• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,060 Views, 1,583 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

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Chapter 57

Author's Note:

Just a reminder to look back at the previous chapter just in case you didn't see the edit that I made to the first half of it.

“So Speckles,” Spitfire would ask me the next morning as the two of us sat on the couch, mother was in the kitchen cleaning around and wondering what she would make for breakfast. And so that left us some time to kill, I glanced up at Spitfire with a head tilt, “What’s up?” I said with a yawn.

“You ever thought about what your cutie mark was going to be?” she said as she pointed down to my lack of a tattoo on my butt. I glanced down as well, but that was just for show, I honestly didn’t really care for them. Although hers looked pretty cool, I doubted I would get something as cool as that with the amount of stuff I have at my disposal.

“Hmm.. nope,” I said with a shake of my head. “Didn’t really care enough to think about what it would be,” I said truthfully.

“Well, you are around the age where cutie marks show up, so I was just wondering,” she said as she scratched at her nose.

“Well, if I had to guess, I’d probably say it would be something to do with music,” I said as she looked down at me curiously.

“Huh, that was pretty obvious, I’m dumb,” she said with a chuckle as she smoothed back her mane. “I forget that you’ve made up like, what, a couple of dozen songs already?” she said as she patted the top of my head.

Well, technically I stole them, but since their original owners did not live in this universe, I indeed wrote them, “Yes, I am planning on writing a lot more so that when I get older and my voice gets deeper,” I said trying to mimic a deeper voice. But it seemed impossible with how my voice squeaked and remained high pitched, “I can start a music career and get all of the money!” I said as I sprung up into the air and raised my hooves.

I hung there for comedic effect, which started working as she smirked before closing her eyes and laughing, “you’re a riot kid,” she said as she plucked me from the air and held me close to her chest. “But I don’t think your voice is going to get any deeper,” she said with a chuckle.

“Well, why not?” I said with a slight frown, it was an honest question.

“Male pegasi tend to have higher voices than the regular colts and stallions,” she said. “Only like a good few guys I know have a deep voice, and the rest are unicorns and earth ponies,” then she put a hoof to her chin.

“And mostly female pegasi have a deeper tone to their voices,” she said with a shrug. “See?” she said as she dropped her voice a few tones, causing me to blink in surprise as I felt the vibration of her voice in her chest.
“Woah,” I said with real shock. How the hell did that make sense? In what world did that even come close to making sense? Science class didn’t teach me any of this.

“But, doesn’t testosterone build when I get older?” I said with genuine confusion. “My voice should get deeper,” I said as I looked down at myself. But the memory of a book I read saying that pegasi were the smallest and the most delicate pony species caused me to furrow my brow.

She rubbed the back of her neck with one hoof, a sheepish look on her face, “well, I’m not an egghead, so I have no idea how it makes sense,” she said as he bopped my nose. “My only guess is because we pegasi are built to be fit for flying instead of being broad and strong like the others,” she then brought her hoof up, “hollow bones and everything, so, yeah.”

“Well, that sucks,” I simply said in response. Because what else could I say that wouldn’t cause Spitfire to ask how I knew so much about anatomy when I didn’t go to school? “Guess I’ll have to make do with what I got.”

“That’s the spirit,” she said as she ruffled my hair again. “Keep that attitude and you’ll be a lot better than most ponies,” she said.

“Better than you?” I teased. To which she let out an offended scoff, “Please, you’re like a close second to my greatness,” she chuckled.

“Oh, I would’ve said the same thing, only for Mother, you’re like a solid third place,” I said with a smug grin.

“Third place?” she asked incredulously. “Well, shit, I guess that makes sense,” she said to herself.

“The swear jar also makes sense,” I said as I pointed to a jar on the coffee table.

She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah,” as she set me down and walked over to the jar.

But yeah, knowing that my voice is probably not going to get deeper in the slightest kind of limited the number of songs that I could replicate, at least properly. Because how am I supposed to properly Rick Roll someone if my voice isn’t deep like his?

I sighed. But that was a long time from now, for now, I had time to build up a list of songs that I could use to make easy money real quick. And time to relax, adult stuff was later.

So I thought back to what Spitfire said when she conceded to being second best to Mother because, besides the joke, it seemed like she meant it. “What’d you mean by being second best to Mom?” I said as she pulled out a bit from her mane and dropped it into the jar, the sizable pile jingling as she plopped back down next to me.

“What do you mean?” she said as she looked down at me.

“Like, in a literal sense, in a flying sense?” I said with a gesture of my hoof. Causing her to perk up in realization, “Oh, right. Yeah, your mom was a better flyer than I was,” she simply said. This caused me to pause and tilt my head.

“She was a better flyer than you? Like, mechanically or?”

“Kinda in both ways, she was extremely fast, even though her wings are larger than average,” to which I tilted my head in confusion. Didn’t bigger wings mean a bigger gust of air, no wait, bigger means more air resistance.

“She somehow found a way to bypass all that wind pressure and completely blitzed all of the other ponies in our college,” she said with fondness. “And those big wings helped her get her cutie mark since she’s literally able to use her wings to drift along the wind currents.”

“That’s cool,” I said with awe. I knew Mom was awesome, but I didn’t know she was that awesome. There was so much stuff that Spitfire knew about her that I didn’t, and that meant there are probably lots of cool stories between the two.

“I know right?” she said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing,” I said with a smile. “But you’re amazing too, Spitfire. I mean, you’re one of the Wonderbolts! That’s like, the coolest thing ever!”

Spitfire smiled at me, “Thanks, kid. It’s definitely been an amazing experience being part of the Wonderbolts.”

I nodded in agreement, “I bet it has been. I mean, you get to fly with the best of the best and perform in front of thousands of ponies.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely an adrenaline rush,” Spitfire said with a grin. “But it’s also a lot of hard work and dedication. It takes a lot of training and practice to be able to perform at that level.”

“I can imagine,” I said with a nod. “But it’s worth it, right? To be able to do what you love and share it with others?”

Spitfire’s smile grew wider, “Absolutely. It’s the best feeling in the world to be able to share the magic of flight with others.”

She then picked me up again, “and hey, maybe I’ll be able to teach you how to fly as well as your mom and me, huh?” she said as she grinned. “I’ve seen you fly before and I can tell that you take after your mom pretty well, though I’ll have to see if you grow any taller,” she said as she rotated me around and inspected me. “Because small flyers sometimes have a harder time keeping themselves balanced in the air,” she said as I was rotated vertically once again.

“I am average height, thank you very much,” I said as I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Average height for a little baby," she teased. "you're four years old, at your age, I was seven," she chuckled.

"That makes no sense!" I said with a laugh.

Spitfire laughed with me and then plopped me back down onto the couch. "Well, let's get ready for breakfast. Your mom's probably finished deciding what she wants to make by now," she said as she hopped off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. I followed her, my thoughts filled with the possibilities of what my mother might be making. Pancakes? Waffles? French toast? The possibilities were endless.

As we entered the kitchen, my nose was greeted with the scent of freshly baked muffins. My mother turned to us with a smile, "Good morning, you two! I made blueberry muffins for breakfast," she said as she gestured towards the plate of muffins on the counter.

My eyes widened with excitement as I rushed over to grab one. "Thank you, Mom! They look delicious!" I said as I took a big bite out of the muffin. And to be honest, the flavor was impossibly indescribable. Too good for words.

Spitfire chuckled at my enthusiasm and grabbed a muffin for herself. "These are amazing, Hazel. You really outdid yourself this time," she said as she savored the flavor.

My mother blushed at the compliment. "Oh, it's nothing, really. I just wanted to try something new," she said as she poured us each a glass of orange juice.

As we enjoyed our breakfast, Spitfire and my mother continued to chat about old times while I listened in while stuffing my face with more food because the food was awesome. Also if I was able to get away with eating as much food as I could without gaining any weight, you best believe I was taking advantage of that in a heartbeat.

"Also," Mother suddenly said with a playfully serious tone. Spitfire and I glanced at her.

"I wasn't kidding about the two of you taking a bath today," she said as she set down her cup of orange juice.

I paused with a half-eaten muffin in my hoof as I glanced over to Spitfire, she had a mouthful of muffins as well. She gave me a knowing glance before the both of us gingerly set down our muffins and curtly nodded.

"Book it, Spitfire!" I said as she and I both sprung out of our seats at the same time, she caught me in her hooves and quickly took off in a barrel roll back into the living room.

Mother’s chuckle would ring out as we quickly vacated the kitchen, causing her to immediately unfurl her own wings and give chase.

I could hear Spitfire's laughter as she zoomed around the living room, dodging furniture and narrowly avoiding collisions with the walls with practiced ease. I clung onto her tightly, my own giggles mixing with hers.

As we flew through the air, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Spitfire. She was not only a close friend of my mother's but had quickly become a close part of our family now that she’d met up with my mother again.

Eventually, after several minutes of flying and playing, we both knew that we couldn't avoid bath time any longer. With a resigned sigh, we both flew back to the kitchen Spitfire set me down gently on the floor, we heard the chuckles of Mother get closer until she also flew into the kitchen. She easily dropped down onto her hooves and furled her large wings back to her sides, giving a playful glare at the both of us before giggling and picking me up.

“Dread it. Run from it,” she said as she held me in her hooves. A grin formed on her face.

“Destiny still arrives, all the same,” I said with a giggle, she quickly joined in and nuzzled her nose against mine.

Spitfire let out a chuckle of her own at our antics from where she stood, shifting on her hooves and smiling.

"Alright, you two," Mother said with a grin, "let's get this over with." As she let me climb onto her back and started walking out of the kitchen, Spitfire followed right behind us as Mother started climbing the stairs. As Spitfire started up as well, I decided to be cheeky.

“No wandering eyes,” I said with a soft chuckle as Spitfire glanced at me before glancing away. She muttered something to herself but I couldn’t hear it, I was too busy chuckling to do so anyway.

And with the maternal magic that mother seemed to wield, as soon as we stepped into the bathroom I could see that the tub was already filled and a single rubber duck was floating along in the water. I would never understand how she did things sometimes, and I agree that I would never ever try to figure it out.

“You know the drill sweetie,” Mother said as she took me off her back and dropped me down onto the floor. “In you go,” she said as she reached into the closet inside the bathroom and pulled out a few towels.

With a groan, I climbed into the tub, shivering as the lukewarm water enveloped me. Spitfire followed suit after Mother gave her one of her patented looks. A particular look that she liked to use in response to my kicked-puppy look.

I then scooted back in the water, plopping down on Spitfire's lap as mother also climbed into the tub, not before dropping a bar of soap and a loofah into the water. I rolled my eyes playfully as she gave me a goofy grin.

As much as I hated bath time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness at that moment. With Spitfire and Mother by my side, I knew that I was loved and cared for, and that was all that mattered to me. No changelings, no Princesses, nothing else.