• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,026 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 12: Laughter is a Deadly Medicine

Rarity slowly opened her eyes, her head was hurting, and her muscles ached. She slowly sat up, feeling bed sheets move down her body, she looked down and saw she was in a hospital gown. She started to get her bearings as she looked around to see she was in a hospital room.

“Oh heavens my head,” she remarked clutching her head, “What happened to me?” Rarity took note of her appearance, she had bandages wrapped around her broken bones, and plasters covering cuts. He left foot was in a cast and her cheek was swollen, with some bandages wrapped around her skull.

“You nearly died,” came a voice Rarity hadn’t heard in a few days, she looked forward and saw Red standing in front of her, his arms crossed, and bandages wrapped around his head, holding a frozen steak against his swollen face. He then walked around to the side of Rarity’s bed and pulled back the curtain to reveal Applejack, who didn’t look any better than Rarity, “both of you nearly died.”

“Applejack?” Rarity examined, a little shocked to see her friend it a worse state than she was.

“R-Rarity?” Applejack stuttered, “I-Is that you?” Applejack had her left arm, right leg and neck in casts, right hand completely wrapped in bandages and barely able to move. She had bandages wrapped around the right side of her face, covering her right eye as well, so she could see out of it, she even had patches covering spots on her body when the Plasma Empowered Crystals grew out. As Rarity was on her right, and due to the fact her neck was in a cast, she could see or move her head to see.

“Yes, yes it’s me, AJ,” Rarity replied reaching out a hand to her friend, “Red what happened to us? Why are we in the hospital?”

“Let me tell you a fact about Gomora and his Oscillatory Wave,” Red began, “Gomora can fire a concentrated wave of energy that deals heavy damage to opponents, usually killing them in one blow. When dealing with Dark Cyber Monsters, the attack can hurt the bonded partners, but not even to kill them.”

“Okay,” the girls got what Red was saying so far.

“A variation of Ultra Oscillatory Wave, known as the Zero Shoot, is fired at point blank when Gomora impales his foe using his horn, sending the waves of energy through out the body of the monster. In his Cyber form it’s rather similar to the Zero Shoot, Gomora firstly charges his energy from his claws and horns before glides towards the enemy and impaling them with his nasal horn to deliver a large shockwave impulse,” Red continued, “When a bonded monster partner is impaled with the claws and horn of the Cyber Gomora Armour, the Armour sends a similar yet weaker version of the full force of Cyber Gomora’s power, but is still enough to badly injure someone.”

“Oh my,” Rarity remarked.

“Well I’ll be,” Applejack commented.

“Especially, if it’s inexperienced first timers like you two,” Red finished.

“Did we… actually… die?” Applejack struggled to say.

“Thankfully no you didn’t,” Red replied, the girls sighed with relief, “but you did kill the faith I had in you girls.”

Rarity and Applejack were confused. “What do you mean Dar…”

“Don’t you ‘Darling’ me,” Red shouted at a controlled volume, he known he couldn’t properly yell at them due to both his bandages around his head, and being in a hospital, “I can understand Fluttershy getting corrupted, but you two let your anger get the better of you. Who knows who could be next, or how many Plasma Empowered Cyber Nizers are left.”

Rarity and Applejack went silent, they knew Red was right. If they hadn’t let Anon-A-Miss get to them, they wouldn’t be under the control of the Dark Cyber Nizers.

“Applejack, you are practically lucky that you were able to be saved from you’re corruption,” Red told her, “you physically had Plasma Empowered Crystal growing out your body.”

“I what?!” Applejack exclaimed, “I-I don’t remember that.”

“You won’t, the alien’s in my basement had determined that a human or alien with forget what happened, after they are cured from the crystals,” Red explained.

“The what in your basement?!” Rarity declared.

“that’s for another time,” Red said, “now you owe each other an apology for nearly killing yourselves.”

Rarity turned to look at Applejack and took a deep breath. “Applejack, I’m so sorry for getting angry at you, I should have not listened to what Anon-A-Miss wrote about me. I know it can’t be the truth, because I know you would never say anything like that about me.”

“I-I’m really sorry too Rares,” Applejack apologized as well, “You’re not a strumpet, and believe me when I say, I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you Rarity, and that’s the honest truth.”

“Oh Applejack,” Rarity sniffed, as a tear falls from her face.

“And there’s someone else you need to say sorry to,” Red pointed out.

“Oh? Well, we’re sorry Red that we believe that you are Anon-A-Miss,” Rarity told Red.

“Yeah, I knew Rainbow was pulling that idea out her arse, when she said it was you as you’re dating Sunset,” Applejack chimed in.

“While I appreciate the apology,” Red said, “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

Rarity and Applejack were a little confused as Red told aside, the door to the room opened to reveal Sunset Shimmer, followed by Fluttershy, Ace and Sparkler and Phantasia. Sunset’s head was down as she didn’t want to look at them in the face. Fluttershy showed concern for her friends and Phantasia, Ace and Sparkler was a little cross at them for getting themselves corrupted in the first place.

“Sunset…” Rarity softly spoke, “Sunset… I’m…”

“Don’t apologize,” Sunset stopped her, as she slowly looked up, her face was smiling softly, “you don’t need to, I forgive you. Both of you.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Applejack retorted, “But if you’re not Anon-A-Miss, then who is.”

“Well, we believe it’s Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo,” Sparkler told them.

“Our own sisters?” Rarity questioned.

“I guess it would make sense,” Applejack thought out loud, “Apple Bloom did know my nickname before everyone else did. But how did they get the photos from Sunset’s phone?”

“We guessed that it Sweetie Belle snuck into the room and downloaded the images from Sunset’s phone on her laptop,” Ace suggested.

“That sounds like it could work,” Rarity said, “but why do it at all? Why are they doing this?”

“We’re not completely sure,” Red said, “but we’re still trying to think of what they’re up to. I’m not at school until my face completely heals so I need to make myself useful somehow.”

Just then a nurse walked into the room, “I’m afraid that you’ll will have to leave now.”

“That’s fine nurse,” Sunset said, “Come on guys.” One by one, the group left Rarity and Applejack, before Red left though he made one last remark.

“You two should be glad that you weren’t killed by the Cyber Oscillatory Waves. Rookies like you would have died.” Before he too left, leaving Rarity and Applejack to think about what they said.

A few days later, Pinkie Pie was feeling more down than ever, as she walked home from school one evening. She had found out that Applejack and Rarity had been corrupted and sent to the hospital to recover from their corruptions. Pinkie then started to think about how Anon-A-Miss had affected those around her, everyone was angry, depressed, and on edge about the whole deal.

Pinkie wanted to try and cheer everyone up. That was her specialty after all. If she could bring a smile to grumpy old Cranky, then surely so could cheer up a whole school of depressed students. But that was easier said than done. You see, Anon-A-Miss was such a problem, that some students won’t come into school in fear of getting humiliated.

Pinkie didn’t want to believe that Sunset was behind Anon-A-Miss, as most of the signs were all pointing to her. She knew about Applejack’s little nickname, the photos were taken from her phone, and the profile picture on MyStables resembled Sunset quite well.

On one hand, she heard from someone that Sunset was the one who help Rarity and Applejack to the hospital. And when spoke to Fluttershy about if it was Sunset or not, Fluttershy told her that it’s not Sunset, and Fluttershy was a girl that would never lie.

This all seemed pretty nonsense and while Pinkie Pie enjoyed fun nonsense, this nonsense seemed a never ending drama.

With all this going on, Pinkie really wanted to throw a ‘Everybody cheer up and forget about Anon-A-Miss Party’, but with Anon-A-Miss posting secrets and turning friends against each other, she doubted she’d be able to get everyone to come to the party.

From onto of a house, Zettra watched Pinkie walk home in deep thought. She smiled, Zettra knew Pinkie was a wild card, and no monster would be better than the one she had chosen for Pinkie. Disguising herself in her human form, Zettra opened a portal and walked through it.

Pinkie continued walking down the path to her home, the sadness in her heart started to make her slow down to a stop. She wanted to cry, she wanted to help everyone and cheer them up, but she knew she couldn’t. Pinkie may be hyper, jolly, and overall happy even in grime situations, but she wasn’t dim-witted, and she knew she couldn’t just throw a party and make everyone’s worries go away.

“It’s such a shame really,” came a feminine voice, Pinkie perked up, she didn’t recognize this voice, which could only mean one thing, she was going to meet someone new. Zettra stepped out from an alley, “You want to help everyone out, but you realise you’re only one person.”

The party planner gasped as her straight hair puffed back to normal, “OH MY GOSH! SOMEONE NEW! I NEED TO GET A PARTY READY! LIKE, RIGHT NOW!”

Before the puffy haired girl could get away, however, Zettra grabbed her arm, “How about you focus on trying to cheer everyone up first.”

“B-b-b-But all I can think is throwing a party, but no one is going to want to go,” Pinkie said as her hair deflated like a balloon once again, “Which is weird since everyone loves a party in the city. Wait, what’s your name?”

“I’m Zettra,” the disguised alien replied, “and I might have something that could help you.”

“Really?” Pinkie questioned, perking up a little, “what?”

“This,” Zettra said pulling out a Dark Cyber Nizer, “This can help you come up with a way to cheer up the other students.”

“I’m not sure,” Pinkie responded unsure, “It looks a little simple.”

“Let me put you’re situation into words,” Zettra said, “Students are depressed and angry because of this Anon-A-Miss correct?”

“Yes,” Pinkie replied.

“And these same students believe that it’s this Sunset Shimmer girl, and her boyfriend Red Streak, correct again?” Zettra questioned.

“Yeah,” Pinkie answered.

“And some believe that Red and Sunset are the Cyber Agent running around here defeating the monsters, correct once again?” Zettra quizzed.

“Right,” Pinkie agreed.

“Then the solution to your problem is simple,” Zettra exclaimed, “to destroy the Cyber Agent. Destroy them, destroy Red and Sunset. Destroy Red and Sunset, Destroy Anon-A-Miss. Destroy Anon-A-Miss, everyone is happy and cheerful once again.”

Pinkie thought about it, Zettra was making sense. If Red and Sunset were Anon-A-Miss, then getting them out of the picture, would cheer everyone up. But, she didn’t want to destroy them, they were her friends. Right?

“I-I-I don’t know about this,” Pinkie said, “I want everyone to be happy, but I don’t want to get rid of my friends.”

“Are you sure, Red and Sunset are your friends,” Zettra manipulated, “They told lies about you, they say you have so much energy that you must be on drugs or something. Well that’s what Anon-A-Miss says about you. That doesn’t sound very friendly.”

Pinkie had a quick look on her phone, and there it said. If it was true if Sunset and Red where Anon-A-Miss, Pinkie found it very hurtful that they thought she was on drugs. Pinkie felt tears at the corners on her eyes as she looked up at Zettra’s out-stretched arm holding the Dark Cyber Nizer.

“Fine,” she begrudgingly agreed, “if it means helping those I want to help, then so be it.”

“Excellent choice,” Zettra said as Pinkie reached out and touched the Dark Cyber Nizer.

Pinkie’s eyes widened as her eyes began to glowed corrupted purple. Pinkie’s attitude and personality changed just like how her friends were corrupted, and her hair getting styled differently. Zettra smiled as the pink girl instantly bonded to the device. While her desire might be a pure one, it was not incorruptible. Even the best of intentions could be warped.

“How do you feel?” Zettra asked.

“Much better,” Pinkie replied, “In fact, I feel more than just better, I feel fantastic!”

“And what are you going to do about you’re situation?” Zettra questioned with a smirk.

“Simple, in order for my fellow students to be happy, I need to get rid of the problem,” Pinkie answered with an evil grin, “I must destroy Red Streak and Sunset Shimmer! I must destroy Anon-A-Miss!”

“Then you’ll find your Monster Partner is a good choice for destruction,” Zettra told her, handing Pinkie a Spark Doll and Cyber Card over her bonded partner. Pinkie slide the card into the device.

“Cyber Verokron, Activated,” the Dark Cyber Nizer said, causing Dark Cyber Agent to engulf Pinkie and place the Cyber Verokron Armour upon her.

“Ooh ho, ho, ho!” Pinkie giggled excitedly, “I’ve never felt power like this.” The Armour disappeared and Pinkie thanked Zettra before walking away. Zettra smiled to herself.

“Pinkie Pie, should be able to handle the power and madness of Verokron,” she said to herself, “and if she is struggling, I’ll give her a helping hand.” Before disappearing into the darkness.

Rainbow Dash was headed home as well, it was getting late as she had finished her after school club. She too, was down and depressed. She was worried for her friends, and cross with Sunset and Sunrise.

Even after the defeat of the Dazzlings, her ego was still huge, and she still thought that she was right and more awesome than anyone else. She was also confused it all. When she finally got word from Fluttershy, she told her that she no longer believed Sunset and Red was Anon-A-Miss. Why? It was obviously that Sunset was up to her old tricks again and Red had joined in with her because they were dating. Sunset and Red were behind Anon-A-Miss and that’s what she stuck with.

As Rainbow walked down the street, she bumped into Pinkie, who was in her Dark Cyber Gear, but had taken her helmet off.

“Pinkie? Is that you?” Rainbow asked, “And what are you wearing?” Pinkie turned around to face Rainbow. But she had a very unsettling smile on her face.

“Of Course it’s me! I’m wearing some of that Cyber Gear, and I’ve just had the best idea ever to make everyone in Canterlot High smile!” She exclaimed.

“And what is your idea?” Rainbow questioned, nervous and unsure on what Pinkie had planned.

“I’m going to destroy Anon-A-Miss!” Pinkie shouted, “If I get rid of the problem, then everyone will be happy again!”

“In what way do you mean destroy?” Rainbow asked again, more concerned than before.

“I mean kill them silly!” Pinkie answered, sounding insane.

“What!?” Rainbow shouted, “you can’t just kill them!”

“Why not?!” Pinkie questioned, “Anon-A-Miss is ruining everything for everyone! If I get kill them, then everyone is happy again, and we can go back to normal! Besides I thought you hate Sunset and Red!”

“I do, but I don’t want to kill them!” Rainbow shouted, “just give me you’re Cyber Nizer and we can find a way together to stop Anon-A-Miss, in a less destructive way.”

“Unbelievable,” Pinkie remarked, “I did this so we can be a happy bunch of friends again, AND YOU’RE GOING AGAINST ME!!”

“No I’m not…” Rainbow tried to tell her, but Pinkie wasn’t hearing any of it.

“You are! You want everyone to upset and depressed while we find a way to stop Anon-A-Miss! Everyone is suffering, and I’m the only one to make them feel better!” she shouted, as she pulled out the Dark Cyber Nizer and Cyber Verokron card, “I thought you were my friend, but if you’re against me, then you’ll be destroyed at well! Nothing is going to stop me from putting an end to Anon-A-Miss’s life!”

“Cyber Verokron, Activated,” the Dark Cyber Nizer robotically spoked, as Pinkie gained the Cyber Armour and helmet of a Dark Cyber Agent. She then pointed her finger guns at Rainbow and started to fire them.

“Pinkie! Stop!” Rainbow cried as she dodged the bullets.

“No! I must put an end to Anon-A-Miss, and you’re in my way!” Pinkie shouted. As she fired more Cyber Bullets at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow ran away, not wanting to get hit by Pinkie’s Cyber Bullets. Pinkie was about to chase after her, but then she thought of something.

“Rather than going to find them, I can summon my monster, and let them come to me,” she said to herself, with an insane and wicked grin. She pulled out her Cyber Nizer and summoned Verokron, who landed on the ground with a crash.

The monster roared out, and started to rampage through the town, making Pinkie happy that she would be drawing out Red and Sunset.

A few minutes ago, Sunset’s crew meanwhile, had decided to hang out at Red’s house after school. Sapphire and Crimson were working late, and Solar was out with her friends so Red was on his own, save for the aliens in his basement. Rarity and Applejack had recovered quickly at the hospital and had decided to hang out with, Sunset, Fluttershy, Ace, Sparkler, Red and Phantasia. Now, a question had only started to occur to the girls and Ace.

“I don’t know ‘bout y’all, but something has just occurred to me,” Applejack said, “Red, what exactly is a Cyber Agent?”

“I’ve been think in the same thing, or something similar,” Rarity agreed, “my question is when did the Cyber Agents first came to be?”

“And why are there aliens in your basement?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, I’ve been wondering that,” Sunset remarked.

“The aliens in the basement or the whole Cyber Agent ordeal?” Red questioned.

“Really all of it,” Sunset answered.

“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to,” Fluttershy said kindly.

“No, no, I was going to have to tell you all sooner or later,” Red replied, as he took a deep breath.

“The Cyber Agents origins come from the Cybernetic Alliance, a program created by the Galaxy Rescue Force to help and understand monsters by bonding to them. Ultraman X helped out with the program, giving them the tech of his universe to develop equipment like the stuff I have, the Cyber Nizer. The Spark Doll’s were provided by Ultraman X as well, in his universe, the monsters started off as spark dolls and awoken as proper monsters when exposed to the Ultra Flares. Using the tech that were giving to them, the Galaxy Rescue Force could understand and care for neutral monsters and pacify evil monsters to help them in fighting for good.”

“Ooh sounds really interesting,” Rarity responded, the others agreed.

“Yeah, but whenever Good creates something amazing, Evil is there to steal it,” Phantasia continued, “an evil alien named Alien Octogon wanted the technology for himself, so he stole someone it and reworked it for evil proposes. He corrupted monsters and aliens to work for him in taking over the universe, but the Galaxy Rescue Force combated him with their own idea. Beings bonded to monsters on a mental scale, the first Cyber Agents were born. Together with their monster partners, they battled against Alien Octogon and defeated him, before banishing him to a pocket dimension as his prison. The Monsters and aliens under his control were freed and returned to their homes.”

“Wow, this is really fascinating to learn about,” Sparkler remarked.

“But then he got free and killed the first Cyber Agents,” Red bluntly resumed, “with the first Cyber Agents dead, the Galaxy Rescue Force, entrusted the Cybernetic Alliance to an Alien Mircle, who then entrusted the Cyber Nizers of the first to a group of Aliens to look after and care for the monsters, the very group that live in my basement. Then one day, when Octogon wanted to take over the Earth, he sensed negative emotions in the UK and thought that would be a great place to gather new Dark Cyber Agent Warriors. He came to our old school and corrupted a few of our fellows students to follow him. And he summoned a wild Dungaron to destroy the school, that’s when I met Gomora, who I summoned and destroyed Dungaron.”

“From that day on, we fought monsters, battle our fellow students, and in the end, we won,” Phantasia finished, “then Red had to move to home after it got destroyed and his father moved here for a job. We’ve really missed you back home.”

“I know, but you’ll still keeping the peace with you’re monster partners,” Red smiled looking at Phantasia.

“Aww that’s sweet,” Fluttershy remarked placing a hand on her heart.

“I heard that in the UK, you have very normal names, like your alien friends,” Ace remarked, “Is Red not your real name?”

“Apparently, it’s required for you to change your name if you come to America via the Cloudsdale Airport,” Red replied, “I similar just chose my Cyber Agent Identity, Red Streak. My Real name is Sam.”

“Really? How interesting,” Sparkler remarked.

“Suits you,” Applejack remarked, “And what about you Phantasia, what’s your real name?”

“My real name is Ellena,” Phantasia replied.

“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” Rarity commented, making Phantasia blush.

“What about the aliens in the basement? What are their real names?” Sunset asked.

“Their real names can’t be pronounced by the human tongue,” Red replied, “so they chose those basic names.”

“Ah ok, that makes sense,” the group replied, when suddenly, they all heard explosions come from outside.

Shocked, they all dashed outside to see Verokron rampaging through the city. It roared out loud as it fired missile from its mouth and claws. Within the explosions, people could be heard screaming and running from their lives.

“Those poor people,” Phantasia stated as she closed her eyes and concentrated.

“What is that?!” Ace shouted.

“That is a Choju,” Red remarked, “they’re a lot stronger than King Kaiju. Whoever is bonded to a Choju has to learn to control the power it has. Do you hear who might be controlling the Choju?”

“I can hear insane laughter coming from a Verokron seems to be following,” Phantasia reported, “high pitch and a snort occasionally.”

“Oh no, that must be Pinkie!” Applejack retorted.

“She must be in her Pinkamena Phase Again,” Rarity remarked.

“Wait! Again?!” Red shout as he spun around to face them.

“It was during Sunset’s reign of bullying, Pinkie wanted to make everyone feel happy, and went insane, stopping at nothing to make everyone happy, no matter the cost,” Fluttershy replied.

“We managed to calm her down, with a hug and talk,” Rarity answered.

“Sunset, you’re up,” Red told her.

“Right,” she responded as she took off and donned her Cyber Gear.

“I best go with her,” Phantasia said, “Chojus are hard to beat on your own.”

“Good idea,” Red replied, “Good luck Ellena.”

“Thank you, Sam,” Phantasia smirked as she ran after Sunset.

“Were you two a couple or something?” Rarity asked.

“We were ten when we became Cyber Agents,” Red replied, “I thinks she’s grown out of me now.”

“HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” Pinkie cackled insanely, “that’s right Verokron, keep firing missiles until you draw out the Red and Sunset!”

Verokron replied with a roar and launching missiles from his mouth, destroying buildings in explosions. Suddenly a bright appeared and turned into Gomora before slamming his body weight into the Choju and toppling it over. Pinkie was shocked, at what just happened to her partner, before she turned to see Sunset walking up to her.

“Pinkie! Stand Down!” Sunset declared.

“Not Until I get rid of you and Red, then everyone in CHS can smile once again!” Pinkie yelled.

“Gomora! Wreck Verokron!” Sunset Shouted.

Gomora pounded Verokron on the back on the head, causing the monster to roar out as it turned to look up at Gomora. Verokron stomped towards Gomora before the latter pulled back and punched former in the face, causing the Choju to roar in pain. Gomora got ready to punch again, but Verokron swung its head and struck Gomora in the chest causing Gomora to stumble back. Gomora quickly recovered from that and slammed his horn into Verokron’s chest, the Choju barely moved as it brought its arms up and smacked its claws down on Gomora’s neck and with Gomora on the ground, Verokron kicked the monster in the chest and causing him to roll on the ground.

Sunset felt his pain as Gomora stood up, Gomora roared as he charged at Verokron and headbutted it in the chest, pushing the Choju stumbling back and clutching its chest as Gomora then slammed his side into Verokron pushing it back more. On a building, Zettra stood watching the battle, she smiled as she held a Spark Doll and a Plasma Empowered Crystal. The Spark Doll absorbed the Plasma Energy and Zettra threw it, Just before Gomora could punch Verokron, a red bolt of lightning struck Gomora in the side. Sunset was shocked as she and Gomora looked up to see a new Choju enter the fight. It was a green moth like Choju with orange claws and markings, as well as brown crystal erupting out its body. It was the Moth Terror-Beast, Doragory.

Gomora tried to attack the newcomer, but Doragory fired energy beams form the flaps on its skin at Gomora, striking him in the face. This was a result of the Plasma Empowered Crystals. Gomora stumbled back as the Plasma Empowered Choju continued to fight beams at him. The Two Chojus roared, as Sunset took at knee, Pinkie was also laughing in time with the monsters.

“Verokron finished them off!” Pinkie shouted as Verokron grabbed Gomora and the two Chojus ganged up on Gomora. Sunset felt like she couldn’t do anything, when suddenly Eleking appeared and pulled Verokron away. Sunset turned to see Phantasia in her Cyber Eleking Gear, holding her hand out to help Sunset up.

“Chojus are better to fight when there’s more of you to help,” Phantasia told Sunset.

“Thanks,” Sunset said as she stood back up and charged up their Cyber energy, Gomora and Eleking did the same and became Cyber Gomora and Cyber Eleking.

Cyber Eleking fought Doragory, giving it a chop in the chest, while Cyber Gomora charged towards Verokron, who slugged him in the face. Cyber Gomora kicked Verokron in the chest as Cyber Eleking grabbled with Doragory, Eleking tried to her best, by getting Doragory in a head lock and punching its head, but Doragory with the Plasma Empowered energy running through its body, simply pushed Cyber Eleking away.

Doragory swung its claw at Eleking who blocked it with her arm, and then kicked Doragory in the chest. Verokron pulled its head out of Cyber Gomora’s grasp before sucker punching Gomora in the face, Gomora stumbled back but recovered and swung his head into Verokron’s chest. Verokron tried to attack again, but Gomora kicked it in the chest before grabbling with the Choju and suplexing Verokron to the ground. Verokron stood up and fired more missiles from his mouth, striking Cyber Gomora in the chest, Gomora stumbled back and roared in pain as Verokron lifted its arms and fired bullets at Cyber Gomora. Sunset felt his pain as Pinkie fired Cyber bullets at her.

Cyber Gomora and Sunset fell to a knee and gasped in pain, as Verokron roared, and Pinkie cackled. “Give up Sunset! I’ve won this fight!” Pinkie told her as she pointed her left claw at Sunset.

“Never, I’ll beat you and cure you of this corruption,” Sunset groaned as she snarled at Pinkie.

“Suit yourself!” Pinkie declared as Verokron was about to fire another barrage of missiles.

But just before it could a beam struck it in the mouth. Verokron roared in pain as its organic missile exploded in his mouth. Pinkie clutched her head, she had felt the pain the pain her partner had felt. Sunset turned to see Cyber Fire Golza walking from behind some buildings, with Red in his palm. Cyber Fire Golza gently placed Red on the ground as he walked over to Sunset and helped her up.

“Just because I still need to heal, doesn’t mean I can’t fight,” Red remarked.

“Thanks for the save,” Sunset thanked him.

“Hey I’ve got your back,” Red told her.

“We all do,” Phantasia chimed in, “now let’s finish these monsters. The two agreed and got back into the fight.

Cyber Gomora stood up and swung his mega ton tail into Verokron’s side, leaving a whiplash mark on its side. Gomora charged his head into Verokron, the latter caught it, by the former with enough force through it off before kicking Verokron in the stomach. Cyber Gomora then flipped into the Choju, slamming his tail into Verokron, stunning it, and causing it to stumble backward. Cyber Gomora got up, grabbed Verokron’s head and punched it in the side, before kicking it in the chest once more, this time kicking the Choju to the ground, Pinkie doing the same.

Verokron struggled to get back up, as Sunset and Cyber Gomora charged up there Cyber Energy, and charged towards their opponents, impaling them with their claws and horns, before unleashing cyber shockwaves throughout their bodies. Verokron and Pinkie cried in pain as explosions erupted from their backs, once Cyber Gomora and Sunset stopped, they flung their heads back sending Pinkie and Verokron go flying over them and land before them, the latter exploded upon hitting the ground. Pinkie cried in pain feeling her mental bond with Verokron shatter. Cyber Gomora turned and roared in victory.

Cyber Eleking was struggling against Plasma Empowered Doragory, she was getting bombarded with Laser beams from Doragory’s skin flaps. Before Doragory could make any further attacks, it was struck in the side by Cyber Fire Golza’s Magma Stream. Doragory stumbled as Fire Golza came closer followed by Gomora. Eleking stood up and fired some electrical dices at Doragory, shattering some of the crystals on its body. Doragory roared in pain before all three cyber monsters charged up their attacks.

Gomora fired his Cyber Oscillatory Wave, Fire Golza fired his Cyber Magma Stream and Eleking fired Cyber Electrical Beams. All attacks struck Doragory who cried in pain so loudly, that it sounded like it was screaming its name. The Attacks stopped, Doragory let out one last cried of pain before exploding on the stop, sending a Cyber shockwave out across the city, fixing everything that had been destroyed. The three Cyber Monsters roared in victory as they high fived each other.

Red, Phantasia and Sunset cheered over their victory, Pinkie stumbled back to her feet, her Cyber gear gone, and her hair a mess. She growled as she stumbled to her feet and charged towards Sunset screaming her head off. Sunset turned and opened her arms out, once Pinkie was in reach, Sunset closed her arms and gave her friend a tight hug.

“WHY?!” Pinkie cried as she started to beat Sunset on the back, “WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! YOU NEED TO DIE SO I CAN MAKE EVERYONE SMILE!”

“Because I’m not, Anon-A-Miss,” Sunset replied softly.

“YOU HAVE TO BE! EVERYONE IS UPSET!” Pinkie cried into her shoulder.

“Anon-A-Miss is the one to blame, not me,” Sunset stated.

“I just want to make people smile,” Pinkie sobbed her voice now sounding quieter.

“And you will, I can promise you that,” Sunset assured her, “but this time, you can’t do it alone. Let me help you, and you can make everyone in the whole city smile.”

Pinkie just let the damn break as she cried into Sunset’s shoulder, Red and Phantasia stood to the side to let them have their moment. Rainbow came around the corner, wanting to find Pinkie, when she saw her hugging Sunset. Rainbow was shocked, but her shocked turned to angry, she thought that Sunset had used her words to sway Pinkie to herself. She growled, turned away and left muttering to herself how she could put an end to Anon-A-Miss. From onto of her building, Zettra clenched her fist and punched the entrance to the roof of the building. Four out of the five Dark Cyber Agents have failed to take down the Cyber Agents. She clenched the final Dark Cyber Nizer in her hand.

“This last monster better destroy them,” she growled, “If a Chimera Kaiju doesn’t take them out, I don’t know what will.”

She turned and opened a portal before walking through it as it closed behind her.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hope the long wait was worth it

here's the latest chapter of Cyber Agents, sorry it took a long while, I was busy with SHB and then sort of hit a burn out as I've been getting stressed and mental tired, this caused me to slowly lose my creative spark, so I'm feeling rather burned out and I may struggle getting other chapters out.

Next all be doing the next chapter of Ultraman Scorn so don't miss that. that's if you're interested in it as not many of you are

Anyway it's getting late, So I'll you all in the next one

Comments ( 4 )

Amazing chapter! My friend!

Nice to see a new chapter of this up, and I hope things will be ok with you

If you’re feeling stressed out, make sure to get plenty of rest

it's kinda hard to get some good rest when I've got so much going in my head

yeah it's a real pain

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