• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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A Princess's view

When I had agreed with my aunt’s ruling regarding Idol’s ‘leave of absence’, I fought hard to make it only that with the condition that if proven innocent, Idol may resume command immediately. This stipulation had been met with resistance from them, and Shining Armor who looked deeply betrayed by the revelation, but eventually we all agreed with one additional clause; all four of us had to be in agreement.

Of course, I agreed to this, and in a rare display of annoyance on my part had bid them farewell with an added comment I would keep careful watch over her betrothed. I don't like cause strife, but watching Celestia’s muzzle burn red for that one moment before stomping off made the exchange worth it in the end. Aunt Luna seemed more amused than anything, but warned the me Idol is who he claims, and that he will need the support of his family and friends for a while. This made me smile and we shared a hug before Luna proclaimed she needed find Celestia before she her temper gets the better of her.

With the promise to write weekly the first month before switching to a letter each month, Luna departed. That had been nearly 3 months ago, and I hadn’t expected Idol to thrive the way he’d done so, as I continued to read ‘Crystal Reflections’ latest update on the Colonel and his daughter, Cersus.

Redshock to everypony else.

Since their first cover appearance last week, there had been a surge for more of the pair when given the chance leading to certain terms entering the Empire’s common speech- ‘Tossing the foal’ being the most common phrase the alicorn had heard and roughly understood it to mean taking the blame. The other meanings were lost to me, but had grown popular enough to be heard even in the castle between court proceedings.

Today’s article was located near the center as to entice readers with other news or offerings before getting to the desired piece, and a full page greeted me as I eyed the picture with mild anger, and glee. The picture they had chosen was of Idol, Topaz, Cersus and Flurry Heart; the four were sitting outside of what looked like a cold eatery as the four sat there happily eating their treat.

Little scenes like the one depicted in the current paper easily captivated my ponies…

“My ponies!” I happily thought as I began reading the article about my friend and her family.

…ponies because it served several important purposes. The ponies of the Empire were still overcoming the mentality of life under Sombra, and either out of necessity, or a genuine draw to the Hooves Family have created the unusual paradox of making them minor celebrities in their own right. The unintended toy line that had spawned from his minor encounter with some Poison Joke filled a huge hole the Empire didn’t even know was missing, also contributed to their increased notoriety.

Whatever brief conversation Shining Armor and Idol had the previous week had left him in a more personable mood, to my shock! Shining Armor wouldn’t really say what was said, but summarized Idol will help them with Flurry Heart if they will ask, leading to the photo in the paper.

Topaz was absolutely thrilled to watch Flurry Heart since Cersus had taken an attachment to the young alicorn, and Idol would do it under the guise of duty, but in reality really appreciated foals. This served two parts with the first proving Shining and myself a day off from watching lil Flurry, but the second, and most cunning is exposing Topaz to the idea of raising a foal. Our talks can only reveal so much without having to directly pry for more information, and unlike changelings that steal love, I can feel it- read its intent before the owner ever knows what they want.

In this case, I’ve noticed an increasing reaction to when Flurry Heart is mentioned or is present, slowly I’ve begun piecing together what should have been an obvious fact for a mother like myself. Topaz really enjoys being a mother, and that isn’t mere speculation derived from my cutie mark, or self interest in helping ponies learn to express themselves in a positive light, but an actual feeling of the need to nurture.

Topaz already achieves this with the little Cersus and her students, and yet I can feel a greater need from within her to teach more than university, or the rambunctious nymph. Watching Flurry Heart for Shining and myself is a win-win where I see no drawbacks!

The article read on like the previous ones, but with the addition of Flurry Heart being seen in public once more without us seeding the Empire with further speculation. I myself found a few of the more outlandish claims highly amusing, but there were at least two I found very plausible for I’d never even considered them until now; it would have to wait until Shining Armor is fully on board with the idea, but Cersus already foalsit’s Flurry Heart on a semi regular basis as Idol and Topaz look so cute holding her!

“They would make wonderful godparents.” I told myself and found the idea pleasing the more I continued thinking about it.

Finished reading, I folded the paper so it could remain neatly on the table for staff or some other creature to look through it, and promptly left the breakfast bowl for the next passing maid. I’d never gotten used to the idea of leaving my dishes behind, and while growing up in Canterlot had lessened that trepidation considerably, it never fully squashed my pre-alicorn habits. So, I made sure to show my appreciation by thanking each staff member when I could, it’s the little things that go the extra step.

The moment I left the private dining room, my two guards snapped to attention and proceeded to follow me as I made my way from the Royal Suites to the throne room to listen to the populace’s grievances. Steel Cut and Avid Run fell in step behind, and the three of us made our way to the floor below through the secret passage that provided a direct route to a little lounge meant for royalty, or for esteemed guests of the Crystal Empire could gather in peace from the general petitioners.

It was here I met up with my wondrous personal assistant, TwoBits, who had been poached from the guard at my request; he might not fully appreciate his new duty, but by my aunts’ rule he’s good at the job, and it’s that sternness the Empire needs if we’re to thrive. He looked up and before I could greet him he cut me off.

“Ya grace is late.” His accent was rough, and foreign in the courts of the old empire, but it always reminded me of Twilight’s friend, and which reminded me of home. “We should ah began an hour ago.”

“We’re barely two minutes past the appointed time, Twobit. I’m sure the ponies will understand the slight delay.”

“They will, but that’s not the point. There formalities needin’ to go over that can’t be passed on Princess. Besides…” He took a look at his clipboard and offered it to me, making sure to point out the list of grievances. “...they might not so much.”

“Why not?” I asked as I levitated the offered clipboard, and began looking over the list as to the reason why, but couldn’t distinguish anything then their names appeared to be non-native. “Is it because they’re from Equestria and not a local of the Empire?”

“Indeed, your grace. Crystal Ponies like hem two gentlecolts neva hard of changelings till now. Best they might do is be startled, and yell some. Noth’n mo.”

I could see where this was heading to and was confirmed when I gestured to the list of names, and he nodded. He then flicked his head toward the door where my two guards stood waiting outside in the throne room, and moved closer to whisper his concerns which greatly piqued my interest.

“Do you really believe they’ll try to spread this fear within the Crystal Empire? I’m aware we can’t stop them from learning about Changelings, but should we really prevent them from speaking of them?”

Twobit shook his head, and raised his dirty brown foreleg so he was pointed toward one of the only original portraits of the late Princess Amore, the one that all the new ones were based off, yet paled to the ripped, and water damaged original. Most of the original canvas was missing as the pony who smuggled it out had tore everything around her bust, making it easier to hide the likeness in whatever spot that exposed the work to the humidity; I never met the pony as this remnant was only found during the reconstruction of the city, deemed a miracle, and seen as a sign to my legitimacy.

“These ponies worshiped her, an’ will follow her lessons to a tee. Its ta others to be worried about, but not enuff ta go stompin on them. Reassure their concerns.”

His unorthodox speech was thick, and showed the earth pony wasn’t a native, but it wasn't that strange perspective that I required. I read his files, and knew the strangeness of his life, and it was my hope this duality would trickle into the politics of my court to better help make the right decisions going forward that would be fair for all. Aunty Celestia has Raven Inkwell, Aunty Luna has Kibitz, and by law I should be allowed a stellar aide to help me should I not?

Twobit would get used to it in time, or at least I hope he would.

“I will keep that in mind Twobits, and once more, thank you for your input. It has been eye opening. Now, shall we commence?” He gave his agreement, and with that the two of us opened the doors and told Steel Cut and Avid Run they may take positions- court will be starting post haste.

“SHINING!” I’m ashamed to admit it was more of a whine than an actual summon, but after today I wasn’t feeling the whole ‘princess’ thing. Steel Cut and Avid Run maintained their discipline and said nothing(not even a snicker) as they took position on each side of our door, even going as far to grab one to close it.

There is no immediate response as my hoofsteps echo across the open floorplan looking for that stallion as I carelessly began tossing my regalia onto the imported cloud bed, while making my way to the connected room that acted as our private spa room. The two pony tall vanity looked better then it did this morning meaning the maids had done another fabulous job with the washroom, but it was the stallion in the reflection that caught my interest. Turning toward one of the largest tubs I’d ever seen, and to my shock had shared many similarities with the designs used back in Canterlot leading me to assume Celestia and the Crystal Empire had a stronger connection then I was led to believe.

“More questions than answers.” I told myself as I walked toward the tub. My hoofsteps didn’t even wake the sleeping stallion as he continued to soak in the cooling waters.

There was no steam which meant the heat had long subsisted, and by dipping my wing tip into the gathered water verified he had spent a number of hours in the water. Shining Armor had slept long enough, and it was time to get up which meant prodding his side with the wet wing; when that failed to elicit a response, I gave into the tried and true method to wake a sleeping prince from their eternal slumber- a kiss!

It was more romantic in my head, but when it came down to it all I had to work with was his damp head resting on the side of the tube, and by the scent coming off him meant he likely fell asleep covered in shampoo. So, I stuck my tongue at the stallion that ruined my plan, and went with the even less princess like option by sticking my wing into the water to splash him with it. I felt silly, but court had been a great pain in the flank and that foalish part of me was happily dancing in place at the thought, and what heartless adult would tell a foal no?

Shining had no chance to dodge the water before the tidal wave crashed into the side of his face, and even had enough force to go over his stiff mane. I had to leap back with my wings flared, and read to seek the safety of the sky when the water finally crashed into him; his grip over the side gave way, dragging him into the cold water before bursting through the surface.

I was in between giggling and shock as he flailed his forelegs trying to grab anything before collapsing onto the very spot he was just a second before, coughing and wheezing as he fought to keep his soap covered mane out of his eyes. I timidly approached him while using my wings to cover my mouth to keep from laughing, as he reminded me of Twilight when I would give her a bath- a fighter!

Shining didn’ say anything as much as he spit out the cold water while trying to rub the leftover soap out of his eyes.

“WHA.. WHO..MY EYES!” He repeated over until he finally heard my approach, raised his head before plunging himself into the cold bathwater.

I moved closer to peer into the water as he splish and splashed trying to wash the dried soap out of his mane, and being the helpful wife I am, levitated our favorite bristle brush over from its resting dish. Shining quickly reemerge covered in rehydrated suds in desperate need of being worked into his coat and mane, and once the brush made contact with his coat he went limp as I scrubbed his back.

This was purely to help my dear husband who had been exhausted enough to collapse over the side of the tub, yet as I continued scrubbing and washing his back did the idea of using the moment to talk about Idol. My shock had mostly dissipated as my attachment to little Cersus had grown since her continued foalsitting duties, and how his wife is my best friend. Unfortunately, Shining took it the hardest discovering his best friend of the nearly 12 years was a changeling, and never disclosed that fact even if there were some ‘orders’ as Topaz claimed. The anger was real, but I feel it's more from the betrayal than any seeded issue about Idol, as Shining focused more on the discovery of this secret then Idol himself.

It bothered me to abuse the moment to bring up a heated issue, yet with what happened in court today I knew it needed to be addressed sooner than later if we’re to avoid sowing more fear mongering among the populace.

“What happened today, Shining?” My courage faltered as I watched the stallion of my life humming himself to sleep as I shifted from scrubbing to brushing.

His left eye opened, but in a droop like a hoof trying to scoop water, and in between the redness his pupil moved up, and then to the right before looking off to his left. Once he did, his body began stirring with the speed of a foal just waking up from their nap, and watching this only further exasperated my feelings for disturbing Shining’s moment.

“I had a chat with Idol…” He said the words with some difficulty, but managed to look me in the eye as he did so. “...now I’m more confused than before, Candy. Changelings are the enemy, but Idol…”

“...is Idol.” I finished for my love who nodded in agreement before laying over the tub’s side once more.

“I’m aware the foal isn’t is, or even a pony, and yet I still assembled the guard to perform a city wide search when I couldn’t even look the one I called friend in the eyes.”

I resumed brushing his back, and he happily grunted his approval.

“Because you're a selfless pony dear, and knew Cersus did nothing wrong, but simply try to be a foal. Idol, for his faults, has been a wondrous pony and friend to us all these years, and while unintentional, he still behaved like a changeling. Topaz knew, but is fine with him.

“Yea, but she married her work.” He mumbled while looking at the ground, and I giggled at the statement for it was the same joke I’ve made after finding out.

“And you didn’t marry yours?” I asked just as I leaned to plant one along his now clean cheek. “We’ll have to eventually talk to them Shining, but understand that changeling is still the one that fumbled his way into our lives, and the Colonelcy.”

“Yea...that’s Idol for you.” Shining mumbled as I began draining the cold water from the tub, but by then I had stopped brushing his back, and started rubbing his back with my hoof.

I was still conflicted, but not to the extent as my Knight in Shining Armor was.

“We’ll take it slow dear, but remember it's their daughter that is currently foalsitting Flurry. A changeling foal that Flurry Heart has taken a shine to.”

“I’m aware…” He trailed off, and while I knew he was against it once he discovered Cersus was a changeling as well, I’m proud he’s beginning to come around and see the nymph is nothing more than a foal trying to be a foal.

It’s proof that Idol and Topaz have raised Cersus to be so well behaved that she can watch a young foal with little supervision. It made complete sense that a foal under their roof would be mature enough to be left unattended all this time…

“Ok..what do you think?” I asked the giggling foal who was waving her hooves in the air as she tried reaching for me.

Of course, I kept my distance but smiled knowing she was enjoying the show as much as I was since it reminded me of my early ‘entree maneuvers’ days. All I had to do was change forms into different ponies( mostly ones we know) and BOOM! Instant laughs and love!

“I knew you’ll go for it lil sis because you have good taste in looks.”

Flurry Heart by this point had managed to grab one of her hooves which quickly disappeared into her mouth, and no matter how many times I see it, I can’t help but shake the disguise right off as it bothered me for some reason. You think having to foalsit this puffy wing foal would have made me use to it, but nope! Eating bugs, and even kissing a colt didn’t bother me as much as thinking about Flurry eating her own hooves.

The princess asked me to watch Flurry once again as she and the prince were busy, and with Idol helping mom for the next week that meant someling had to answer the call! Idol says I shouldn’t have accepted, but mom said it was them acknowledging my work and rewarding me for it. So, I can now use the title of ‘Sister Princess Apparent’ which doesn’t sound cool but it does come with some cool perks!

“That doesn't sound really cool princess.”

“Oh but it comes with some unique benefits Redshock! Anyone who bullies my daughter, you legally are allowed to bite them."

Idol would have grounded me and the princess if he found out, but thankfully the food princess was smart to keep it a secret, and that’s what I do best!

As the weird foal found her hoof edible, I dropped my disguise since everypony had to knock, and be given permission before entering. This meant the chances of me being discovered were slim at best, and I really did miss looking like myself so I didn’t see it as a problem if the strange foal didn't. This understanding made my time spent watching the foal more ok as she listens to me more then the adults, and that has been great!

Just the other day we got real ice cream after I planted the idea into Flurry’s head, and wouldn’t stop crying until I suggested we get a treat. A win in my journal for sure!

“You don’t feel like taking a walk do you?” I asked while digging through the chest that held most of Flurry’s toys, but after finding nothing new gave up on the idea.

She giggled with her hoof still in her mouth.

“Alright then, I’ll get the wagon set up and then we can see what the kitchens are making today.”

I was pulling Flurry, who rested in the wagon with a nest of blankets down the hallway with the guard watching her playroom following close behind, but that was expected. He watches Flurry when I’m not around just like Unstoppable watches me when Idol isn’t around. Plus it meant he could carry Flurry and the wagon down the stairs for me!

Flurry seemed to be enjoying the walk as she did her normal thing of giggling, and waving her hooves around as she kept using her magic to tug on the rope I was using to pull the wagon. I tried to ignore it, but that plan fell apart rather quickly because the somewhat annoying foal found the whole thing amusing. I ended up switching with our escort so I could walk alongside the wagon, and of course she didn’t bother the guard as she once again found me cooler to look at then crystal hallways.

I couldn’t be too upset with the weird foal as the guards kept changing every other day, making it impossible to learn their names before learning a new one.

This was maybe two months back, but I remember asking one a question, and the next day he was replaced with another, more quiet guard. Weird right? Topaz found it concerning while Idol shrugged it off as normal operating procedure as he calls it.

“It’s standard procedure to rotate guards at a constant rate to ensure none become too passive in their duties or become an easy target in the future. In your case, what would happen if a changeling were to replace Unstoppable Force? Unless you noticed the change, they would have access to your entire schedule and permission to wander the castle without a need for too much questioning.”

“But wouldn’t assigning random guards make it easier to infiltrate the castle if we don’t know who the guard is? Topaz asked. Idol looked to Topaz but said nothing before sighing, sagging his shoulders.

“Perhaps a review is in order?”

But that never happened because the storm clouds attacked soon after, and when I asked Topaz about having Unstoppable watch us she would shake her head and say something that wasn’t an answer I wanted to hear, or claim it was against the rules. The princess never gave me a good reason either, and so we’re stuck with these no name guards who don’t say a word, but follow orders pretty good.

Thankfully, we don’t have to take the stairs anymore since the Princess, and Prince had recently constructed this portal that could take you between floors with the press of a button! It’s really neat and easy to use since all we do is push the button to summon it, go in once the doors open, and select the number given to each floor. For us, we have only one option which takes us to the floor below where the princess sits on a throne like Celestia or the queen, and then we have to go back into the hallway and push the button to take us to the cafeteria.

Mom says this is to keep ponies from entering our floor without permission.

Something has changed me, and I don’t know if I should be scared or accepting of it since I wanted to meet new ponies all the time, which is how I met my friends back in Canterlot. Nowadays, I’m finding the idea of interacting with new ponies less interesting than before which is weird already, but even weirder is how mom, and Thorax don’t have an answer to give me. Mom says it's a part of growing up, and now that I’m a little older I’m starting to value my independence more, while Thorax states it's a natural response for a changeling like me.

Mom’s answer was alright, but didn’t really tell me anything, while Thorax’s answer left me with more questions than before as the way he said ‘ a changeling like me’ really rubbed the chitin the wrong way.

“What did he mean by that?” It was a question I’ve been asking myself as the old fears of worrying about my disguise, or did I forget something that dominates my mind now. I don’t like the feeling anymore, and I can thank Idol, and mom for that.

Eventually, we made the journey to the other portal that led us down to the floor where the cafeteria was at, prompting me to walk faster- Flurry was still giggling in the wagon, but was more interested in the ponies we passed. Many of them didn’t seem bothered with us as we made our way down the hallway, and that's fine by me as it meant less ponies stopping us to talk or try and take a picture of us which can really be annoying. I get enough of that whenever Idol takes us out into the city, or when Unstoppable is carrying me on his back.

No ponies today were wanting to take our pictures, but there was one pony carrying a tray of food on her back that looked up when she heard Flurry’s elicited cry. The mare and I locked gazes, and I sagged my shoulders when she began making her way to us…

“Hello, Paper Weight.” I greeted the mare whose face shifted into a polite smile, but her feelings were as stale as stale bread.

“Hello, Lady Redshock. Princess Flurry Heart.” The ash gray mare nodded her head toward the now silent princess, who stared at the earthy lump of a pony with a look Cersus knew as impending dread. “It’s very fortuitous for me to run into both of you of all times. Your check ups are due in the next month, but time is becoming scarce for me…”

“But we just had our check ups!” I already knew what the mare was going to suggest because ever since the Angry Clouds attacked the Crystal Empire, It had been frequent check ups! Mom says it's because we don’t know what effect all of the negativity and cold had on me or other ponies, but something about them was scraping my chitin the wrong way.

The head nurse didn’t flinch so much as to seem less than happy at my unwillingness to get another check up, and it was then I noticed her eyes shifting to Flurry Heart and then our guard for the day. It wasn’t the look more than the emotions she was giving off that made me retreat a step, and turn to look up at our guard who averted his eyes quickly- I gave that shifty guard some squinty eyes.

“That is true, but I will be busy by the time your next visit comes around, and I thought getting them done now will be better for the both of us. It will mean your next check up won’t be until two months.” The head nurse was waiting for an answer I didn’t want to give as I could sense Flurry’s fear coming from the wagon.

Just like me, Flurry had been getting check ups like me where the nurse kept sticking me with needles, or making me do a bunch of tests saying it's to see if I’m healthy. I’ve heard of these check ups before when my friends in Canterlot would tell me about them, but they never had to go all the time like us!

“All we wanted was some ice cream…” I finally said while trying to look at the nurse. I could still feel Flurry’s fear and eventually heard her starting to cry as if she understood what I meant by my statement.

“It’s for your safety little ones.” The nurse said as she moved past me trying to calm the panicking foal, and to her credit she does become more approachable when she’s not talking about work. Her taste became less like stale bread, and more of plain oatmeal which isn’t an actual flavor of pony, but more like how it's edible but not really enjoyable.

“That’s what everypony tells me, but it doesn’t feel like it when we’re the only one being prodded like mom and her..hobbies.” I couldn’t help but shiver as I forced that word from my mouth, but the nurse spared me a glance as she worked to calm Flurry Heart down. Our guard for the day wisely kept his distance.

“That’s because you are far younger than my other patients, Redshock. You and the princess experienced something few adults would ever live through, and that reason alone we can’t risk taking any chances with your health. You’ve seen your mother’s injuries? She’s improving which is wonderful, but there will always be permanent nerve damage with her wings.”

“She’s told me…”

“Chin up. Nothing could have prevented her love for you, not unless you want to toss it away. Accept it, and make her life a little easier knowing her daughter is healthy, deal?”

I didn’t want to admit it, for doing so would only encourage her, but the pudgy nurse made a lot of sense, and I disliked her for it. Not the mare herself, but how she seems to know what to say to make it somehow my fault this is going on…

“Deal.” I agreed, and buzzed my disguised wings even though Idol and mom told me not to. I didn’t really care right there as I wanted to make my anger felt, but she didn’t blink or taste any different as her smile once more curled up and she gestured down the hall toward the stairs.

“That helps me immensely, and I promise you this should be it for some time. All your blood work has shown some anomalies, but nothing that seems to be affecting you in any way I can distinguish. You’re a healthy, young filly.”

“Yea, yea. Mom says it's because I eat my produce.”

We didn’t say anything else after that, and Flurry even calmed down as we made our way to the Nurse’s office.

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