• Published 12th Aug 2020
  • 4,434 Views, 569 Comments

Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 26: A flurry of emotions.

Author's Note:

I want to quickly thank Vdrake for not only willing to read my chapters before publishing, but for feedback as well. With that, I need to credit him for coming up with the term 'sugar waffle' and helping with some of the dialogue between Idol and Topaz in this chapter.

I told Cadence my plans for the day, and how they would involve Flurry, Cersus, and myself.

Cadence’s initial reaction was of concern, but the further she prodded for details did she finally warm up to the idea of being a ‘Grand Princess’ as she called it. It seemed Celestia and her hadn’t fully apologized to each other yet, and found the idea of helping the exiles as a way to bop her aunt over the muzzle with it. Of course, I pointed out this shouldn’t be the only reason for helping the exiles, and Cadence waved it off.

“Of course it isn’t, Idol. Buuuuut it does serve as a good tour de force and hopefully make my aunt think about the matter some more. You of all ponies should know Celestia doesn’t like change and takes great strides to keep things a certain way..did you know she worked out deals with certain suppliers to keep certain product lines open just for her?”

I’d heard rumors of course, but most guard talk is just that- speculation, rumors and half- truths.

“I might have heard something, but never took stock in them as I’d had other matters on my mind.” Cadence nodded.

“That’s fair, I’ve forgotten you were more of a spear than a whip back then. Well, I know for certain because I’ve seen a copy of one of these contracts, and the manufacturer of Canterlot Castle’s curtains has to produce the exact style, and color curtains until Celestia decides to alter the agreement. Can you imagine! I can barely wear my regalia everyday, yet she has to keep everything the same or she acts like somepony slapped her flank!”

“Cadence!” Old habits may die hard, and while I didn’t use her title, I still scolded her use of phrasing. She snickered at my outburst.

“Oh, be quiet! We both know how she can act, and believe me I’ve tried to get a pony to do that without blabbing it to her! A little excitement would do her some good, and Harmony and I can’t believe I’m saying it, but the longer I’ve been here and away from Celestia the more I’ve picked up on her habits. I had thought it a trick of the mind, and now I’m sure it wasn’t- she likes Discord.”

“Now you’re resorting to spreading rumors?”

“Never! It makes complete sense, and no pony can see it! The only problem is I can’t prove it, and unlikely will be able to without going behind her huge flanks.” I shuddered at the word usage, yet Cady kept going. “Do you know the reason why Luna and her decided to visit the Empire before the Wendigo attack?”

This had to be a trick question for what other reason would you ask a question with an obvious answer? Still, I bit my lip and answered to move our conversation along.

“Because of Flurry Heart’s Crystalling?” Her smirk growing bigger informed me this was the answer she sought.

“Partly! In fact, I learned from Luna before their departure that certain rumors from two years ago, and my teasing over the years had greatly affected Celestia. She came to proposition a date with you under Topaz’s supervision.”

“PLEASE…” I was hissing between my teeth for her not to finish. “...those rumors were finally dying out. Don’t go resurrecting them.”

“I won’t. I purposely let them circulate partly because I found them amusing, and I felt by doing so would offer credibility to them, but not anymore. I trust what Luna told me because I don’t see her saying something like this to stir any pots. She wouldn’t go into great detail, but suggested Celestia had been missing you and once the rumors made their way to her ears…”

“So, she still sought me out knowing of my commitment to Topaz?” Cadence flinched to my sorrow, but otherwise didn’t seem bothered by my outburst afterwards.

“Celestia wouldn’t steal you away. From what I’ve gathered she was going to approach this under common herding norms by asking Topaz first.” This time Cadence’s posture became rigid as she whipped her tail side to side. “I don’t like it. It sounds like she was hoping her position as a princess would allow her to proceed unhindered, but that could just be me still thinking poorly of my aunt.”

The accusation did bother me as it insinuated several things about the Sun Princess, and while most of them were likely a stretch, the thought of speaking ill to my sovereign didn’t sit well with me. Still, a great many things had happened since my time in Canterlot, and the idea she could do this irked me.

“While I don’t take pleasure in speculation, let alone involving my sovereign, I won’t deny I'm unsettled by the possibility. Do you think Celestia really sought such a course?” I asked, finding myself too invested in the speculation, and wanted to huff when the alicorn shrugged.

“Honestly, I can’t say with certainty without using Auntie Luna’s words to back my credibility. She would know Celestia more than anypony else even with her extended absence, yet I do find it unusual for her to lie about this because what would there be to gain? It’s that question that leads me to believing it might be true, Idol.”

“Perhaps it's a good thing, I moved my family here then isn't it?” There wasn’t supposed to be any maliciousness behind my words, but even I had to reflect on what I had just said. Cadence’s head cocked to the side, but carried on after that.

“If it’s of any consolation, Shining Armor and I do enjoy you being here. Even with the hiccup of the last few months, it's been a blessing having friends we consider family helping us. Shifting Winds is a good stallion, but I, as well as Shining Armor, are more relaxed knowing you’re the pony behind it in the end. Knowing we’re not alone has made the burden of ruling that much easier; the ponies here are nice, but we still have a few trying to see what they can get away with. ”

Her words left me unable to respond right away, and the Alicorn of Love sensed this for she moved to wrap me into a hug- I returned it back as she patted my back.

“You’ve done so much for us, let alone anycreature that had a problem. I know I keep saying it, but I’m happy to call you my friend.”

“Thank you…” Was all I managed to squeak out as I processed the love she was giving me, and my own emotions on the matter when she dropped one of the biggest surprises I’d ever been given up to that point, and could only compare to another that wouldn't happen for another two years.

“Shining has informed me of your committee idea, and while I’m still hesitant, I’ll agree to it on one condition..yes consider this a bribe.” She stopped our hug to step back so see my reaction I would later learn. “We wanted to ask Twilight about this, but we feel there’s already too much on her plate to assume sole responsibility, and given you and Topaz are our best friends and already established…”

She picked the worst time to stop as she felt the need to begin love bombing the area as she danced in place from an unknown excitement.

“Princess please, it's too much!” I begged. While my capacity to store and process love had greatly improved over the decade, more so after my change, to stand near the princess as she generated the raw intensity of it continues to overwhelms me.

“I’m sorry! I’m just really excited to ask this of you! As our established friends, would you and Topaz be Flurry Heart’s godparents?”

I was taken back, what more could I say?

The heiress had wormed her way into my hearts when she wasn’t crying all the time, and could be very observant; never had I interacted with a more curious foal that wielded powerful magic, or had eyes that shimmered with a greater understanding of the world around her. Truly an unique foal in all aspects, and poised for greatness in any field she may wish to pursue in the approaching future, but should I have a part to play in that future? .

“I’m an aberration- a freak.” I muttered unknowingly, earning the side of my blunt side of Cadence's wing.

“Stop that right now, Idol. You may not be a pony, but you are not this monster you seem to think you are. Tell me, would this logic extend to Redshock?” I shook my head no.

“I suppose not, your highness…”

“Cadence! It's Cadence to you, Topaz, and Redshock so remember that! I asked this not seeking an answer at this exact moment, and honest to Harmony I would be worried if you’d said yes already.” She gripped my left shoulder with her right hoof. “Enjoy your day with our daughters, and when everything is done talk to Topaz about this, and while I doubt she’ll turn it down, this still is a life changing decision.”

“Of course your, highness.” Her hoof let go of my shoulder only to tap it.

“I said it's Cadence.”

“Old habits may die hard, but you are one of the few that deserve their title. May Harmony and Order watch over us.”

We parted ways after that, and with permission to bring Flurry Heart along, I made my way toward her nursery where Cersus should already be attending to her responsibilities as ‘big sister’. The morning was already waning in favor of the windswept mid day, but there should be enough time to at least start my search for the first of possibly many exiles living in the city.

The preparations were made, and the three of us left shortly after.

There was some resistance to Flurry’s departure from the Castle, and it took a lot of promises and pulling rank to allow the young heiress harnessed over my barrel to leave without an additional escort. I waited of course until I was certain we wouldn’t be overheard before filling Cersus into my plan, and reminded her to keep her excitement under control to avoid drawing further attention to us.

“But you’re wearing Flurry Heart! How is my yelling any worse?”

As if to prove the nymph’s point, the young alicorn’s massive wings began flapping as if to test the constraints of her prison. Her efforts did bear fruit as the foal possibly suffering from Excessive Wing Growth(EWG) managed to tap into her pegasus magic creating a miniature wind front. The wind from this miniature storm front was enough to nearly topple me over as the wind nearly ripped the nearby tapestry off the wall, and Order prevailed; it didn’t happen.

“Point taken. Let us be quick before Cadence or Shining have second thoughts.” In my haste to prevent further damage to the castle’s interior, I opted to run down the length of its halls which unfortunately the heiress enjoyed.

She loudly giggled while flapping her massive wings as Cersus and myself bolted down the halls toward the stairs, creating more wind in front of us that knocked ponies over.

“I APOLOGIZE! THE HEIRESS DOESN’T UNDERSTAND HER POWER, SO BE WEARY!” I yelled in the hopes ponies would hear me, but with the hurricane in front of me, that warning became mute.

By the time the three of us managed to clear the Castle’s Entrance, I’d estimate about a dozen ponies had been knocked over by the force of the young princess. While unfortunate, and would require time to properly apologize to the affected ponies in the future, I was thankful that the princess stopped flapping her wings when the sunshine touched her fur; like a flipped switch the wings stopped and she began reaching for the sky, and we took this opportunity to catch our breaths.

Cersus fell to the floor for a bit, and I nearly joined her but decided to sit instead using the time to preoccupy the princess in the hopes of preventing any further usage of her magic.

“Who's a good princess? You are.” I told Flurry Heart as I reached for her hooves. The young princess giggled as she looked up from her sling and tried to grab my hooves, Cersus looked up from her spot on the floor, and offered her own advice.

“She likes head pats…” The nymph forced out before succumbing to her breathing exercises.

Encouraged by this information I switched up my tactic, and made it so as Flurry Heart reached for one of my hooves, I would pull it back and pat her head just behind her horn- the result was instant. She squealed excitedly as she bounced in the sling while trying to grab the offending hoof. I looked over to Cersus who had finally controlled her breathing, and got back on her hooves once more.

“Thank you for the suggestion, you’ve learned well.” She buzzed her wings a little in response.

“It’s what happens when you’re the number 1 best big sister there is. You learn these things, and if you’re lucky pops I might tell you my secrets.”

If Cersus knew what she’d said, she didn’t act like it, but I caught it- she called me pops. Recently, she’d become comfortable enough to call Topaz mom, and that had brought nothing but delight to the pegasus ever since. Cersus and myself still haven’t reached that threshold yet as I’m still weary to allow the nymph to address me as such. To do so would permanently alter the dynamic of our relationship even though I myself had done nothing to prevent it from becoming what it is today.

In truth, I’m nervous about what allowing Cersus calling me her father might bring, yet I’ve already claimed her as my own several times before…

“Careful not to divulge all of your secrets for what good is a ling without at least one?” I asked Cersus who stopped walking ahead of me and appeared to think about it for a second before turning back and shrugging.

“A pony?”

Her own answer left me speechless for a moment as I tried to figure out if this was a true statement, which I concluded wasn’t true for the princess…

“The princesses have secrets, but are they not ponies?”

“They’re princesses, not ponies.”

I was stunned silent yet again by her logic! Could the princesses of ponykind not qualify as ponies? A topic I might explore further when we’re not on a time constraint, but as if to prove a point, I found the need to look down at the foal resting in the sling.

“Surely, you don’t have any secrets, do you young Flurry Heart?” I asked knowing the foal couldn’t answer for herself, but when she looked up at me and cooed did I end that line of thinking. My haste caught Cersus by surprise as I nearly left her behind, but what I saw in those little eyes told me the heiress had enough sense to know what was going on around her.

My initial instinct was to seek out Crystal Hoof to start off our list, but decided not to for a myriad of reasons and the high probability he would be working. On the chance Mr. Hoof might be an exile with no ill intention, I would give him the benefit of the doubt and avoid bothering the stallion at his place of employment, and seek him out another time.

The next area we decided to try was the marketplace that had developed in the plaza around the train station, and my hope was to find that couple selling the Poison Joke bulbs once more. Cersus’s mood perked up at the thought of spending some of her allowance, and eagerly agreed- even more when she learned we’ll likely meet another exile besides Crystal Hoof.

“Have I met them before?”

“If you have, there would be questions, but I doubt it. Topaz and I encountered them entirely on accident during one of our outings, yet we can’t confirm if they’re one or not. I’m hoping you might be able to help with that distinction Redshock.”

The nymph buzzed her wings before bouncing out in front…

“Listen. You’re talking to the Best imaginary Friend, and biggest Daring Do enthusiast in the whole dang Empire! If there’s any filly that can get answers, then it's this one.” She pointed to herself, drawing Flurry into the excitement of her ‘presentation’ who tried reaching for the nymph. “See? What I’d tell you! Here. You. Go!”

She patted Flurry’s hooves three times, with each pat making the heiress squeal in delight.

I of course only watched their interaction to avoid ruining their moment, and allow myself a chance to marvel at their deepening bond. Amazement, for even our scarce outing with the young heiress hadn’t revealed any sort of interaction save for an older foal taking care of the youngest- a foalsitter watching their charge. What I’m witnessing is more aligned with how siblings will behave around another, and I felt something watching the two giggling as we weaved our way through the vendors and shoppers trying not to gawk at the three of us.

Cersus seemed more food motivated today as she sought out the treat vendors, her snout pointed up as she sampled the air for the source of whatever treat she might have found. This search weaved us through many rows of tents and vendors, ponies, and non-ponies as Cersus increasingly became nearly agitated looking for this…

“THERE WE ARE!” She loudly proclaimed before dashing toward this lone food stall that had a small gathering of creatures around it.

“Cotton Candy? I’ve always taken you more of a rock candy kind of foal.”

“Ok, that was a little funny! Why can’t you do that all the time instead of those other lame jokes?”

“Because telling ‘lame’ jokes is easier than actively telling good jokes, it uses less energy overall.”

Cersus’s eyes narrowed as she tried reading my muzzle for answers, to which I offered her a small smile for her troubles.

“You were telling one of these jokes again weren’t you?”

“No joke, Redshock. I was only agreeing with you, but enough, if you want something from this vendor your turn is nearly here.” I pointed toward the stall, and once the disguised nymph confirmed the truth reluctantly left to get in line. I leaned close to Flurry Heart so only she could hear. “Lame jokes have a difficulty moving, so they’re not as active..get it?”

Whether or not the heiress understood me was irrelevant for she cooed at the attention directed toward her, and knew she was included in the conversation. Many years of accumulating random tidbits of knowledge over a wide range of topics once more served their purpose today, as I applied them to caring for the foal- they love to be talked to. It makes them feel included, and the engagement between adult and foal further stimulates their developing mind, making the first few years some of the most important, or so Cadence told me.

Regardless, I would’ve talked to the filly on the pretext changeling nymphs developed leagues ahead of pony foals, but it didn’t mean pony foals weren’t completely incapable of catching up. Eventually, Cersus was next in line and ordered a spool for herself and hopped over back to us.

“It's really good! You have to try some, Idol!” She stuck out her hoof to offer some of the sugary treat, and I was thankful she was finally minding her manners more by not talking with her mouth full. I was going to turn down her offer when Flurry’s horn grew bright, and before we understood the repercussions of this, Cersus lost half her treat. “Flurry!”

Cersus cried out, but the foal already had the sugary treat in her maw, giggling as she listened to sugar crackle.

“Cotton Candy is a little too rich for us anyway, and overall bad in large doses. We’ll find another food stand to make up for alright? I’ll buy.” I offered, feeling a little bad, but relieved Cersus didn’t consume all of it herself.

“Yea, alright. It's not a big deal.” I could tell it was a bigger deal then she was willing to admit, but to avoid causing any sort of scene didn’t press the issue.

Flurry Heart to my dismay became more active after her treat, and wouldn’t stop bouncing in place making movement of any sort unpleasant. This was rectified when I(to my good fortune) discovered a vendor selling pet supplies to a small herd of Crystal Ponies marveling at the offerings. Our abrupt appearance startled the crowd causing them to bow before the young highness, and after a quick apology to the the mare watching the stall purchased two of her leashes, fastened them into a single long one before clamping it Flurry’s harness; the gathered ponies were unsure what I was doing, but the sellsmare nearly bolted when she understood my intention.

“Whatcha doing Idol?”

“I’m setting Flurry Heart free.” A jest of course, but in hindsight not the most appropriate thing to say in front of her subjects. To my pride, one of them almost stood up before thinking twice and kept bowing.

More ponies were watching from afar as it wasn’t too common to see a princess, and a stallion of high standing among the public all too often. The leash was finally tied around and through the harness to my liking and using my magic unhooked the harness from allowing the heiress’s wings to take over the burden of carrying her. Before anypony could intervene, Flurry Heart was airborne.

“Are you stupid! If we’re setting her free, shouldn’t we have done so in a park or something with trees in it?”

“That's only for birds, Redshock, but your logic is still sound.” I praised her some, but kept my attention on the foal flying around us as far as the leash would allow her. “We are merely taking the princess for a walk and nothing more.”

“You’re not going to take me for a walk are you?” Cersus was looking up at the foal, and I could tell by her posture she didn’t like the idea of being treated in such a way.

“Of course not, for you’re a big filly that knows how high to fly and not have your feathers burnt off.”

“That can happen!?” She asked as we continued our walk through the open marketplace, ignoring all the looks directed at us. I swore somepony took a picture, but I couldn’t recall seeing or hearing a camera, yet I was sure a flash had gone off. Cersus kicking my leg brought me back.

“Harmony no, it's an expression used to elaborate a foal’s lack of understanding. I’m sure you know how high you can go, or the dangers of flying under certain conditions, no? Well a foal often lacks that understanding, and pegasi parents would tell their foals that to keep them from flying too high in the sky. Often, it makes them fearful of flying for time until they’re pushed off a ledge.”

The nymph convulsed slightly at the thought before shaking her head side to side.

“That’s Uncle Shi…” She clamped her mouth shut suddenly, looked my way quickly, and then continued keeping pace alongside me.

“What was that?” I asked knowing full well what she was about to say, yet found joy in feigning ignorance to ruffle her imaginary feathers.

“Uh.. Shining throwing Cadence off a balcony? You heard the story didn’t you?” Cersus’s new nervousness kept her from that cloud-like walking, and to her credit picked up on it as she tried to mimic the earlier stride. When this failed she looked up to the sky trying to shift focus onto the living kite called Flurry Heart.

I of course played along and didn’t address her slip of the tongue until I could discuss it with Topaz.

“I have indeed, and I can tell you in great detail later that their highnesses weren’t learning to fly that horrendous day. Even now, we’re still reeling from its effects, and praise Harmony we’re winning.”

“Oh..well it seemed like fun too. The Wonderbolts fly really fast and do their own stunts, and the story said Shining threw Cadence so fast the door didn’t even hit her!

“Where did you hear that?” I had to keep myself from stopping in the middle of the market to avoid creating a scene, and Flurry Heart who was still airborne. As if her laughter and sparkling horn weren't doing that anyway.

“I overheard some of the guards talking about it and at first it didn’t sound cool, but the more I listened to them, they couldn’t believe her flanks didn’t get hit...”

“Enough. The couple we’re looking for aren't here today, so let us get another treat and leave before we waste the entire day here.” The abrupt change of topic shook her from that line of thought, and to looking for another source of subsistence.

With this excuse, Cersus perked up as she seemed to be cloud walking once more as she pranced out in front to find a worthy stall. Almost as if the heiress heard us, Flurry Heart began tugging on her leash prompting me to look up for an explanation- she kept flying toward our 2 o'clock position. I relayed this to Cersus, who turned her muzzle to the air and flapped her wings indicating she found something.

“I smell something good! Let’s go check it out!” She bolted.

“Before careful! Don’t get in the ponies way!” I called out, but didn’t know if she heard my plea or not, yet thanked Harmony she at least did appear to be minding where she tread.

I quickened my pace trying to keep up with the disguised nymph while making sure not to tug on Flurry’s leash; the young foal’s wings, large as they were, did keep her airborne and it really did appear I was flying a kite this cloudless day.

‘Thank Order, she hasn’t tried escaping.’ I thought to myself trying to keep my eyes on both of my charges.

Ponies, and the odd creature did see our approach and parted so we could proceed unhindered, and we did just that. Cersus only stopped once in the middle of the plaza to sniff the air before bolting to our right which would take her directly toward the Train Platform, and being the good sitter I was followed. She eventually stopped in front of a stall with a portable furnace hitched to the cart where three ponies appeared to be operating the stall: one to take orders while the other two kneaded the dough that would be used for their cakes.

“Th..this..this one..Idol.” The nymph continued huffing from the excursion, but thanks to her recent growth phase this didn’t last far more than several seconds.

“Your nostrils haven’t failed you little one, for this scent radiates a feeling of joy and hunger.”

“So? Can we get one!?”

“I did promise you a substitute treat, and by the looks of the advertisement this funnel cake might be the waffles of the dessert world. It seems a healthy treat."

I was soon proven mistaken when roughly an entire sack of powdered sugar was dumped upon the confection, and offered to one of the waiting ponies. My excitement grew dimmer, while the squealing of two foals alerted me to a future filled with medical visits and sugarless pastries. Voicing my concerns did little to persuade the nymph from the sugar waffle and I, with some reluctance, ordered one. And then after the aroma of the treat tempted me most unfairly, shamefully increased the order to ‘two’. .

“Salutations! It is a privilege to be serving one one from the Royal Court, and most regarded too. My family is both blessed and honored.” The mare was a native of the Empire that much was certain, for if her choice of words weren’t enough, her coat shunned with the crystal brilliance known to the locals.

“Praise of this kind still bothers me even a year later as I don’t feel worthy of this notoriety, but I’m learning. Her brilliance shines brightly upon us, so let us rejoice for the night shall shelter us under its sparkling gems.”

“OH! Under guiding hoof, we’re led to water but only you can make me drink it.” She cried back, earning questioning looks from her colleagues, as the waiting crowd gave us questioning looks.

Only a year earlier I would’ve done the same, yet my time and willingness to integrate exposed me to a number of sayings and practices these Crystal Ponies do and say in their once religious-esque life. My initial greeting was in response to her praise, and while I don’t like to be openly praised, I told her the day is lovely, and the night beautiful so let us not dwell on this. She in turn responded in a similar manner, politely of course, that she’s set in your ways, but could change them over time.

An odd list of phrases and actions, but one that I’ve learned stemmed from a need to keep infighting within the Empire to a minimum so the Crystal Heart could continue spinning. And while the Crystal Ponies are more accepting of the times they find themselves in, I found they respond more positively to the old ways of speaking, often treating the exchange as they might treat a friend. In this way I managed to become more accepted in the Empire than by solely shouldering the command of Colonel.

I waved her statement off. “You honor me more than I feel is necessary for one honor bound as myself. When the princess watches over us with love, do we shine the brightest.”

“Ah! The Colonel is a romantic after my heart!” The mare exclaimed, and I felt some heat building around my cheeks at the hushed murmurs.


“Worry not Colonel! I know of your union and the fruit it bore next to you. I merely meant it is refreshing to hear and see our traditions openly used again, and by a foreign no less. Thank you.”

“He doesn’t like fruit all that much.” We both turned to the disguised nymph who had stood up to lean on the stall. “The best mom and I can get him to eat is those rainbow apples, but we can’t find them here.”

“A rainbow what?” The mare asked, even looking at her colleagues as they put our two cakes into the oven.

“It is often a red fruit that grows from trees, juicy and nutritious, they’re often paired with other foodstuffs to create dessert dishes. The rainbow colored ones, Zap Apples, are more flavorful and possess the sharpness of a rainbow drink.”

“Like a berry, no?”

“Perhaps, just think of them the size of a hoof.” Her eyes became wide as she shook her head side to side.

“That’s a bit much, my lord. I fine a small hoofful enough to flavor my food, and anymore then that the poor soup would become bitter!” Her laughter was sincere and made with no ill intent so I didn’t push the issue. Cersus for her surprising resilience and understanding still lack this sense.

“But why would you put berries in your soup instead of tomatoes?”

“Because Crystal Berries are a tradition as they’re a staple of the Empire, Redshock.” I had to bite my tongue to keep from comparing the nymph to the vegetable she resembled so much. “The castle has most of its food imported to keep from draining the local harvest until it can bounce back.”

I almost forgot about my other charge, but she was quick to remind me when I felt the tugging on the leash before it hit the ground, the harness still attached. My worry would have become 10 fold that very moment if Cersus, and the mare hadn’t cried from fright, where to my relief found the living storm currently latched onto the nymph’s back.

“Ah come on! Don’t drool there!” Cersus cried as she dropped to her hooves once more. With the crisis temporarily averted, I turned my attention back to the mare who thankfully was more concerned with the two fillies then retrieving my order.

“I would like to apologize for that sudden disturbance, but would it be possible to get an estimate on those cakes?”

We eventually got our treats which calmed the ravenous foal long enough for Cersus and myself to enjoy our slice of the cake(I like the term sugar waffle). The fillies split one cake, while I took the half of the other leaving the final half open, and quickly shot down the nymph’s pleas for it-she even offered to split the half with me.

“COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! COME ON!” She cried while hopping around me. I ignored her antics much to her dismay, and only made the filly switch tactics to start jumping on me.

“The answer is still no. You’ve had enough and look where it's gotten you, a loose cannon filly with no regard for the rules.” This wasn’t true, but my hope was Cersus would stop to ponder her current mental state long enough to realize the error of her ways. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen.


For all her whining and jumping, I was thankful she hadn’t awakened the now passed out Flurry Heart who hung once more around my barrel. All of her flying did little to subdue the filly, but some of the funnel cake did what Cadence and Shining couldn’t do, and I wasn’t about to undue any of the progress. Topaz had advised bringing the fillies to her class last night, and though I agreed then, I wanted to surprise her with some of this delicious cake…


I reluctantly abandoned that plan.

“If Topaz asks, we went for a walk and talked to a few ponies, agreed?”


Trusting the hyperactive nymph with my bags, I crouched so she could reach the saddlebag with the remaining cake. Cersus didn’t waste time removing the sugary treat, and I had to stop her from immediately breaking her promise by ripping my promised piece of cake off hers- we both ate them quickly when Flurry’s nose twitched.

“..ets hu..hurry.” I tried speaking while chewing, encouraged by the worry the sleeping foal would wake once more. I swallowed the delightful treat. “We need to speak with at least one acquaintance before heading back to the castle, minus Crystal Hoof of course.”

“WHY’S THAT?” Cersus screeched as her pace quickened once more, fueled by an additional intake of sugar. I tried following her movements, but couldn't as she skipped literal circles around me and the sleeping heiress.

“It is a matter of productivity, and keeping our word. I only have a week to gather support for my appeal, meaning there is little time to waste, and truthfully, I don’t know where to start. The market was my only lead, and the ponies in question weren’t set up.”

“WHO WERE THEY? FRIENDS OF YOURS, BECAUSE I DON’T BELIEVE.. WOW LOOK HOW FAST I CAN RUN!” To demonstrate her increased speed, Cersus began running laps around me. This lasted maybe three laps before she took flight and nearly clipped the side of my head.

“Ce..Redshock!” I cried, as the disguised nymph began flying circles around me with the occasional roll. Her colors were acting up by this point, and was more noticeable in the sky where the sun reflected off her. Harmony, and Order were with me as the color shift didn’t appear too drastic leaving a passing pony to think it was the Crystal sheen of her coat catching the colors wrong.

“COME ON IDOL! YOU CAN’T GROUND A PEGASUS!” She screamed back while doing another loop.

“Was that a joke? It lacks the set up, but you did well enough for a first timer. Topaz will be proud when…”

“WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!” I watched with some repressed glee as she began her descent to land a few strides in front of me. “I DIDN’T MEAN IT, I SWEAR!”

“Your intentions might not have been to make it, yet your instinct made it on your behalf. It brings my hearts joy to see you trying new things. If allowed, I could provide some pointers given that many ponies have noted I’m very good at joke telling.”

THe nymph always became embarrassed when being compared to me, and while glad she took more to Topaz, I couldn’t completely hide my dejection of her lack of interest. So, I often took to walking with or teasing the nymph as a way to keep up our interactions in a less than formal setting, as I found her more than willing to act like a pony foal then a trained infiltrator.

“I still think you misheard…” Cersus’s hyperactiveness was all but gone save for the occasional jitteriness as the last of the sugar was burned off.

“You were rather high up there, so I might have. Where did you learn to fly like that? I don’t recall Topaz teaching you anything like that.” I was telling the truth even if I had purposefully changed the conversation. She looked up, and held her tongue when we both heard the alicorn filly gurgling in foal-talk just before going limp in the harness once more.

My ploy worked. Cersus’s demeanor changed with the new line of questioning starting with the jitteriness subsiding, and how her posture lost its rigidness for the relaxed state one often found her in as she wandered the castle. Even in the middle of the street, there weren’t nearly as many ponies here then there were at the market plaza, yet Cersus seemed less bothered by potential onlookers than to suggest she made a joke.

“I've been practicing, you know?” She even went as far to lift one of her hooves and act as if she were examining her hoof. “I shouldn’t say this..because I don’t like to brag but I have connections with the Wonderbolts.”

“Really now? And what sort of strings do you have attached to their organization?”

She dropped her hoof, and tried to smile without showing too much of her fangs- it failed, and once more we’re lucky no pony seemed to notice.

“The kind that gets Spitfire to send you a letter and some pointers!” She hollered.

Her outburst managed to get Flurry Heart stirring, but with some quick rocking back and forth while humming that old changeling nursery rhyme managed to avoid a possible crisis. I glared at the nymph, who now looked less smug…

…only slightly.

“Since when have you and the Captain been in correspondence?” I asked, trying not to cross my hooves in front of me, and whispered a thank you to Harmony that Flurry Heart was sleeping, or else I might have been more animated with my displeasure.

“The kind when you read a letter intended for somepony else, and write back instead which leads to her writing back..she signed it as well!”

“I’m at a loss for words…” I really was, and surprised myself I’d even managed to speak that sentence telling Cersus how lost for words I was.

My silence must have spooked her, for her earlier jitteriness began creeping back starting with her twitching wings.

“Maybe you could find them?” She asked dropping to her flank so she could tap her forehooves together.

I blinked for once more it appeared the nymph had made a joke at my expense, and briefly looking around us felt we’d drawn too much attention for one day. I needed support for my proposal, but felt this attention would scare away the reclusive exiles if I’d pursued them today. A good guard knows when to accept futility, and with one foal already crashing from the sugar with the second one teetering on that point decided to cut my losses.

“Then let us seek them out together.” I smiled down at her. “And you can tell me how good the Captain has been since we last spoke.”

“YEA! She really wanted to thank you with the rainbows, or something. It confused me because I didn’t know you did weather work in Canterlot?”

“I think she meant for the Element of Loyalty, a Miss Rainbow Dash. Spitfire had been scouting her for a few years, and asked for some advice a few years back on how to proceed. It sounds like she succeeded.”


“The Element of Loyalty? She was the blue pegasus with the rainbow mane when Twilight Sparkle showed up a couple of months back.”

“OH! YOU MEAN THE LOUD ONE!” She looked back for confirmation, and when I nodded continued. “Yea, I saw her but she seemed annoying, and was trying too hard to be Daring Do. You can’t become Daring Do by acting like a knockoff…”

Her little tirade would last us the rest of the way back to the castle, but I didn’t interrupt her in the slightless even when we eventually came across Shining Armor. He made his business quick, and informed me that Cadence and himself were needed back in Equestria as soon as possible, and asked if I might continue watching Flurry Heart for another couple of days.

The relief on his face spoke loudly how much this meant to him.

“Thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me…” I held up my hoof.

“I can only guess, but you and Cadence are our best friends, and to turn you down would be a travesty. Besides...” I paused trying to find the words, as Shining’s worry started to fester once more. “...we couldn't turn away our goddaughter.”

His eyes went wide. Cersus’s eyes dilated.

“You mean…”
“You mean…”

I nodded to both of them.

“I haven’t spoken to Topaz on the matter, but I’m positive she’ll agree with me. If you will have us, we’ll like to be Flurry’s godfamily.”


“You will!?”

I felt the urge to kick the nymph’s legs, but found it would make a terrible impression in front of my godbrother-in law, and goddaughter.

“Of course. Now go forth with the comfort that your offspring is in good hooves until your return.” I tried sending him off, but found myself wrapped in his hooves while he tried not to crush his only daughter.


“That is topic up for discussion another time, but right now go with the understanding I’m glad to have been by your side all of these years.” I extended my hoof, and after a second Shining took it.

“Same here pal. Hopefully I’ll see you in a few days. Tell Topaz I said hi and thank her for me will you?”

“Will do. Do you think you’ll be back for our game?”

“Of course!” He smiled as he began walking away, down the hall. “It’s my turn to DM after all, and just because we made up doesn’t mean I’m going easy on you!”

“Splintered Axe wouldn't have it any other way.” I returned the smile, and like that he was out of sight leaving the three of us alone.


“What was what?”

“That!” Cersus gestured down the hall before to Flurry Heart who was finally beginning to stir.

“I was asked earlier in the day before I retrieved you if Topaz and myself could act as godparents to Flurry Heart. I didn’t give an answer then, but did just now after pondering it.”

“Don’t I get a say in it? She affects me as well!”

“Do you want a sibling Cersus?” I asked the nymph, and watched as she reeked back.

“I…” She started but stopped as the words escaped her tongue like they did for me earlier. I wouldn’t push the issue upon her, as like myself she needed to come up with her own answer.

“It’s not an easy answer to seek, but one that will take time to find what fits for you. Let us not ponder this tonight, and instead make preparations to watch the young heiress.” Cersus still looked unsure, but nodded and began trotting along myself once more.

“You do mean me right? I do live in a castle you know.” I didn’t hide my amusement, and chuckled.

“That you do. Perhaps one day you will become royalty.”

Her ears perked up, but her question both surprised and touched me.

“You and mom would still be there right?”

“Of course we will. If we don’t, you’ll only get into trouble.”


“You will make many dentists happy, that you will.”

Cersus huffed at my response, but did nothing else.

“I’d make a good princess…” She looked more downtrodden, and I felt ashamed for my little jest. I wouldn’t have made it if I’d known she'd react to it so strongly.

“If my jest was of any offense, then let me state it wasn’t made with ill intent. You’re a remarkable filly, and the future will only show us how far you’ll go, so don’t get caught up on the little hooks life will set for you. If I did, I highly doubt we’ll be here right now.”

“Are you suggesting we’re a fish?” Cersus asked, already losing that rain cloud over her head which made patting her head easier.

“Now you’re doing that on purpose.”

“What can I say? If mom can tolerate you all of this time, then maybe your jokes aren’t all that bad.”

“Cersus…” I said her true name in the castle halls unknowingly, but would find out later she caught the slip up. “...if I could cry it would be liquid courage.”

“What the buck?”

“Language young lady. A princess doesn’t use crass words.”

“But what about all the times I’ve heard mom or Cadence and Shining Armor? When I tell Mom to do it behind closed doors like Cadence and Shining she gets embarrassed…. just like that!” The nymph cried pointing at myself, and this time her actions finally spurred the stirring Flurry Heart awake, setting off a renewed attempt to escape her harness.

I seized the distraction to change the topic, and hopefully avoid any potential embarrassment.

“Look what you’ve done, you woke Flurry Heart from her nap.” A half truth, but with enough truth in it to cause doubt for the nymph.

“Hey, don’t go blaming it on me. You’re the one moving all the time, and maybe she heard your lame jokes.”

“Practice makes perfect, and practice is something you lack.” I stopped walking so I could try and calm the restless heiress but she resisted my efforts by flapping her massive wings with enough force to create more wind.

“MAKE HER STOP!” Cersus cried before bolting down the hall to escape the onslaught of wind leaving myself behind.

I stayed put trying to minimize the potential damage to the hall, and against my better judgment attempted to make a deal with the filly.

“If I let you out of this harness, will you cease your attempts to escape?”

In another display of self awareness, the alicorn filly stopped moving to look up at me. She began cooing at me, and somehow I knew she was trying to make a deal with me. Ponies in the past questioned my devotion to the Princesses, and if raising the Sun and Moon weren’t enough then the fact the young Flurry Heart understood everything I was saying could be reason enough for supporting the alicorn princesses.

“Your parents must leave for a couple of days, and have asked me to watch over you. Cersus will be there of course.” I added the last bit, and was thankful when it sparked her curiosity once more to try and wiggle free. “ Hold still, and I’ll set you free.”

A stallion of my word, I released the filly and watched with trepidation as she floated to the floor, and after making contact with the crystal floor quickly turned around and latched onto my forehoof. Her quickness unease me slightly, and I might have taken a step back out of safety for the filly, yet she was quick and ran up the length of my leg before trying to grab hold of my neck. I helped her using my magic and she quickly attached herself to the back of my neck using her little hooves to hold her in place.

“Better?” I asked, and was rewarded with a happy cooing that I took as a yes. We had barely started to catch up with Cersus when I felt a wetness pooling on my neck, and finally understood Cersus’s fear of the filly.

“How do you drool so much?” I wondered, and was once again rewarded with a happy cooing.

“Aren’t you adorable? Yes you are!” Topaz leaned further into the crib trying to tickle the alicorn foal, who found the attempt amusing. Topaz had taken on the mantle of caretaker for the rest of the evening, and to my relief and surprise hadn’t relented from that role since her return from grading papers, and by the amount of joy and contentment coming from her might have needed the distraction.

Twice Flurry Heart had managed to roll onto her hooves in an effort to escape the Tickle Mare, much to Topaz’s enjoyment.

“She did it again, Idol! She tried running away again…got you!” The filly happily cried as she was picked up. I watched as the filly lazily flapped her wings in anticipation for what Topaz started calling the ‘Snoot Boop’, where she would bring the filly close enough for their snouts to touch, and then pull back. This action was often repeated twice with additional words of praise, or compressed words that sounded funny, but everyone of them was filled with love.

The sight was relaxing to observe.

“She didn’t flap her wings like that earlier.”

“Perhaps if Uncle Idol weren’t flying you like a kite, you might not have been a sour berry would you?” Topaz asked Flurry Heart, who only flapped her wings harder while reaching out for her hooves. I didn’t take the bait of course.

“You’ve adapted quickly to your new role, Aunt Topaz. Is there something you need to tell me?” I asked teasingly of course knowing Cadence hadn’t spoken with Topaz before, but sometimes it's enough to let things slip.

“Why wouldn’t I? They’ve been our best friends for years, and I now have more of an excuse to buy this filly nice things! New booties!” She emphasized this by bringing the filly close to her barrel and using her wings tips started to tickle the filly’s little hooves, an act that surprised me because Topaz found it difficult moving her wings since the Wendigo attack.

Flurry Heart couldn’t express her enjoyment anymore then she already was, and it caused me to look over with some concern the heiress might try and use magic- thankfully she seemed content to bask in the attention. The day's activities had left me exhausted, and I was grateful Topaz took over watching Flurry Heart as I watched from our makeshift bed that laid along the wall directly across the crib. The pillows and blankets having been borrowed from the many spare rooms the castle seldom used meant we didn’t have to unmake our bed, and left our pheromones intact for the nymph to feel safe tonight.

Cersus is growing faster with each passing week, and her request to remain in our shared quarters was proof enough of this. I wasn’t too comfortable letting the nymph out of our sights, but agreed with Topaz she was big enough to start making some decisions on her own, so we accepted it on the condition that a guard remain stationed outside. A simple request, and after wishing her a good night proceeded to camp in Flurry’s room for the remainder of the night and possibly the following night as well.

Twice I’d nearly dozed off only to be woken by the filly’s excited laughter mixed with Topaz’s own giggling, and twice more I was put back to sleep basking in the growing love and joy filling the air. The third time I woke up wouldn’t be till later in the evening when Flurry Heart finally went to bed for most of the night, and Topaz was getting ready to lay down for the night as well. The importance of this night( as with several others), drastically changed not only my outlook on life, but greatly altered the lives of our little family for a great number of years afterward.

“She really is a hoofful. Maybe you were onto something with the whole kite idea, Idol.” Topaz groaned as she ceremoniously collapsed onto the pillow next to me.

“I’ve heard of pegasi foals being tied to ceiling fans to help them burn off energy, and provide a benefit to the entire household.” I opened one of my eyes in time to catch that crunched up look her muzzle does when she tries not to snort.

“That’s terrible, Idol! But I can speak from experience. It was a simple stake in the cloud that mother used for me.”

“Did you bark at the mailmare too?” That remark earned me a tap of her hooves against my chest, but nothing else.

“Be quiet, and hold me.” To show my displeasure, I took my time scooting closer to her, and I couldn't help but smile when she noticed what I was doing. She eventually smiled back at the joke and reached her hooves out to clasp mine, and ‘helped’ pull me closer.

“Bark. Bark.”

“IDOL! She hissed in between bouts of laughter. “I wasn’t a dog, and mother did that one time.”

“One time I’ve learned so far, but that could change once Viridian arrives to shed light on the truth.”

“Like that witch would reveal her secrets.” By how she said it, Topaz meant no maliciousness. Moreover, her body didn’t tense with the traditional signs of anger a creature would expect to see and hear.

“A witch she may not be, but mothers enjoy talking about their family, and Vivi is no different. She’s bound to know a secret or two about you.”

“Please…” She batted her eyes. “Mother would only tell you what you’ve been told, and nothing more. If there’s anything you might be curious about you only need to ask me, or a price.”

“A price? Like a bribe.” She shook her head, but I could feel the smile on her lips.

“No bribe. Just a simple game where you ask a question, I’ll answer. I’ll ask a question and then you answer. Simple right?”

Nothing in life was rarely that simple, and luckily I knew this game derived from the common yearling game of Truth or Dare. With this knowledge kept to myself, I jumped into the spider’s web.

“Alright, I’ll start us off. How often does The Bugisher make an appearance?” I decided to start us off with a question that would throw the pegasus off balance, and break the ice in a way.

She hasn’t made an appearance since Canterlot, and I’m rather surprised you would ask that as your question.”

“Would you believe me if your battle with Honey Dew might have finally caught notice of a certain comic, The Power Ponies?”

“Harmony, tell me you’re joking!” Her face darken as she tried burying her muzzle into the pillow she was laying on.

“I’m afraid so. Our agent recently informed me that a contact from Mareval was interested in purchasing the rights to your likeness and character- The name, and costume as well.”

“Ok, you have to be pulling my wing right now because there’s no way this can be happening.”

“Would it help you if I did pull on your wing?”

“Celestia knows it wouldn’t, but I’ll count that as your second question.” She said while unburrying her muzzle from the pillow.

“A professor through and through. I do admire your adherence for the rules when it matters. Your turn?”

“Well now, let’s see…”

“Excuse me, it is your turn now.”

Her wings flickered with annoyance, but that was all.

“Drat, good save.”

“It was your smile that gave it away.”

“Oh? Seems like I’m at a disadvantage doesn’t it? Me against myself and you.”

“Only if you let it be, Topaz.” By this point, I was awake and staring intently at the pegasus waiting for her to ask her question, but willing to continue staring if I could.

“Were it so easy, Idol. Surely you argue with yourself now and then?”

“I do. My turn.” Her eyes went wide with understanding.

“Hey, that's not fair! That wasn’t the question I wanted to ask.”

My smirked told her everything, but our hooves never broke contact.

“I’m only following the rules you set, but I could bend them just a little. Would that be ok?”

“That would, and thank you. Now…” She adjusted herself to better sink into the pillow, and offering my help used my magic to adjust her wings for her. “...what do you worry about, Idol?”

Her question left me with an open mouth as I had to stop and think of an answer. I adjusted myself on my own pillow so I could better reflect the question because a great many things had been on my mind lately, and I was unsure if I wanted to share most if any of them. One look into her eyes told me what I needed to know, that this question hadn’t been asked to play a simple game…

“There’s been a great many things on my mind recently, and while most you could mark off as the worries of a Changeling promoted to a Colonel. A few are rather recent, and greatly conflict me. Do you know why I had Cersus and Flurry Heart join me today?”

“To spend time with them? I really don’t know…”

“I wanted to seek out exiles Topaz.”

“EXILES!” She didn’t actually yell, but hissed between her teeth loud enough that I worried she might wake our sleeping charge.

“I spoke to Shining about it and if I can get the approval of my council, we would extend protections to them with the eventual option of citizenship. I was hoping Cersus might convince them to join if they had the hope of a queen to lead them…”

“Does Cersus now about this!? Have you even told her what Luna believes is happening?”

I closed my eyes to avoid looking into the mare that started as a simple helping hoof, that dug her way through my hearts to carve a hidden temple only the two of us could find, or visit

“No. I held that knowledge back out of fear it would stunt her growth…”

“From being a queen like Chrysalis!?”

“From being a filly…”

I tried not to look, but Topaz had always known how to bend me so, and this time was no different. Her hooves pleaded with me, and I obeyed. My eyes opened to see her emerald irises dimmer than they had been once before, and while I knew it was from my own actions, a part of them were also full of sympathy for an undeserving ling that couldn’t mourn out of duty.

She squeezed my hooves once more, and this time I returned the act.

“Why didn’t you tell me? We’re her parents, so why would you keep me in the dark from something like this?” There was a quivering in her voice that asked to be acknowledged, and comforted until the heartache left. I couldn’t completely comfort her, but I could sate her need to understand the reasoning for more changeling secrets.

“Cersus is a smart filly, and a trained infiltrator of the hive. She would have sense your knowing immediately. She would have guessed, and eventually learned of a path I don’t want to feel forced upon her by creatures that would use her..use her!”

“Idol..dear..that is a lot to take in. Is that why you didn’t like Thorax?” She asked as her emerald irises shined with understanding, and I nodded. How she discovered his true name, I could only assume Cersus might have told her.

“He has an idea what she can become, and I was fearful he would spoil her life before it really began.” I admitted. “I’m sorry for turning you away.”

One moment, I was looking in her eyes waiting for her response when she pulled me in closer for a hug at the expense of falling in between our pillows. I didn’t fight it, but embraced it as she poured her love into me with a density that left me feeling sluggish, and nearly unresponsive. I wanted to stop, but she insisted I gorge myself on its unique flavoring every time I wanted to resist taking so much from her, yet that selfless pegasus continued forcing me to eat at the risk of harming herself. I could only eat so much before I had to stop it, and push her way. I felt the hurt before I saw it in her big eyes, and that hurt me more than everything I’d worried about till now even if it was for her safety.

“I don’t want to drain you, Topaz.” I managed to squeak out, and after some consideration the pegasus nodded in understanding.

“Alright, lovebug. Did the point come across at the very least?”

“That I don’t need to eat in the cafeteria when I can come see you for lunch?”

“No! That I’m here for you, just as you’re here for me because that’s what a good partner does.” Even if she ‘hit’ me, she made her love and smile obvious enough to let me know she might have found it funny. “You can be oblivious sometimes, Idol, but you’ve come a long way from saving lost mares in the desert.”

“I’d had to hang up my hat after that day because I knew then I wouldn’t do better than you.”

“You’re such a colt! I don’t know if I should hit you or kiss right now.”

“I would like to point out you’ve hit me several times already, but have yet to give me a kiss.”

“Oh? Does the bedbug need a goodnight kiss?” Topaz shifted her weight in a way that rolled us over to put her on top, and myself on my back. From this new position, I had to look up into her sparkling eyes with that little grin she often wore behind closed doors. “Because The Bugisher has some unfinished business…”

She was leaning forward to deliver the long awaited kiss, and my hearts began beating faster for a multitude of reasons that would later be seen as irrelevant. Seeing the mare, I’d grown to love over many long years in this light greatly altered everything I considered beautiful before hoof. I felt younger and foolish at this very moment for no reason than being awed by a pretty mare…

“Would you want a foal?”

“...with the…uh?”

Topaz pulled back from the kiss to create as much distance from us as possible with my head firmly on the pillow looking up at a confused pegasus.

“Would you want another foal, Topaz?” I asked once more, watching all the emotions dance along the edges of her lips, and up to her sparkling eyes. ”Watching Flurry Heart awoke feelings I’d been searching for, but didn’t know what it was until today. Cersus is growing faster with each passing day and soon she’ll leave our care to start a hive of her own, and that thought had been on my mind over and over these past few months. The nymph came to us already able to care for herself, and we missed the most crucial years of a foal's development.”

“WOW.. that’s..Idol…” She had to stop to compose herself, and I said nor did anything while she took what time she needed. “...Idol, the table is already complex enough without bringing this up. Even if you couldn’t give me a foal, you don’t need to stress about anything. I love the life we’ve built together, and am happy with what we have.”

“What if I said it's not completely off the table, and with enough magic and glue the table could be fixed?”

“Just what are you insinuating, Idol? Are you suggesting we adopt?” Her eyes were dimmer from all the emotions currently gathering inside as we spoke, but I could still feel the sliver of hope for the impossible to become possible.

“That with enough work, and some magic we could have that foal.”

“Like witches and mythical items kind of work, or many appointments kind of work?”

“The kind of work that would require the both of us to commit everything if we’re to succeed. I’m afraid the risk of failure could cause irreversible harm, but my own investigations have turned up little to support these risks. Truthfully, I don’t know what to expect then one alternative enriching our lives while the other is unknown.”

In the dim light of Flurry’s room, I’d watched her face shift into numerous emotional states reflecting our conversation so far, but none of them compared to the radiant glow encompassing her. The warmth and positivity coming from her had forced me to squint in the darkness to ease the burden of my eyes, yet my hearts told me this was a good thing, and my lips confirmed this when she moved to kiss me on the lips.

“So, what you’re saying is either we try or don’t? We can discuss in detail later when the two of us are rested and can think clearly, but…” I couldn’t break eye contact, even as she took her left hoof to trace circles into my imaginary chest fur. “...I’ll be beside you the whole way.”

“I..it’s..that is good to know.” I nodded, finding her hoof drawing and radiant glow very distracting.

“It's funny if you think about our life so far, Idol. I’ve been told during my college years if I loved entomology so much I’d never end up married, and yet I met you. We’ve welcomed Cersus into our lives. We made many great memories and friends over the years I wouldn’t have ever experienced without you. Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like without the two of you, and I realize how lucky I am to have this.”

“It isn’t often I ponder the ‘what ifs’ but everyday I see and experience new things I would have never seen if you didn’t take pity on a lowly exile.”

Topaz was going to say something, but suddenly grabbed my sides and rolled to her right which shifted me onto my left side- our original positions. We still kept up the eye contact to remain polite at a minimum, but I knew we did it for the simple enjoyment the act brought us.

“You were a curiosity back then, but now you’re a keepsake..no! I don’t mean behind glass, so stop that shaking!”

“I’m aware what you meant Topaz, but my body is still mortified by your ruthlessness for your ‘curiosities’.” While the collection still bothers me, I was very appreciative of her willingness to hide the encased morsels under the bed instead of leaving them in the open of her study back in Canterlot.

“Then you shouldn’t be afraid of a little poking and prodding.” I huffed at the obvious innuendo being made, but Topaz was proud of her little joke for she couldn't stop herself from laughing.

“Har Har. Hello fellow yearlings, I’m just like you.”

“You're being a little sassy today, and I like it!”

“A side effect of being near her highness on a daily basis, but nothing compares to the original. If there’s anything I would imitate from their highnesses, I would see a leg band around your foreleg so no creature couldn’t deny our commitment to one another.” Her laughter got caught in her throat, and I knew she was already thinking what I was going to say. So I said it.

“I’m trying to say Topaz is, if we’re going to talk about foals, then perhaps we could consider having a wedding of our own?”

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