• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered) - lighting_spark

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?

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Chapter 23: Dinner Time

Being the commander of one of the most advance ships ever made meant that we didn’t have much shore leave. And in turn we missed out on quite a lot that other ship’s crew get, such as getting to see their friends and family, getting to relax and one of the biggest, good food.

Because the Normandy would be out almost years at a time meant that most of the food we had was almost entirely made out of fake ingredients.

Only about once a month did we get REAL food on ours travels and that would be fruits and meats we found on planets and bought on stations and most of which was still fake.

I must have sat there for at least ten minutes staring wide eyed at the bowl of macaroni and cheese. I’m surprised that my brain hasn’t melted from the flavor of the dish. Just one mouth full of it was enough to put me in a comatose state. I can’t tell if I’m getting looks or not because I’m just sitting there, jaw hanging open, looking at a bowl of food.

“Dude, you okay?” I was knocked out of my trance by Starry nudging me on the shoulder.

“Huh, oh yea, I’m fine.” I said blinking a couple of times.

“Are you sure, you look a little out of it.” He said raising an eye brow.

“It’s nothing to get worried about.” I said with a small chuckle.

“Still doesn’t mean it’s nothing.” Moon said narrowing his eyes and leaning towards me a bit.

“It’s the food.” I said with a confused expression.

“What, we know it’s bad but that’s no need to go all comatose about it.” Moon said leaning back to the position he was in before.

“BAD?” I was quite taken aback by this. “This is some of the best food I’ve had.” I said digging back into my meal.

“Wha? If this is what you call good than I don’t want to know what you’ve been eating before.” Moon said with a surprised expression.

“When you’re on a ship for near years on end you don’t have a large choice of foods.” I said reminiscing about the old rations on the Normandy.

“What did you eat then?” Starry said looking curious.

“I had it good. I had officer previsions while my crew had even crappier rations.” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“That still doesn’t answer the question.” Moon said narrowing his eyes again.

“I had what is called Saith which is made of processed proteins, vitamins and minerals with a tiny amount of artificial flavors but not enough to make the food go off too soon and my crew got what was called Cachu and it was like what I got but with no flavors at all making it taste like cardboard. But after a while of crappy food I ended up using my own salary to buy high grade previsions, it cost a few thousand but it helped boost morale.” I said getting another spoon full of my meal.

“Wow, now I can sort of understand where you’re coming from.” Starry said going back to his meal.

“Officer previsions? Wait, you’re an officer?” Moon said looking around uneasily.

“I was a Commander in the Navy and among other things.” I said nonchalantly continuing my dish.

They all dropped their cutlery and went wide eyed, and all stared at me.

“Are you telling us we’ve been with an officer the whole time?” Brick said finally speaking up.

“I was a Commander of a different Army, I have no command here.” I said.

“Oh, Ummm, this is awkward.” Moon said rubbing the back of his neck.

“What army were you apart of?” Brick asked.

“The Systems Alliance.”

“Sorry if I may seem rude but I’ve never heard of it.” Brick said.

“Don’t blame you, probably no one here has, We’re located far up north.” This macaroni and cheese is amazing.

"You also said among others, what does that mean?" Starry asked raising an eye brow.

"I was a part of a group called N7 which only the best of the best get into, I was also part of a group called Spectres which means Special Tactics and Reconnaissance, and that's even harder to get into, the perks of which are once you're a Spectre you are conceded above the law meaning back where I'm from I can go around burning down houses and blowing up buildings if I had reason that would be for the greater good." I said.

"How do you become a Spectre?" Moon asked looking intrested.

"There's a saying 'Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of service and battle—those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file'. Unlike N7 where they train you, Spectres get chosen by our counsil. I was the first of my species to get chosen."

"If you where the first pony to get picked does that mean this council is made out of Griffins and stuff?" Moon said.

"Nope, totally different species altogether, there was the Asari, the Salarians and the Turians, and after a tonne of work from me hopefully another race called the Krogan will join them."

They looked at me with confused expressions. I mentally face palmed. They don't know anything about the Counsil, I might not even be in the Milky Way anymore.

"If you're with a lady such as myself and have no idea what they're talking about just nod up and down to at least seem like you understand." I said in a deadpan tone.

And like a bunch of knuckle heads they all slowly nodded their heads up and down.

Soon my face became friend with the table in front of me. Luckily my food was to the side when the happened otherwise I would have a face full of cheesy pasta. I stayed like for a few moments until I pulled my head up.

We ate in an awkword silence for the rest of our meals until I finished.

"Whelp, I'm going to burn some calories, I'll see you guys later." I said getting up from my seat.

"Why? It was only a small meal." Moon said eyeing me curiously.

"How do you think I got so ripped?" I said lifting up up an arm and tencing my mussels and let out a small chuckle.

Moon looked at his own arm for a second before he looked back up to me. "Ok, see you later Shepard." He said with a small wave.