• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,593 Views, 69 Comments

Great Power - Harkbilde

What happened? Where am I? I should have died after avenging them...... Then why am I still alive, and in THIS world?

  • ...

Chapter 19: Reunion and Prophecies

(Previously on the last chapter)

Magnus looked at all of them with a wide smile. "Hey, Twilly, Rares, Flutters, Pinks, AJ, and Dash......" He paused a bit and continued.

"I'M BACK..."



Nothing could be heard from them, not a sound, everypony seemed to be holding their breaths in the surprising encounter.



And with that, a plethora of colors tackled our protagonist, who was lucky enough to brace himself to lessen the pain of colliding to the floor considerably under the weight of 6 emotional mares.


'Truly, I am very thankful for accelerated thinking and parallel mind...' Magnus thought. He then looked at the pile of mares hugging him with tears and affection. "Hey, guys... Missed me?" He said in a warm voice.

They all got up and pulled him up with them.

"I thought we'd never take care of animals together again..." Fluttershy

"I thought we'd never have a nice tea at the boutique!" Rarity

"I thought we would never party anymore!" Pinkie Pie

"I thought we'd never get to do cool tricks!" Rainbow Dash

"Ah thought me and ma family would never eat together!" Applejack

"I thought we'd never talk with each other again!" Twilight

"So ofcourse we missed you!"

They all but yelled as if they were saying facts... And they were right.

For a month he stayed in Equestria, the denizens of Ponyville really helped him adjust. They showed plenty of KINDNESS to his often made blunders because of his lack of knowledge in Equestria's culture. Generousity, in providing him a roof to sleep under, clothes to wear, food to eat, and so much more. LAUGHTER, in inviting him often in fun activities such as games and parties as if I'm one of their besties. LOYALTY, in when they try to make me comfortable, even when if it gets inconvenient for them. HONESTY, in when they make mistakes, they admit it, which I'm glad to always forgive. And then lastly FRIENDSHIP, in when every time they welcome me like one of their's, even with the blatant racial differences...

He had to admit... They treated him with there Harmony and through it, became his Family.....

"Yeah, it was a dumb question wasn't it?" He smiled brightly, "I'm so sorry I had you guys worried..." He continued with a solemn tone, he then promptly hugged them all.

Yes... Family... Truly... That's what helped him face odds against him and gave him the COURAGE...

Then suddenly, as if the word triggered something, magic started swirling around the mares, which made Magnus and the mares let go of each other. One by one colors of all kinds started to emerge from the magic and swirl in front of each mare. Magnus was further surprised as the mares started to float one by one as the magic swirling around started to form and shape in front of each mares.


Celestia gasped as she watched the forming objects. "But that's impossible... They lost their powers and were with the tree..." She whispered with wide eyes.

The rest snapped their head towards the princess with equally wide eyes. "But that is impossible! We confirmed the tree and the gems no longer contained magic!?" Luna exclaimed.

"Wait, wait..." Magnus said. "You mean those are..." He said as if he was in a trance watching the now brightening and frightening amount of magic and-

"The Elements of Harmony... And yes Luna, they lost their magic when the gates emerged..." Celestia told Luna.

"Then HOW?!!!" Luna shouted.

".......Psi........" They heard a whisper.

All of the mares snapped their heads at the source of the sound and found Magnus with eyes wide as dinner plates.

"It's Psi..." Magnus repeated, greatly surprising them. "An absurd amount at that along with magic..." He said with disbelief.

Both of the princess' mouths were wide open as they now turned towards the impossible mass of both energies finished forming the elements as they rested on each mares.

"Woah..." Magnus whispered in awe.

Luna and Celestia were also in awe, but with a different reason.

Luna then snapped out of it turned towards her sister. "Sister, could this be?" She said with a hopeful look.

"No..." Celestia said. "We can't be too sure-"

A loud voice cuts her off before she could finish.


They snapped their heads towards Magnus again, only to see the energies started to swirl around and started forming on his upper chest area, the energy then turned GREEN and formed a necklace.

After it finished forming, they all descended back to the ground as they gaped along with the princesses.

"So it was true..." Celestia spoke, with tears starting to come out of her eyes. "The prophecy of a being that brings change and end to the greatest suffering this land has ever faced..."

"The prophecy of a being creating the 7th element to fight against the great calamity..." Luna continued while she started to tear up along with her sister.

"The prophecy of the Element of Courage......" They both said together.

The human and the mares were amazed at the tale that the princesses had spun and were awed to silence.

Only for Magnus to snap out of his awe. "Wait! So I'm the being?" He asked with incredulity.

The mares snapped out of their awes at that and turned their gazes towards the princesses.

"Yes..." Celestia said with a smile while wiped away her tears and continued, "It was a prophecy that foretold of a being who would come from a faraway land with powers unheard of and ending the worst calamity that plagued Equestria with the change that the being would bring..."

"It was told by Foretold the Prophet right after Mother disappeared..." Luna finished as she also finished wiping her tears away. "And you, Magnus Might, have come from a faraway land with Psi energy and became the Element of Courage. So yes, you are the prophesied one." Luna said with a smile.

Hearing this, Magnus couldn't help but admit that he was the prophesied one, but there was still one question he had. "Then if I'm the Element of Courage... What is the change that I brought?" He asked.

They all pondered about it.


"Maybe it's the time when you grew the forest?" Applejack suggested with creased eyebrows.

"No, he grew it back instead of creating it..." Twilight said with a hand on her chin and the other under her breast.


"How about the sports he had brought?" Rainbow Dash spoke with unsureness.

"Or how about the new fashions from his home?" Rarity added with a smile.

"Uh... A-and about medicines?" Fluttershy chided in.


"No, those would be too small of a change..." Luna said while tapping her chins.

"Then the reclamation of Cloudsdale is also out if we follow that logic..." Celestia said with both hands on her hips.

Magnus then snapped his fingers and was about to share his idea, "Guys I think I know what-" But alas, he was cut off by a loud sound.


Everybody was damn well surprised as they blocked their ears and looked towards where the loud sound originated from.

There she was, Pinkie Pie in all her glory with a horn twice as big as her aimed at the group with a toothy grin. When she noticed that she finally had their attention, she then proceeded to give reality a middle finger as she stuffed the large horn back into her mane. "Guys! I think I found what you guys were talking about!" She said while hopping up and down excitedly as her cupcakes bounced up and down.

Magnus then proceeded to rub his ears and asked, "Really? What is it?"

Pinkie stopped bouncing and grinned even wider than possible. "Why... this!" Right after she said that she started juggling her cupcakes (the actual cupcakes, mind you) without... her...... hands..........?


Author's Note:

It would have been very helpful if I knew how to add images earlier... Anyways! Sorry for uploading this chapter late! And I hope you guys still would enjoy the chapter.
