• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,586 Views, 69 Comments

Great Power - Harkbilde

What happened? Where am I? I should have died after avenging them...... Then why am I still alive, and in THIS world?

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Promise

Author's Note:

Hello again! Chapter 1 finally came out, and FYI this chapter does contain MLP related stuff but it's vague at best. The real thing starts in the next chapter.

See y'all later,

(Previously on the last chapter)

The young man lowered his balance while widening his stance, counting down the distance between him and the pack of wild animals, "40...... 30....... 20....... 10,9,8,7,6,fi-.....? What the fuck.....?"



The young man was dumbfounded, which made him subconsciously turned off his auras and lightning and put his accelerated thinking into overdrive, 'HOW is this... WHY is there a... WHAT is...' The young man was submerged in his confused thoughts, the reason was because of the growling wolf looking creatures in front of him, but that was it, its features were the only thing that looked like a wolf, these weren't actual wolves. No, far from it, these were amalgamations of all kinds of plants and barks meshed up into a wolf looking, creature. But that wasn't why the young man was confused. No, he was confused because he knew what these creatures were. 'These are Timberwolves!!! But..... that's impossible! These creatures only exist at the... Kingdom... of............ Equestria?' The young man's eyes were widened at what was the conclusion of his accelerated thinking.

As the young man was about to start doubting his own sanity, but alas, before he could do that, one of the timberwolves lunged towards him. The young man, still in Thought Acceleration, sensed this from a mile away and quickly enhanced his body, spun around and punched it on the head with an enhanced right hook. And with a loud snap, it was broken/shattered into many pieces, thinking that he was done he was about to take care of the others. But, with great surprise and wide eyes, the supposedly destroyed timberwolf was slowly putting itself back together. His doubting mind now proven wrong, the young man started thinking, 'Well..... that confirms one thing, it's an actual timberwolf...... shit.....' The young man sighed and put his hands in his pockets. 'Well... At least I now know how to deal with them.....' With that thought, the young man's eyes turned reddish-orange, and used his Pyrokinesis to conjure balls of flame around him, then he started speaking, "Let's see if you build yourself back from the-"


The young man was stopped by a small sound.

'What the?'

He then enhanced his hearing and sensing.


The young man turned towards the sound and saw the source of the sound, a timberwolf pup, a very malnourished pup, if its dry vines, crispy looking leaves, and bark losing its color was indicating anything. He then looked towards the other timberwolves, looking equally or more malnourished. He put his hands on his temple, sighing, and started walking towards the pup, the timberwolves noticing him moving, tried to lunge at him. But found themselves unable to, it was because he was holding them down using his Telekinesis, while they were confused, the young man already got close to the pup and reached his hands towards it.

The pup, seeing this, started growling instead of whimpering, and jumped towards his hands and biting it with all of its strength. The young man was now surprised, not because he was bitten, but because it was so weak, it was barely enough to pierce the average human skin, let alone an enhanced one. The young man, now with a determined look, channeled his healing towards the pup and all the other timberwolves.

Right after when he started channeling healing, a noticeable change started to show on the timberwolf pack. Their vines started to look healthy, the leaves started to look moist, and the barks covering them were getting stronger, all in all, they have become healthy. The pup noticing this, let go of his hand and looked at the young man in mild confusion. "You feeling better their little guy?" He said while petting its head, the pup somehow understanding he helped it, barked, and started nuzzling his hands in gratitude.

The young man, whilst he was petting, started thinking again, 'Now the whole debacle is finished...... HOW is this happening? Timberwolves were supposed to be fictional creatures from the kids' show "My Little Pony"! They aren't supposed to be real...... Right?'

The young man was going to yet again submerge into his thoughts, but before that could happen, he was snapped out of his thoughts by a small bark. The young man looked down and saw the pup now pointing his paw towards something, the young man was confused seeing this, "Little guy what are you pointing a-......" The young man looked towards where the pup pointed and saw the still motionless group of the pup's timberwolf pack members.

"...... Sorry, kind of forgot about them, don't worry, I'll let them go after I leave this place. Something tells me that they are not as smart you are." The young man said, still sensing hostile intentions from most of them. The pup, understanding this, nodded its head. When he saw this, he also nodded, while standing up, "Well, it was nice meeting you little guy, something tells me that you will be a good alpha with that head on your shoulders. So, lead these knuckleheads well when that happens, will ya?" The pup nodded, "Very well, hope I see you later again in a better circumstance than this." The pup barked happily, "Yeah, it will be a promise. Now, see you next time little guy!" after finishing his talk, the man then started to float, making the pup's green glowing eyes go wide as he flew away, leaving the now surprised pup with its pack.

(In the air above the forest)

The now flying young man was deep in thought again, 'This can't be real, can it? I mean these timberwolves could be someone else's Chlorokinesis, right?' The young man then scoffed at himself, 'Yeah..... I've read too much fan-fictions to know where this is going......' The young man then sighed and spoke, "So, as ridiculous as it sounds, it seems that I somehow got myself magically transported to Equestria after my death......"

The young man started frowning and stopped himself in midair, "Why....." The young man spoke, tears were threatening to come out from his eyes, "Why am I alive? I've got nothing left, so why? Why am I still alive and kicking?" The young man said while looking up to the sky, "Am I supposed to start helping the ponies now?" The young man scoffed at the word, "Am I suppose to be the HERO in a land of Fairytales now?" The young man said in a tone of rage, his face contorted in anger, while tears were already falling, "Should I swoop down from the skies and save children from burning buildings!?" The young man's voice started to rise while the air around him started to vibrate, "Should I be a knight in shining armor, saving the damsel in distress!!!???" The young man was now shouting out loud in a voice full of anger, "LIKE HELL I"LL EVER DO THAT STUPID SHIT EVER AGAIN!!! ALL THAT PAIN AND SUFFERING WASN'T WORTH IT AT AL-"


"Don't you ever say it's stupid...... Don't you dare say "it's not worth it"...... Being a hero and saving people is never wrong...... Promise me, whatever happens, you won't stop losing hope in the ideals of being a hero...... Promise me..................."


"............." The young man was now silent, deep in thought remembering about all the times she talked about the ideals of being a hero to him, and all the times they spent together, and the last promise he made with her.


The young man continued to stay floating, silent, clenching his teeth and letting tears from his face.

(Time Skip)

After a while, the young man seeming to have finished collecting himself and stopped crying. Wiping his tears away with a determined look. "Nicole...... I will keep your promise, I won't let go nor lose hope on the ideals you have taught me...... I'll keep on believing in HEROES that you have believed in......."

The young man, now looking more determined than ever, took a deep breath and started concentrating on his sensing. 'Since I'm in Equestria, I'll have to look for Ponyville and introduce myself to the Mane 6. I mean...... it would be weird when an alien bipedal creature pops out of nowhere and starts saving them.' He smirked at himself and started sensing for a location that is the nearest and has the largest amount of energy movements. 'Aha! there it is! That must be Ponyville and these movements must be the ponies which are... running?... Hmm... That's odd, and then more than half of the energy signatures moving in an erratic way, just like........." The young man's face suddenly paled, eyes going wide, and whispered to himself, "Fire......"

The young man, fearing the worst, quickly broke through the sound barrier and rushed/flew towards the direction of Ponyville with a loud sonic boom.