• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 1,606 Views, 82 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure: Friendship is Unbreakable - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat in the prom, Sunset discovers an amazing power called a [STAND].

  • ...

An Unexpected Run-In

"Did you punch a boulder?" The school nurse questions Sunset: "Young lady, you really need to be careful!"

"It's complicated," Sunset sighs: "Kind of, yes."

"There are bruises here and there, but you should recover within a week or so," the nurse explains: "Just don't punch anything within the period, got it?"

"Got it!" Sunset smiles awkwardly.

"Ok, Rainbow, Applejack, I would like to talk to you in private," the nurse says: "Sorry, Sunset, just stay still for a second, ok?"

"Yeah, sure," Sunset responds as Rainbow and AJ exit the office.

"Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone," the nurse warns before leaving Sunset alone in the office.

"I won't!" Sunset says, but the nurse has already left the office and locked Sunset in.

"So, what really happened?" The nurse questions Sunset's friends: "Did she do something awful and tried to frame you guys for it?"

"What? No!" Rainbow shouts: "Look, I know she has done some bad things before, but she's changed!"

"Yeah! Actually, it was just an accident," AJ pauses a moment, gives it some thought, and continues: "She, eh, fell! Yes!"

"Really?" the nurse raises an eyebrow as Applejack smiles nervously: "Unless she punched the ground while falling, her hands would suffer something like that."

"Look, she didn't do anything!" RD explains, making a better reason that the farm girl could ever imagine: "She fell near a hill, ok? Her hands hit a rock or two while rolling down the hill, and that's it!"

"If you say so," The nurse pushed her glasses: "Remember, if she tries to harm anyone, just tell me, and I'm all ears."

"HELP!" Fluttershy's scream for help echoes the halls: "HELP!"

"Fluttershy?" the nurse pushes the two girls aside and greets a panicked Fluttershy with splashes of blood all over her-selves while holding onto a bird: "What happened?"

"I ran into three girls on my way to school!" Fluttershy explains, her voice shaky and full of fear: "They were really mean, and, and..."

"Hey, it's ok! You are safe here!" the nurse comforts Fluttershy: "Just take a deep breath and tell us what happened."

"Oh," the girl inhales and exhales and starts to tell her story: "They surrounded me and pinned me to a corner. They wanted to know where Sunset is and...threatens to beat me! Then, this little guy tried to defend me, and the girls smacked him! I was so angry that I blacked out! The next thing I know, the girls are gone, and he just lies there on the ground!"

"Who is this little guy?" the nurse asks.

"Him!" Fluttershy shows the little bird in her palms: "Please! You have to save him!"

"Look, I'm not a vet for now," the nurse replies: "But I did have some experiences with animals. So I will do my best and take care of him."

"Oh, Thank you!" Fluttershy gives the nurse a bear hug out of excitement.

"Yeah, it's ok," the nurse says: "But I would also like you to stay for a bit, ok?"

"Of course!" Fluttershy replies.

"Wait a minute!" Rainbow interrupts: "What about Sunset? Didn't hear what Shy just said?"

"Probably enemies she made along the way," the nurse rolls her eyes: "We all know that Sunset wasn't the most outstanding student there is. I will be sure to report this, so the three of them stay away from other students."

"Ok, then what about Sunset?" Rainbow asks: "There are here for her! Not the others! You can keep them out of the school, but Sunset will never be safe!"

"Rainbow's right! We can't just leave Sunset out there!' Applejack defends Rainbow: "There got to be something we can do!"

"Ladies!" the nurse shuts the conversations forcefully: "It's her problem. She has been running around and causing trouble for enough time, and we are not paying for her mistakes! Now, if you would excuse me, Fluttershy needs medical attention."

"But..." Fluttershy tries to say something.

"Sunset!" The nurse opens the door to her office: "You can go now."

"Wait, is that Fluttershy?" Sunset looks outdoors: "Hi! Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy waves back, but her image was blocked by the nurse: "Sunset, Fluttershy needs medical attention," the nurse says to Sunset: "Please, give us some space."

"Yeah, sorry," Sunset stands up and makes her way out of the nurse's office.

"Fluttershy, do come in," the nurse drags Fluttershy in as soon as Sunset left and locked the door to her office.

"What was that supposed to be?" Rainbow shouts after a minute of silence.

"Rainbow," Applejack tries to calm her friend down.

"Those three are literally stocking Sunset! And she doesn't even care!"

"Rainbow!" AJ increases her volume: "Can you just calm down for a minute? We are just one door away from them!"

"That's precisely the point!" Rainbow argues back: "Something needs to be done before they do something horrible!"

"It's ok, girls," Sunset forces a smile on her face: "I can defend myself!"

"No! You can't!" Rainbow argues back: If you can, then that whole getting on a train top thing wouldn't be necessary!"

"She's right, sugar-cube," Applejack gives Rainbow a look before talks to Sunset in a softer tone: "You have to stay somewhere else!"

"You can stay over with me!" Rainbow says: "I live alone and could use a roommate!"


"No buts!" Rainbow wraps an arm over Sunset's shoulder: "You are coming with me!"

"She's right, sugar-cube," AJ says: "Two of you living together can provide more support. Sorry that I can't come alone."

"The two of us is enough!" Rainbow smirks: "Those three fools will need to take a big break after picking a fight with shy!"

"But doesn't that mean they will consume more energy and cause more chaos?" Sunset questions: "If that's the case, then they might become stronger than ever by the time of the showcase!"

"You worry too much!" Rainbow dismisses Sunset's concern: "IF they cause a mess, then they will be all over the news! All we need to do is to find them and beat them again!"

"If you say so," Sunset sighs: "But we'll have to report this to Principal Celestia! Would you mind texting her?"

"She's not gonna be here for another thirty minutes or so," Rainbow chuckles: "Let's just get something to eat for now!"

"I still have some apple bread left," Applejack says: "They were baked last night, want some?"

"Don't mind if I do!"

"That sounds delicious! Where did you put them anyways?"

"My locker, now off to breakfast!"