• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 595 Views, 9 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

  • ...

A Quick Favor

Opening crawl:

Your ship comes out of lightspeed over the brilliant blue world of Cato Neimoidia. Rarity said that she needed you and Sunset here for something. Luckily, you had just finished your vacation and were looking to get back to work, so this worked out perfectly.

It takes only a few minutes before you enter the atmosphere over the capital city and you make the preparations to land on one of Rarity's personal landing pads. When you finally reach the platform and begin to land, you see Rarity come outside of her building to meet you.

Something must be up. She doesn't look as happy as she usually does when she sees you. You land and power down the engines before exiting the cockpit and heading down the exit ramp with Sunset.

Once you're outside, Rarity brightens up a little and walks toward you. "Anonymous and Sunset! It's wonderful to see you again! How was the vacation?"

"It was fun." You reply. "Alderaan's beautiful this time of year."

"Oh, I'm glad." She says with a smile. "You'll have to tell me everything about it another time though. I suppose you're wondering why I called you here."

"Whatever it is, we're here for you." You say to her.

"Walk with me then, please." She turns around and heads back toward the building while you and Sunset follow. Once you enter the building, she leads you downstairs and begins talking. "Do either of you recognize the name Suri Polomare?"

You and Sunset look at each other and shake your heads. "Doesn't ring any bells." She replies.

"Well, in a single phrase, she's a competitor of mine in the fashion business." Rarity replies.

"If she's trying to compete with you, she's only in for disappointment." You say.

She smiles at that. "Oh Anon, you flatterer."

Sunset is probably rolling her eyes beneath her helmet right now.

Rarity leads you outside onto another landing platform where her private shuttle is waiting for you. "You are also quite correct, however. I called you both here today because, at a local fashion exhibition I recently attended, Miss Polomare unveiled a new line of outfits that simply wowed everyone in attendance."

Where is she going with this? It's not like her if she's asking you to kill, or steal designs from this Suri Polomare just so she stays on top.

"Do you feel threatened by her or something?" You guess.

She gasps and turns around to look at you, shocked. "Of course not, Anonymous! Why would you ever think such a thing?! I'm the best! I know it, you know it, and, more importantly, Suri knows it! Which is why I need your help. She stole my designs and presented them as her own. I want them back."

You and Sunset both vocally acknowledge your understanding at her request. Now it makes sense. She's a victim of theft.

"So you want us to get them back for you?" Sunset asks.

"Not exactly, darling." Rarity says. "Suri is here for business on the other side of the city. I'll confront her at her ship myself, but I need you two there with me to give her an extra scare into surrendering my designs."

"...and just in case things take a bad turn and she tries to leave, right?" You ask.

She giggles softly and turns around to board the shuttle. "Keep in mind that I practically own this planet, Anonymous. She is not leaving here until I get those designs. I can guarantee that."

You laugh a little bit as you and Sunset follow her on board. She doesn't usually get this fiery about something, but when she does, it's almost scary. The fashion business is her battlefield, and she's damn good at what she does.

You all sit down on the white leather seat that wraps around in a half circle shape inside the shuttle. Everything in here is pristine and posh from top to bottom. A large, fancy 'R' has been imprinted in the carpet at your feet, the tinted windows practically sparkle with cleanliness, and elegant music softly plays over the speakers above. If looks were everything, this would make it very hard to believe that Rarity also deals with some of the most dangerous and rugged types of people in the galaxy on a regular basis.

She signals the pilot to take off and you're on your way to the other side of the city.

"You're positive that Suri stole your designs?" You ask. "What if it was just a coincidence?"

She raises an eyebrow at you and folds her arms. "My designs are works of art. They come to me via inspiration and creativity. The designs that she presented at the exhibition are carbon-copies of my own. I even checked my archives after my suspicions and found traces of foul play. I have no doubt in my mind that she stole them. It's far too convenient to be a coincidence."

You're a little curious how she got a hold of the designs. You'll ask about that later though.

"Alright, so how are we doing this then?" You ask.

"Here's what's going to happen." She begins. "Waiting for me right now is a security detail of six Neimoidian officers. They are already at Suri's landing pad. There is a control tower right next to it. Once we get there, I'm going to need you and Sunset to fly up to the roof of that tower and wait for my signal." She pulls out a small listening device and shows it to you before pinning it to her collar. "I'm going to have my security slowly move around me, surrounding Suri. You both will then fly down and land on either side of me. I should be able to handle the rest at that point."

You and Sunset both nod in understanding. "Are we expecting any resistance from her?" She asks.

Rarity shakes her head. "She'll no doubt have a small security force of her own, but Suri is not stupid. At least, I don't think she is. I'm not expecting her to fight back when two Mandalorians stand against her."

That's a good point.

Rarity continues. "But, just in case she is stupid, eliminate the guards. Do not kill or harm Suri in any way. That could create a larger mess that I don't want to deal with."

"Understood." You reply.

You sit back and look outside at the buildings whooshing by. Cato Neimoidia is such a beautiful planet. No wonder Rarity stayed here. She's not looking at you, but you can see that she has a wicked, confident grin on her face. Which, she should be confident. Suri stole from the wrong person.

After about five minutes of flying through the city and between buildings, the shuttle banks right a little and descends toward a small balcony, where two armed Neimoidians are waiting. The shuttle lands and you all step off. Rarity takes the lead with the two guards immediately behind her. You and Sunset follow.

As you walk along the balcony toward the public spaceport, a few bystanders look and point as they no doubt recognize Rarity. She wasn't lying when she said she practically owned this planet.

You make a left and she points to a taller building among short ones. "There's the control tower. Get up there and wait, you two."

"You've got it." You and Sunset activate your jetpacks and fly through the air toward the control tower's roof. Multiple bystanders below gasp and comment as they hear the roar of your engines.

Once you reach the roof, you land and look back down to Rarity. She nods at you as she meets the six Neimoidians she was talking about at the entrance to one of the landing pads.

You grin. "She's so fired up. I love seeing her like this."

Sunset watches her beside you. "Me too. It's where she's supposed to be. Not seeing or encountering any physical danger. Like, say, on Tatooine for example."

Oh, hell. Not this again.

You look over at her. "You're really going to hold that against me for the rest of my life, aren't you?"

She giggles a little. "Bringing her to Tatooine with us was a stupid mistake, Anon. I just don't want you to forget. You should be thanking me."

"Oh yeah, you're a reeeal sweetheart..." You both laugh for a bit before looking back to Rarity as she walks inside.

There are three landing pads you can see into below. Two of which have ships on them. The nearest one is a small luxury yacht. You crouch down and look to see an individual speaking with a couple of guards. You use your helmet's HUD to zoom in on them. They're wearing light armor and only have a sidearm equipped. The individual is a female pink Twi'lek, dressed in classy attire, very similar to Rarity's, that's maroon and violet in color. You're going to wager that's Suri.

Sunset crouches down beside you. "That's a nice ship."

You nod. "Yeah. Must've cost quite a bit of money." A moment or two passes by when you see Rarity enter the landing pad with her guards. "There she is. Get ready."

You and Sunset arm yourselves with your weapons and wait for the signal.

"Suri Polomare!" Rarity calls out cheerfully. You can hear her perfectly through your comms.

Suri turns to Rarity and cocks her head slightly. "Miss Rarity! What a suprise!"

Rarity gives her a sly grin and they both walk toward each other, their respective security teams behind them. "I'm so glad I ran into you, darling. I never had the chance to speak with you at the exhibition about the outcome of your designs!"

Suri places her hands on her hips. "Now Rarity, there's no need to be a sore loser."

Rarity takes another step forward. "I know you stole those designs from me, Suri. I demand that you return them at once."

Suri shrugs a little. "I'm sorry, but those designs are mine. The whole galaxy knows that now. You of all people should know that you have to do anything if you want to win in this business."

Rarity gives a little chuckle. "How right you are..." Her guards begin spreading out around Suri. That's the signal.

"Now!" You say.

Yours and Sunset's jetpacks roar to life and you both fly through the air toward Rarity. Suri looks up at you both as you approach, shocked. She takes a step back as you and Sunset land on Rarity's right and left side, respectively, and stare directly at her. Her guards raise their weapons at you both.

"Mandalorians?!" Suri exclaims.

Rarity doesn't even flinch. She slowly walks closer to Suri. "Now, I'm going to say this one more time before I get angry. Give. Me. My. Designs."

Suri looks back and forth between you, Sunset, and Rarity.You don't raise your weapon at her, but you're ready for anything if she tries it. You can tell she's desperately trying to think of something.

"You're going to shoot me if I don't?!" She shouts.

"No." Rarity replies calmly. "They are."

Suri looks over at you and you give her a little nod in response, validating Rarity's statement. She clenches her fists in anger and fear before she looks back to a couple of her guards. "Go get them..."

The two guards behind her hesitate before holstering their weapons and going aboard the ship.

Suri turns around to face Rarity again, her face brimming with rage. "Sicking your brutes on me like you're a crime lord or something?! What is wrong with you?!"

Rarity grins. "Like you just said, darling: you have to do anything if you want to win in this business. Just because I'm generous doesn't mean I'm going to stand idly by while you steal from me."

Suri grits her teeth at Rarity, unable to retort. She knows she's lost.

Rarity continues. "Now unfortunately, you've already released my designs to the public. I want to toy with you a tad longer before I put you out of business for good, so listen closely. Here's what you're going to do: you're going to come out and make a statement. We had a mutual agreement with one another. You presented my designs in my stead. You're going to credit me for the designs' creation, 100%. I only let you be the poster girl this once."

"What if I refuse?" Suri demands.

Rarity crosses her arms. "Then I'll make a statement telling the galaxy that you stole the designs from me. I already have the hard evidence to support this, and I'll release it as well. With all the moguls I have in my pocket, you'll be dropped and completely forgotten within the month."

Suri stares Rarity down in contemplative silence as her guards return from the ship with a supply crate. They set it down beside Suri and Rarity waves for her security detail to take the crate.

Rarity smiles as the crate is hauled away. "Thank you so much for returning these. It's very thoughtful of you." She turns around and follows the crate back through the doorway she entered through. "The next move is yours, Suri Polomare. I expect to read about your announcement in the news tomorrow morning. There will be dire consequences for you if those expectations are not met."

Suri looks at you and Sunset again as you both turn around to follow Rarity off the landing pad. Her shuttle is waiting for you all outside. Once her guards load the crate, you all climb aboard and head back to Rarity's building.

Author's Note:

Cato Neimoidia.

Rarity is an expert in her own field, and ruthless when she needs to be.

Suri's luxury yacht.

A pink Twi'lek female (Suri Polomare).