• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,586 Views, 69 Comments

Great Power - Harkbilde

What happened? Where am I? I should have died after avenging them...... Then why am I still alive, and in THIS world?

  • ...

Chapter 17: Gifts and waking up

(Previously on the last chapter)

"Sir Magnus, I know you have gone through many hardships... But I wish to ask of you to do a favor," Faust said while looking guilty to ask.

"Okay, I'll do it..." Magnus said nonchalantly

. . .

After a moment that seemed like a millennium, Faust replied



Silence ensued.

Faust looked at Magnus with eyes wide as saucers, add the fact that her eyes were glowing... You get the point.

Magnus chuckled. "I said, I will do it, you were probably gonna say; "Please save Equus" or "Please defeat the god and his armies" or something of those lines right?"

The Equestria's creator couldn't help herself and nod dumbly at that. "But-" She tried to say but was cut off.

Magnus chuckled louder. "Man, for a pony who watched me for such a long time, you seem to forget one of my ideals." He said with a very toothy grin.

Faust's eyes widened before smiling. "It is never wrong to help," She started.

"And more so when they ask for help." Magnus finished with an ear to ear toothy smile.

Faust sighed. "Indeed, it was very foolish of me to ask you such a question, especially since I know you..." She said with an "Of course! How can I forget that?! " tone.

"If it helps, you aren't the first to make that mistake." He said while chuckling.

She smirked. "As it seems to be further insulting you to question your Ideal, I will skip to the part where I describe our enemies..." She said with her voice getting serious.

Magnus also got serious and got ready to hear it.

"The name of the god you will be facing is Karthenon, the god who killed all the other gods in his world to sate his thirst for power. He killed anyone who denied him, many tried to defeat him, all failed to do so, and that only made him stronger by taking their powers." She said trying not to wrinkle her face in disgust and continued, " I found that he was my equal in power while we fought... And like a coward he was, he sealed me within limbo with a powerful artifact from his world during our fight whilst he retreated with the wounds that I inflicted on him that I made sure for it to take time to heal."

Magnus then asked a question, "Queen Faust, how strong is he?"

Faust then looked at him with an apologetic look. "Much stronger than the harpy queen you have faced, so much stronger than it makes the former seem like an ant." She said with narrowed eyes.

Magnus scrunched up his eyebrows at that with worry, he would be lying if he said he wasn't outclassed.

Faust then brightened up. "Fret not Sir Magnus, for he was gravely injured and would take at least a year in Equus' time to heal, enough time for you to become stronger." She said with a hopeful look.

Magnus raised one of his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean to become stronger?" He asked her.

Faust smiled at that and answered, "For you see, Sir Magnus, when I moved your soul into a carbon copy of your previous body, I took the liberty to add some Features... to give you an... Edge..."

Now he was really curious. "Exactly what kind of Features?" He asked curiously.

Faust gave him an eye smile. "First of all, I removed your Psi limiter" She said nonchalantly.

And just like that, Magnus froze in place with his mind blown away.

Psi Limiter, literally the limiter that was put in place when any Psi users were born, it limited how much you can grow your Psi capacity. Not having a Psi Limiter means that one can grow the capacity indefinitely, meaning theoretically one can attain such a large amount of Psi that it would let them perform feats next to impossible.

Faust did not give him time to collect his thoughts and dropped the next bomb, "You also can use magic."

This time Magnus' mouth was agape. "You got to be kidding me... right?" He said in awe.

Faust giggled. "No, I am not "kidding" Sir Magnus, I knew you weren't prepared to handle the god and his strongest minions, so I made it so that you can certainly be prepared if given time." She said with some mirth in her voice.

Magnus seemed overwhelmed. "I-I don't know what to say... Thank you for the gifts, Queen Faust." He said gratefully.

Faust then replied, "Just Faust is fine Sir Magnus and it is what I must do for the person who helped Equus so much already."

Magnus smiled at that. "Then you can just call me Magnus, Faust." He said in a voice full of gratitude.


With a loud sound, the void suddenly started cracking with bright rays of light coming through them.

Magnus panicked a little. "What is happening?" He asked.

Faust was calm. "You are waking up from your short coma." She said, with her voice equally calm.

Magnus looked back at her. "How long was I in it?" He said remembering that he collapsed.

"About a week if I'm correct." She said while cracks seemed to further progress. "Magnus... Please tell them that I was sorry that I left them 2 and a half millennia ago, and tell them I love them..." She said with some tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Magnus looked at her with a smile. "Of course I will, after all, I wouldn't be a hero if I don't help a mother worried about her children." He said with a gentle voice.


And with that, the void shattered, covering his vision with a blinding light, before seeing the single most gentle smile he had seen from Faust.

(Canterlot Castle)

Magnus' eyes fluttered open and he immediately sensed his surroundings with his passive Energy-Sensing range. He was in a fancy room on a fancy bed with IVs attached on to his left arm. He then slowly got up from his bed and stood in front of the fancy mirror in the room and saw him a bit skinnier than the last time with a hospital gown over it and a small stubble of beard growing on his face.

"Guess it has been about a week..." He muttered to himself.


He chuckled a bit weakly and looked at his stomach. "That also proves it..." He said to himself huskily.



He immediately turned his head towards where the sound came and saw a nurse mare standing in front of the door with a dropped IV stands with both her hands on her mouth while looking at him with wide eyes.

"...Uh... hi?" was his intelligent reply.

She then seemed to snap out of it and immediately bolted out of the room and went to Faust knows where.

He then looked at where the nurse left with confusion, before shrugging it off. 'I wonder why she ran away like that... It wasn't fear but mostly surprise and... joy?' The last emotion he sensed from the mare seemed to confuse him more.

He then shook his head. 'Anyways I have more urgent things to do... Magic...' He thought to himself while he closed his eyes and concentrate on himself. 'Let's see... I should first turn off my Psi...' He thought and he immediately couldn't sense things around him anymore. 'Good thing I learned how to turn my Psi off... Okay, the book "How to Magic for Foals" by Starswirl said to first feel the magic around you...' He thought before feeling like he was submerged in water. "Woah..." He said. 'If Psi was like fire, Magic feels like water...' He thought before opening his eyes.

"Woah..." He said as he saw himself in the mirror and saw himself glowing unlike simmering like Psi.

"Neat..." He said to himself before turning his Psi on again. "Still gonna take a day or 2 to get used to..." He talked to himself before he sensed magic suddenly concentrating in front of the open door.

As the Magic seemed to converge on that point it seemed to sparkle before.

SPARK!!! (If there is such a SFX...)

It sparked brightly and in its place was Celestia and a blue blur that seemed to get closer.



"Magnus!" Luna shouted out loud.

Taking only half a second to understand the situation, he smiled at Luna. "Hey, Luna..." He said in a bit strained voice.

She then looked up at him and started staring at him with tears forming on her eyes.

Magnus's heart felt like it was aching when he saw Luna. "Look I'm sorry if I worried you- Mmph?" He tried to apologize, only to be stopped by Luna giving a deep kiss on his lips.

Magnus' eyes widened and seemed to have frozen in contact with the soft, minty, blueberry lips.

He could feel regret, determination, appreciation, anger, sadness, and..... LOVE.

Before he could delve into the last thought, Luna separated from him and stared at him with teary eyes.

Magnus was still greatly confused, he knew that mares found him attractive but not to the level of love.

"Luna wha-"

"I love you!" Luna declared

Magnus looked at her while uttering one word.


Author's Note:

Bam! Another Cliffhanger!... Can it be called that? No matter, anyways, if you're wondering how he could already sense Magic already is because he's smart...... Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I hope to see you guys at the next one!
