• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,464 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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8 - Special Holidays - Principal Celestia

Principal Celestia

Principal Celestia had contacted the hospital, volunteering complete cooperation - as much as was allowed - to help them help her student, Sunset. She had contacted Social Services, and through them released to the hospital all the information she had for Sunset, so they could contact her family and arrange her care.

Now, midway into the seasonal holiday break, she was sitting at home with her sister, enjoying some much appreciated time off, and especially enjoying the break from the drama that had encompassed the school over the last few weeks. Her thoughts, as was often the case lately, were on one of her favorite pupils.

‘Sunset…’ she mused. She had not heard anything back, and while that wasn't cause for alarm, it did leave her feeling more than a touch concerned. Clearly, Sunset’s family was taking care of her in her time of need. They clearly just hadn’t the time or energy left to contact her or the school with an update on Sunset’s recovery. No reason to worry, totally understandable. If she were completely honest, she would only be a burden to them if she tried to reach out now. Better to let them deal with this in their own way, and let them comfort their daughter as she likely desperately needed.

But… she thought. That didn’t mean she couldn't show she cared. “Lulu, I’m going to go visit Sunset. Do you know where she is now? Is she still at the hospital, or has she gone home with her family already?”

Luna looked up from her game, pausing her play. “I spoke with the hospital this morning Cele. I was checking to see if Sunset needed anything from the school while she was out. They told me she’s still there. She also hasn’t requested anything, for what that’s worth.”

“Would you like to come with me to visit her Lulu?” Celestia asked.

Luna nodded. “Sure, when do you want to go? There’s nothing going on here.”

“Let’s go in the late afternoon. I don’t want to interfere with anything, and her family probably wants to spend their evenings with her. Sounds like a plan?”

“Okay. Let’s do it. I’d love to see Sunset.”

The sisters arrived at the hospital, getting directions to Sunset’s room from the front desk where they registered as visitors. It was still early in the evening, an hour or so before dinner, so the halls were clear of much of the traffic that would normally be present. Together the sisters found the nurses station for Sunset’s floor, and notified the nurse they were there to visit their student. After clearing that Sunset wasn’t with therapy or one of the staff physicians, the nurse directed them down the hall to Sunset’s room.

Peering through the narrow window in the door, Celestia saw her student studiously reading what appeared to be some sort of scientific journal. With a snort, Celestia whispered softly ‘that’s our girl’ then gently knocked on the door.

Sunset looked up to the door, smiling brightly when she saw her Principal and Vice-Principal through the window waving and smiling back. “Come in! Come on in,” she called, putting the journal she was reading back on the table over her bed.

The sisters entered, then crossed to the head of Sunset’s bed. “Principal Celestia! Vice-Principal Luna! Wow, it’s so great to see you both! Come on, sit down, stay awhile! Gosh, you two are my first visitors since I got here… I was beginning to think everyone forgot about me!” gushed Sunset.

Looking at the single guest chair at the head of the bed, Celestia turned to her sister. “I can stand Lulu. Go ahead, you take the chair.”

Sunset pulled herself over to the far side of the bed. “No no. Sit, please! You can sit by me! I won’t bite, promise!” smiled Sunset, patting the spot beside her.

“Okay!” grinned Luna, sitting down by her student. “Sunset, despite the circumstances, it’s good to see you. Happy holidays!” She leaned forward and embraced Sunset gently.

Celestia took the guest seat and moved it up next to the bed. Reaching out, she took Sunset’s hand, holding it tight. “How are you Sunset? Happy holidays!” she smiled.

Sunset beamed back. “It’s so good to see you both. Wow, I really missed this.”

“Well, that’s a first for me!” snarked Luna. “It’s not often I’m missed by any of my students, especially over the holidays.” Sunset laughed.

“We missed you too Sunset. We were worried about you. I hope you don’t mind us dropping in like this. We just wanted to say hi, and let you know we were thinking about you, And that we cared.” Celestia smiled at Sunset. “I’m confused though - what do you mean, we’re your first visitors? You mean besides your family right? And your friends too, yes?”

The smile fell from Sunset’s face, and she dropped her gaze to the hand clasped by her Principal. Seeing this, Luna reached out and took Sunset’s other hand, holding it tightly.

“Sunset…” Luna looked to Sunset with concern. “Sunset, what’s wrong? You can tell us. Anything you need, just let us know.”

Sunset looked up into Luna’s eyes. Her eyes misted over as she saw the concern in Luna’s face, the lines of worry in her eyes, and felt the warm and comforting pressure of her hand on hers. Looking over to Celestia, she saw the same concern echoed and felt the same comfort.

“I mean, no one has visited. No one. I… I…” her gaze fell, as did a single tear. “You know how I came over through the portal, remember? I lied. I don’t have any family here. My family is all back in Equestria. My Equestria, on the other side of the portal.” Another tear. “My friends are the only family I have here. And I don’t even have that anymore. Anon-a-miss took that away from me. They won’t even talk to me. I’m all alone.”

Shoulders shaking, the dam broke. Sunset’s tears streamed, wetting her cheeks completely. Luna reached forward and pulled her into a hug. “You are not alone, Sunset Shimmer. You have us.”

Celestia joined the hug. “We won’t abandon you Sunset. You have us”.

Crying gently, Sunset held tightly to the sisters, thankful for the gift of their friendship.

Several minutes and more than a few tissues later, the three sat back and resumed their discussion. “Sunset, if you are not staying with your family, who is looking out for you?” asked Luna.

“I’ve been living on my own. The girls… my friends… They helped me get a single room apartment, and I’ve been living there. I have legal documents. I filed for emancipation, so I am an emancipated minor. All the contact information for my parents, the numbers, email, it all goes to me. It ends up here on my phone.” Sunset looked over to the phone on the edge of the table.

“So who’s helping you now?” asked Celestia.

“No one. It’s... just me.” Sunset sighed sadly. “I’ve been trying to reach Princess Twilight through my Journal. But she’s away for the holidays too! So, I haven’t been able to reach her.”

“Sunset, I don’t understand why your friends would refuse to visit you. That goes completely against everything we stand for, and honestly seems a bit abusive if you ask me,” said Luna. “Sunset, if Celestia and I offered to help you, would you let us? Would you be willing to allow us to help you, and care for you if needed? It’s not something I offer lightly, but I offer it to you. Will you let us?”

“Yes, Sunset. I’m with my sister completely on this! Will you let us help?” Celestia looked into her student’s eyes with a gentle smile.

Sunset’s closed her eyes with a happy gasp. She cried again. “Yes! Yes, please! Yes,” and pulled the sisters into another hug.

Dinner came, but rather than send them away, Sunset begged them to stay. They happily accepted, and two extra sodas and salads later, the three were happily laughing and sharing stories late into the evening.

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