• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,062 Views, 1,583 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

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Chapter 63

Author's Note:

I have three different variations of this chapter that I couldn't decide on going with, which is probably why it took me so long to actually produce one actual chapter. I hope it's enjoyable. Let me know if you'd like to see the other drafted chapters, because I think they could've been something interesting if I did go with them.

Anyways, enjoy.

It's been a few days since hanging out with Button again and I gotta say, life is good, great even. Even if I am jinxing myself by saying this to myself, I just can't hold in the fact that living peacefully without love-sucking bugs trying to absorb your emotions is just great. Am I repeating myself?


Anyways, on a completely separate note, I absolutely had no idea that our house had a backyard to it. I almost didn't believe it when Spitfire offered to take me out back and show me a few of her flying maneuvers and how she performs them, but when she gave me an amused look and simply picked me up like it was nothing. She passed by a giggling mother who was busy cleaning what remained of today's lunch and simply pushed open the door that was connected to the kitchen, one that I have absolutely no memory of whatsoever, and stepped out into the sun. Luckily I was saved from its harsh rays as Spitfire immediately hovered her large hoof over my head and provided shade as I stared at the expanse of the yard. It was pretty decently sized for what it was, the wooden fence erected around it provided a good amount of privacy and didn't look all that worn from where I was standing.

And so that is what my day was occupied by, with me sitting my butt on a pillow that mother had deemed disposable and plopped down next to me before forcing, not insisting, forcing me down and nuzzling the top of my head before turning around and leaving me to turn and watch where Spitfire stood. She was on the far side of the yard with her wings spread out, a large grin on her face that allowed me to see just how pearly white her teeth were before she called out to me to see if I was ready to witness greatness. I simply gave a half-assed "whoo" as I threw both of my hooves up in the air and let them hang there before letting them fall back down to my sides.

"Just wait, I'll turn that whoo into WHOO!" she said before she shot up into the air at speeds that if you would've blinked you would've completely missed as I followed her form as she shot up into the sky, though not too high as she didn't want to garner any attention. But honestly, her showing off like this was bound to catch someone's attention, be it accidentally or if someone was coincidentally looking up at the sky. Nevertheless, I just shrugged and continued watching her as she started flipping and maneuvering through the air in a manner that made it look like she was cutting through the air. A small trail of flames would follow her when she would increase her speeds in small bursts, which I'll admit, was pretty cool.

And don't knock me, watching her perform all of these tricks in front of me was awesome, one of the best things I've seen honestly, but my thoughts were more focused on some of the information that I learned about Equestria's history and its magic. As the title of the book drifted back into my head I couldn't help but grin at the thought of absolutely bamboozling someone who - hypothetically, would come after me, and get shot into oblivion by a shout. Now that would be awesome.

I already had this little back-and-forth with myself before but honestly, I was still wondering if I would be able to replicate those shouts from Skyrim since they were basically the same thing. And even then, if regular Nords could learn how to use shouts for themselves, then I could for sure learn how to use these shouts for my own personal gain. Specifically "Bend Will," now that I remember it. I could use that to make my current enemies and any enemies that I gain in the future, just walk away.

Especially those changelings, I could just use it on their Queen and make her.. uh, I don't know. Didn't think past the part of using the shout to make her submit to my bidding. And that's even if I get the chance to do so. She’s most likely in prison so I’ll never really get the chance to come face to face with her again, unless Celestia’s state-of-the-art prison that’s probably under her castle doesn’t fail to keep her contained, right?


Spitfire was in the process of doing a three-sixty spin that ended in her pausing in mid-air and spreading out her limbs and wings, an outline of flames pulsing out from behind her in a way that I could only describe as a Phoenix being rebirthed. I blinked at the impressive sight before gravity seemed to realize that she was defying physics and the flames around her dissipated before she flipped around so that she was facing the ground as she was free-falling. Her wings were tightly pressed against her sides as her grin grew bigger and bigger as she rocketed towards the ground, and when it seemed like she was going to splatter on the ground her wings suddenly sprung up and she banked to the left before drifting around, and dropping down on her hooves. The momentum carried her across the grass, kicking up dirt and grass she finally skidded up all the way to me and grinned down at me.

"What'd you think?"

And honestly, that was awesome, I couldn't even being to describe how awesome the thing that I just witnessed was, "I'm speechless," I simply said as I looked up at her face. She'd morphed into an even bigger grin as she puffed out her chest, "that's exactly what I thought!" she boasted to herself.

"And now I have to use the bathroom," she suddenly said as she broke out of her boasting and tottered on her hooves for a moment before quickly walking past me and hurriedly opening the door before her clopping hooves faded into the house as I looked on with pursed lips. "Hm, guess high speeds make someone wanna pee," but then I shook my head, I had better things to focus on.

And now that I was alone I could actually see if any of my hopes proved true.

I gave one last glance at the door before hopping off of the pillow and onto my hooves, shaking off the lack of feeling in my legs from sitting on my ass and quickly walking around in a little circle. And once I was sure that I was good to go, I grinned and walked across the yard and stopped where I was far enough from the door, and brought a hoof up to my chest. Mentally flipping through the pages of shouts that I had memorized from my hundred thousand playthroughs of Skyrim and the media around it.

For shits and giggles, I could try and call a dragon with that one shout but that would be pretty hard to explain to both mother and the random dragon that would come flying in from whatever distance just to heed my call if it worked like that after all.

But how funny would that be? A random ass dragon completely sent the ponies into a panic as they would come flying in like a bullet, crashing into the houses without much care what they wrecked before shouting for the one who'd challenged them to come out and – you know what? Nevermind. I can see that quickly turning topsy-turvy. And from what I've read in that big book in the House, it's that modern-day ponies probably have absolutely no idea or have even fathomed the concept of dragons having that sort of magic. Maybe if they were really invested historians, but considering that back on Earth the governmental figures really liked covering things up that they didn't want the public to know. I'm sure that Celestia has done that.

All politicians had their own agenda after all. But I’d have to look into her extensive history later on when I find a book about her, I was keen to know what the princesses were up to like – the pony version of the medieval era.

But moving on from that! I just had to try and use one of those shouts, just once. The tantalizing prospect of just trying when I had the perfect moment to do so was too much for me to try and resist and I ended up caving in. A small grin on my face as I walked a bit further into the center of the yard and prepared myself, I squared my hooves and planted them firmly into the ground, feeling the earth beneath me I nodded.

"Fus... Ro..." I paused mid-sentence, instead of looking directly at the fence and risking destroying everything in front of me with the sudden reminder of how devastating the shout was – in lore because it was a lot less powerful in the game. So I readjusted my position and craned my head upwards, looking up at the sky so that nothing would be destroyed or knocked over in my attempt.

As I stood there, preparing to unleash the power of the shout, I took a moment to gather my focus. The words echoed in my mind, and I could almost feel the energy building up within me. With a deep breath, I attempted to call upon any sort of magic connected to those same words that I used countless times when I was playing Skyrim.


The air around me seemed to ripple as the shout left my lips. However, to my surprise, nothing happened. There was no powerful blast of force, no objects flying around, and no immediate reaction from the surroundings. Damn, guess it was too good to be true.

I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. I guess the magic of Equestria didn't really align with the mechanics of Skyrim's shouts. Or maybe, as I speculated earlier, the shouts were reserved for certain individuals with a deeper understanding of Equestrian magic.

Nonetheless, I didn't let that dampen my spirits. There was still a ton of stuff that I could mess around with because of the already pretty powerful form of magic that I already used on a daily.I could really just do whatever I want with that spell on its own, sure I’d have to practice in order for it not to paralyze me whenever I use it for too long.

Though… Did my time-stop ability technically count as a shout? Since I actually have to verbally say the word “stop” in order for anything to happen. And dragon magic was just the dragon shouting out the action in their own tongue…

That… gives me an idea. If my theory was true, then instead of actually saying the shout word for word, I could instead do what I did with my time-stopping ability. Maybe that would work instead of looking like a dumbass as I probably shouted unintelligible nonsense into the sky.

"Uh... Force! Unrelenting Forc- woah!" I exclaimed, feeling the energy flooding back into me like a torrential downpour as I was practically flattened into the ground from the force shooting from my mouth.

Even with the wind knocked out of me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as I let out a wheeze and rolled onto my stomach as I pushed myself up onto my hooves again, caught off guard by the sudden power that surged through me as I caught my breath. The ground beneath me shook, and a gust of wind whipped around, rustling the leaves on nearby trees. It worked! My theory had been right! I quickly regained my balance, a wide grin spreading across my face.

"Holy shit!" I shouted, a mix of shock and exhilaration coursing through my veins. I couldn't believe it—my modified shout actually worked! I really didn’t think that it was going to work that way, but since it did, that just made me even more excited at what it entailed.

I looked around, taking in the aftermath of my impromptu shout. Leaves and debris danced in the air, carried by the force I had unleashed. The ground had a noticeable dent where I was currently standing, evidence of the impact of me getting flattened as I came to notice when I looked down where I stood.

“Speckles?” Mother's voice caused me to suddenly fall onto my rear and put on as innocent of an expression that I could muster with all of the pent-up excitement and giddiness I was feeling, I then turned to look over my shoulder. Mother had quickly started on her way over towards me with a look of concern on her face, I didn’t even get a chance to give a response when she quickly scooped me up into her hooves. “Is everything all right?” I said with some confusion as she looked me over for a few moments before letting out a sigh of relief.

“I should be asking you that–” she paused as she took the moment to look me up and down, rotating me around in her hooves for a few moments before letting out a sigh of relief. “Did something happen? I heard a really loud noise and I – wh-what is this?” she said as she lifted me up and looked below me as I formed a rather sheepish grin on my face. Her brows narrowed in confusion as she was staring down at the really obvious dent in the grass that came from me shouting into the sky.

Damn, uh. I wasn’t sure what to say. So as long as I said something convincing I could worm my way out of this, I’ve done it countless of times. This wasn’t any different.

“Uh… did clouds always have tails sticking out of them?” I said as I looked around the yard for something to try and bullshit my way out of this, and I honestly wasn’t expecting to look up into the sky and see a cloud just sitting above the yard. I have to admit, it threw me off. Because I completely forgot about the current situation, my eyes slightly narrowed but quickly shifted back to the innocent ones as mother let out a noise of confusion and lowered me back down. She looked me in the eyes and tilted her head, “What do you mean?” before looking directly up and pausing.

“What the fu–” she stopped herself before she could let out the curse and shook her head. A mixture of expressions flicked across her face before she turned around and set me down on the ground, my hooves softly thudding against the grass as she let go of me and straightened herself. Her expression finally settled on a rather too-pleasant smile, her eyes showing a lot calmer of emotion than what I was getting from the aura emanating from her smile.

“Mom?” I said with some confusion as I looked up at her. “Are you all ri-”

I was interrupted as she reached out and gently patted me on the head, “Everything is fine honey, now why don’t you just go inside? Mommy is going to go and move that cloud.”

“Uh… alright,” I said after a moment before taking one last look up at the cloud with the tail hanging out of it, noting the rainbow pattern and wondering why it rang a familiar bell in my head. But I didn’t dwell on it too much and simply did as Mother asked, I turned tail and quickly made my way into the house and promptly shut the door behind me.

I gave a glance at the kitchen before quickly moving and lifting myself up with my wings, floating upwards and dropping onto the counter as I moved towards the curtains. I raised it up and took a step forwards, letting it drape across my back as I stared out the window to where I could see Mom had turned around and was now staring up at the cloud. I could read her expression from here and…

“What are we looking at?” the sudden raspy voice of Spitfire caused me to almost jump out of my own fur as I turned my head and noticed that she had also stuck her head underneath the curtains and was looking out the window as well. And besides the fact that I kinda wanted to punch her for that jump scare, I shook my head and looked back towards the window. “Uh, mom’s angry.” And mom was scary when she was scary.

“Oh! What at?” Spitfire said in an excited tone.

“That cloud with the rainbow tail that she’s currently yelling at,” I simply said with a growing grin as I watched the event unfold.

“Oh, coo– wait, Rainbow tail?” Spitfire said in a confused tone. And I raised an eyebrow before turning and looking up at her now concerned expression. What did she have to be concerned about? That person in the clouds was probably watching for a while and… Oh, fuck.

“Ah, shit..” Spitfire said before quickly backtracking her head from underneath the curtain, the sound of her hooves rapidly clopping against the tiles briefly rang out before the opening and closing of the door left me in silence once again.

Though I was more concerned with the fact that I didn’t notice that someone was watching me, and using a cloud of all things to do so. Though, granted I was already aware that you could stand on clouds, I just didn’t think someone would steal one from the sky and use it to do some reconnaissance. And depending on how long they were watching me and for who exactly they were watching me, I could have even more problems stacking myself onto my already-filled plate. Which was great.

Just great.