• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,062 Views, 1,583 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 61

-Luna’s Dream interlude-

Luna walked through the winding halls of the maze for another ungodly amount of time before she found another open stretch, it was an overpass that led into a grassy field. She tilted her head downwards as she stepped out from the hall of the maze and felt the grass under her hooves, marveling at just how real it felt, she turned around and noticed that the opening behind her had disappeared. She deadpanned for a moment, Speckles really seemed to like making things appear and disappear for no real reason.

She turned back and looked at the scenery around her, there were a varying amount of trees, some dead, some alive. There was also a concrete path that was littered with cracks and holes, the grass having burst through it. Glancing over off into the distance, she noticed that there was a large bridge leading off into a city of sorts, the building akin to the ones you'd see in Manehattan. Though the bridge looked unusable, as the support system halfway through collapsed on itself.

Strange, she would think to herself as she tore her eyes away from the area around her and looked at what was directly in front of her. Right down the path –road– as she remembered, there was a large stone wall that surrounded a presumable town. As she approached, she noticed the gate seemed to be a sort of mix between the front of a house and a gate.

There were concrete barriers littered around as she walked up to the gate in curiosity, her head swiveling around until she focused back in front of her. That's when she noticed the strange figure sitting on a chair, they were fitted with a grey and worn suit and tie, a hat sitting atop their strangely flat face as they looked up from the book in their… hands. Yes, they were hands.

She only knew because minotaurs and primates shared the same type of appendage, though this figure didn't look like any sort of primate or minotaur. They were far too short and far less muscular, they lacked the fur and the bovine face. Overall, they looked strange.

But it gave her a friendly smile, showing off its teeth as I sat up in its chair and greeted her, "ah, hey there stranger." It greeted her in a masculine voice.

She blinked and glanced down at the biped, though the height difference wasn't by much, because even sitting down they reached just where her neck ended.

"Ho there, creature," Luna responded in tow, causing the biped to blink as she continued. "What manner of structure is this?" Her mix of modern and dated tongue slipped through.

"Well, this is the covenant," He said with a brief wave of his hand. "The safest place in the Commonwealth, I'll tell you what," he said with another chuckle.

"The covenant?" She muttered to herself.

Though he didn't notice and instead shifted again in his chair, "if you'd like to see the nice and safe interior, I'll have to give you the good ol' SAFE test," he said as he reached down and picked up a stack of papers she hadn't noticed before. "Its just to filter all of the undesirables, to keep the citizens safe," he said as he stood up and motioned to the table beside them.

She watched him approach the table for a moment, slight apprehension in her disposition as she hesitated. His tone seemed a bit.. strange, it was something that she couldn't put her hoof on. But something wasn't as nice and as endearing as he was trying to force himself to be.

But she shook her head and walked over to the table, having to push the chair farther back to accommodate her own anatomy, and sat down. The chair was rather cold.

"Right, I'm gonna ask you a few questions and give you the response," he said as he straightened the stack. "You just pick the answer choice that seems right, sounds good?"

She took a moment before nodding her head, this was simple, it wasn't like the trial of combat she experienced before. How hard was it to answer a few questions?

"Alrighty, question 1, You are approached by a frenzied scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?" He said before listing off the answers.

"I'd say "Up yours, too, buddy."

"I'd grab a pipe and knock him out."

"I'd slip away before he finishes."

"I wouldn't worry, if he did that it'd cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity."

Luna blinked. Then she blinked again and finally squinted her eyes in confusion.

"Uh.." she said with confusion. "The uh, fourth answer?" She said as she glanced up from her hooves.

He didn't respond, only nodding before moving on to the next question, leaving Luna internally panicking. What manner of question was that? She had absolutely no idea what a parabolic destabilization even was!

"Question two, While working as an intern in the Clinic, a patient with a strange infection on his foot stumbles through the door. The infection is spreading at an alarming rate, but the doctor has stepped out for a while. What do you do?"

"Medicate the infected area as best I can."

"Restrain the patient, and merely observe as
the infection spreads."

"Or, Amputate the foot before the infection spreads."

Luna's mind blanked as she glanced back down at her hooves, she was not a medical professional. And it has been decades since she ever had to tend to any type of wound she'd sustained.

'Oh Faust,' She internally groaned.

It seemed that there was some sort of misunderstanding, as Luna was now running from a group of those angry bipedal creatures as they shot spells from their loud machines. The impressively quick spells shot around, above, and narrowly at her face as she ducked and dodged while sprinting towards the opening that appeared as she managed to escape the covenant.

They'd tried assaulting and kidnapping her, accusing her of being a synth, what was a synth? She didn't even know, but they were out to get her! And she wasn't keen on sticking around to find out what they do to assumed synths.

So she crossed the final stretch to the opening and quickly entered it, the opening immediately shutting as it formed into a wall behind her. She let out a sigh as she slid to a stop, her shoes scraping against the floor as she took another look at the wall.

How does a four-year-old have the imagination of a master storyteller? She shook her head and turned around and looked down the hall of the maze.

As she walked, she couldn't help but notice how the path became more and more illuminated, it started with torches before ultimately being replaced by those artificial lights. It was to the point where she extinguished her horn light and stopped as she looked around, it was well lit, the metallic walls with engravings clear to her as she looked on in interest. She stumbled as the maze suddenly shifted, a loud scraping noise sounding before the hall in front of her extended and increased in size.

A wooden post was erected in front of her, causing her to step back as it formed words on its surface. She leaned in and read the words, tilting her in confusion, "Stay in the light?" She took another look around.

"Why should I stay in the.." she muttered to herself before continuing to read. "Watch your shadow! They can't be stopped, all you can do is run."

She glanced down at her shadow, hardly visible with all the light as she noted nothing of interest. It was the same large shadow. She didn't understand wh-

"Hey! Who turned off the lights?" A sudden voice caused her to pause as she turned around and glanced down the opposite way, where the lights flickered. Her eyes fell upon a pony standing in the darkness staring at her. She couldn't see their face, all she could make out was that they were a unicorn.

For some reason, she didn't think this was a good thing.


The walk through Ponyville was rather quiet, the three of us walking in content silence until I decided to make a joke. The joke was something corny, particularly the one where you ask if you know why you never see elephants hiding in trees. It was stupid and simple, and it got a snort out of Spitfire and an amused smile from Mother.

I grinned at the encouragement of their amusement and started cracking off a string of corny jokes, causing the two to laugh the more I did so eventually. It was great, even with the other ponies walking around us glancing at us with smiles. Though, that could've been because they recognized Spitfire, but eh.

I went to make the joke about pigs doing karate when I stopped, my head tilting as I realized something. I was being watched. How did I know this? Simple, I got that little shiver that runs down your spine and that overlap feeling of being watched. It must've been just me because Mother and Spitfire didn't seem to pick it up.

The two were still recovering from the jokes I was telling and I tilted my head, the shiver ran up my spine again and I turned my head around. The direction I turned to was a break in where houses were, it was sort of a park area. And my focus trailed down to a bush that looked out of place.

And now that I noticed that the bush was out of place, I pursed my lips and squinted my eyes. Now that I could see that the bush seemed to be out of place, I couldn’t focus on anything else, so I tilted my head before looking back in the other direction.

“Stop.” I would say under my breath and turned my head back as I watched the world suddenly pulse outwards and the color started draining back down into a muted greyscale, the sound also was drowned out by the deafening silence as everyone slowed down until ultimately freezing in place. I let out a small sigh before standing up on mothers back and flexing my wings, they unfurled and I flapped them a few times before floating up into the air and flying in front of Mother and Spitfire.

The two had frozen smiles on their face as Spitfire was looking up to where I was and Mother had a closed-eyed smile as she glanced off to the side. I took a moment to smile at their pure expressions before shaking my head and turning my attention over to the current dilemma, that bush. That bush that I may or may not throw into the stratosphere if I find out that there is some sort of changeling stalking me, but I’ll probably do that.

I flapped my wings and flew over to where the bush was and hovered over it for a few moments, and when I got close enough that I could make out the fine details of the bush, I came to the realization that the whole rear end of someone was sticking out of it. With their purple fur and different-colored tail, I didn’t really care about the color and instead reached down and grabbed onto the edges of the bush. The leaves felt fake against my hooves as I easily pulled the bush up and away from the person hiding inside of it, and to my surprise, I saw that the bush didn’t actually have any roots beneath it. Better yet, the leaves were fake.

I scrutinized it for a moment before letting go of it and left it floating in the air as I turned back to look at the culprit in the bush, pausing as instead of a changeling, I caught sight of a purple unicorn with a pith hat and a pair of binoculars. Her hair was black with two toned streaks of colored hair in them. Besides that, I had absolutely no idea who this – weird – mare, was who was watching us.

If it was a changeling in disguise, I’d have to applaud the audacity that they had to try and use a literal bush disguise in order to try and spy on me. But as I poked the pony a few times, I didn’t see anything that would make her seem like a changeling, because I’d assume that their disguise would drop if they weren’t focused. And since time was stopped and their focus was technically non-existent, I figured that I could disrupt their shapeshifting by prodding them.

Though that was pretty far-fetched, even for me.

Anyways, I think this pony was just some sort of pervert. Because as I glanced down in between her hooves, I noticed that she had a pencil and a large notebook opened to a page with a sketched-out picture of me. And as I reached down and grabbed the book into my hooves, I couldn’t lie, it was a pretty well-drawn image. And there were some words underneath it, my name being one of them as it was under the image in parenthesis.

“Anomaly?” I said to myself as I inspected the page, apparently, she’d written a lot more than these two pages about me that ultimately added up to nothing really of interest. Everything here was just a mixture of big words and complicated thoughts that were just speculating what was so special about me. And as I read a particular sentence, I looked up at the pony again, my eyes creased in amusement.

"So far I have seen nothing out of the ordinary, the foal has shown no signs of anything to worry about. Though, if the Princess believes they are worth watching, then I will do my best-"

I didn't need to read the rest of that to get the gist of things, Sunbutt sent someone to spy on me? That’s hilarious.

“If you want anomaly, I’ll show you anomaly,” I said with a chuckle as I reached down to pick up the pencil that she had and erased the carefully drawn image of myself, and instead replaced it with a little doodle of this pony. I touched up the little googly eyes I’d given her before looking down at the literal paragraphs of observations and opinions on me before also erasing them and instead writing two simple words.

“Am Smart.” I laughed at my own humor before shutting the book and dropping it back down in between her hooves. Then I dropped the pencil and reached up to grab the binoculars that she had over her eyes, making sure to pull the strap over her head and hold it in my hooves. I looked it over for a few moments before tossing it aside, letting it float frozen before placing a hoof under my chin.

What to do? I couldn't draw on her face because she had a pencil so that limited me on that aspect.

I then glanced up at a nearby tree and a grin formed on my face.

One second Twilight was conspicuously watching Speckles and his mother and Spitfire walking and the next thing she knew she was hanging from a tree by a hoof. It caused her great confusion as her vision spiraled and she wiggled around as she tried orienting herself. There was a rope tightly wound around her hooves that left her unable to move much.

And as she tried using her magic to untie the ropes, she let out a huff as she was unable to do so.

"--!!" She grits her teeth as she swung from side to side as her magic reached out and fried, pulling at the knot. Still useless as the rope didn't budge, causing her frustration as she looked back over to where Speckles and his family were getting further and further away.

"How did I even get up here?" She muttered to herself in confusion as she continued trying to free herself.

But after a good few minutes of trying, she finally gave up with a sigh. Letting her head fall back as she tried to blink away the feeling of the blood rushing to her head.

"You good Twi?" A certain scratchy voice caused her to blink her eyes open and turned her head around as best as she could. The familiar sight of magenta-colored eyes caused her to sigh in relief. It was Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, you have to get me down from here!" She said as she squirmed. "I feel like my head is going to pop from all the blood rushing down."

The cyan pegasus tilted her head in curiosity, "how exactly did you get tied up and hung from a tree?" She said with a hint of amusement in her voice. "Spell gone wrong?"

"Uh, no," Twilight blushed in embarrassment. "I was keeping an eye on a pony of interest for the princess," she explained.

"You were stalking somepony?" Rainbow Dash would say with an amused tone. A sly grin formed on her face as Twilight sputtered, fervently shaking her head.

"Not stalking, watching! I was wat-" she groaned. "Can you just get me down from here?"

"Can't you use your magic? Rainbow said as she flew up and inspected the knot in the rope that was holding Twilight up, her head tilting as she nudged it with a hoof and nodded at just how strong it felt.

“I would’ve done so if I was able to untie the knot,” Twilight said with another shake, “just give me a hoof, Rainbow,” she said with a sigh.

“Yeah, I got you,” Rainbow said as she grabbed one end of the rope and tugged it, expecting it to give but quirked her eyebrow when it didn’t. She tried it again and found that it wouldn’t budge, “weird,” she said as she grabbed both sides and tried it again.

“What?” Twilight said as she craned her reddening face up at Rainbow.

“Did you piss off a filly scout? Because this is a tough knot,” she said as she pulled and pulled before finally, it gave and unraveled itself, gravity taking its course and dropping Twilight onto her face. The purple mare groaned as gravity pulled the rest of her body down to where she was lying on her back, feeling the blood leave her face as she sighed a breath of relief.

“Though, couldn’t you have just teleported out of the rope? I’ve seen you do it before,” Rainbow said as she dropped onto her hooves and looked down at Twilight.

“Oh, right,” Twilight said as she face hoofed.

Anyways, I left that purple unicorn hanging from a tree and continued on my way to Button's house like normal, cracking off a few more jokes before we were finally at his doorstep and Mother knocked on the door. We waited for a few moments before the door opened and the face of Button’s mother, Caring Heart, was visible. She visibly brightened up as she looked at the three of us, a smile forming on her face as she opened the door wider.

"Hello there, Hazel! And Speckles, it's good to see you both," Caring Heart greeted us warmly. "And Captain Spitfire?" she asked, noticing Spitfire standing beside us.

"Spitfire is an old friend of mine," Mother replied, smiling over at her. "Speckles wanted to see how Button was doing and Spitfire tagged along."

Caring Heart's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's wonderful! Come on in, all of you. Button is in the living room."

We followed her into the living room, making sure to close the door behind us as we walked, I shifted on mothers back, standing up on my hind legs and peering around her shoulders as we stepped into the familiar living room. Caring called out to Button who was sitting in the center of the living room with some sort of handheld device in his hooves, this piqued my interest, but I could look at that later. “Button, there’s someponies here to see you!” Caring’s voice broke him out of tunnel vision and he looked up, “Huh?” before looking from his mom to the three of us, a smile breaking onto his face as she dropped his device and stood up.

“Speckles!” he said as he quickly ran over to where I was in the process of hopping off of mothers back, not even letting me touch the floor before I was grabbed into a rather strong hug and lifted up as he giggled. “Man, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” he said as the lack of air was getting to me, I silently blinked my eyes before he let go and plopped me back down onto my own legs. I wobbled for a few moments before shaking my head and grinning up at him, “hi Button.”

“Hi, Speckle’s mom!” Button said as he glanced up at Mother with a smile, Mother gave him a smile in return. "Hey, Button," She said with a smile, before patting him on the head.

Button chuckled before taking a glance at Spitfire, “Hi Captain Spitfire,” and turned to look at me.

“Hey kiddo,” Spitfire said with a chuckle as Button paused and squinted his eyes. “Wait a second,” he said as he slowly turned his head back and upwards, his eyes slowly widening in the realization of who he was looking at, “Captain Spitfire!?” He said in shock.

“In the flesh,” Spitfire chuckled at his reaction.

He was silent before he turned and looked at me, “Dude?”


“Captain Spitfire is standing in my living room.”

“Yep,” I said with a nod.

“Am I dreami- ouch!” I cut him off by bopping him in the nose as he shook his head and rubbed his muzzle, then his eyes widened as he turned and looked up at Spitfire, “I’m not dreaming.”

“Nope, this is Spitfire, my mom's friend, that is a mare,” I said with a grin.

“Since when did you know the Captain of the Wonderbolts?” he said in awe.

“Since before I got to Ponyville,” I said with a small shrug. “We lived at her house before some changelings broke into her house.”

“Wait what?” Carings voice overshadowed Button's voice as she looked down at me in concern, “Did I hear you correctly sweetie?”

Mother let out a small sigh, “It’s a long story, why don’t you kids run along while the grownups talk?” she said more to me than she did to Button. So I took the hint and grabbed Button's larger hoof, “C’mon dude, Let’s go to your room,” I said as I pulled him a few inches before he found his own footing and followed me as the two of us quickly disappeared up the stairs. I walked down the half for a few feet before glancing up at Button's door, I couldn’t quite reach it and turned to look at Button, he was shaking his head before looking from me to the door knob.

“Short stack,” he chuckled as he easily grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open, and let us into his room, I gave him a playful glare as I stepped passed him and into his room, to which I quickly hopped up onto his bed. I stood tall and looked down at him, "I will have you know Button that I am of average height for my age, you are just abnormally tall, that's it!" I said as I turned my head up at him dramatically.

He let out a chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully, "yeah right, dude, you look like a baby," he said as he also hopped up onto his bed and still towered over me. "I know a few four-year-old's at school that are taller than you," he said as he brought his hoof from the top of his head to the top of mine, "Yeah, even Pipsqueak is taller than you, that's crazy," he said with a surprise.

Looking past the fact that someone's name was Pipsqueak, I narrowed my eyes up at him, "Them's fighting words, Button."

He grinned, "bring it, short stuff," He said as I flew up into the air.

I won that.