• Published 14th Jun 2020
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Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission - darkstone57

The Sons of Sparda were given a job to do together but were separated before it began. Now, Vergil ventures alone to complete the task at hand whilst Dante wagers war against the leader of the Demons. Will they succeed?

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Mission 1: Ruination - Part 1

Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission

By Darkstone57

Mission 1: Ruination – Part 1

From the moment Vergil’s feet touched the earth outside the cave, the air became thicker and heavier all around him.

The demonic presence was just like it was in the underworld; everywhere. If he came here without the prior knowledge of this world, Vergil would have surmised that this was another aspect of hell.

He gazed up and saw that even the sky was similar to the underworld’s. Dark clouds blanketed the sky, preventing any shred of light from seeping through.

Turning his gaze toward the cliff edges surrounding him, he took note that there was a suspended bridge above him and connected to one of the ends was long staircase.

Vergil marched toward the stairway and began climbing it. As he rose the steps, he spoke outward to the world but was addressing the amulet, “If I may, I have a question for you, Faust.”

“What is it?” Faust’s voice spoke through the amulet.

“How did you find me and my brother? We were deep in the underworld for so long, we were certain with the idea we couldn’t leave.” Vergil said as he continued to climb.

“That’s only fair you should know.” Faust replied calmly as he began to explain, “When the demons first began to swarm Equestria, Astaroth boasted on how when they were successful that not even the Sons of Sparda could stop them.”

“He’s a fool for believing that.” Vergil sharply replied.

Faust kept quiet for a moment, surprised by Vergil’s sudden retort, then continued, “With the knowledge that the demons had an enemy, I gathered what power I had to spare and used the tree to scour all of creation to find you and your brother. The rest, you know.”

Vergil merely hummed silently at the answer as he reached the top of the stairs, stopping before the bridge.

From where he was he could see in the distance a red beam of energy streaming into the clouds above. Turning his gaze clockwise he saw more of the same red beams further away from where he was.

When he turned to look in the direction of the bridge across the way from him, shooting into the sky, from what he could tell were ruins of an old castle, was the same red beam.

Even from that distance, he could feel the demonic energy funnelling into this world. There was no mistaking it; the red beams were the locations of the gates to hell.

“Faust, are you able to sense which one of your ken is being used to power the portal in the ruins?” Vergil asked aloud, as he observed the beam again.

Faust took the time to focus her power to Vergil’s question, however, “No, not from here.” Faust answered, slightly frustrated. “I should be able to get a clearer picture when you come closer to their position.”

Vergil nodded silently as he took a mental note of what Faust had said.

Looking upon the bridge before him, seeing how dilapidated it was, he decided against walking across it and chose a swifter method. Vergil focused upon the ground on the other side and without even taking a single step he vanished from where he was and instantly appeared on the other side, touching the ground with ease.

But, Vergil barely took more than five steps toward the ruins when he saw that several holes appeared in the middle air before him. Each hole expanded in size, blood pouring out of them and after a couple of seconds all of them spat out the same demonic creature.

The demon in question was a bipedal skeletal like monstrosity that wore what remains of a torn black cloak and a thorny crown of their long ragged black hair. In its boney hands it held a massive scythe that looked like, given their hunched posture, was too heavy to carry. They were known as a Hell Caina.

Vergil glared at them as he noted the location of all the ones he could see and counted seven of them.

One of which was charging right at him, with a ghastly howl, it’s scythe dragging through the soil. The Caina attempted to strike Vergil with an upward slash, aiming to cleave him in two. Only for the Caina to find itself stumbling back after Vergil effortlessly parried the attack with a backhanded swipe of his scabbard.

And before the Caina could realise that it’s target was gone, it’s body was frozen as Vergil was already behind him, rising to his feet and deftly sheathing the Yamato but not before venomously calling the Caina; “Scum.”

At the sound of the blade being fully redacted; the Caina split into three pieces instantly and was reduced to ash.

Vergil turned to the remaining six to see that they were beginning to circle him. He chose to take the initiative and appeared behind the farthest one on the left.

The Caina didn’t even realise it until the back was struck twice by the scabbard. After the second strike the Caina, as well as the closet one next to it, attempted to strike back with a wide swipe of their scythes.

Neither of them realised that their opponents that Vergil was primed to strike. The moment he saw scythes aiming for him, Vergil grabbed the Yamato by the hilt and swung the blade in an upward angular arc, severely injuring the Caina as well as sending the pair of hurtling back into the rest of the group.

All members of the group tumbled backward and fell onto to the ground clumsily. One, however rolled backward from the collision and charged toward Vergil with a vengeful roar as it attempted the same tactic as the first one that fell.

Vergil sneered at the pathetic attempt and wasn’t waiting around this time. In a blue flash, Vergil appeared before the charging Caina and began to slash at the demon. The first slash rose the Caina off the ground, with a forceful push of momentum but it wasn’t over. Vergil rose with the demon into the air as he spun around clockwise with the blade, slicing the demon across its chest, at the same time harshly yelling the word, “Fool!”

The airborne Caina was sent fumbling onto the top of the pile of toppled demons. Not long after it landed, it attempted to try and stand once more but stopped short at the sight above the group.

A plethora of royal blue swords appeared in a flash of blue light above the entire group, each and everyone of the blades tip was pointed directly down at them.

The Caina didn’t get a chance to lift a finger as every single sword shot down toward the group almost immediately in rapid succession. Every single sword impaled every single Caina that was in the pile of demons, shattering through their skeletal bones with greatest of ease.

With that step completed, Vergil readied himself in a striking stance. His sword hand resting on the hilt as took aim of his unfortunate target.

“You’re mine.” Vergil quietly but confidently claimed as he grabbed the blade, drew it and searched it within a fraction of a second. In that second, a purple orb appeared around the entirety of the Caina horde and before any living thing could even blink, several slashes ripped the space apart in the orb.

That one attack rendered the entire group lifeless and scattered into pieces before they faded into nothing.

Standing tall as the victor, Vergil scoffed as he began to march toward the destination of the first portal; the Ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards, Darkstone57