• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 23: Catching some rays with pops.

Cersus eventually returned later that evening in a greater state of trouble no nymph or foal had ever known before.

Topaz was still sore with me, but understood no ill was meant with the guard being mobilized, and was flattered in a way. She thanked Shining, Cadence, and every guard she came across over several days expressing her gratitude for their quick, and valiant response- she hoped they would do this for everypony in the Empire. The guards from what Topaz, Fireflight and Shifting Winds had told me were very accepting of the praise with a surprising few wanting her to sign some things for them; Topaz’s mood picked up for several days after learning how positive the guards viewed the learned pegasus.

I did feel what the ponies called ‘jealousy’ for a day or so hearing how (mostly stallions) were acting, but ‘some reassurances and a little nuzzling calms the feathers’ ,or so the pegasi say.

Somewhere during this state of relief, and with some maneuvering managed to ‘run across’ Shining Armor during one of his regular outings thanks to some not so secret intel being leaked through Topaz and then to myself. We kept our distance at first, unsure how to proceed with this encounter.

The hostility was still present, and yet it wasn’t directed at me, but centered more to himself for no reason then to blame himself for not seeing it. I made the comment about this and while he huffed, and yelled at me a little bit to vent some of that pent up anger, and I stood there silent until he finally finished.

‘Haggard.’ I thought as I looked upon my best friend.

Being the former Captain of the Guard to the Royal Sisters had instilled a deep rooted desire to look his best for his appearance was a reflection to their throne, and by extension the guard was well. The stallion before me wore bags under his eyes trying to hide them behind a growing, and unkept mane splitting at the ends; his fur was clean, but not brushed leading to the creation of matted patches tugging at the ends of his half polished armor.

“You look terrible sir.” the truth slipped from my thoughts into the open air before I’d even considered saying the sort. He snorted with a mild burst of agitation, but said nor did anything else.

He wasn’t making any of the moves I’d assumed Shining Armor would have made, and the prolonged exposure was starting to make me fidget by his unwillingness to engage in any proper conversation. Yet, he wasn’t trying to leave either, only furthering this paradox of ours to its inevitable conclusion unless one of us was willing to take that first step…

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything.” He said nothing, but the hostility was dimming and I took that to continue on. “You’re my best friend, Shining Armor, and deserve better than what you were given. If it means anything, thank you. Thank you for looking for Cersus.”

Shining Armor said nothing as we each sized the other up again, until his stiff posture produced a simple tilt up and down of his head before managing to utter a single sentence that gave me more hope then.. Well not as much hope when Topaz convinced me of our mutual attraction to one another.

“I would expect the favor returned, Idol.”

“I would do nothing less.” I replied, and he nodded once again.

He left after that, but I could feel his emotions had calmed tremendously.

If Heyyu's accounts were accurate then he was more approachable now then a stampeding herd of Buffalo for they were non-approachable when angered, but my experience with these creatures were severely limited, so this comparison was superficial at best. Still, I knew better than to look too far into the implications of our brief exchange deciding the best thing to do was to let the silence simmer between us, allowing us the time for some much needed contemplation.

The next two days saw a semblance of normalcy. Cersus appeared more thoughtful, and not wanting to pry into the privacy of a growing nymph, I didn’t ask what she was thinking of, but offered my ear should she feel the need to talk. We didn’t of course, but the nymph’s mood improved, and having felt she learned a lesson lifted her grounding (Topaz’s insistence that I do this also contributed to the lighter sentence) on the condition she let us know when and where she was leaving- Cersus agreed and that was that.

Topaz returned to work the following day, and to my surprise I was sought out the same day by one of the Crystal Guard informing me of a summons by Sergeant Shifting Winds. I offered Cersus to follow along, but she declined in favor of spending the day in the city since she hadn’t been called to foalsit Flurry Heart, and on the condition she take an escort I agreed and wished her well.

The excursion through the castle was a modest affair this time around as most of the guards and staff that were aware of my secret either accepted it or were in better control of their emotions making the trip feel normal once more.

It was only later did I learn of a three way split between the Crystal Guard, with the larger split seemingly comfortable with my presence: the second largest being adversative to my un-pony nature, and the smallest grouping was undecided or so my escort informed me. The pegasus had introduced himself as Equinox, and wasn’t affiliated with the guard directly, but worked as contracted help brought in from Equestria proper until our own Crystal Guards could be trained up to assume the workload. The white feathered pegasus swore this was a thing, but I remained doubtful as I’d never known we were outsourcing any of our tasks.

He promised Shifting Winds would vouched for him, and I held him to his word.

We passed the many flags of the Equestrian Auxiliary units that had supplemented us since the Empire’s return, but noted how I’d not seen nearly as many as before leaving me to wonder if they had returned to Equestria or possibly transferred to the Crystal Guard. Since assuming command, the matter hadn’t approached my desk at all, but unfortunately it would have to wait until the Royal Couple deemed myself fit for service once more.

Oh! After passing the portrait in this hall many times, I finally learned of the mysterious Alicorn that hung next to Cadence on the wall- Princess Amore. Discovering there were more Alicorns in the past did shocked me at first, but I got over it quickly as I listened to some of the Crystal Ponies telling tales of their former ruler; I stopped to take one good look at the alicorn’s portrait (my escort continued to shifting Sand’s office) so I may ‘stare into her eyes’ to see if some of the stories were true, but to my disappointment felt nothing save for the loose gravel weighing my stomach down. Butterflies couldn’t survive in a pony's stomach, but gravel felt more appropriate as my emotions started to grow powerful enough to cause me concern.

“Farewell to thee Princess Amore.” It felt right to address the late princess if to just acknowledge her legacy in the Empire.

Weighted with less emotions, I hurried to catch up with my escort who stood about 40 hoofsteps away waiting for me, his face looking more surprised then upset with my delay. Instead, we talked for a minute as he asked me a question about my transformation insisting he supported my command, but never knew what creature I was. I told him what most Equestrians would have learned of my kind by now, and his posture showed no disgust or fear, but a genuine curiosity as he told me the only creature they had in the Empire to compare would be the dreaded Wendigos.

“So you’re not from Equestria proper?” The pegasus shook his head.

“I was, but my parents moved to the Empire when I was young. It was pleasant back then and we were one of the few pegasi in the Empire meaning my parents were always working.”

“Ah, so you’re from…” I trailed off, but Equinox caught the meaning and shook his head up and down.

“ Yes sir. I’m one of the displaced locals that can’t get enough of the books and magic lights!” He was laughing while he spoke like he was telling a funny joke, and the few glimpses of his emotions didn’t contradict his behavior either.

We shook hooves and departed after, and I knocked on the door. There was no reply, and another two knocks only repeated the pattern leaving me perplexed on how to proceed given he was the one to have summoned me…

There was motion in the room, and curses being heard as a pony stumbled toward the door knocking something over judging by the loud bang and irate self chattering that followed.

“Sorry about that Colonel!’ Shifting Winds’ apology slipped through the crack first before he’d even opened the crystal door to expose the overworked stallion looking more like the day I first met him. I greeted him in return and entered his office at his beckoning.

“I was nodding off there for a moment Idol, so thank you for the wake up call. Sunshine Delight?”

“Please, and thank you Shifting Winds.” My months in the empire had imprinted a fondness for the orange flavored hard drink, but not enough to continually seek it out. Topaz found the drink a little too strongly flavored, but would indulge in a glass now and then when the mood struck.

“Herrrrree youuuu go!” He drugged the words out as he poured the drink into each glass, and offered me a glass. “May I start off saying it's good to see you up and moving again, sir? My mother wouldn’t give us the chance to rest unless it was serious for she believed ‘a body in motion can’t stop to pick up anything’.

“While I appreciate the words Shifting, I can’t help, but feel a concoction of emotions driving me toward some ultimate conclusion I’m woefully unprepared for. You are aware of the ‘rumors’ circulating about me…”

“That you’re a changeling? The princesses informed me before their departure, and that was because of my position and ranking in the Crystal Guard.”

“...and rightly so. You were the acting Captain before, and as of now still are, and I fear you might remain so for the foreseeable future.”

“Please don’t threaten me sir.” The tired pegasus slumped onto the desk to better support his worn body. “ I was getting regular sleep for a while there until you had to be responsible during the Crystalling. Thank the princesses Corporal Fireflight is unable to fly away, else I would be alone!”

I smiled at his joke, and was happy to hear that the Excessive Wing Growth (EWG) had not hindered her sense of duty at all. He poured us another glass, and resumed recapping what I had missed in great detail during the past two months of forced R&R, getting more exasperated at the nuances of the reveal and how it altered the dynamic of the guard. Most were worried about my origins, while the Crystal Ponies seemed concerned for they had never seen a changeling, but have heard of the attack in Canterlot.

“It is no threat, but a fact. I’m still on my extended leave until the Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor can determine the security risk I pose to the Empire, and to Equestria by extension of my rank. I agree with their decision of course, Sergeant.”

“Of course you do, Colonel. I would wager a guess it is that commitment to duty that has kept this from blowing up in all of our faces. Idol…” He took a quick sip from his glass and with a shake of his body set the glass off to the side on his desk. “...you’re a Celestia damn poster colt. It is that public and private perception of yourself that has kept most of these rumors from running wild.”

“You are too generous with your assumptions, Shifting Winds, for it is their love of the princess and prince that have kept the stability of the realm in sync with their beliefs in harmony.” I took another sip of the delicious drink that very well could have been distilled with love, and set the empty glass next to the other one.

“How can you be this charismatic, but be so you!?” He gestured toward me, but held no anger behind his gesturing. “You draw ponies to you like honey does to bears, and you can’t see beyond the constructive narrative you’ve built to justify their actions. Idol, these ponies may fear you for what you are, but it is ultimately you that keeps them around.”

“What do you suggest should happen then, Sergeant? I am still on mandatory leave, and currently unable to perform any of my duties in any meaningful capacity for the immediate future.”

I watched as he lifted himself off the desk only to slump back into his chair as his emotions became more conservative, or withdrawn to my senses as his face contorted into one of extreme thought. The pegasus’ wings were restless, a common sign of distress among the flying folk as he fought to remain still, but this attempt was fruitless for he continued fidgeting as he tapped his hoof on the table to declare my attention.

“How familiar are you with our society, Idol?”

“Experienced enough during the past 11 years, but am still weary of certain topics that are commonly brought up in conversation.” He tapped the desk again as he hummed his thoughts into existence.

“I was going to suggest using popular topics to blend in, but given your nuances that would be counter intuitive. So, I suggest you continue doing what you’ve done till last month- be yourself. Go out, and show those ponies underneath that terrifying exterior is a heart…”

“Changelings have two hearts, but only one performs the pony equivalent of the cardiovascular system. The second one remains nonfunctional, and serves no practical purpose.”

“That is interesting, and really weird sir. But I still stand behind my statement that you need to keep being seen by the public. Let them see the changeling among them is the same pony they’ve come to accept as one of their own before all of this got out of hoof.”

“And how would I do that Shifting Wind? I already take my daily walk through the outer rim of the Empire, or accompany Topaz to her employment, what other measures could I take?”

“Well that’s a good start sir, but by Celestia’s grace the average citizen doesn’t know about you then the occasional gossip or official statement. It is the guard and castle staff that needs to be reassured you are you.”

“Now that will prove difficult given some of their reactions to my presence, and by their professionalism alone do they keep in step instead of fleeing.” It was one reason why I had gotten along with some of them so well prior to being trapped in the dreamscape for the last few weeks.

“Exactly my point sir! I believe if you can win back their faith in you, then the Royal Couple will come around. Lucky for you sir I’ve taken the time to write down some suggestions in advance…”

“No, no. You need to grip the sides of the mirror at an angle, like this…” I proceed to demonstrate this fact by adjusting my own mirror to reflect more of the Crystal Heart rays. I tilted my head to Cersus and watched as she tried doing the same.

I’d pondered Shifting Wind’s suggestions for a full day, and after consulting Topaz agreed this was worth a chance. One of the suggestions on the list was to be seen in proximity to the Crystal Heart to dampen rumors of alternative motives for coming to the empire- to steal the heart. By Order and Harmony, the guards on duty near its base were friendly enough toward Cersus and myself, and once learning of our intent gave us their permission.

My original intent was to take Cersus with me as we took photos of the notable landmarks of the Empire to put into a collage of sorts that I would then place on my wall to show ponies that came to visit. Topaz laughed, almost scoffing at this idea for it meant inviting ponies to our bedroom to see these pictures on our wall…

“That is how those swinger rumors years ago began Idol! You want Cadence to come down here asking questions again?”

“Point taken.”

I certainly didn't want those rumors to start circulating in the castle along with my changeling existence, for the results themselves could destroy not only reputation, permanently ruin Cersus and Topaz’s lives in the empire for good. Fleeing the Empire back to Canterlot would only shatter our goodwill and follow us wherever we should ultimately choose to live, all of our career prospects finished for good; Cersus’ life would always be that of a normal changeling living in fear, and unable to live the life she’d grown accustomed to.

“Why can’t I just stand next to it like a normal pony?” Cersus buzzed her wings before seeing me glare at her mistake.

“Because young one, it's improper to stand directly next to a national treasure as important as the Crystal Heart.”

“And trying to suntan from it is any better?” She made one final attempt to adjust the cutting board wrapped in aluminum foil before setting it on the ground in defeat. I set my own cutting board on the ground, and looked upon the disguised nymph as I tried to formula a proper response…

“I suppose not little one. This idea was spawned out of some comic I’d heard about where a long eared rabbit would sunbathe while being chased as a way to mock his pursuer. I found the concept amusing enough to try it ourselves, and besides a nice dose of love, I’m realizing the idea is rather farfetched.”

“You think? We look like fools! Ponies had been taking pictures of us since we plopped down our pillows.”

“Come to think of it, using the pillows from our bed chambers might not have been the best idea. They are rather nice, and likely expensive to be placed on the floor. Come on Redshock. Let us try something else.”

“Please!” She promptly stood up and began trotting back to the castle as I scooped up our modified cutting boards, and pillows to rethink our approach.

“What do I do now Idol? Every time I get near it, it just backs up.”

Cersus and I had shifted focus, and upon the suggestion of Shifting Wind’s list and remembering a conversation I once overheard decided the local petting zoo would be a great place to visit. The idea was simple. We would pet the animals, gather some love, and then continue working on the list until the early evening where we would meet Topaz for dinner. Nothing serious I’d assumed as the Crystal Sheep were supposed to be very friendly, and carry a lot of love that would get tangled in their wool, but the sheep knew we weren't true ponies the moment we approached the gate. The few foals in the pen noticed the ewe’s reactions and became nervous, but otherwise stayed put with frightened ewes as I talked Cersus into getting in with them.

“Hold your ground, little one. They are obviously frightened by your authority, so by remaining calm you demonstrate your ability to wield it.”

“How does standing here say all of that? Do you speak sheep Idol?”

“I do not, for I can’t get the pitch just right without it sounding like it came from the outfields.”

“Did you just make a joke?”

“Never. What is a sheep’s favorite store? “ I asked, and reluctantly the disguised nymph turned around so she may properly respond to the joke.

“I don’t know, Idol. What is a sheep’s favorite store?”” I smiled.

“The Woolmart.” Cersus’ sigh was everything an embarrassed foal should express, and hearing a couple light chuckles from the other parents is what made the joke have depth.

Not wanting to wait for another joke, Cersus turned back to the confused ewe who had looked back to its herd. The ewes appeared to be in the middle of a conversation when Cersus committed to her plan before I could call out; she crouched low to build up pressure in her legs, and without missing wing beat leaped forward using her little wings to carry her the whole distance. She made the landing, coming down right down on the ewe's back which sent her into a panicked rage.


“Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa! “

Cersus had underestimated the little ewe’s power, and was at the little creature’s mercy as it ran madly in the enclosed pen. The other foals and ewes screamed or bleated as they ran for the fence to avoid the bucking ewe, and the not so terrified nymph. The distressed ewe bucked, and ran trying to knock Cersus off, but the nymph had a strong hold that made the sheep’s current tactic a waste of energy.

“EVERYBODY LOVES HUGS! MY FRIENDS SAID SO!” She cried as the sheep bleated with more despair forcing the foals out of the pen and the other ewes to herd together, and ran away as their friend tried to buck Cersus off her back.

I’m aware my reaction timing was less than ideal because by the time I did manage to hop into the small pen, the ewe was on its final legs before collapsing onto its stomach. Cersus began pumping her hooves in the air while flapping her wings as she celebrated her ‘victory’, before reaching over to pat the exhausted ewe on the head.

“See that wasn’t so bad uh?”

“It certainly was, and could have been worse. What in Order and Harmony was that Redshock?” I was so upset with the nymph I almost slipped up by addressing her with her real name. To her credit, she appeared to have picked up on this before pivoting to a defensive stance.

“No creature was hurt Idol, see? Just a little tired is all, and let's be real here, these sheep needed some excitement in their lives.”

I was taken back by her brashness concerning the implications of her stunt, and the potential distress she might have caused the poor ewes. I’d prepared to make Cersus aware of her actions, but the mothers of the foals that had been watching the whole time made any attempt to discipline the nymph difficult. Their comments only empowered the smug nymph more so than I expected, and wanted to deal with.

“Bless it be to the Crystal Heart, that filly had no refrainment!”

Blessed Princess, Snow Drift! The filly needs to practice if she’s ever going to nab a colt. You act as if you’d never pounced on a colt before?”

“It’s how I met my husband! I’d just celebrated my fifth Crystalling when I caught sight of Steel Cut helping himself to my cake, the nerve! Well, after that pouncing he quickly learned some manners! Just because you helped make the cake…”

Their conversation continued on much in the same manner, but Cersus had heard all of it and felt justified in her actions whether or not the mares knew the real reasoning for the pouncing.

“We’ll talk about this later, but for now…” I had just started informing Cersus when I noticed a strange bell sound.

Cersus, and the mares heard it as well, and eventually one of them shouted something just as an explosion came from the other side of the pen, sending bits of the wooden fencing our way. I moved over Cersus to shield her from the fractured debris, but no sooner did it stop did the mares become panicked.

The source of that high chime was a bell hanging proudly from a red ribbon that was a bright contrast to the dark blue fur of its owner, standing on the opposite side of the pen near the ewes and escaping foals was the ram of the flock. Roughly the height of a young stallion about to enter greater society, the greatest impact was his massive horns spiraling past his head, and were already beginning to curl back to face their sharp points outward.

The ewe that had carried Cersus around the pen immediately made her way toward the ram, and began bleating in a low, tired voice while limping back and forth in front of him. I leaned in closer to Cersus, and whispered my question concerning her ability to achieve flight. She barely asked why as the ram gave off a loud battle cry when I grabbed the nymph, and giving a prayer chucked her out of the pen.

I vowed not to use magic against the ram who was in proper standing within the law of defending his home, and that left me little recourse then to turn and flee the charging beast.

The ram was persistent, and followed me out of the sanctioned petting zoo and into the outskirts of the neighboring homesteads that collectively made up the agricultural might of the Crystal Empire, and by the kindness of a local farmer the ram was caught. I thanked the outstanding citizen for their assistance and against his request, declared I would personally compensate the stallion and his family for helping mine.

Tired as we were, Cersus and myself managed to keep a steady pace, and only be 20 minutes late to meet Topaz for a late lunch.

“Where did the two of you go exactly?” Topaz asked. Her fork shifted through the crystal bowl filled with cut up pieces of fruit drizzled with oil made from olives. I myself made an attempt to prod my own sliced fruit with a fork, but couldn’t commit to the act of impaling the juicy fruit as I pondered the appropriate response.

“It was fine.”

“Fine?” Her eyes moved to Cersus, who looked up from her own bowl of partially eaten fruit, and nodded.

“It was ok Idol took me to the petting zoo…” I might have stabbed the fork against the plate in that moment “...and I got to pet a crystal ewe. So that was different.”

“I’ve never been to any sort of zoo, so the experience wasn’t unwelcomed as it was different then the normalcy.” I added.

“Is this what my mother felt every time I came home from school? Order..I mean Celesta, I should write and apologize for everything. “ Topaz’s fork slouched as she lowered her hooves back onto the table, but Cersus’s fork as well as my own continued securing us fruit to provide us a distraction.

“ Reconciliation with Viridian would only improve both of your lives…”

“I know you well enough Idol to guess something is off, and that goes for you two Cersus.”

“I didn’t do anything!” her reaction was expected, but the quickness only foretold she had the statement in waiting. I managed to act more normal than before as this time I hit the piece of fruit and not the crystal bowl itself.

We managed to avoid more prodding questions that night, and the following day nothing more unusual had happened, putting Topaz back into her good mood. Yet, that changed on the second day when a picture of myself on the national paper, ‘Crystal Reflections’, had published a photo of myself being pursued by the ram on the front page with the very noticeable, but incriminating headline: Famed Colonel and daughter save onlookers from dangerous ram.'

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