• Published 11th Sep 2020
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My Final Pony Fantasy - Vimtrust5

Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.

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Chapter 11: The Final Battle

The Temple of Fiends (Past)

As soon as they opened their eyes, the Equestrians and the Light Warriors looked all around them, exited the chamber and discovered that the area was no longer in ruins but in perfect condition.; they had successfully arrived two millenia in the past. There were no fallen pillars, and the entire stone structure was in perfect condition.

"Let us be onward," said Setro. They agreed and cautiously followed the knight throughout the shrine and battled dangerous monsters such as white dragons and giant worms. With their physical skills and magical abilities, our heroes quickly defeated the beasts and moved on. They found that some of the paths were blocked by impenetrable stone partitions, so they went downstairs to the first floor basement only to find there was no treasure chest or anything that could help them in the room they went into, so they went back upstairs and went east finding another flight of stairs that took them up the next level. From there, they found another set of stairs right in front of them and moved on.

On the third floor, the party went around the pillars, went inside the central chamber and encountered a Death Eye not quite unlike the Evil Eye they met in the Ice Cavern. Cautiously, the group approached the demon and swiftly defeated it. They found a slab blocking the way to the next area. Recalling their second visit to Terra Cavern, they attempted to use the Earth Rod, but it was futile.

"This is impossible!" said Rainbow Dash. "How are we supposed to get to this Chaos guy now?"

"Looks like we could use this," Zauver answered, pulling out the Lute Princess Sarah gave them.

"It looks like we have to play this melody," said Setro. The ninja responded by playing the melody inscribed on the slab.

"It sounds beautiful," Fluttershy said to herself. As quickly as the tune was finished, the plate disappeared, revealing a ladder that took them back to the second floor and granting them further passage. The party left the room and after finding nothing in any of the other chambers, went downstairs back to the first floor. They went straight ahead to the next level: the first floor basement.

The group went straight through the narrow corridor, feeling as if the walls could close in on them at any time. Going around the chamber from before, they went into another room and found nothing of use, so they decided to descend to the next level. Before they could reach the stairs, a bright flash emanated and revealed itself to be Lich, the Fiend of Earth!

"What the hay?!" said Applejack. "Why's HE here?!"

"Remember, Applejack," said Twilight. "This is the Temple of Chaos, 2000 years in the past!"

Before the party could attack, the Lich cast Flare upon the party.

Flora groaned, casting Healaga. "He's stronger than we last met."

"Don't let that discourage you, Flora," said Setro as he charged and slashed their oppoent three times almost defeating him. Applejack finished the job, bucking the creature with her hind legs. As before, the heroes were able to send the Fiend of Earth back whence it came.

Lich's defeat allowed the group to press onward. The second floor basement was riddled with fire-elemental monsters, but our heroes had no time to waste. They trekked their way to the next flight of stairs on the opposite side of where they came, but before they could do so, they obtained several treasure such as the Katana, a new weapon for Zauver. As they went near the stairs leading down, they ran into Marilith, the Fiend of Fire!

"Oh yeah," said Rainbow. "There's definitely a pattern here."

"Yeah, a boss rush!" said Pinkie Pie.

*music stops*

"A what?" asked an incredulous Twilight.

"A boss rush, you know. Like in that... uh..." Pinkie trailed off apparently realizing her mistake. Again, everyone looked at the pink earth pony like she was crazy.

"Don't ask. Let's just get her!" said Twilight, pointing to the evil woman-snake.

*music resumes*

Flora cast NulBlaze on everyone just in time to reduce the damage done by Marilith's Firaga attack. Zauver used his new weapon and sent Marilith panting. Twilight took the opportunity to blast the beast with a magic beam, evaporating her.

"Victory!!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

*music fades out*

Going downstairs in the third floor basement, our heroes found a room with several stone slabs but couldn't read them.

"Not like it really matters," said Zauver.

"You're right," Setro agreed. "We are only here to defeat Chaos."

The rest agreed as well. They exited the doorway facing the stone tablets and found themselves almost surrounded by several columns; luckily, none of them blocked the way to the next level. That is, except for one familiar Fiend of Water!

"It's the Kraken!"

After Flora cast Invisira, Fluttershy immediately charged and tackled the evil cephalopd not wanting a repeat of what happened in the Sunken Shrine. Teol cast Thundaga, electrocuting the Fiend of Water. Kraken, however, survived and struck the group with his tentacles. Rainbow Dash flew up into the air and finished the battle by tackling him and sending him into the wall.

The Kraken was defeated once more, allowing the group to proceed to the fourth floor basement. Going to the right of the stairs, our heroes went down a path that led them to a treasure chest containing yet another powerful sword: Masamune. After pondering on who gains the weapon, it was Teol who volunteered.

"Teol?" asked Fluttershy.

"I know, everyone," said Teol. "I may not have been able to help you all physically until now, but I want to prove myself to you."

"You don't need to, my friend," Setro assured. "With or without a sword or an axe, you have been a great help to us in battle. And out of battle as well." He patted the black wizard on the shoulder. Teol smiled and nodded, accepting his comrade's words and moving on with the rest back to where they came. Going straight ahead, they ran straight into the Fiend of Wind once more.

"Once we win this one," said Twilight. "We're one step closer to the end!"

Teol agreed, casting Temper on Applejack, Setro, and Zauver, while casting Saber on himself. He quickly proved himself efficient handling the Masamune, slashing the multi-headed dragon four times. Applejack lept towards her and executed a perfect somersault kick on the jaw of the monster's middle head. Setro and Zauver quickly finsihed the beast off once and for all with their blades. Tiamat screeched and collapsed, never to rise again.

"We did it!" Rainbow cheered.

*music fades out*

With Tiamat stricken down, the Four Fiends were no more. There was but one final adversary for our heroes to overcome: Chaos.

At the lowest level of the Temple, our heroes went around a series of pillars arranged to look like a pentagram; in the center lay only one chamber. Stopping in front of the door, they looked at one another, knowing this would be the deciding battle to save the world. They opened the doors and walked in, ready to face the mastermind of the Four Fiends. Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy stopped in their tracks gasping at the sight they had beheld: a figure clad in silver armor, a horned helmet, and a purple cape.

"Well, well, well..." he spoke in a familiar voice. "Isn't this amusing?"

The four human warriors recoiled in shock. "You... couldn't be!" said Setro.

The evil knight chuckled. "Yes. It is I, Garland."

He walked forward, causing the heroes to back away slowly and cautiously.

"Ain't you that knight our friends...?" Applejack asked before being interrupted.

"Correct. Two thousand years in the future, these four humans and those three ponies left me on the brink of death. But I was brought back here by the four elements of the world."

"The Four Fiends?!" said Twilight.

"Correct again. I repaid the favor by sending the four great forces back to the future in order to complete the time loop."

"In order for them to send you back here again," said Setro, clenching his fists. "Is that it? Is that why the whole world had to suffer? Because of your arrogance?!"

"Indeed. Though this time, I did not anticipate the arrival of the changelings or these ponies."

Twilight stood bravely and glared at the wicked knight. "Did Chrysalis even know about you? She hid herself in the Flying Fortress working with Tiamat after all."

"True, she did aid the Fiend of Wind and cooperate with my plans to rule Cornelia, but she knew nothing of my importance in the grand scheme of things."

"Just what are you hoping to accomplish, Garland?" asked Zauver.

"Eternal life... That is all."

"What? You're immortal?" Rainbow Dash said.


"Puh-lease!" the cyan pegasus said. "If we beat you once, we can do it again!"

Garland laughed. "Can you really defeat me...? Even with greater numbers than before?"


"Regardless, you cannot defeat me. And as you deduced, I sent the Four Fiends to your present. And they shall once again send my future self here in the past! Two thousand years will have passed, and I will remember none of this..." He lifted his arms, summoning the power of the four statues in the room.

*music stops*

A bright light engulfed the chamber, making everyone shield their eyes. As the light dimmed, a collective gasp was heard. In Garland's place stood an evil golden beast with giant bat-like wings, skulls for kneecaps, a dragon's head emerging from his stomach, sharp claws, and a tail. Seeing the horns on the head of this creature brought back horrifying memories for the Equestrians, especially Twilight. Memories of the evil centaur Tirek who absorbed the magic of ponies and destroyed her beloved library home.

"But in that past I will be reborn yet again," he spoke in a deeper and more menacing voice. "I am Chaos, the new ruler of this world! Thanks to the four elements, I will live forever and you shall meet your doom!!"

"That's not going to happen, Garland... er, Chaos!" Twilight declared.

"We will defeat you, and break this cycle for good!" said Setro.

The party stood their ground. Setro slashed Chaos three times, causing moderate damage to him. The evil creature responded by swiping at him.

Twilight fired a magic beam, but the demon flew off, dodging the attack.

"NulFrost!" Flora chanted. Soon, Chaos cast Blizzaga, but the white wizard's magical was able to reduce damage done to the group. Teol cast Haste on Zauver increasing the ninja's speed, but the demon was quicker swiping his claws onto Zauver before he could strike.

"Feel my HATRED!!" the beast declared. "BURN!!!" The group braced themselves and found themselves almost burned by several flames. They only sustained mild but serious injuries from Chaos' Blaze attack.

"How DARE you harm our friends!!" Rarity charged and attempted a flying kick on to Chaos' face, but one swipe of his tail sent the white unicorn flying.

Flora cast Healara on everyone, and rushed over to Rarity's side along with Fluttershy. An angry Rainbow Dash saw this and made a mad dash towards Chaos. "Take THIS!" she shouted. She attempted to give him a swift uppercut only to be grabbed and tossed aside.

"You still never learn..." he sneered.

Zauver, now embracing the Saber spell from Teol, rushed and slashed the demon six times sending Chaos down to the ground on one knee, but suddenly...


"What?!" the Equestrians yelled. They couldn't believe what they had seen and heard; of all the magic in his arsenal, Chaos having the ability to fully himself was the last to come to mind. Applejack snorted and charged, ready to give him a good bucking, only for her opponent to nearly break her legs!

"Applejack!" Twilight yelled.

"We... can't give... up...!" said the determined farmpony.

"What do we do, Twilight?!" said Pinkie Pie. "What do we do?!"

The purple alicorn thought of one thing and thing only: the Magic of Friendship.

"Together... We've got this together!" said Twilight. The Equestrians' bodies began to glow, as if it were their darkest hour. Reducing Chaos' speed and defenses, our heroes now had their chance to end this madness once and for all. Pinkie cartwheeled in front of the golden demon and somersaulted him on the jaw; she jumped over him and stuck him on the back, sending him to the ground and landed a huge grin on her face. Teol followed slicing off Chaos' wings with Masamune.

"No...!" the evil creature growled. "You cannot defeat me! Not again!"

"We can!" said Twilight, firing another powerful beam, this time striking Chaos down.

"And we WILL!" Setro proclaimed, horizontally slashing the demon with Excalibur. The knight withdrew his sword and stepped back.

*music stops*

Upon defeat, Chaos began to disintegrate while the heroes watched. He screamed the most unholy death cry as he faded away slowly but surely. The Chaos Shrine began to rumble, alerting the group.

"The shrine's starting to collapse. Let's--!" Before Setro could finish, a flash of light consumed the party robbing them of their consciousness...