• Member Since 17th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


It took me 10 years to find answers to something… I forgot about it in 2 seconds. That’s about it


Four months have passed since the Sons of Sparda were successful in severing the roots of the Qlipoth in the underworld and turned their attention towards each other to see who is superior.

However, a moments rest turns into a new opportunity for the pair of them. A chance to lay waste to an army of demons that have invaded a world separate from the human world.

Before they can seal the deal, the brothers are torn away from each other. One is trapped in a duel and the other is sent to Equestria.

Now, wandering alone, Vergil chooses to honour his summoners wishes and put a stop to the demon horde that infests Equestria.

All the while, Dante stands alone against the General of the Army.

Will they succeed? Will Dante survive? Will Equestria be free?

Extra Information
~ Set four months after end of Devil May Cry 5
~ Set after the Season 3 Premiere
~ Entry for the Devil May Cry Writing Contest

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 37 )

Pretty interested after seeing this.

Though I wonder how Luna and Celestia would be handled?
Especially Luna due to the whole darkness stuff she is often connected to such as about Nightmare Moon.

Sorry, just noticed this.

And trust me, you’ll find out soon enough.

So does this fic feature Raidou from the Shin Megami TenseI: Devil Summoner series?

I see.
Wonder if Spike would be involved too?

Managed to read the new chapter btw.

Um.. wanted to say something about whats going on with Luna so far but I sort feel nervous at the moment.
Just wanted to say that since I am trying to get myself to say it and such.

Don’t feel nervous to say what you think about the story. I’m glad you’re invested.

My nervousness just disrupts me when I am talking in something important. Or talking important stuff with authors and such.
Its just due to what stuff happened years ago(when I was well.. different), past experience stuff.
Like wanting to be careful on what to say and anxious/afraid on what the author's reply be or someone's reply in some certain subject.
Before on what I say for the feedback, just wanted to be sure(and well.. add conversation so I can feel like I can put it in. You know, like working up enough to bypass the nervousness for this line)..
If I read this right, pretty much Luna and Celestia were defeated, captured and being used as basically batteries for the Hell Gates?

I can't wait for the next one.

I can't wait for the next one.

You sold me from the title alone. I'm so glad that you made a story for DMC, I have two stories currently in the works. I remember months back when the story I published was "Recent & top rated". The story has been pushed down from those ranks but that's okay! This story has risen and I can't wait to read this thing.

Okay, I just read all of the chapters so far and it seems pretty good actually! The pacing is alright, the dialog is great, the idea? Honestly it's unexpected, I'm not sure how to feel about it BUT it does seem pretty good so far.

Thank you. Hopefully I can keep you entertained in this endeavour. I’m aiming to bring them out in smaller parts because the last time I tried to do a story in massive parts I found it so exhausting.

I understand that, writing is so taxing. You have to reread it over again, edit it, add details here and there to make it sound better. Delete some words that sound stupid ETC...

It's definitely hard work but the reward is very satisfying .

I remember reading your story and loving the idea of it. The idea of Dante aiming to prove Celestia wrong was certainly something that grabbed my attention.

Wow, i'm surprised that you read it! Well not to worry, I have another idea in the works as well as a new chapter update. Sadly I don't have motivation for any of my stories so it's hard for me to be in the mood to write them.

Regardless, I'm glad to hear that you liked something that I did at least lol.

I know how that feels. I’ve got several stories that have been left unfinished because when I want to go back to do them I feel completely drained just by thinking about it.

Still, it’s as they say: ‘Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to do.’

Yes, I suppose that's true. But what if you just can't find anyway to continue writing it? For me, I get an idea. Then I write it down, publish it. But, before you know it, I don't know how to continue proceeding and every idea that I have that sounds good just doesn't agree with the story context. I just lose motivation and can't do anything noteworthy without that motivation. Motivation eludes me before I have a chance to bask in it.

What I’ve learned over the years is when you have an idea for a story don’t launch with just the idea right out of the gate.

Instead, pull up a document on your device and get the idea down in that. Then from there, think of how the story starts, then how it ends. After that, what I do is, in bullet point form I go by how I want the story to progress from start to finish. What the stakes of the story are, etc.

I do the same for how I want each chapter to go. I bullet point how I want the chapter to go. For example:
- Description of the area.
From that bullet point I write one or two paragraphs on the area I am talking about in the chapter.

Does this help?

So pretty much Luna and Celestia got taken out and reduced into damsels in distress again..
That's really disappointing...
Sorry.. It just really bums me in seeing interesting stories that ends up with Celestia and (especially) Luna getting taken out like that and needing other heroes to rescue them.
I am just.. so bitter on how the writers of the show handled the Royal Sisters. With either them getting sidelined or get worf-effect(don't know how else to describe with out they get taken out) if they do get involved. Pretty much the writers make it like Luna and Celestia are destined to fall flat on their faces to make other heroes(usually the Mane 6) look good.
It really hurts worse for Luna since her track-record looks worse than Celestia due to losing a 1000 years by the NMM fiasco and the fact she returns from the moon only to end up "failing" or get sidelined when some huge threat happens to Equestria.
Like.. Luna felt so wasted there..
Sorry if I am making a big deal about what happened with Luna in this fic. Its just that I am still hurting on how the series finale handled her and Celestia, practically wasted a huge opportunity for Luna's case too in there..
You are probably just annoyed by all of this, sorry...

Don’t worry. I’m not annoyed by that. It’s the decision I chose whilst I thought of this story. Nothing wrong with disliking a narrative decision.

So that's pretty much going to be it for Luna here?

I’ll tell you this much. She’ll have more of a roll to play later down the line.

I hope its not like she's rendered "useless" for almost the entire events in the fic here though..
Like its not like just one thing and that's it for her in this thing.
In fact, I feel like she would really not take it well that she was defeated and being used to power up a Hell Gate like that.
Like would she feel ashamed and humiliated about this? Basically ending up "failing" and forced to rely on other heroes to save her and the day yet again. Like would she feel like a "failure" there.
Its just that.. I've been having lots of angst thoughts there..
I just feel like she would have major issues here due to shortcomings such as the NMM fiasco, her guilt with it and basically letting down Equestria and forced to rely on other heroes to save the day.
Like out of all the other heroes, she would be hurt the worst by what happened here.
I just hope its not like she brushes this aside..
Like I felt like its a wound for her that should be acknowledged(with the actual "pain") before it can heal for her rather than her brushing it aside.

I um.. hope my feedback actually does something..
Not causing trouble I mean.
Edit: And now I feel like panicking since I feel like I worded something wrong, crap..

Relax. It’s alright to have that kind of angst towards a type of story. You haven’t offended me. Don’t worry.

I just hope that what happened to Luna would be directly addressed and someway to truly redeem her from that "failure" there..
Like big time.
I still hope its not like she just does one thing at the near end of the fic and that's it.

Yeah.. my nervousness makes me worried on if I upset the author or not um..
Don't know how to put it exactly..

I um.. managed to read this quickly as I could.
Sadly my laptop went BSOD on me when I was just about to read, screwing with my um.. nervousness.

Felt like I goofted up that previous reply, yeah...

Yeah.. the worrying part happens a lot..

So um.. what are your thoughts on season 9 and such?

Yeah It does help actually. Thank you for the help, I'll try to see if that makes things better for me :)

Nice chapter! The music was perfect for the fight.

DMC 5 special edition got announced with fully playable vergil. So maybe got some new material for ya.

Indeed. Can’t wait to play as him.

Great story so far, can't wait to read more.

nice work on all chapters out so far:twilightsmile:

Curious on where is Spike at the moment?

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