• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,462 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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31 - Rehabilitation - Sunset - Assimilate and Adapt!

Sunset - Assimilate and Adapt!

Sunset waited at the dining room table. The contractor was coming today to upgrade the Royal household with the adaptability aides they had ordered while on their Mall shopping trip.

Sunset was looking forward to using them. In truth so where Celestia and Luna - carrying Sunset up and down the stairs was a labor of love. She wasn’t particularly heavy, but she also wasn’t much help. Fortunately, both the sisters were in great physical shape - they were frequent users of the gym membership they shared. The gym even included some adaptive equipment that Sunset was able to use, so Sunset had joined them for a few sessions. They enjoyed having her and had a great time.

The doorbell rang, and Luna answered.

“Good evening Ms. Royal. Mary Fixit, contractor. Are you ready for us? I’ve brought my crew and equipment, and we’re ready to get started, if that's okay with you.” Mary held out her hand in introduction, clipboard clasped firmly in the other. Behind her, Luna could see her crew unloading boxes and tools from the back of a work truck.

“Come in, please. Yes, this is an excellent time. Allow me to introduce you to our foster daughter. She’s the one we’re setting all this up for.” Luna shook her hand, then stepped back to allow Mary to enter.

Mary called back to her crew. “We’re on! Stage it all then come on in for instructions. I’ll be inside talking to the clients!” She turned back to Luna then followed her to the dining room.

Sunset was waiting expectantly. Smiling, she waved. “Hi! I’m Sunset Shimmer! Pleased to meet you!”

Mary walked over to Sunset and shook her hand. “Pleased to meet you Sunset! I’m Mary Fixit, and my crew and I are here to set up some aides that should help you out! I’d like to go over them with you if you have a moment.”

Sunset nodded happily. “Yes please! Have a seat!”

Mary sat next to Sunset. Luna smiled, then left to go supervise the crew.

“So Sunset, first thing to go over, we are going to put a stair elevator in, which should help you with getting to your room on your own. I have a website with an instructional video I’d like to show you that explains the features and safety rules with using the elevator. It’s not a toy, but I suspect with a young lady of your obvious maturity that shouldn’t be an issue.” Mary pulled out a tablet, and loaded up the video. “I’ll give you the URL for this too, so you can go back and review it at any time.”

Sunset blushed at the complement. She leaned in, and together they watched the video. She had a few questions, which Mary was happy to answer. It was simple enough - she needed only to roll onto the platform then hit the button. The lift then raised the lips of the platform to keep her from rolling off, then lifted her either up or down the stairs. It could only carry up to 500 pounds, but it was pretty amazing. It also included a battery backup, so she could exit the house even if the power was out in an emergency.

Mary also explained the appliance control devices they were setting up, as well as the security cameras being placed throughout the house so Celestia and Luna could check on her while they were away. The latter seemed a little creepy to Sunset, but Mary assured her access to the cameras was only through the app, and only people in her family with an account would have access to the cameras and security devices. So only Celestia, Luna, and herself would be able to use any of them. The cameras also included the ability to automatically record video, which could be enabled or disabled as desired, or as requested on demand for each camera. Mary also explained that by law they couldn’t place the cameras in certain areas that were considered private; bedrooms, bathrooms, that type of area. They couldn’t stop them from doing that themselves if that was what they wanted, but legally as contractors they were forbidden from doing it.

“Blech! Yeah no thanks. I really don’t want anyone watching me sleeping or using the bathroom! Hard pass on that, thanks!” stated Sunset with a look of revulsion.

“I couldn’t agree more!” laughed Mary.

Mary helped Sunset load the app onto her phone, and set up her account. She showed her on the demo setting how to set the temperature on the thermostat, turn on, off, and dim lights, use the different camera settings, and lock and unlock doors. There was even a setting in the appliances section where she could turn on the coffee maker. Sunset laughed. “If it didn’t already have a timer this would be a great feature! Don’t think we’ll be getting much use from that one though.”

While Sunset and Mary were going over the features and settings of the new security system, Luna was out front helping the crew with the installation. She opened the double front doors to allow them access, and showed them the stairs, thermostat and different places where lights and fans would need the updated switches. She worked with one of the technicians to enable wifi access for the security system control hub, enabling the internet control and monitoring features to the apps being installed on their phones.

Luna beamed happily at the work in progress.

A few hours later, the contractors and electricians were done with their work. They cleaned everything up and packed the boxes and trash into the work truck. “It all gets recycled,” explained Mary. “We get carbon credits for reducing the amount of trash we produce.”

With everything packed away, Mary thanked them for their business, and they drove off.

Turning to Sunset, Luna smiled. “Well Sunset, what do you think?” she asked.

“I think it’s awesome!” smiled Sunset.

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