• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,461 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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43 - Rehabilitation - Cadence


Shining Armor took the plate from Cadence, dried it, and placed it into the cabinet. “She really is a sweetheart. We should get Twilight and her together. As smart as she is, I bet the two of them would hit it off.”

Cadence smiled at him sweetly. “And it would be great for your sister too. That girl really needs to get out more! She spends so much time with her books… she needs to make some friends.”

“I’ll ask her if she’s interested. I know mom and dad would be thrilled - they’re as pushy as you are when it comes to getting her out of her ‘lab’ and out with other kids her age,” agreed Shining, taking another plate.

“I am not pushy!” pouted Cadence, poking Shining in the ribs. “Just ask me - I’m the biggest sweetheart ever! And I only have others' best interest in mind.”

“Oh absolutely! Only ever! That’s why people are calling in droves on your show!” grinned Shining.

“You know, actually, they kind of are. Huh…” reflected Cadence, stopping for a moment with a pensive look.

“I know, I know, you were only kidding! But seriously, you do give good advice. And you have a scary good knack for cutting through issues, getting down to what’s really going on, especially with relationships.” Shining smiled at her. “I’d trust you with my heart.”

Cadence grinned then poked his side. “You already did you dolt! And with your life as well!”

Setting the plate aside, Shining took her in his arms, pulling her in for a gentle kiss. “And looking forward to every moment.” He smiled. Grinning, she kissed him back, then they turned back to finish the dishes.

“Seriously though, you should ask her,” Cadence said.

“I will. Next time we’re over I’ll bring it up,” he promised.

Friday evening, Shining picked up Cadence from the station, and the two of them headed to his parents house for dinner. They stopped to pick up a bottle of wine for his parents, then pulled into the driveway and walked up the entryway to the door.

While the ‘estate’ his parents owned was nice, it was really nothing compared to many of the other residences in the neighborhood. The yard was well maintained, the house was decently sized, but it was definitely a family house, not one of the more ostentatious mansions seen up and down the street. A nice three car garage was attached to the home, and you could hear the sound of splashing and laughter from the back.

“Sounds like they started without us!” laughed Cadence.

“Yeah, we should just go in.” Shining tapped the code into the door. They walked into the house and out through the dining room. “Hi guys! We’re here!” he called out as they walked out back.

“Shining! Hey BBBFF! Come join me!” called out Twilight, floating in the pool. Her puppy Spike growled and barked playfully from the side. Taking the ball beside her, she flipped it over her head, where it bounced off the fence and rolled to a stop next to the pool. Spike tilted his head, then scampered over to fetch it, dropping it in the pool next to Twilight. He resumed his energetic barks and jumps. “Okay okay, hold on Spike,” grinned Twilight, taking the ball and throwing it again, this time with better aim. Spike bounded off after it, bouncing happily.

“Okay LSBFF, I’ll go get changed. Be right back.” Shining disappeared back into the house.

Shining’s mom came over, taking the wine from Cadence. “Thank you Cadence! I’ll put this on ice, so we can enjoy it with dinner.” She headed into the kitchen.

“Hi Mr. Nightlight! Hi Twilight!” called out Cadence as she followed Mrs. Velvet into the house.

“Cadence! Cadence! Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!” called out Twilight from the pool.

Cadence swung around, poking her backside out and swung it from side to side. “Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” she called out to Twilight, then laughed and waved as she headed inside.

Cadence caught up to Twilight Velvet. “Anything I can do to help out mom?” she asked.

“You are so sweet dear. I like the sound of that. It tickles me pink that you and Shiny finally got together. You know he’s been sweet on you since the first time he saw you watching his sister? That boy was nursing a serious crush on you for the longest time!” smiled Velvet as she filled the silver bucket from the ice dispenser.

“Still is!” grinned Cadence. “And it’s more than mutual, I assure you.”

“To see the way you two carry on, I’m sure it is,” teased Velvet. “It’s so sweet to see the two of you so completely in love. Reminds me of Nightlight and myself when we were your age.” She placed the wine into the bucket, settling it down into the ice, twisting it a few times to get it settled in place. She took the bucket and set it on the table. “Cadence dear, can you get the wine glasses and set them on the tray? Thank you dear.”

Cadence moved across the room, pulled the flutes from their cupboard, and placed them on the silver serving tray. “So… not to steal Shining’s thunder, but he’s found a friend for Twilight. Maybe. You recall the girl that was attacked over at CHS about two weeks ago? It was on the news.”

“Yes, the school your aunts run. Horrible news that! I hope the dear girl is recovering.”

“Yes. She is. She was hurt rather badly. Shining was talking with Celestia and Luna - they’re taking care of her - and they think it would be good for both of them to meet and maybe get together,” Cadence continued.

“Really? What makes you say that, if you don’t mind my asking.” Velvet pulled down a stack of plates, carrying them over to the table.

“Apparently they’re both extremely smart. And nice,” replied Cadence. “The girl, Sunset, could probably use some friends right now after everything that’s happened.”

“Well if Celestia and Luna vouch for her, and Shiny agress, you’ll get no argument from me,” nodded Velvet.

“Shiny is going to approach her about it while we’re here. Just wanted to give you a heads up,” smiled Cadence.

“Thank you sweetie! Deeply appreciated! And thank you for both for thinking about Twilight. I know she loves you both dearly,” smiled Velvet.

“And we love her too!” Cadence smiled back. “Anything else to do here?”

“Let’s go check on the chef, and see how he’s doing,” answered Velvet, heading out to the patio.

Shining jumped from the diving board arms outstretched, at the last moment tucking in to form a ball, spraying a huge splash of water over his sister and her dog. “Shining!” yelled out Twilight, sputtering and shaking her head, while Spike yipped and barked, shaking water all over.

By the grill, Nightlight was pulling off kabobs of grilled vegetables and meat, placing them on a serving tray. ‘Kiss the cook - but he’s taken’ was emblazoned across his apron. Turning off the grill, he carried the tray over to the door. He called out “Dinner is served!” Cadence opened the door for him, and followed him into the dining room.

Shining climbed up out of the pool, then reached down pulling his little sister up and onto the patio. “Thanks Shiny!” she smiled and gave him a big hug.

“Good thing I’m already wet, you goofball!” he grinned at her, pulling her in for a hug. “Noogie time!” Slipping her into a headlock, he knuckled her head.

“No! Shiny no! You’ll knot my hair!” she laughed, pushing him away. She grabbed a towel and tossed it to him, then grabbed another for herself.

“You’re a knucklehead!” he teased.

“No I’m not - you’re a knucklehead!” she laughed back, drying quickly and wrapping the towel around her as she made her way into the dinning room.

“Takes one to know one!” he answered, throwing the towel around his waist and following her to the table.

Dinner was fantastic. As always, Velvet knew how to put on a spread, and Nightlight was no slouch at the grill. The wine Cadence and Shining bought was the perfect compliment to the evening. Even Twilight had a small serving. Content and sated, everyone sat around the fire Nightlight had lit in the firepit, planning to enjoy some “’smores”, once they’d had a few moments to let dinner settle.

Shining turned to his sister. “So Twilight, I was talking to Celestia and Luna, and we think we found a girl you’d hit it off with. She’s staying with them now, in Cadence’s old room. Want to meet her? She’s really nice and very smart. We think you two would like each other.”

Twilight turned her head, and looked at her brother. “Huh?”

Cadence reached over and smacked Shining on his leg, laughing. “Smooth Shining! Smooth!”

“Are you trying to hook me up?” asked his sister. “Cause seriously Shiny, I’m not even sure I swing that way. I’m not even sure I swing in any way really. I mean, really? Who can know? I mean, I studied it - we had to! They made us take a class in it. Seriously. A class. For that. Just for that. Anyway… I read up on the different genders. And gender identities. And personal pronouns… Still she/her for me, thanks! And I don’t even know what I’d be, I mean what I am… Well no, I know what I am. I’m a girl. A woman. A human being. Yeah, and I’m really not sure about the rest of that…'' Twilight paused for a breath.

“Stop. Stop stop stop,” called out Shining. “Yeah, smooth Shining…” he grumbled under his breath. “No! No, I didn’t mean to imply that you should date her - not that there's anything wrong with that - no. I only meant that I think, er… we think the two of you could be good friends, and have some things in common you could, like, bond over, or something.”

Cadence pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head, chuckling lightly.

Shining soldered on. “She’s a really nice girl! She’s just been through some rough times… But if you’d like, I can make some introductions, maybe exchange numbers or something, bring her over, or whatever, and you could hang out? Together. Hang out together. Yeah. If you want.”

Cadence was shaking silently, a hand over her mouth, silently struggling to keep in her laughter. Shining pushed her knee and grinned at her.

“Yeah, nice. Thanks for the save Cady! Way to cut bait.” Unable to hold back any longer, Cadence cackled.

“Okayyyy. Yeah, that just happened. Whatever that was... That happened,” Twilight observed. “So… well…. Yeah. Sure, I’d love to meet her. As a friend. To meet her. I mean, as a friend to meet her. Not meet-meet her. I mean, unless she wants to meet-meet? Meet-meet? Can you meet-meet someone? But if that’s what she wants. To meet-meet, I mean. Whatever that means…”

Shining groaned, placing both hands over his head. Cadence howled, laughing so hard she cried.

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