

Before the little dragon could answer an explosion was heard from down bellow. Everyone peeked down to see what the commotion was all about. It appeared a museum was being robbed. The primary entrance was completely destroyed with smoke coming out from within. Then, to everyone's surprise, green colored tentacle-like things emerged, followed by a maniacal laugh.

"Power Ponies! How kind of you to join us!"

From the smoke emerged a tall looking mare with a face in similar shape of the alicorns, but her demeanor was anything but kind and wise. If anything, her green emerald eyes looked, dare they day it…insane!

The mare was purple in color with a magenta jumpsuit, with black and yellow colored boots, holding what appeared to be some kind of electric energy ball in her hooves. Her mane was long. Very, very, very, very long. And green completely and was alive! Her hair lifted her up as the rest began to wiggle and move like tentacles.

"Who's that?" Asami asked.

"It's the Mani-ac!" Spike exclaimed in shock.

"The who-niac?" Bolin asked, still confused.

"She's the super villain from my comic book!"

"How is that possible?" Twilight asked.

"Did she call us... Power Ponies?" Applejack asked, confused

Even Spike was shocked, and for good reason, "My comic book...It somehow zapped us all in here!"

"I've heard of 'getting into a book' but this is ridiculous." said Korra

"So somebody zap us back out!" said Rainbow Dash.

But Spike remembered the words he read at the end of the page back at the castle. "My comic book! It said the way to get back to where we started was to defeat the Mane-iac! Your arch-nemesis!"

Bolin, Mako and Asami blinked in uncertainty. "I'm still lost." said the heiress.

"Me too." said Bolin, "More than usual."

From down bellow, the pony with the crazy life mane, revealed as the Mane-iac, exclaimed at the heroes in a dramatic villainous voice, "Time for the mane event!" her mane extended forward, enwrapping around a nearby pretzel truck and lunged it towards the building the heroes stood on. Korra reacted quickly and extended her hand, subconsciously expecting something to come shooting out of her hands, being air or fire. But what did come out shocked everyone. Even Korra.

The truck that came at them had frozen in mid air, right before exploding. Korra looked down at her hands in shock. "Did…did I do that?"

The Mane-iac sneered at the new creature's powers. She did not know exactly who or what this girl was, and she didn't care. Her mane extended once more, its tentacles taking on a metal mailbox and hurled it at the building as well, this time being aimed at Pinkie Pie. Korra, who had just come back from her shock state, tried to do the same thing again but it was too late. The mailbox had hit Pinkie Pie, but the pony was gone.

"Pinkie! Where'd she go?!"


Everyone heard their friend's happy cheers as she, literally, ran at supper speed all around the buildings, leaving behind a neon pink streak as she did, her body a total blur to the naked eye. Bolin's jaw dropped as he pointed at the speedy creature. "Okay, even Pinkie couldn't do that before."

Mako turned to the dragon, "Spike, if the comic zapped us all in here how did we get turned into, well this?"

The little dragon explained, "In my book, the Power Ponies are the super heroes who defeat the Mane-iac."

"A.K.A. Miss crazy hooves down there?" Korra said.

"Exactly! The magic turned you girls into the Power Ponies! Pinkie Pie is now Fili-Second, the fastest pony in all of Maretropolis!"

Applejack took out the rope that was on her saddle and used it tie up the Mane-iac, not realizing the rope glowed a bright yellow. The Mane-iac rushed out of the way and the lasso ended up wrapped around a lamp post. Applejack tugged to get it back but ended up being pulled by her mouth from the building and got tangled in her own rope, hanging upside down against the lamp post. The Mane-iac laughed at the country pony's expense.

Spike turned to the alicorn and the Avatar, "Twilight! Korra! Freeze her mane!"

"Do what?" Twilight asked.

"You're the Masked Matter-Horn! You can shoot all kinds of crazy power beams from your horn! And Korra, you have ice powers now!"

Korra's eyes widened in realization, "Oh yeah! Come on, Twilight!"

Twilight gave it a try, activating her now blue horn to use her new super powers while Korra tried to activate her new ice powers….which did not respond. For either of them.

"What? But--" Korra was confused, why didn't her powers work now?

Twilight lowered her ears in embarrassment when her ice beam didn't work.

Mane-iac's mane wrapped around the mysterious electric orb she had stolen, "You know, I'm beginning to enjoy this." she cackled.

Bolin then tried to earthbend the road from down bellow, but quickly realized he couldn't. "Hey! I can't bend!"

Mako attempted to firebend at the Mane-iac, but he too had lost his bending. "I can't either!" he exclaimed, already feeling helpless without his powers. The Mane-iac hurled another cart at them, this time Mako was pushed aside by Korra right before it hit him.

Rainbow Dash tried to firebend as well but she couldn't either, "I can't firebend!"

"You don't have to!" said Spike, "You're Zapp, and your superpower is controlling the mighty forces of nature! Unholster the lightning bolt!"

The cyan pegasus looked at the lightning bolt necklace around her neck and flew higher, using the necklace she called upon the storm clouds and before long lightning consumed the night sky. With her new powers, Rainbow accidentally created a tornado from the winds. However, because she still didn't know how to control her powers, the winds spun out of control which began to pull the others towards it as they tried to hold on to the building.

"Lightning, not a tornado!" Spike shouted as he held on for his dear life.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was still running around the place, now wearing bunny ears (for some reason), a scarf, funny glasses, a flag and a plate of cupcakes. She tried to stop herself when she saw the tornado but it was too late. Just like the power of the comic book, the team was sucked inside, screaming as they did and Pinkie Pie was sucked in as well.


One of Pinkie's cupcakes landed on Rainbow's face and she too was sucked inside the tornado she had created. As the friends screamed within the powerful winds, the Mane-iac used her hair as a hammock to watch the mayhem.

"Ha, ha, ha! I love this!"

The friend spun out of control within the tornado. "Rainbow, make this stop!" Asami shouted.

"I would if I could!"

Spike turned to the yellow pegasus, "Fluttershy! You're Saddle Rager! Lose your temper, and you'll turn into a huge, super-strong monster!"

"Oh, gosh! That wouldn't... be very... polite!"

Spike face palmed himself, "Ugh! Rarity! Use your jewelry to create attack constructs!"

Rarity looked curiously at her bracelets, "What's an attack construct?!"

"Just think of something, anything, and your bracelet makes it appear!"

The unicorn concentrated and, with her magical bracelets, she created a tea set, complete with a tea cup and teapot, all colored in a neon pink glow. The utensils shattered when they made contact with Spike.

"Something useful! Mako, Bolin, Asami, see if you can figure out your powers!"

Mako was the first to try and see what powers he had. He didn't know what to do exactly but he concentrated, trying his best to tap into any new ability inside of him. The only thing he did manage was to somehow create a pair of dragonfly-like wings that grew from his back. He found this to be useless in their scenario.

"Wings? That's it?!"

The tornado only spun around faster, hurling Spike against the wall of the destroyed museum. Once free he noticed the object the Mane-iac now possessed.

"The Electro-Orb!"

"Well, this has been quite the mane-raising experience." said the villain in a mocking tone, her eyes rolling like the insane pony she was, "But I really must be going."

While she wasn't looking, Spike reached out and took the orb, but before he could sneak away, he tripped and the Mane-iac took it once more in her tentacle mane.

"Why, thank you, Hum Drum!" she said as she left the scene, followed by evil laughter.

Spike looked at himself, taking noticed of the blue boots, gloves, belt, mask and red cape, which was what he had tripped on a few seconds ago. He couldn't believe it, of all the characters he could have been turned into, why did it have to be this one?

"I'm Hum Drum…?!"

While the tornado continued to spin, Korra tried to active her new powers, but they still didn't work. "Gah! I can't figure this out!" In her outburst, she unleashed an ice ray, which went flying out of the tornado and hit the ground. Spike jumped out of the way in time but the winds got hold of him as well. As he spun inside, he called to the orange country pony who was still tied up, struggling to break free.

"Applejack! You gotta... help stop the... tornado from destroying.. the city!"

"But every time I move, this darn lasso gets tighter!"

"You're psychically connected to it! Will it to where you want it to go, and it'll obey you!"

Applejack did as he said and focused on the rope. Just as expected, it listened to her thoughts and she was free. It was all up to her now. Using her new powers, Applejack tied up the tip of the tornado. The winds inside backed up before it eventually 'blew up' into this air, freeing everyone else.

The ponies and humans had managed to escape unharmed and Rarity managed to create an elegant force field around herself so she would land safely.

Pinkie Pie jumped and giggled, "That was spin-tastic!"

Bolin stood up straight, feeling woozy from the experience, "Good for you." he covered his mouth, feeling his food about to escape his mouth. He ran to a nearby garbage can and puked the food he had consumed before. Asami groaned and Korra extended her hand to help her stand up. The heiress dusted her jumpsuit.

"You okay?" Korra asked.

"Yeah. Thanks." was all she said. But Korra could hear a hint of hostility in her voice.

Applejack approached the dragon to get some answers, "Lemme get this straight: We've been sucked into some kind of comic-book world?"

"Technically, it's called Maretropolis." Spike corrected, "And if we wanna get back to Ponyville, I think we have to stop the Mane-iac from using her doomsday device to destroy it!"

"That still doesn't explain how me and the others got powers." Korra said, looking at her outfit, "Which I'm still having trouble controlling."

Spike tapped his chin in thought, "Maybe it's just like the way we kind of change proportions whenever we travel into each other's worlds. Since this is a super hero world, you guys must have gained powers to match the universe."

"Makes as much sense as anything else." Mako said, looking at the wings on his back, "So, what am I? Some kind of human sized mosquito, or something?"

"Well, you do know how to such the fun out of everything." said Bolin, earning a scorn from his big brother.

Twilight tried to gather the information they had on their new powers, "So, Korra has some kind of ice powers which, apparently, react to her emotions."

"What do you mean?" Korra asked.

"When Pinkie Pie was about to get hit by that mail box, you reacted to protect her."

Mako connected the dots as well, "That's right! And in the tornado, when Korra lost her patience, her powers activated too."

"So, whenever I'm feeling something my powers will respond to it?" she asked, looking at her hands.

Bolin jumped up, raising his hand, "Oh, oh, oh! What power do I have? Maybe I can shoot lasers from my eyes, or super strength, or super breath! Oh man, I wish Pabu were here to see this! That lovable little fire ferret."

Then, almost immediately, Bolin's body began to shift and change, turning into a green-colored version of his pet fire ferret. Everyone gasped in shock.


"Bolin?" Asami looked at him, "You're…you're a green ferret!"

"What?!" he looked at his body and screamed in shook, "AHHHHHH!!! What happened?! Change me back, change me back!"

Immediately, his body did change back into his human self and he sighed in relief. That was when Mako made the connection. "Wait a second. Think of another animal. Any animal."

Bolin simply shrugged his shoulders and thought of another animal. This time, a monkey, for which he immediately turned into. His body was green in color, just like his eyes. Bolin thought of his human self and he once again turned human.

"Wow! I can turn into animals! Awesome!"

"What about Asami's powers?" Rainbow asked, until she noticed the heiress was no longer standing there, "Wait, where did Asami go?"

"I'm right here."

They heard her voice, but did not see Asami anywhere.


"I'm right in front of yo---AH!!"

"What?!" Korra and Mako asked in shock at her scream, before Asami spontaneously reappeared before their eyes. The heiress looked at her hands in complete shock.

"I turned invisible! I actually turned invisible!"

Twilight shook her head in disbelief, "Okay, so far, we've got an Invisible Woman, a Snow Queen, an Animal Guy, and…the Mosquito Man."

Mako narrowed his eyes at this. "That's not funny!"

Korra slightly giggled, "Well, the wings are kind of adorable."

"Come on, there's got to be something else I can do." he attempted to firebend again but found that he still couldn't. He growled in frustration at his lack of powers, "Come on, how is it that I can't--" suddenly, in a flash of light, Mako felt his body suddenly change. But it was not one he was happy with. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!"

The firebender was now flapping his wings like a dragon fly, only his body…was now the side of a chipmunk. Even his voice became higher due to his miniature size.

Bolin, Pinkie and Rainbow bursted out laughing at Mako's new smaller size, and high squeaky voice.

"It's not funny!" he protected, but his new voice made it hard for anyone to feel intimidated. Even Korra and Asami giggled at this.

Korra cleared her throat to try and ease his bitterness, "Well, it's not so bad." she said, "It's actually, pretty cute."

Mako narrowed his eyes and, as if by only wishing it, he returned to normal. As did his voice. "Great, I really am the Mosquito Man….super." he said bitterly.

"Well, now that that's out of the way," Korra began, "If we're going to get out of here, we need to stop that crazy octopus hair pony."

"The Mane-iac." Spike corrected.


"No biggie." said Rainbow Dash, "I was already awesome. And now we've all got superpowers!"

Spike lowed downcast, "Almost all of us have superpowers…"

"Yeah, there's still Mako." Bolin said, right before earning a slap from Mako. "Ow!"

"But you must have them too, Spikey-boo." Rarity said, creating a cane-like object with her magic bracelets to lift up his red cape, "Your character is wearing a cape!"

"Yeah, for absolutely no reason. He's pretty much useless…"

Feeling empathy for the little one, Twilight and Korra placed a hand and hoof on his shoulders. "Good thing you're not really Hum Drum, then." said Twilight.

"Exactly." Korra agreed, "You're Spike. The bravest little dragon, ever." she lovingly took him into her arms like she always did and hugged him tightly, showing him all the love and effecting he deserved. He was feeling better already.

Rainbow Dash landed alongside the others, "So the six of us Power Ponies and four super humans will take care of Mane-iac, and get us back to Ponyville!"

"Spike, where is the Mane-iac building her doomsday device?" Twilight asked.

"Her top-secret headquarters! But you'd better get there quick. That glowing orb she just stole is what she's going to use to power it up!"

"Lead the way, Spike!" said Bolin

"Then leave the rest to us!" said Rainbow Dash, earning a somewhat stern glare from Asami. Even in a superhero world, Rainbow had a big ego.


"So, the Mane-iac's top secret headquarters is….a shampoo factory?" Korra arched an eyebrow when she saw the building up close. She then shrugged her shoulders, "Eh, makes sense."

It was time for action, and as the leader she was, Twilight spoke up, "Alright, Power Ponies, here's the plan. Rarity, you, me and—" before she could continue, a certain rainbow pegasus was already making her first move.

"Come on out, Mane-iac! Or the Power Ponies are comin' in!" with her necklace, she created lightning storms which caused the neon sign on the building to lose its power from a ray of lightning. Twilight sighed in annoyance.

"So much for "element of surprise"." she said before walking froward.

"I'm surprised." said Korra, "Surprised I didn't think of it first."

As the others walked on ahead, Spike remained in his place, "Guess I'll just hang back here doing nothing." he said sadly.

At the sight of the building, Fluttershy was already trembling. "Oh, I don't think she's home. Maybe we should just come back later." the pony flinched, her eyes widening, when she heard the maniacal laughter being heard from inside.

"She's home." Rarity said, somewhat fearfully.

The large door of the building slid open, to reveal a group of male ponies, all wearing stylish clothing and strange styled manes with obviously too much hair product, similar to Tahno from the wold bats.

"Time to Power Pony up!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Ooh! Nice catchphrase!" Pinkie said while rapidly galloping in place. The ponies aimed to attack and Twilight tried to use her powers again.

"Freeze ray!"

Her horn glowed, but all that came out was a snowball that stroked the pony in the face. He shook it off before galloping at her again, but this time he was knocked down by an even bigger snow ball, curtesy of Korra.

"It's an improvement, Twily." the Avatar said to her friend.

Another pony aimed at Applejack, who used her horse shoe boomerangs to clap the pony's hooves together, causing him to slip and fall.

Bolin transformed into a lion, roaring at a trio of henchponies, who screamed like little girls before galloping away. Bolin shifted back and jumped up in victory.

"Oh yeah! I am the champion, and you're gonna hear me ROAR!!!"

Mako shrunk himself and flew around the ponies, sticking his tongue out at them in order for them to chase him. They did just that but Mako had a plan. The ponies suddenly felt something punch them, but they did not see anypony anywhere. They felt even more punches and kicks coming from nobody in particular and were even tossed in mid air by an invisible force. Asami manifested herself, cleaning her hands, smiling proudly at her work, giving tiny Mako a little high five, or high one finger in her case.

Pinkie Pie ate another cupcake when another henchpony came at her. She speeded away and reappeared behind him and tapped his back. He turned but she speeded away. She continued this game until she hit him in the face with a pie.

Rarity used her bracelets to wrap the remaining pony on the floor. But another henchpony on the top of the building kicked on the damaged neon sign, and Rarity instinctively created a giant umbrella to propel the sign, which slung back and hit the building, causing the henchpony to hide.

"Ooh, I do so love a functional accessory!" she smiled at her bracelets.

Fluttershy whimpered when a pony came running at her, only to be stopped by lightning. "My hair!" he cried out and ran off, his hair burned into a crisp.

Rainbow Dash lowered down near Fluttershy, "Seriously? You aren't even just a little angry right now?"

Fluttershy simply shook her head in 'no'.

"Nice work, Power Ponies!" Twilight said strongly, all of them having apprehended the henchponies successfully, "Now let's take care of the Mane-iac and get ourselves home!"

"I don't think so!"

The Mane-iac reappeared, her long green hair extending her upwards. "I have a city to destroy, and I'm not about to let the Power Ponies and some two legged creatures stop me! Not this time!"

"This time?" Bolin asked, "We weren't here last time."

"Just watch us, Captain Crazy!" Korra exclaimed, ready to attack with her powers while Rainbow Dash aimed directly at her.

But the Mane-iac had her own plans as well. In her tentacles, she held up a large can of hair spray. Spike knew what this weapon was, and it was far more dangerous than it appeared.

"The Hairspray Ray of Doom! It stops you in your tracks and renders your powers useless!"

As Rainbow readied for an attack, the Mane-iac sprayed her and the pegasus pony froze in mid air, landing on the ground. Korra rushed to her aid.


Seeing their friend in distress, the others narrowed their eyes at the enemy. "We'll just see about that!" Rarity said boldly.

The Power Ponies and Team Avatar aimed to attack, using their powers to fight the villain. However, she was smarter than she seemed and, in one final swoop, she sprayed them all with her can, rendering them both powerless and useless as they all stood frozen in place.

"Maybe we should have thought this one through." Bolin said.

"Ya think?" Asami said sarcastically.

The Mane-iac laughed in triumph as her henchponies celebrated alongside with her. Fluttershy was hiding behind a mailbox while Spike peaked out from inside the metal container.

"Fluttershy, please! Just a little anger?" Spike said.

"Well, I'm not so much angry as I am concerned, bordering on terrified!"

Fluttershy suddenly saw a patch of smoke consume her and she could no longer move her body. The Mane-iac had sprayed her with her enormous can. She took the Saddle Ranger away and prepared to spray the little dragon sidekick.

"Don't spray!" he begged.

Mane-iac cackled, "Oh, Hum Drum, why in all of Maretropolis would I use the Hairspray Ray of Doom on you? Rather pointless, don't you think?"

The Power Ponies and Team Avatar cried out to their friend for help, all now completely useless without their powers and frozen in place, being dragged away by the henchponies into the factory and the door slammed.

Spike got out of the mailbox but, as fate would have it, he got his foot stuck in a bucket…again. It was no use now, he had failed his friends.


The heroes were still frozen, only now they were both frozen and stuck inside a metal cage. Korra grunted as she tried to move her limbs but the hairspray certainly was powerful. Even so, she refused to give up. Her eyes narrowed at the Mane-iac.

"You won't get away with this!" she exclaimed.

The Mane-iac used her hair to lift herself up to the cage, her crazy eyes scanning both the Avatar and the Future Industries heiress. Primarily their hair. Her long mane-tentacles reached out as the Mane-iac inspected both their raven black and dark chocolate brown locks.

"Mmm, such lovely hair. I remember how my mane use to be this elegant and silky." Korra and Asami felt their skin crawl at the feel of having the hairy tentacles around them. "It would be such a shame if it were to be…cut off!"

"Not my hair!" Asami exclaimed automatically, earning some pretty surprised looks from the group. The heiress blushed in embarrassment. While Asami was never vain or obsessed with beauty, she did like pampering her hair. After all, brushing her hair was her late mother's favorite past time, so she swore she would never cut it short for that reason alone.

The Mane-iac laughed at this, "Don't worry, Power Ponies, and friends, soon all of Maretropolis will bow down before me!" she laughed maniacally as she left the heroes within the cage.

"That laugh is getting seriously annoying." said Rainbow Dash.

"Are you okay, Asami?" Fluttershy asked. Asami was still blushing from the embarrassment of her reaction.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed, darling." said Rarity, "I know exactly how you feel. I would die if anyone had cut off my mane!"

"It's not that." Asami confessed, her eyes looking down in sadness, "It's just…when I was little, my mom and I would sit together and do each other's hair. It was one of our favorite past times together." the others were quite amazed by this new information.

"Really?" Bolin asked first, finding himself intrigued by this.

"I guess that's why you always see my hair so manageable. When I brush it…it reminds me of my mom."

"I had no idea." Mako said, equally amazed, and feeling empathy for her. "Why didn't you ever tell us about it?"

"I don't know. I guess I never found a reason to before. So, I guess now's a good as time as ever, seeing as we're probably not going to get out of here."

Korra scoffed, "Seriously? That doesn't sound like you, Sato."

"Excuse me?" Asami felt somewhat insulted at the bold remark.

"You're forgetting, Spike is gonna get us out of here." she said confidently.

"You sure about that?" Mako asked, "Not that I don't care about the little guy but, he hasn't really been the strongest one of the bunch."

"Have a little faith in him, Mako." Korra said with a smile, "I do."

As usual, the spunky Avatar never stopped to amaze him. The amount of trust she had on that little dragon was truly remarkable. Maybe he should have more faith as well. Korra then turned to the heiress.

"And Asami…thanks for sharing with us."

For the first time all day, Asami smiled at the Avatar. Despite her still leftover jealousy, Korra was still trying to be a good friend. Maybe she was a much bigger person than Asami was.


As for Spike, he managed to find a way into the factory through an air duct, but even now he was still second guessing himself.

"What am I supposed to do? I'm useless. No wonder my friends never need me to do anything important.They're the ones with superpowers. They've probably already figured out how to escape."

He then felt the weight of the duct give way and he landed on the catwalk of the factory. He leaned against the railing and spotted his friends in the cage.

"Or not!"

Inside, Twilight felt the feeling slowly return to her leg, allowing it to move only a little bit. A henchpony, who was reading a newspaper, heard the timer go off and sprayed the heroes once more, causing them to remain frozen.

"This is gonna get really old really fast." said Bolin.

Spike crawled on the catwalk, preventing himself from getting noticed, and looked down witnessing the large buckets of glowing green and purple liquids which moved inside these tubes that connected to the buckets. The Mane-iac's already annoying laughter was heard as she used her mane to move herself. A variety of her henchponies stood before something that was covered by a long red blanket.

"Congratulations, Power Ponies! You shall live just long enough to see me fire... the instrument of your destruction!"

As she cackled, a henchpony removed the blanket to reveal a large hair dryer-like cannon with a seat for the Mane-iac to control from, and was aimed at an open window of the factory. This was her doomsday devise. Using her mane, the villain placed the electric orb into the generator of the machine.

"Once the Electro-Orb has powered it up completely, this cannon will amplify the power of my mane one million times, expelling an energy blast that will cause everypony in Maretropolis's mane to grow wild! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You will be my weapon's first victims, and there is nopony who can save you from this fate! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

The Mane-iac moved her cannon, aiming it directly at the heroes. Fluttershy cleared her throat, getting the Mane-iac's attention. "Ahem. I don't mean to interrupt, but aren't you forgetting about somepony?"

"Hum Drum? Little guy? No superpowers whatsoever? Ha, ha, ha, ha! He's utterly useless!"

"No he's not!" Korra said confidently, catching both the Mane-iac's and Spike's attention. "Spike— uh, Hum Drum maybe be short and clumsy--

"Don't forget snarky!" said Bolin with a grin.

Korra rolled her eyes, "But, no matter what happens, he always comes through when we need him. Always!"

But the Mane-iac simply mocked this as she walked on the top of her cannon. "Puh-lease. Everypony knows you just keep him around because you feel sowwy for him. Wah. Wah."

"Maybe in your world." said Twilight, "But in our world, he's our hero!"

The others all cheered in agreement and Spike felt tears swell up in his eyes. They believed in him so strongly even when he messed up. It was then he decided not to think so low of himself.

"I'm not like Hum Drum!" he said with new confidence, "When my friends really need me, I do come through! And they need me now!" Spike looked down at the doomsday device, eying the energy orb, and he grinned. A plan forming in his head.

"I see dementia must be a side-effect of prolonged exposure to the Hairspray Ray of Doom." The Mane-iac said laughing and turned to her henchponies, "Tonight, we stand upon the brink of immortality, for we collectively – though, mostly me – have finally defeated our most hated nemeses!"

As she continued her rant, Mako noticed a certain little green and purple figure quietly approach the doomsday machine. The firebender smiled and signaled to Korra, "Psst." nodding his head, Korra's eyes caught sigh of the little dragon was, apparently, taking his plan into action. The two smiled proudly at their little Hum Drum.

Spike took the edge of the red curtain that was over the cannon, finding that it had curtain hole punctures, and placed them on a hook, connected to a chain hanging from the catwalk and continued this on with the rest of the curtain while the Mane-aic continued her dramatic villain speech.

"We have hurled the brush of badness into the now fearful face of, ha, ha, ha, goodness, and have struck a blow for freedom in the name of oppression! And nothing will stop us!"

With all of his might, Spike pushed the large wooden box, which was where all of the long chains were connected to, and pushed it over the catwalk, activating the trap he had set for the henchponies. The chains pulled on the red curtain, entrapping the ponies who now all hung in mid air within the red fabric.

The henchpony who was guarding the heroes witnessed Spike swinging at him on a chain and kicked him, causing the pony to collied with the large hair spray can, consequently activating it and causing the rest of the henchponies, who didn't get captured in Spike's trap, to freeze in place.

"Way to go, Spike!" Twilight called out, having finally gotten the feeling back in her legs. One by one, the team could feel their bodies returning to normal and prepared for action. Rarity used her bracelets to create a giant nail filler to break them all free, much to the Mane-iac's shock and dismay and Korra smiled cockily at her.

"See? Told ya!"

Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy, "Get mad!"

"I'm trying!" Fluttershy tried to get herself mad, but nothing was doing the trick.

None the less, the ponies and Team Avatar leaped into action! Rainbow and Twilight flew out, Korra created and ice bridge for her to slide down on, Rarity created a pair of stairs and elegantly galloped down, Pinkie Pie speeded away, Bolin turned into an eagle, Asami leaped down with Applejack while Mako shrunk himself and flew out.

Pinkie Pie speeded at the henchponies, shouting with joy: "Tag you're it! Tag you're it! Tag you're it! Tag you're it!" she was too fast for the henchponies to catch.

"Over there!" the Mane-iac ordered, "There! There! Idiots!"

Mako flew around the henchponies, his dragonfly wings flapping as he rapidly flew all over the place, making the henchponies end up colliding with one another in their attempts to catch him. The young man smiled in triumph until he spotted Korra unleashing her ice at the ponies. One of them appeared on the catwalk and leaped from above without her knowing.

"Korra look out!"

Mako quickly got in between, his body changing back to normal, and from his hands, he unleashed what appeared to be some form of yellow electric energy, which literally shocked the pony and he landed on the ground, dazed and crispy. Mako blinked in surprise at what he just did. Korra surprised him even more when she hugged him from behind.

"My hero!" she rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.

More henchponies came at Twilight, but this time she used her ice beam to freeze the floor underneath them. They slipped and fell on the ice or against the walls.

Bolin shifted into various animals, shaking the ponies away with all of his might. He transformed into a lion, a rhino, an eagle and even an octopus, enwrapping the ponies in his tentacles.

Rainbow Dash's eyes glowed white, using her thunder bolt necklace, she summoned another thunder storm and formed a tornado, entrapping the henchponies within it.

"Need a place to put these guys!" said the pegasus.

Rarity, who was staking like a ballerina in her new skates, created by the bracelets, formed three gigantic bird cages where Rainbow's tornado placed the ponies within.

Some of the ponies even tried to escape through the door, but they began to suddenly close on their own. The ponies also began to feel invisible kicks and punches on their bodies. How could they fight a foe they couldn't see?

"Hold it right there, partner!" Applejack used her enchanted lasso to tie the dazed pony and hung them from the ceiling. Asami manifested herself before Applejack, who leaped up and hoof/high five Asami in victory.

While everyone continued fighting the henchponies, Spike watched from the balcony of the catwalk, but soon noticed that there was one more pony who was not assisting in the fight. And who was trying to leave.

"Fluttershy, where are you going?"

"You seem to have everything under control." she said.

"Fluttershy, we need you! You have to power up!"

The Mane-iac heard him and readied to aim her cannon at Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry, it's just that nothing is making me mad."

Before she could fire, a miniature flying Mako showed up, his hands glowing bright with electricity, ready to fire. He stung her directly in her left eye, causing her to cry out in pain. Using her mane, she flicked the little Mako out of the way, causing him to hit the wall, very hard, reverting him back to normal size, and one of his wings was now broken. Fluttershy rushed to his aid.

"Oh, goodness! Are you okay?"

Mako grunted as he stood up. His injured wing, amazingly, hurt as much as if it were his arm or leg that had been broken. "Ow! My wing!"

"Can you fly?"

Mako tried to move his wing, but it was too painful. Even Fluttershy could tell it hurt for him to move it. If there was anything Fluttershy hatted most, it was when her friends were bullied. And worse, it was when one of them was the size of a teensy, little, harmless firefly. The yellow pegasus felt something ignite within her.

"Are you kidding me?" she said to the Mane-iac, "I mean, I know you're evil and everything, but you'd hurt toss my friend, up against the wall like a piece of trash?! Really?!"

As she spoke, her anger grew, as did her voice, which became deeper and deeper the more she spoke. Her eyes turning red in the process.

"Well you're just a great, big, meanie! There! I said it! What makes you think you're so special?! Like the rules of common courtesy don't apply to you?! Why don't you pick on somepony your own size?!

Fluttershy's body grew along with her anger, her green jumpsuit tore to pieces, her legs became bulky and large, rivaling that of Bulk Biceps. Her body was now ten times bigger than before. She had transformed into a gigantic pony monster, who roared loudly in pure anger.

The others watched on awe, even Korra and Bolin who came to Mako's aid. Even Mako himself couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The Mane-iac, now fearing the monster, began pressing the buttons of the doomsdays device, which began to fire at the heroes. A blue ray shot right out, hitting Fluttershy, who managed to repel it with just the power of her strength and mighty roar. The beam came flying back, knocking the Mane-iac right off of the chain.

Fluttershy jumped onto the cannon and began smashing it to bits with no signs of remorse whatsoever. The entire Team gathered together, while watching wide eyed at the destructive nature of their friend.

In her rampage, Fluttershy then noticed the looks she received from her friends. She spit out a piece of the machine out of her mouth and blushed in embarrassment. Despite her new form, she was still fluttery underneath.

"Remind me never to get on her bad side." said Asami.

Then, they all saw the Mane-iac, who had been hit by her own ray, and so her hair was spinning out of control. While still laughing like crazy.

"My mane! My maaaaaane!"

The green tentacle hair enwrapped itself around her body, trapping her in her own hair, all while she laughed insanely. To shut her up, Korra froze her body solid, only her eyes could be seen moving and her muffled voice was heard. Korra blew the blue mist from her finger, smiling proudly.

"Nice one." Mako said, impressed.

Spike said proudly, "Once again, the day is saved by—" before he could finish, a flashing light appeared above them all and everybody was sucked inside.


Team Avatar and the now former Power Ponies where tossed out of the comic book and were back in the castle. The comic closed its pages and rested on the pedestal. Team Avatar noticed their outfits had changed back to normal and the ponies no longer had their costumes. Or their powers. But even so, that adventure was remarkable for all of them.

"Awesome!" Rainbow said, the others cheering in agreement.

Bolin looked sadly at himself, "Aww, man! I was really starting to get the hang of my new animal powers." he said with a pouty face.

Mako looked at his back, happy to see that the pain in his wing was now gone. "Ya know, I'm kinda gonna miss the wings." he said.

"I know I'm gonna miss that voice." Korra said giggling.

Mako narrowed his eyes, "Very funny." however, his attitude quickly changed when he received yet another kiss from Korra.

"But you were pretty amazing back there."

"Thanks." he said with a blush, "You were pretty amazing too. And I'm just just talking about that costume." he winked.

"Did you see how I was raining down a storm of justice at the end there?!" said Rainbow Dash.

"You catch how I was wieldin' that lasso?" said Applejack.

"Or how I knocked those ponies out!" Asami said, just as enthusiastic as the rest, "They never saw me coming."

"Because they couldn't see you." said Mako

"I know, right!"

"Cupcakes?" Pinkie Pie shared a plate of colorful cupcakes with the others.

Rarity; "How did you—"

"Eh, we had a good half second before we got sucked back out of the comic, and the Maretropolis bakery was only sixty-five blocks away!"

Spike, who was exhausted, laid down on the pillow on the floor, "I'm just glad to be back--Whoa!" he was unexpectedly lifted up by Korra, who hugged him tightly.

"I knew you'd come through for us Spike!"

"We wouldn't have made it without you." said Twilight, "And I hope you realize that just because we don't always need your help, it doesn't mean that we don't think you're helpful."

Spike smiled in return, "And that you don't have to have superpowers to be a super friend."

Everyone agreed, and Asami surprised Spike with a kiss on the cheek. "Our little hero."

"Let's here it for Spike!" Bolin shouted, pointing his fist into the air. The group began to lift Spike up in the air, cheering his name before he landed again, this time Mako catching him and placing the dragon on his shoulder.

"But I do have one question." Mako said, "Where exactly did you get that comic book?"

"I got it in Canterlot at the House of Enchanted Comics."

At the mention of this, the happy atmosphere died down and now everyone was looking at him with annoyed looks. Even Mako placed him back on the floor. How could he had not known the book was magic to begin with?

"Well, I didn't know it meant they were literally enchanted! I thought it just meant, like, the comics they sold there had really enchanting storylines!"

"Well, at least we got to have some fun." Korra stated.

Instead of staying annoyed, everyone agreed with her. It was true, they did have an epic adventure. But, they still had some work to do around the castle, which should be a since for them after everything they had just witnessed. Spike got up and joined them.

"Hey, wait up! I'm an important part of this team, remember?!"

Once they were all gone, the comic book suddenly disappeared in a flash of white light.


"So even if Spike doesn't have super strength, or super speed, or can fly.

That doesn't mean he can't be the hero of his own story. And even when things seemed hard, his friends never once gave up on him.

Moral of the story; to true friends, you are always a hero.

See you all next time for another installment of;

Tales of Equestria!