• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 595 Views, 9 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

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You and Sunset take the lead toward the spaceport's exit. Rainbow follows close behind, looking around at everything as you pass.

"So, where are we going?" She asks.

"To the Oyu'baat." You reply. "It's the oldest cantina on the planet."

She cocks her head. "A cantina? I thought we were looking for Mandalore."

Sunset nods. "We are. If he's in the city, that's likely where he'll be."

Rainbow pauses for a moment. "Why in a cantina?"

You detect a hint of confusion in her voice.

"We don't need big, elaborate government buildings to conduct our business." You say. "If it can be discussed, then it can be discussed around the cantina's fire, with some food, or over a round of drinks."

"Plus, all the resources it would take to build buildings solely dedicated to government operations is a waste. Those resources could be used to make weapons or ships." Sunset adds.

Rainbow hums and nods a little.

As you leave the spaceport, you pass a pair of fully-armored Mandalorians talking with each other in Mando'a. Rainbow runs the risk of staring at them as you walk into the streets.

The city was cramped. Nearly all the buildings were in very close proximity to one another, and each one varied from the other in its architectural design in some way. Some buildings were built from stone and wood, while others were built from plastoid and durasteel.

The layout of the city was also very unique, compared to other planets throughout the galaxy. Some of the streets were vastly wide, while others were so narrow that two people standing side-by-side would barely be able to fit. In some ways, it reminded you of some of the cities on Tatooine. It was very disorganized to off-worlders.

"Woah..." Rainbow looks around in awe at everything as you walk into a more densely populated section of the street.

You round a corner and see a large group of Mandalorians on both sides of the street. Some were standing in front of buildings and selling goods, while many others were buying them.

Sunset looks at the crowd. "Oooh, today must be a market day!"

You nod. "It's a shame we don't have time to go shopping."

"What's a market day?" Rainbow asks.

Sunset looks back at her. "Twice a week, Mandalorians from all around, from many clans, houses, or tribes, meet together in the streets and sell goods, produce, weapons, armor, and just about anything else."

Rainbow looks around at the armored men and women bartering around the three of you. She no doubt feels very out of place here. She's one of the only ones here not wearing Mandalorian armor.

As you proceed through the crowd of people, Rainbow keeps looking around at everything in disbelief.

"This is... weird." Rainbow comments.

"What's weird?" You ask.

She hesitates before answering. "Well... No offense, but... I've always heard that Mandalorians were just a bunch of ruthless killing machines who were addicted to violence. But..." She looks back at the group of people behind you. "...I don't see any of that. It's like you're all friends here... You look like you could get along with anyone in the whole galaxy."

Sure enough, there is no sign of violence or fighting anywhere that you can see, apart from some occasional friendly bickering. There's a strong sense of comradery on this street right now.

"Don't let this quiet scene fool you, Rainbow Dash." You say. "Every single one of these men and women are trained in the art of war. Farmers, shopkeepers, janitors, cooks, every one of them is loyal to Mandalore. Should he give the word, he would have an entire seasoned army at his disposal and ready to fight within mere hours."

Sunset adds. "If we want to stop the Sith, then an army of the greatest warriors in the galaxy is exactly what we need. They'll be totally outmatched, even with the Force on their side. Fighting Force-wielders is what Mandalorians excel at."

Rainbow looks back at the armor-clad Mandalorians behind her again in awe.

You're surprised that she's asking so many questions about your people. If you had more time, you'd inquire about her curiosity a little.

It would have to wait though, because you arrive at the Oyu'baat a moment later.

"We're here." You announce.

The Oyu'baat was built mostly out of wood and stone, and was three stories tall. The roof was sloped, sections of the walls jutted out farther than others, and the windows were not perpendicular to one another. The entire building held a complete disregard for being level and even. Despite all of this, it was the most structurally sound building in the city. It has stood for several thousand years, and it will stand for several thousand more.

The three of you step inside, walking past a pair of armed Mandalorians standing at the door. Inside, it felt a little claustrophobic at first, but it opened up as you made your way into the main room.

Despite being thousands of years old, it had many of the amenities of a modern cantina. Holovid screens on the walls showed swoop races, duels, and bolo-ball matches. There were also table games like pazaak, sabaak, cu'bikad, and others available for patrons.

You look around at the armored patrons for Mandalore, but he's nowhere to be seen. He might be upstairs. You ask the bartender if he knows where Mandalore could be and he informs you that he is indeed on the second level of the cantina.

Rainbow follows close behind you and Sunset as you make your way upstairs. Passing a couple Mandalorians along the way, you all greet one another by name, except Rainbow of course, before continuing upstairs. The main room upstairs is a bit smaller than the one downstairs, but it has a few tables and holovid screens here as well.

After a quick scan of the Mandalorians up here...

"There he is." You pat Sunset's arm and point to the corner of the room.

There, standing in front of a holovid screen, was the leader of your people. The individual who provided guidance to all Mandalorians everywhere. His armor was shining silver with a yellow accent, and he wore a red cape over his right shoulder. His armor looked quite similar to that of Mandalore the Ultimate's. The same Mandalore that was slain by the Jedi Revan over Malachor V, albeit with a few customizations of his own.

He was wearing his helmet, as he always does. You remember the face of it well. It also resembled Mandalore the Ultimate's in many ways, but it was not the original. Unfortunately, no one knows what became of the helmet after the death of Mandalore the Preserver, Canderous Ordo.

Traditionally, whoever wore the helmet, the mask of Mandalore the First, was known as Mandalore, leader of the Mandalorians. It was only a tradition, however. Even though the helmet has been lost for many generations, the Mandalorians still needed a leader. Right now, the current leader of the Mandalorians is just across the room.

You and Sunset had both met him together a few times before, years ago. Maybe he'll remember you.

Sunset clears her throat. "Come on."

You nod and follow her with Rainbow Dash.

As you approach him, he doesn't turn around to face you. He simply stands there with his arms folded, looking at the holovid screen.

"Anonymous. Sunset Shimmer..." He says in a gruff voice.

He remembers you.

"...So good to see that the dynamic duo is still together after all this time... Still unstoppable too, from what I've heard."

You and Sunset stop walking and stand before him. "Well, we learned from the best, Mandalore."

He gives a gruff chuckle and turns around to face you, looking at your robotic arm. "So I see."

His helmet is exactly as you remember. It's a bit aged in design, but it suits him very well. The visor is black, and the face sparkles with a silvery-grey color, a bit darker than the rest of his armor. A single red stripe has been painted over the left side of the face, resembling a scar that possibly exists beneath the helmet.

Mandalore turns his attention to Rainbow. "Who's the Chiss?"

You and Sunset part and look at Rainbow as well. She looks at Mandalore, her eyes wide in amazement as she gulps and steps forward. "Uh, my name's Rainbow, sir. Rainbow Dash. I'm... I'm just the third wheel for these two."

"Third wheel, huh?" Mandalore says. "You came with these two willingly?"

She nods. "Y-Yeah."

"Why?" He asks.

Rainbow pauses and thinks for a moment before shrugging. "I...I don't know, exactly. I guess... I was curious about your people and your culture."

Is she... interested in becoming one of you?

Mandalore nods once. "Well, Rainbow Dash, I'd like to speak to you more about this curiosity of yours later, but I assume this isn't a social visit." He turns to face you and Sunset.

Sunset shakes her head. "It's not, Mandalore. We need serious help. There's a war coming."

He stares at Sunset and you for a long moment before nodding toward a nearby table. You look at it before following him over to it with the girls. Once you all sit down, he leans in close and stares intensely at you and Sunset.

"What kind of war?"


Author's Note:

In the jungles of the planet Mandalore.

Mandalore, leader of the Mandalorians.

That's it for part 2.

The adventure concludes in part 3. Star Wars is a tale told in trilogies, after all.

Unlike parts 1 and 2, part 3 is still a work in progress. A little bit more than halfway of it has been written. I'll upload what I have written so far, but for now, I'm going to take a break from this and focus on something else first.

Since Christmas is coming, I'm planning to upload another greentext story I wrote years ago on here too. This one is not Star Wars related, although Anon and Sunset are still the main characters. Once it's up in time for Christmas and Thanksgiving, I'll resume part 3 of Bounty Hunter Anon and finally relieve myself from this legitimately wonderful burden I've carried for the past 5 years.

Thank you all for reading so far.

Comments ( 1 )

Good stuff dude! Really loving how your building this up and letting it play out. If part three is near the same level of quality these two have been I’m super hyped!

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