• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,025 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

  • ...

Chapter 4: A Dazzling Entrance

A few weeks had passed since Red started at CHS. He’d settled in well and was thoroughly enjoying himself. Especially now he had genuine friends to hang out with. And he didn’t know how or why, but he felt a strong connection between Ace and Switch’s Cyber Nizer. As if… He was worthy to be a Cyber Agent.

Right now, Red was in his Cyber Agent Gear, trying to get to school. He had overslept. He was jumping from building to building to get to school on time. All the time, he could stop thinking what that girl was saying.

‘What does she mean if I cause any trouble? I’m the good guy,’ he thought.

Soon, Red landed right out the front doors to the school. His Cyber Gear digitized away as he walked up the steps and opened the doors. “Wow, that was a close…” he didn’t get to finish, as standing in front of him, was a tall woman with black skin, green hair and eyes. She was wearing a black and green blouse and skirt, with black tights which had holes in them.

“…Call?” Red finished, his voice a squeak.

“Mr. Streak?” the woman said looking down in his with her hand on her hips.

“M-m-morning, Miss Chrysalis,” Red greeted her with a nervous smile.

“Why may I ask, are you late?” Miss Chrysalis asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I… er… overslept,” Red admitted.

“I see,” Miss chrysalis responded, “you know everyone is in the hall, right?”

“yes, I know,” Red said lowering his head, “should I head there now?”

“No, Principal Celestia wants you in her office,” Miss Chrysalis told him.

“Oh? What for? I haven’t done anything wrong! I swear!” Red exclaimed.

“I never said you did do anything wrong,” Miss Chrysalis stated, “just go and see her, alright.”

“Yes, Miss,” Red said before making his way to Celestia’s office. ‘I wonder what she wants with me?’ he thought.

When he got to Principal Celestia’s office (luckily with no trouble) he knocked on the door, and after hearing Celestia’s voice, he walked in.

“Good morning, Principal Celestia,” Red said, closing the door behind him, “sorry I’m late.”

“Good morning, and are you? I haven’t noticed,” Celestia retorted, “now you might be wondering why I wanted you here.”

“Yes, I do wonder,” Red said back.

“Well I wanted you to show a new student around the school,” Celestia said as the new student stood up. Red eyes widened when he saw who this was. She had hot pink skin, purple and black hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a blue jacket, a dark blue skirt with a crystal heart behind a microphone and blue trainers.

“Red, this Sparkling Medley,” Principal Celestia said, “she along with three other students that Sunset will show around the school later, will be joining us here.”

“Greetings,” Sparkler said shaking Red’s hand.

“Hello,” Red greeted back, clenching his teeth, “you want a tour of the school?”

“That would be lovely, thank you,” Sparkler said as she took Red’s arm and walked out the office.

Sparkler took Red to a poorly lit corner of the school, once there, Red took his arm back and stared daggers at her.

“What are you doing here?” Red asked, “you’re not here to just get good grades.”

“I was told by SMILE to keep an eye on you,” Sparkler replied, “I really don’t trust superheroes that appear out of nowhere and ‘save’ the city.”

“Hey, I can’t help it if a few buildings get destroyed,” Red retorted.

“But we didn’t have to deal with monsters before you and your little alien squad appeared,” Sparkler shot back.

“How the heck do you know about them?!” Red softly shouted surprised.

“I have my ways,” Sparkler seemed proud of herself.

Red looked up to see that some students were looking at them. “Do you want a tour of the school or not.”

Sparkler then looked behind herself and saw the students, “A tour would be nice.”

“Then would you like to follow me,” Red said as the students began to walk away.

“fine, but I have my eye on you,” Sparkler whispered.

“Just make sure you stay out my way when I’m saving the city,” Red said back as she showed her the school.

Later that day, Red and Ace met up with the girls in the cafeteria for lunch. “hey Red, where were you this morning?” Rainbow asked.

“I was late coming in, and Celestia had me show a new girl around the school,” Red answered.

“Who?” Ace asked.

“Excuse me,” said a voice, the girls, Red and Ace turned to see Sparkler, “May I sit with you?”

“Her…” Red whispered under his breath.

“Of course you may,” Sunset said, Sparkler thanked them and sat near Red.

“Hello, I’m Pinkie Pie,” Pinkie said as she popped out of nowhere and shook Sparkler’s hand, “who are you?”

“I’m Sparkling Medley, but most people call me Sparkler and it’s very nice to meet you,” she replied.

The girls, and Ace said there hellos, and they resumed eating before Sunset spoke up.

“Strange, I was told by Principal Celestia to meet three girls and show them around.”

“I’m surprise that we didn’t bump into each other,” Red chuckled.

“Who were these girls you showed around?” Sparkler asked.

As if on cue, the cafeteria doors burst open causing everyone to look. Three girls walked in who promptly started singing.

[The three girls]

Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh

Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh

Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh

Ah, ah-ah, ah-ahh

[Lead singer]

We heard you want to get together

We heard you want to rock this school

We've thought of something that is better

Something that changes all the rules

Why pretend we're all the same

When some of us shine brighter?

[Backup singers]

Shine brighter

[Lead singer]

Here's a chance to find your flame

Are you a loser or a fighter?

[The three girls]

Me and you, you and me

Why don't we see who is better?

We don't have to be one and the same thing

Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?

Are you afraid of failing the audition?

[Lead singer]

You're a star and you should know it

Yeah, you rise above the rest

It doesn't matter who you hurt

If you're just proving you're the best

[The three girls]

Ah, ahh-ahh-ahhh

Battle! You wanna win it

Let's have a battle, battle of the bands

Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it

Let's have a battle, battle, battle

Battle of the bands

[The three girls and students]


“I can beat you!” cried Cloudy Kicks, pointing to Aqua Blossom.


“Ha! You wish!” Aqua Blossom rolled her at Cloudy Kicks.


“I so want this!” huffed Trixie, stomping her feet desperately.


“Not if I get it first!” called Flash Century pointing to himself.

[The three girls and students]

Me and you, you and me

Why don't we see who is better?

We don't have to be one and the same thing

Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?


I'm going out and winning the audition

[The Dazzlings and students]

Battle! We wanna win it

Let's have a battle, battle of the bands

Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it

Let's have a battle, battle, battle

Battle of the bands!

Red, Ace and the girls watched bewildered at what they were seeing.

After a long pause, Sunset broke the silence, “them,” she said, meaning those where to girls she showed around.

Red took notes of them. The lead singer was yellow with large puffy orange hair, and magenta eyes. The second girl was pink, her purple with green striped hair was done up in two large ponytails, and her eyes where purple. The third was light blue with dark and normal blue hair which was done up in a ponytail, and her eyes where magenta as well. Red stared at them for so long, he didn’t hear Sunset calling his name. he only turned around when the leader of the trio turned to see him staring at them and winked at him in return. Red came back to reality and spun around with a blush on his face.

“Holy moly, that girl winked at me,” Red said.

“I mean you where staring at them for a while there,” Rainbow responded with a cheeky smirk on her face.

“Ooh, Little Red has a crush,” teased Pinkie.

Red went redder, before grabbing his remaining food as slowly left the cafeteria, making sure he stayed no where near the angry crowd of students and the three girls.

“Red, Wait!” Sunset called out. But Red had already left.

“I’ll go after him,” Ace said as he got up and went after Red.

“I’ll go too,” Sparkler declared before following Ace.

Sunset wanted to go after them too, but Applejack put a hand on her shoulder. "We’ll go find him later," Applejack said, "I think we should tell Principal Celestia about this and those girls will be kicked to the school in no time.”

Rarity agreed, “Last thing she needs is some CHS event ruined by some power crazed lunatic."

Rarity went wide eyed as she realised what she just said and who was with her.

"No offence," she added, turning to Sunset.

Sunset sighed, "None taken."

“Is it me or do you girls see this as well,” Rainbow said, pointing to the crowd of students arguing with each other, the girls looked, and they saw it too. A greenish mist was raising and circling around the students.

“I think it would be best if we get out of here and go to see Principal Celestia,” Fluttershy suggested. The girls agreed and made there way out the cafeteria safely, the three girls watched them leave and soon made there way out the cafeteria as well.

Red was trying to calm himself down, and get his face to his normal red. He heard footsteps come from behind him, he turned to see Ace and Sparkler running to him.

“What are you two doing here?” Red asked.

“You just ran off,” Ace said.

“Yeah, is something wrong?” Sparkler asked back.

“Like you care,” Red replied harshly to Sparkler, “you said to me you didn’t trust the Cyber Agents.”

“Hey, sorry for trying to show compassion to you,” Sparkler snapped.

“You just appear out of nowhere saying that you do trust me,” Red snapped back.

“Monsters appeared out of nowhere once you arrived,” Sparkler shouted.

“That wasn’t my fault, I moved here to get away from the monsters,” Red yelled.

“Good luck that did,” Sparkler groaned.

“What’s your beef with me anyway?!” Red asked angrily.

“Canterlot city was peaceful enough before you came along bringing the monsters here,” Sparkler yelled.

“OK that’s enough!” Ace shouted, sick of the yelling and blaming, “Everyone just take a deep breath and calm down.”

Red and Sparkler took a deep breath and calmed down.

“Now, I can tell that you two have secrets you rather keep to yourself,” Ace said, “Well luckily, I can keep those secrets lock away. You can’t break me.”

Red and Sparkler looked at each other and knew then had to tell someone about who they real where. “You see, Ace,” Red said, “I’m the superhero that appearing and summoned Gomora to fight Magular. I’m known as a Cyber Agent.”

“And I am a secret agent of S.M.I.L.E, which stands for the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria City,” Sparkler emitted.

“Wait you go after monsters too?!” Red exclaimed.

“We have a UK branch,” Sparkler said, “and we don’t destroy them, we try studying them, unlike you Cyber Agents.”

“Yeah, we turn them back into Spark Dolls and study them,” Red declared, “If you treat them like living creatures and give them respect and passion, they will cooperate.”

“Right, now that we have are secrets out, do you feel less weight on your shoulders?” Ace asked.

“A little,” Red and Sparkler said together, before they turned to face each other.

“Who’s your boss or whoever is your commander?” Red asked.

“Commander Silver Storm,” Sparkler replied.

“Ok, I’ll see if our commanders can come to some sort of agreement,” Red said, “but for now, do you want to start over?” Red raised a hand for a handshake.

Sparkler looked down at the head then back to Red, “Ok, but I won’t become your teammate,” Sparkler remarked before shaking it.

Suddenly they heard a slow clap coming from behind them. “And this is the part were the villains of this story arc are standing right behind us,” Red stated, and received a nod from both Ace and Sparkler.

“I just love friends fixing there mistakes,” said a voice, Red, Ace and Sparkler turned to see the three girls from before, “actually no I don’t.”

“What do you want?” Red asked, “better question, who are you girls?”

“Well, I’m Adagio Dazzle, leader of my singing trio,” the leader introduced herself, “and these two are Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze.”

Aria gave them an evil glare, while Sonata just waved with a smile on her face. Red, Ace and Sparkler didn’t flinch. Adagio started to strut towards Red, making him slowly walk backward.

“I saw you checking me out,” Adagio said, getting right into Red’s face, “I can tell you like me.”

“I wasn’t ‘checking’ you out,” Red said, “I was simply looking you over.” ‘That sounded even worse, great work me, he thought to himself.

“Ooh, so you like me more than you think,” Adagio said, “well if that’s the case…” she then suddenly planted her lips onto Red’s.

Ace and Sparkler were shocked to the bone to see Red getting kissed by the villain. Aria and Sonata were just as shocked.

When Adagio was done, she pulled away. Leaving Red as a drained mess. He was pink in the face and his eyes were drained of colour, (sort like what happens in anime. You guys know what I mean.)

“Wow,” Sonata broke the silence.

“When was that part of the plan?” Aria asked.

“My mind was telling me that he like me more than he realized,” Adagio replied, walking back to her sisters.

“I… Don’t…” Red muttered, Ace ran to his aid.

“You won’t get away with this,” Sparkler snarled, “right Ace. Ace?”

But Ace didn’t reply, his eyes were fixated on Sonata. ‘Holy moly, she’s beautiful,’ he thought.

Sonata was the same, she was fixated on Ace, ‘I think I found my special someone,’ she thought, Adagio and Aria said that would never come true, but I believed, and it has.’

“What makes you think we won’t win?” Adagio asked, “I’ve already made your leader submit to me.”

“One, he’s not my leader,” Sparkler stated, “two, he’s perfectly fine. Right Red?”

Red was still half out of it, and kept muttering, ‘she kissed me’. Sparkler went over to him and smacked him, waking him up from his trance.

“You will never control me!” Red declared.

“Oh you’ll see,” Adagio said before turning away, “see you all at the battle of the Bands. Aria, Sonata, come on.”

Aria followed Adagio pulling Sonata with her. Once they were out of sight, Red, Sparkler and Ace, breathed a sigh of relief.

“What now?” Red asked.

“We report this to the girls?” Ace replied.

“Report what to us?” Sunset’s voice came from behind them.

“Adagio kiss Red,” Ace said before get jabbed in the chest by Red.

“What wait?!” Rainbow exclaimed, “he does had crush on that lead chick!”

“She was the one that Kiss me!” Red declared, “not the other way round.”

“Sure,” Rainbow teased.

“That’s enough Rainbow,” Sunset told her, “we also have some news.”

Red and the gang all left the hallway and made their way to the Wondercolt Statue where they could talk unheard.

“God damn it,” Red yelled, punching the side of the statue, “we have no one to trust us now.”

“If only Twilight was here,” Sunset said, “she would know what to do.”

“Beg my pardon,” Sparkler responded, “but who’s Twilight?”

“Twilight is a friend from parallel world filled with talking ponies and she a princess,” Pinkie replied.

“Pinkie, we can’t just go around telling everyone this,” Applejack told her off.

“Oops,” Pinkie said covering her mouth.

“So this Twilight is a magical pony creature for another world and let me guess that this is the portal to that world,” Red said pointing the statue side facing the school. The girls where shocked that he nailed it, “but we can’t go see her as the portal is closed.”

“Right,” Rainbow said throwing a football at the portal to show it was closed as it bounced back. This caused Rarity who was polishing her nails, to get nail polish up her arm. "And I get the feeling they don't exactly have mobile phones where she's from."

That comment made Sunset go deep in thought. Her eyes lit up when she remembered an artefact in her possession. One she's not used in a long time.

"I have an idea how we might get in touch with Princess Twilight."

Sunset quickly made her way back into the school, quickly followed by Red, Ace and the other girls. They followed her to her locker and after rummaging around a few moments she pulled out an old looking book.

"When I was Princess Celestia's student back in Equestria she gave me this. Even after I abandoned my studies, I held onto it. Deep down I guess I knew I was making a big mistake."

Sunset's held the book close to her chase and held back tears at the painful memories of her past. Red put a consoling arm around her bringing out a bright smile from Sunset.

"But I wanted a way to still reach out to her," she said as opened the book and flipped through the pages to an empty page, "Maybe it still works."

"That's a book darling, what do you mean 'maybe it still works'?" Rarity commented.

"It used to be if I wrote something here it would also appear in a book back in Princess Celestia's library,” Sunset told them, “I can get a message to her and she can get a message to Princess Twilight."

Red took off his bag and rummaged through it. Pushing Gomora and Fire Golza around until her found a pen. He then gave it to Sunset.

"Thank you, Red," she replied.

Sunset started to put the pen to paper and recited aloud what she was writing.

"It's been a long time since I used these words, dear Princess Celestia......"

After Sunset had finished writing her letter, the gang were sitting around the Wondercolt Statue, bored senseless in waiting for Twilight to appear.

Sparkler was a little sleepy and rested her head on Red’s shoulder. While Red was checking his phone, he felt something fall on his hand. He looked down to see a Spark Doll next to his hand.

He guess it fell from her pocket. He picked it up and placed it back in her pocket. ‘Last thing I want is an angry Sparkler looking for her lost Zamsher,’ he thought.

"I'm starting to think she's not coming," Rainbow said tiredly.

As if on cue the portal flashed white and out popped two familiar looking beings, except to Red, Sparkler, and Ace. Twilight landed right in front of Red.

"TWILIGHT!" the girls shouted in unison.

Twilight got up off the ground and rubbed her head, "I'm back."

“Sparkler, Twilight’s here,” Red said shaking Sparkler awake.

Twilight saw an outstretched hand and went take it, only to realise It was Sunset’s. Twilight was hesitant at first but after a few seconds took her hand and let Sunset help her up. The other girls ran over to them whilst Red, Ace and Sparkler remained behind. Red felt it would be awkward if he went to go hug someone he didn’t know.

"I've got some bad news about those new girls," Twilight said seriously.

Twilight finally noticed Red, Ace and Sparkler. She leaned closer to Sunset and pointed at them.

"Do you know those three?" she whispered.

"Yeah, this is Red Streak, Artic Ace and Sparkling Medley. Red and Sparkler started CHS not long after you left," she whispered back before looking at them, "Hey you three come over here, we'll introduce you to Twilight!"

Ace and Sparkler walked over, “It’s nice to meet you,” they said shaking Twilight’s hand.

“It’s nice to meet you two,” Twilight replied.

Red slowly made his way over. But he was nervous. Fighting aliens and saving the world was one thing but meeting a princess was another.

“Red’s a little nervous, but he’s a great guy once he comes out his shell,” Sunset whispered to Twilight.

“And he’s adorable when he’s in his shell,” remarked Rarity.

He stopped a couple of feet in front of her and nervously rubbed the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact. He then took a knee and kissed her hand.

“Your highness,” he said while bowing, he looked up to see Twilight with a shocked look and the rest trying not to laugh. He quickly shot to his feet, sorted himself out and shook her hand, “Sorry, it’s nice to meet you, Twilight.” ‘Great work me, you made yourself look like a fool.’

Twilight smiled and held out her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Red. And please, you don’t have to address me as a princess, I don’t really like when friends called me by royal titles."

Red was a little surprised at her response. He didn't expect her to be so forward considering she's royalty. He nodded, and back up, a little blush on his face. Then he saw a dog by his foot. He bent down to have a closer look.

“Hi, I’m Spike, any friends of these girls, is a friend of mine,” the Dog spoke, catching Red of guard a little.

“Nice to meet you,” Red replied.

“You’re not at less a little creeped out that a dog is talking?” Spike asked.

“Not really,” Red responded, “If you had seen what I saw, this would be a surprise.”

“What does you mean?” Twilight asked Red.

“I lived in the UK before coming here,” Red replied, “and when had monster attack almost daily.”

“Wow,” Twilight remarked.

“Hey why don’t we go to catch up and inform you everything at Sugarcube Corner,” Rainbow declared.

They decided unanimously on going to Sugarcube Corner. But the girls were so eager to tell Twilight everything, they forgot that Red Ace, and Sparkler where there.

“So I guess we aren’t invited,” Red said defeated.

“What now?” Sparkler asked.

“Well later there's a big party tonight for all the bands who signed up to be in the showcase,” Ace said, “you guys going, or are your ‘jobs’ more important?”

“I would go but I’m not that good in crowds, especially negative crowds,” Red responded, “that and I don’t have a band.”

“I have to report back to SMILE,” Sparkler said.

Just then Red got a call on his earpiece. “What’s up?” he said in calm tone.

“Red, a monster has been spotted taking flight off of Easter Island,” Francis called.

“What?!” Red shouted his tone louder, “What monster?”

“Look up,” Francis said, “she’s already here.”

Red, Ace and Sparkler looked up to see and ancient bird-like monster fly over the city.

“Melba, fantastic,” Red remarked dead-paned as he pulled out his Cyber Nizer.

“Cyber Nizer on,” the Cyber Nizer spoke robotically. Red pulled out Fire Golza and tabbed his foot on the scanner. “Fire Golza active.”

“FIRE GOLZA!” Red shouted as he pointed the Cyber Nizer to the sky. A burst of energy shot from the Cyber Nizer and flew in the air and became Fire Golza striking Melba and causing her to fall out the sky, right on top of a building luckily no one was in it.

Melba stood up just and Fire Golza kick her in the stomach, causing her to fall down. Melba got up and opened her wings and took to the sky, she slammed her feet into Fire Golza’s head. Golza fell to the ground as Melba blasted him with her Melbanic Ray. She then landed next to Golza and picked him up and slashed him with her claws.

Fire Golza grabbed one of her claws and fired his Superheated Molten Blast at point blank ranch. Melba fell back temporary blinded by the attack. Golza slammed his tail onto her a few times, before Melba gave up.

But before Golza could finish her off, Zettra appeared and through a Plasma Empowered Crystal into the monster’s mouth. Melba started to twitch she got up and grew crystal on her body.

Zettra laughed, not knowing that Sparkler was near here. Sparkler charged toward her and punch Zettra in the back. Zettra staggered forward and then turned to look at Sparkler.

“I’m surprise,” she said, “normally I wouldn’t feel a human punch or kick.”

“Maybe I’m stronger than what you expected,” Sparkler said smirking.

“Maybe,” Zettra said, “but your not strong enough to survive this.” She then shot a fireball for her hand. Sparkler was about to dodge but the fireball struck the ground, causing her to go flying. Zettra was about to fire another one, When Red now in his Cyber Agent Fire Golza armour, jumped in and protected her. He turned to look for her attacker, but she was already gone.

Meanwhile Golza was getting thrown around by Melba’s new ability, creating sonic booms by flapping her wings. Golza couldn’t stand up as Melba kept firing her Melbanic ray upon him.

“FIRE GOLZA, CYBERNIZE!!” Cried Red, Fire Golza’s eyes glow blue, as he changed into his Cyber Monster form.

Using his Cyber Heat Pulse Cyber Fire Golza launched Melba off him. Melba tried to through him back with a sonic wing clap, but Cyber Golza halted it in his Cyber Magma Claws, and through it back. This shattered all of the crystals on Melba’s body. Melba tried to flee, but Cyber Fire Golza charged up his Cyber Empowered Ultrasonic Ray and fired it as a triple Cyber Empowered Ultrasonic Ray from both claws and forehead. The beams struck Melba and caused her to explode and revert back to a Spark Doll. The shockwave from the explosion spread throughout the city, repairing everything just like the other times.

Golza roared in victory, as he reverted back to normal and to a Spark Doll. Red also turned back to normal as he picked up Fire Golza’s Spark Doll, he found Melba laying on the ground.

He went to pick it up, when he saw Zamsher lying next to her.

“He must of fell out of Sparkler’s pocket when she went flying,” Red said. He turn to see Sparkler had gotten up and was sitting on the sidewalk. He walked to her with both Melba and Zamsher in hand. Sparkler looked up at him, “I believe this belongs to you,” he said giving her Zamsher.

Sparkler was happy to see him. “I noticed that you saved me, from that second blast,” she responded weakly, “why? I haven’t been that nice to you.”

“What sort of Cyber Agent would I be if I let someone die,” Red replied, “which is why I would like to give you this.” He show her Melba.

Sparkler was shocked and confused but took her. Then Red had a handout, and Sparkler took it. Red then started to walk to his home.

A few hours later at Pinkie’s house, the girls where having a blast. Applejack and Rainbow were competing against each other on Pinkie's Xbox One. Fluttershy was petting Spike, Rarity was taking phones with Sunset and Fluttershy, Pinkie was updating a statue on her laptop and Twilight was writing a song down in Fluttershy’s journal. Applejack was beating Rainbow in their game, but the stubborn rainbow-haired girl slammed the Xbox disconnecting Applejack’s controller.

"Hey! I was about to beat you!" Applejack complained.

"I doubt it," Rainbow replied rolling her eyes, "So, Twilight, how is that counter spell coming?"

Twilight, startled, fumbled with the book, "Huh? Oh, uh, good. Great. Thanks for letting me use your notebook, Fluttershy. I really like the song you wrote for the Rainbooms."

"Thanks," she replied with a sad sigh, "Hopefully one day we’ll get a chance to play it."

"Hey!" Applejack yelled.

Rainbow was teasing Applejack by holding her controller out of her reach, laughing in the process.

Rarity got up and went to sit on the bed next to Twilight, "Twilight, I think I speak for all of us when I say; I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn't come back to help us."

The girls, except Twilight, all responded positively in support of their friend.

Before any more could be said, the doorbell rang.

"Pizza's here!" Pinkie said ecstatically.

The girls, except for Twilight, left the room to get the pizza.

A glum looking Twilight put the notebook down and zones out in deep thought. She picks the notebook up again for another look. Twilight sighs again and puts the book back down.

Before she could do anything else, Pinkie burst back into the room with pizza hanging from her mouth.

"Don't you want any pizza?"

Twilight nodded and put the notebook in the bedside drawer as Pinkie walked away.

As Twilight walked towards the door, a thought occurred to her.

‘Wasn't there three others that were meant to be here?’

Red entered his room and turned on his tv, he search up YouTube, and found his favourite videos by Vanossgaming. It was an oldy but a goody.

He loved Vanossgaming videos, they made him feel happy even when he’s upset. He got a ping from his phone from his MyStable account. He checked it out and saw it was Pinkie posting photos of the girls eating pizza, playing on the Xbox even a few funny faceswaps. But no mention of Red.

Red decided to make an update. He took photos of his Spark Doll, some snacks and his tv.

He titled it: Me. Spark Dolls. Vanossgaming. Snacks. Best Night Ever.

After that, he put on some Five Nights at Freddy’s songs, but they were in Russian.

Presently, he heard a knock on his door, and Solar Love came in. She knew something was wrong.

“Oh what’s the matter,” she said jokingly, “you only listen to Russian FNAF is your upset.”

Red paused the video, and looked at his sister, before giving her a hug.

“Hey what’s wrong bud?” she asked, feeling a little upset herself.

“It’s just, that my friends just went up and left me, Ace and Sparkler behind,” Red replied, “and now they’re having fun without me.” He showed her the photos Pinkie put up.

Solar looked through them, she knew five of the girls but not Twilight. “Who’s the lavender girl?” she asked.

“That’s Twilight Sparkle,” Red replied, “she’s half the reason, why I’m not there.”

“Why? She looks like a nice girl,” Solar responded.

“Twilight’s a pony princess from another world,” Red told her, “and the girls say that she has the answer to stop the…” Red was about to finish his sentence when he remembered something.

“Stop who?” his sister asked.

“You were there in the cafeteria when those girls showed up,” Red said getting in her face, “you were arguing with your fellow students.”

“Yes, I was there when those girls started singing in the cafeteria,” Solar responded, “but no, I wasn’t arguing, I was trying to control my friends.”

“Really?” Red asked, not believing her.

“Yes, I’m your sister,” Solar replied, “Would I lie to you.”

“Sorry, I guess I’m just being paranoid,” Red sighed, “I think I may turn in soon.”

“Before you do,” Solar said getting out his Nintendo Switch, “How about some rounds of Super Smash Bros Ultimate?”

“You’re on,” Red remarked as he set it up.

3 hours later, (no joke), Red and Solar decided to stop there and head to bed. Solar hugged her brother and wished him a good night. Red turned off his lights and got into bed. He got one more ping from MyStable, and it was from Pinkie again showing the all the girls in there sleeping bags and about to go the sleep. Just before he went to sleep, he commented, I wish I was there. Then turn off his phone and went to sleep.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting day.

Author's Note:

Finally got this chapter done.

hope you guys like it. we are starting the Rainbow Rocks arc.

next up will be the Beginning of the Battle of the Bands and Red reveals a secret talent