• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 1,608 Views, 82 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure: Friendship is Unbreakable - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat in the prom, Sunset discovers an amazing power called a [STAND].

  • ...

We Are in This Together

"What the..." Sunset stands in front of her locker dumbfounded, her mouth locked open and eyes widen. Her locker, originally a deep green color, is now covered in red paint.

"Dude..." Sunset reaches for the lock and finds it to be absent. As the metal door cracks open, Sunset discovers that all her items are trashed and covered in paint as well. On top of the pile is a sticky note, reads: You deserved it. Deserved it? Sunset's eyes twitch. Did I deserve it? Sunset's fist tightened as the tip of her fingers paled. DID I DESERVE IT? Blinded by rage, Sunset smacks her fist against the wall and through the concrete. Dust settles down as sense return to Sunset's brain. What am I doing? Sunset questions herself. I need to fix this! Sunset thought, readying her stand.

"Sunset?" Rainbow's voice echoes from the other side: "What happened?"

"Rainbow!" Sunset's fingers freeze in place.

"Just you stay!" Rainbow shouts before dashing off.

"Ok," Sunset groans as her fingers snap. The wall is back to normal, but the locker is not. My stand activated when I punch the wall; Sunset thinks, look down at her hands: But should I be mad at all? I did terrible things before, but it was in the past, right? I do deserve it, don't I? Don't I?

"Hi!" Rainbow shouts, smacking Sunset on the back.

"Ouch!" Sunset cried out: "Hi!"

"Sorry," Rainbow chuckled: "Everything ok?"

"No," Sunset frowns while looking at the mess that is her locker.

"Who did this?" Rainbow frowns in anger: "Just you wait if I find out..."

"No, no," Sunset waves her hand: "No need for that. I will deal with it myself."

"Look," Rainbow put a hand over Sunset's shoulder: "Just fix it now, and we will find out who did this!"

"Please do not," Sunset exhales: "They will do the same to you if..."

"So what?" Rainbow cuts Sunset off: "You are my friend! What kind of friend does not stand up for each other?"

"But I brought nothing but bad luck!" Sunset messages her temples; her eyes closed: "Why do you want to be around me?"

"Sunset," Rainbow sighs: "You helped me to master my stand, ok? I owe you that much. Besides, we are the only stand users! We should stick together!"

"Yeah?" Sunset murmurs, a wry smile forms on her face: "Thank you, Rainbow."

"Sure!" Rainbow lets out a sigh of relief. Being emotional is never her thing, but Rainbow will do whatever is necessary to help her friend. Luckily, it seems like her message got through before things got too emotional: "Great! Let us clean this mess up and find out who did it!"

"Let us do it!" Sunset forced a smile out on her face. I will do whatever is necessary to keep my friends happy and safe, she thinks: Rainbow is correct, it is my duty.

"So, what did you tell Twilight," Glomung asks. The light in her car turns on.

"Me?" Chrysalis' jew dropped: "How could you say such a thing?"

"Come one, Chrissy," Glomung hands Chrysalis a piece of chocolate cookie: "Be honest with me."

"I was just telling her story," Chrysalis takes the cookie, shrugging her shoulders: "Next thing you know, she is upset!"

"You sure are a good actor!" Glomung chuckles: "Listen, Twilight is just a test. I am not sure what all those power is capable of and how it would affect a person. If it ends up working, then we all benefit from it. If it fails, no one gets hurt."

"Yeah?" Chrysalis yawns, surprised at how calculating her partner is: "I should probably tell Twilight!"

"If you do," Glomung shrugs: "And she fails, you will then have no one to help you. If she succeeds, you will not get that much more out of it. Plus, do you think I would allow her to get that strong without having a backup plan?"

"Whatever," Chrysalis yawns: "I will listen to you this time."

"Wise decision," Glomung unlocks the car door: "Have a good night then."

"Good morning, Acey!" Sour Sweet greet with a big smile on her face. The school was over hours ago, but some students remained on campus for the upcoming Friendship Game. Among them is Sour Sweet. Nevertheless, never once had Sour say hello to Arctic without trying to get something from him. This time, however, is different.

"Morning, Sour," Arctic spares a hand to wave at his classmate, a gentle smile on his face: "Are you ok?"

"She is," Twilight emerges from the corner; her frazzled hair speaks madness.: "She is nicer to you than before."

"Twilight," Arctic frowns: "What did you do exactly?"

"I made her better," Twilight speaks, sauntering towards Arctic and pass Sour Sweet: "She should thank me."

"Twilight, this is not you," Arctic turns his full attention to Twilight, giving the girl a worried look: "Please, stop."

"Now," Twilight approaches ever closer, stopping only inches from him before reaching her hand into Arctic's chest: "I will make you better too."

Arctic blink several times before accepting the reality; his brain goes into automatic damage control model: "Twilight, what is it? Please stop!"

"With only a thought," Twilight explains, eyes open wild as she stares right into Arctic's soul: "Who you were will disappear and be replaced with a better you."

"Twilight," Arctic stares back at Twilight, avoiding looking down: "You will replace me with a new personality that you like! It is not necessarily better, you know! There is a difference between your preference and the objectives reality! I understand things are tough for you, but this is not the answer! Annihilating someone's personality and replacing a new one is like killing them and replace them with a different person with similar looks! You will never get their approval because the original person is gone! I know things are tough at times, but creating a big lie does not solve anything!"

"Whatever," Twilight withdrew her hand from Arctic's chest: "See you at the Friendship Games."

Twilight then leaves as Arctic tries to make sense of the situation. Stand is an alien concept to Arctic; one that he will be forced to learn.