• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 1,608 Views, 82 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure: Friendship is Unbreakable - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat in the prom, Sunset discovers an amazing power called a [STAND].

  • ...

Stand Up

The spirit, or should I say Nuvole Bianche, is completely under my control. It seems to possess a special ability of some kind. After days of study, I discovered that it could extract elements from an object and apply it to something else. For instance, it can extract the [HARDINESS] from a rock and apply it to a piece of paper. It may be hard to understand, but I will conduct more research and test its' limit. I am learning more about it every day. I wonder who else would possess such spectacular power.
---Twilight Sparkle's Diary

"So there are more stand users in school?" Luna asks.

"I am afraid so," Celestia sighs: "Seems like that event a couple of days ago is the trigger."

"So Rainbow Dash and Rarity are stand users too?"

"Maybe," Celestia replies, closing her eyes: "Everyone involved in the magical transformation...so it would be...six. Aside from Twilight."

"The pony princess?" Luna asks: "We wouldn't know even if she's a stand user now."

"So it's none of our concern," Celestia says: "So Sunset, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity."

"For now," Luna says: "My stand has no power in the waking world. So if any of their stands go berserk..."

"From what I can tell, at least two stands have gone berserk as we speak," Celestia says: "By the way, don't approach Fluttershy without another stand user by your side. Your stand is not a fighting type, and Fluttershy's stand is extremely dangerous."

"More dangerous than Mr. Discord?" Luna asks with a smirk on her face.

"Not yet," Celestia answers: "But it can be."

"So what are you going to do now?" Luna asks: "Those berserk stands are not easy to deal with."

"First of all, we have to locate the stand users, and then incapacitate them," Celestia says: "Luna, I can reduce the density of oxygen until everyone passes out, and then you will have ten minutes to find the stand users."

"Then what?" Luna asks, leaning on Celestia's table: "After locating the stand users, what are you going to do? So far, Sunset is the only with her stand under control."

"Send Fluttershy to Rainbow Dash," Celestia says: "They've been friends forever; she should be able to get things under control."

"What about Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity?" Luna asks: "And to what degree can they control their stands?"

"Fluttershy is unaware of her stand," Celestia answers: "However, it only appears when she's angry or in danger. As for Pinkie and Applejack, well, remember how your phone just stopped when we got to school and how we only..."

"Yeah, yeah," Luna cuts Celestia off: "It should have been 45, but it only took 15 minutes."

"That means there are two stands at work," Celestia says: "One is a ranged stand with the ability to mess with space, and another one is a closed ranged one."

"Oh my," Luna takes out her phone: "What you know, my phone is back to normal, and Rarity is sick."

"So only one stand is at work," Celestia says: "It must be a long-ranged one."

"And since Rarity is not coming to school today," Luna adds: "We only need to deal with this long-ranged one."

"Also an unknown stand," Celestia says: "Two stands under control, two uncontrolled, one sick, so there must be another one."

"You are quite a seasoned gladiator," Luna says: "Still got the scars?"

"Yep," Celestia answers: "I wouldn't even be here if I am not a seasoned gladiator."

"I just got an email from Sunset," Luna says: "Looks like they ran into Applejack, and it's confirmed that she's a stand user. However, they just saw an infinite corridor."

"Infinite?" Celestia questions: "Can you ask them to send a photo?"

"No signal," Luna says: "From what we know, Applejack's stand can somewhat influence the magnetic field."

"How do you know?" Celestia asks

"Phones not working, geese not able to navigate their way? Sounds interesting." Luna replies.

"So it's either Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie," Celestia says: "Judging from their personality, Rainbow Dash's stand should be a close-ranged one."

"So it's Pinkie Pie," Luna says: "So how do we locate her? If she can mess with space itself, then we'll go with your plan."

"Wait for a minute," Celestia says: "Write Sunset an e-mail, describe our plan. We have ten minutes to find Pinkie and bring her to this office. School starts in 30 minutes, and I don't want anyone to get trapped in an infinite hallway."

"My head..." Sunset says, messaging her temple: "Pinkie, just why?"

"I don't know!" Pinkie shouts: "I thought I was late to school, but it only took me 5 minutes whether it should have taker 20. Then, I just got trapped in a hyperspace of some kind, then..."

"Would you mind?" Rainbow cuts Pinkie off: "Ouch, my head..."

"I am sorry, Rainbow," Celestia apologizes: "We had to find Pinkie before school starts."

"I understand," Applejack says: "Good thing no one got hurt."

"I did," Rainbow says, rubbing her head: "Do you know what it feels like to fall asleep on a sink?"

"Anyway," Luna cuts Rainbow off: "We need to talk."

"The five of you need to tell Rarity," Celestia says: "You guys need to stick together, in case if something bad happens."

"Tia's right," Luna continues: "I wouldn't be here if not for her, and she wouldn't be here if not for me."

"Sounds dangerous," Fluttershy says, hiding behind Rainbow Dash.

"What could possibly go wrong?" Sunset says: "It could be that bad, right?"

"Maybe not," Celestia says: "But just in case."

"So, you guys need to find out what your abilities are and get them under control," Luna says: "If anything goes wrong, just e-mail Celestia or me."

"Um, Princess...I mean Principal Celestia?" Sunset says: "Do we need to name our stands? I mean, your stand has a name..."

"Of course," Luna replies: "It's a tradition. Everyone, close your eyes so that I can read your spirit so to give your stand a proper name."

Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash
Stand Name: Anvil Chorus
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: C

Stand Name: Blue Danube
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: E
Potential: C