• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 1,606 Views, 82 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure: Friendship is Unbreakable - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat in the prom, Sunset discovers an amazing power called a [STAND].

  • ...

Tomb of the Past

"What do you think you are doing?" Sunset shouts, a vein on her neck bulges out, and her fists clutch tightly as redlines cover her arms.

"Ha?" A short young man named Snips slowly turns his head around as his eyes widen: "Sunset?"

"What?" His friend, Snails, looks back at his former boss, his jaw locks open.

"Let go of the bucket," Sunset hissed through gritted teeth, her head shaking slightly.

"W...we don't fear you!" Snips throw the bucket at Sunset. Nevertheless, with only a snap of fingers, the bucket is back into his hands.

"It is paint, isn't it?" Sunset groans, glaring at the pair, her eyes burning with anger: "For Rainbow's locker? What is wrong with you?"

"Run!" Snips toss the bucket again before bolting away with his friend.

"Agh..." Sunset groans and the pair is back in front of her face with the bucket in their hands with a snap of fingers: "We are going to the Vice Principal's office, now."

"That will be five demerits for each of you," Limestone explains with a monotoned voice as the fan on her ceiling gradually stops spanning.

"But we haven't even done anything!" Snips argue back, his voice quivers.

"Precisely," Limestone glares at the two who desperately avoids eye contact with the Vice-Principal: "It would have been detention for both of you. Now get out." Limestone commands the two.

"Thank you, Vice Principal," Sunset sighed as the two slightly left Limestone's office without saying a word.

"Sure," Limestone replies, shuffling through paperwork while her eyes lock onto Sunset: "You seem troubled."

"No, I'm ok," Sunset message her temples, her eyes drifting around the room: "It's just...they are coming after my friends because of me..."

"The stick together," Limestone cut the worried student off: "Leaving them now would only make things worse."

"I know!" Sunset squeezes her eyes close as her brows form a frown; her face hidden behind her palms: "Sorry... but I just want to fix this all!"

"It's ok," Limestone sighed as the sound of paper shuffling stopped: "Fix it with the help of your friends, not by yourself. A stand is capable of many things, but it is just a tool in your hands, and a tool alone never solves your problem."

"But," Sunset slowly removed her hands from her face as the frown persisted: "I just feel that I can do so much more! I should be able to fix it all!"

"Vice-Principal Luna told me about you right after the prom," Limestone put the paperwork down: "Your stand first activated when you decided to change for the better, correct? It means your will to change is strong and whatever you did was right."

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Sunset's eyes widen.

"She was my English teacher back in the day," Limestone exhales sharply before covering her eyes with a hand: "The Vice-Principal spoke highly about you after the prom, so I believe you are on the right track. Just don't do anything rash."

"Vice-Principal..." Sunset reaches out a hand as if she is offering Limestone help: "I..."

"You are participating in the Friendship Games, right?" Limestone inhales before opening her eyes again as the cold glare lands on Sunset: "You need to master your powers without letting non-stand users find out."

"O-Of course!" Sunset withdrew her hand as quickly as possible: "I will not let you down!"

"Don't say it, do it," Limestone then shifts her attention back to the piles of papers on her desk: "Do you have any other questions? If not, just leave."

"I have no further questions!" Sunset replies before dashing out of the door: "Thank you!"

"Chrissy," Glomung says, her fingers dancing around the bookshelf: "Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Father Pucci?"

"No, who was that?" Chrysalis asks, pulling out a book from the shelf.

"Pucci is a stand user, powerful enough to create an entirely new universe from nothingness," Glomung sighed: "He became so powerful that the only thing he feared was that the universe he envisioned would not come to exist, which it never did."

"Why are you telling me this?" Chrysalis paused for a moment before resuming her task.

"Tell me, how you want revenge?" Glomung asks.


"Twilight serves no master," Glomung explains: "She's only helping us because she wants more information. Besides, her endeavor may be proven to be a failure."

"Ok, ok," Chrysalis rolled her eyes: "I get it! Just have some faith in me, ok?"

"It's your choice," Glomung giggled: "When Pucci failed, my position in this universe was replaced by a being from your world. Now, I'm nothing and no one. If you want to suffer the same fate, then be my guest."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Chrysalis chuckled, a sense of uneasiness raises in her heart. After spending days spying on the stand users in CHS, Chrysalis has already noticed one student bearing striking similarities with 'Glomung.'

"I have accumulated resources over the years, "Glomung continues with a snoozing tone as she gently stroking the tightly packed books: "If you want to be my friend, then I will be more than willing to share."

"Of course," Chrysalis replies, as the corner of her mouth slightly tilts upwards: "My friend."