• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 1,670 Views, 49 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy - Vimtrust5

Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.

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Chapter 2: Rescuing the Princess/Crossing the Bridge

Out in the field, our heroes marched north to save Princess Sarah of Cornelia from the renegade knight Garland. It took some getting used to, but Rainbow Dash still wished she had her wings, preferring to fly instead of walk on ground. The chancellor sneered at them the whole way, mumbling to himself, catching Zauver's attention. True, he wasn't fond of traveling with multicolored equines, but he didn't hate them as much as the man who was forced to accompany them.

The path to the Temple of Fiends had several trees, shallow ponds, and some rock formations, but nothing which could stop the party from reaching their destination.

"This place doesn't seem so bad," said Twilight. But she spoke too soon because at that moment, five monsters appeared in front of the group, frightening poor Fluttershy.

"Stand your ground!" said Setro, taking a fighting stance with the others following suit.

One goblin tried to strike Rainbow Dash, but she dodged and countered by bucking it with her hind legs. She may not have had Applejack's bucking strength, but it was enough to knock her enemy unconscious.

Twilight did her best to fend off the goblins, but she couldn't defeat all of them. In fact, she only managed to overcome only one of the creatures by headbutting it.

Fluttershy was no warrior, but seeing the others fight gave her the courage to stand up to the monsters. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened them, making them cower in fright as her eyes grew wide, peering into their souls.

Seeing their chance, Setro and Zauver slashed the paralyzed creatures sending them to the ground.

"Fire!" Teol commanded, burning the last monster.

What surprised the ponies most was that after the creatures were defeated, they suddenly vanished into thin air!

The chancellor observed the heroes battle in the background, eyeing all of their movements carefully.

*music stops*

With the last of the goblins defeated, Rainbow Dash jumped and did a somersault in the air and cheered. "Woo-hoo! Victory!"

The heroes continued onward through a large forest and encountered more goblins, but the creatures were quickly disposed of. After a few battles, the group began to feel as if their strengths and attributes increased. Despite the ponies' own victories, their unique physical traits had to return to them.

They finally reached the dilapidated ruins of the Temple of Fiends. Seeing this fallen shrine reminded the ponies of the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest back in Equestria, where they defeated Nightmare Moon and saved their home world from eternal night. Twilight Sparkle would never forget that event, as that was what led her to finally understand the importance of friendship. But now they had another vital task to undertake...

And so the party stepped into the eerie temple, with one exception...

The Temple of Fiends

The interior of the temple was just as everyone expected: broken columns, fallen pillars, and moss growing from under the broken stone floor. The Equestrians felt compelled to explore the area and find anything that could help on their journey, so the group agreed to split up, finding some more equipment as well as more gil. However, there were two locked doors and no one, not even Zauver, could unlock them. Upon regrouping, they finally noticed someone missing...

"Where is the chancellor?" asked Setro.

Zauver sighed, "He's probably keeping guard outside. Or he just doesn't wanna fight against this Garland guy even though the princess is being held prisoner here. Coward..."

"I must say," said Teol, "if he really wanted to know if we were trustworthy, you'd think he would come inside with us and perhaps help us."

"Yeah, sure," Rainbow rolled her eyes. "He didn't even lift a... a... what's that called?"

"A finger?" asked Flora.

"Yeah, that! He could've at least helped us against those monsters outside. But, no... He just had to sit back and watch us like we're actors in a play or something!"

"That's enough about him," Setro interrupted. "We must complete our task here and now."

The party agreed, facing the door to the center of the temple. They looked at each other, nodded, and walked through the door ready to face Garland.

Inside the central chamber, several bats flew around an evil figure looming over an unconscious girl. This figure wore a purple cape, a suit of silver armor and a horned helmet; he laughed in a deep voice. "With Princess Sarah as my prisoner, her father will have no choice but to surrender all control of the kingdom to me!"

"Not so fast," said Setro.

The villain turned around and from what our heroes could see, this man was indeed a knight of sorts. Without a doubt, this was Garland, once the greatest knight in the Kingdom of Cornelia now turned rogue.

"Sir Garland, I presume," Setro said, staring intently.

"And who might you be?" the knight asked. "No one touches my princess and lives!"

"We have orders from the King of Cornelia to rescue the princess. Now hand her over, and turn yourself in quietly!"

"Hmph. The King's pawns."

"Pawns?" asked Zauver. "What if we told you we're the ones meant to save the world or whatever..."

"The Light Warriors? Hmph. And these things...?"

The Equestrians stood their ground. As brave as Rainbow Dash was, she couldn't help but feel intimidated by this man. The glowing red eyes from his visor didn't help matters. Fluttershy quivered as he approached them.

"Take one more step, and I'll knock you into next week!" said Rainbow Dash regaining her courage.

Garland stopped in his tracks and observed the ponies in front of him.

"So you're the creatures that banished the Changeling Queen."

The ponies gasped. "Are you saying you're working with Queen Chrysalis?" asked Twilight.

"You could say that, but I cannot allow any of you to live, for your presence is a hindrance to my plans for the kingdom."

Garland looked in both his left and right gesturing two bats to appear by his side. They revealed their true selves as black blue-eyed, bug-winged beings with holes on their legs and horns on their heads. These were the changelings that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor defeated at Canterlot. They stood firm alongside the evil knight, as if proving his alliance with Chrysalis wasn't a lie. The wicked being drew his sword and went into a battle stance.

"It's those creatures!" Zauver observed.

"So these are the changelings you're looking for?" Setro questioned, drawing his rapier.

"Yep," Twilight answered, preparing herself. "It's them, alright."

"Hm hm hm hm hm..." Garland chuckled. "Are you prepared? Good. Because I, Garland, will knock you all down!!"

"Not if we knock you and your morphin' minions down first!" Rainbow Dash countered.

*music changes*

The changelings made the first move, aiming for Setro who successfully dodged their attack. The good warrior pushed his adversaries away and made his move; he ran towards the shape-shifting creatures swung his rapier directly onto one of them. The other dodged and targeted Flora who bashed it on the head with her iron hammer.

Twilight and Fluttershy aided Setro, Flora and Teol against the changelings while Zauver and Rainbow Dash put all their energy into fighting with Garland directly.

The changelings took the forms of some of the ponies, hoping to gain a psychological advantage. This did not work, however, for as they imitated the ponies, they also had their wings and horns: something which the ponies lost when first arriving in this world. Teol easily cast his Fire spell against the Twilight imposter. Twilight and Flora quickly take care of the creature who impersonated Rainbow Dash.

Zauver swiped his sword, shouting "Take this!" But the knight blocked with his forearm.

"You impudent fool!" Garland laughed, punching the thief in the jaw.

Rainbow charged headfirst into the knight, only to have her opponent grab her and stare her down. She looked into Garland's evil eyes and boldly proclaimed, "I'm not scared of you!"

"Is that so?" he tossed her into a broken pillar, seriously injuring the poor pony.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy exclaimed. She glared at the laughing knight, unable to process how he can take such joy in hurting others. "How dare you... How DARE YOU HURT MY FRIEND!!" Fluttershy ran towards her foe, only to find herself knocked down on the floor and under an armored foot. Garland lifted his foot slowly, savoring what appeared to be Fluttershy's last moments.


But just before he could squash her like an insect...


Teol's spell hit the mark, sending Garland staggering back and saving the yellow pony from serious harm.

"Thank you, Teol!"

Setro stepped into the fray and clashed swords with their adversary. "Flora! Help Rainbow!"

"Got it!" the white mage acknowledged, as she ran towards the wounded pony. "Cure!" she chanted, healing Rainbow Dash's injury earlier.

"Thanks!" Rainbow said. She looked and glared at the man who dared to harm her dear friend. "All right, buddy! Now you're going DOWN!"

While battling Setro, the knight saw the blue pony charge towards him. "You never learn..." he muttered.

Garland brushed his opponent aside and swung his sword at Rainbow, but she rolled sideways and struck him in the torso with her right hoof, leaving the armor-clad enemy on one knee and the blue equine's hoof in pain.

"Ow... Ooh..." If I had my wings, she thought, I'd send him in a cyclone!

"Hmph!" Garland scoffed. "Did you think you could defeat me without any weapons or special abilities?!"

The lavender pony saw her friends at Garland's mercy, gathered all her strength, ran towards the knight and bucked him in the chest with her hind legs, making stumble backwards a bit. Like Rainbow, however, she also felt her hooves hurt.

If only I had my horn and wings... she thought. I could knock him unconscious.

Her attack, while not as strong as Applejack's bucking prowess, left a small crack in Garland's armor.

"You will pay for this!" he shouted, as he approached the ponies until Setro intercepted him and impaled the villain through the crack, leaving the ponies in shock. Even Setro himself flinched at the sound of his weapon piercing mortal flesh, but he knew he had to save his new friends somehow.

*music fades out*

Setro pulled out his rapier and backed away, leaving the wicked knight gasping and panting as he bled, falling to his knees and holding his sword for support.

"Are you three alright?" the good warrior asked them.

"Y-Yeah..." said Twilight, still a little shocked.

Garland kept panting, unable to process what had just occurred. "Th...This... cannot... be the end... for me...!" he uttered, his body shaking. The knight started convulsing, until finally... he stopped moving, his body still kneeling and holding the sword.

And with that, Garland fell in battle and like the monsters before him disappeared in a flash and without a trace.

"Sweet Celestia..." Twilight whispered.

"This may sound terrible... but Garland is finished. We've won."

"I... I guess you're right," said a shaken Fluttershy. "You still did to protect us, though."

The heroes posed in victory. Just then, Twilight's body began to glow.

*music stops*

"What's happening?!" she yelled. Her body continued to grow rapidly, making the others shield their eyes until it stopped.

Flora lowered her arm and gasped at what she had seen. "Twilight... Is that what I think it?" she said, pointing to the pony's forehead. Everyone else opened their eyes and saw it, too.

"Huh?" Twilight asked, rubbing her head and feeling something this time. Slowly, a smile made its way to her and the other ponies' faces.

"YES!!" Rainbow Dash shouted, jumping in joy. "Twilight's got her horn back!"

"Don't celebrate yet," said Zauver, looking at the unconscious girl in front of them.

"Oh," Twilight realized. "Princess Sarah!"

The heroes ran over to the girl's side and begged her to wake up. A few seconds later, the princess awakened and saw four strangers and three quadrupeds in front of her.

"Oh my goodness! Are you here to save me?"

"Yes, Your Highness," said Setro, kneeling before her.

"And these adorable little ponies?"

Fluttershy blushed at the princess' comment.

"These are our new friends. We just met at them as we were about to enter Cornelia."

"New friends? I wonder... Can you speak?"

The ponies looked at each other and nodded, deciding to break their silence.

"That's right. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy."

"Pleased to meet you, Your Highness," Fluttershy said, bowing.

"Nice to meet you," said Rainbow Dash, who bowed as well.

"Now that that's out of the way," said Zauver, "let's get the hell out of here."

"Language," said Setro and Flora. As they turned to leave.

*music stops*

"Stop right there!" said a forceful voice right behind them. It was the chancellor, looking very unpleased.

"Chancellor! Why have you decided to appear now?"

The advisor didn't answer right away, looking around the room. All he could see were bats, the Warriors of Light, the Princess, and to his utter chagrin, the ponies.

"So, you've defeated our ally, have you not?"

"W-What?" said Sarah.

Teol could hardly contain his anger. "You've been working with Garland this whole time?!"

"I thought for sure those Equestrian vermin would never find us here, and here you are, Twilight Sparkle. Interfering with our plans again and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!"

As he said those words, he began to glow and transform right in front of them! The heroes averted their gaze at first, only to look and watch he shrunk and changed into an familiar creature!

"A changeling!" exclaimed Twilight.

"That's right, you disgusting ponies!" the creature responded.

"No wonder you were acting like a jerk!" said Rainbow Dash.

"I was hoping never that we would never meet again, and I had hoped that Garland could easily do away with these fools! But you just had to show up in this world, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!"

"Where is the real chancellor? I demand to know!" Sarah commanded.

"The real chancellor's locked up just outside that castle! If you want to free him, you'll have to fight me!"

"Very well," said Setro. "Princess Sarah, please stay back!"

The party went into their fighting stances and charged the shape-shifting creature. It, too, ran towards battle with no intention of letting the ponies intervene again.

Despite morphing into a winged Rainbow Dash--when the real one still didn't have them again--the creature's attacks were far more powerful than the ones they defeated earlier.

"H-How are you so strong?!"

"Why do you think?" asked the sinister changeling.

Twilight gasped, "Queen Jayne!"

"That's right! Her love and concern for that girl were all I needed."

"You're not getting rid of us that easily!" said Rainbow Dash, kicking their enemy in the face.

The others had a difficult time with the creature, but eventually they prevailed as soon as Twilight used her magic to levitate their opponent and knock it down hard on the floor.

"Ugh..." it groaned. "Not again!"

*music stops*

The changeling collapsed and vanished; victory once again went to our heroes.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

With the princess safe, our heroes exited the temple and marched back to Cornelia.


It was a long walk back to the city, and when they finally arrived the entire populace cheered and applauded the heroes for rescuing their princess. The ponies smiled enthusiastically while the human warriors (except for Zauver) merely smiled and nodded. They reached the castle and were met a convoy of guards standing in two perfect rows making way for them, permitting them to enter the throne room, but not before Sarah had a chance to embrace her mother and sister.

Before they went to the king, however, there was one thing missing. They walked around the castle walls and found what looked like a cocoon of sorts and found a human inside! Setro slashed the cocoon and released the human; it was indeed the chancellor that the changeling imprisoned.

"W-W-Where am I?" he asked. "Oh! Did you all save me? I thank you."

"Don't mention it," said Zauver.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

The group explained everything to the chancellor as they went upstairs. As he listened, he was skeptical at first of the fact that the creatures traveling with the humans could speak, until Rainbow Dash spoke up and said how much of a horrible time they had with his imposter.

"My god... I must apologize if I offended you in any way."

"It wasn't your fault, chancellor," said Twilight. "It was all that changeling's doing. And the fact that you're here now and treating us civil is proof that you're the real deal."

"Again, I thank you for your kindness."

Back in the throne room, there was much joy upon seeing Princess Sarah, though the king looked warily at the chancellor until the group told him everything.

"Thank you! Thank you, heroes, for saving my daughter! As a reward, I will have the broken bridge repaired overnight! You are welcome to stay in town if you wish!"

"We thank you, Your Majesty," said Setro. "But... what of our pony friends? I'm not sure the innkeeper would permit them to stay in the same building as humans."

"Not to worry. As soon as I heard of your deeds, I gave them my permission for the ponies to rest in the same room as you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Sire," said the chancellor. "Because you all believed it was I who said such horrible words, I must again apologize."

"Not to worry, my good friend," reassured the King. "You and my daughter are safe, and Cornelia can thrive again!"

"Thank you, sire!"

"Before you all go," said Sarah, "please take this."

"What's this?" asked Zauver. "A lute?"

"Yes. It is a royal family heirloom that has been passed down from queen to princess for several generations. Garland had stolen this when he kidnapped me. I'm sure it will be of use."

"Uh... sure. Thanks," said the thief, not knowing what to think about being given a musical instrument nor how he and his fellow travelers would use it. The group bowed and exited the chamber.

"Good luck, heroes!" said the chancellor. "Bless the Crystals!"

As they were leaving the castle, Queen Jayne appeared and thanked the party for everything they had done, and as a reward gave them a world map to aid them in their travels.

Back in town, the party checked in at the local inn; ordinarily, the innkeeper forbade allowing animals to stay, but they were heroes, and she was given orders from the king to do so.

While the human heroes slept in their beds, the Equestrians chose to sleep in the sleeping bags they purchased earlier.

"Well," said Setro. "Good night, everyone. We've got a big day ahead of us."

Everyone's eyes closed as they rested on their beds, tired out from the rescue mission and the battle against the imposter chancellor.

While they slept, the King's men began their work on the bridge for the warriors to cross and begin their journey.


Twilight was the first to wake up.

"Good morning, everypony--I mean, everybody!" she corrected herself.

"Mornin', Twilight," said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy yawned cutely. "Good morning..." she said.

The girls looked around to say hello, but the humans were gone.

"Where are the Warriors?" asked Twilight.

"Sorry about that," said Teol as entered the room, adjusting his hat. "Didn't mean to worry you."

"We were just getting dressed and ready," said Flora, hugging Fluttershy.

"That's okay, Flora," the yellow pony answered.

"Yeah," said Zauver. "Took us about 20 minutes or so, but I think we're good."

Setro went in last, polishing his leather cap before donning it once more. "Are we all ready?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Let us be off, then!"

Going clockwise around the castle, the party saw that the bridge had been successfully rebuilt.

*music fades out*

They all looked at each other and nodded, knowing this was merely the start of a new adventure as walked forward and set foot on the wooden structure.

And thus, their quest had truly begun at last... What awaited the seven heroes, they did not know. The ponies had yet to be reunited with their missing friends. From what the humans knew, the crystals they were carrying shined 2000 years ago, but now there is no light, only darkness. And what of the evil Queen Chrysalis? What did she hope to accomplish? The heroes knew they had to stop her and restore light to the world!

*music fades out*