• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,062 Views, 1,583 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 54

Author's Note:

Just a small little chapter for the aftermath, I'll be sure to update it soon.

“You know I’m never letting you out of my sight, right?” Mother’s stern but playful voice would say as she looked down at me. Her hooves were wrapped around me and gently held me in her lap as the two of us sat in a hospital bed, specifically the hospital in Canterlot castle. Which was interesting, I did not think that they would have their private hospital inside of the castle, that did bring up a good few questions.

“Never ever?” I said with a small grin as I looked up at her. She’d looked a lot more frazzled and tensed than she was a good few days ago, but you can already guess why exactly that was. Anyways I would now do my best to make sure that the whole kidnapping situation would be a very distant bad memory with as much humor as I could.

“Never ever forever,” she said as she leaned down and nuzzled my cheek. Her chuckle turned into a small sigh as she lifted me and brought me into another hug, the fourth one in the last twenty minutes. But as I’ve said before, I wasn’t someone that was against getting hugged. I very much loved hugs and physical attention. "I love you mom."

"I love you too, sweetie," she replied, giving me a gentle squeeze. "More than anything in this world."

We stayed there in comfortable silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company. I felt so grateful to have her in my life. After everything we'd been through, I knew that we were closer than ever before.

So that’s why I had to start being as comical as I usually was. I’d had enough sadness.

“Even more than ice cream?” I said as I pulled away and tilted my head up with a raised eyebrow. “You seemed to love vanilla ice cream a whole lot.”

My mother let out a laugh at my comment, her eyes shining with amusement. "Well, almost as much as ice cream," she said with a playful wink. "But you know what they say, love conquers all."

I giggled at her response and snuggled back into her embrace. “Isn’t that a line from a fairy tale?” I’d say with a grin.

She’d snickered and booped me on the nose with her hoof, letting out an amused “shh,” as my face instinctively scrunched up at the touch.

We would continue joking for a few more minutes until I’d bend my neck too far to the side and let out a small noise of pain as I reached up and felt the bandages that were wrapped around it. This caused mom to stop and immediately lean in, a few dozen concerned words spilling out of her mouth as she asked me what was wrong. “Are you all right sweetie?” she said as I felt her hooves tense.

I let out a small nod as the pain melted away as I fixed my neck straight again, “yeah, just turned my head too far to the side,” I’d say as I dropped my hoof back down.

Right, the Queen had left a few marks when she grabbed and practically choke and slammed me into the floor with those tentacles of hers, the doctors mentioned something about my vocal cords and windpipe being the main source of affliction before they’d used their magic to fix them. Though the magic only went so far with things involving medicine and I was still left with a bruised neck and sore body.

“I’m fine mom,” I say as her expression dropped. “Really, it doesn’t even hurt anymore,” I said as she brought me into another hug. I could feel how her heartbeat was a lot quicker than it was before, her worry evident as I tried calming her down. “We’re safe now.”

“I know, I know,” she eventually sighed. “Just.. are you sure you’re okay?” she said as she inspected my body up and down, a hoof gently touching my bandages as she looked like she was contemplating something.

I nodded. “I’m okay,” I urged. “Though I’m kind of hungry,” I said as I tried moving the topic away from my injuries. “Could go for a cookie.”

She scoffed in amusement. “A cookie? After everything you’ve been through, you still have room for dessert?”

I nodded, a small grin forming on my face. “Yeah, I mean, why not? A cookie would be a great way to celebrate being alive and safe, don’t you think?”

Mom chuckled at my reasoning and ruffled my mane with her hoof. “You always know how to make me smile, sweetie. Okay, we’ll see about getting you a cookie the next time the nurse checks on us,” she said with a smile.

About ten minutes passed and a nurse finally stepped into the room, causing the both of us to look at the opening door.

The nurse, a gentle-looking unicorn mare with a red coat and a pink mane greeted us with a warm smile. "Hello, Mrs. Snowdrift," she said, addressing my mother. "How are you both doing?" as she fully stepped into the room trailing a cart behind her.

"hungry," I would immediately interject with a grin.

The nurse chuckled. "Well, let's see if we can fix that for you, shall we?" she said, as she pulled out a small tray of cookies from a drawer in her cart.

I immediately perked up at the sight of the cookies, and my mouth started to water. "Ooh, can I have one?" I asked, looking up at my mother with pleading eyes. She couldn’t resist these eyes, no one could.

My mother smiled indulgently at me. "Of course, you can, sweetie. Just remember to eat it slowly, okay? You don't want to upset your stomach after everything you've been through."

I nodded eagerly as the nurse handed me a cookie. It was warm and soft, with a gooey center that melted in my mouth. It was the perfect comfort food after everything that had happened.

As I savored the cookie, the nurse turned to my mother. "So, Mrs. Snowdrift, the doctor wanted me to ask you a few questions about your son's care." That made me tune into the conversation as I wiped away the crumbs from the cookie.

My mother nodded, her expression becoming more serious. "Of course. What do you need to know?"

"He particularly wanted to know about the lack of a medical history, we only have the time of his birth and a single instance of him being checked into CloudsDale General besides that," she said as she floated a clipboard from her cart.

My mother furrowed her brow in concern. "I see. Is that going to be a problem?"

The nurse shook her head. "Not necessarily. We'll just have to do some extra tests and assessments to make sure we have a complete understanding of his health status. It shouldn't take too long, though."

"Alright, thank you for letting us know," my mother said with a small sigh of relief. "And as for his current condition?"

The nurse turned her attention to me as I was not so sneakily trying to reach for her cart, giving me a gentle smile as she used her horn to float another cookie off her cart and into my hooves. "Well, you seem to be doing quite well considering what you've been through. Your vocal cords and windpipe are healing nicely, and we'll be able to remove the bandages soon. Your neck is still a bit tender, so we'll need to be careful with that. But overall, you're on the road to recovery."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. It was good to know that I was going to be okay. And the prospect of getting rid of those bandages was definitely a welcome one.

"Thank you for taking care of him," my mother said gratefully to the nurse.

"It's my pleasure," the nurse replied with a smile. "I'll be back in a little bit to check on him again. In the meantime, is there anything else you need?"

My mother shook her head. "No, we're good for now. Thank you."

The nurse nodded and made her way out of the room, leaving us alone again. My mother turned to me with a soft smile.

"You heard her, sweetie. You're doing well. We'll have you out of here and back home in no time."

I smiled back at her, “great, now I can finally explain to Button why I kinda disappeared after making friends with him,” I said with a small laugh.

Mother chuckled. "I'm sure he'll understand our, well, very weird situation. Then you'll be back to hanging out with him in no time."

I nodded. "That'd be nice. Thanks, mom."

"Of course, sweetie. Now, how about we enjoy those cookies together?" she said, gesturing towards the small stack of cookies on the nurse's cart that was left behind.

I grinned, feeling my stomach growl with hunger. "Sounds like a plan to me."

We both reached for a cookie and took a bite, savoring the sweetness. As we enjoyed our treats, we chatted about our plans once we got back home.

We finished our cookies and settled in for some much-needed rest, with me being buried in mothers wings and hooves as she rested on her back. As I closed my eyes, I felt a sense of gratitude for my mother's love and care, I really didn’t think I’d ever experience anything like this ever again. Well, the second time around.