• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered) - lighting_spark

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?

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Chapter 9: Tea Time /

I picked up the thief and started carrying him towards the guard station (I don’t think they have police), he was crying the whole way there, pathetic, he threatened to stab me and robbed a vendor and he’s crying like a baby. We arrived at the station, the guards looked at us in confusion.

“This one here tried to stab me and robbed a vendor, do what you want with him.” I threw him on the ground and left, yea, trying to be as badass as possible.

When I left the guard station, I saw the pony that got robbed. “Umm, I wanted to say thank you, if he got away, I would have to close down.” She looked nervous.

“It wasn’t a problem; it was my old job to help people.” If she asks more, I’ll just say I’m in the guard.

“I just wanted to thank you.” We stood there in an awkward silence for some time.

“Umm, would you like to come over for tea? It’s the least I can do.”
“Ok, I would love to.” I need to be as nice as possible.
When I said that her face lit up. “Awesome, let’s head to my house, by the way my name’s Bon Bon.”

“Mines Shepard, nice to meet you Bon Bon.” I gave her the friendliest smile I could.

I followed her back to a small house near the town center, it looked quite nice.

“Just be warned my roommate is a little crazy, but don’t mind her, she doesn’t mean anything bad about it.”

We entered her house, a smell of sugar hit me like a Krogan.

“Whoa, it smells sweet in here.”

“Yea, I make candy for a living.” That explains it.

“LYRA, WE HAVE A GUEST.” She yelled up some stairs.

“Coming.” I heard a reply.

“I’ll go make the tea now.”

She left me in the living room, I looked around and saw what you would normally see in a house, there was furniture, books, windows and now I’m going on a tangent. One book caught my eye. ‘101 about Humans’ there are humans here? If there are I could get back to my crew, it’s a long shot but worth a try. I take the book off a shelf and began to read it. Wow, so much of this is totally wrong. Like they say we have 2 hearts no liver and have 3 eye lids. I don’t know how they could be so wrong, if they know humans exist why is it so off?

“Hello, you must be a friend of Bon Bon, It’s nice to meet you, I’m Lyra Heartstrings.” A light green mare appeared in front of me holding out a hoof.

“I’m Shepard, it’s nice to meet you too.” I returned her hoof shake.
“I see your reading the book I wrote.” She looked happy.
“I’m just interested about humans.” Wait, if she wrote this that means she’s crazy about humans, what have I got myself into.
“You like humans too?” She started bouncing up and down on the spot.
“Yeeeea, they a cool species.” I need to get out of this.
“Everyone says I’m crazy, I know they exist but no pony believes me.” She hung her head down.

“Well I can definitely tell you they’re real.”
“Have you ever met one?”

“Once, but it was quite far away.” I hope she’ll believe me.
“Tea’s ready, I see you’ve met Lyra.” Bon Bon walked into the room with a tray of tea on her back.

“Bon, Shepard has seen humans.” Lyra had the biggest grin on her face.
“Really?” She looked like I was lying.

“I have, I was even named after one.” I have a back story all figured out, so if she asked I’m ready.

“What was his name?” Really, she thinks I’m named after a boy?
Her name was Commander Jane Shepard of the Normandy SR-2, she saved many lives from where I’m from, but she’s dead now.” I am sort of dead, I have a new life meaning my old one is dead.
“Wow, how did you meet her?” Crap, that’s the one thing I didn’t think of.

“Umm, I met her when she saved my life.”

“How old were you?”

“A couple of days, I wasn’t named, so when my parents died I named myself after her.”

“I never heard of her, where did you live?”

“Pretty much on the other side of the globe.” She looked sad when I said that.

“So what happened after that?” I decided to tell my fake life story that I’ll need to remember or I’ll be called out later.

“Once I was old enough I left and went traveling, I travelled until I was 18 then I joined the guard, I was in the guard for 14 years and now I’m on leave.”

“How do I know you’re not lying about meeting a human?” She looked like she really wanted to know. What do I do? Oh right, I have my dog tags.

“She gave me her dog tags before she left.” I took them off and threw then towards her.

She went wide eyed and started floating it in front of her expecting it. “Wow, you really have seen humans.”

Bon Bon was just sitting on the coach looking at both of us talking about something she thought was stupid.

We continued talking about our lives and stuff like that, she played the harp, how does that work?

“Do you know the time?” I needed to get back by 5 if I wanted to get back to the house.

“It’s 4:30.” Bon Bon said looking at a clock behind me.
“Thank you for the tea and company, but I need to go now.” I gave them both a smile while I was standing up.
“It’s our pleasure, it’s always nice to make new friends.” Lyra returned my smile while they both stood up.
We walked to the door and I walked out. “I’ll see you two later, it was nice to meet you.”

“It was fun, I’ll see you later too.” They both gave me a smile and closed the door while I walked off.

I sat in the park under Rainbow’s house for what felt like an hour, why is she taking so long? I hope she didn’t get in trouble at work, I’ll just take a small power nap while I wait for her.

I awoke to having my nose tickled, wait what? My eyes shot open and I sneezed. When I recovered I saw Rainbow’s wing dangling over my face. She started to laugh.

“How did you get down here?”

“I fell, isn’t it obvious?”

“No I mean how did you survive the fall?”

“I used my biotics, they can help with most stuff.” She face hoofed.
“Also why did you take so long?”

“Twi wanted to have a talk with me and the rest of my friends.” I think I know what it was about.

“Speaking about your friends I bumped into Applejack, well it was more like I fell into her cart.” I let out a small laugh.
“Yea, she talked about that.” She started rubbing the back of her head.
“I knew it, why else would Twilight call all of you together, she still doesn’t trust me.” She looked shocked.
“How did you know?”

“It’s pretty obvious, the amount of clues you gave me was also a giveaway.”

“Clues, what clues?”

“Well, you said Applejack brought it up when you all met up, why would she bring it up if it wasn’t about me? Also Twilight didn’t trust me when I first met her.” She had her jar hanging to the floor.
“Also I was taking a chance, I didn’t know, I was just guessing.” I let out a small chuckle and she gave me an angry stair.

“Come on, I’ll give you a lift back to the house, before I change my mind.”

I hopped on her back and we flew back up to her house.