Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission

by darkstone57

Mission 1: Ruination - Part 2

Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission

By Darkstone57

Mission 1: Ruination – Part 2

As Vergil barged the doors open, he took in the state of the ruins entrance that, from what he could gather, led into a main hall. The walls and ceiling were either gone, on the brink of collapsing, still stable after what seemed like a long time. Even the windows were in a similar state; broken, gone or fully intact. The moss, plant roots and patches of grass in certain spots were something that caught his eye for one simple detail, they were white

That one thing was a clear sign to Vergil that the underworld activity hear has warped the ecosystem, just like it was back in hell.

Heading forward into the castle, he looked up to see where the beams general direction came from and ascertained it came from the northwest side of the castle.

Stepping into the main hall, it was the same as the entrance aesthetically even down to the blades of grass, but now the question remained. Which way to go?

Vergil had eight choices, to left and right of him were three sets of stairs and at the far end of the hall were a pair of corridors connected to a balcony by some stairs.

Taking into account the location of the beam, he decided to head to left corridor at the end of the hall.

Before he could even reach it however, a trio of screeches aimed toward Vergil echoed from the stairs around him.

He didn’t have to wait long as his callers came flying out for the stairways and hovered in a large circle several feet above his head.

They were a species of demon known as Pyrobat. Larger than normal bats, their proportions were monstrous sizes along with a long tail that had scorpion like pincer on the end of it. The Pyro part of their titles came from their means of spewing pools of lava at their victims.

Vergil could see that each of them was ready to do just that and waited for the right moment.

The second he saw the bats reel their heads back to launch their attack, Vergil vanished from his spot and reappeared several feet back.

Seeing the bats fire at the spot he was at a moment ago he began to focus his power to summon a barrage of swords to strike them whilst they wide open.

However, the sound of the window, at the far of the hall, being smashed distracted him. Two rolling, saw like, demons came flying through the shattered glass and landed either side of the hall.

Both of the demons were spinning great velocity, the barbs on their body shredding the earth with every roll until simultaneously they launched themselves at Vergil.

When they came close to ripping Vergil apart they found he already was in the air, leaping over them in a cartwheel motion with ease.

The pair of rolling demons slowed themselves and turned toward Vergil again when they went flying past him. Stopping short of their target, they both jumped up and landed on their feet.

The demons were bipedal had a reptilian like body, they hissed at Vergil, showing off their claws. They were even attempting to intimidate Vergil as they were hunched over and glared at him as they leaned forward to show off their main features; from the back of their neck to the tip of their tail were the same angular razor like blades that they used moments ago to try and cut Vergil apart. These were known as Chaos.

He was unimpressed and returned the glare with a scoff. His attention was taken from for a split second as he looked the entrances to the stairs, a familiar sound ringing through the air.

Around him, wherever there was a means of him leaving this hall, a crimson web spawn from the ether and covered the entirety of each and every exit.

“Vergil?” Faust called out from the amulet. “I sensed a demonic spell spawn all around you. What’s happening?” She asked, concerned.

“Don’t fret, Faust.” Vergil responded, calmly, as he explained. “This is a common tactic that demons use to keep their victims from escaping. The seal will break when there is one being left alive and standing.”

“That’s barbaric...” Faust commented, disgusted with the idea.

“Perhaps,” Vergil nonchalantly replied, “But,”
He readied himself to strike as the Chaos demons leaped up, tucked their bodies into prepare their rolling attack as they began to tear the ground apart, picking up speed.

“These demons will soon learn that they were foolish enough to put the means of their own defeat in a trap.” His stance set and his method already planned out, he waited for the right time.

“And that is?” Faust asked, trying to remain calm.

Vergil smirked as he answered darkly with pride, “Me.”

The pair of Chaos demons, now at full speed, launched their attack once more but Vergil used this to moment to strike.

When they came closer, he stopped before their line of attack, grabbed the Yamato and began slashing at way the demons with rapid swings of his blade, performing more than several swings with each passing second.

The Chaos’s kept pushing the offensive despite their attacks clashing with Vergil’s weapon over and over.

The sounds of steel crashing against each other over and over rang through the hall again and again.

Vergil soon gain the edge in the skirmish as he could see that the demons were losing momentum in their speed and soon enough they were coming close to a stop and when they did, Vergil gave the pair of them one last swing of the Yamato.

On contact; the Yamato sent the pair flying back and shattered their blades, leaving nothing but blunt ends on their spines. The demons unravelled from their rolling form and land on the sides at the far end of the hall.

When Vergil performed his last attack, he turned his back to his opponents to see where the others were.

And, when he saw that hadn’t moved from their spot in the air and were preparing to spit another dose of lava, Vergil launched himself to their position, spun in the air and cleaved all three Pyrobats in one swing of his sword.

The force of the strike cut the first two in half like paper but sent the third one crashing into the wall, as Vergil sheathed his weapon.

Not wasting another second, Vergil summoned a group of four blue swords with his will, all of them hovering around him, aimed them at the remaining Pyrobat and fired them at blistering speeds straight at the demon.

Each one driving through the demons body, piercing it into the wall, from which the Pyrobat did not survive.

As he gracefully landed on the ruin floor with ease, a malicious roar got his attention from the corner of his eye as one of the Chaos’s was leaping toward him, attempting to slash Vergil with its claws.

“Pointless!” Vergil called out to its attacker before retaliating by sending the demon upward with a rising slash of the Yamato.

Vergil followed up his assault by jumping up into the air, joining the suspending demon and slashing away at its body with a trio of precise sword strikes then finished off with an overhead slash that drove the blade into the demons head which brought and Vergil down at the same.

On the way down and on impact with the ground, the demon shrieked in agony and dissolved into the soil.

Rising up to his feet, Vergil swung the blade out, tossing the blood of the dead demon to the ground. He saw ahead the remaining Chaos demon, snarling at it from afar.

The demon blinked, Vergil was gone and then found itself frozen in place as the feeling of a blade being driven through its body, from top to bottom, happened before it could even register it.

Vergil rose up to look the Chaos in the eye, held his scabbard before his chest, twirled the Yamato in his fingers and fiercely glared as he slowly sheathed his weapon, watching the demon see the means of its defeat.

At the moment the guard of the katana connected with the scabbard, with an echoing clink, the Chaos slowly began to separate into two until its body fell to the floor in two halves.

The moment of its defeat, Vergil looked to up the seal and saw the web turn white and shatter into pieces like broken glass.

“You did it.” Faust praised, impressed by how quickly Vergil dispatched his enemies.

“Now I can proceed.” Vergil stated, as he turned and quickly marched down the hall.

Even though he easily defeated the demons, Vergil kept his head cool. He could sense that there was a stronger presence in the same direction of the Hell Gate. He knew was there would be the first of many trails to come.

To be continued...