• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 1,455 Views, 37 Comments

Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission - darkstone57

The Sons of Sparda were given a job to do together but were separated before it began. Now, Vergil ventures alone to complete the task at hand whilst Dante wagers war against the leader of the Demons. Will they succeed?

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Prologue: Part 1

Author's Note:

Hello, all. Here I am with a new project that I have been working on during the lockdown. Really confident about this one. The chapters will be divided into small parts, I’m sorry if that’s a problem but I feel it’s the best way I can deliver this story without overdoing it. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give a constructive comment on what you thought about it.

Enjoy. Kind Regards, Darkstone57

Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission

By Darkstone57

Prologue: Part 1

The underworld has always been a place where any living creature, that wanted to live a peaceful and prosperous life, dreaded to go to once their time had come.

It is vast plane of reality filled with many locations that no denizen from outside of hell would dare to tread. From trenches of blood filled with the remains of fallen legions, to caverns that live and pulsate beneath ones feet and more.

However, there are two individuals here, in a pocket of the demon world, that have come here willingly and have stayed here from the day they dived into hell.

In that pocket of the underworld, there’s a vast field of white lifeless grass that stretches far and wide and in the centre of the field; lies the remains of what was once a unique tree.

The tree was known to all of demon kind as the Qliphoth and four months ago, it held root from the demon world as it grew into the human world and caused havoc across the earth.

But, ever since the two showed up, they decimated the tree and sealed its connection the human world, preventing it or any demon from ever going back.

Laying in the centre, of a large red arena surrounded by the remains of the Qliphoth, the two individuals lay on their backs, opposite of each other, slowly taking in their breaths.

One was dressed in a black long coat that had a unique neon blue serpentine pattern that covered round the collar, with the head over one shoulder and the tail slinking down the right side all the way to the bottom. Under the coat, he wore midnight blue formal vest that had a black zippered turtleneck underneath. He wore black trousers and black boots and had a pair of charcoal grey fingerless gloves covering his hands but in his right was something special to him.

A katana, with a black scabbard that had a blue cloth wrapped around it, that the owner holds dearly to him as he held in his grip and the weapon was known as the Yamato. His skin was fair, but pale and had a few cuts and bruises on him. His eyes were blue and his white hair was slicked back. This individuals name was Vergil.

The other individuals name was Dante. Like Vergil, he had blue eyes and white hair but, other than being the same height as each other, as well as the cuts and bruises, is where the similarities end. Dante’s hair was almost shoulder length and had a light white beard. He wears a red jacket that is folded up by his elbows, a black triple buttoned t-shirt that hung over his waist, a black pair of trousers and brown boots. His wrists are covered in white bandages that have a pair of black riding gloves and in his right hand, was his own unique weapon that he held the hilt of.

It was a large two handed sword that was covered in a unique shell of solid lava that seemed to form claws running up the centre of it, with talons for a hand-guard and a red jewel in the centre. The weapon was named after Dante himself.

As the two laid their, taking in the air, collecting themselves as they stared up at the bleak grey clouds that covered the underworlds sky, Dante pondered for a moment before he spoke.

“So, Vergil,” he spoke between intakes, “how many does that make it now?”

Vergil smirked at the thought and responded, “Forty Nine to Forty Nine, since I won the last one.”

Dante merely replied with a small chuckle, for that was indeed the case.

From the moment the two of them completed their task of cutting off the Qliphoth completely from the human world, the two of have been battling over and over.

Again and again, they would strike the other with their full strength until the other was knocked down, or what strength they had gotten back before going at each other again.

Dante would get the upper hand in some battles, Vergil would retaliate with more ferocity in others, they didn’t seek to kill the other, only to prove who was the superior.

However, several rounds of their combat had to be put on hold. All because of where they were; deep in the underworld where demonic entities roam free.

Those moments were the only time you would see these two set aside their differences and combine their strength to slice, maim and eliminate any demon that dared attempt to take their heads for their own.

Reflecting on every skirmish they had since they started, Dante had another thought cross his mind as he said, “Hey, Vergil, quick question;” he took in another breath before asking, “How long have we been here now? I’ve lost track.”

Vergil was about to answer with a verbal jab before he stopped and realised that he had the same problem. The thought of which made him sigh, slightly annoyed, as he answered, “Honestly, brother, I haven’t any clue myself.”

To that, Dante couldn’t help but chuckle a bit louder before catching his breath.

This time though, Vergil was the one who had a question that was bothering him. So, he asked, “Have you noticed, Dante?”

“What?” Dante replied, genuinely wondering what it was that got his brother curious.

“We haven’t been interrupted by the demons for some time now.”

Dante’s brow furrowed as he realised what Vergil pointed out was the truth. He tilted his head to the side and scanned the remains of the tree before he replied with a little bit of apprehension, “Yeah…” Before long though he turned his gaze back to the sky with a light laugh, “Maybe they finally decided to give up on going after us?”

Vergil considered Dante’s question but wasn’t convinced that was the case. However, he decided it wasn’t worth the effort worrying about. Even if a whole horde of demons stormed at them right now, he knew the result would be the same.

“Maybe you’re right for once.” Vergil replied, nonchalantly.

“You make that sound like an insult.” Dante retorted with smile.

Vergil smiled at that as he lightly shook his head.

“Five more minutes?” Dante asked as he began to close his eyes to recuperate, comfortable with the idea that they wouldn’t be bothered before having another round.

“Agreed.” Vergil replied as he too began to close his eyes to rest, ready to gather his strength to prove himself once again.

Unbeknownst to the two brothers, a small white ball drifted down to the pair of them like a feather.

When it touched the red ground between them, the ball expanded, in a blink of an eye, swallowing the resting brothers and before either of them realised it, they vanished with the white ball.

To be continued...