• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered) - lighting_spark

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?

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Chapter 2: Wha?

I wake before the sun rise’s very high, being in N7 you get used to getting up quite early. I was laying there thinking about what happened, the explosion that most likely cost me my life. I feel a light breeze between my legs, then it hit me, I’m spread out on the bed with all my legs spread out upon the whole bed. I quickly closed my legs together and used my fore hooves over my crotch, a heavy blush appeared on my face, I need to get my armor and I need to find out where I am. I put on my destroyed armor, just because they don’t wear cloths doesn't mean I won’t, after years of wearing my armor I've grown attached.

Wait, if they don’t have fingers how do they build things, write or pick stuff up? I should see if I can make breakfast, I don’t think this new body had any food in it at all when I came here.

I went into the kitchen and looked in the cupboard, okay so there’s oats and wait, hay and flowers? Aren't some flowers poisonous to horses? I won’t question it, I’m the one who’s been turned into an alien. How do I pick this up, I could use my hooves but how will I walk? I could use my mouth but I don’t know if that’s normal, screw it I’m using my mouth and if anyone looks at me funny I’ll just ignore them. How will I cook this, on the Normandy there were microwaves, but it seems here they don’t even have power or not that I can see anyway. I could try and boil it if that will work. I grabbed a saucepan with my mouth, the taste of metal entered my mouth, I’ll never get used to this. I put it under a sink and filled it with water, wait, if they don’t have power how do they have running water? I’m not going to question it, it’s too weird. I put the filled saucepan on the stove and poured in the oats. I saw some matches on a tabletop to the side, I turned on the gas and struck a match with help from my biotics, I small orange flame greeted me with its warm glow. So how long do I cook this for? I don’t know but as long as it isn't burnt, I’m happy. I wonder if the horse in the other room wants any. I’ll just cook a little more. This is taking a while; on the Normandy it took 5 seconds or less.

I just stood there watching the water start to boil, the smell started to fill the room. God how long is this going to cook, if it doesn't finish soon, I’m just going to eat it half raw.
“What’s cooking?” I heard a voice behind me.
I turned my head to see a cyan horse with multi-colored hair and she had… Wings? What, they have wings, why don’t I have wings? I guess she saw that I went wide eyed and gave me a questionable glance.

“Is something wrong?” She asked me.
“Umm no, it’s just I haven’t seen hair that colorful before.” Please tell me she bought it.

“What my mane, yea it’s pretty awesome, and you still haven’t answered my question.” She was striking a pose, if she knew all the stuff, I’ve she’ll be lost for words.
“Wha, oh, I’m just cooking oats” I put on a fake smile to try and sell it.

“You know you’re not meant to cook it, what, dose the guard do that?”

The guard, what is that meant to mean?
“What do you mean?” Crap, I did not just say that.
“Well, why would you be wearing that armor if you weren’t?” Oh, my armor, I almost forgot I was wearing this.
“Oh yea, they do that in the guard” I put on the most convincing smile I could, please buy it, please buy it.

She just stared at me, I guess she was trying to see if I would break, if she knew I couldn’t without getting tortured she wouldn’t have tried. There was just an awkward silence for some time till she broke it.

“Ooooookkkkkkkk, would there be enough for me?” She asked looking at the saucepan.

“Yea, there’s plenty, just help yourself.” I really need to get some food in me, my stomach hurts.

I picked up a ladle with my mouth and took a scoop of the oats and pour it into a bowl. I carefully picked up the full bowl and took it over to a table. The oaks smelled done and looked tasty. I used both my fore hooves to pick up my spoon and started to eat. The rainbow haired horse sat across the table from me and used her wings to lift her spoon and started to eat. We ate for some time till she spoke up.

“What’s your name, mines Rainbow Dash.” Should I use my real name or make one up?

“The names Commander Shepard.” God, why did I just give her my name?

“Oh, so our a high ranking member of the guard.” She said resting her head on her hooves. Is she admiring me?
“I’ve been in it for 14 years.” I’m going to be as badass as possible, it’s always nice to having fans.

“14 years, wow, you’ve been a guard a long time, I bet your really strong.” Is she hitting on me, does she know I’m not a lesbian? I should not come to conclusions; she might just be a sporty person.

“I punched down a wall once, my fi-hoof really hurt after it though.” I remember that I was drunk and made a bet with grunt, I lost.

“Wow really?” She looked at me with awe, wow, the last time that happened was when I saved a little kid on Earth.
“Yea, I got a little wasted and got in a bet, I lost though.” I just kept eating my oats.

“What was the best?” I knew she was going to ask that.
“A friend of mine made a bet that I couldn't beat him in a fight, I missed and punched a wall down, he called it off due to the fact I was bleeding like hell.” I can barely remember what happened being wasted and all.

“Whoa, you are strong, can you break this?” she took out a cinder block, wait what, where did she have that cinder block?
“I guess, just stand back.” I hopped out of my chair and put the cinder block on the ground.

She did what I asked and moved to the side. I raised a hoof and slammed it down on the block, it broke into many pieces. I looked over to Rainbow and saw she was wide eyed.
“Wow, umm, are you doing anything today?” she did not just ask me that, I think she is a lesbo.

“Umm, no.” Crap, why did I say that I need to find where I am and I’m not a lesbian.

“Cool, do you want to hang out?” She looked down like she was ashamed.

“Um, ok I guess.” If she pulls the moves on me, I’m walking in the other direction.

“Awesome, I know an awesome place we can go, if we leave now, we might be able to make it before lunch.” She walked to the door and turned her head to face me.
“You coming?”

“Yea” I walked over to the door and followed her out the room.

What have I got myself into?