• Published 11th Sep 2020
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My Final Pony Fantasy - Vimtrust5

Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Meeting the Chosen Four

Sometime later...

"Ugh..." Twilight groaned.

"Wait," said a new, unfamiliar male voice. "Did you hear that?"

Huh...? Whose voice is that? the purple alicorn thought.

"One of these things just talked now, I'm sure of it!" said another voice.

Another one?

"I don't think it's dangerous," said a female voice. "Let's give them some room."

That's three.

"I agree," said one last voice.

That makes four! Could it be...?

Just then, Twilight's eyes began to flutter open, her vision blurry.

"Oh, look! It's waking up!" said the female voice. "Poor little thing."

"'Poor little thing?!'" said the second male. "These creatures came out of nowhere! Like those bug-eyed black things!"

"W-What?!" Twilight exclaimed, shocking the four creatures.

"So, you can talk," said the second male menacingly. Twilight's vision may have been blurred, but she could tell that the source of the voice was approaching her and not in a friendly way.

"Stay your hand, comrade," said the first male, blocking the other creature. "You've every right to be suspicious, but we must let them recover."

"Ngh..." grunted a familiar raspy voice, catching everyone's attention. "You lay a hoof or paw on my friend... and you'll regret it!"

"R-Rainbow Dash?" said Twilight, looking to her right and finally regaining her eyesight.

"Heh... Hey, Twilight."

"Oh..." a weak voice groaned, one Twilight and Rainbow knew very well.

"Fluttershy?" asked Twilight and Rainbow.

Twilight stood up and trotted over to her friends lying on their stomachs and struggling to get up. It took 14 seconds for the other two to stand on all fours again. They surveyed their surroundings and saw that they were in a grassy area surrounded by a river. In front of them was a town surronded by a wall with a single opening, and at the the very back was a large stone castle. They turned around and came face-to-face with four bipedal beings wearing strange clothing: the first one--which they assumed was their leader--wore elaborate blue armor and had dark red hair, the second was a blue-haired young man in brown armor and a green bandana, the third was a young lady who had on a white hooded cloak with red markings, and the last creature wore a blue robe and a steeple-pointed hat which concealed his face.

"Where... are we...?" the yellow pegasus asked.

"You three are near the entrance to the town of Cornelia. And so are we for that matter. Heh heh."

"Cornelia?" Fluttershy repeated.

"Us three?" said a surprised Twilight. She looked around and noticed something... or rather nopony else!

She gasped, "Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity are missing!"

Sure enough, their earth pony and unicorn friends were nowhere to be seen.

"There are more of you?" asked the incredulous blue-haired youth. "Great..."

"Zauver!" said the woman in white.

"'Zauver,' huh?" asked Rainbow Dash. "What a name!"

"Well, what's your name, rainbow mane?"

"My name is Rainbow Dash, buddy! Rainbow DASH!! Not 'Rainbow MANE!'"

"Rainbow Dash!" said Twilight and Fluttershy.

"Zauver, that's enough!" said the red head. He sighed and turned to the ponies. "I apologize for Zauver's behavior. He and the rest of us are rather new to being chosen by destiny."

"'Chosen by destiny?'" asked Twilight.

"Yes," he responded showing the purple alicorn and her friends a crystal in his hands. The other humans, with Zauver rolling his eyes, did likewise showing different colored crystals.

"Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Setro. I am a warrior seeking to return light to this world."

"Zauver. I'm a thief," he said, making the ponies raise a collective eyebrow.

"I'm Flora the white mage," said the woman smiling.

"My name's Teol," said the hat wearing traveler. "And I'm a black mage."

"Well," Twilight responded, "pleased to meet you all. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, I already got the last part," said Zauver, glaring at the blue pegasus who returned the favor.

Twilight couldn't help but slapping her face with her hoof. "I think I'm gonna have a migraine," she said, rubbing her forehead. But as she did, she began to notice something. She rubbed her forehead some more and tapped her hoof on it and finally realized. "My horn! It's missing!"

Her two pony friends took notice and saw that, indeed, Twilight's horn was no longer there! But that wasn't all, her wings had disappeared as well!

"Twilight?" said a frightened Fluttershy. "Where are your wings?"

"My wings?" Twilight gasped. "What about YOUR wings?!"

Her friends looked at their bodies, and sure enough, no wings!

"AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" the ponies screamed, surprising the four warriors.

"What happened?" asked Setro.

"Our wings and my horn are gone!" said the purple alicorn.

"Wings and a horn?" Teol questioned.

"Yeah! Rainbow and Fluttershy here are supposed to be pegasi, and I'm supposed to be an alicorn!"

Twilight panicked, pacing back and forth wondering why they lost their most notable physical traits, until finally she realized...

The Chamber of Crystals

"You might also find yourselves without your natural abilities at the start of your journey, and you may notice something missing upon your arrival."

"WHAT?!" Twilight yelled. "You mean we can't use our magic or fly?!"

"I am afraid so," the voice responded. "To regain your skills, you must defeat any and all enemies you come across."

So, that's it, she thought. That's the reason!

Zauver sighed. "This is great... Just great. I travel with a bunch of strange people, being called a 'Light Warrior,' and now I'm talking to a bunch of horses!"

"Hey!" exclaimed Rainbow. "We... are not... horses! We're ponies!"

"Can we please just along here?" said an annoyed Twilight.

"I agree," said Teol, sighing.

"Let's just head into town for now," said Setro.

The others agreed walking straight to the village.


Upon arrival, the ponies looked around and found several humans wandering around and some looking at them. Needless to say, this made them uncomfortable and uneasy.

"I-I'm not sure I like this," said Fluttershy, knowing what it was like to have several strangers gazing their eyes on her.

"It's alright, Fluttershy," said Flora. "Just don't look back at them."

"Definitely," Teol agreed.

Onlookers aside, the city itself was beautiful and thriving with activity despite the harsh circumstances of the outside world. In the center of the town was a sparkling water fountain, making Fluttershy smile and stand on her hind legs and hold her heart in her front hooves. There were also several stores selling items, armor, weapons, and strangest of all: magic spells. There was one particular building that caught the ponies' attention.

"Hey, Setro," said Rainbow.

"Yes?" the warrior answered.

"What's that building over there?"

"That, my friend, is a church. A house of prayer and comfort where people go when they feel they've lost their way."

"That's not all," said another voice. The party turned around, seeing a young woman approach them. "I've heard that a visit to the church can bring the fallen back to life only if that person is special and of great importance."

"Yeah, sure," said Zauver, rolling his eyes. "Let's go."

"My apologies on behalf of my comrade," Setro sighed. "He's not the religious type."

The woman could only chuckle. "That's alright. Not everyone has to be a believer." She walked, leaving the ponies confused.

Twilight pondered, "So I guess this world has a god or two."

"What do you mean?" said Teol.

"Well... What if I said this isn't the first human-inhabited world I've paid a visit to?"

"W-What?!" said Zauver.

"I'll... tell you about it later. Right now, I feel like exploring some more."

"Me, too!" said Rainbow.

"Same here," Fluttershy agreed.

They walked around town some more, meeting several people like Arylon the dancer, along a with castle soldier patrolling the streets.

"Excuse me," he said.

"Yes?" said Setro.

"You wouldn't happen to be travelers, would you?"

"That is correct. I believe we are the Warriors of Light as foretold in--"

The soldier was taken aback at this statement. "Warriors of Light? Please come with me. And bring your horse friends with you!"

The Equestrians looked annoyed. Why does everyone here think we're horses? Twilight thought as she and her friends followed the humans into the castle.

*music stops*

Castle Cornelia

Once inside the stone castle, the ponies couldn't help but marvel at the structure, admiring everything within. Inside were two rooms with a distance of 12 feet, and in between was a beautiful carpet that separated two rows of three columns.

"Wow!" said Twilight. "This feels just like Canterlot again!"

"It's really lovely," said Fluttershy.

The party walked past the guards and up the stairs, finding themselves in the King's throne room.

"And who might you be?" asked the chancellor, glaring suspiciously at the party.

"I believe we are the Warriors of Light of whom were predicted to appear when the world is at its bleakest."

"And those filthy creatures?"

"Excuse me?!" said Twilight.

"Oh, my. Little talking horses!" said the King.

"Actually, Your Majesty, we're ponies. Not horses."

"Didn't expect you to show up," the chancellor sneered.

"What do you mean?" asked the King.

"Oh, nothing at all," the advisor backed up. "It's just that these creatures were not in the prophecy, and they should be cast into the dungeon!"

"My dear friend? What has gotten into you?"

"I should ask you the same! Your daughter has been abducted and you are choosing to rely on these charlatans and these disgusting ponies to save her!"

"Your Majesty," said Setro. "Please allow us to prove we are the chosen ones."

"Hah! You couldn't produce evidence even if--"

"Very well," the King interrupted.


The four humans revealed the four crystals they had shown the ponies earlier, and this was enough to convince the King.

"Ah! Just as Lukahn predicted! And who may you be, my little pony friends?"

"We came here from Equestria, a country that isn't in this world."

"Another world, you say?"

Twilight nodded and began to explain the situation to the king: the Chamber of Crystals, Queen Chrysalis, et cetera. While listening, the King put his finger on his chin and pondered this. His trusted advisor, however, grew more and more agitated.

"Sire," the chancellor whispered harshly, "I must advise against allowing these... these... monsters to rescue the princess. It goes against that prophecy."

"Haven't you ever heard the saying 'the more, the merrier?'" the King whispered back. "And if you are so concerned, chancellor, then why not aid them in task?"

"W-What?! Me? In the same proximity as these..."


The balding man jumped.

"You will accompany our guests to the Temple of Fiends, or I will remove you from your position as chancellor!"

The chancellor growled furiously. "Very well..." He walked over the group and whispered to the equines, "But do not think for one second that I will enjoy being in your company."

"Likewise," Rainbow whispered back.

"So where are we going?" asked Flora.

The King stood up and paced around the room and spoke. "As you've heard, my daughter Princess Sarah has been abducted. The culprit responsible was once the finest knight in all Cornelia, but now he's gone rogue, and he is holding my dear Sarah hostage in exchange for control of this kingdom!"

The ponies gasped.

"How awful!" Fluttershy said.

"Yes, it is. And this crime has left my dear Queen Jayne confining herself in her chambers in sorrow, and my younger daughter is praying for her sister's safety."

Setro walked forward one step and kneeled. "Do not worry, Your Majesty. We will rescue Princess Sarah."

"Thank you, Light Warriors."

The heroes bowed and left the throne room along with the disgruntled chancellor. Before walking out with the others, Fluttershy took notice of the bird statues on display. "Um... Your Majesty?"

"Yes, my dear?" said the King.

"What are those statues supposed to be? I've never seen such birdies like these before."

"Those are Chocobos."


"Yes, Chocobos. I'm not sure why, but nobody has seen any real live ones in this region or the whole world for that matter."

"I... I see..." the yellow pegasus said, her hoof on her chin. She turned and trotted to catch up with the party, waving her hoof. "Bye, Your Majesty."

"Good luck!" the King answered back.

Before leaving the castle, our heroes heard crying coming from the room on the left from the entrance. They walked through the columns, entered the chamber and found a regal woman with her hands on her face, weeping.

"Pardon me? Your Highness?" said Setro.

The woman looked up and saw that she had visitors. "Oh, you must be the Light Warriors!"

"Yes, and these three have come to aid us on our quest."

"But what can they do?"

"Beats me," said Zauver, earning himself a glare from everyone and an elbow in the arm from Flora. "Ugh... Sorry."

"You must be Queen Jayne," said Twilight, who then covered her muzzle, realizing her mistake. This woman was already in a highly emotional state: her elder daughter was being held hostage, and now this. Talking ponies.

"Y-Y-You can speak..." said the Queen.

"I-I-I..." Twilight stuttered, feeling guilty.

"Your Highness," said Flora, "we will rescue the princess. Please don't--"

*music stops*

"Let us GO, my 'friends!'" the chancellor said, making everyone turn in his direction and glare at him.

"What is your problem, pal?!" said Rainbow Dash. "The Queen's worrying about her older daughter, we're trying to comfort her, and here you are pushing everyone around like you're the one in charge.

"Do not speak to me in that tone. And for that matter you should not even speak at all, you repulsive equine!"

"CHANCELLOR!!" Queen Jayne exclaimed.

"Y-Your Highness?"

"You will treat our guests with respect, or I will have you removed from your position as chancellor!"

The man trembled with fury, closing eyes and clenching his fists. He opened his eyes and saw everyone still glaring in his direction. He glared back at the ponies, making them flinch.

"Damn you!"

"You mind your language, chancellor!"

"Yes... Your Highness..." he growled.

"And mind you manners, too!"

The prejudiced man walked out of the chamber with what little dignity he could, leaving the heroes shocked at his behavior.

"Seriously," said Rainbow Dash. "What is that guy's deal?"

"That, I do not know," Jayne answered. "He wasn't like that... not until Garland betrayed us and took my dear Sarah away. Not to mention, I have had constant headaches since then. I suppose the stress of my daughter's kidnapping will not disappear until she is safe at home."

Garland... Rainbow Dash thought. Ha! What a stupid name!

Twilight trotted forward two paces and bowed. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness. I shouldn't have surprised you like that, not with everything going on right now."

*music resumes*

"You are forgiven, little pony," said the Queen, kneeling and giving the purple equine a gentle pet.

"Thank you. Oh! You're the first person to call us ponies!"

"Yeah. Everyone else just called us horses," Rainbow Dash said, looking over at Zauver who whistled in a not-quite innocent way.

"What are your names?"

The group all answered starting with the Warriors of Light.

"My name is Setro. I am a warrior."

"Name's Zauver, and I'm a thief."

Queen Jayne was taken aback. "A thief?!"

Zauver sighed. "Why does everyone tend to judge me?"

"My name is Flora. I'm a white mage."

"And I am Teol, black mage."

Then it was the ponies' turn. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship."

"I'm, uh, Fluttershy. Nice to have met you."

"The name's Rainbow Dash."

The Queen chuckled warmly. "It is very nice to meet you all."

"I agree," said Flora. "And as I was saying before we were rudely interrupted, you needn't worry. We will bring your daughter back."

"Thank you, brave people and ponies."

And so our heroes left the castle, but before they could go anywhere, they had to be prepared for what was to come.

*music fades*

Back into town, the heroes stepped into the shops for supplies: weapons, armor, healing items, and magic spells.

"I can't believe you have to pay to learn magic," said Twilight. "That never happens in Equestria."

"Yeah," said Flora. "If Teol and I were born with magic skills, it would've been easier."

"Well, if it helps the town's businesses and helps saving the world," said Teol. "We don't have much of a choice."

"Let's just go now, okay?" said an impatient Zauver. "That stupid chancellor guy's gettin' agitated."

"Hold on, Zauver," said Setro, turning to the shopkeeper. "I'll take a few rapiers please. One for me and my friend over there."

"That's 10 gil per item, friend," said the merchant. The good warrior placed the gold pieces on the counter.

"Here you are."

"Thank you." The shopkeeper handed over two powerful looking swords to Setro and Zauver; the two men examining their new weapons and sheathing them. "Anything else?"

Flora stepped forward and said, "A hammer and a staff please."

"That's 15 gil in total."

"All right," the white mage answered placing her money on the counter.

*music fades out*

With everyone equipped with the proper weapons and armor, Setro stood in front of the group like a natural leader.

"Everyone all set?"


"Finally!" said the chancellor.

"Then let us be off! To the Temple of Fiends!"

And with those words, our heroes began their mission to save Princess Sarah. But why was the King of Cornelia's most trusted advisor against the Equestrians? Where were the other ponies? And what of Queen Chrysalis? So far, our heroes have not heard one peep out of the shape-shifting villain or her minions. They may have been closer that the ponies thought.

Author's Note:

And that's it for Chapter 1. Tell me how you feel about, and I'll see how I can improve.

In case any of you are wondering, the Light Warriors' names are from the recent translation of Final Fantasy: Memories of Heroes.