• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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As I read the parchment for the third time, I felt the rhythmic pounding against my skull announcing the arrival of an old friend-migraine.

Starswirl claimed it was our right to rule once Luna and I seized lordship over the Moon and Sun, and at first it was all I ever wanted, but after a millennia of rule I've come to learn there are greater joys to life than the prestige the crown offered, or the riches and admiration of the common pony. A simpler life away from the ritz and glamor ponies commonly mistaken for needing to acquire that missing fulfillment they most certainly don't need to live a life worthy of a smile.

A break is one such enjoyment.

Refolding the letter that wanted me to protect my flying carriage with an insurance policy, I lit the candle by the window of my office.

"And begone with you." And as if by command, the letter caught fire with the ash before being carried away by the wind outside.

By principle, I have to answer any letter directly addressed to me in the chance it might be important, but that loophole made it easy for me to be the target of numerous junk letters by collateral.

‘A sacrifice.’ I tell myself daily, but the words mean little to me.

Legally, I can't pursue any course against the companies since they haven't caused any harm (not including the odd papercut) physically or mentally, nor does the 'malicious axing of defenseless trees' as D.A.F.T presented it. They are nice ponies, if a little dramatic, but cutting trees for parchment and homes is far from immoral.

Until I could find a way to end their relentless attempts to steal my bits, I was forced to read every letter in the chance it was important. But, reading letters out of boredom wasn't all bad, and if I ever got really bored I could always do something else.

Wanting time to mourn Luna’s disappearance, I managed to create a series of protocols and departments in place that greatly streamlined the bureaucratic process, leaving me with untold amounts of freedom.

I love it and still do because it allowed me to pursue opening a school of my own and dedicate time to personally teaching an apprentice if I so desired, but when not doing either, and Equestria being able to run itself meant boredom became a constant companion of mine.

Moments that could break the monotonous current of time, and give me some brief excitement...

"Another bush caught fire!"

"How does this keep happening?"

"Mother, help me." I hissed, quickly blowing out the candle, before closing the window. "I should have gotten that fireplace installed, but no, I didn't want to be seen as spoiled."

A fault all my own, but it's not the end of the world yet. Oh well.

Passively ignoring the commotion outside, I took around my study making sure everything was still neatly placed.. evidence destroyed.. perfect!

Satisfied the maids won't think even more badly about me, I strolled over to the door, and with more enthusiasm than need, nearly ripped the door off its hinges.

"Gentlecolts! Let us go!" I called to the two lovely stallions that always waited for me.

They wore the enchanted helms of the Royal Guard to mask their true selves which made it harder for me to tell them apart. Many a night I fought the urge to bring up the records to learn more about my guardians, but I must resist the temptation not for my sake, but for their own. To know the identity of a Royal Guard would point countless ponies at risk beside myself, and unfortunately I shall never thank my protectors by name.

Still, I can admire their dedication to the job by silently admiring them from a distance.

With Day Court having finished hours ago, and my mail read for the day left me little to do besides wander the halls or read all day in my bedroom. Both sounded nice, but I've done both too much already, and ponies were beginning to question what it is I really do. So, deciding to break up the routine and show ponies their princess had very important responsibilities besides raising and lowering the Sun, I began guiding my stud-tourage (I have to remember that one) toward halls that would take us outside in front of many ponies.

"We're going to check on the school gentlecolts."

Dinner couldn't arrive sooner, and by that time my ravenous stomach was roaring like a manticore on the hunt.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" I wondered as I trotted toward the dining room to escape my embarrassment, and meet with Luna for the night.

By this late in the evening was when the castle began a transformation just like winter to spring in some of the more rural villages. The daytime servants, and Guards shift's were approaching their end as their replacements were just beginning to trickle in. The first of these nighttime replacements to arrive were to castle staff to allow these hard working ponies a greater amount of time to prepare for whatever their duties required of them. I waved to a few that I recognized from before their transfer, happy to see them prospering in their new roles.

Following this pattern came the Night Shift Guards starting with the outer walls and gates and progressively moving inward until finally ending with my own Royal Guards, but that wouldn't be for another few hours.

With my escorts in tow, we finally reached the private dining room set aside for Luna and myself, and I'm thankful it wasn't too far of a trot. With the signal (one final growl from my stomach) they enduring stallions gave one final bow and headed off to the cafeteria for their own late meal.

"I WANT IT ALL!" I declared as I entered the tiny by comparison dining hall, startling some of the staff in the process.




"Pleasant evening, sister."

"It is I, Celestia of the Golden Sun, and the hunger of a hundred villages follows in my wake."

In reflection, that sounded better in my head. What was meant to describe my immense hunger, but ended up sounding like I was a pestilence set upon ponykind. Before I could correct this oh so very wrong information, Luna being the sweetheart she is, took charge of the situation, directing their attention away from me.

"QUICKLY CROWN SERVANTS, BRING THE CAKE -N- TEA. NOW!" In an effort to save their eardrums, the three servers galloped out of the dining hall, leaving Luna and myself finally alone.

"Do you have to be so loud?" I asked while magically closing the door, and applying a simple silencing barrier around the room. Luna nodded happily.

"Of course I do, it makes life more interesting."

Her honesty and foal-like innocence always managed to put a smile on my muzzle, and this time I didn't even try to hide how much I liked her statement.

"You're terrible." I didn't mean it, and judging by her own growing smirk was already thinking of something else.

"Tread carefully dear sister of mine, for I know things of thee."

"And I of thou as well." It certainly has been ages since I spoke normally, and to my horror I quite liked it.

Luna folded the letter she had been reading prior to my arrival to look me in the eye, challenging my challenge.

"That you do, fair sister, but many could be passed off as pure fantasy." That smirk only grew wider as her left hoof began trembling in anticipation, a foalish habit she never grew out of.

Her empty threat did pique my interest as I wondered what she had in mind, and if it could finally end this boredom streak the two of us must be experiencing lately. Wanting to hear more, and get off my aching hooves, I took my seat directly in front of Luna on the other side of the table to help myself to some of the remaining tea.

"Really Luna? You think our little ponies would believe any attempt to slander my good name?" wanting to play a bit, I waved my hoof and with a fizzle of magic brought the tea pot, and a cup to life.

"You dare sister..." Luna's voice became a little more stern as we watched the teapot tilt to its side to pour what remained of the honey laced elixir into the dancing cup. "...use chaos magic in my presence?"

"It's just a harmless bit of fun LuLu, see?" I motioned to the tea cup doing little spin as the teapot clapped before lifting its cover like a hat.

As if to further discredit me, the two decided they too were bored and began chasing each other all over the table. Like two pups at play, they weaved between the decorative vases and unused plates (in case we have guests) before finding the saucer that held the remaining sugar cubes.

Their excitement was too much for me when the tea pot's handle began shaking so fast, it caused his little cover to rattle. Yet, it wasn't meant to last for the next moment the pair were hurling the little cubes at one another with a play ferocity that may have hit a few items of value, and a single alicorn by mistake.

It was too much for my sister.

"Tis not harmless as you perceive it to be Celestia. I swear if Lady Shy weren't around, Discord and yourself would be causing mischief!"

Her accusation hurt, but that part of my soul I keep hidden knew she was right.

"Fair enough." I waved my hoof, and once more the glass pot, and cup went lifeless. This did please Luna by her more relaxed posture, but her eyes and ears remained alert.

Even after I took the tea cup and pot into my magic she appeared alert for any signs of deception, and her doubt hurt me greatly, but all of it was justified. Luna's fears couldn't be assured so easily as a parent telling their foal everything would be alright, and it would do me well to remember that.

The next ten or so minutes were stressful.

While I sat there sipping the cooling tea, Luna returned to reading the mysterious letter from before with an interest that only appeared from actual mail than the normal junk I receive daily. I didn't want to intrude on her private affairs, but to get actual mail was rarer than having real work to do...

I was biting my lip more from the need to know than the hunger that rivaled a griffon's greed.

'I shouldn't think like that.' I reminded myself, but sitting here on an empty stomach as my sister read something interesting got me feeling restless. Just what could it be?

"Luna, what are you reading?" I finally asked, and without looking up knew what to say.

"It says to mind your business."

Her aggression surprised me some, but I assumed she was still upset from earlier when the letter suddenly became two pages with one being offered to me. Curious, and happy to be learning what it might be, I took the offered parchment and began reading it.

"Well, you weren't lying sister."

"Of course not, Idol knew you may be curious and wrote that to appeal to her honorable side."

"Idol writes to you?" I could feel my ears perking up at the news, but realized too late Luna was still sitting across from me. Her anger disappeared as that smirk from before reappeared.


"Of course, Sir Hooves writes to us. We are the best princess after all."

"Not this again, LuLu." I sat the empty cup down in case it suddenly becomes a bird and flies toward somepony.

"Indeed again, Celestia. I've seen how you act among him and some of the other guards, yet you do nothing, why is that?"


"It's a simple matter, just amass the guards under the window and order them to perform push-ups. They may be inspired to try harder."

"I will not abuse my power in such a crass manner!" The situation was becoming too personal to my liking, and I was regretting setting down the cup.

"Have you tried it? Could be fun~" Luna teased while I tried not to hide my face behind my wings.

In a way, I've always admired her ability to be so relaxed when talking about 'less-than- proper' topics so easily while I struggle to gossip about a stallion's flank with some of the maids.

'It has to be from her time spent in the dream realm.' I assumed since Luna rarely leaves the castle except for that single stroll she took with Idol.

Of course it comes back to Idol. Even with this transfer he somehow finds a way to be involved in the daily dealings of the city, but never seemed to do anything with his power and influence. Commendable to a fault.

"Why does Idol write to you Luna? I'm aware he took care of you during your illness, and you two seem to get along but enough to be pen pals? Is there something I should know about?" I crossed my forehooves on the table to support my head as I leaned in, waiting for Luna's response.

At first it seemed I may have guessed correctly as she seemed more off put by the question enough to set the letter down, and hide it underneath her empty plate. Yet, the moment the letter was safe did her look morph to support that knowing smirk, and right now began questioning if this was really important.

"Are you jealous Celestia?" Of course she'll try this again, and this time I won't fall for it.

"Hardly. You're the one caught sneaking off with the 'well liked' guard during the night."

I did it, and it felt great watching her muzzle pucker up like she smelt something foul, and was trying her best to rid herself of its lingering presence. But this moment of victory wasn't meant to last as she unfortunately revealed the mother of reveals, and for one of the few moments in life didn't know what to do or say.

"We gave Idol our blessing to marry thee."

"Oh Luna, please stop this." I really didn't want to start this conversation yet again.

"Why not Celestia, isn't he a fine stallion of physique, knowledge, and skill? His companionship to Captain Shining Armor and our niece Cadenza puts him in a favorable position no?"

Luna's evaluation isn't wrong and it's not like I dismissed the idea of courtship completely, but there's a single issue that holds me back from fully committing to the idea.

"He's short."


"Idol's just exceptionally short. He radiates shortness. It's like an aura around him, and I can't get over it." In reflection, this came out sounding petty than it really is, but to finally get this off my chest felt good.

"He is not that short." Luna was getting annoyed, and it was my fault for not clarifying it.

"He holds himself lowly. He's honorable but he'd never stand up to me."

I watched as her annoyance left at this new information, and to process this, Luna tilted her head enough so her right ear was pointing up. She kept this up, even sticking her tongue out for a good three minutes before the look of understanding washed over her.

"Ahhh, metaphorical shortness. Really sister?"

"Really what, Luna?"

"That's your only reason for snubbing dear Idol? Because of his stature, you seek solitude rather than risking a chance at something more?"

When Luna put it like that, I really did sound petty than I meant to, but there was more to it than height. I had to calm myself for a moment before justifying myself to Luna, or my emotions might have gotten the better of me.

"Idol is an exceptional guard, and a good pony, but when around me he becomes too submissive. I want a pony that can stand next to me equally." It's rare for me to ever talk about a matter so deeply when so few ponies seemed genuinely sympathetic, and only made Luna's return so wonderful.

"We can see the appeal in a prospective mate sister, but wouldn't training the stallion up to your standards be quicker? Age to us is what magic is to an ant, it doesn't matter, but if you want any longer your flanks will block out the moon and sun.


"Then every stallion will be shorter than you." I didn't bother answering her if it meant avoiding the start of a shouting match, so instead, I ignored the comment and continued.

"I may have given the idea some merit, but could never find any reason to pursue it. If I were to train them, then would they truly feel the same way themselves or because I told them to?"

"It worked for our niece, did it not? The former Captain turned into an exemplary specimen after all, so why couldn't Sir Idol?"

Her fascination with my private life was unbefitting of her character, and now I was wondering if it really was from exposure in the dream realm or if Luna had been speaking to our niece?

Cadence is an exceptional mare, and means well, but because of her affinity toward love has pushed her into the notion everypony should have love. I wholeheartedly agree but feel it should be natural and not 'encouraged' as Cadence believes; to push for a result always creates mistakes, or dilutes the final result, and love is the same.

It's what I tell myself anyway.

"Shining Armor always had his quirks, and still does with them being less pronounced now. Idol is different, and seems like he can't or won't grow at all."

"Is this why you promoted Idol? So he may finally grow?"

"Part of it, Luna. He's always been the model guard, and deserved the promotion. He wasn't going to accept it unless I ordered him to do so, which I did."

"Shouldn't the choice belong to Idol alone? What if he has no desire to assume a command like the one he has now?" Luna asked.

"He seems to be adapting to the role very well is he not?"

Luna was telling the truth, but buck it that stallion just needed that little push to reach his potential. He carries the same aura Twilight and some of my past students possessed in the past, and what kind of nurture would I be if I let such potential be squandered?

When the silence returned, I'd assumed that would be the end of our chat until the servers could return with our food, but I was wrong. It only gave Luna time to put together a series of poor connected circumstances that were just that, and not a grand plan. I knew she was thinking something when she tilted her head again, and confirmed this when she began pointing at me.

"Hush." I commanded her, wanting to end whatever her accusation might be before it got out of hoof. This only fueled whatever she believed, seeing my apprehensiveness as a sign she was right.

"Thou art promoting him to a position where thou wouldst not feel guilty in slapping his hindquarters!"

Luna! I hissed, thankful I had no tea left to drink.

I could feel my face turning red as she clapped her hooves together like a filly going to get ice cream.

"Celestia and Idol sitting on a cloud, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..." By this point I've given into my fate and hid myself behind my wings if only to keep the image of my embarrassment hidden. "...one peck, two peck, where will the nest go?"

"Celestia, bless you."

"Your wishes of well-being are accepted Topaz." I grabbed the cloth I've been using recently to wipe my nuzzle again.

Shining Armor had ventured into the room over an hour ago leaving Topaz, Cersus and myself waiting outside for further word on Cadence's condition. A proper response given my sudden bout of sickness forcing me to distance myself from the two for worry of passing it.

"Nighthawk says sneezing is somepony placing a curse on you."

"That's false and don't you go around saying that!" Topaz shot Cersus a look to challenge her authority.

"Is to!" Cersus doubled down while crossing her hooves over her chest.

"Don't do this missy." Topaz warned while I had to contain yet another sneeze.

"Evil enchantresses! Evil enchantresses!" Cersus repeated before sticking out her tongue, and performing the fame raspberry.

This had the desired effect, and Topaz took off chasing the nymph while I stayed behind to nurse my sickness.

"By Order and Celestia's grace, I'm tired of being cursed out."

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