• Published 11th Sep 2020
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My Final Pony Fantasy - Vimtrust5

Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Applejack and the Earth's Restoration

That night, aboard the ship, the ponies couldn't believe what they had seen: another evil shape-shifter like the Changeling Queen they were pursuing. Even so, they were now more determined than ever to find her and bring her back to Equestria on their terms; they defeated her last time with the aid of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, but now they had to face her on their own in a new world they had just discovered via the Crystal Heart.

Twilight saw Setro going below the deck and followed him. She found him removing his helmet and sighing.

"Setro?" she said.

"Oh, it's you, Twilight."

"Yeah. What are you doing down here?"

"I was just about to take a rest from today's events."

"Oh... sorry."

Twilight was just about to leave but then...

"I do have a question for you, though."

"Like what?"

"Do you remember anything at all about your past?"

Twilight was confused. "Yes... I was born a unicorn, and I lived my entire life as such until I became an alicorn. Why do you ask?"

"Because... I have no recollection of my own past."


"It sounds strange, but it is true. In fact, the only thing I know is my name: Setro."

Twilight was saddened to hear this. "You mean you don't know anything about where you're from or who your parents were?"

He shook his head in response. "Not at all. That is one of the reasons why I've been traveling so far. To find my past..."

"My goodness, darling." said Rarity, climbing down the stairs. "I apologize, but I couldn't help overhear."

Teol followed. "I had no idea."

"I'm sorry, Teol. I didn't really mean to hide anything."

"That's alright," said the black mage.

"I agree," said another voice. It was Flora. "The only thing that matters now is helping everyone we can, right?"

*music fades out*

Setro closed his eyes, thinking over his companions' words. He opened his eyes, looked at everyone and gave his answer. "Yes. That's right. We must do what we can to save this world."

"We'll help you along the way," said Twilight.

"That's the spirit!" Rarity agreed.

Teol and Flora nodded.

"But, before we do that..."

"Yes?" asked Setro.

*music stops*

"We should get some sleep."

Everyone looked over at Rarity and laughed in agreement.

"I guess you're right."

"Good night, everyone."

And so, with the exception of Zauver, everyone went to sleep.

By morning, our heroes woke up and found themselves at the Pravoka harbor.

"Let's go help Matoya."

"Lady Matoya! We have found your Crystal Eye!" Setro said, handing over the object in question.

"Goodness gracious! I can see again!"

She gazed upon her visitors some more...

"Not a single one of you is as attractive as I thought. And you've got several horses here."

The group looked really annoyed, the ponies especially.

"Gee... thanks..." said a hunched-over Zauver.

"Anyway... Take this Jolt Tonic!"

"'Jolt Tonic?'"

"Yes, this will break the spell on the Prince and aid your quest."

Flora took the medicine off the witch's hands.

"Now go! I've nothing more to help you with."

"Of course..." said Setro with a bow.

"Anyone else get the feeling we're going several places before we move on?" asked Twilight.

The ponies left the witch's cave and set sail back to the land of the elves.

"My goodness," said Fluttershy. "Someone's really kept this place clean."

The Elf Prince's attendant did not look happy to see Pinkie Pie again. However, as soon as she and the rest of the group gave him the Jolt Tonic, he changed his tone.

"I apologize for my rude behavior, Pinkie Pie."

"That's okay! I just didn't know to wake him up yet! But with my friends here..."

The medicine did its work, and the Prince of Elfheim opened his eyes.

"Your Highness! You have returned to us!"

The Prince sat up from his bed, facing our heroes and evaluating them.

"Was it you who saved me? Thank you."

"No need to thank us, Your Highness."

"How long has it been?"

"Five years, Your Highness."

"FIVE YEARS?!" said everyone.

"Yes. I, along with the citizens of Elfheim, have been waiting for this day ever since Astos cast that dreadful spell. Thank you! Thank you all very much!"

"Please... don't mention it."

"You are all very modest," said the Prince. "And please, take this key."

"A key?"

"This Mystic Key will unlock any door you may not have been able to open before."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After leaving the castle, our heroes went back into town and the mages learned more spells, including the ability to reduce the damage from fire-based attacks by half. Once they were done with their business, they set sail right back where they started their journey.

Castle Cornelia

Back in the castle, our heroes met with the royal family and told them about the Mystic Key they acquired.

"That's why we came back," said Twilight.

"Why, yes of course you can use it here!" said the King.

"We can?"

"Yes. I am sure there is something that can help you. Good luck!"

"Thank you, Sire," said Setro.

In one of the back rooms, our heroes found something they never expected to find: explosives.

"W-W-WHAT IS THIS?!" Rarity screamed.

"Th-This is... Nitro Powder!" said Teol.

"B-B-But why...?" Fluttershy stammered.

"Never mind about why it's here," said Zauver. "We might need it."

Reluctantly, the rest of the party agreed and placed it in their sack. Not knowing what to do with such a dangerous tool, the warriors met with a guard near the door.

"Pardon me, guard," said Setro.

"Yes, sir?" he asked.

"What do we do with this nitro powder?"

"If you wish to learn more, I suggest you go to Mount Duergar, home of the dwarves."

"It's over by the Aldean Sea northwest from here."

Our heroes consulted the map and sure enough, there was a mountain of sorts to the northwest of Cornelia, and if they were to continue their quest, they would surely need the aid of the dwarves.

Mount Duergar

Our heroes entered a rocky cavern inside the mountain and found its residents walking about. The ponies couldn't believe their eyes; the dwarves were little men carrying pickaxes and other tools.

"Lali-ho, strangers. Have you ever heard of Adamantite?"

The group looked at each other and shook their heads.

"It's a powerful metal used to forge a powerful sword. If you could bring me some, I can create a weapon for you."

They approached a lone dwarf wandering near the area blocked by land outside.

"Excuse me." said Setro. "What are you doing?"

"Tryin' to blow up this boulder, of course; if I can do that, the explosion will create a canal that will allow anyone to enter Melmond by sea."

"Why do that?"

"What else? Helpin' the Warriors of Light complete their journey."

"We are the Warriors of Light." The four humans showed him their crystals.

"Ah... that's good enough for me! My name's Nerrick."

"Hello, Nerrick," said Flora.

The dwarf nodded and sighed, "Now if only I had some TNT or dynamite or someting..."

"Would this help?" Zauver said, showing off the nitro powder.

"Yeah! That's it!" the dwarf took the explosive off Zauver's hand, planted it next to the boulder, lit a match and warned everyone to stand back. The group ran as quickly as possible. Outside, the land blocked the way to Melmond was destroyed, sinking into the ocean.

The path to the western regions was clear now. And so, our heroes went back aboard the ship and set off once more. But before they could see Melmond, Pinkie Pie's ear began to twitch.

"Hey," she said. "Do you guys hear something?"

The other ponies' ears also twitched. Sure enough, they heard a soft buzzing noise that grew louder and louder.

"Look out!" shouted Teol, pointing ahead.

A swarm of changelings had approached the ship and dived towards our heroes. Their intent: to finish off the ponies along with the Warriors of Light

"Somebody drop the anchor!" said Zauver.

Twilight did so, using her magic. The thief let go of the wheel and joined in.

"Everyone, get ready!" Setro commanded.

Rainbow Dash flew and intercepted the first changeling and slammed it into the ocean.

Teol and Twilight took care of a few before they could land on the deck.

Three of the changelings successfully boarded the ship and fought with the group. One of them copied Flora's appearance and tried to attack the real white mage but was easily defeated.

Fluttershy tackled her target, but the changeling threw her off and was about to strike until the yellow pony countered with a headbutt.

"Ow..." she said, her head hurting.

Zauver was struggling with one of them, as he taunted the thief.

"As soon as I'm done with you, we'll take out the others!"

"No...! No one messes with my friends," he said.

"That's mah line!" said a familiar country accent. Everyone looked around and saw her: from a great distance an orange earth pony with a cowboy hat landed on the ship and bucked the changeling away from Zauver with one leg.


"Need a hoof, pardners?"

The ponies nodded, smiling confidently. Applejack ran towards the changeling commander and bucked him across the ship, sending him tumbling on the deck and fearing for his life.

"Changelings! Retreat! RETREAT!!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. The invading creatures did as ordered and flew away to fight another day.

"VICTORY!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, pumping her hoof in the air.

*music fades out*

The ponies looked at each other and smiled with tears in their eyes.

"Yee-haw!! We're back together again!!"

The ponies embraced in a group hug, reunited as a whole once again.

Just then, Rarity herself began to glow rapidly. It stopped, and Rarity groaned, not knowing why her friends smiled. When she asked why, Zauver pointed at her head. Confused, the white pony attempted put her hoof on her head, but she felt something pointy.

She gasped, "Could it be...?"

"It is, Rarity..." Twilight spoke softly.

"My horn...?"

The others nodded.

"Oh my STARS!!" She shouted. "I am a unicorn once again!"

"I'm glad you've recovered your horn, Rarity," said Setro.

"Why, thank you," she replied. The white unicorn then turned to Applejack. "What happened to you? We've all been worried."

"Well, sugarcube... After we went through that there portal in the Crystal Chamber, ah found myself right here in a town called Melmond. Ah have to warn ya, it ain't exactly Sweet Apple Acres."

"'Sweet Apple Acres?'" asked Setro.

"It's a farm I run back in Ponyville."

"Did she just say she's a farmer?" Zauver asked confusedly.

"I believe she did," Teol answered.

The ponies gasped at the sight they had beheld: a village in shambles. Several buildings were destroyed, including their church, and the soil of the land was in bad health.

"Told ya it wasn't gonna be pretty," Applejack said, looking downcast.

"So, um, Applejack?" said Flora.


"You've been here for some time. Do you know why the village is destroyed?"

"Everyone's sayin' a Vampire caused all this. He lives in a cave about south o' here; it's called Terra Cavern."

Fluttershy gasped. "A Vampire...? You don't mean a vampire bat, do you?"

"Ah don't think so, Fluttershy. Not this time."

"What do you mean 'this time?'" asked Zauver, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a long story," she said, not wanting to remember the time she and Fluttershy argued over how to handle the vampire bat problem back home.

"I see," said Setro. "Let's explore the town and get some information."

They all nodded and split up.

While shopping, Flora learned a powerful magic that could send the undead back where they belong, as well as stronger healing spells. Teol learned a stronger fire-based spell as well as the ability to teleport to the previous floor of any monster-infested cavern or tower they would visit. He also acquired a spell that would further decrease an enemy's speed in battle.

Now reunited, the party came across a man wondering about.

"Oh, boy..." said a weary Applejack.

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"It's that guy again, wonderin' about, talkin' about ancient civilizations and whatnot..."

"Pardon me, sir," said Twilight. The man looked behind him and saw the group, not knowing the voice belonged to the purple pony among them.

"Down here."

He looked down as was shocked to see a talking pony standing alongside humans.

"H-How is that possible...?" he asked. "Oh wait... You're... Applejack's friends, aren't you?"

"You are correct, sir," Twilight answered.

"Yep!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Thaaaat's right!" Pinkie Pie added.

"Of course," said Rarity.

"Mm-hmm," said Fluttershy.

"Well, this is quite the surprise. More talking horses."

Applejack cleared her throat. "How many times have ah told ya?! Ah ain't a horse. Ah'm a pony! And so are mah friends!"

Twilight sighed in annoyance. "Don't worry, Applejack. We've gotten that a lot since we've come here."

"My apologies. My name is Dr. Unne. I am a scholar."

Twilight gasped. "Really?"

"Why, yes. I'm researching a civilization from long ago. The Sky People they are called. And I believe the inhabitants of the city of Lufenia are their descendants, and they speak in their native tongue which can only be translated with the help of a stone slab located in..."

The party stood dumbfounded as the scholar rambled on and on, looking around for someone else to talk to.

"Thank you for that wonderful story, Dr. Unne," interrupted Setro. "But I think my friends and I ought to be going now... Again, thank you." They quickly left, leaving the good doctor oblivious.

"Anytime, friends. Anytime."

As soon as they were out of his sight, the group took a collective sigh, unable to bear a long and unnecessary history lesson.

"That was close," said Zauver, rubbing his forehead.

"He's like Twilight times 4!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Hey!" said the offended Twilight. "I'm not like that, am I?"

"Of course you are! You and that Dr. Unne guy are such eggheads!"

"Says the 'ultra cool' pegasus who likes to read Daring Do books," Applejack said bluntly, making the other ponies chuckle.

Rainbow sighed. "Okay, we're even."

"Daring Do?" asked Flora.

"She's an adventurer that Rainbow Dash and I are huge fans of!"

"Sounds interesting," said Teol.

"All right, all right," said Setro. "For now, let us go to Terra Cavern; we must restore the earth if we are to save this village."

On their way to the cave, our heroes talked about everything that had happened since their arrival, keeping Applejack up to date. Just when they were nearing Terra Cavern, they came across several ogres and dealt with them in three minutes. With their victory, the party had grown even stronger.

Terra Cavern

The heroes entered the cave, seeing what one would typically find in such an environment: large and small rocks on the ground and stalactites hanging from the ceiling, water dripping, and several cracks on the ground but not too large. Fluttershy walked right next to Flora and Teol, knowing they would protect her in case a horrible monster popped out in front of them.

The group split up with Fluttershy and the mages going right from the entrance and found themselves near a door which led them to a treasure chest. But the moment they reached the chest, a brown monster appeared from the ground ready to strike!

"Firaga!" Teol chanted, easily taking care of the creature.

"Thank you, Teol!" said Fluttershy.

The black mage nodded, acknowledging her gratitude. The three opened the unguarded chest and found 1,975 gil inside. They took the treasure and left the room to join the others.

Twilight, Applejack, Setro, and Zauver went straight ahead walking around in a circle fighting several horrible giants.

The remaining ponies went in the opposite direction of the four and found the entrance to the next floor. However, they decided not to go just yet as they preferred staying together and there was still much to find. So they went back and made a left turn finding a new room. Rarity flared her horn to find some jewels for her work back at Carousel Boutique but there were sadly none.

She sighed in defeat. "If only there were such valuable gems here..."

"Yeah, yeah..." said Rainbow Dash. "Save that for when we get outta here."

"Of course!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "There'll be plenty more caves for us to go through! I'm sure we'll find some pretty things and whatnot!"

The other two sighed as they continued onward. As they reached the treasure chests, another earth elemental appeared and attacked the intruders. Without the aid of Teol's black magic, the ponies were at a slight disadvantage, but with Rainbow Dash's strength and agility, they overcame the monster and grabbed the potion in the right chest as well as the gil in the left chest.

The three ponies exited the chamber and made their way to find another room with two chests. The same thing had happened and Rainbow defeated another elemental. Inside the chests were an antitode and more money.

They went right back where they started and found the others waiting for them and moved on to the second level.

Along the second floor, our heroes found several bats floating around the maze-like area.

In the northeastern chamber, there was no elemental monster waiting for them, so they took all the items with little resistance: a Coral Sword, a tent, and 330 gil.

On the third level, our heroes trekked through several corridors, fought more earth elements, acquired several more items, and reached a small chamber and saw a purple bat floating in just one place.

"All living things are born to die," it spoke. "No one can defeat me, the Vampire!"

Everyone raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" said Twilight. "A talking bat?"

The bat transformed into a pale pointy-eared human-like creature wearing a cape. It was the same Vampire they sought!

"Let's get 'im!" said Applejack, bucking the creature.

Twilight fired a beam of light on it, making it hiss in pain.

"Party Cannon!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she fired said object. No effect. "Not good!"

Setro struck him with one swipe of his Falchion.

The Vampire gazed upon Fluttershy, paralyzing the poor pegasus.

"Diaga!" Flora chanted. The spell was successful, injuring the pale creature.

"Firaga!" Teol chanted. His attack also worked.

The Vampire screamed in anguish and fell to his knees in defeat, releasing Fluttershy from paralysis.

*music stops*

"Ugh... I am defeated... Forgive me... master..."


"Did you... really think... that I... was the cause... of the earth's decay...?" he panted, chuckling. "No... I... am but a mere servant, I am... My master... is the first of the four...!"

Before he could say more, the wicked creature fell face-first on the ground and vanished.

"Now I'm more confused than ever."

"That Vampire..." Applejack interjected. "He could be lyin' to us, y'know."

"He could be," Teol answered, fiddling with his hat.

"He did leave some treasure behind, though," said Zauver.

In the chest, the group discovered a shining jewel: a Star Ruby. Rarity couldn't keep her eyes off it.

"Settle down, Rarity," said Applejack. "Let's get back to town first. Ah wanna know if that guy was lyin' or not."

"Agreed," said Setro.


To the heroes' shock, the Vampire wasn't lying; the soil in the village was still rotten!

"What the...?!" Setro uttered.

Applejack stood still, silent as a rock. Then she fell on her haunches.

"So it was true... The Vampire was right."

"I may have a solution."


"Why don't you... go to the Sage's Cave west of here? He'll know what to do. Of course you'll have to give the Titan blocking the path a ruby. He likes them."

They traversed their way through the Titan's Cave, giving the giant a Star Ruby. Its enthusiastic eating reminded everypony of Spike. The party exited the cave and found another south just like the villagers said.

Sage's Cave

In the rocky cave, the party walked into the nearest room but found no one inside. In the next chamber, they found an elderly man with a walking stick standing in front of a fireplace.

"Excuse me."

"Welcome, Light Warriors!"

"You know about us?" asked Teol.

"Indeed. I suspect the reason you're here is to find out why the ground is still rotting."

"Yes," said Setro. "We defeated a Vampire whom we and the inhabitants of Melmond believed to be the source of the earth's declining health. But in his last words, he revealed that he was doing the bidding of another."

Sadda closed his eyes in deep thought. "I'm afraid what you've heard is true, my friends."

Applejack spoke up. "Hold on there, old timer!"

"Applejack!" Flora scolded.

"Oh, my... A small talking equine."

The cowgirl realized her mistake and chuckled nervously.

"S-Sorry... didn't to mean to insult ya."

"It's... quite alright."

"Anyway, are you sayin' we gotta go back in that there cave and beat the real cause of all this?"

"Yes, that is precisely what I'm saying. And to help you reach this evil, you will need this."

"What is it?"

"It's my Earth Rod. I've been waiting so long for the Chosen Four to appear, and now that day has finally come!"

"We'll do it, Sadda," said Twilight. Flora took the Earth Rod and nodded, now that they have the means of saving the village. The group thanked the elderly sage and bid him farewell as they left the cave. They noticed that the sun had begun to set, and it would be too late to reach Melmond and stay at the inn. They walked all the way through the same path as before, passing through the Titan's Cave and headed south.

Before they could go on, the heroes were exhausted given everything they had been through. So it was decided that they take a rest for the night. The Light Warriors planted two tents near the entrance to Terra Cavern and went to sleep.

The next morning, our heroes awoke knowing that the time was near and without any hesitation re-entered the treacherous dungeon.

Terra Cavern

Our heroes trekked back to where they defeated the Vampire and went through the door. They found a large door and used the Earth Rod to break the seal. To their surprise, a hidden stairway revealed itself.

The earth on the fourth floor was even unhealthier than on the previous levels, and as they went deeper in the cavern, our heroes felt a sinister presence. One that made the ponies' skins crawl.

"Are you feeling alright...?" asked a concerned Flora.

"Well," said Twilight, "to be honest... I feel like there's something horrible down there. Something... evil..."

"Isn't that the whole point of goin' through this place, Twilight?" said Rainbow.

"Well, yeah..."

"I feel it, too..." said Fluttershy. "I'm kind of scared... I'm scared of what we may find..."

Flora knelt and placed her hand on Fluttershy and Twilight's heads, giving them a knowing smile that said she and the others would protect them. The ponies, too, swore to protect the Warriors of Light from whatever dangers they faced. After trekking along the maze, the party came across an altar and found something none of them ever expected to see...

"Is that a...?" Twilight gasped.

"Yes... It's a crystal!" said Setro.

"What about that orb in front?" asked Zauver.

"Ah dunno," said Applejack.

An ominous voice laughed, startling everyone.

*music fades out*

From within the orb merged the evil presence felt earlier: a giant skeletal figure who rose as if it had come back from the dead. It wore a purple cloak and helmet, and was surrounded by several swirling souls. This was Lich, the Fiend of Earth! Its appearance was so frightening that even Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash screamed.

"Prepare to die, feeble beings!" it said.

Teol cast a haste spell on the entire party, hoping to finish off their demonic adversary quickly.

"We can't let this thing win!" he said.

Applejack charged and bucked Lich with her legs; despite her best efforts, even her physical strength was no match for the undead foe. Lich responded by almost freezing her with the spell Blizzara.

"Leave her alone!" said Rainbow Dash, charging the demon and giving him a strong uppercut. Lich responded by backhanding the blue pegasus onto the ground.

"Party Cannon!" Pinkie shouted. No effect.

Rarity used her magic to cause some nearby rocks to levitate and crush him, but like Pinkie's party cannon, the attack had no effect on the Earth Fiend.

Setro and Zauver each swiped at the undead creature greatly injuring it.

"Diaga!" Flora chanted.

Lich grunted. "Ha! It will take more than a few weapons and spells to destroy me!"

"Is that so?" asked Twilight, firing a strong beam from her horn. The demon screamed an uneartlhly death cry and froze in place.

"Even if I die..." it said, "the other Fiends of Chaos will live... and extinguish all life!"

And with those words, the wicked Lich evaporated. The party went into their victory poses once more.

*music stops*

Just then Twilight's body began to glow once more. The rapid flashing stopped and out came a pair of purple wings!

"YEEEEEESSS!!!" Twilight shouted.

Setro placed his crystal shard with the larger one, which began to glow.

"May the Light of this Crystal shine," he said. The group closed their eyes and lifted their heads, embracing the warmth of the revived artifact. Behind the altar was a small portal leading them back to the entrance of the cavern.

"Your Crystal shard is glowing!" said Twilight.

"Well, ah'll be!" said Applejack.

"I see now," said Setro. "If this crystal was brought back to life after defeating that monster..."

"Then there are three more!" said Teol.

"Well, you know what they say," Zauver answered. "One down, three to go."

Leaving the cave, our heroes began to think.

"Say, Twilight?" asked Zauver.


"If we restore all the crystals, do you think that'll be when the Changeling Queen will show up?"

"Probably... Why?"

"It's not that I'm eager to see all you leave, but..."

"But... what?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I... apologize for my behavior when we first met."

This made everyone stop.

"It's alright, Zauver," said Fluttershy. "We forgive you."

"W-What? This easily...?"

"Yeah I guess so," Rainbow Dash said. "We kinda came outta nowhere when you found us, and even though you seemed to be a jerk, I understand."

"We all do," Twilight added.

"It is only natural to fear what we do not understand," said Setro. "However, when one overcomes their prejudices, they will become a better person."

They agreed and continued forward.

Princess Celestia? Twilight thought, looking upward. Cadence? Please wait a little longer. We'll be back as soon as we're finished here...

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor paced back and forth in the sanctum of the Crystal Heart, anxious for the girls to return.

Princess Celestia sat on her haunches, looking over Twilight's friendship reports, wondering if she would ever see her student and friends again. Her sister trotted over and sat next to her, patting her on the shoulders for comfort.

"Don't worry, Celestia," she said. "They will return. I know it..."

"You're right, Luna," Celestia answered. "Twilight and the others have overcome several hardships. I've no doubt whatever obstacles they encounter, they can handle it."

*music fades out*

Author's Note:

And that is it for the Melmond story arc. Now that the Mane 6 are reunited, all that is left to restore the crystals, defeat Queen Chrysalis and return home.

In the next chapter, they will learn more of the Four Fiends and decide on the next course of action.