• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered) - lighting_spark

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?

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Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Standing there in my battle worn armour bleeding to death in fount of a small hologram of a child. With my pistol drawn I approached my choice. I pulled the trigger, with each shot I saw my life flashing before my eyes. Living on Earth as a child, coming home along after a raid witch almost cost me my life, defeating Saren, defeating the collectors and meeting my team.

I knew I wouldn’t make it, Garrus still owes me a drink when I see him I the next life. Firing shot after shot I wondered if it would hurt much, too late to think about it now. The explosion started to approach me, I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. A wall of pain hit me like a tonne of bricks, I felt myself get ripped apart, bit by bit, molecule by molecule, atom by atom, I’m just surprised that I’m still not dead. Then it went all black.

The cold wind washed over me, I was lying on something soft. I slowly opened my eyes to see it was night, good, I won’t go blind from the sun. I looked around my surroundings, I was in a field. Okay now to see if I still have my body parts, legs, check, arms, check, hands, crap, I lost my hands but it doesn’t hurt, come to think of it nothing hurts much but one of my legs. I pulled out my arm to look at my Omi-tool to see the damage but to my shock I saw a think pink hoof like limb. My eyes went wide as dinner plates. Soon after I screamed, wow, Commander Shepard, hero of the galaxy screaming at what her arm looked like.

I sat up and looked at my legs, ok, they are the hoof like things too. I went to feel my face and when I was a couple of inches away from it I bumped into what I guess is my nose. I screamed again, ok, I need to look at my Omi-tool. I pulled out my arm and turned on my Omi-tool. Okay, it looks like I’m a horse like thing. I almost fainted there and then. I checked to see if my Omi-blade still works to which it did. I checked my biotics to which I was greeted by a soft purple glow around me, okay, it will work as this horse thing. I find out that some things didn't change like my eyes teeth and red hair, my what guess is my coat is the same color as my skin used to be. I opened up my Omi-tool and brought up a comm link.

"This Commander Shepard, is anyone out there?" I was just met with static.

Ok so I'm lost on a planet I don't know as a species I have no clue about, this is just great. Okay, I need to find a town or shelter soon or I might not last the night, I'll climb a tree to see. I look around and see a tree in the distance. Bingo, once I find shelter, I need to find a place with information about this world.

I climbed the tree and saw a city off in the far-off distance. Well better than nothing, I better head off now. I climbed down the tree and started walking in the direction of the city.

I soon arrived on the outskirts of the town with had a large sign. 'Manehatten' ok, that's an odd name.

I walked into the town; the moon floated overhead with a certain awe about it. Okay, I need to find a bar, they're the best places to get info.

I soon found a bar, 'The Old Goat', I thought the city's name was odd. I entered the bar and blushed when I saw everyone in the bar was naked, I was still warring my shredded N7 armor. Everyone looked at me when I entered, I little in-nerving when they we are naked. I started approaching the bar table but was stopped by and old looking geezer with gray hair and a brown coat.

"Hiya beautiful, how about we have a little fun" I could tell he was beyond drunk, that can't be healthy.

"No" I walked past him and felt slap agents my rear. "Oh, nice and firm that one is" he began to laugh.

I turned around, and did a good old 1,2 on him, he went flying out of the bar and landed on the street outside. I looked down and saw a small bag that jingled when I picked it up, okay now I had some money. "The alliance thanks you for your donation."

I went to the bar and sat on a stool. The bar tender very carefully approached me.

"M-may I help you?" He looked like he would piss himself if I wasn't careful.

"Give me the strongest thing you have" I need to relax a bit and when you've had Krogan ale nothing but the strongest works.

He came back with shot glass will with what looked like... Apple juice? "Here, it's on the house, sorry about Oldgeezer, he is a little drunk Is all" he passed over the shot glass, I smiled and when he saw my teeth he looked horrified. I took the shot and barely tasted the alcohol. "Can I get ten of these?" I need a lot if I was going to get any kick.

He came back with a mug filled with the substance to which I drunk down in a couple of gulps. "Woah, I've never seen anypony drink that much and still be standing." He horror replaced with awe.

"Anyhow do you know anywhere I can stay?"

"Huh, oh, there's a continental hotel across the street, it's quite cheep to."

I thanked him for the drinks and payee him. I walked across the road the the hotel. 'The Sleeping Mare' do they know how to come up with good names? I walked in.

"How much for a room?"

"10 bits per night"

I put ten coins on the table, and he passed over a key that had the number 12 on it. I walked up the stairs to my room, I went in and saw my bedroom and the other horses bed room. I took off my N7 armor with a far bit of trouble then climbed into bed. I wonder where I am or what I am, I'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out.