• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 595 Views, 9 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

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"Anon, we'll be there in about five minutes." Sunset says.

"Thanks, Sunset." You shut off the intercom in the armory and begin grabbing the weapons you might need for this next job.

Sunset had taken over piloting the ship some time after making the jump to lightspeed and you decided to lay down for a bit. You were so stressed and angry with everyone and everything, that you needed a little breather. Now that you've had a chance to rest, you're feeling much better.

You also had some time to reflect on what all had happened. As angry as you were, you can't deny that Pinkie is a damn good fighter. In hindsight, it was almost fun fighting her. You hadn't had a good fight like that since the time you fought that Sith warrior on Tatooine.

You wish you still had the lightsaber that you took from him, but Sunset said that Jedi Master Maud took it while you were recovering after saving Mandalore from the Rakghouls. Damn Jedi.

That reminds you that you're curious about Pinkie's past. She can use the Force, and her last name is Pie, so maybe she's related to Maud. This job will most likely be pretty boring, so you'll ask her later when you get the chance.

You sit at your workbench and ready your weapons. You'll take your blaster rifle and sidearm, as usual. You stand up to holster your weapons and glance over at your jetpack. You're tempted to just leave it here. If everything goes how you expect it to, you won't even need it. Then again, that's risky, and you're clearly not as lucky as you used to be when it comes to gambling.

You grab the jetpack and place it on your back. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

You open the door and step out onto the main hold to see Pinkie humming to herself and messing around with a deck of Pazaak cards on the table. She's coming with you and Sunset for this.

"Pinkie, do you want a weapon?" You ask.

She looks over to you. "Sure!"

She gets up and you lead her into the armory. While she looks around, you hear the computer in the main hold start beeping, letting you know that you're coming up on Naboo.

You turn to her. "Can I trust you not to steal anything while I head up to the cockpit?"

She turns to face you and gives you a little smile. "Yeah. I won't steal anything, I promise."

You study her for a moment, trying to detect any indication that she's lying on her face, but you don't see anything out of the ordinary. "Alright."

You don't trust her at all, but there's nothing you can really do about that right now.

You turn around and head into the cockpit. Sunset is sitting in the pilot's seat as usual and as you enter, she flips a few switches above her and pulls back on the throttle. The hyperdrive whirs down and the lush, green-blue planet of Naboo come into view as you exit lightspeed.

You sit down in the co-pilot's seat and contact Shining Armor. He appears on the screen in front of you after a couple rings. "Captain, we've arrived at Naboo and we're making our approach."

He nods. "Excellent. I'll inform Senator Melody now."

"Appreciate it." You shut off the comms and Sunset enters the planet's atmosphere.

You stand up and head back to the armory. Pinkie steps out with only a small sidearm strapped to her hip. "Alright, Anon! I'm ready to go!"

"Good." You walk past her into the armory and double-check that you've grabbed everything you think you'll need.

"Hey, Anon?" Pinkie says.

"What?" You look to see Pinkie standing in the doorway.

She clears her throat. "I just wanted to apologize for everything that happened before. I assumed that you were like all the other bounty hunters that came after me, and I didn't give you a chance to explain. I'm sorry."

An apology? That's certainly unexpected.

You stand to face her. "Pinkie, never apologize for following your instincts. I would've done the same thing if I were in your position."

She blinks. "Really?"

"Of course." You reply. "Tons of bounty hunters from all over the galaxy had come to kill you before. You were just doing what it took to survive instead of running away. It's admirable." She smiles wide as you grab your helmet and hold it under your arm. "Plus, you're a damn good fighter. We should do it again some time."

She giggles a little at that. "Thanks, Anon."

"No problem." You give her a little nod and you both walk toward the cockpit again.

Outside the viewport, you see a few clouds fly past you as the ship descends toward the planet's surface. The sun is shining, the green fields below are lush with grass and trees, and a few bright blue lakes can be seen around the city's edge. Everything about this place looks calm and tranquil in every way.

It's horrifying. You'd get so bored here.

As you approach the city of Theed, you're contacted by some Nabooian Royal security. Sunset informs them who you are, and they give you permission to land.

The spaceport is at the base of a large cliff where Theed Palace is located. A couple streams of water flow from the top of the ridge and into pools directly below, giving the spaceport a more natural look.

You descend toward the uppermost level and slowly land. Once you touch down, a couple of Royal security officers walk up to your ship and wait for you to disembark.

You stand up. "I'll go greet them. You go get ready, Sunset."

She nods and you head back into the ship towards the exit ramp. You press a button on the wall panel beside you and it lowers. With your helmet still under your arm, you walk down and meet the two Naboo Royal guards. Both of them are human males. They're dressed in the standard Naboo security uniform from top to bottom.

The left one speaks. "I assume that you are Anonymous?"

"I am." You reply.

He nods slightly. "Welcome to Naboo. Senator Melody apologizes that she could not be here to meet you in person. She's currently held up with other matters."

"That's fine, I understand." You wave your hand dismissively.

"Her transport is nearly ready to go." He continues. "Our head of security, Captain Spitfire, will give you a brief on your duties and familiarize you with the layout of the ship when you're aboard."

"Sounds good. My team is almost ready to go, so give us a couple minutes." They both nod and stand at ease while you head back aboard your ship. "Sunset. Pinkie. You two ready?"

"Yeah." Sunset puts her helmet on as she comes walking out of the armory. She's armed with her rifle, sidearm, and short vibrosword.

Pinkie is already in the main hold, smiling wide. "Me too!"

You nod at them and put your helmet on. "Let's go." You turn around and head back down the ramp with Sunset and Pinkie following behind. You approach the guards once again. "Alright, we're yours."

The two guards stand at attention and the left one speaks again. "Please follow us."

He ushers you to follow and you all begin walking across the spacious landing pad toward another cluster of ships to your right.

"Captain Shining Armor seems to think highly of your skills, Anonymous." The other one says. "Both yours and Sunset's. From his reports, I thought there would only be two of you though."

"Pinkie's a new addition to our little team." You reply.

"Yep!" Pinkie says from behind. "Brand-spanking new!"

A temporary addition. You hear Sunset groan a little behind you in response.

"Well, I'm sure Senator Melody will be grateful for the extra help." The guard looks forward again as you all continue.

Once you enter the more secure section of the landing pad, you pass by four one-man starfighters. You've seen Naboo starfighters before. They're relatively small, sleek, shiny, and yellow. These ones, however, are light blue. The name "Soarin'" is written on the side of the nearest one.

The guard must have noticed you looking. "Those fighters belong to the Wonderbolts; Naboo's most skilled pilots. They will provide an escort for you as you make your way to Dantooine."

Sunset hums. "This business on Dantooine must be pretty important."

He looks back at Sunset and nods. "I'm sure it is. The Wonderbolts rarely provide an escort for diplomats other than the Queen, but Her Majesty insisted that they go this time."

Once you pass by the starfighters, you make your way toward a green Corellian Consular-class cruiser. A small number of Naboo security officers were speaking with two Republic troopers near the exit ramp. You pass by them as you step aboard the ship. You enter a small forum where you see two Naboo pilots, both dressed in blue jumpsuits, speaking with each other.

The human female on the right has a fierce look in her eye and bright red-orange hair on her head. Her stance alone says that she's in charge.

She glances at you and the guards who guided you here stand at attention before one of them speaks. "Captain Spitfire, here's your extra security."

She salutes back at them. "Thank you. The both of you are dismissed."

The two security officers nod and turn around to exit the ship. Spitfire doesn't take her eyes off you the entire time. You can already tell that she doesn't like you.

Her mouth tilts slightly, showing contempt. "It's unfortunate that we've become so desperate that we've resorted to hiring bounty hunters and mercenaries for security on diplomatic missions."

You're about to be a smartass, but Sunset does it first. "No, what's really unfortunate is that we've been so bored lately that we've actually resorted to accepting contracts for security on diplomatic missions."

Pinkie starts laughing and you chuckle at Spitfire's hateful glare in Sunset's direction. "Don't you dare give me that, Mandalorian! Hired help or not, I'm still in charge here! You answer to me!"

"Oh, so I take it you're footing the bill for our services?" You take a single step toward her and she turns her glare to you.

"Hey, back off!" The pilot next to her moves between you and presses his hands against your chest, shoving you back a step.

That was a bad move...

"Make me, flyboy!" You take an aggressive step toward him and shove him back against the wall.

He growls and lurches forward, latching onto your shoulders and trying to grab your throat. You grab onto his arms as he reaches for your throat and try to push them down before you reach for his neck also. But before you can grab him, you feel Sunset and Pinkie grab you and pull you back away from him.

"Anon, stop!" Sunset commands.

Spitfire gets between you two and pushes him back against the wall as he tries to move past her. "Soarin'! That's enough!"

You both try to get free from the girls preventing you from fighting each other while you all yell and curse at one another. This continues for a few moments.

"ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU!" A sharp voice from behind gets your attention.

You all stop and face the exit ramp to see a human female in a long grey and violet dress. She's followed by two armed Republic troopers, and her arms are crossed as she glares at you.

Senator Octavia Melody of Naboo.

Spitfire and Soarin' straighten themselves out behind you. "Forgive us, Senator Melody."

She glares at Spitfire and walks toward them. "We are about to head to a meeting at a friendly system to negotiate plans for the peace and order that the Republic wishes for the entire galaxy. Therefore, we must all set an example of peace and order. There will be no quarreling or fighting on this ship at any time. You already know better than this, Captain. I'm very disappointed in you both."

Spitfire and Soarin' stand at attention as Octavia stands in front of them.

The senator continues. "Yes, we do have hired help. Yes, we need them at this time. They are not as accustomed to the Republic's standards as you are. You must show the level of professionalism that I know you both are capable of."

They both nod their heads. "Yes, my lady."

Senator Melody turns her attention to you three before looking at Pinkie. "What's your name?"

Pinkie clears her throat. "Uh, I'm Pinkie. Pinkie Pie!"

She doesn't sound as giddy as usual, but she's still smiling. Senator Melody, however, is not.

"Pinkie Pie..." She turns to you, and then to Sunset, respectively. "Anonymous... Sunset Shimmer... As used to violence and chaos as I'm sure you three are, rest assured that you will not find them aboard this ship. We have no need for any of it here, therefore I will not allow you to create or continue any of it as long as you are here." She turns her gaze specifically to you once again. "Your job is to provide additional security for me. You answer to me. You will not create trouble aboard this ship. Should trouble arise, you will end it as quickly and humanely as possible. Do I make myself clear?"

Her voice is calculated and bold, but also calm and firm. She's in charge, and she knows it.

You wait a small moment before nodding at her slowly. "Transparently."

"Excellent." She takes a deep breath and turns back around to face Spitfire. "We will be leaving in a few minutes I presume?"

Spitfire nods. "Yes, my lady. We were just finishing our final sweep when.." She looks over at you for a bit and hesitates, but clears her throat and continues. "...Y-yes. O-our sweep of the ship is complete. We are ready to depart at a moment's notice."

Senator Melody nods again. "Good work, Captain. I will leave it to you to show Pinkie and Sunset to where they will be as we travel. Then get to your ship. Soarin', get to your ship now and prepare for departure."

They both nod at her. "Yes, my lady."

Soarin' walks down the ramp off the ship and Senator Melody turns her attention to you. "I'd like to have a word with you, alone, in the meeting room, Anonymous. Just before the salon pod near the bow of the ship."

Oh boy, scold and reprimand time. You knew that rising to Soarin's bait was a bad idea. Good thing Sunset and Pinkie were there to hold you back before you did any serious damage to him.

"Of course, Senator." You turn around and face Pinkie and Sunset, whispering to them. "Okay, just be cool, you two..."

Sunset nods. "Yeah, make sure you keep yours, Anon..."

You deserve that.

"Bye Anon!" Pinkie waves at you with a smile.

You nod at them both and walk down the hallway toward the bow of the ship. You pass by a couple of technicians in front of an open maintenance floor hatch who give you a curious glance, but you pay them no heed.

The hallway is short and lined with a few doors that lead to storage areas, staterooms and a lounge on either side. This ship is much smaller than it looks outside. At the end of the hallway, you reach a room with a large table in the center.

On the far wall, you see a lift at the end of another short hallway. There's a sign just above that says 'Salon Pod Access.' This is the right place.

You lean up against the wall and cross your arms. Just need to wait for her now.

Author's Note:

Theed Spaceport on Naboo.

Consular-Class Cruiser.

Octavia Melody.