• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,024 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 3: A break with the Girls

Red’s first week at CHS went by fast. After the Mukadender attack, Canterlot City seemed to be very calm. No monsters rose up or got Plasma Empowered or anything. Because of this, Red enjoyed that week to it’s fullest. He enjoyed Art with Rarity and Sunset, Cooking with Fluttershy and Pinkie and Sports with Rainbow and Applejack, even though P.E. wasn’t his favourite lesson.

Today it was Saturday, Red favourite day. And today was especially great because today he was meeting up with his new friends. He jumped out of his bed, brushed his teeth, got changed and sat down at the dining table. Penny was in the Kitchen making breakfast. For the sounds, Red guessed she was making either pancakes or waffles.

“Morning Penny,” Red called out.

“Oh, good morning Red,” she replied, “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, I did,” Red responded smiling as Vector came walking in with his morning coffee, “today, I’m going to meet up with the girls.”

“Those six girls that you told us about?” Penny asked.

“Ooh, Red’s gotten lucky,” Vector joked, making Red blush.

“Shut up,” Red said, hiding his face.

“What’s this about Red being lucky,” Solar came in.

“Red’s got a date with those six girls,” Vector teased.

“Vector I with end you!” Red snapped, making everyone laughed.

“Ok everyone calm down,” Penny said as she brought over Red’s breakfast. It was a plate of waffles with chocolate sauce, strawberries and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.

“Sweet Mother of Ultra,” Red said jaw-dropped, “if this doesn’t get me fat, I don’t know what with.”

Red dove right in and it was gone in about half the time it took to cook it. He patted his stomach and thanked penny for his breakfast.

He then went back upstairs to get ready for going out. He thought taking a backpack would be useful. He looked at his shelf with all his Spark Doll. He smiled and took Gomora and Fire Golza and place them in his bag. He was about to walk out when he heard a monster roar, it turned back to the shelf. As a Cyber Agent, Red could understand monsters even when they are still figures.

“Oh, alright,” he said, putting in Bemstar, Black King, Pigmon, Gudon, Demaaga and Verokron in his bag. “Now Windom you’re in charge. Bemular, you play nice with Gavadon. And Super C.O.V. make up with Snowgon, you know what she’s like. Hey, it’s not my fault he ruined your snowman. Ace Killer quite that laughter.” Then Red left the room, “Oh if the girls knew that I can talk to figures, they’ll think I’ve lost it.”

Before Red left his Sapphire kissed his cheek, Vector made one more remark about Red dating six girls, Penny backslapped him, and Red left.

Red checked his phone to where the girls said to meet up. They decided to meet up in a little café called Sugarcube Corner. Red walked along the path taking in the scenery, although he had drove through the city before, but he never took in the sights of Canterlot City. In fact, in a similar fashion to his first day at Canterlot High, Red was paying attention, and bumped into someone. And fell to the ground.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Red apologised, “I should have been paying attention.”

“No, don’t worry,” replied the person reaching out a hand, “Are you ok bro?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Red said taking his hand. The boy pulled Red back up, Red took a look at his helper. The boy had white snow-white skin, purple hair, grey jacket, light purple t-shirt with a snowflake on it, purple scarf, grey trousers, and blue trainers.

“Are you sure you’re fine?” the boy said concerned, “you landed on your backpack.”

“Actually, now that you mention it,” Red said while rubbing his back, “thanks for the help up.”

“No problem,” the boy said, “Say are you that new kid at CHS?”

“yeah,” Red replied, “I’m Red Streak.” Holding out his hand for a shake.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Arctic Ace,” he responded shaking Red’s hand, “but my friends call me Ace for short.”

“My friends call me Red for short,” Red joked, making Ace smile.

“Oh sorry where you in a hurry?” Ace asked.

“No, not really,” Red replied, “I’m meeting my friends at Sugarcube Corner.”

“Hey, I’m going there now,” Ace exclaimed, “mind if I come along?”

“No I don’t mind,” Red said, and the two waked to Sugarcube Corner, talking about themselves and other things.

By the time they got to Sugarcube Corner, they had gotten into a convention about who is the best Ultra.

“And that’s why I think Ultraman Saga is the best Ultra,” Ace declared.

“True Saga is powerful,” Red agreed, “but he is only a fusion of three, Ultraman Reiga is a fusion of all members of the New Generation Heroes, minus Zett.”

“To be fair Reiga is powerful, but he has the short screen time possible,” Ace retorted.

“But having eleven component Ultras, Reiga sets a new record for the greatest number of Ultras in a fusion,” Red countered.

“Ok, I’m admit, Reiga is one of the best Ultras,” Ace confessed.

“Right now that we have that clear up,” Red said, before turning to the woman at the counter, “Time to order.”

“Good morning boys,” the woman said, “what would you like?”

“I’ll have coffee and a mix berry muffin please Mrs. Cake,” Ace ordered.

While Ace ordered and paid for his, Red was trying to choose his food of choice. His eyes paned over a doughnuts, mini-waffles, cupcakes, and cookies. Until his eyes fell upon a triple chocolate muffin, his eyes widened.

“And what about you, young man?” Mrs. Cake asked Red.

“Oh, sorry, can I have a Fanta for my drink,” Red ordered, “and for something to eat, I’ll have one of your triple chocolate muffin please.”

“Sure,” Mrs. Cake replied putting there orders through, “that will be $5.45.”

“Here you go,” Red paid, and Mrs. Cake got their orders ready. While Mrs. Cake got their orders, Red Ace talked a bit more about which Ultra monster is the best.

“Here you go boys, enjoy,” Mrs. Cake said.

“Thanks,” Red said, as him and Ace then heard the call of a certain Pink haired girl. Red and Ace turned to see Pinkie Pie waving them over.

“Heya Red!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

“Hi Pinkie,” Red greeted her, “hey girls.”

“Howdy Red,” Applejack greeted.

“Sup Red,” welcomed Rainbow.

“Hello darling,” Rarity hailed.

“Hey Red,” Sunset replied.

Fluttershy just waved. Red sat down next to Sunset on the couch, while Ace brought over a chair and sat between Rainbow and Rarity.

“Hey guys, I would like you to meet my new friend I made, Arctic Ace,” Red introduced his new friend.

"Hey guys," Ace responded, "though Please call me Ace."

“Nice to meet you Ace,” Sunset said.

“Hey Red, we overheard your conversation,” Rainbow stated, “and Just got to say… Maga-Orochi from Ultraman Orb is the best monster.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Sunset exclaimed, “it’s clearly Arstron, from the Return of Ultraman.”

“Oh please, darlings,” Rarity retorted, “It’s Shepherdon that the most gorgeous.”

“That’s only because he’s got a giant crystal sticking out his back,” Rainbow grumbled.

“Lunaticks!” Pinkie cried out, “Lunaticks is the best, he can fire his eyes and they become bombs!”

“I’ve got to admit, he has the most creative power,” Applejack said, “But it’s obviously Red King, he’s got the most appearance in the series.”

“I think Lidorias is my favourite,” Fluttershy chimed in.

“That’s because you’ve only seen Ultraman Cosmos,” Rainbow replied.

“No, no, no,” Ace responded, “Zetton is the strongest, and has the most forms in the series.”

“Come on guys,” Red spoke up, “Gomora is the most famous monster in the series.”

“I think Alien Baltan is pretty good,” said a voice, everyone turned to see a girl with grey skin, light yellow hair and wall eyes.

“Yeah ok,” everyone agreed at last.

“He has got the most forms,” AJ said.

“and has the most appearances in the series,” Rainbow replied.

“Thanks Derpy,” Red responded. Derpy smiled and went to a table.

“So what’s the plan after this?” Red asked.

“After this we’re going into town to the mall,” Sunset replied.

“Ok,” Red said out loud. ‘Oh no,’ he thought on the inside. So after everyone finished the drinks and snacks, they took a walk into town and to the mall. Red dreading all the way.

Once the got to the mall, Red and Ace where dragged with the girls everywhere. Rarity even got them to model in suits and other clothing. Then they went to the food court for some lunch.

“Well that was fun,” Rarity pointed out.

“Yeah, so much,” Red sarcastically replied, Ace chuckled to his responses.

“Anyway,” Sunset said taking out a book, “I wanted to show you guys something I found.”

“What’s that?” Pinkie asked.

Sunset turned to a page in the book and on it was a picture of four triangles interlocking each other, and at the end of each point, was a natural element. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Space, Electricity, Metal, Quintessence, Prehistoric, Ice, Light and Dark. With one more element in the middle of the interlocking triangles, Ancient. And next to the elements where drawings of monsters. The girls, Red and Ace where amazed.

“Holy Moly,” Ace said, eye wide.

“Why are you showing us this?” Rainbow asked.

“Because of what it says?” Sunset said as she became to read, “When the Earth is in danger, these Guardian monsters raise up and help the prevent the extension of Humanity. The monsters are as followed. Raiga, Guardian of Quintessence, Angirasu, Guardian of Fire, Baragon, Guardian of Earth, Jīfantesu, Guardian of Electricity, Baran, Guardian of Ice, Radon, Guardian of Air, Manda, Guardian of Water, Yong-gali, Guardian of Metal, Gidora, Guardian of Prehistoric, Gamera, Guardian of Space, Mosura, Guardian of Light, Batora Guardian of Dark, and Gojira, The Ancient Guardian.”

“Wow,” Rarity stated.

“Don’t those names translate to, Raiga, Anguirus, Baragon, Gfantis, Varan, Rodan, Manda, Yonggary, Ghidorah, Gamera, Mothra, Battra and Godzilla from Japanese to English,” Pinkie asked?

“How do you know?” Ace queried.

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie responded.

“Oh Please,” Red spoke up, “You really believe that?”

“What?” Sunset questioned.

Godzilla, Mothra, Ghidorah, they’re all mythical legends,” Red pointed.

“That’s not true, Rainbow responded, “I heard they appear to help win World War 2.”

“Yeah right,” Red scoffed.

“Ok I don’t want to argue about what’s real and what isn’t,” Applejack called out, “Let’s just go see a movie or something.”

Everyone agreed, as they finished, they lunch and made their way to the cinema. All the time, Red felt like he was being followed, from the moment he walked onto the main street after leaving his home. He looked behind him but saw no one out of the ordinary.

“Red, are you ok?” Sunset asked placing her hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Red assured her.

“So you coming to choose the movie,” Sunset quired.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” Red said as he follows her.

No sooner had Red turned around and walked with Sunset to find the rest, a girl with hot pink skin, and dress in a light and dark grey striped jumper, black skirt, blue tights, sunglasses and beret got up and followed them.

“Don’t let him out of your sights,” said a voice through an earpiece.

“Right,” replied the girl.

So Red and his friends, had walked around the mall, Rarity made Red and Ace modal in suits and other clothing, the had lunch, and where now about to watch a movie. The designed to watch Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon, Fluttershy was scared of the Yamato no Orochi, and Rainbow, Applejack, Sunset, Red and Ace enjoyed the fight. All together the gang enjoyed the movie. But it soon was time for Red to go back home.

“Thanks guys,” Red said, as they walked out the Mall, “I’ve really enjoyed today.”

“Same here,” Ace replied, “thanks for allowing me to tag along.”

“No problem,” Sunset responded.

“Well I best be going,” Red told them, “My mum text me early saying that where’s have pizza for tea tonight.”

“Ooh, is cake? chocolate? Chocolate flavoured cake? Cake flavoured chocolate?” Pinkie asked, before Applejack place her hand over her mouth.

“I don’t know,” Red said, “But I’ll see you guys later.”

“Goodbye Red,” Fluttershy spoke softly.

“Later bud,” Rainbow retorted.

“Bye, bye, darling,” Rarity declared.

“Bye Red!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“See ya partner,” Applejack tipped her hat.

“See you soon Red,” Sunset said, before peaking Red on the cheek.

“Wow,” Red gasped blushing, Sunset blushed too. Red fist bumped Ace, waved goodbye to the girls, and walked home.

It was dark by time he started walking home, he didn’t mind. He loved walking at night, clear skies, quiet streets, it was just peaceful. Ever since coming to Canterlot City, Red would go on these night walks and think of his friends back in the UK. He was almost home when he stopped under a streetlamp, he felt like he wasn’t alone.

“I know you’re there,” he called out without turning around, “show yourself.”

Then walking out from the shadows and under the same streetlamp, stepped the girl with hot pink skin.

“So, you’re the one that has been following me,” Red said, “who are you?”

The girl took off her sunglasses and beret, “I am Sparkling Medley,” she replied, “Secret agent of the SMILE.” She showed him her badge, “And I have been told to keep an eye on you. Cyber Agent.”

Red was shocked, “How did you know that I was a Cyber Agent?”

“SMILE have been tracing these strange energy waves after a monster is defeated and everything get repaired.”

“I can’t help with that,” Red said.

“That not why I’ve been following you,” Sparkler stated, “SMILE wants to let you Cyber Agents know that we are watching you, and that we don’t trust you. So if you cause trouble, we won’t be afraid to retaliate.”

“What makes you think we will turn on you?” Red asked.

“Just watch your back,” she responded. Red turned around but she was no longer there, she had disappeared into the night. Red thought about what she said as he continued home.

Red couldn’t get what she say out his mind. Who was this SMILE? Why did they not trust the Cyber Agents? What is there deal? He kept pondering it as he got ready for bed.

“Windom, did everyone behave?” Red asked his Windom Spark Doll to which it replied. “Ace Killer, what did I tell you about making the high five joke? Why are the Baltans bickering? And where is Dino-Tank? You know what, never mind.”

Red turned off the light and struggled to get to sleep with Sparkler’s words going around his head.

Author's Note:

here you go guys chapter 3 done.

if anyone want to know what the Spark Doll were up too, you will have yo wait for the next/first bonus chapter.

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, comment what you think of this and if you would like to see more chapters that monsters don't attack the city