• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,593 Views, 69 Comments

Great Power - Harkbilde

What happened? Where am I? I should have died after avenging them...... Then why am I still alive, and in THIS world?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Helping (Part 1)

(Previously on the last chapter)

Luna suddenly got close to him and kissed him on his cheek. "For calling my Night beautiful..." She answered with a blush.

She then hurriedly went back inside, leaving a dumbfounded Magnus behind and he couldn't help himself and spoke the one word again.



(Currently in Ponyville)

It was a sunny morning at Ponyville, Celestia's sunlight graced over the burnt remains of houses and the villagers working to clean them up. Ponies woke up early morning to start cleaning in order to start repairing their houses, that with the help of the platoon that the Princesses brought, it can be seen progressing greatly. But that wasn't the biggest help they were getting, while the ponies were working at the sides, 2 houses worth of burnt remains were floating in the air as Magnus used telekinesis to move them away to the outskirts of Ponyville quickly.

As he finished moving the remains, he looked toward an earth pony guard. "Is that all for here Staff Sergeant Stronghoof?" He asked.

The blue maned white mare, now known as captain Stronghoof, answered with a blush, "Ye- Yes, That would be all for the southern quadrant of Ponyville, thankyou."

Magnus wiped the sweat off his brows and answered with a smile, "No problem Sergeant, just doing my bit to help."

Stronghoof, trying not to look down, hurriedly answered, "Sti- Still, thank you for helping us, Sir Magnus..."

Stronghoof tried really hard to not look any lower than his neckline and she wasn't the only pony. As you all might know, Equestria's population mostly consists of mares, so almost all mares who were near him were ogling at him. If you all are wondering the reason why it's because Magnus took his shirt off due to sweat of working under the bright sun for nearly an hour. He wasn't tired or out of breath, it was just hot outside.

"Since it's done here, I'll now go to the western quadrant and help the ponies stationed there." After saying that, he flew towards the western quadrant at a relaxed speed.

(On the air to the Western quadrant of Ponyville)

Magnus was flying towards the west with a faint blush on his cheeks. 'This... Will take some time to get used to...' He thought with a sigh and spoke to himself, "How are they attracted to me? I'm from a different species, for god's sake!" 'Not that I do not apprecia-' He slapped himself before finishing that thought. 'This is all because of that kiss from Luna.' He thought while rubbing his temples.

He then noticed he arrived at the location and met with the Unicorn staff Sergeant and squad cleaning the quadrant. The Sergeant and the squad immediately blushed at seeing his shirtless form. Trying to ignore this, Magnus started speaking, "I am here to help clean up your quadrant, may I know your name Staff Sergeant?"

The Sergeant replied with a stutter, "I- I am Staff sergeant Gleaming light and we would appreciate your help with the cleaning Sir Magnus."

Magnus replied with a smile while earning more blushes and a few small squees, "It is nice to meet you, Sergeant, so where am I needed?"

Gleaming Light calmed down and answered while pointing towards somewhere, "2 houses collapsed on one making it hard to remove the debris, we have been reported of your powers, may we have your assistance?" She asked at the end.

He then followed where she pointed and found the particular remains and replied, "Don't worry, I got this." He then pointed his right hand towards the debris while his eyes started glowing, he then lifted them up with his telekinesis easily and sent them towards the outskirts.

The ponies now had their jaws dropped and looked at him with wide eyes.

He then spun around from his spot and looked at Gleaming Light with a bright smile, "So, where's next?" When Magnus was speaking, he couldn't help but feel that he was being watched...

(Elsewhere at Ponyville)

Elsewhere at Ponyville, a pony could see a majestic crystal castle supported by a large crystal tree, sparkling with the help of Celestia's grace. This was Twilight's home, the "Castle of Friendship" and inside the castle's meeting room, the Mane 6 and the Princesses could be seen watching a Crystal size of a large TV. This crystal was used for reconnaissance or in this case supposed to show how the repairs were going. But strangely, it was mostly focused on Magnus helping the cleanup. t\The mares that were watching were blushes and some were drooling, it wasn't obvious to see that they were ogling at him.

The first to snap out was Twilight and looked at the others, "Wait! How long were we watching the feed?"

All the mares snapped out and Celestia spoke up still sporting a blush "It has been about a half an hour Twilight."

Twilight panicked a little exclaimed out loud, "We were supposed to have a meeting! Not watch Magnus!... Abs......"

Celestia then coughed and gathered the attention of the mares and spoke, "We were supposed to decide where we would get the materials needed to rebuild most of Ponyville and Applejack had something to say about it." She said looking in Applejack's direction.

The orange mare was sporting a blush but still answered, "Ma family have some leftover trees we had to cut down for firewood but ah don't think we have enough."

Rainbow Dash chimed in, "And I don't think we could get enough wood elsewhere and re-build Ponyville before winter."

The mares busily discussed the current problem until they heard a knock from the room's door. When they looked, a guardsmare spoke to them with a visible blush, "Sir Magnus has come here for the meeting, shall I let him in Princess?"

Celestia blushed in anticipation and answered, "Yes he may."

The guardsmare nodded and opened the door fully, showing Magnus, still shirtless, making the mares in the room blush at his well-toned body but Magnus did his best to ignore and replied, "Ah! Finally found you guys! Sorry that I'm shirtless, I don't have any other clothes other than the one I wore." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with a blush.

Rarity then gasped at his predicament and quickly spoke with eyes full of generosity and... Eagerness? "That is outrageous darling! I will quickly make you another!"

Before she could run out Magnus stopped her, "Wait! Your shop was burnt last night remember? I don't think you can even if you wanted to, I already washed my jacket and shirt and drying them beside winter-wrap-up-lake, so don't worry."

Rarity replied with an "Okay Darling" and sat back down.

Celestia then spoke up, "So Magnus, what is the purpose of your visit?"

Magnus then looked at her and replied, "I finished the cleanup and came here to ask for what I could do next."

Now, this raised all the eyebrows of the mares and made Luna ask, "Already? It must've taken at least a day and a half to complete the task with the current ponypower!"

He then smirked and replied, "Than its good that you have some manpower right here, it wasn't that hard really, I've moved way heavier stuff." He said while flexing a little.

Everypony's collective jaws dropped, drooled and blush, Magnus slapped himself mentally and asked ignoring the looks that he was getting, "And judging by the atmosphere you guys have a problem at your hands."

Celestia snapped out of it first and answered with a small cough, "Yes, we currently don't have enough wood to rebuild Ponyville before winter."The Mares all looked down.

Magnus then looked at the other mares' faces were gloomy, so he clapped his hands and got their attention. "So, could you build back houses fast enough before winter if you had enough wood?"

Luna replied, "Yes, we can get other necessary materials fast enough from Canterlot, except wood."

Magnus then gave a toothy grin and replied, "Well then, that's simple... I just have to grow enough wood before winter."

All necks snapped towards him and gave him a look of confusion while Twilight shouted, "What!?!?"

Magnus chuckled. "I said I would just grow enough wood before winter, It won't be a problem at all, whatsoever." He said with a devilish grin on his face.

Author's Note:

This is my first try in splitting an Episode into 2, I hope to see you all at the next chapter!
