• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,024 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 8: An Unexpected Day

Red didn’t sleep well that night. His mind couldn’t shift from seeing his dead sister. He knew she was looking over him, but he couldn’t get the thought of her watching him. He could feel her presence in his room. But he could see her. The next morning came around and Red looked shattered, he wanted to stay in bed longer, but it was 11AM so he had get up.

He noticed that own of his Spark Dolls, Jamila, had falling off the shelf. He picked him up to put him back on the shelf.

“Ha, Jamila is one of the best-looking Spark Dolls,” Red said as he put him back and then reached for his water bottle, “God damn I’m thirst.” He went to take a step, but because her fell so tired, he tripped on his own feet, and a splash of water went flying, and hit Jamila in the chest. Red didn’t notice as he put his dressing-gown on, drank some water and went downstairs.

He trudged down the stairs to the kitchen, fancying some pineapple juice.

“Morning son,” said a familiar voice, as Red came into the kitchen.

“Morning Dad,” Red replied, as he took a swig of pineapple juice from the carton. He almost spat it out as to who greeted him. “DAD?!”

“Yep, that’s me,” said Crimson Thunder as he drank his cup of coffee, “how you’ve been?”

“I’ve been ok,” Red replied.

“Your mother has said how much fun your having at school,” Crimson remarked.

“She’s right,” Red responded, “my friends are the best.”

“She also told me that you had a date yesterday,” Crimson smiled, “Good on you lad.”

“When did you get here by the way?” Red asked.

“Not long ago, like 3 hours ago,” Crimson replied, “I got a lift here in a taxi, the driver was this charming girl.”

Red perked up a little, “who was the driver?” he asked again.

“She had large puffy orange hair, and yellow skin,” Crimson said, “I think her name was Adagio Dazzle.”

“WHAT?!” Red exclaimed.

“Yeah, in fact, your mother invited her in after she dropped me off,” Crimson said calmly, taking another drink of his coffee, “they’re talking in the living room.”

Red dashed off to get changed, and then raced back downstairs to see Sapphire Flash talking with Adagio.

“Oh Good morning sweetie,” Sapphire greeted her son, “Adagio here and I were just talking about you.” Red was about to say something when he noticed how uneasy Adagio looked. Her hair was down, and she looked just as tired as Red felt. “Adagio actually wanted to talk to you.” Sapphire then left to go to her husband.

“So… You wanted to talk to me about something?” Red asked Adagio. She didn’t speak, but she nodded in reply, she was clutching her arm, “you want to come and talk in my room?” Adagio nodded and the two walked him to Red’s room.

Once in the room, Adagio was shocked at how cool and awesome Red’s room was. “Holy, Starswirl,” she said as she came in and looked at all the Spark Dolls.

“Yeah I know, it’s cool right,” Red remarked, as he pulled out his gaming chair and sat in it, “take a seat.” Adagio sat down on his bed. “So what is it you want to talk to me?”

“Well…” Adagio started but she could think of how to continue, “the thing is… I want to… apologise… to you.”

Red just looked at her.

“Last night, Aria and Sonata said how they met you and Sunset on your date, and that you forgave them,” Adagio continue, “I was hoping by bringing you father home today would give me a chance to also apologise, but now I’ve realized that I did much more than those two. I also turned you into my slave, I made you feel terrible, I’ve done so much more to you than anyone else.” She was starting to cry now. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I just hope that you can. I’m really sorry, Red. I am really, really sorry.”

Adagio felt awful, she knew now how much she tormented Red. But then suddenly Red wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug. Adagio’s eyes widened, then she slowly wrapped her arms around Red.

“You’re forgive,” Red whispered. Adagio was stunted, but happy and the same time. Red sat down next to her and wiped away her tears as he gave her a soft smile. Adagio returned it with a small smile of her own.

“Thank you,” she said, Red place a hand on her own.

“How about I take you out for the day,” Red said, “my treat.”

“Really?... Are you sure?” Adagio asked.

“Of course,” Red replied, “I don’t like seeing a friend upset.”

“I’m… your friend,” Adagio said, with tears in her eyes again.

“Yeah,” Red said, “now come on.” Red took Adagio’s hand and the two left Red house.

Red walked down the street with Adagio by his side, holding her hand to make sure she’s fine. He looked to her, and she gave a nervous smile.

“So, where do you want to go?” Red asked, “we could go to the park and get a coffee and cake at the park café or maybe an ice cream.”

“That sounds nice,” Adagio replied, “I don’t really mind.”

“Alright we’re do that,” Red said.

Red and Adagio walked to the park. Once there, Red sat Adagio down on a bench while he got them each an ice cream. Red went a bit extreme with his ice cream, and got himself one with strawberry and chocolate sauce, a chocolate flake, and sprinkles. But to not make Adagio jealous, he got her that his mother would get, one with lime and blueberry sauce and nuts. He gave Adagio hers and she was a little nervous to try it. She had not had an ice cream like this before.

“My mum like that,” Red said taking a bite of his.

Adagio took a small bite, her eyes widen with delight, as she ate it.

“I take it you like it?” Red asked with a smirk.

“Yes I do,” Adagio replied as she took another bite, Red chuckled and continued to eat his. As he did, he started to zone out. Emerald was on his mind again. He looked around, but he couldn’t see her. He felt worried. Adagio notice this, placed a hand on Red’s.

“Are you ok?” Adagio asked.

“Hmm, oh, urm,” Red stuttered, “I guess yes and no.”

“Why’s that?” Adagio asked.

“Well, on my way home last night,” Red said, “I saw my deceased sister.”

“Wow,” Adagio replied, “not the weirdest thing I’ve heard. What did she do?”

“Not much,” Red told her, “she just came to me and told me that she’s looking over me. Then she vanished. I just don’t know what to think of it.”

Adagio put an arm around his shoulder and shuffled closer. She then spoke softly to him, like a mother calming her child down from a nightmare.

“It’s ok Red,” she said, “it might be real, it might be fake. But she’s all I know is that she’s happy for you, and that she’s looking out for you despite being dead. And you have great friends to support you.”

“Thanks Adagio,” Red said, “you know, for a girl who was turned to good a couple of days again, you seem to know what to say.”

“When I was younger, I would put on a motherly role to calm Sonata down,” Adagio said.

The two continued to talk for a while, enjoying the peace and quite of the park. Red told Adagio about his adventures back where he came from, and Adagio told Red about the times she spent with her sisters, and revealed that they weren’t actually her sisters, they where just very close to each other. But she did tell him that she actually had sisters that were very similar to Aria and Sonata. The two of them really enjoyed their time together. But then Red wanted to ask something to her.

“Adagio can I ask you something?” he said, “what happened to you? How did you get your pendants?”

“Oh,” Adagio said, looking to the ground.

“If it’s too personal, I won’t push it,” Red remarked but Adagio assured him.

“No, no, it’s fine,” she said, “you deserve to know.” She took a deep breath and begun. “this might come as a surprise, but we’re not from Equestria. Heck we were never even known as Adagio, Aria and Sonata.”

“WHAT?!” Red exclaimed.

“Yeah, we were just normal young adults,” Adagio continued, “you see, one day, we where come home from having some dinner, when we saw those pendants on the ground. We thought they look pretty so we took them, but the moment we touched them, when a power serge of energy and magic ran through our bodies. Turning us into Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. We were giving their new personalities, new memories, and new motifs. Adagio Dazzle completely to control of me, I couldn’t do anything to stop her and the stuff she did. I was trapping in her mind.”

“Then who were you before Adagio took over?” Red asked.

“I was known as Glory Spark,” Adagio told him, “I had periwinkle skin, with light purple hair with blue streaks.”

“And what about Aria and Sonata?” Red asked.

“They were known as Firefly and Surprise,” Adagio replied, “and thanks to you, Adagio and the others are no longer in control, but we’re stuck as them and we don’t know how to get back to normal.”

Red took in what Adagio said. He felt sorry that she couldn’t control what she was doing, and that she couldn’t change back.

“So do I still call you Adagio or do I start calling you Glory,” Red asked.

Adagio thought about it, she had gotten used to people calling her Adagio, that Glory Spark didn’t really seem like her now. “No, call me Adagio,” she replied, “I want to change her image on life, and her name has stuck with me.”

Red smiled and gave Adagio a hug. Adagio wrapped her arms around Red’s back. Then Red had an idea.

“Well if you want to repair Adagio’s image,” Red said, “then you need to get some new look.”

“What do you mean?” Adagio asked.

“Follow me, I know the perfect person that can help you,” Red replied. And before Adagio could say anything else, Red grabbed her arm, and dragged her out the park.

Red and Adagio stood out a boutique, Adagio felt nervous.

“Are you sure the owner here won’t mind help me,” she asked, “what if they know what I did. Plus they’re closed”

“She won’t have a problem,” Red assured her, “she very kind and generous.” Then he knocked on the door.

“Coming,” called a voice from the other side, after a few seconds the door opened to reveal Rarity, “Oh Good Morning Red darling.”

“Good morning Rarity,” he replied, “was hoping you could help me with something.”

“And what can that be darling?” she asked.

“I was hoping you could help me with…” he paused as he stood aside, “giving Adagio a new look.”

Rarity was surprised to see Adagio, but she kept herself calm. Adagio was waiting for Rarity to shout at her and turn her away.

“Why certainly,” Rarity said, catching Adagio of guard, “come in and I’ll see what I can do.”

Red and Adagio walked in, and Rarity started to measure Adagio. Once done she told Adagio to sit and wait as she went off with the measurements. Red followed her and saw Sweetie Belle, he told her to go keep Adagio company. She nodded and went off to her, while Red went to Rarity and told her about what Adagio told him. She was shocked and felt sorry for her too. She soon had some new clothes for her. She gave them the to Adagio and she went off to try them on. When she came back with them on. Red had to emit, that she looked great in it.

“Wow you look amazing,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Thank you,” Adagio said blushing. She really thought that her life was starting to turn around. But then suddenly, the ground started to rumble as Rarity opened the door and shrieked to see a monster raise from the ground. It was black with tubes on its body, and a horn on it’s head. It was the transformation monster, Zaragas.

Zaragas roared out loud as it stomped through the city, people screaming as the ran for cover. Zaragas fired a beam from its horn destroying buildings. Red ran outside.

“Stay inside,” he told the three girls, “I’ll be back.”

Sweetie Belle hugged her sister tightly as they watch Red run out into the danger and dawn his Cyber Armour.

“Cyber Nizer on,” the device spoke. Red pulled out Gomora and the Cyber Nizer scan it. “Gomora active.”

“GOMORA!” Red shouted as he pointed the Cyber Nizer to the sky. A burst of energy shot from the Cyber Nizer and flew in the air before striking Zaragas in the side as Gomora materialized. Gomora charged at Zaragas, slamming his head into its stomach. Zaragas grabbed Gomora’s horns and shoved him back, then kicked him in the stomach making Gomora stumble back.

Then Zaragas turned around, and blinded Gomora with its lights on its back. Gomora covered his eyes, in pain from the blinding monster. Zaragas the charged at Gomora and tried to pull a Supplex move on him. But Gomora was smarter, and grabbed the monster, and through it over his shoulder. Zaragas cried in pain, as it broke it’s lights.

Gomora roared and prepared to finish it off. But down on the ground, Zettra held in her hands, a plasma Empowered Crystal. She chuckled and through it into Zaragas’ mouth before disappearing. Zaragas quickly got back up and flashed it’s chest lights at Gomora blinding him again. Zaragas started act strange, as dark grey crystal erupted from the tubes on its head, back and chest.

Zaragas roared out loud as it then suddenly fired the crystals on its chest. Gomora dodged it, but the crystal struck a building, causing large dark grey crystals to erupt from the building. Small shards of crystal fell onto people below, who then started to act strange. Dark grey crystals covered their bodies, their finger and toe nails, and teeth sharpen, their clothes shredded, and their eyes glowed yellow. The people were soon crystalized kaijin. They roared and growled at each other.

Red noticed this, he felt quite worried, as he saw a male Crystalized Kaijin jump onto a woman and infected her with the Plasma Empowered Crystals, turning her into one as well. Red turned back to Gomora and active the Cyber Gomora Card turning Gomora into Cyber Gomora, to prevent him from being corrupted by the Crystals. Gomora charged at Zaragas again, slashing at its chest, and defecting some crystal missiles. But unfortunately, Gomora swatted some crystals into Rarity’s Boutique.

“NO!” Red called out, as he ran into the boutique. But he was too late. Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Adagio where already starting to turn into Crystalized Kaijin.

“Red… you must… stop the… monster,” Adagio struggled to say.

“Yes… darling,” Rarity spoke up and she held Sweetie close, “Please stop… that… monster…”

Red nodded, and ran out and locked the door, making sure that they won’t try to attack him. “LET’S FINISH THIS GOMORA!!” Red called out to his partner.

Gomora roared as Zaragas ran forward, Cyber Gomora used his tail to prop himself up and kangaroo kicked Zaragas in the stomach, making it fall back. Then Gomora slammed his tail into Zaragas’ side making it go flying into a building. Zaragas got up and tried to swing a punch at Gomora, but he dodged it and grabbed the crystalized monster’s head and slammed it into another building. Gomora stood back, then ran forward and jumped into the head, and smashed his tail down of Zaragas’ head. Stunning the monster long enough for Gomora to stick his horn and claws into the monster’s body.

“Gomora, Cyber Oscillatory Wave!” Red called out and Gomora sent surges of cyber energy throughout Zaragas’ body. Zaragas then blew up, as Cyber energy fell out and expanded around the area, fixing all the destroyed buildings, and reverting everyone back to normal, with them forgetting what happened. Red called Gomora back and the Cyber Armour digitized away.

“Girls?” he said unlocking the door, but then went even redder in the face than he already was. The girls were naked, due their clothes been destroyed when the changed.

“RED DON’T LOOK!” Rarity yelled, but Red just fell back and it the fall in a comedic way.

Red woke up on up on Rarity’s couch, with Sweetie Belle keeping him company. When she saw Red waking up, she had ran off to her sister and told her he was waking up.

“I’m glad you’re ok darling,” Rarity said.

“I sure be glad you three are ok,” Red said, “you all turned into crystal monsters.”

“I don’t really remember anything from that,” Rarity replied, “but I guess that would explain the ruining clothes on the floor.”

“Speaking of which,” Red said, “where’s Adagio?”

“Hear I am,” she called, Red turned around as saw Adagio in a new set of clothes similar to the original pair before she started to change into a monster, “Red it’s getting late,” she said, “you should be getting back home.”

“Yeah you’re right,” Red said as he got up, “See you later Rarity.”

“Goodbye Darling,” Rarity replied as she and Sweetie waved goodbye to Red and Adagio.

Red and Adagio walked home in the dark. They were chatting about stuff as the walked down the path lit by the street lamps. They were just walking past a large purple house, when Red’s Cyber Nizer went off.

“What’s happening?” asked Adagio.

“This happens when it detects a Spark doll,” Red said, “It’s detecting some spark dolls in there.” He pointed to a garage.

They snuck around to it and peeked through a window. Red was shocked to see an Antlar, King Pandon and Black King Spark Doll were being in caged in special capsules. And Adagio was just as shocked to see a girl in a lab coat, and goggles, with magenta hair and lavender skin. She quickly shoved Red down and shushed him.

“What are you…?” Red tried to ask but Adagio placed a finger on his lips to shoosh him.

“That girl in there, is Twilight,” Adagio said in a quiet voice.

“What?!” Red quietly yelled, before taking a peek and quickly dipping down, “yep that’s Twilight.”

“But I thought she went back to Equestria,” Adagio said.

“Maybe this is her doppelganger,” Red said, “in any care, we can’t just go in and take them. We’re have to get them another time.”

“Agreed,” Adagio said, “come on, let’s get you home.”

And the two walked back to Red’s house. Their minds still thinking of what they saw. Twilight, keeping Spark Dolls prisoners.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Cyber Agents