• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 595 Views, 9 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

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The nearest Star Destroyer opens fire and hits the port side of your cruiser. The entire ship rumbles and shakes as the cannons hit their target. Nearly everyone in your group topples over and screams in a panic. An alarm starts blaring loudly somewhere.

Applejack catches herself and stands back up, looking outside in horror.

Maud turns on her comlink. "Captain! The Sith led us here! They're attacking the fleet!"

Outside, you see fighters leading small corvettes toward the Republic cruisers. Everyone around you starts running back and forth in a panic.

More ships come out of hyperspace. The Sith fleet just keeps growing in numbers. They're not only here because of you, they're also officially declaring war on the Republic. They have to be. They don't need this many ships to take out one person.

You need to escape. You know too much about them.

"Applejack! Let us out of these binders! Now!" You shout.

Applejack looks at you, clearly afraid and confused.

You shake your bound wrists. "The Sith led you here because of me! I'm the one they want!"

Sunset speaks up. "With everything we've learned about the Sith so far, the Republic Senate has to know about it!"

Applejack looks at Maud for her say.

Maud looks back at her and nods. "We played right into their hands, Lieutenant. I can sense it. Anonymous and Sunset are our best sources of information on the Sith right now. I suggest you set them free so we can help them escape."

Applejack gulps and takes out a key. "Whatever you say, Master Jedi."

She goes over to you and sets you, Sunset, Pinkie, and Rainbow free.

Outside, you see small fighters attacking the cruiser. A few one-man Republic fighters have engaged them in a dogfight. The cruiser rumbles again and you almost lose your footing as the Sith continue attacking the Republic.

An intercom somewhere above you clicks on, and a panicked technician starts yelling through it. "Sith troopers have boarded the cruiser! Sith troopers have bo-"

The intercom cuts abruptly.

Applejack's comlink clicks on, and you hear Shining Armor start yelling. "Applejack! Where are you?!"

"Portside with Twilight and Master Maud!" She replies.

"Grab her and abandon ship!" He commands. "This cruiser won't survive!"

Twilight looks to Applejack and shoves you out of the way as she runs to her. "No! Shining, you've got to escape too!"

"Forget about me, Twily! I'll get out of here when I can, but you need to get to safety!"

Twilight screams into Applejack's comlink. "No! I won't leave without you!"

You move over to Applejack and press the button on her comlink. "My ship is fast, Shining Armor. I'll get her out of here."

Applejack looks up at you, clearly worried.

You swear you hear Shining Armor growling like a rabid animal. "If you do ANYTHING to hurt her, Mandalorian, I'll kill you myself!"

You nod. "I'll keep her safe, Captain! You have my word!"

You release Applejack's comlink and she grabs your arm, glaring at you. "I'm comin' with you to see that you do, Anon. No way I trust you after what you did on Coruscant!"

You stare back at her and tug your arm from her grip.

"I'm comin' too." Big Mac steps into view and looks down at you, a stern but also worried look on his face as well.

"Fine." You reply. You're in no position to argue.

The cruiser rumbles again, much more violently this time. Behind you, you see an explosion as a boarding pod crashes into the cruiser's hull. Sith troopers begin piling out and firing into the crowd of panicking civilians and soldiers.

Maud removes her cloak and drops it to the ground, grabbing her lightsaber. "Mandalorians, I suggest you both lead us back to your ship."

Good idea.

"Let's go!" You and Sunset turn around and lead the group back the way you came, running as fast as you can.

"No! No! We have to wait for Shining! I'm not leaving without him!" Twilight is still protesting behind you.

You take a quick look and see the Wookie, Angel, grab the Twi'lek and hoist her over his shoulder, growling in the process. Fluttershy is right beside him, and begging Twilight to calm down as she fights and kicks in an attempt to get free.

She's coming with you, whether she likes it or not.

You proceed forward, and head back toward the hangar.

The alarm continues blaring as you all make your way down the corridor. You, Sunset, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, Big Mac, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Maud. The gang's all here.

An explosion behind you stops you all in your tracks and you turn around.

Another group of Sith troopers comes spilling out of a doorway that had been blasted open and raise their weapons at you. "Blast them!"

You, Sunset, and Big Mac take out your weapons and start firing on the troopers. Maud activates her lightsaber and deflects some of the incoming blaster bolts back at the Sith. The four of you slowly back away from the Sith as the firefight rages on.

Risking a quick look behind you, you see that you've reached the door to the hangar. It's closed, and the red light on the face indicates that it's locked.

Twilight exclaims. "Let me get this open!"

You turn back to the Sith and focus on blasting as many as you can. Sunset and Big Mac are both shooting at them beside you. Maud is expertly swinging her blade back and forth in front of her, deflecting blaster bolts back at the Sith with extreme precision.

Once the Sith's numbers thin out a little, they start to retreat down the corridor, still shooting at you all. "Get that assault droid up here!" One of them shouts.

You growl under your breath. That doesn't sound good.

"Twilight, get that door open!" You yell.

Twilight yells back. "I'm working on it!"

The sound of clanking metal starts approaching from behind the Sith, getting louder with each second. The few remaining troopers fall back behind the corridor wall, providing a momentary cease-fire. You turn around. Twilight is hunched over the door's control console and frantically pressing buttons.

Finally, the light on the door turns green and it starts to open.

"We're in!" She exclaims.

From behind, you hear a loud machine-like roar as a massive, shielded assault droid comes hulking from around the corner, followed by more Sith troopers.

Applejack yells. "Fall back! Get into the hangar!"

You, Sunset, and Big Mac all open fire on the incoming Sith. Everyone else runs through the open doorway behind you.

Once they're all through, the three of you quickly follow them as the assault droid opens fire on you all. Twilight closes the door again just as you get through. She starts to fiddle with the controls a bit more, but Rainbow pulls her out of the way and blasts them. The Sith won't be getting through here any time soon.

You take a deep breath and look around at the damaged hangar bay. There are fires, piles of rubble, and rafters have collapsed in a few places.

One such rafter had fallen on your ship, giving the hull some damage.

Sunset is not happy about it.

"Those Sith bastards!" She shouts.

She stares at it for a few seconds before Maud comes up to her. "It's still space worthy, yes?"

Sunset sighs and nods. "Yeah... Don't worry, she's tough."

"Then I suggest we all get aboard." Maud replies.


You wave everyone over and follow Sunset as she runs toward the ship. Upon reaching the exit ramp, Maud stops beside it while Sunset runs inside.

You usher Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Applejack, and Big Mac aboard. Pinkie stops beside you and Maud for a moment.

"Come on! Let's go!" You shout.

They stay still. Both of them have an empty look on their faces, mouths agape slightly.


Slowly, they turn around and look toward the opposite side of the hangar.

You follow their gaze to see a Sith shuttle enter through the hangar's forcefield and land on an empty space on the ground. It isn't like the other Sith ships attacking the cruiser. They are all sleek and silver in design and color. This shuttle, while sleek, is jet black with red-tinted windows. It looks absolutely menacing.

The shuttle hisses as the ramp lowers and a hooded figure descends from the ship. It starts making its way toward you, slowly.

You growl and grab your blaster rifle again, but Maud holds up a hand to stop you. She doesn't face you.

"This is my fight, Anonymous." She says. "You and Pinkie get aboard and tell Sunset to take off."

Pinkie's eyes widen. "Maud, no! We have to leave!"

Maud looks at her for a moment before grabbing her lightsaber. "I have to do this, Pinkie..."

You and Pinkie look back up at the hooded figure as Maud steps toward it. A moment later, the figure removes its...her hood.

It's a young woman. Obviously a Sith. You can see her lightsaber hilt in her hand. Her hair is white, her skin is a dark shade of bluish-grey, and her eyes glow a bright yellow-red with a violent, angry intensity.

Pinkie gasps and slowly covers her mouth, fresh tears beginning to well in her eyes. "L...L-Limestone?"

"Oh no..." You whisper.

You look back at the girl. Pinkie's fears about her sister were not unfounded. She had turned to the Dark Side and had become a weapon for the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Limestone continues walking toward Maud, her eyes burning with rage.

"Limestone, please..." Maud speaks. "You don't have to do this..."

Limestone raises her lips in a snarl and activates her red lightsaber before taking off in a run toward Maud. Maud activates her lightsaber as well and raises it in front of her.

Limestone shrieks and leaps into the air as she clashes her saber with Maud's, and the two sisters engage in an intense battle. Blue and red flash and crack against each other in a spectacular show of lights and acrobatics that only those gifted with Force-sensitivity are able to perform.

Pinkie watches in horror as her two sisters expertly duel with one another.

Maud locks blades with Limestone before shoving her away and pushing her with the Force. Limestone cries out as she flies backwards a few meters.

She looks over at you both. "Go! Now!"

You nod and take Pinkie by the hand. "Come on!"

You pull on her, but she pulls back, staying still and watching the fight. Tears are openly flowing down her cheeks.

Limestone recovers and leaps into the air toward Maud, holding her hand out and shooting a barrage of Force Lightning at her from her fingertips. Maud holds her lightsaber in front of her and absorbs every bolt of electricity that Limestone throws at her. After a few seconds, Limestone stops firing the lightning and leaps toward Maud again, clashing blades once more.

After a few feral assaults, she punches Maud in the face and makes her lose her footing. Maud recovers by doing a backflip just before Limestone swipes at her, barely missing her sister and failing to strike her down.

"Pinkie, come on!" You yank her harder.

She continues to resist. "N-No! I-I have t-to..."

"Listen to Maud!" You yell. "We have to leave! Now!"

Finally, Pinkie relents and follows you into the ship, sobbing uncontrollably the whole way.

You run toward the cockpit, passing everyone else sitting in the main hold. "Sunset, get us out of here!"

"What about Maud?!" She yells back.

You enter the cockpit and stand between Sunset and the co-pilot's seat. "She told us to take off! Go!"

You start pressing all the buttons necessary to activate the ship's gun turrets. You're going to need them.

The ship whirrs to life and you turn on the comms. "Applejack, Big Mac, you two get to the gun turrets and hold off any fighters until we get the hyperdrive up and running!"

"Got it!" Applejack replies.

The ship starts to rise into the air and you run back into the main hold. "Sunset, keep the ramp lowered!"

You head to the exit ramp and step onto the end of it, holding onto the ship for balance as it continues to rise into the air.

Maud and Limestone are still going at it below you. Their lightsabers cracking and flashing with each clash.

"Master Jedi!" You shout.

Maud takes a quick glance at you before returning her focus onto her sister.

Limestone is fighting with all her fury, and Maud is holding back. You can see it. She's purely fighting defensively. At this rate, she won't survive. You need to think of something to help her. Quickly.

Across the hangar, you spot Limestone's ship. It's surrounded by other debris.

That's it.

You get on your comms. "Applejack! Big Mac! Are you on the gun turrets yet?!"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac replies.

"Just got here!" Says Applejack.

You point at the ship. "Destroy that shuttle! We need to help Maud!"

The cannon on the ship's belly pivots around to point toward the shuttle on the opposite side of the hangar. A second later, it fires and the shuttle explodes into a massive fireball.

Limestone is taken back by the explosion and Maud uses this to her advantage by pushing her sister back with the Force once again. She flies across the hangar next to her destroyed shuttle. Her lightsaber deactivates as she hits the wall.

You look down at Maud and hold your arm out to her. "Get up here!"

Maud looks over at her sister for a second before shutting off her lightsaber and leaping into the air toward you. She tightly grabs your arm, and you lift her aboard the ship. She grunts as she limps up the ramp and into the main hold.

You're about to follow her, when suddenly, you're knocked off your feet as your ship jolts violently from side-to-side. You fall onto your side and slide down the ramp toward the ledge. In a panic, you try to grab something, anything, to prevent you from falling off the edge and landing back on the hangar floor.

It's almost all in vain though. You slide off the edge and, thankfully, grab onto the lip of the exit ramp with your mechanical hand. You're now dangling off the edge of the ramp as your ship continues to rock back and forth uncontrollably.

You strain to activate your comms. "Sunset, I'm dangling off the edge of the ramp! What the hell are you doing?!"

She replies. "Something's going on! I can't control the ship!"

To your right, next to the charred remains of the Sith shuttle, you see Limestone stomping her way towards you with her arm in the air. She's bleeding from the corner of her mouth and her eyes are practically screaming with rage.

She's using the Force to prevent you from leaving...

Sunset guns the engines again to try and escape, but Limestone stays focused on keeping you here. She wants to kill you. You struggle to pull yourself back inside, but the movements from the ship are preventing you from climbing back up. The servos in your mechanical hand are keeping you from falling, but you can't get yourself back inside. You're stuck.

From inside the ship, you hear a roar and a furry, white hand reaches down to grab your mechanical wrist. Angel hoists you up with incredible strength and you exclaim in surprise. As soon as your feet touch the ground again, he growls at you angrily and you both hold onto the ship for balance.

"Thanks!" You shout. The Wookie growls in response.

You turn around again to look at Limestone. She's still walking towards you and keeping you still in the air with the Force. She's so focused on keeping you here, that there's no way you'll get out of here all by yourself. You need to break her concentration.

You look to the underbelly turret and get back on your comms. "Whoever is on the lower turret, aim at the Sith! Blast her!"

The turret swivels towards Limestone and fires once. The blast surprises her and knocks her off her feet in a fireball. She releases her grip on your ship and you jolt backwards again. The ship's right side slams into the hangar wall from the sudden acceleration and you go lopsided a little bit.

You quickly step inside the ship with Angel and close the ramp, struggling to stay balanced. The underbelly turret fires a few more blasts at Limestone before the ship pulls away.

"Sunset, we're clear! Go!" You command.

You feel the engines rumble as she flies the ship out of the hangar and into space.

In the main hold, Maud is panting hard. She has a few burn marks on her tunic and a small cut on her thigh. Limestone must have nicked her. She's sitting down next to Pinkie, who is hugging her tight and sobbing uncontrollably.

Angel sits down next to Fluttershy and Twilight. You hit the wall next to Rainbow as Sunset lurches the ship off to the side and makes you lose your balance, but you continue toward the cockpit.

Once you reach the cockpit, you take a seat beside Sunset. Outside, you see the massive Sith fleet attacking the few Republic ships in this sector.

The Republic is going to lose this battle. They're hopelessly outnumbered.

Author's Note:

Space battle.

Sith assault droid.

Limestone Pie. Sister of Maud and Pinkie. Has turned to the Dark Side.

Jedi vs Sith.